The whims of I n te rior L ighting Designs Lights are the soul of a house. Tube light consume less electricity at the same time lighten one house sufficiently. Bulbs are useful during functions. They make the house look very pretty. Chandeliers are symbols of classes.I n te r ior Lighting is normally designed by the interior designer who has the responsibility to decorate the respected home. There are many uses of lights. They can be used to get rid of the darkness. They are also required to decorate a house. It depends on a person’s taste which type of lights he wants to put in his house. There are people who are thrifty and thus they would select lights which save power. Certain people are more interested in the final impact the light will have on their house and thus they don’t bother about the power saving part. Table lamps serve dual purpose. They can be used on a study table. While studying only that much light is required for a person to enable to read his material. Thus lamp shades are opting for this purpose. The other use for lamp shades is just as a dim light. During the night when you don’t require too much light table lamps are handy. In olden times when so many different types of lights were not available people used to use lanterns. Lanterns work on kerosene which has to refill every now and then. Lanterns provide very little light enough to see a person or a thing at a distance of 10 meters. Lights play an important role during festivals. Diwali popularly known as the festival of lights is a examples are diyas are lit in the house. They are put all over the house at the door step and most importantly in front of goddess lakshmi. This is a spectacular way to light up your house interiors Lights give class to a house and office. Proper lighting is very essential for every house or office. In a house, lights should be put in such a way that every corner of the house gets light. At the same time the house should look beautiful. There is a wide range of lights available in the market. One can choose lights as per his\her convenience. Interior of a house can be well decorated by using fluorescent bulbs, chandeliers, normal tubes or even floor lights. Bathroom lights form an integral part of lighting. Interiors of a house is well lit keeping in mind the overall theme of the house. The mood to be set in the house is also very essential. Lights set a mood to a home. If the house is not properly lit, it could turn out to be a disaster. The house could look very uninviting and unpleasant. To give that pleasant feel, your decorator should put some time and effort into lighting. Ambience lighting is the most basic which is required. Accent lighting is more furniture accentuated and is more layered. There is another form of interior lighting which is task I n te r ior Lighting.