The world revolves around the internet. Whatever you want to know is on Google and you get the detailed knowledge innotime.Thetrendtocheckreviewsonlineisbooming.Everyonegoes through the review before buying or taking any services. The same is the case with plastic surgery People looking out for a cosmetic procedure do search testimonials and read reviews which are probably given byclientsorpatientsofthatparticularplasticsurgeon.Beforejumping to a conclusion, reading a review becomes the main step to making an informed decision. But everwonderedhowauthenticthesereviewsare?
Are they written by the actual clients? Whether it is a positive ornegativereview,wewilltryto explorehowreliablethesereviewsareinthisblog.Let’sgo.
Any review posted onlineisavailabletotheworld.Anyonecanseeandreadit.Thus,itbecomes acrucialpartofself-imageandbranding.Let’sseewhythereissuchhypeaboutonlinereviews.
1. Fast Response: Any online comment makes the owner responsible for answering the query asap.Ifthereisanycomplaintfiledonline,brandswillrespondtoitquicklytosave theimage.
2. SavesTime:Itiseasiertosubmitareviewonlinethantofilloutlengthyfeedbackforms.
3. Makes a Good Portfolio: Online comments and testimonials arethebrandambassadors andhencetheymakeagoodportfoliothatspeaksforitself.
4. A Way of Marketing: These reviews are used for marketing purposes. They showcase thelovetowardsthebrandorpersoninthefieldofplasticsurgery
Despite all the good things, there are always some loopholes that online reviews have. You can not be sure if they are written by original authorsorbyrealpatients.Oneneedstobe100%sure about the plastic surgery before finalizing one. Also, every brand or person makes sure to have only positive feeds on the internet under their names but many times things don't go as we wished.
As said earlier, these mentioned are important for brand marketing in this digital landscape. However, there could be chances of malicious acts on the internet. We could list down a few thingsthatmakeanonlinereviewlessreliable,suchas:
1. Extreme Scenarios: Studies have shown that mostlyclientswhoareextremelyhappyor extremely disappointed take the pain to write a review. The mixed comments of extremelyhappyanddisappointedclientsmaketheportfoliovagueandconfusing.
2. Not Even Patient: This has been found that most of the negative comments are written bypeoplewhoneverunderwentthatparticularsurgery.
3. Office Experiences Overshadows Surgeon’s Skill: In many cases, patients are more concerned about the way staff talks to them, how friendly the receptionist is, how long patients spend time in the waiting room,etc.andalloftheseexperiencesovershadowthe skillofasurgeon.
4. Online Reviews Replacing Skills: It has been seen that if a skilled and experienced surgeon is not very active on the internet, then the surgeon isoverlookedinfavorofless skilled and less experienced who have many reviews.Thesereviewscouldbebecauseof goodcustomerserviceratherthancosmeticprocedures.
5. Customer Services Overshadows Surgical Service: As mentioned earlier, it is more about how the patientwastreatedatthereceptionthantheoutcomeofplasticsurgery,the
reviews on customer services becomedistractingforpeople.Asthesereviewsdonottalk aboutsurgicalexperienceorskillofdoctor,youcannotbesure.
Online reviews are important to provide us with information about the unseen but it can not be all true. The experiences may vary from person to person and when it is mostlyabouthowwell they were treated at the clinic, then it could be misleading. The comments or reviews could be negative and positive but a plastic surgeon must always remember to address eachofthemwith dignity and respect. Also, people who are opting for plastic surgery must not fully rely on the reviewsbutrathergoandseebythemselfviabookingaconsultation.