Platelet-rich plasma has emerged as one of the safest procedures that can beusedtotreatvaried conditions. The procedure uses the patient's blood to treat the target area and it reduces the risk ofanyallergyandsideeffects.
However, there are not any risks involved but there is no guarantee of unseen complications whenitcomestoanymedicalprocess.Let’slearnmoreaboutit.
As mentioned earlier,thereishardlyanyriskinvolvedinPRP.Still,noonecandenythefactthat any procedure with a needle can possess some basic dangers. Since PRP is also a process that involvesinjection, althoughwithminimalinvasion,itcanalsobringsomerisk.
1. NeedleInfection
This is a common risk in all the treatments involving a needle. Our skin has many bacteria and before injecting, the surgeonwilldisinfecttheareacompletely.However,whenthesurfaceisnot properly cleaned and if the environment is improper in terms of hygiene then it may cause infections due to the bacteria present in our skin. To prevent this, surgeons follow steps to disinfecttheareaofthebodyandneedle.
2. NerveInjuries
As the needle goes inside the body, it can hitanerve.Theanatomyofnervesiscomplicatedand only a skilled physician must insert the injection in the body to prevent this type of risk. If any wrong nerve is hit by aneedle,itcancausenumbness,tingling,weakness,orlossofsensationin theaffectedarea.Inrareworst-casescenarios,itcancauseparalysis.
3. MildPainattheInjectionSite
Similar to other injection procedures, PRP can also cause mild pain at the injection site. The immune system reacts to the needle entering the body and thus it triggers inflammation. However, it will fade awayinoneortwodaysofPRPtherapy.Ifyoucannotbearthepainandit seems extremely uncomfortable then it can be relieved by over-the-counter pain relievers given byyourdoctor.
4. TissueDamage
When the needle is inserted into the wrong tissue, or the needle is too big, it can damage the tissue. It can cause discomfort in the form of inflammation and pain. However, capable doctors canensuretheyusetheappropriateneedlelengthinthebody.
Having side effects with PRP is quite rare. But still, therearesomeassociatedwithneedles,and herearethey:
1. SideEffectsWithMinoxidil
When PRP is used with Minoxidil for hair treatment, it can cause itchy scalp, dandruff, and irritation on the skin. It can be serious in some cases, like swelling of the face and hands, difficultyinbreathing,andrapidheartbeat.
2. AllergicReactions
It can be very rare as the body will not reject its blood, but in a few cases it has been reported thatsomepatients'bodiesrejectedtheirserumandreactednegativelytothetreatment.
3. BloodClot
4. SkinDiscoloration
Bruises are common with anytherapywithneedles.Itcanmaketheskinappearabitdarkerthan usual. But, if the dark bruise persists for longer and it is unusually deep dark, you must visit a doctor
While platelet-rich plasma therapy uses the patient's bloodfortreatment,itmitigateslotsofrisk. Most patient's bodies accept the injection and the treatment ends successfully. However,invery rare cases, PRP can cause risks and side effects. With the proper disinfection and takingcareof the injected area after the therapy, you can reduce the chances of risk. The reason for minimal invasion with almost zero risks and side effects makes it a popular choice to treat varied conditions.