RCN and Ford Motor Company Dealership

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A Meeting between RCN & Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited on April 10, 2013


About this Meeting To clarify on matters that relate World Tribal Hero with the global sales of Ford Motor Vehicles. To give a realistic and practical guidance to Ford Motor Company Dealership in Ghana to explore the corporate strategies of Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN) to sell their cars, using the umbrella of the new global show, World Tribal Hero, to achieve this very end. To commence the first selling attempt with The Minister of Chieftaincy and Traditional Affairs, Hon. Henry Seidu Daanaa, in Ghana, the entire paramount chiefs of the ten regions of Ghana, and to permeate the 196 Traditional Councils. For Ford Motor Company to host the meeting of all 196 Traditional Councils, grant incentives to procure their motor vehicles, and to relish the impact of the reality show on all communities in Ghana. Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


1. Getting Started Mechanical Lloyd Company Ltd should present the sales statistics of Ford brand of vehicles for the past three to five years to RCN for strategic planning. Mechanical Lloyd Company Ltd should set a new target with RCN to achieve in the next trading period. Reality Cable Network Limited (RCN) will be looking at ways to exceed the three or five years of sales record on Ford brand of motor vehicles in Ghana. Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited should create a sales flyer for Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN) to dispatch to The Minister of Chieftaincy and Traditional Affairs and 250 tribal leaders in Ghana. Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited should draft a budget to meet the sales of vehicles in the next twelve calendar months, while working in close proximity with RCN. Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


2. The Fast Progress of World Tribal Hero Reality Cable Network Ltd was Registered on November 30,2012. The company got Commencement of Business Certificate on December 4, 2012. CafePress Incorporated, a publicly listed company in America, is branding over 240 products on behalf of RCN and across the globe. The Registrar of Company’s department authorized USD100 Million in corporate shares. Got prospective sponsors, Stanbic Bank Ghana, MTN Ghana, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC), VISA Incorporated, and now Ford Motor Company. RCN is in talks with the best studios in the world, IMAX, Sony, and Discovery Communications. Engaging the Ghana President, John Mahama, Dr. Ekwow Spio-Garbrah, Hon. Sabah Zita Okaikoi, The Minister of Chieftaincy and Traditional Affairs, Hon. Henry Seidu Daanaa, 250 tribal leaders in Ghana, the twelve directors of Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, and now targeting 3 million prospective contestants and participants. Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


3. The Meeting with 250 Tribal Leaders Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited can host the meeting of 250 tribal leaders with The Minister of Chieftaincy and Traditional Affairs and probably with Ghana President attending. Prepare a selling package, write individual invitation letters to all the tribal leaders, and showcase attractive Ford branded cars during the event. Subsequently, establish sales points at the ten regions of Ghana for ease of access to procure Ford motor vehicles. Draw a suitable plan, contact Ford Motor Company World Headquarters to deplore necessary resources to take advantage of this event and others which are to follow suit throughout the year.

Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


4. Pre-selling Ford Motor Vehicles Prepare flyers, catalogues, price incentives, and dispatch to prospective buyers amongst the chiefs, contestants, and spectators alike. Dispatch mini-questionnaires to chiefs, contestants, and spectators on why they think Ford brand of vehicles are ideal for home, office, and industrial use. Grant special prices and incentives to key participants. Create a free pay phone for prospective customers to make free calls in order to procure Ford brand of vehicles. Provide three official SUVs to the three Executive Directors of RCN to promote the image and brand of Ford all over Ghana.

Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


5. Breaking Boundaries Rather than targeting customers at the metropolitan districts of Ghana alone, Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited can access the local councils and districts of Ghana to sell Ford brand of vehicles to the middle class and other royalties. By having a majority of chiefs in Ghana sporting the Ford brand of motor vehicles, many a loyalties to these power brokers will subscribe to purchasing the Ford brand of cars in the immediate and foreseeable future. Through the show, World Tribal Hero, which encompasses all the tribes in every country in the world, Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited can disseminate information to all tribes in Ghana on the strength of the Ford brand of vehicles.

Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


6. Retailing Ford Brand of Vehicles in the Hinterlands Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN) will be conducting auditions, organizing road shows, and filming the Ghana chapter of the global show, World Tribal Hero, at all localities in Ghana. Therefore, substations of the organization will be established at various vantage positions in order to role out logistics. Ford Motor Company and Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited could provide banners, posters, flyers, and sample cars at these locations, and make sales on day-to-day basis. RCN can assign staffs to assist Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited in order to rope in buyers, distribute flyers, showcase Ford model of vehicles, and promote with word of mouth the strengths of Ford brand of cars.

Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


7. Ford becoming a Household Name in Ghana Since the global show, World Tribal Hero, will cut across every segment of society, it certainly will ring a bell in every household. Therefore, Ford Motor Company can use this medium to spread the existence of its motor vehicles and how it could help individuals to remain mobile for the rest of their lives. Since Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited is the official dealership of Ford Motor vehicles in Ghana, it could team up with other board members of Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN) to strategize on how to capture the interest of the public during the airing of the show across all TV networks in Ghana

Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


8. Retailing in all African Countries and to Tribal Leaders Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN) will engage TV Production Companies, such as Sony Pictures, IMAX, Discovery Communications/ Channel, and Warner Bros to shoot the events of this epic global reality show. Therefore, it shall have units in all regions of the country, and will exhibit Ford-branded banners, dispatch flyers, and where possible showcase Ford cars on stages for different communities and their leaders. RCN will further provide corporate limousine services to the public, contestants, and other guests of honour during the airing of the show, which is a high source of revenue for the company.

Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


9. Strategizing with the Powers that be in Ghana On the board of Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN) are members of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC), RCN will certainly have key staffers of Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited to regularly seat in on board meetings from time to time. The collective ideas from RCN, Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited, and Ford Motor Company will form the bases upon which the products and services of Ford will be marketed, promoted, and sold to the public. Once an Internet Advertising Service Contract is signed with Ford Motor Company and Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited, the necessary promotional features will be presented for the board to review and approve of.

Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


10. Bringing Mechanical Lloyd Company Ltd on Board Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN) will recommend that a suitable time and place be almost always made available at The World Trade Centre for the Board of Directors of RCN, Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited, Ford Motor Company, and the twelve Executive Directors at Ghana Broadcasting Corporation to meet, and then discuss on the current and future events of promoting, marketing, and selling of Ford brand of products and services across the country. The Directors at RCN have already discussed this relevant aspect with the management team of the World Trade Centre, Accra, to reserve an office unit at a premium for such meetings. Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


11. Dealing with all Ford Dealerships Worldwide The pattern or framework upon which Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN) will be organizing events across the ten regions of Ghana is the same way that it shall conduct business with all Ford Dealerships in each country in the world. World Tribal Hero will be aired in every country in Africa, Europe, Asia, North America, and South America. For this cause, anywhere there is Ford Dealership, it shall tie up with them, and discuss the best ways upon which Ford brand of products and services will be marketed, promoted, and sold all over the world.

Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


12. Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited doing its Homework on Mega-sales It will be great if Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited will take the initiative to host the meeting with The Minister of Chieftaincy and Traditional Affairs and 250 other tribal leaders in Ghana. Before the meeting holds, Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited should equip RCN with promotional enclosures on letters, which shall be dispatched to all invitees. The Board of Mechanical Lloyd Company Limited should seat in on meetings with Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN) and Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) at its prospective new site on the 9th Floor of the Administrative Building of the World Trade Centre, Accra. Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


Reality Cable Network Ltd (RCN)


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