0-6 Months (A4)

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Your info... School URL

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Secondary contact

Secondary contact

Secondary contact

Learning is sharing... so make sure you share this guide with your colleagues.

Contents What is realsmart? Getting started

04 05

rtools - what you can do Assess competencies with rpassport Build dynamic self-assessed portfolios with rafl My actions... what you will do with rpassport and rafl Visualise and organise your learning with rmap Create collaborative websites with rweb Create collaborative blogs and podcasts with rcast My actions... what you will do with rmap, rweb and rcast

07 10 13 14 16 18 20

rfeatures Removing the barriers with rsafety, rcommunity, and ractivity Sharing wizard – it’s good to share Postbox – managing all your communication Adding content Access – setting your access rights My notes Training and support Support – we’re with you every step of the way Bespoke training days – making full use of realsmart Who’s been realsmart – Training and support testimonials

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

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what is realsmart?

realsmart is a suite of tools that help you learn realsmart builds collaborative learning portfolios which helps the process of learning through peer, mentor and self assessment. Each tool allows you to build collaborative learning portfolios in different ways, supporting your learning by allowing you to demonstrate what you know. Each item can be created in seconds, and shared simply and easily for your peers and mentors to contribute by leaving feedback and comments. As we create, share, contribute to, and evaluate our portfolio... we learn!

realsmart has five different tools to present your learning Assess competencies with rpassport Learn more on page 07

Build dynamic self-assessed portfolios with rafl Learn more on page 10

Visualise and organise your learning with rmap Learn more on page 14

Create collaborative websites with rweb Learn more on page 16

Create collaborative blogs and podcasts with rcast Learn more on page 18

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart


Getting started Logging in

My learning

To log in to realsmart, open your Internet browser and go to www.rlsmart.net/schoolurl (‘schoolurl’ being the name of your school or the short, web-friendly name we have given you on page 3). Log in using your provided username and password.

When you log in you will automatically be directed to your ‘my learning’ screen. Within this you will see all the activities that you are a part of, whether they be items you have shared, or items that other people have shared with you. Don’t worry if there’s nothing here when you first log in. Create an item, share it with someone and it will appear here.

Help Each page features contextual help built right into the page. In ‘my learning’, the help can be found by hovering over the question mark on the ‘my learning’ strip; this will show a help bubble and further help links. And if you don’t know what a certain icon or menu item does, hover over it with your mouse and it will tell you.

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart


Getting started My profile

Create strip

The ‘my profile’ area holds your account settings. Here you can change your password, upload a profile picture, change your skin, change your rafl progress icons and qualitative colour schemes. You will also be able to log in to your realsmart admin area from here.

The create strip will come with 5 tools - rmap, rweb, rafl, rcast, and rpassport. Clicking on the appropriate icon will start the creation process.

NB. Only admin users have access to your ‘admin area’. If you would like to be an admin user, please ask your realsmart champion to contact smartassess to do this for you.

My content In ‘my content’, you can access all the items you have created. Here, you can view, edit, share and delete your created items. You can also find other people’s items through the access tabs: ‘my items’ – items you have created.

‘site items’– items mentors in your school have created and given you access to.

‘community items’ – items mentors in other schools have created and given you access to.

‘rcommunity items’ – items created which smartassess think would be most useful to you to get you started. Each item has the tool icon next to it so you can clearly see what type of item it is. You can filter through these items in many ways. You can search for the item using the search box, by item type using the tool icon tabs across the top, or you can even filter by tag. Tags are keywords that you can assign to your item when saving them.

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart



Assess competencies with rpassport Assess the competencies, characteristics, qualities or habits of a learner. Ideal for implementing frameworks such as PLTS, SEAL, Opening Minds or the 5Rs. Build your own passport for any award or achievement that requires evidence across a period of time. Build timelines of evidence showing progression against multiple criteria. Many schools are introducing the concept of competencies as a way of assessing a student’s progress towards being an effective learner. There are many models of competencies such as Opening Minds, PLTS, SEAL, 5Rs and all can be effectively assessed using rpassport. The competencies, qualities, habits or characteristics of a learner cannot just be ticked off if they have demonstrated it just once. We have to show we have these qualities a number of times and show progression over time. Using rpassport, we can easily set up the competencies in rpassport pages. Then, each student can collect evidence in the form of stories. Each story can stamp one or more criteria in one or more pages, building a timeline of evidence against the criteria. Teachers can monitor overviews of rpassport pages and mark student progress as milestones. Teachers can add stories themselves on behalf of one or more students, where one story can stamp as many students, as many pages, and as many criteria as you want.

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rpassport What you can do rpassport is a way to assess qualities, characteristics and habits of a learner and record their progress over a period of time.

3 Enter the title you want to give your rpassport and click ‘create my rpassport’. The title can be changed at any point.

Here are some simple steps to get you started:

4 You’ll be presented with your main ‘title’ node. You’ll also see some contextual help (in the yellow call-out balloons) there to help you through getting started.

1 Hover over the ‘create strip’ in the dock. 2 Click on the rpassport icon. This will open a new window with your rpassport build page.

5 To add success criteria to your rpassport click the red ‘plus’ icon. Repeat this step to add as many criteria as you wish. You can either type or copy and paste any text in these boxes.

6 To add any guidance or support to either the rpassport title or success criteria, click on the ‘pen and paper’ icon. A content editing box will appear. Here you can either type, copy and paste, or insert any content you wish.

7 When you’ve finished your rpassport, click ‘save’ at the top of the page. A ‘save’ box will appear. You can change the title of your rpassport if you want and enter any tags you wish. Then click ‘save’.

8 To view your completed rpassport, click ‘view’ at the top of the page.

By hovering over the icons at the top of this box, you will get an explanation of what each of the tools will do. Here you can insert files and documents, pictures, mp3s, web links and film clips. Once you’ve finished adding your content, click ‘save my content’.

Now share your rpassport! To see how, go to the sharing wizard on page 22.

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart


rpassport rpassports in progress

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart



Build dynamic self-assessed portfolios with rafl Consistently deliver learning objectives. Monitor student progress and feedback as they learn. Collect and collate evidence of learning for qualifications such as GCSEs, A levels, Key Skills, BTECs, OCR Nationals and ASDAN CoPE. Build your own units for any qualification or award that requires collating evidence against set criteria. rafl allows you to link what the students are going to learn with what they have to do in order to learn it. As the same rafl item can be shared across departments, each teacher can consistently deliver the same learning objectives despite having different teaching styles and teaching groups, without being restricted by someone else’s lesson plans. Guidance can be added in context with these success criteria, students can upload evidence of their learning if you require it, and they also mark their own progress on how well they think they’ve done. This is an invaluable self-assessment activity which reinforces and consolidates their understanding as to where they are, where they need to go and the steps they need to get there. As a mentor, you can use the rafl overview to monitor your students’ progress, view their evidence and provide timely feedback as they learn. This is a great way to collate coursework for qualifications such as GCSEs, A levels, Diplomas, Key Skills, BTECs, OCR Nationals and ASDAN CoPE.

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart


rafl What you can do rafl embraces the principles of assessment for learning, accelerated learning, multiple intelligences, learning to learn, thinking skills and learning styles, and delivers effective personalised learning. 1 Hover over the ‘create strip’. 2 Click on the rafl icon. 3 Enter the title you want to give your rafl. Click ‘create my rafl’.

4 You’ll be presented with your main ‘title’ pie. You’ll also see some contextual help there to help you through getting started. 5 To add task pies, simply click on the red ‘cross’ icon. You can add up to eight task pies by doing this. 6 To enter any title text in these task pies, double click on the node and it will highlight the existing text. Then type in what you want.

7 To add success criteria to any of these task pies, click the red ‘plus’ icon. Then click ‘add new’ to add as many objectives (‘I can’) and activities (‘Because I have’) you want.

9 If you want your learners to upload any evidence against these success criteria, click in the ‘evidence’ box and a tick will appear.


10 By hovering over the icons at the top of your rafl page, you will get an explanation of what each of these tools will do.

To add any content, guidance or support to any of these pies or success criteria, click on the ‘pen and paper’ icon. By hovering over the icons at the top of this box, you will get an explanation of what each of the tools will do. Here you can insert files and documents, pictures, mp3s, web links and film clips. Once you’ve finished adding your content, click ‘save my content’.


When you’ve finished your rafl, click ‘save’ at the top of the page. A ‘save’ box will appear. You can change the title of your rafl if you want and enter any tags you wish. Then click ‘save’. To view your completed rafl click ‘view’ at the top of the page.

Now share your rafl! To see how, go to the sharing wizard on page 22.

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart


rafl Monitor learner progression in rafl

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart


My actions

What will i do with... rpassport

1 Get my students to create their own passports for their sporting achievements 2 Write a story for each of my lessons and stamp my students’ PLTS passports 3 Create a numeracy keyskills passport so my students can f ill it in whatever lesson they do it in 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Collect my GCSE coursework

2 Set my homework against what my students will learn by doing it 3 Share my raf ls across my department so we can consistently deliver the same objectives 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart



Visualise and organise your learning with rmap Create mind maps, concept maps and graphical organisers. Put your learning in context with the big picture. Provide visually contextual guidance. Invite comment and encourage collaboration. rafl allows you to link what the students are going to learn with what they have to do in order to learn it. As the same rafl item can be shared across departments, each teacher can consistently deliver the same learning objectives despite having different teaching styles and teaching groups, without being restricted by someone else’s lesson plans. Guidance can be added in context with these success criteria, students can upload evidence of their learning if you require it, and they also mark their own progress on how well they think they’ve done. This is an invaluable self-assessment activity which reinforces and consolidates their understanding as to where they are, where they need to go and the steps they need to get there. As a mentor, you can use the rafl overview to monitor your students’ progress, view their evidence and provide timely feedback as they learn. This is a great way to collate coursework for qualifications such as GCSEs, A levels, Diplomas, Key Skills, BTECs, OCR Nationals and ASDAN CoPE.

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart


rmap What you can do rmap is an extremely powerful but simple graphical organiser, concept and mind-mapping tool. You can graphically display concepts, units of work, models, tasks, etc, and allow learners to demonstrate their progress through the understanding of the concepts, providing media-rich evidence of their learning. 1 Hover over the ‘create strip’. 2 Click on the rmap icon. 3 Enter the title of your rmap. Click ‘create my rmap’.

7 To enter any text in the nodes, double click on the node and it will highlight the existing text. Then type in what you want. To link nodes, select the ‘linked ovals’ join tool and drag the links from one node to another. 8 To add any guidance or support to these nodes, click on the ‘pen and paper’ icon. A content editing box will appear. Here you can type, copy and paste, or insert any content you wish. Hovering over the icons at the top of this box gives an explanation of each of the tools. Here you can insert files and documents, pictures, mp3s and film clips. Once you’ve finished click ‘save my content’.

4 You will be presented with your main ‘title’ node. You’ll also see some contextual help there to help you through getting started. 5 To create another node, simply double click anywhere on the white space in the page. To create more nodes, repeat this procedure. 6 You can move these nodes to wherever you want on the page using the ‘click and drag’ facility. Simply click on the desired node, drag it to where you want and let go.

9 To add a link to another website next to one of your nodes, click on the ‘circle and arrow’ icon. Type in the website address you want to link to and click ‘OK’. 10 You can insert pictures into nodes, add a background picture, or link any nodes by selecting the right tool. When you’ve finished your rmap click ‘save’ at the top of the page. You can change the title of your rmap if you want and enter any tags you wish. Then click ‘save’. To view your completed rmap click ‘view’ at the top of the page.

Now share your rmap! To see how, go to the sharing wizard on page 22.

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart



Create collaborative websites with rweb Create media-rich web content quickly and easily. Share resources and collect feedback. Invite comment and collaboration on shared content. If you want to share information such as text, files, pictures, video or even flash in a structured way, you can do this in seconds using rweb. rweb allows you to create web pages structured by a simple menu to form a website containing all your learning resources or student portfolios for example. The difference between an rweb and a traditional website is that your rweb is private until you share it. You can share it with individuals, a group, or a number of groups that then have access to your website. Then, on each page, your students can add comments to raise issues, ask questions or demonstrate their learning. This allows you to give feedback and monitor your students’ progression as they access your resources.

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart


rweb What you can do rweb allows you to create learning portfolios, online lesson plans, websites, reflective blogs, personal profiles, planners and target-setting all within a media-rich, collaborative environment. 1 Hover over the ‘create strip’ and click on the rweb icon. 2 Enter the title you want to give your rweb. 3 You’ll be presented with your main ‘title page’ node. You’ll also see some contextual help there to help you through getting started.

6 To add sub pages to any menu page, simply click the red ‘plus’ icon (next to the menu page box) and a new box will appear. To add more simply repeat this process. 7 To enter any title text in these page nodes, double click on the node and it will highlight the existing text. Then type in what you want.

4 To add menu pages simply click on the red ‘cross’ icon. You can add up to eight menu pages by doing this. 5 To add any content, guidance or support to any of these pages, click on the ‘pen and paper’ icon. A content editing box will appear. By hovering over the icons at the top of this box, you will get an explanation of what each of the tools will do. Here you can insert files and documents, pictures, mp3s, web links and film clips. Once you’ve finished adding your content, click ‘save my content’.

8 By hovering over the icons at the top of your rweb page you will get an explanation of what each of these tools will do. 9 When you’ve finished your rweb click ‘save’ at the top of the page. A ‘save’ box will appear. You can change the title of your rweb if you want and enter any tags you wish. Then click ‘save’. 10 To view your completed rweb click ‘view’ at the top of the page.

Now share your rweb! To see how, go to the sharing wizard on page 36.

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart



Create collaborative blogs and podcasts with rcast Chronologically record the learning process. Record lesson summaries, action points, progress reviews etc. Collate feedback, invite comment and encourage collaboration. rcast is a simple way to create blogs, podcasts, picture and video casts, encouraging collaboration and recorded as part of the learning portfolio. For mentors, rcast is a simple way to create an engaging and media-rich chronological portfolio that can be shared with an individual or across a group. For learners, like rweb, this is also a great tool to present and share content and evidence with mentors, and if desired, with peers, to encourage feedback and collaboration. It’s a great review tool that keeps all blog posts, comments and podcast files within a secure portfolio, rather than on an external site with limited or no security control.

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rcast What you can do rcast gives you a simple way to create blogs, podcasts, picture casts, video or vodcasts, or just simple RSS feeds for the school newsletters, etc.

3 To add ‘posts’ to your blog simply click on the red ‘cross’ icon. To enter the title of your post, double click on the desired box and it will highlight the existing text.

1 Hover over the create strip and click on the rcast icon. Enter the title you want to give your rcast. Click ‘create my rcast’.

4 To add content, guidance or support to your blog header or posts, click on the ‘pen and paper’ icon. A content editing box will appear. By hovering over the icons at the top of this box, you will get an explanation of what each of the tools will do. Here you can insert files and documents, pictures, mp3s, web links and film clips. Once you’ve finished adding your content click ‘save my content’.

2 You’ll be presented with your main ‘title’ node - this is your blog header. You’ll also see some contextual help there to help you through getting started.

5 To add a picture to your blog header, click on the ‘picture’ icon next to the ‘title’ node. Either select from any existing files you have already uploaded to realsmart by doubleclicking on the desired picture, or you can upload a new picture by clicking ‘upload new’. 6 To add a podcast file to a blog post, simply click on the ‘podcast’ icon next to the blog post box, and browse for your podcast file to link it in. 7 By hovering over the icons at the top of your rcast page you will get an explanation of what each of these tools will do.

8 When you’ve finished your rcast click ‘save’ at the top of the page. A ‘save’ box will appear. You can change the title of your rcast if you want and enter any tags you wish. Then click ‘save’. 9 To view your completed rcast click ‘view’ at the top of the page.

Now share your rcast! To see how, go to the sharing wizard on page 22.

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart


My actions

What will i do with... rmap

1 Create a visual ‘big picture’ for all the units I teach 2 Get my students to represent different concepts


1 Summarise each of my lessons so students

can comment on what they understand and what , they don t

in science visually as it is easier to understand that way

3 Use rmap collaboratively in my department so we can discuss our improvement plan

2 Get my MFL students to create audio podcasts of sentences and their meaning


3 Use it to record departmental meeting action , points and we can comment on when we ve done it,







or any issues



1 Get my students to present their term's work so


2 Put all my past papers in one place for revision


we can look at it together at parents evening

3 Get the student council to create an rweb to collect students opinions

4 5

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Removing the barriers ractivity, rsafety and rcommunity are not ‘tools’, but features that make realsmart easy to use in a school environment. ractivity and rcommunity offer solutions to remove time and usability barriers often experienced when introducing new products into a school, and rsafety offers you peace of mind that you are working in a safe and secure walled garden. With rcommunity, mentors can share and search for items across the whole of the realsmart community, promoting the ethos ‘learning is sharing’. rcommunity helps remove the barriers for new users, providing an extensive content area populated by the realsmart school community. With ractivity everything comes to you. As soon as you log in you can see where the latest activities have happened across your learning portfolio. With one click you can quickly scan through all activities, and with a second click, see the activity in full context. rsafety ensures a safe, secure and accountable walled garden environment. Every user is known, so every action is accountable. All learner content is private and secure, using industry standard internet security.

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Sharing wizard Its good to share rcast gives you a simple way to create blogs, podcasts, picture casts, video or vodcasts, or just simple RSS feeds for the school newsletters, etc.

3 To add ‘posts’ to your blog simply click on the red ‘cross’ icon. To enter the title of your post, double click on the desired box and it will highlight the existing text.

1 Hover over the create strip and click on the rcast icon. Enter the title you want to give your rcast. Click ‘create my rcast’.

4 To add content, guidance or support to your blog header or posts, click on the ‘pen and paper’ icon. A content editing box will appear. By hovering over the icons at the top of this box, you will get an explanation of what each of the tools will do. Here you can insert files and documents, pictures, mp3s, web links and film clips. Once you’ve finished adding your content click ‘save my content’.

2 You’ll be presented with your main ‘title’ node - this is your blog header. You’ll also see some contextual help there to help you through getting started.


Step 2 Mentors – Additional mentors can be included in a share. This allows any number of mentors access to items and an overview. It also allows any mentor included in the share to add comments and feedback. This is really useful for Heads of departments to get an overview of progress across a department. Step 3 Activity – To create a new activity button for the item to sit behind, either select one of the generic titles from the existing activity list on the left of the wizard, or alternatively type a new one in the free text box on the right. Whatever is typed in the free text



box will create a new activity button and add the title to the list of existing activity titles. At this point you can now click ‘Finished! Create my share’. Anyone included will be able to access and contribute to the item from the ‘my learning’ home page. Step 4 Advanced options – This offers a number of features beyond general sharing. You can find out what these features are by viewing the contextual help.


For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart


Postbox The postbox is where you can manage all your communication, sharing and collaboration activities in realsmart.


The messaging feature allows you to send messages to learners and other mentors within your school. Messaging has the same features as emailing. You can attach files, insert pictures, hyperlinks, and format text. Mentors can send messages to other mentors, learners and whole groups, whereas learners can only send messages to mentors.

Shared items

‘Shared items’ shows the items you have shared with other people. You’ll see the status of the item (old or new), the title, the subject, the item type, whether it has been shared privately or publicly, and who it has been shared with. You will also be able to view the share, view the overview and edit the share.

Sharing requests

When a learner wants to share an item, they have to request permission from a mentor. Until the mentor accepts the request, the item will remain private to the learner. Mentors have the option to view the item, and then either accept or decline the request. Untouched requests will have a status of pending.

Invited items

‘Invited items’ are all the items that have been shared with you by other people. You have the option to ‘opt out’ if you don’t want to be a part of that share.

Reported comments Any comment can be reported with one click. As soon as a comment is reported it automatically disappears from that item and will appear in the moderating mentor’s postbox. The mentor can then view the comment, see who made it, see who reported it, and then choose whether to reinstate it or completely delete it from the item. Comments can be reported by anyone if they deem them to be unsuitable or inappropriate.

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Adding content realsmart has many ways to add content throughout the suite of tools Shown below is the integrated text editor and file uploader. It makes styling your content and uploading files very easy. Mentors can send messages to other mentors, learners and whole groups, whereas learners can only send messages to mentors.

Access Set your access rights When editing an item, you can set the access rights by clicking ‘access’ at the top of the page and choosing ‘private’, ‘site’ or ‘community’. Setting to ‘site’ will allow other teachers in your school to duplicate the resource. Setting to ‘community’ will allow any teacher in the realsmart community to duplicate the resource. It’s good to share.

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My notes

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart



We’re with you every step of the way realsmart has a dedicated Customer Relations team who’s sole responsibility is to make sure our schools receive all the support and help required to make realsmart a success. Contact the Customer Relations team on support@smartassess.com We don’t formally offer dedicated telephone support but feel free to call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334.

Pick your support www.smartassess.com/realsmart/usefullinks We want you to get off to a flying, healthy start and ensure you stay on track. We want to avoid sleepless nights and teething trouble! The link above will give you immediate access to our extensive online support channels, including: • the realsmart media centre • the realsmart support blog • realsmart on YouTube • realsmart on Twitter • realsmart on Facebook • realsmart on TeacherTube If you would like more specific training, you can now build your own bespoke training day. These days are flexible, allowing us to tailor them specifically to your needs. Please see over for further details about bespoke training days or visit www.smartassess.com/realsmart/supported

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart


Bespoke training

Are you making full use of realsmart? We want to help you. Now you can build your own bespoke training day! • Receive practical, hands-on training. • Introduce the tools to new curriculum areas and strategies. • Understand how realsmart can provide simple solutions and highly productive gains across the school.

Want to receive practical, hands-on training? Want to understand how realsmart can provide simple solutions and easy wins across the school? Want to introduce the tools to new curriculum areas and strategies? You can do all of these and more by building your own bespoke training day. We’ll consult with you on your aims and aspirations for realsmart and tailor a training day specifically to your needs. We’ll also help to build a six month strategy plan with you. realsmart provides many exciting ways for learners to present evidence of progression and collaborate with their mentors and peers. It also offers numerous alternatives for mentors to represent learning criteria to learners.

Let us show you how with a bespoke realsmart training day. Speak to our Customer Relations team on 0114 224 2334 or support@smartassess.com

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart


realsmart bespoke training days

Who’s been realsmart... ‘May I just say how much I appreciated Adam’s work on Friday - he didn’t stop, he was remarkably patient, and he had great ideas to help support what I am trying to do with realsmart. Well worth the money!’ Katie Scott 14-19 consultant Northumberland LA

‘The style and structure of the day was perfect for what I needed. I have returned to work with lots of fresh ideas’. Ian Swain Lead teacher (G&T) Ilkley Grammar School

‘I couldn’t let these sessions go without a comment. Adam and Lianne were great....The groups we had were small but motivated, I am sure that having had comments like ‘It’s a no brainer that we should use it’ and ‘I can use it for all my Early Years Profile evidence’...that things can really start to fly.’ Liz Hankin Director EdICTs

They’re making full use of realsmart – make sure you do the same. Speak to our Customer Relations team about bespoke training days. Call 0114 224 2334 or email support@smartassess.com

For more help please visit our support blog at help.realsmart.co.uk, email support@smartassess.com or call smartHQ on 0114 224 2334. For latest news and features visit www.realsmart.co.uk/realsmart


Don’t forget...once you’re running with realsmart, share this guide so your colleagues can take their first steps too!

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