Realstew Mobile App Practical Application

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THE PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF REALMOBILE IN A BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT The Scenario Chuck runs an auto repair and service business. It’s a family business founded in 1902 and, in keeping with tradition, Chuck as the eldest son has retained the family name and the business. Changes in technology and the increasing computerization of cars have forced Chuck to increase the range of services he offers and more recently, he opened a mobile service division and is now considering franchising the business. The mobile service will be based on establishing a convenient time and place for clients’ to receive full car servicing including the processing of WOF certificates. In addition, Chuck intends to specialize in the area of headlight restoration.

In order to move forward with his plan, Chuck is patently aware that the successful execution of his mobile division depends on his ability to prove that he can operate it effectively and efficiently as a company owned operation. This is essential before he can even consider franchising the model. Then he can take what he has learnt and convert it into a knowledge package to be replicated by appropriate franchisees.

Where do we start? …Answer, Chuck uploads RealMobile to his smart phone. RealStew would as the initial recommendation propose that Chuck starts by uploading RealMobile. This is a free Application. Uploading RealMobile immediately pairs Chuck with a dedicated support person (Mentor).

The Mentor received an Alert immediately Chuck had registered, prompting him/her to initiate contact by sending a Chat message to Chuck. The first task of the Mentor is to direct Chuck to the ‘Mentor info’ screen and assure him that he is only a chat message away if he has any questions. Chuck will then be directed to the ‘To Share or Not to Share’ info screen (sad face) on Welcome screen.

When the Mentor establishes that Chuck is looking to grow his mobile business – RealStew presents the obvious solution to the next business frontier which is Mobile Commerce. Knowing that Chuck will need to access the Created Ad app, to promote his business, the Mentor will advise Chuck that this is a pre-request which any Member wishing to access this application will have to subscribe to by upgrading to RealMobile Plus. When Chuck clicks on the ‘subscribe’ tab, he is presented with the option GBP1-99 worth of credits (GBP0-50 each) to cover the annual cost of GBP1-99 (RSC3-98 credits), or they can be used by a first time subscriber to pay for RealStew services. RealChat plus is just one of many Applications and the Mentor would present a case for Chuck to take up the opportunity to receive bonus credits and subscribe to a minimum of GBP12-50 RealStew Credits. Should Chuck elect to only subscribe to the minimum of GBP1-99, clicking on the ‘blue’ option will take him to the standard PayPal payment gateway and payments can be processed (left – below). Should Chuck elect to benefit from the matching credits Bonus Offer, he would click on the Green tab (right – below):

On inserting the amount, the payment is processed through the PayPal Gateway, bonus credits added and RealChat Plus activated. In the event that Chuck elects not to subscribe to RealChat plus, then in keeping with the transparent nature of RealStew services, he will be advised that once links and financial benefits notionally accrue on his account, and if at the end of the month, he still decides not to take up the subscription to RealChat, he will lose these links and the accrued shared revenue. The same Alerts will be sent each month until Chuck agrees to subscribe and the Mentor will similarly be advised of the losses and alerted to engage with Chuck and present the argument that he should reconsider his decision.

An aside – We believe it to be highly unlikely that any Member being advised that after one or at the most 3 months of losing links and passive income would not elect to upgrade. We must also factor in our equation that within those 2 to 3 months, there will be at least 4 iterations of the code. Each of these code updates leverage the value proposition of the system, while pushing RealMobile closer to a viral tipping point. Uploading Mobil Contacts Next the Mentor will encourage Chuck to upload his phone contacts into the RealMobile Contact book. All he has to do to achieve this is click on ‘Contacts Upload +’ on the left of the welcome screen.

This will upload ALL contacts into Chuck’s RealMobile Contact book. Connecting contacts Working with his Mentor, Chuck is then encouraged to go through his contact list and select, through a number of sharing options (SMS Messaging, Facebook, Google +,LinkedIn, Twitter, Whatsapp, Viber) , his preferences for inviting one or more of his Contacts to register with RealStew and upload RealChat. All Chuck needs to do to achieve this is to click on the sharing image on the right hand side of Welcome.

Whichever channel is selected, will be directed to the RealStew registration screen and when registration is completed, will be further directed to the appropriate Application Library to upload the App.

A unique code in the referring message will ‘link’ the registered Member to Chuck, provided they are not already registered and linked StewVille - Measuring the links Links (and linked passive income) are auto linked as occurs on StewVille tables. Revenue received by RealStew for the sale of RealStew credits (applied to cover subscription to applications) will be distributed in the currency RealStew received on purchasing credits. As links are established, Chuck and the paired Mentor will receive a series of Alerts (every 5 new links up to 50 and thereafter every 10 until 100 and then every 100 until 1000) that endorse his success. The Mentor would be encouraged to engage with Chuck each step of the way and congratulate him on his success and egg him on to attain the next goal. This ‘uploading contacts’ and monitored support from a Mentor is continued on numerous levels as is the incentive to upgrade to RealChat. It follows that each link and each payment received where credits are purchased – whether the basic GBP1-99 or the GBP12-50 – will have a compound effect on 6 StewVille tables. To put the numbers in perspective it is reasonable to assume that within a short time from uploading the app and synchronizing mobile contacts into the Members Contact Book that the new Member will be motivated and supported to share and link contacts. In this way, the Member will successfully secure registrations and links and continue the cycle. As each cycle continues, links will be established and each level then duplicates the previous levels links. At least one or more links within the 6 levels will be enticed (and supported where necessary with a sponsored voucher) to subscribe to RealChat plus and it is not unreasonable to assume that within the multi linked members at least one or more will take up the opportunity to secure bonus credits. Working on the premise that there will be at least 1 RealChat plus at GBP1-99 and one at GBP12-50 the total subscription revenue within the linked network will be GBP14-49. We apply the distribution formula and effectively 72% (90% less the portion attributed to Mentors and the technical development team) or GBP1.73 will be shared with each of the Members within 6 degrees on the up line. Each of these Members will make the value proposition call as to whether they should upgrade to RealChat plus at an annual cost of GBP1-99 or forgo the opportunity to be accredited with passive earnings of GBP1-73 in the first month. We respectfully submit that most Members, supported by their Mentor, will make the call with their subsequent purchase of credits compounding the value proposition to their up line for 6 degrees

Chuck will access his StewVille Screen from the Welcome Knowledge Tab and if paired with a Mentor will also have MentoVille Screens:

Note: As much as these links and income are an endorsement and a sense of achievement for Chuck’s efforts, they also demonstrate what he stands to lose at the end of the month should he have elected not to subscribe to RealChat plus. RealStew (RealMobile) is more than just an instant messaging system! RealMobile is more than an instant messaging system – RealStew is more than a one trick pony! Revenue is generated not just from RealChat Plus but from a growing library of Applications with, we believe, the biggest portion of the revenue from the ‘cash back’ fees earned from the eCommerce and mCommerce interaction of Members on the portal. It is more than just a ‘StewVille game’ that Chuck and all members can play to see how many links they are able to establish and how much money they passively receive. RealMobil is a portal for Chuck to start promoting his business, find new profiled clients and engage more effectively with existing customers and staff. The Mentor, aware that Chuck has a business and is looking to save money, improve operational efficiencies and find more customers, will propose that Chuck promote a number of products and services with a series of created ads. He would start off by doing one or two ads from his mobile phone in a 4 step process:

Chuck will engage with and be supported by his Mentor about what to do next, every step of the way. If he has any queries about costs, he can refer to an info screen.

Profiling the ads With the launch of Created Ads, RealStew, from a system perspective, will ensure that they are firstly delivered on the top of CHAT messages and in the case of User Group messages to those Contacts in Chuck’s contact book. The ads are professionally presented as and when Members ‘Pull’ Chat messages, User Group and Blog postings and when they reply to these messages and postings. NO member is spammed to receive any of the promoted ads.

Knowing that the ads will be presented to Chuck’s contacts, the Mentor will ensure that, apart from contacts uploaded from Chuck’s mobile phone, he has also uploaded his customer / supplier contact list into his CRM book on the web. These ads are then presented to the wider RealStew eco system and as the engine is enhanced the accuracy of the profiled audience will improve. RealStew’s mobile profiling of product generated ads is materially different from what Google does. Google is essentially an info library where Members search for information while RealStew presents product specific ads to a targeted audience. A click on the profiled Ad will open it up into an extended ad. The prospective client engages with Chuck by clicking on ‘Contact Us’, opening the CHAT box and populating Chuck’s CRM book with the prospective client’s details and adding Chuck’s contact details to the prospects Contact Book;

Costs to run profiled ads and access the CRM system It is free to set up the ad and the success fee is based on either a % (minimum of 1% but Chuck can offer a higher % if ads are presented more frequently than competing ads. If Chuck wants to secure a profiled lead which may not necessarily be concluded, because it is not practical to do so, or may require more intervention, then a transaction success fee of GBP0-50 is imposed per generated lead. Chuck would need to deposit at least GBP25-00 into his Trading Account for this as the success fee is deducted from credit balances. Chuck will be advised when the balance falls below GBP10-00 and asked to top up and the ads will stop running once the balance is nil. Chuck can manage the interaction on the ads from his Mobile phone or by going to the RealStew website and using a tablet, laptop or PC he can log into his account with his email address and password which he runs on the mobile and from there, use the contact CRM book to manage his engagement.

It is FREE to use the CRM book while Chuck is running 9 or less created ads at the same time but the charge will then increase to GBP10-00 per month once he has 10 or more products / services loaded and is running them simultaneously. Creating a Custom Website From the stage that Chuck is running 10 or more created ads, he and his Mentor will be alerted that he should now consider upgrading his digital presence to include a Custom Website. This will be covered by a one off charge of GBP50-00, as a set-up fee, and Monthly hosting fee of GBP5-00. The Mentor will direct Chuck to register a URL on the RealStew website and to then set up a custom website. The Mentor will support and assist Chuck in the step by step process of doing this. Chuck cannot expect people to include him in their ‘Universe’ if he does not engage, interact and share with them his knowledge and make them part of his Universe. To this end, and as part of the Custom Website creation process, Chuck, supported by his Mentor will set up a blog for which there is a monthly service fee of GBP2-50. It is possible that Chuck already has a Website. The RealStew Website, with the integrated features where each and every interaction on the website, blog and channel of communication is tracked and recorded, positions the RealStew website as a strong force in its own right with unique properties. Now it is a straight forward process for Chuck to run his existing website and his RealStew website side by side. In time Chuck may find that he spends more time interacting on his RealStew website. The Website could look something like this:

The Contact CRM book will then look something like this:

And on Mobile, the website could look something like this‌.

Taking the next step ‌.Chuck lifts his game! Having now established a digital profile and broken through into the fast paced Mobile Commerce frontier through a series of Alerts, and with the support of his Mentor Chuck will be encouraged to increase the number of clients / contacts and friends he has who use and access the RealMobile platform. It will be proposed to Chuck that he sponsor a series of vouchers to prepay the first year’s annual subscription of some of his own links and contacts to RealChat plus. This will be done by Chuck opening up a Voucher Engine Application and registering for a number of vouchers (unique numbers linked to him)

The principle advantage for Chuck to use vouchers is to increase the likelihood that his Clients will upload the app to their own phones, which will Increase his links. The sponsored vouchers are advanced on a ‘lend-it-forward’ program with the Client (sponsored) repaying the advance from passive earnings PLUS honouring the obligation to advance twice as much to their own contacts. Chuck is on his way…..Time is a finite resource After making contact with prospective clients, and in keeping with Chuck’s business model of working always with processes which are convenient for his clients, Chuck will then use the Mobile calendar booking tool to schedule and confirm appointments:

Just a quick glance gives Chuck his schedule for any day ne chooses to check on.

On completion of a job, Chuck (or his staff member) will raise an invoice and if it is for an existing client, who has extended credit, he can look up a statement of account.

The Calendar system is free until such time that Chuck has more than 9 scheduled appointments and has included an Alert management system that sends a reminder Alert of service to the Client as well as the Staff Member. Once the number of scheduled appointments is 10 or more the monthly subscription fee is GBP10-00. The online invoicing system starts at GBP5-00 for the first 25 invoices generated in a calendar month and this sum increases to GBP10-00 per month from 26 to 100 invoices and a sliding scale from there on applies with a maximum amount of GBP50-00 per month. Cloud based accounting has never been easier… The ability to generate invoices once the job is completed and before leaving the premises presents the client with the paper work (emailed to them) which will facilitate payment of the invoice before leaving the premises. But there is more ….. Invoicing is only one part of a Complete cloud based accounting model that will empower Chuck to have a ‘real time’ financial understanding of his business;

Apart from Production Costing modules, payment of a monthly service fee based on the number of invoices generated (detailed above) will give Chuck access to a full suite of accounting applications from Debtors to Creditors Control, Stock Management and financial forecasting. Expansion is easy‌ Should Chuck now want to expand his understanding of what is happening in the business he is running, he can simply subscribe to access a POS system where there will be complete integration of the business enterprise whether from a fixed trading operation or from mobile teams on the road;

Franchising and the global expansion of the business is easily accommodated … Chuck will have real time access to his business, including full knowledge of its resources and the ability to communicate and engage with all stakeholders. This will give him the time and the freedom to apply his special skill and knowledge of the industry to improve on and expand his enterprise. An investment in the RealStew Platform provides Chuck with the peace of mind that RealStew as a Global organization thinks globally while supporting his local operation and encouraging his global aspirations.

There is more …Chuck needs capital to expand his business RealStew is more than a Communication Platform RealStew is more than a Knowledge Aggregator RealStew is a financial liberator ……StewVille links will be in the hundreds of thousands and then the millions with each and every link contributing revenue to the point that it is predictable. Predictability in numbers and quantum output in all world currencies

empower Chuck with the ability to raise capital in the form of loans (Peer to Peer lending) and Passive income Trading ‌..

From small beginnings! What started as a simple FREE upload of a Mobile Application that could have started any number of ways…. For example Chuck visiting London and having purchased Fish & Chips at

a business (with 34 branches in London) was presented with the opportunity to upload RealMobile and so it all began ….

ONWARDS & UPWARDS A personal observation – Paddy Delaney th

I was at a dinner party on Saturday night (28 December 2014) with some friends and the conversation naturally came around to what it is I do and our journey from South Africa, to New Zealand and now London. In explaining what RealStew was I focused entirely on RealMobile and our instant messaging system and advised that we were addressing the short comings of traditional instant messaging systems. I used the opportunity to do a quick survey and discovered from the 11 people there they all had WhatsApp and /or Viber with one person also using Telegram Messaging. I discovered the following:

Everyone used the one or more instant messaging platform at least once a day with the more active users at least 20 times a day;

They had no idea on how Push or Pull technology worked but after explaining the differences between the two they understood the significance and differences and recognized the clear value in Pull technology;

They used the systems because they were FREE and they started using them because one or more of their friends invited them to the platform and they found it a convenient way to keep in contact.

They were impressed by the Real Chat demonstration – this is notwithstanding the fact that at this stage, we have only the basic chat system working. Without exception they agreed that were they to receive an invitation to upload ‘yet another’ instant messaging system from a friend, and provided it was a friend they wanted to keep in contact with, they would upload the app even though they were using other similar messaging systems. What impressed them the most was the fact that they would be paired with a ‘Dedicated Support Person’ (Mentor) – available to answer questions they would have on how to best use the Platform.

On the question of cost they had no comment when I said it was free to upload the app as they expected nothing less. The debate got interesting when I said that RealChat plus carried an annual fee of GBP199 with the payment of the application then effectively opening the Trading Accounts and permanently credit any links. Within a few minutes we had a battle Royal going on about who was going to link to who and it boiled down to no one wanting to lose out. The GBP1-99 was a punt and then the creative juices got going as they speculated on how many links they could create. The person who was using the Telegram Messaging system said that he knows every one of the 67 people in his alumina group would join the minute he posted the link …….. Abraham Maslow was right when he said in his 1943 paper “A theory of Human Motivation” that people are motivated by the simple concept of ‘what is in it for me?’ Out the window went any thought of having to deal with ‘yet another messaging system’ and the question turned on ‘when can we get started?’ In the course of the evening the topic came up of adverts appearing on the top of the messages. There was no objection at all, in fact when I explained that the ads where in turn linked into a ‘cash back’ program that would increase substantially the amount of money distributed up the links everyone was more excited that ever…. We can say that we will be the ONLY instant messaging system where we are allowed to place ads and are able to direct profiled clients to businesses and members within the ecosystem will, as they are financially rewarded within the system, so will be inclined to reciprocate and support those businesses that promote themselves on the eco-system. On the Sunday morning I received the first of the three emails I have received since then from people at the gathering reminding me to send them the link once we have the th

next phase of RealMobile released on the 19 January To say it is going to be very interesting is an understatement!


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