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Chapter News
Chapter News
Alabama • alabamarli.wordpress.com
The Alabama Chapter hosted the RLI Timberland Real Estate course in June, taught by Rick Taylor, ALC, a registered forester with Mossy Oak Properties Posey Land Company. The course covers everything needed to successfully conduct timberland transactions. Whether a seasoned land professional or a commercial/residential agent looking to expand their business by taking on new clients, the timberland course was a worthwhile investment.
Colorado • coloradorli.com
The RLI Colorado Chapter is extremely honored for being recognized as the 2021 Outstanding Chapter of the Year. This announcement was made at the 2022 National Land Conference held in San Antonio in March.
The Chapter had a successful meeting in May held in Durango, CO. We were treated to a BBQ at Justin & Tammy Osborn’s home on Wednesday evening to kick off the event. The Chapter’s next marketing/education meeting will be held in Grand Junction in September.
Georgia • rligeorgiachapter.com
The RLI Georgia Chapter was well represented at the 2022 National Land Conference in San Antonio. Congratulations again to those who acquired their ALC pin at NLC22 and to those who were recognized through RLI Leadership Awards. Milestones were hit, and fellow land brokers had an opportunity to connect with old friends and cultivate new friendships. We’re looking forward to NLC23 in Denver!
GA Chapter LANDU 2022 courses to date: May 4-5 Land 101 / Sept. 22-23. Visit our website to learn more.
Illinois • rliillinoischapter.com
RLI Illinois and ISPMRA held its annual Realtors Education Day and Land Values Conference on March 16th and 17th. The event was held at the Doubletree Hilton in Bloomington. Norm Willoughby, from Illinois Realtors, presented a 4-hour CE core course and a 3-hour farm elective course. Dave Klein, ALC, and Luke Worrell, ALC, led these events. There was a great turnout.
The chapter looked forward to its Summer Social in June at Desithl Brewery in Bloomington. In addition to coming together to network, they brought in experts to present to the group on solar energy products.
In September, the chapter will host its annual meeting, and on December 8 and 9 the chapter’s favorite instructor, Norm Willoughby, will teach the Managing Broker course for the needed CEs for 2023.
Iowa • rliiowachapter.com
On March 30, the RLI Iowa Chapter held its spring seminar in conjunction with the ASFMRA Iowa Chapter. Approximately 100 people attended the one-day hybrid training event. Topics included Nutrient Pollution, Cybersecurity, the Carbon Pipeline, Ag Tech, Fertilizer Cost Rapid Increase and Soybean Demand. The Iowa Chapter also released its Spring Land Trends and Values Survey results. (Visit rliiowachapter.com/rli-landtrends-values)
RLI Iowa’s 2021 awards were presented at the annual dinner following the spring seminar. Congratulations to the following winners: Steve Bruere – Volume and Acres Sold, Elliott Siefert – Rising Star, Kirk Weih, ALC – Longtime Dedication to RLI, and Kyle Hansen, ALC, and David Thein, ALC – Member-toMember Deal of the Year.
The Iowa Chapter will offer Real Estate Mapping Technologies & Techniques on August 3-4 in Iowa City and a Real Estate Ethics class targeted to land professionals in September. More information is available at rliiowachapter.com/education.
Kansas • rlikansaschapter.com
The RLI Kansas Chapter hosted a daylong educational session on February 18 in Manhattan, KS, with 23 RLI members attended, including two from the Colorado chapter. Dr. Allen Featherstone, Department Head, Professor, and Head Director of the Masters of Agribusiness at Kansas State University, presented on the Agricultural Land Values outlook for Kansas based on K-State’s annual research of land sales across the state. Brandon Hock, Industrial Hemp Supervisor for the Kansas Department of Agriculture, also presented on Industrial Hemp production in Kansas and the future of production regulations and guidelines. Attending members were able to get 3 CE credit toward their KS license requirement.
Central National Bank sponsored a lunch session discussion on future growth ideas for the Kansas Chapter. The day was completed with a marketing session.
Kansas Chapter
Dr. Allen Featherstone, Kansas State University, speaking on Kansas Land Values
Georgia Chapter
From left to right, Raborn Taylor III, ALC, Daniel Fowler, ALC, Elena Stanfield, ALC, Sam Bowers, ALC, Clark Tompkins, PLS, Dagmar Sands, CIPS, Bob Hatcher, ALC, Dan Crocker, ALC, Charles Davis, ALC, Walter Hatchett, ALC, Mike Matre, ALC
Oklahoma Chapter
Right: All-wheel drive was required to navigate the muddy terrain during the April Oklahoma Ranch tour
Below: from left to right receiving Oklahoma Chapter Awards, Bobby Bennett, Clay Baxter, Will Bellis, ALC, and Rod Canterbury, ALC
Missouri • missourirealtor.org/rli/home
The Missouri Chapter was well represented at the 2022 National Land Conference with six members in attendance. This was a first for the vast majority of our attendees and the experience was, in true RLI fashion, top-notch.
On April 12 and 13, the chapter held its first LANDU course, Land 101. The course drew an overwhelming number of participants and ended with great feedback and four attendees joining RLI. We were honored to have Luke Worrell, ALC, 2022 RLI PresidentElect, and Norma Nisbet, ALC, 2004 RLI President, in attendance.
The chapter also held a general meeting on April 26 with guest speakers Mike Deering, Executive Vice President of the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association, and Dr. Scott Brown, Director of Strategic Partnerships for the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources at the University of Missouri. They provided great insight on the state of the cattle industry and the ag industry in general.
The chapter is working on hosting its second LANDU course in the fall of 2022 and hosting its annual meeting/networking event in September.
Finally, congratulations to Missouri’s very own Jennifer Janet, ALC, for being approved as an RLI Instructor for the Agricultural Land Brokerage & Marketing course.
Oklahoma • rlioklahomachapter.com
On April 20, the RLI Oklahoma Chapter hosted a ranch tour just outside the town of McAlester with over 60 members across five states present. The day was spent touring over 8,000 acres of beautiful Oklahoma land. It was a great day of networking, building relationships, and even making a few deals come to life. The chapter also presented its 2021 Awards, and the recipients are: » Land Broker of the Year – Will Bellis, ALC » Top Hand Award – Rod Canterbury, ALC » Member-to-Member Deal of the Year – Bobby Bennet and Clay Baxter The chapter would like to give a special thanks to sponsors LandHub.com, Oklahoma AgCredit, and Modern Abstract.
Pacific Northwest Chapter
Pacific Northwest
The PNW Chapter planned to host Land 101: Fundamentals of Land Brokerage as an in-person course. Instructor Joel King, ALC, was stuck in Dallas due to a storm and unable. At 8:00 p.m. he found out he couldn’t get into Spokane until 4:00 the next day. The chapter received permission to conduct the class through Zoom as everyone was in Coeur D’Alene, ID. Scrambling with Amanda at RLI, the hotel and Joel, the course was conducted. Yay to Amanda!
There were 17 attendees including three ALCs (Garrett Zoller, Flo Sayre and Lisa Johnson). Six attendees indicated they were planning to join RLI and pursue their ALC Designation. The common reflection by the new attendees was, “WOW, I had no idea there was so much to know about LAND!” The other regular comment was, “These guys/gals are so knowledgeable and passionate about land! I want some of their knowledge!”
After that, the chapter hosted a cowboy auction and social for the attendees to get to know each other. Fun times were had by all and great conversations and fellowship.
The next chapter event/class will be in Central Oregon in mid- to late-September. It is the chapter’s goal to host at least one RLI course per year, two if possible. The goal is to spread the word about RLI and the value of the ALC Designation.
Tennessee • rlitennesseechapter.com
The RLI TN Chapter has been and will continue to be busy in 2022. The chapter had a great presence at the National Land Conference, as well as at the Oklahoma Chapter’s ranch tour. The RLI TN Chapter’s Cowboy Auction item, a Colonel Littleton leather briefcase and TN trip package, raised almost $5,000 for The Land Education Foundation. The chapter would like to thank Colonel for his generous donation and congratulate Renee Harvey, ALC, for winning it.
The chapter is hosting four LANDU courses this year. It kicked off with Subdivision Land Development in Chattanooga on June 13 and 14; Land 101 in Mt. Juliet on July 11 and 12; Recreational Land in Knoxville on September 15 and 16; and Land Real Estate Site Selection in Memphis on September 22 and 23. The chapter will also host a tailgate at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville on September 17.
Texas • rlitexaschapter.com
When it comes to the Texas chapter of the REALTORS® Land Institute (RLI), “Everything Is Better in Texas!”. Whether it is referring to a large, growing membership or to the many education offerings throughout the year, everything the Texas chapter does is big.
Through the support of generous sponsors, Texas RLI has been able to offer members a diverse selection of LANDU courses. Subdivision Land Development was the first of six courses presented this year, and Land 101: Fundamentals of Land Brokerage had record-breaking attendance. Upcoming courses including Tax-Deferred 1031 Exchanges, Real Estate Mapping Technologies and Techniques, Land Investment Analysis, and Recreational Land Development are also expected to set records.
Texas was also the host of this year’s National Land Conference, which was held at the Grand Hyatt in downtown San Antonio. The chapter presented a 3-hour course called “Out with the Old, in with the New Texas Farm and Ranch Contract” during the Outlook on Texas Land Markets conference at the end of April, with a welcome reception after the course to give members the opportunity to network, grow their business and have fun.
Upper Midwest
The RLI Minnesota Chapter continues its transition to become the RLI Upper Midwest Chapter, encompassing Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin RLI members. The chapter hosted its first inperson meeting in two-and-a-half years on May 17 and 18, the RLI course Transitional Land Real Estate, with 16 hours of CE approved in MN, ND and SD. Members looked forward to seeing each other again.
The chapter will also host its annual conference in July at Running Aces, with a welcome reception Sunday night that will include horse races/betting and, of course, food and drinks.16 hours of CE have been approved in MN, ND, and SD for Transitional Land Real Estate An additional 3.75 hours have been approved in MN for Scoundrels, Scams & Stings. The conference will also include a Have’s/Want’s Marketing Session and annual chapter meeting.
In between these events, regular Zoom meetings will be held to encourage member networking; presentations by partners/ sponsors; and/or sharing of ideas, issues, and marketing pertinent to today’s market.
Tennessee Chapter
Clockwise: Shawn Massey, ALC, CCIM, RLI TN Chapter President; Wes Binkley; Todd Henon, ALC, RLI TN Chapter Board Member & 2022 Premier Sponsor; Brittany Hurdle, RLI TN Chapter Admin; RLI TN Chapter sitting together during opening ceremony; Geoff Hurdle, ALC and Thomas Krajewski, ALC, pictured as members of the 2022 National Board.