Exec Magazine- Spring/Summer 2022

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Purchased in 2018, the Outlier Center includes over 160,000 square feet designed to house the Outlier portfolio of companies, including Realty Executives International, Fun Brands, Passport Health, InDispense, Atlas Packs, and more. It is conveniently located less than two miles from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport with access to major freeways.

Recent accomplishments include the installation of a metal roof, complete remodel of the exterior, and landscaping. The Outlier Cafe has been installed, and the third floor has been updated with contemporary design and finishes.

Upcoming projects include the renovation and completion of an on-campus, 30,000 square foot event center that can be used for various meetings, training sessions, and conferences. We look forward to hosting Broker/Owners and Executives in Phoenix soon!

south east entrance
Outlier Building Exterior Presentation 2020 01 . 04 center building

From the desk of


center building

Hello Executives!

Each year, it seems like time moves faster than in years before, speeding us through a busy spring market and into the warmer weather of the summer months. By the next edition, I will be asking how it is possible for 2022 to be near a close.

The world seems to be getting back to a new version of normal after some challenging and unprecedented times over the past few years. During that time, our leadership team and network of Broker/Owners worked diligently and strategically to navigate unknown waters. Executives buckled down, adapted to different ways of doing business, and succeeded in helping buyers and sellers with the largest financial decisions of their lives. While there is no doubt that we have collectively remained steadfast in our focus on the future, today we are moving forward with increased excitement and eagerness for what is to come.

Our success in various market cycles and our company’s longevity can be directly attributed to our greatest asset: our Executives. Realty Executives was created in 1965 as the destination company for the highest performing, professional agents in the industry. Even though decades have passed and the industry has evolved, one thing remains constant: the caliber of our Executives. Through thick and thin, industry changes, and more- our Executives have focused on providing worldclass service. Real estate is their passion and full-time career. While many in the real estate industry have struggled, the last two years have been record-breaking production years for a large portion of our network.

We continue to remain a destination company with Executives who put people first, always. We are incredibly thankful for the Executives, Broker/Owners, and support personnel who call Realty Executives home. YOU are our “why”, and what motivates us to make the next 50 years better than the last!

With gratitude,


At Realty Executives, we are named for our greatest asset: our Executives. Through personal relationships and outstanding commitment, our businesses grow together. Your success is our success. Everything we do, every dollar spent, and every decision made is dictated by one thought: what is right for the Executive.

Tell us little about yourself. had not had enough time to build my business or was better prepared for the commitment. 2018, running with more realistic expectations and much better support system, the greatest of which is my years but had decided was time for change was for each day which is why decided to become REALTOR®, can’t say that being my own boss did not so many years seemed like great plan. Tia: 21 office in the ’80s. Together, they had opened their real estate. joined their company 2015 and hit the Why did you get into real estate? where was responsible for marketing and customer experience. Towards the end my tenure there, banking. was seeing people who were investing in real estate and helping others get into homes and that (TCAT, Nashville State, Freed-Hardeman University) work so many different fields, just makes sense to Realty Executives Hometown Living in Dickson, TN, has recently opened its office. They are proud of the fact that on their third month live, they have 28 agents and in March closed 34 transactions totaling $8.18 million in sales. They have set some pretty lofty goals for themselves, but they never feel big enough when they keep surpassing them! We sat down with owners, Paul Bullington,

Our international presence

Over 500 offices located across the globe We have over 8,000 Executives in our network 500+ 8K+


Most people can provide a basic description of what a REALTOR® does and how they do it. But to be successful in real estate, there must be something that motivates you to get started in the morning, overcome obstacles, navigate complexities in a transaction, handle tough conversations, adapt to shifting markets, and more. This motivation can be difficult to describe, but it is what keeps you focused on your business when the going gets tough.

To be a successful entrepreneur and real estate professional, you must understand your “why.”

The “why” is what inspires you, helps you persevere during trying times and, ultimately, what helps you achieve success in this amazing industry. It’s the contribution and impact that you make that your peers and clients recognize.

Read on to learn about the “why” for several members of the Realty Executives community. Their passion and dedication make it clear… Realty Executives is Where the Experts Are™!


The reason I originally started in real estate is much different than the reason I continue to push to grow now. When I started, I was obsessed with business, success, and growth. I would stay up super late reading business books and would get excited about thinking of financial goals I wanted to pursue or hit the next year. A few favorites include “Lincoln on Leadership” by Donald T. Phillips, “The E-Myth Revisited” by Michael Gerber, and “Good to Great” by Jim Collins. I learned a ton from those books and continue to apply the concepts today.

I still get excited about thinking big and thinking about financial goals, but I want to be diligent with the gifts God gave me. It comes easily because I enjoy real estate so much.

If I had to nail down my “Big Why,” what gives me the most fulfillment from what I do is two things. First, it’s helping others reach their goals. Creating an environment where people can hit their financial goals AND life goals brings me so much joy. For example, this afternoon I am meeting with young Executives who have worked with me for a few years. Their real estate business does well, but she has a desire to spend the winter months in Florida (understandable given these Wisconsin winters!). It has been so fun meeting with them, coaching them, and planning how they can make Florida a reality.

The second part of my “Big Why” is that the more resources I can acquire, the more I am able to give to those in need. One of the main things we give to is our non-profit, Before16 (before16.org). The organization helps older, international orphans find forever families here in the United States. We help raise awareness about the program. The kids stay for summer and Christmas breaks with different families around the US, and we give grants to the families in financial need to make it feasible to host. Last year we had 18 kids hosted and, so far, 13 of them have been adopted or are in the process of being adopted. It’s still amazing to me that with just a bit of money we can have such a massive impact on these kids’ lives. For every $2,000 we give, a child has roughly a 70% chance of finding a forever family. That’s pretty motivating to me.

On a side note, Realty Executives has been a massive supporter of Before16. Our regional director, Dale Schaechterle (who is also my good friend and mentor), and International’s Dave Tedesco have truly helped us advance our cause.

I can’t think of anything more exciting and fulfilling than helping change people’s lives for the better, and real estate has been the perfect vehicle for that. I am infinitely grateful.




I have been in the real estate industry for over 30 years. I do not focus on success, but rather in bringing value- the success will follow.

My passion is to aid others using my knowledge, unique position, and my reputation within the community. I want to contribute to the success of others in their careers, but it’s equally important to have success outside of real estate. I’ve learned that it takes a strong mindset to switch your inner dialogue from “I hope I can” to “I am going to make it happen.” I love helping my Execs do that professionally and personally. It’s a life changer. It’s the “why” in my career.

My personal “why” is the legacy I will leave for my seven grandchildren. I teach them responsibility and love for family. They are the future.

My success in business allows me to give back in multiple ways, which I hope my grandchildren learn to do as well. My brokerage advocates for animal rescue, saving over 861 animals last year alone. I sponsor a junior equestrian horse rider competition to help youngsters build confidence. Additionally, I sponsor other activities including Mrs. California, Autism awareness events, and monthly community events. My Execs and I are recognized frequently for all the support we provide to the community, which makes me proud.

If I can provide any advice to someone finding their “why” in real estate, it would be the following:

• Learn that a positive mindset must be worked on daily. Only then will great opportunities be revealed.

• Stop carrying the weight of negative opinions.

• Leverage the support and knowledge available to you.

If you focus on the positive and your motivation for choosing real estate, results do happen. A dream written down becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes those dreams come true. Dreams do not have to be measured only by financial means; they can be all types of achievements.


I was born in England and came from a very hardworking family of Indians. Hard work was such a core value in my family that it just became part of my DNA.

As I was growing up, I always admired houses since each one had its own personality. Then I began to admire real estate agents for the lifestyle and drive they had. Admiring the real estate agents helped me envision owning my own properties in the future.

However, when I joined the real estate business, I noticed there was a gap between agents who were driven by success and agents who truly cared about the customers’ needs. This one was one of the main reasons I decided to become an owner of a real estate brokerage: to reduce the gap.

Additionally, I decided to become an owner because there were many great agents who I felt were not being supported enough. The industry made them feel like they had to do things alone and I wanted them to know they were not.

My “why” extends beyond creating a supportive environment for agents, though. It is also about the clients. I have clients that become lifelong friends throughout this process. Customer needs are my top priority. I need to know that they are 100% satisfied with their experience.

Helping clients find their dream home is a journey and I enjoy taking it with them. Clients trust me enough to let me know that the house they’re looking for is to raise a family or start a family. It’s an incredible feeling when you give them the keys to their first home. There is a tremendous amount of excitement and relief knowing they finally did it.

I have loyal customers who continue to come back to me, which tells me I’m doing this right. They trust me in a major life decision. I am grateful for that.


We at The Energized Team love what we do! Both Eric Logan and I [Becky VanderVeen] were independently top producers at Realty Executives Premiere when we decided to combine forces and become a bigger reckoning force in our community. Our “why” has been to raise the bar in our industry and in our marketplace. We believe that every client should have the most professional, trusted real estate representation available- someone who minimizes the stress that comes with a huge financial decision. We have been able to do that as partners and with our team, which has expanded to 9 members!

One of the best things that we have done to raise the bar in servicing our clients is adding Danielle Jostes as a Home Preparation Specialist. She brings energy and enthusiasm to our clients and listings as they prepare their home for the market. It’s rewarding to see the clients’ faces when she is done making their home even better than they could possibly believe.

With one small step at a time, we are creating a full-service, seamless experience for many individuals and families. The upper-tier service and attention is just one way we are making a real estate transaction a better, positive experience.



I understood at a very young age that you’re not going to be given anything. You need to be willing to wake up every morning and enjoy what you do no matter how tough it gets.

I started in real estate with an opportunity to do a co-op placement in high school. It gave me the chance to see the field from different perspectives. By the time I was finished with the co-op, I could see myself in a real estate career. I was absorbing knowledge and gaining more experience than many other agents. I was in love with what I was doing at a young age, so I continued. I haven’t looked back with any regrets.

To succeed, I knew I had to be in the right environment with a mentor that understood the type of person I was and the goals I wanted to accomplish. My Broker, Frank Covello, and I meshed right off the bat. He had the same vision for me and wanted me to succeed. He knew that I had a great work ethic, self-discipline, and motivation. He could see I loved real estate. Frank was the same age when he started his real estate career, and I was sure that he was going to guide me in the right direction.

I believe that in this world, if someone wants to see you succeed, they will show you with their actions, not just their words. When someone decides to use me as their agent, I want to make sure they understand I am acting in their best interests. They deserve to have someone on their side that truly cares. I give it 110% every single day and continue to learn because I want to strive to be a better version of myself. That is my “why.” Plus, nothing beats the feeling of seeing a “sold” sign go up while having your clients express their appreciation for your hard work.

The two quotes I live by are “treat people the way you want to be treated” and “put yourself in other people’s shoes.” As a realtor, you come across many different people and families. They all have different circumstances, and I can make a positive impact on each of them.


In 2021, I found myself looking for a group of like-minded individuals who push each other to be the best while maintaining a high level of positivity and enthusiasm for what they do. I found that in Realty Executives Phoenix & Yuma. Not only did I find that, but I came to find myself. I love what I do, who I work with, and what we get to accomplish as a team. My mission is to use my creativity to create consistent and powerful marketing initiatives for the brokerage. This creates an environment where Executives thrive because they can focus on what they do best. We serve our Executives, empower our teammates, and celebrate our successes just like a family. I finally found “home” here at Realty Executives!



I love the joy I feel from watching a young family walk into their very first home. I love the excitement I see from the first-time investor when they close on their beach condo. But my real “why” has always been my family. Real estate has afforded me the flexibility to be able to be present in my children’s lives. Whether it be a basketball game, a field trip, or a cuddle on the couch when they are sick, I love being there with them and for them. Real estate has also afforded me the means to travel with my family. From the Bahamas to Big Sky, we love to explore new adventures together. The only limitations in real estate are the ones we place on ourselves, and not all boundaries are bad. Real estate truly is what you make of it, and I love it for that.


I’m not sure if I chose real estate or if the career chose me! At the end of 2008, my second child was entering first grade. Although I had a role at our family business, it wasn’t well defined, and I would fill in anywhere and everywhere I was needed. I worked hard but wasn’t always utilized in a way that was fulfilling.

With my daughter occupied for most of the day, I thought about what I would love to do that would allow me to work around both of my kids’ schedules and volunteer time to other projects. Being an avid HGTV and House Hunters watcher, I felt that real estate would offer a change of pace that would be exciting. The career could provide flexibility so I could make sure I was there for my family whenever needed. Being available for my family is my “why,” along with the relationships that I get to form with others through my business.

Although some deals are a roller coaster, no one in this profession can say that every day is the same boring desk job! I love meeting and connecting with new people. That is certainly one of my favorite perks of real estate- there are many clients that I consider friends by the time a transaction is completed!

I love exploring new towns and discovering pockets in my hometown of Kinnelon. It’s where I do most of my business. My past 5 years of working with Realty Executives have been my most successful, and I am extremely grateful to be surrounded by such a wonderful support system with a genuinely caring group of people.

Debbie De Grote is the Co-Founder and CEO of Forward Coaching. She is also an author, keynote speaker, and a preferred coach to many large companies and brands. For 20+ years, Debbie has built and operated significant coaching organizations and her current company, Forward Coaching, caters to the brightest and the best in today’s real estate industry.

For more than 20 years, Debbie has been considered one of the top coaches in the real estate industry, coaching some of the most elite salespeople and brokers in North America, as well as mortgage, title, escrow, and insurance professionals. With well over 80,000 private coaching sessions and events under her belt as well as thousands of webinars, her expertise makes her a sought-after speaker at many national conventions.

As the training partner at Realty Executives, we asked Debbie a few questions about her career journey and how she stays passionate about real estate.

You have a lot of clients demanding your attention. What made you decide to work with Realty Executives?

The culture at Realty Executives is what first drew me to them. Even in today’s crazy real estate environment they maintain a strong connection to their agents and are committed to their growth.

Realty Executives originally reached out to me in 2018 to speak at an event. We were a great match and held the same beliefs about how to help agents and brokers grow their businesses. Over the last four years I have coached many Realty Executives agents and have been invited to speak at both their local and national events, so it has been a wonderful relationship.

What motivated you to help build Exec University?

People can be great salespeople and entrepreneurs but often need help building a predictable and duplicatable business. There must be systems and processes in place so the machine works even when you don’t. You must be able to predict the success of the business and build on that growth each year. I believe that Exec University helps real estate professionals achieve these things. If done right, the business can become an incredible asset that is one day sold or transferred.

How would you describe your “why”?

I am passionate about helping agents build business by working with them to create a success blueprint that is customized to their personalities and markets. No two agents, brokers, or brands are alike; effective coaching should be tailored to fit their specific needs.

I am not looking to be a coaching solution for the masses, instead I am laser-focused and dedicated to the growth of those who have a serious commitment to take their business to the next level.

Additionally, I have the privilege of working with thousands of agents each year, giving me a pulse on various markets. My interactions with agents allow me to maintain a “from the street” perspective, which I believe gives clients the edge they need to thrive and excel in a challenging industry.

What is your advice for the remainder of 2022?

I encourage you to challenge yourself for the remainder of this year, work to perfect your skills, find new areas of opportunity, and use Exec University - there’s a wealth of information there for you!

To learn more about the Realty Executives training resources, visit Training >> Exec University and Training >> Training Center in PrimeAgent.



At Realty Executives, you aren’t just part of an international brand, you are part of a community. Our offices and brokerages are a gathering place for like-minded professionals looking to take their careers to the next level- creating a brand they are proud of. YOU and YOUR SUCCESS are the driving forces behind Realty Executives.


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