Ways To Protect Yourself, Business Against Cyberattacks VOLUME 27, ISSUE 4 | AUGUST 2022 REALTOR SAFETY EVENT Safety Matters P ease o n us o a g ea day o educat on on be ng safe when you are ou n he f e d Aus n Young Rea Esta e Pro ess ona s Women s Counc of REALTORS® Aus n and LGBT Al ance o Aust n have par nered oge he o br ng oge her a commun es o rea es a e Come ou w th us to b ush up on you sk s o safe y n he rea es ate ndus ry S E P T E M B E R 1 , 2 0 2 2 2 t o 6 p . m . OSKAR BLUES BREWERY 10420 METRIC BLVD . CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW! BUILDING AUSTIN’S FUTURE, ONE HOME AT A TIME. C l i c k H e r e T o L e a r n M o r e A b o u t S o u t h s t o n e
Written by RIKI MARKOWITZ / Contributing Writer
These days, most people know what a cyberattack is, but too many still don’t know how to recognize the signs of an imminent attack or how to prevent one. Out of the six areas of industry that hackers are most likely to target, many real estate professionals overlap in two of those areas. Businesses at greatest risk for a security breach are those that employ fewer than 50 people, which includes a majority of agencies as well as independent agents. And professionals who are in possession of large sums of money and clients’ financial information are also at highest risk for a cyberattack. Here, we’ll go through a few ways to protect your real estate business from criminals that would love to get their hands on banking passwords, social security numbers, and other personal information that hackers use to enrich themselves and drain cash, savings, and even a sense of security from hard working members of society. But first, it helps to know some of the most common and successful cyberattacks and what makes REALTORS such an attractive target.
Agents that are employed by large, corporate real estate companies are less likely to be a victim of an online crime compared to those who are independent or work for a small agency. That’s because small businesses are much less likely to have the funds to spend on cybersecurity. Instead, owners of boutique

2 AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US At Stewart Title, we offer a wide variety of courses to facilitate the educational requirements essential to the development of real estate professionals. Scan the QR code to view a calendar of our upcoming classes and sign up today! © 2022 Stewart. All rights reserved.

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Day Two Our Austin-led U.S. delegation attended the AGM conference, where our fearless CEO, Emily Chenevert, spoke on a panel about international real estate practices and presented on the Central Texas housing market. At their gala later that evening, Emily and I presented two NAR “REALTORS® Own It” Coins to IPAV President Gerry Coffey and IPAV CEO Pat Davitt. As is tradition, these coins are not meant to be kept but passed along to another worthy recipient who embodies the will ingness to lead and bring the highest professional standards to the real estate industry. Coins can be tracked online via NAR’s website (coins #0026 & #0140).
During Global
If you know me, you know that I originally joined the ABoR Board of Directors to make a difference in our Association and bring positive change that would propel ABoR to the forefront of the industry.
perience for all involved. I strongly encourage you to check out to join the Global Business Alliance to learn more about this incredible ABoR benefit.
Every day, be launching new resources for globally minded agents. The week will be full of informative and relevant seminars perfect for those emerging into global real estate and full of new content for members who have already dipped their toes into the global market.
Congress, members can earn or renew their Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) before and after Global Congress programming. This designation is for REAL TORS® both in the United States and abroad who wish to develop or grow their international real estate business. It provides participants with the knowledge, research, network, and tools to globalize their business. • 10/3: Global Real Estate: Transaction Tools TREC# 35820 | Provider #1 | 8 CE hours • 10/4: Global Real Estate: Local Markets TREC# 35821 | Provider #1 | 8 CE hours • 10/5: Africa & International Real Estate TREC# 43487 | Provider #1 | 8 CE hours • 10/6: Europe & International Real Estate TREC# 35732 | Provider #1 | 8 CE hours • 10/7: Asia & Pacific and International TREC# 35733 | Provider #1 | 8 CE hours Learn more and get your tickets today at
ABoR Global Congress: October 3-7, 2022 If you’re interested in venturing into international real estate, look no further than ABoR’s Global Congress taking place online from Monday, October 3 through Friday, October 7.
• 10/3: Constructing a Global Green Future • 10/4: Global Volunteer Pathways • 10/5: Global Career Development • 10/6: Navigating the Pathways to U.S. Real Estate • 10/7: Early Access: 2022 Central Texas International Homebuyers Report
For two days, a delegation of ABoR staff and Global Ambassadors toured the Emerald Isle. They attended business meetings with our host association, the Institute of Professional Auctioneers and Valuers (think of IPAV as the NAR for Ireland). Day One We started the trip with a visit to IPAV headquarters to meet with their leadership before touring some of Dublin’s most iconic landmarks. We toured Ha’penny Bridge, strolled down Grafton Street, and visited the National Gallery of Ireland before heading through the green countryside to meet with IPAV members. We ended the day with a Certified Interna tional Property Specialist (CIPS) Reception in Athlone, Ireland.
And, of course, we made sure to stop for a pint of Guinness (it really is better over there) before flying home to my family. I’m honored to have been part of this milestone for ABoR and our Global program in building solid relationships with real estate professionals worldwide. ABoR’s Global Liaison, Christine Wren, thought of every detail of the trip and ensured it was a valuable ex CORD SHIFLET 2022 PRESIDENT Austin Board of REALTORS® ABoR Takes Ireland in First-Ever Overseas Delegation
Now more than halfway through my year as President, I’m proud to say we’ve achieved many big “firsts” for our Associa tion this year, from a massive Service Day that delivered 1,500 Wellness Kits to neighbors experiencing homelessness to a halfday Housing Summit that was attended by almost 400 real estate professionals in person and online. In July, ABoR embarked on our first-ever international trade delegation as part of our three-time, Platinum-rated ABoR Global program. ABoR was named NAR Ambassador Association to Ireland in 2020, but the pandemic has prevented us from traveling overseas until now.

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5AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Dedicated to putting a face to the name in real estate since 1995.
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The state level also provides its members with both a Legal Fund and Relief Funds. The purposes of the TR Legal fund are to help REALTORS® in the state of Texas understand their legal rights and duties under the law, to provide legal assistance for patters pending in course or governmental agencies, defraying all or a portion of legal expenses for pending litigation in which a member is a party, monitoring and participating in the actions of governmental agencies, and reimbursing travel expenses of Texas REALTORS® who participate in form development task forc es. The relief funds are for members and consumers who have suffered damages and losses due to natural disasters in Texas. The Texas REALTORS® Leadership team will activate these funds in times of crisis. For instance, when a tornado hit Williamson County back in March of this year, citizens of our community were able to receive assistance for damages that the disaster caused. Much like the state level, at the National level we can access many grants that promote REAL TORS® as a whole. The Consumer Advocacy Outreach Program is a grant that assists in educating and engaging consumers on public policy issues at all levels. They also have grants that cover all ranges of real estate, including Housing Opportunity, Fair Housing, Diversity and Inclusion, Issues Mobilization, Broker Engagement and so much more. Your local Association is what you make it to be. If any of these grants speak to you, reach out to your local leadership and get involved!
[Cyberattacks continued from front page] [Cyberattacks continues on page 8]
When victims respond to password requests, criminals can access their account and then change the password. If the victim doesn’t realize they were scammed, the hacker can run up charges on a credit card, clean out bank accounts, and access personal in formation like social security numbers, addresses, birthdays, and account numbers that hackers can sell on the dark web. These are the types of attacks that lead to identity theft.
The biggest threat risk for small businesses are social engineering scams — widely known as phishing attacks, spoof websites, and baiting.
AYREP Happy Hour: CubbageTony of Group,LeadershipImpact CaputoMelissa of Austin Summit Group and OrtaRodney of ofSettlementPriorityGroupTexas
6 AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Did you know that your board membership is actually a threetiered membership? You automatically become a member of Texas RE ALTORS® (TR) and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) when you join your local Board or Association of REALTORS®. Both the State and National Level REALTOR® Associations offer many grant programs to their members and to associations at the local level.
brokerages hope that because they are so small, they’ll just fly under the radar. But any cybersecurity expert will tell you that this population of criminals actually seek out under-the-radar businesses. Hackers are extremely savvy. After all, their business is to breach “secure” software programs. In “Data Breach Investigations Report,” conducted by Verizon, researchers determined that 43 percent of cyber criminals target small busi nesses. And Security Magazine reported that “60 percent of all small business victims of a data breach permanently close their doors within six months of the attack.”
The way it works is that the attacker studies a business or a single person. Using gathered intelligence, they design a custom email message that contains a malicious link or attachment. Phishers portray themselves as a known or trusted person and use subter
At the state level, Texas REALTORS® has TARHOF, or the Texas REALTORS® Housing Opportunity Foundation. This foundation was established in 2003 and promotes workforce housing and homeown ership opportunities. TARHOF have provided numerous grants to individuals, firms and organizations to aide in homeownership across the state of Texas. They also provide affordable housing in low income populations, educational opportunities, and financial guidance in the homebuying process. The money TARHOF is able to award through grants is funded by REAL TORS® who purchase Texas REALTORS® license plate. These plates are customizable and can be found at
Women’s Council’s Painting with a Twist: Claire Cudak and Aaron Lee of DOMA Title Berkshire Hathaway Texas Realty Quarterly Meeting: Amita Naik and Daniel Hain
Williamson County Association of REALTORS® Do You Know Your Board Membership Has Three Levels?
Phishing is a type of large-scale cyber scam. It’s when an attacker attempts to trick people into believing that an email or text is from a reliable source — like a bank or credit card company. They typically blast an email or text to a large number of recipients at once and hope a few responses come back. Their goal is to convince people to reset an account password or click on a link. Phishing emails can be extremely convincing because they look and sound like the businesses they’re spoofing.
Phishing schemes are extremely easy to orchestrate. And while there are new vic tims every day, most people know that companies shouldn’t ask for passwords by text or email. So cyber criminals came up with another, more direct way to fool victims. Spear phishing is the most commonly used and most successful method of achieving a targeted attack on individuals and small businesses.

7AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Dedicated to putting a face to the name in real estate since 1995. W W W . A U S T I

• Install software updates on your devices when they’re available. These are often security updates and vulnerability patches.
• Backup your devices frequently and keep all your backed up data offline.
8 AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US JOIN OUR TEAM Work with people who share your priorities the best in the business and gain an advantage over the competition Become a part of Priority Settlement Group of Texas’s Team today. M I C H A E L S C H W A R T Z / / M S C H W A R T Z @ P R I O R I T Y T I T L E U S C O M / / 5 1 2 7 3 1 4 6 2 6 HI NOW RING . [Cyberattacks continued from page 6]
fuge to convince recipients that the content of the email or text is completely safe. But once the victim clicks or opens the attachment, it automatically downloads malicious malware to their network, which offers criminals free reign to read private emails, view passwords, and even encrypt files and lock down the system until the victim pays a ransom.
Never reuse passwords for multiple accounts. When a hacker gets ahold of one password, they’ll try using it on other accounts registered to that individual or company.
Avoid sharing documents or exchanging personal information in an email, text message, or even a phone call. There are plenty of secure cloud storage and filing sharing programs designed exclusively for the real estate industry.
Berkshire Hathaway Texas Realty Quarterly Meeting
Smishing and pharming specifically refers to a cyber scam using text messages or a fake website. When smishing, the attacker’s goal is to get the victim to click a link, send a password or personal information, or download a corrupted attachment. When pharming, attackers de sign a mock website and login portal based on one that’s easily recognizable and would believ ably reach out to the target. The fake login page prompts the victim to type in their username and password and sends it to the attacker.
• Create long, unique passwords with at least 12 characters, including a combination of letters, numerals, and symbols.
In 2022, the Cyber Readiness Center at Texas A&M Engineering Extension service provided Texas REALTORS with a series of steps individuals can take to protect themselves from cyber criminals.
According to the National Association of REALTORS (NAR), in 2020, the highest reported fraud in the industry was compromised emails. Between 2015 to 2017, the FBI recorded an 1100-percent rise in the number of these types of cyber hacks. There’s even an acronym for it: EAC, email account compromise. “Fraudsters will assume the identity of the title, real estate agent, or closing attorney and forge the person’s email and other details about the transaction. The scammers will then send an email to the unknowing buyer and provide new wire instruc tions to the criminal’s bank account.”
• Change your passwords regularly.
As REALTORS are accustomed to sending and receiving documents via email and text, and commonly visit websites belonging to financial institutions, they’re particularly vulnerable to being a target of a social engineering scam.
One of the most insidious things about these seemingly obvious cyberattacks is that most victims aren’t aware there’s a breach until it’s too late. Preventing these crimes doesn’t even re quire a large budget. In a few hours, staff members can be trained to identify phishing attacks and learn what to do when they suspect someone is trying to access their network.
Always use two-factor authentication. That’s when you log into an account and then receive a text or email message with a second, single-use code.
• Only click a link or download an attachment from an email or text message from a confirmed, reliable source.
Finally, the best ways to protect your business and clients is by making sure you and your staff know what types of cybercrimes you’re most likely to be a target of and what to do if any one receives a suspicious text, email, or phone call. So the information stays fresh in everyone’s mind, schedule frequent cybersecurity meetings to remind colleagues what steps to take to prevent a cyberattack because one of the biggest vulnerabilities a business has when it comes to cyber security is human error.

9AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Dedicated to putting a face to the name in real estate since 1995. • Located in Dripping Springs off RR 12 just one mile north of HWY 290 and H-E-B • Opening late 2022 • 1,400-3,300 sq. ft. homes • Capital and Signature Series homes available • Future amenity center, community pool, playground, and more For more information or to get the first look: Heritage Get the RealtyLine is published monthly by Caxton Publications, Inc.™ as a non-subscription publication for the more than 18k+ members of the Austin Board of REALTORS® (ABoR), the more than 1,800+ members of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS® (WCREALTORS) and the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin. RealtyLine is a proud member of ABoR, WCREALTORS, HBA and an honorary member of WCR Austin Chapter. We are equally proud to be a Major Investor in TREPAC (2019, 2020). RealtyLine is not responsible for opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any by-products in advertising or editorial copy. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®) to save space. Wherever the word REALTOR® appears in this publication, the registered trademark should be assumed. advertising inquiries (512) submission514-3141guidelines Submit photos, press releases and calendar items to All images must be 300 dpi and include a caption with first/last name and company affiliation. Press releases must be fewer than 300 words. Submission items will be included as space allows. get in touch P. O. Box 81366 Austin, Texas 78708-1366 visit us online MCNABBLINDA COPY EDITOR our RikicontributorsteamMarkowitz,Rachel Arterberry 2022 Presidents Cord Shiflet, Austin Board of REALTORS® Jim Sikes, Austin Mortgage Bankers Association® Lorrie Kennedy, Women’s Council of REALTORS® Michelle Sherwood, Williamson County Association of REALTORS® ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER EDITORIAL ASSISTANT PUBLISHER SERVING THE AUSTIN METRO AREA AND SURROUNDING CITIES

Austin Mortgage Banker’s Association (AMBA) host ed Dr. Jim Gaines on Aug. 2. The event was well attended and Dr. Gaines spoke on the economic outlook for Texas in light of inflation, rates and housing affordability. Our next Luncheon will be at 11:30 a.m. on Sept. 7 at Maggiano’s in The Domain. We will be announcing our guest speaker soon. Watch for social media announcements as well as emails from Austin Mortgage Banker’s Association. Austin Mortgage Banker’s Association provides educational programs, industry updates and networking opportunities for Austin Area mortgage professionals. Membership in the AMBA offers unique opportunities and benefits. Membership sign-up can be easily accessed at http://www.aus or by scanning the QR code.
10 AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Maybe you heard about the changes that TREC adopted in July for Flood Disclosures on Leases which affected the Seller’s Temporary Lease Agreement, the Buyer’s Temporary Lease Agree ment and created a new form called the Landlord’s Floodplain and Flood Notice, which are available now and become mandatory Sept. 1. There were other changes adopted during that session that can also be reviewed by visiting or click on the link for “TREC’s Last Meeting Re sults” on their home page. But, how many times do you complain or hear someone complain about a new form or revisions to a form? What if you could affect those decisions? You can by participating in the Texas Real Estate Commission’s “Proposed Rules Comment Period.”
Women’s Council and HomeVantage Class: Tony Cubbage, Lorrie Kennedy, Kacey Taylor, Stacye Blake and Austen Smith
2022 PRESIDENT bought for my first car. I thrive on giving my opinion. You probably like having your voice heard, too, espe cially when it comes to your profession, when it affects how you operate your business and when you have to explain it to your clients. Wait — but how? Easy breezy! So, TREC sent you an email, but your inbox may have been overloaded. So, go to and on the right side you’ll see a handy box clearly titled “Pro posed Rules Comment Period.” Once you click that box you’ll find brief instructions, the online public comment tool, a link to Review the Proposed Rules and the meet ing when the rules will be considered for adoption. Did you also know that by attending the Texas Real Estate Commission meetings you can earn additional CE? Give it shot, see how it feels to you. At the very least, you’ll have a deeper understanding of the rules and be prepared for the change and maybe you’ll even get some free CE in the process. See you soon!
The next opportunity is on Aug. 26 to Sept. 26. TREC wants to hear what you think about the proposed rules, so they give you 30 days to voice your opinion.“Everyone is entitled to my opinion.” That was the sticker my daddy
Austin Mortgage Bankers Association
Women’s Council of REALTORS® You Have A Voice in TREC

5% and 6% Real Estate Agent Bonus Offer available only when your client closes on a home in a participating Brohn Homes community pursuant to a contract your client signs and executes on or between 8/1/22 and 8/31/22. All bonuses will be paid at closing. Payments of total commissions and bonuses will only be made to actively licensed Texas brokers. Bonus paid to Broker upon client’s successful closing and funding and is based on the original contract price as stated in the Purchase Agreement, excluding any Seller incentives, subsequent change orders, re-writes, or upgrades. Broker is responsible for all applicable taxes. Since seller reserves the right to modify or discontinue this program at any time without notice, please call the applicable sales center in advance to confirm that the program is still in place. Bonus/commission offer not valid for Purchase Agreements signed by buyer prior to publication of this advertisement. Commission cannot be used with any other special offers. May not be combined with any other broker bonuses or offers. Please see a Brohn Homes Sales Consultant for complete details. Clayton Properties Group, Inc.
AREAA Feng Shui for Real Estate: Nguyen Nguyen of Dash Realty, Chuck Winkler and Shawn Lucas of AREAA Council’s Painting with a Twist: Becky Steinbrecher; Blake Gutierrez of eXp Realty and Tammy Morrow Integrity Land Title: The Cedar Park Team
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Formerly known and Qualified to do business in Texas as CMH Parks Inc. DBA Brohn Homes reserves the right to make changes to pricing, floor plans, specifications, features, dimensions, elevations, and incentives without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footages are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Copyright © 2022 Clayton Properties Group, Inc. Formerly known and Qualified to do business in Texas as CMH Parks Inc. DBA Brohn Homes.
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12 AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Impact Leadership Group Wine Tasting Class: Kyle Taylor of Impact Leadership Group and Rebecca Shafer of eXp Realty AMBA Top Golf Summer Mixer HBA Top Golf Tournament

Now, the market has shifted where buyer demand is sup pressed due to significantly higher interest rates in mortgage financing. However, for many buyers, this level of inventory presents an opportunity to find a home that they want, while possessing more negotiating power than before. This is the silver lining for homebuyers who were sidelined during the pandemic’s buying frenzy. Nationally, the number of active listings has jumped 31% year over year, according to an article by Meanwhile, the national median sales price was $449,000 in July, up 17 percent year over year. What this means to you, and your clients is that opportunities exist to secure the home of their dreams, while leaving room for interest rate improve ment via a refinance in the next few years. The inventory count is the highest since the summer of 2019. Now is the time to leverage this market shift to your client’s benefit.
GUEST COLUMNIST Brett Wischnewsky Loan HomeVantageOfficer Home Inventory Availability Rises OPINION AYREP Happy Hour CREATED BY THE AUTHOR, USING DATA FROM AUSTIN BOARD OF REALTORS (ABOR) AYREP Happy Hour: Jennifer Brennan, Kim Correa and Aaron Lee, all of DOMA Title
The City of Austin has experienced a sharp increase in in ventory of homes for sale with the trend expected to continue. In March of 2022, the city’s home inventory only accounted for 0.4 months of buyer demand. That number has now exploded to more than four times March’s figure at 1.8 months of inventory. This rapid increase in inven tory is undoubtedly due to the higher cost of mortgage financing, resulting from the Federal Reserve’s mission to control inflation. The graph below depicts the City of Aus tin’s housing inventory from Jan. 2019 to June 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic induced housing frenzy sup pressed inventory levels to an unhealthy low, where buyers battled other buyers fiercely in bidding wars to secure a home. Buyer demand was pushed to its peak by historic low interest rates, and fear of missing out on a rising housing market.
13AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Dedicated to putting a face to the name in real estate since 1995. Ryan Rogers, Sr. Escrow Officer “I look forward to serving you in new Round Rock location!” BNT OF TEXAS 801 E. Old Settlers Blvd., Suite 101 Round Rock, TX 78664 Office: WWW.BNTTEXAS.COM512.354.7150 WE’RE OPEN to Close IN ROUND ROCK Cedar Park, Texas

14 AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US For further details or clarification, please call us or visit our website s t a r p o i n t e r e a l t y m a n a g e m e n t . c o m LET US MANAGE YOUR CENTRAL TEXAS RENTAL PROPERTY. 8 1 7 . 8 9 4 . 7 8 7 7 AMBA Top Golf Summer Mixer: Kendra Eakins ABoR Community First! Service Day: Jenny Jones Diana Martinez and Danielle Hammett of ABoR AYREP Happy Hour: Juana Palacios of Realty One Prosper Group, Crystal Gultz Kylie Prior of BNT of Texas, Ramon Valeriano and Carlos Reyna

15AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Dedicated to putting a face to the name in real estate since 1995. #SummerHeatSummerSweet Models Open Daily!

16 AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US 5% COMMISSION ON ALL INVENTORY HOMES IN ALL COMMUNITIES FOR TWO ENTIRE MONTHS! Offer valid on all released inventory homes. All qualified sales must be original contracts with Highland Homes written between July 1, 2022 and August 31, 2022. Realtor must be identified in the initial contract package at contract signing to qualify. Homes must close within 12 months of the date of the original ontract. Highland Homes reserves the right to change or cancel this offer at any time without notice. Some restrictions apply. See Sales Counselor for details. Highland Homes, LLC © 2022. ABoR Community First! Service Day: Albert Allen of Realty Austin and Mendy Clark of SV Real Estate Berkshire Hathaway Texas Realty Quarterly Meeting: Rick and Dede Jenkins; and Kent Redding – Top Team Residential GCI of Q2, all of Berkshire Hathaway Texas Realty HBA Top Golf Tournament: Southstone – A MidCity Homes Community Team

17AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Dedicated to putting a face to the name in real estate since 1995.

AMBA Top Golf Summer Mixer: AMBA President Jim Sikes and Tom Cunningham of CMASnap
Addendum for Property Subject to Mandatory Membership in a Property Owners Association
South Austin Subdivision On The Way
TEXAS REALTORS® STAFF | Members have been asking about buyers’ ability to termi nate contracts under the first two checkboxes of Paragraph A, Subdivision Information, of the Addendum for Property Subject to Mandatory Membership in a Property Owners Association (TXR 1922, TREC 36-9). Under Checkbox 1, if the seller delivers the subdivision information, a buyer can termi nate within three days after receiving the information or prior to closing, whichever occurs first. If the seller doesn’t deliver the information, the buyer can terminate the contract at any time before closing. Under Checkbox 2, if the buyer obtains the information within the specified time frame, the buyer can terminate within three days after receiving the information or prior to closing, whichever occurs first. If the buyer can’t meet the specified time frame through no fault of the buyer, the buyer can terminate within three days after the time required or prior to closing, whichever occurs first.
Impact Leadership Group Wine Tasting Class: Monica Acosta and Bre Hart
18 AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US
AUSTIN | MidCity Homes, a new division of locally based Cumby Group, is building a moderately priced single-family subdivision called Southstone. The 232-home community will be on 42 acres at 1300 W. Dittmar Rd. It will offer duplex homes starting in the high $400,000s and single-family homes starting in the mid $500,000s. Amenities will include a community swimming pool, walking trail, and ten-acre park with playscape, pavilion, and grilling area. The first phase includes 59 homes. Southstone will be complete in late 2024.

Dedicated to putting a face to the name in real estate since 1995. SPEAK TO A CAREER COUNSELOR (512) 566-3113 AUSTIN CAMPUS 13801 RANCH ROAD 620 N AUSTIN, TX 78717 PRICING STRATEGIES: MASTERING THE CMA 8-HOUR CE ELECTIVE | $119 | Virtual Classroom • Improve your skills in creating CMA's • Understand home values • Learn how to work with appraisers and to price properties correctly • Elective for the ABR & SRS designations KEY TOPICS: Featured Certification SEPT 23 FRI: 8:30 AM – 5:15 PM Add 11 Hours of required CE for $80 (Legal I, Legal II, and Contract Review) EYE ON REAL ESTATE: TRENDS & DISRUPTORS 18-HOUR CE PROGRAM | $119 | Austin Campus • 5-Hour Eye on Real Estate: Trends and Disruptors • 2-Hour Technology Update • 8-Hour TREC Legal Update I & II • 3-Hour Contract Review WHAT’S INCLUDED: Upcoming Classroom CE SEPT 8–12 THU: 8:30 AM – 7:30 PM FRI: 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM Open to the Public. TREC Provider #0005. Courses: Essential Topics: 3-hour Contract Review 40030; Eye on RE: Trends & Disruptors 40466; Legal I 42039; Legal II 42040; REPA 41902; Tech Update 42238; PSA 33058. AMBA Top Golf Mixer:Summer DuhonHayley and PenlandNatalie AREAA Feng Shui in Real Estate: Michelle Burns, Cherilyn Morris, Kourtni Ince, AREAA President Debbie Tran and Joy Martens of Austin Title Impact Leadership Group Wine Tasting Class: Tony Cubbage of Impact Leadership Group (far right)

20 AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Whether you want to expand your network or tap into a world of potential referrals, this two day event has all the cutting-edge insights you need to catapult your business to new heights. Mega Camp is back in full swing this summer, but with a hot twist! Introducing Mega Agent Camp 2022 We’re debuting our hybrid, agent exclusive training event at the Austin Convention Center from August 23 24, so you can get wealth building insights from Gary Keller and develop fresh connections with agents from all around the world whether you ’ re attending in person or catching all the remarkable content right at home. T U R N T H E H E A T U P O N Y O U R C A R E E R CAMPAbout R E G I S T E R N O W F O R E A R L Y B I R D P R I C E Melanie Kennemann Northwest Market Center melanie@kw com EVENTS.KW.COM/EVENT/MEGA AGENT CAMP 2022/ A U G U S T 2 3 2 4 , 2 0 2 2 | A U S T I N , T X & D I G I T A L Mallory MundySouthwest Market Center mallory@kwaustin com Keeping Our Cool DHI Title is a title insurance agency, underwritten by several national title insurers. For information specific to our underwriters, please contact your local DHI Title Office. DHI Title is an affiliate of D.R. Horton. Homebuyer is not required to utilize the services of DHI Title in order to purchase a home with D.R. Horton. The information contained herein does not constitute legal advice and DHI Title makes no express or implied warranties respecting information presented and assumes no responsibilities for errors or omissions. Even in August Brandy Barton 10700 Pecan Park Blvd., Suite 130, Austin, TX 78750 512.345.5535 office | | AC ID 1877175 ABoR Community First! Service Day: Mick Donohue Berkshire Hathaway Texas Realty Quarterly Meeting: Tiffany Aleman, Angela Muir, Katie Sharp and Chuck Farr, all of Berkshire Hathaway Texas Realty AYREP Happy Hour: AYREP President Jennifer Gordon Kacey Taylor, Blake Gutierrez, Elle Haynes and Christina Beitler

Based on the culture and policies of the company, StarPointe is on track to being one of the top management compa nies in Austin. To learn more about StarPointe Realty Management’s full-service property management opportunities to care for your investment, contact us at or 844.760.0098.
21AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Dedicated to putting a face to the name in real estate since 1995. Close to it all
Welcome to University Heights. This brand new community Sco Felder Homes puts you close to it shops, and the great outdoors. That means more time for you to spend on family, friends, and all the things love, like pocket College
All information provided here is from sources deemed reliable. However, the builder assumes no responsibility or warranty for the presented information including any errors, changes, omissions, or other conditions due to unforeseen or changing circumstances. 1/2022 StarPointe offers landlords the solutions to many owners’ struggles, in cluding tenant screening, rent collection, maintenance, and asset protection. “Wheth er individual owners have been self-managing their property or they have become accidental investors, the professional team at StarPointe provides the expertise to ensure that each of its clients receives maximum return on investment,” says Collins.
our swimming pool,
When first arriving at StarPointe Realty Management four years ago, Collins breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as though he “had a spot here…I belong here.” This feeling of inclusion, joy, and admiration the team has for one another translates into how they interact with clients and customers. Collins continues, saying, “you can tell people enjoy being there. There’s a lot of laughter going on, and it’s a great culture to be in. I wouldn’t give it up for the world.”
A Scott Felder Homes Community
parks, and walking trail. Experience the warm feeling of your new home and the peaceful feeling of convenience at University Heights, where you are close to it all! 4637
A former professional golfer, Collins stumbled into the property management industry but realized that it was something he believed in. Leaving a major real estate brokerage firm to join StarPointe, he was overwhelmed by the family atmosphere of the office and CJ’s management of the company. Anthony shares, “CJ does a great job managing and running the company. He’s on top of the latest trends and shares his excitement and enthusiasm in everything he does.” He is very much hands-on in the operation of the business and cares deeply about clients. “With the recent heat wave, CJ could be found personally installing portable air conditioners where the AC unit went out.” How many other management companies would go out of their way to handle something like that? As Anthony Collins refers to CJ, “he is a machine!” Those things that occur behind the scenes, behind the everyday management of the busi ness, set StarPointe Realty Management apart from the rest.
Square Dr, Round Rock, TX 78665 | 512.298.3576 Sco Open!Now Round RockRound Rock Sco Felder Homes
Emerging from the pandemic, Collins reflects on the struggles some industries experienced. “Although there was a sense of uncertainty about what was happening, the property management industry did not miss a beat. The process of showing properties was a little challenging, and the company quickly shifted to virtual walk-throughs. But, other than the reduction in day-to-day personal interactions, residents in the Austin area still needed our property management services,” especially as more people were home and/or working from their homes. With its roots firmly planted in Christian values, the company believes strongly in sponsoring local events and pro viding monetary donations to various organizations within the community, such as pet adoption. On-going development is also a staple of the StarPointe culture, with training and speaker presentations a regular part of the employee calendar.
StarPointe Realty Management, established and operating on Christian values of integrity and respect, places priority on the in terests and investments of homeowners and tenants alike. Starting his career in the homebuilding and development industry, broker/ owner CJ Rogers recognized the need for high-quality, full-service property management in Central Texas. In founding StarPointe, he tapped into his many years of experience and knowledge to provide a valuable resource to real estate professionals, investors, agents, owners and tenants. With offices in Killeen and Round Rock, Texas, the experi enced management team offers many complementary services with one goal in mind: “to have happy clients who are raving fans for life.” Unlike many large, national property management companies, StarPointe is a small, family-owned business offering benefit programs and guarantees for its clients. According to An thony Collins, operations manager, “our full service goes beyond your typical property management company. We offer a resident benefits program that includes ID monitoring, credit monitoring, pest control, and air filters. We also have rent, eviction, and pet guarantees that no other management company in our market will offer.”From single-family and multi-family homes to duplexes and
StarPointeManagementRealty story by Rachel Arterberry

22 AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Regency at Santa Rita Ranch: Angie Bell and Regina Spurlock, both of Santa Rita Ranch AYREP Happy Hour: Rhys Malen, Daniel Pryce and Nate Beitta Women’s Council’s Painting with a Twist: 2022 Women’s Council President Lorrie Kennedy of Classic Realty and Tanya Chappell of Pacesetter Properties

HBA Top Golf Tournament: Kevin Hayes; Christian Diez and Kenzy Bullard of Brohn Homes; and Derek Smith of Teifke Real Estate AREAA Feng Shui in Real Estate: The AREAA Leadership Team and Feng Shui expert Susan Cabral Berkshire Hathaway Texas Realty Quarterly Meeting: Taylor Souza, Sara Santillan and Kendyll Smith, all of Berkshire Hathaway Texas Realty APPLY NOW Silvia Ward Carden This is what Silvia's clients say about her. MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICER Amazing One of the best I have ever worked with A true advocate for her clients, professional, knowledgeable, etc Cannot say enough about Silvia and her whole team at AmeriFirst. Thank you so much! 3410 FAR WEST BLVD., SUITE 305, AUSTIN, TX 78731 OFFICE: 512 262 4267 MOBILE: 512 791 6332 EMAIL: SILVIA@AMERIFIRST US L E T ’ S A C C O M P L I S H M O R E T O G E T H E R . Silvia is a rockstar! She and her team were so great in helping my wife and I secure a mortgage on our first home. She was quick to respond and gave in depth and insightful answers to all of our questions and as first time home buyers we had a lot! 100% recommend SILVIA.AMERIFIRSTLOAN.COM

For more information contact: Tim McFadden (512) plumcreekhomes@homesbyavi.com736-8580 Sales Consultant *Contact Sales Representative for requirements and details. Photo of model building. Possession subject to availability. Prices are subject to change without notice. Effective March 5, 2022 AVAILABLE ADDRESS PLAN ELEV. STORY SQ. FT. BED/BATH PRICE Late 2022 111-B Pinnacle Lane* Live Oak - B 2 1524 3 Bed / 2.5 Bath $377,308 Late 2022 123-B Pinnacle Lane Live Oak - B 2 1524 3 Bed / 2.5 Bath $376,308 Late 2022 123-A Pinnacle Lane Live Oak - B 2 1524 3 Bed / 2.5 Bath $377,308 Late 2022 113-A Pinnacle Lane Barton A 2 1594 3 Bed / 2.5 Bath $386,808 Late 2022 113-B Pinnacle Lane Barton A 2 1594 3 Bed / 2.5 Bath PENDING Late 2022 117-A Pinnacle Lane Live Oak A 2 1524 3 Bed / 2.5 Bath $377,308 Late 2022 117-B Pinnacle Lane Live Oak A 2 1524 3 Bed / 2.5 Bath $377,308 Late 2022 135-A Pinnacle Lane Live Oak B 2 1524 3 Bed / 2.5 Bath $377,308 Late 2022 135-B Pinnacle Lane Live Oak B 2 1524 3 Bed / 2.5 Bath $377,308 Late 2022 211 Pinnacle Lane Lady Bird A 2 2018 3 Bed / 2.5 Bath $462,500 Late 2022 213 Pinnacle Lane Canyon A 2 1921 4 Bed / 3 Bath $439,725 Late 2022 215 Pinnacle Lane Mueller B 1 1570 3 Bed / 2 Bath $405,808 Late 2022 217 Pinnacle Lane Lady Bird B 2 2018 3 Bed / 2.5 Bath $462,500 Late 2022 219 Pinnacle Lane Canyon B 2 1921 4 Bed / 3 Bath $440,725 Late 2022 221 Pinnacle Lane Lady Bird A 2 2018 3 Bed / 2.5 Bath $462,500 For a 5 minute loan approval contact: Arien Bowersock (512) arien@thehomeloanexpert.com699-8306 Texas Loan Experts - The Bowersock Team $6500 YOUR WAY DUPLEX When your client uses our preferred lender they’ll recieve $6500 towards closing costs or purchase price. Home sale must close by November 30, 2022. Cannot be combined with any other offer or incentive, with the exception of the Hero Loan. Homes by Avi reserves the right to change or cancel the offer without notice. SOLD SINGLE-FAMILY SOLD *Note: this unit is attached to the model SOLDSOLD

26 AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Clearwater Ranch | Northgate Ranch | Santa Rita Ranch The Oaks at Highland Village | The Hollows on Lake Travis BRANDED. CONCISE. COMPREHENSIVE. ACCURATE. Comparative Market from anywhere , on any device in a fraction of the Individual,time. Team & Enterprise pricing available. IncreaseyourcompetitiveedgeandgiveyourselfthegiftoftimewithCMAsnap.TRY YOURSELF!IT actionable intelligence - a powerful marketing asset a competitive edge Berkshire Hathaway Texas Realty Quarterly Meeting: Viktoriia Jones of Berkshire Hathaway Texas Realty – Top Residential GCI of Q2 Women’s Council’s Painting with a Twist Savannah Rossi with Priority Title’s Networking Happy Hour

27AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Dedicated to putting a face to the name in real estate since 1995. READING THE TEA LEAVES SpeakeR: David Tandy CEO, Texas National Title Wednesday, August 24 11:00am - 12:00pm Zoom Videoconference Use the QR code to learn more about this event and to pre-register! Virtual Space is Limited! | Registration Required

28 AUGUST 20, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | REALTYLINE.US Jennifer Andrada Joel Bryant Leena Pleitez Austin Caffey Matthew Conner Angela Garza Natalie Laulederkind Austin Martinez Mamiko Nease Jean O'Shaw Fadima Douno Dayakar Rangineni Nikki Rush Travis Kelsey Miranda Nicole Diane Pandolfini Racquelle Ortiz Mindy Fannin #1 Real Estate Network in the United States Selling More Properties Than Any Other! MOST REAL ESTATE SOLD IN 2021! Source: RisMedia 2022 Power Broker Report WELCOME, AGENTS! The right move lasts forever! Rick Ellis Call/Text: 512 947 8151 Daniel Hain Call/Text: 512 565 7425 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Texas Realty members have a track record of success, not only in real estate, but in all they do. So, when you’re ready to grow your career with a real estate company using a name that’s stood the test of time, our members are ready to meet you! Contact Rick or Daniel today!