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Upcoming Events:

Golf...golf... and more fabulous golf! Friday, May 1

Monday, May 18

TREPAC Golf Tourney AMBA Spring Golf Event at Falconhead Golf Club at Great Hills C.C.

Tuesday, June 2 WCR Golf Tournament at Star Ranch

15201 Falconhead Blvd

5914 Lost Horizon Drive

2500 FM 685 in Hutto

Shotgun start @ noon

Shotgun start @ noon

Shotgun start @ 1 p.m.




Includes lunch, 18 holes of play, dinner and a goodie bag

Includes green fee, cart, range balls, lunch, beverages, dinner and gratuities

Includes 18 holes of golf, fajita dinner, 30-day membership, cart, and an extra round of golf to be used anytime this year!

*$175 after April 17 registration deadline

APRIL 23 WCR’s 3rd Annual Diversity Bake-off ABoR Auditorium - 11 a.m. MAY 1 TREPAC Golf Tournament Falconhead Golf Club - 10 a.m. MAY 2 HBA MAX Awards Phillips Event Center - 6 to 10 p.m. MAY 18 AMBA Spring Golf Event Great Hills Country Club - 10 a.m. MAY 23-JUNE 7 HBA’s Annual Parade of Homes Mueller Development JUNE 11 ABoR Foundation Tour of Homes Barton Creek Community JULY 25 WCAoR Green Expo 2009 Dell Diamond - All Day Event

—Associates In— PROGRESS Enjoyable. Entertaining. It’s all About You.

APRIL 2009 • VOL. 13 • ISSUE 12

First-time Homeowners Reap Benefits From $8,000 Tax Credit repay the credit as long as they retain ownership of the home, as their primary residence, for three years. This incentive is also retroactive covering homes purchased and closed after Jan. 1, 2009 and continues through Nov. 30 of this year. Kevin Roy of ERA Bettinger REALTORS says REALTORS should in effect become cheerleaders for the new tax credit because by doing so they will help themselves as well as their buyers. “The more we promote the positives in our word and action, the faster the economy will recover,” he says. “Sitting back like Chicken Little expecting the sky to fall is not helping anyone. For those who qualify, 2009 is proving to be a unique and compelling opportunity to purchase a Presorted Standard home.” U.S. Postage PAID Lozano says she is Austin, Texas already seeing a differPaid Permit #715 ence but thinks the real estate industry will see even more impact as more people begin to hear about the credit. “I don’t believe that the consumer truly understands what a tremendous opportunity www.realtylineonline.com this is,” she says. “I am

Taxes are always on people’s minds when April rolls around, so it’s the perfect time to educate potential first-time buyers about an improved and extended tax credit that could generate savings that are substantial enough to help turn them into a buyer instead of a looker. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act allows a qualified "first-time" buyer—defined as an individual who has not owned a home during the past three years—to receive a federal tax credit of 10 percent of the cost of their principal residence, up to a maximum credit of $8,000. Buyers receive a tax credit on their personal income tax return in the calendar year following the year of closing on their home or they may be able to amend their current 2008 return. “I have at least two loans in which I am sure the tax credit was the deciding factor in getting the buyer off the fence,” says Beth Lozano of Cornerstone Mortgage. “These people would have qualified regardless, but the tax credit helped them to decide to do it now rather than “someday.”’ Unlike the previously available tax credit, the modified version does not require homebuyers to

P.O. Box 81366 Austin, Texas 78708-1366

Don’t forget: You can visit us online 24/7 at

doing what I can to spread the word about the credit and my loan applications are definitely up. It’s hard to say if the increase in applications is due to the tax credit or the historically low interest rates.” As more buyers benefit and start reaping the savings, they will become cheerleaders of the credit as well, as evidenced by a situation Roy encountered recently. “I was speaking with a lady in the checkout line and upon seeing that I was a REALTOR®, she bragged about how she had just purchased a new home and received a check back after filing this year’s taxes. She then asked why more people are not taking advantage of the plan and I noted that it's probably because people don't understand it.” The credit can become confusing because there are many factors to take into consideration. There are full credits and partial credits and decisions about which year to claim the tax credit. For answers, Lozano recommends that REALTORS refer their clients to www.FederalHousingTaxCredit.com. But once the stipulations are understood, it is clear that the tax credit has a huge potential to create a positive impact on the industry. "This temporary tax credit provides one more sound reason for first-time buyers to take advantage of today's attractive interest rates and ample inventory of homes, as well as save on their federal taxes," Roy says. "The benefits are significant.”



NEWS NOTES SNIPPETS: • COLDWELL BANKER UNITED REALTORS Northwest office, lead by Vanessa Bivens, was named #1 office in Closed Adjusted Gross Commission Income in Texas at the International Business Conference held in San Antonio, Tx. • FALCON POINTE, TERAVISTA FORGE ahead with new models by broadening their product offerings. Both communities welcome new builders. Falcon Pointe welcomes DR Horton and Lennar Homes. Teravista welcomes Buffington Signature Homes. • US FEDERAL JUDGE LEE YEAKEL HAS handed down his ruling in a lawsuit alleging violation of the federal Fair Housing Act by the City of Kyle. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the HBA of Greater Austin and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) filed the suit in 2005 contesting the city's new development regulations and building codes that were enacted in 2003. However, Judge Yeakel ruled in favor of the City of Kyle. The HBA and NAHB will meet soon to discuss next steps. • STREETMAN HOMES NAMED National Association of Home Builders Green Building Award finalist for a green home located at the Mueller redevelopment project in Central Austin. • KATHYRN BECHTOL WAS RECENTLY featured in a real estate success story, “Controlling Fate” in the Austin Business Journal. To read full article: http://austin.bizjournals.com/austin/s tories/2009/03/09/focus1.html.

Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

ABoR Announces Endorsements for 2009 City Council Candidates When you head to the polls for the general election on May 9, 2009, vote with your industry in mind. After carefully researching the City Council candidates, ABoR has finalized its endorsements for the Austin City Council candidates. Endorsements are based on each candidate’s experience in local government, comprehension of private property rights and expressed or demonstrated support of REALTOR® interests in Central Texas. Carole Keeton Strayhorn has received ABoR’s endorsement for Mayor of Austin. Learn more about Strayhorn at http://www.caroleforaustin.com/. In the race for Place 1, ABoR supports newcomer Chris Riley. Visit his Web site at http://www.chrisforaustin.com/. Incumbent Mike Martinez received ABoR’s endorsement for the Place 2 race. Learn more about Martinez’s platform at http://www.martinezforaustin.com/. ABoR endorses Dr. Bill Spellman for re-election to the Place 5 seat on the Austin City Council. Information about Spellman is available at http://www.utexas.edu/lbj/faculty/william-spelman/. Councilmember Sheryl Cole is ABoR’s pick for the Place 6 race. Details on Cole’s campaign can be found at http://keepsherylcole.com/. ABoR strongly encourages members to not only vote for these candidates, but to volunteer with their campaigns, as well. By making the REALTOR® voice heard in local politics, you can ensure the continued success of your industry in the Austin area.

A PUBLICATION OF © CAXTON PUBLICATIONS, INC. Realty Line of Austin is published monthly by ©Caxton Publications, Inc., as a non-subscription publication for the more than 8,500 members of the Austin Board of REALTORS (ABoR), the more than 1,100 members of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS (WCAoR) and the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin. ©Caxton Publications, Inc. dba Realty Line of Austin is an active member of the Austin Board of REALTORS, the Williamson County Association of REALTORS and is a honorary member of the Women’s Council of REALTORS. Caxton Publications, Inc. dba Realty Line of Austin is not responsible for opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any by-products in advertising or editorial copy. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this publication, the registered trademark should be assumed.

Doren L. Carver PUBLISHER Tawanna K. Carver MANAGING EDITOR Linda McNabb CONTRIBUTING EDITOR/WRITER/PHOTOGRAPHER COLUMNISTS Jay Gohil - ABoR Chairman Wes Peoples - HBA President Barbara Wigginton - WCAoR President Mark Hairston - Mortgage IQ All photos, press releases or article submissions can be sent to

E-mail: realtyline@austin.rr.com REALTORS enjoy a luncheon at the Pacesetter Homes model in Greenridge following the Round Rock east property tour. Among those in attendance were David Pavliska, Karen Parker, J. Rene Ward and David Durham.

P. O. Box 81366, Austin, Texas 78708 Office: 821-1900 www.realtylineonline.com

April 2009

Realty Line of Austin




2009 Capitol Hill visit was a Success By Jay Gohil • Jay Gohil Realty 2009 Chairman • Austin Board of REALTORS On Tuesday, March 31, REALTORS® from across the state of Texas joined forces for REALTOR® Day at the Capitol. By taking the time to meet with their representatives, these dedicated real estate professionals helped protect their industry and the rights of private property owners across the state. Over 50 ABoR members took part in the Hill Visit, discussing important topics such as real estate transfer taxes, appraisal reform and eminent domain with their elected representatives. We offer our sincere thanks to all who attended the Hill Visit. Your presence at the Capitol shows legislators that REALTORS® comprise a strong voting bloc in Texas politics and helps to ensure that when REALTORS® speak, elected officials listen. I encourage you to participate in our Association’s political action endeavors and to invest in TREPAC. For more information on protecting your industry, visit http://www.abor.com/gov_affairs/home.cfm.

estate transaction. Learn how to better serve your clients by understanding the appraisal process and the valuation techniques used by Central Texas taxing authorities at the ABoR Academy’s new course, “Fight the Tax Appraisal and Win.” The four-hour course will be held on Tuesday, May 19 from 1 to 5 p.m. and carries four hours of Mandatory Continuing Education (MCE) credit (TREC approval pending). Registration cost for the course is $49 for ABoR members or $60 for non-members and includes a 177-page booklet cowritten by course instructor Gordon Gorychka. Register online at www.abor.com/courses.

Get Connected with ABoR’s Learning Communities Looking for a way to increase your industry knowledge and connect with other Austin REALTORS®? ABoR has the answer. Our new online Learning Communities let you share information and ideas with other ABoR members. These member-only forums touch on a number of specialized topics, allowing you to discuss your industry in a private and professional setting. Access the Learning Communities by clicking the “Learning Communities” link in the My Account section of Abor.com or through the Quick Links section located in the lower left corner of the Abor.com homepage. Log in before May 1 and you will be registered for a chance to win a $75 gift certificate to the Roaring Fork Steakhouse!

Last Chance to Register for Town Hall Meeting Time is running out to reserve your spot at the ABoR Town Hall Meeting. The event will be held on Thursday, April 30 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. in the ABoR Auditorium, located at 10900 Stonelake Blvd., Ste. 100. The Town Hall Meeting is an excellent opportunity for you to connect with other ABoR members and boost your industry knowledge. Gerald Klassen, research analyst with the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University will discuss shifting trends in the mortgage industry and how those changes could affect your business. The Town Hall Meeting is free to all ABoR members, but advance reservations are required. To RSVP to this event, visit https://www.abor.com/events/townhallspring.cfm. For more information on the Town Hall Meeting, contact ABoR’s Education Department at 454-7636 or education@abor.com.

Be Prepared When the Tax Man Cometh Property appraisals can be one of the most frustrating and confusing aspects of a real

Central Texas Housing Market Receives National Attention With all the dire forecasts being issued for the national housing sector, it is comforting to know that the Austin-area real estate market continues to hold its value. In fact, three major news publications recently recognized the strength and resilience of our local market: • Austin ranked 13th in the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) survey of cities with the most Energy Star-certified buildings. Three other Texas cities, Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth and San Antonio, landed in the top 25. • Round Rock was named the seventh best place to live in the United States in a recent poll by Money magazine. The city was chosen due to its affordable home prices, superior schools and proximity to the Dell headquarters. • Builder Magazine cited Austin as the second-healthiest housing market for 2009. The strong local job market, population growth and presence of the University of Texas were deciding factors in Austin’s selection.



Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

Jerry Stein, owner/broker of Buyer’s Incentive Real Estate Company, delivers a campaign sign to Debra Holloway of Gracy Title for their conference room. Jerry is running for mayor of Lakeway.

Clowning around at the Keller Williams Realty Williamson County Market Center awards were Kim Whitlock and Bruce Rodden, both of Keller Williams Realty.

ABoR chairman Jay Gohil, Diane Kennedy of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS and David Pruitt of David M. Pruitt REALTORS attend an early morning candidate forum at ABoR to see what mayoral candidates have to say about Austin real estate.

Thank you, Janet, for finding us the perfect loan program. Because of your time and dedication, you made the qualifying process a stress-free buying experience.

Janet Thomas Direct: 533-1326 Janet’s commitment to superior customer service is what sets her above her counterparts. She walks each customer through the process, answering every question, meeting every need. Her experience enables her to explain the process to the most experienced buyer or a first-timer. She makes it simple and easy for everyone.

12554 Riata Vista Circle • First Floor • Austin, TX 78727 dhimortgage.com • hbc.dhimortgage.com

April 2009

Realty Line of Austin





Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

Give Realty donates $3,500 to Hill C o u n t r y Conservancy. The company’s business model includes donating 25 percent of their commission back to a nonprofit organization of their client’s choosing. Robin LeTourneau and Laurie Loew, both of Give Realty, Lori Erickson, home buyer, and George Cofer executive director of Hill Country Conservancy.

Demetria Simonovic of Highland Homes welcomes Brad Schaible of Schaible Realty and Sandy Boeser of Divine Auditions to the weekly property tour coordinated by Texas American Title.

Gavin St. Louis of Buyers House Realty stops at the last house to make sure he is qualified for the grand prize. Ursula Whitworth of Meritage Homes stamps his card at the “Hats Off” REALTOR progressive luncheon.

April 2009

Realty Line of Austin



NEWS NOTES SNIPPETS: • UNLOCK THOUSANDS WITH TAYLOR MORRISON’S “THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM” REALTOR promotion. Now through June 30 the “Keys to the Kingdom” REALTOR promotion offers you additional commissions and more. The top Real Estate Agent in each division will win an all expense paid vacation to a Florida resort and have the chance to be one of ten people in the running to win huge cash prizes, including the $25,000 Grand Prize! Don’t Forget to Remind Your Clients to Enter to Win the Dream Home... If your client is the lucky winner of our 2009 Dream Home Giveaway, not only will we build their dream home, but they will also be invited to stay in the Disneyland® Resort — a place to celebrate all of life's special moments. See advertisement on page 15. • STRASBURG SPEAKS AT RE/MAX INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RE/MAX of Texas’ Chuck Strasburg, regional director/strategic growth, who is responsible for RE/MAX expansion across central, south, and west Texas, just returned from speaking at the annual RE/MAX International Convention in Nevada, where he addressed a gathering of RE/MAX representatives from around the world on industry growth. Recording the 2nd highest number of RE/MAX franchise sales in North America during 2008, Strasburg led a panel of speakers educating regional representatives from among the 70+ countries in which RE/MAX operates. “There’s a lot of media focus on the problems in the real estate industry nationally,” noted Strasburg, a resident of Horseshoe Bay, “but rarely do we see Strasburg good news reported, such as the fact that in most of Texas we enjoy stable home prices, locally favorable employment numbers, and lending institutions very responsive to credit-worthy mortgage applicants.” A 30-year veteran of real estate sales, brokerage operation, and development, Strasburg is confident that any uncertainties in the present Texas market will work themselves out in due time. • TERESE PEABODY AND BRUCE TURBOW, BOTH OF STANBERRY & ASSOCIATES receives NAR’s Green Designation, the only green real estate professional designation recognized by NAR. • CAROLYN ABBOTT OF REALTY EXECUTIVES EXCELLENCE IN CEDAR PARK WAS recently presented with the Chairman's award and Executive Club award by Realty Executives International. The Chairman's Award is presented to the top Executive in each franchise and the Executive Club Award is presented to the Executive Sales associates, also known as "Executives," at Realty Executives average approximately 13 years of real estate experience, nearly twice the national average. "We are proud to honor Carolyn with this award because it exemplifies a commitment to exceptional customer service and outstanding sales performance," Rector said. • JOE STEWART OF JOHN HORTON REALTY WAS ELECTED BY THE BOARD of Directors to be the 2010 Secretary/Treasurer at February’s Mid-Winter Stewart Meeting for the Texas Association of REALTORS, Joe appreciates all the support from the membership.

Kevin Ginsberg of United Lending, Julianna Brock of Powertraining and Kristin Carroll of Sente Mortgage are pleased about the increased traffic for lending. They were attending the AMBA luncheon.

Huge crowd of real estate professionals get ready to board buses to the Mueller Development, where the ABoR Foundation hosted a property tour.

Does Brand Really Matter? Ask this $6.5 Million Dollar Producer Already an investor, Already investorr, Alex Stross Stross became licensed l and began began selling se elling real real estate estate in 2006 2006 0 with a rregionally egionally franchised franchise ed company. company. Seeking more m e control mor control over over his business, he moved moved to to RE/MAX in 2007, 20 07 7, where where his production prod duction more more than doubled, doubled, to to approximately approximately e $6.5 Million last year. yea arr. “My old company company micro-managed m o-managed their agents, micr a ents, and wanted ag wanted to to dictate dictat what you you could or couldn’t couldn’t do. couldn do. At RE/MAX RE/M MAX my my office is there there to to help he when I need it, and otherwise allows allows me to to pursue my my own own goals. goals. The RE/MAX name recognition recognition is practically practica ally universal, universal, which which iss a great great business boost bo oost because consumers consume ers know know that RE/MAX X agents ag ents are are generally generally y of a higher caliber.” caliberr.”

Make sure your company works as hard as you do. To T o lear learn rn n more, morre e,, visit


Each Office Independently p y Owned wned and Operated. e



Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

Ringmaster Avis Wukasch presents Suzie Gole as a top circus performer at the Keller Williams Realty Williamson County Market Center awards luncheon. Suzie was the #1 individual GCI, total units, total closed volume.

Mark Hairston of Mortgage IQ provides a more personal instruction at each of his MCE classes. Lominta Loving Loftis of Pacesetter Properties recently attended the “Insiders Guide to Credit Rating and Restoration” class held at Cover 3. See page 17 for more classes available.

Becky Hopkins of Austin Title and Barb Cooper of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS keep up with happenings at the Women’s Council of REALTORS by attending a recent luncheon.

April 2009

Realty Line of Austin





Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

Louise Peach of JB Goodwin REALTORS poses for a new headshot for her business cards, flyers and website while attending a luncheon at a KB Home model at Spring Trails.

Realty Executives attend the regional meeting with Bill Powers, president and CEO of Realty Executives of Texas, at Marie Callender’s Restaurant.

Andrew Smith, Joe Brown and Kenton Brown, all with Sente Mortgage, arrive for lunch at the Austin Mortgage Bankers Association meeting but think about veering toward the golf course on this beautiful Austin day.

April 2009

Realty Line of Austin


Your catalyst to success in 2009!

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Audrey Gavin Davenport 360 944-6871

Bob Roberts 100 Congress 775-5111

/LVD $OWDPLUDQR 0DULO\Q 9DQ 8XP 5REHUW $GDPV Suzanne Jacobs Lake Travis Buda/Kyle Dripping Springs Spicewood Springs 826-6666 658-6475 922-9532 656-7094

Denise Moody 6th & Lamar 422-5248

'RQQD 6LPPRQV 100 Congress 656-7093

7RP %HUU\ Echelon 853-0146

7UDF\ %ODLU South Mopac 997-8707

)ORUD $P\HWW Georgetown 426-8020

Holly Schuler Round Rock 913-9089

Kenneth Osborn :DONHU 0ROLQDUH South Mopac 100 Congress 577-6454 921-5073

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Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

AMBA president Eddie Rinehart of Treaty Oak Mortgage discusses industry news with Andy Barnes of Universal Mortgage at the AMBA monthly luncheon at Austin Country Club.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Jennifer Entner and Jim Goldrick, both of Texas American Title, make sure there was plenty of breakfast edibles before the Cedar Park property tour which gathers at the company’s office on D i s c o v e r y Boulevard in Cedar Park.

Kaira Kelleher and Sarah Jacobs (bottom row) join Lori Hartman and Adam Haile (top row) on the stairs at the grand opening of the Buffington Signature Homes model in Teravista. All are with JB Goodwin REALTORS.

Is Proud to Announce new Members of the Keller Williams Family and the new Keller Williams-Georgetown office. Joining an already Great Family of Keller Williams agents in Georgetown.

Ronnie Bleeker

Derwood Crocker

Lena Lansdale

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Megan Turnipseed

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Rhonda Carnley

Dana Wood

Georgia Bagley

Fred Disch

Clare Easley

823 S. Austin Avenue, Georgetown, Tx 78626 512-868-1771 or 512-930-SOLD (7653) Avis Wukasch, Operating Principal 512-635-0628

April 2009

Realty Line of Austin




April is National Fair Housing Month By Barbara Wigginton • Realty Executives Excellence 2009 President • Williamson County Association of REALTORS Consider this scenario: You are a homebuyer and you see a house you like so you call the agent to make an appointment to show it to you. When you show up and he sees you, his attitude changes. The agent apologizes and tells you the unit is no longer available, and they don’t have any others. Perhaps you are blind or disabled and have a service dog. When you meet with the landlord, she tells you she’s sorry, but the complex you’re interested in is pet-free. Unfortunately, these are just two examples of housing discrimination that occur every day in the United States. Did you know that there are federal, state, and local laws that protect specific groups of people against housing discrimination? Fair housing month is an important reminder to all of us that federal law prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, family status or disability is illegal. Local laws may add to, but not take away from the type of protected classes.

What is fair housing? Many people don’t realize just how extensive fair housing is and the area it covers. "Fair housing" refers to those laws and regulations that prohibit discrimination in any activity relating to the sale or rental of housing, in the availability of financing or other related transactions, or in the provision of housing-related services. Established as Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, the Fair Housing Act ensures the accessibility of housing to people regardless of certain racial, cultural or physical factors. The Fair Housing Act covers most housing. In some circumstances, the act exempts owner-occupied buildings with no more than four units, single-family housing sold or rented without the use of a broker, and housing operated by organizations and private clubs that limit occupancy to members.

What’s prohibited? To those who fall into one of the seven protected categories, the act offers protection against: Refusing to rent or sell housing; refusing to negotiate for housing; making housing unavailable; denying a dwelling; setting different terms, conditions or privileges for sale or rental of a dwelling; providing different housing services or facilities; falsely asserting that

housing is not available for inspection, sale or rental; attempting to persuade owners to sell or rent because a certain protected class, usually minorities, is “coming,” this practice is called blockbusting; or deny anyone access to or membership in a facility or service (such as a multiple listing service) related to the sale or rental of housing. There are also guidelines that apply to mortgage lending if a buyer is trying to purchase a house. The Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to: refuse to make a mortgage loan; refuse to provide information regarding loans; impose different terms or conditions on a loan, such as different interest rates, points or fees; discriminate in appraising property; refuse to purchase a loan; or set different terms or conditions for purchasing a loan.

What an agent can do? The following is a general list of what a landlord, owner or real estate agent can do when it comes to renting, leasing or purchasing a home. These are all reasonable measures to ensure protection for the owner, bank, landlord and you. You can require a credit check and proof the buyer has income to afford the apartment/home; require documentation of the necessity for reserved parking or a service or therapy animal; require the buyer to pay for modifications to a rented apartment/home and require them to return the unit to its original state when they move out; require the names of all people who will be living in the unit and the ages of anyone named as a lessee; require that children and pets—including service animals—be properly supervised when outside the unit; require a reasonable security deposit, consistent with other tenants or local standards; require that all tenants— including children—respect the rights of other tenants and comply with all community regulations; rent to the best-qualified tenant; refuse to rent to a tenant who would pose a threat to other tenants because of illegal drug abuse or severe mental illness; refuse to rent to tenants engaged in illegal activity; exercise much more selectivity—even "discriminating" by the above definitions—when renting a unit in a two-, three-, or four-unit building a landlord or owner occupies.

2009 Statewide advertising and public relations campaign With so many misperceptions created by national news media about the real estate market, we're taking matters into our own hands by telling the public what's really going on with Texas real estate. The statewide campaign is based on the latest facts and figures from right here in Texas, while stressing that Texas REALTORS® are the experts to contact for local real estate information. The campaign includes radio ads airing statewide, billboards, and an online presence. You can extend the reach of this campaign in a number of ways. Campaign materials are available on the Texas Association of REALTORS® website, www.TexasRealtors.com.

Would $8000 cash motivate you? The Mortgage Industry is strife with changes. We are experiencing stringent income and employment guidelines, and ever-changing credit score requirements, all of which are proving to be challenges in our current market. In addition, some lenders are experiencing liquidity issues, making it nearly impossible to close the deals they bring in. However, through these challenges there is significant optimism. The opportunities to come out of this market include: The $8,000 first time homebuyer tax credit, Great home bargains from distressed sales, and historically low interest rates. Not to mention, you live in Austin, Texas! Need there be more? Let’s break it down. $8,000 Tax Credit: Most first time home buyers will qualify for the $8,000 tax credit through December 1st. Many people hear the words “tax credit” and their eyes kind of glaze over... but it is cash money! It’s an $8,000 incentive to buy a house. We may never see this again.

Try us, we’ll get them closed!

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Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

Past ABoR Chairman Socar Chatmon-Thomas of Elegant Estates by Austin takes notes at the candidate forum at the Austin Board of REALTORS.

CC Cooper, center, of Presidential Mortgage presents a mortgage and credit update to REALTORS who attended the Ash Creek Homes luncheon. Sherri Felding of Felding Design, Denny Holt of Holt Realty, Jack Goodman of Keller Williams Realty and Diane Schouten of Ash Creek Homes.

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Michael Newman of Realty Executives talks with Bill Powers, president and CEO of Realty Executives of Texas, about the great opportunities happening in Texas. They were at the regional meeting at Marie Callender’s Restaurant.

April 2009

Realty Line of Austin


Unlock Thousands T In n Cash! Keys to the Kingdom K of offers fers you b bonus onus dollars and mo more. ore. The top Real Estate Agent in each h division will win an all a rresort esort and have the e expense paid vacation to a Florida people chance to be one of the ten peopl le in the running to win w

Register T Today o oday at

prizes, $25,000 huge cash pri izes, including the $2 25,000 Grand Prize!


Your Y our o Tie Tier er Status is Saved! S Start of offf Taylor Ta aylo or Morrison’s Morrison’s Keys to o the Kingdom pr program ogra am tier Your at the same ti ier status you ended Pyramid Payday! Y o our

Sell Se ell More Morre Homes H

zero, sales dollars will w start back at zer o but you’ll be that much o, m Top $3,000 closer to T op o Tier Status and a $3 3,000 bonus on every y home you sel ough the rremainder emaind der of 2009. selll thr through



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Sell TH THREE REE homes by b June 30, 2009 for TO PT IER Status, and you will qualify for TOP TIER entitling you to a $3,000 bonus hom me you sell for every home emaind e der of 2009. for the rremainder


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Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

The Tale of Cindy TREPAC By Socar Chatmon-Thomas, Elegant Estates by Auction, A PLR Company 2008 Chairman - Austin Board of REALTORS Erin Cook of N e w l a n d Communities welcomes more than 100 REALTORS to the grand opening of two model homes at Falcon Pointe Residence Club.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Neal Barnes of Realty World, Neal Barnes & Associates and Sheila HawkinsBucklew of Hawkins-Bucklew International REALTORS wait in the line with over 350 attendees for the bus to take them to the hanger at the M u e l l e r Development property tour hosted by the ABoR Foundation.

Once upon a time in a kingdom called Austin, there lived a beautiful, spunky Princess named Cindy TREPAC. She lived happily in the kingdom of Austin for many years. One day the evil King Will decided to mandate that all of the subjects in the kingdom had to upgrade their homes prior to selling them! King Will’s court jesters read the decry…”Hear ye…hear ye…hear ye…by order of King Will…all subjects in the Kingdom of Austin must perform energy efficiency upgrades prior to selling their homes, that is all!” Cindy TREPAC and the townspeople were appalled! They could not believe that the evil King could actually do this! What will they do? Poor Cindy TREPAC was so distraught because she knew that all of her friends had not given to TREPAC and she had no idea how she’d be able to defeat the evil King. That night, she went to sleep and in her dream, the TREPAC Fairy Good Mother appeared and instructed her to contact her state and national Issues Mobilization funds for help! Soooooo, the next morning Cindy TREPAC remembered her dream. She was kinda afraid to follow through because she had never spoken to the National leaders before, but she knew the townspeople were depending on her. Later that day, she donned her best princess dress and went to talk to the national leaders in the Issues Mobilizations Group. Cindy spoke passionately for a few minutes and after hearing her plea, the leaders decided to give her $75,000 to help her fight the evil King. Cindy returned home and with the help of the state leaders Cindy TREPAC launched a media campaign including Web sites like www.keepaustinaffordable.com, radio, TV and print ads too! The campaign was successful that Cindy TREPAC defeated King Will and his energy upgrades. He did not WIN! The Kingdom of Austin was saved, the townspeople were excited and they lived happily ever after…for now!

— The End —

The moral of this story is this: If Cindy’s friends don’t continue to invest in TREPAC, she will not have enough funds to protect the townspeople in the Kingdom of Austin! Please, I hope you decide to invest in TREPAC today…it’s the best protection money can buy!

April 2009

Realty Line of Austin




NAR sees enthusiastic response to its new “Green Designation” program By Wes Peoples • WP Investments 2008-2009 President • Home Builders Association of Greater Austin Seeking to attract home buyers interested in the potential cost savings and health benefits of green homes, brokers were among the first in the housing industry to embrace the National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB) Certified Green Professional (CGP) educational designation. The Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin has long supported green building, starting with our involvement in Austin Energy’s Energy Star program that was pioneered in the mid 1980’s (now known as Austin Energy Green Building). HBA Past President and longtime member Ray Tonjes, Ray Tonjes Builder, Inc. was one of the first Energy Star builders in the region. The HBA recently teamed up with Austin Energy once more in a partnership to offer extensive green building education to industry professionals in a 12-week program called “Green Boots on the Ground.” With more than 60 hours of continuing education on all things green building, this program is designed to inform builders and trade contractors on what “green” is, how it is implemented in the field and much, much more. Class participants receive a green builder certificate at the close of the program offered jointly by the HBA of Greater Austin and Austin Energy Green Building. We invite each and every REALTOR® and other industry professionals to participate in this program. There is still time to glean a lot of knowledge from this ongoing series. For more information and to register, visit www.AustinHomeBuilders.com (navigate to the HBA calendar in the members section—log-in not required). While educating home builders on green building is important, it’s also important that those whom we rely on to sell our newly built green homes (i.e. Realtors®) are also informed on the various facets of green building and design. Under the new Realtors® program, designees are trained to become "a positive force for creating sustainable and energy-efficient communities," according to the NAR Green REsource Council, which administers the designation. I whole heartedly agree with NAHB’s Green Building Subcommittee Chairman Eric Borsting when he said promoting green practices among Realtors® brings our industry one step closer to transforming the market for green and increasing consumer awareness.

New NAR Green Designees are encouraged to work with NAHB CGP builders when possible. Since its introduction four months ago, more than 500 Realtors® have achieved the Green Designation. There are now more than 2,500 CGPs nationwide. Since the start of 2008, the HBA of Greater Austin alone has designated more than 40 of our own members with the new NAHB CGP designation. With this new NAR Green Designation, the NAHB community now has a team member that truly adds value to a green home project. It is believed that NAR Green Designees have the necessary resources and green industry relationships - coupled with a strong understanding of the green and non-green consumer - to effectively market green projects. NAR said in a recent press release that the increasing rate of green-based codes and building regulations, coupled with strong consumer interest in green buildings and homes, will certainly translate to a future where sustainable design considerations play a role in most real estate transactions.

Colette Fitzgerald of KB Home tells Sharon Easter of Lee Easter Inc. and Gary Hoffarth of Austin Advantage Real Estate about the 3% REALTOR commission on all Built-toOrder homes while they await their turn to have their business photo taken at an open house held at Spring Trails.




Mortgages 2009... Back to the Future

TUES 4/21

1-4 pm

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TUES 4/23

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“I would give your credit scoring class a 10! I think this course is a MUST!” — Vickie Boozer, CRS, GRI, ABR, e-Pro, REALM Professionals



Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

Colette Fitzgerald of KB Home introduces herself to Robert Wright, left, of R.L. Wright REALTORS and Warren Marshall of John Horton Realty at the monthly Women’s Council of R E A LT O R S n e t working luncheon. KB Home was a luncheon sponsor.

Co-owner Fazil Malik helps cut the ribbon at the grand opening of the Flying J in Jarrell, with help from County Judge Dan Gattis, Mayor Troy Clawson and co-owner Frank Malik.

Larry Schuller of Meritage Homes and Alisha Austin of Century 21 Ripley Realty wear their funny hats so they can get a door prize at the “Hats Off” REALTOR progressive luncheon at Parkside at Mayfield Ranch.

Realty Line of Austin






April 2009


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Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

Highland Lakes Real Estate shows their excitement after winning first place at the Lago Vista Chili cookoff. Sandi Titus, Rose Land, Ashley Sisemore, Gena Hammonds, Gene Hammonds, Lisa Sizemore, Karen Schodde, Clara Hammonds and Jerry Matthews.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Rudi Rosengarten of Pacesetter Homes takes a moment at the Women’s Council of REALTORS to tell Laura Nye of Stanberry & Associates about one of the company’s new model homes.

Gail McClanahan, Tony Ewing and Sonja Benyoussef, all of JB Goodwin REALTORS, arrive at the historical hanger still left at the old airport at Mueller Development. The ABoR Foundation hosted a property tour there.

April 2009

Realty Line of Austin


What’s your Score? By Mark Hairston • Mortgage IQ After 24 years as a mortgage professional here in Austin, one area that repeatedly comes up with both the real estate community and consumer is the subject of credit scoring and how it affects loan underwriting. With all of the drastic changes over the past two years in loan products, the issue of credit is more important now than ever. Simply put, a credit score is a three-digit number based on a borrower's bill-paying history, debt profile and statistical information about other borrowers that lenders use to determine the likelihood of certain credit behaviors, including whether you will pay on time. The score that mortgage lenders use in loan underwriting is called a FICO score. This is the model developed by Fair Isaac & Co. Credit (FICO) back in the late 1950’s. Since then, scoring has become widely accepted by lenders as a reliable means of credit evaluation. A credit score attempts to condense a borrower’s credit history into a single number. Credit scores are calculated by using scoring models and mathematical tables that assign points for different pieces of information which best predict future credit performance. There are three FICO scores computed by data provided by each of the three bureaus. The three major credit bureaus in the United States are: • Equifax: 800-685-1111, Web site: www.equifax.com • Experian: 888-397-3742, Web site www.experian.com • Trans Union: 800-916-8800, Web site: www.transunion.com Your Credit score is based on the final number of individual ratings in five categories: • 35% of your score is derived from payment history • 30% of your score is derived from outstanding balances on accounts • 15% of your score is derived form length of credit history • 10% of your score is derived from types of credit you carry • 10% of your score is derived for frequency of credit inquiries So, how can I increase my score? While it is difficult to increase your score over the short run, here are some tips to increase your score over a period of time. • Pay your bills on time. Late payments and collections can have a serious impact on your overall score. • Do not apply for credit frequently. Having a large number of inquiries on your credit report can have a negative impact on your score. • Reduce your credit-card balances to 30% of the credit limit. If you are "maxed" out on your credit cards, this will affect your credit score negatively. • If you have limited credit, obtain additional credit. Not having sufficient credit can also negatively impact your score.

Joetta Houghton of Keller Williams Realty rides with Kelli Roch, Alex Marek and Sandy Rios, all of Gaston and Sheehan Realty, to the model homes that were unveiled during the grand opening at Falcon Pointe hosted by Newland Communities.





Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

Bill Evans of Austin Real Pros was the instructor for the Real Estate Reality— Property Management and Leasing MCE class held at ABoR recently.

Tommi Young Larrison of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS takes her friend and always prospective client Nina Moore out to tour the new builders at Mayfield Ranch.

April Downey, right, introduces Jill Menchaca to friends and colleagues at the Austin Mortgage Bankers Association luncheon. It was Jill’s first visit to the group. Both are with Independence Title.

April 2009

Realty Line of Austin




DHI Mortgage By Linda McNabb CONTRIBUTING WRITER Today, more than ever, is it imperative for REALTORS to help their buyers choose a stable lender when purchasing a home. DHI Mortgage is a wise choice, as it is part of the DR Horton family. “Our customers enjoy the confidence of working with a professional, customer focused team that enjoys the stability of being part of a Fortune 500 Company,” says Pat Haywood, Branch Sales Manager. “We plan to be in business for a very long time. We plan to be here when other lenders have long gone away.” Started as a family business in 1978, DR Horton expanded its operations in 1996 to include mortgage and title services. Prior to becoming a part of the DR Horton family, DHI Mortgage was well known in the Austin community as Miltex and then CH Mortgage. DR Horton has operations in 77 markets and 27 states across the United States. DHI Mortgage provides conventional, FHA, VA, USDA, down payment assistance programs, and first and second lien financing. “We are a full service lender, which means we have the ability to operate as a mortgage company or a broker,” Haywood says. “Our vast experience allows us to originate purchases of new construction, resale properties, foreclosures and refinances.” In Austin, DHI Mortgage consists of five experienced loan officers who are supported by three managers, seven processors and one loan officer assistant. “Many of the professionals that work for DHI have built their careers with this company,” Haywood says. “We are committed to performing our jobs with the highest level of integrity and honesty. This can only be achieved in a work environment that attracts, retains and develops honest, independent thinking and highly motivated teammates into an accountable, decision-making team.” The company also aims to create customers for life through consistently providing an unexpected level of care and service to the client. One service DHI Mortgage offers is The Homebuyer ’s Club, a complimentary in-house service

designed to assist people improve their creditworthiness and to help prepare individuals and families for the homeowner experience. “We are committed to 100% customer satisfaction. This is a commitment we take very seriously,” Haywood says. “We believe in constant communication and a ‘no surprises’ approach to loan processing.” Because of the company’s growing reputation for quality, it enjoys an impressive number of repeat customers and referrals from real estate professionals. “We’re excited to offer our services to an increasing number of clients and cusPat Haywood tomers,” Haywood says. “To Branch Sales Manager help us continually improve our service to our customers, we ask their opinion at the end of the transaction. We ask them to rate us on courtesy, knowledge, reliability, responsiveness and quality of communication. “We take these scores very seriously in our effort to provide superior customer service to every client. We are pleased to report that 97 percent of our customers surveyed say they would refer us to a friend or family member.” In addition to helping customers, DHI Mortgage assists the real estate community by offering a two-hour class, “Mortgage Industry Updates and How They Apply to Real Estate,” which is worth two elective MCE credits. The company also is active in industry professional organizations and is involved in discussion and debate about industry standards and best practices. “We don’t just want to earn your business, we also want to earn your confidence,” Haywood says. “We want to create such a high level of trust in our service that you couldn’t even imagine doing business anywhere else.”



Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

Gena Hammonds of Highland Lakes Real Estate shakes her maraca at the Lago Vista Chili Cookoff, where the company took first place.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Yvette Evans, right, presents Leigh Hilliard with the Eagle award at the Keller Williams Realty Williamson County Market Center awards luncheon.

REALTOR David Buttross and Carol Keeton Strayhorn face off at the candidate forum at the Austin Board of REALTORS. Both are running for mayor of Austin.

April 2009

Realty Line of Austin








Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

Jim Gillespie, president and CEO of Coldwell Banker Real Estate, Alex Perriello, president, Realogy Franchise Group and Richard Smith, president and CEO of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS sign a 10-year franchise renewal.

More than 350 real estate professionals have lunch under the old airport hanger at the Mueller Development, where the ABoR Foundation hosted a property tour.

Mother and son team Theresa Seibold and Tim Seibold of Siebold Properties check out the model home at Parkside at Mayfield Ranch, where Meritage Homes hosted the “Hats Off� REALTOR progressive luncheon.

April 2009

Realty Line of Austin




Pecan Park Place By Linda McNabb CONTRIBUTING WRITER Own your home and your weekends. That’s what REALTORS can tell clients they will get to do when they purchase a condominium at Pecan Park Place, an exclusive gated development by Cornerstone Communities in Northwest Austin. “After a long week at the office, the last thing people want to come home to is a yard to mow and a list of chores,” says Morgan Meinhardt, project coordinator. “Cornerstone Communities takes care of that for you in our low-maintenance homes.” The low monthly homeowner association fee covers all landscaping, hazard insurance, trash pickup and exterior maintenance. Unlike many condos, these are detached units so owners enjoy all the benefits of single-family home without the upkeep. Plus, everyone has access to the private community pool. “It’s like owning a pool and not having to maintain it,” Meinhardt says. “There is also a hot tub and a pool house with changing rooms and a natural gas grill for entertaining. Also in their new spare time, owners can enjoy a private walking trail throughout the community that is inside the gated area.” Just off Highway 183 near Lakeline Mall, Pecan Park Place also has superb access to Highway 45 and Interstate 35, making great shopping and entertainment areas like The Domain and The Arboretum just a jaunt away. “The location is amazing,” Meinhardt says. “Movie theaters and fitness centers are just around the corner. Dell is just 10 minutes away. You can get anywhere quick and it is in the award winning Round Rock school district.” When finished, the community will be home to 145 single- family homes with prices starting in the $190s. Buyers can choose from six different plans designed by award winning local architect Kipp Flores. They range from 1,596 to 1,787 square feet, all with three unique elevations, for a total of 18 different looks, which will give the neighborhood architectural variety. All feature two and three bedrooms with a loft area and two car garages. Designer selections available to new buyers include tank-less water heaters,

Mary Kennedy 750-7834 NOT PICTURED:

granite countertops, and oak, maple, and cherry cabinets, ceramic tile and hardwood floors, and much more. Some of the included architectural features are ceramic tile in the entry, upgraded carpet included as standard, laundry rooms located on the

experience, Cornerstone Communities operates on simple principles—quality craftsmanship, exceptional customer

service and the notion that everyone should be able to achieve the American same level as the master suite, covered terraces, high ceilings and rounded sheetrock corners. “Some feature Juliet balconies which are fantastic in the spring and fall in Texas,” Meinhardt says. “The option of a dual zone cooling system keeps all living areas comfortable.” Established by Garrett Martin and John Swanson, friends and colleagues who have more than 30 years of combined home building and development

dream of home ownership. “The founders and employees are committed to providing quality communities in incredible locations with timeless architecture, passionate customer service and uncompromising values,” Meinhardt says. “Through innovated development strategies, efficiency in construction and employee dedication and experience, Cornerstone Communities will continue to make the American dream of home ownership a pleasant and rewarding experience for customers.”

Candy Buzan 797-5580

Max Leaman 293-1239

Kim Nielsen 825-2347

Melissa Driskell 964-1864

Terrie Doggett 415-0212

Brian Patschke 565-5852

Trudy Savage 965-5017

Mark Hoffman 785-3279

Shannon Smith 560-4590

Tretha Harris 601-613-9269

Michael Ray, 784-8488 • Terry Weber, 554-4013

Rhonda Neeley 560-3429



Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

Laura Boggess of JB Goodwin REALTORS gets a quick review of available inventory from J o s h u a Washabaugh of KB Home before a luncheon at Spring Trails. Attendees also got to have a photo session for business cards.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Kindra Zepeda of Independence Title, Tiffany Peters of Moreland Properties and Sarah Freehill Rooney of Independence Title get ready to jump aboard the bus on its way to Mueller Development where the ABoR Foundation hosted a property tour. Elizabeth James of the Texas Association of REALTORS, Sandy Bednar of Distinct Austin Properties and Earl Hairston, ABoR’s governmental affairs director, find out what the potential viewpoints the mayoral candidates have on Austin housing at the candidate forum at ABoR.

April 2009

Realty Line of Austin



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Realty Line of Austin

April 2009

Nalle Custom Homes interior features make quite a statement. To find out more about Nalle Custom Homes, see page 18.

Anita Farrell of Keller Williams Realty and Sonia Guardado of JB Goodwin REALTORS meet and greet members as they arrive at the Women’s Council of REALTORS meeting at the ABoR auditorium.

Chris Dodd and Charlene Mosso, both of Buffington Signature Homes, congratulate Dan Kurka of New Home Solutions Realty for winning a 42-inch LCD television at the grand opening of the company’s model in Teravista.

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April 2009

Realty Line of Austin



Doug Scott of Presidential Mortgage, Bob Almand of IBC Equity and Mike Carroll of GMAC check members in at the Austin Mortgage Bankers Association luncheon at the Austin Country Club.

Bobbie Adorno and Mary Smith, both of Keller Williams Realty, find a great spot to take a break in the new model home at the “Hats Off” REALTOR progressive luncheon hosted by Meritage Homes at Parkside at Mayfield Ranch.

Allison Dady and Jennifer Korba, both of JB Goodwin REALTORS, head back to the tour busses for the remainder of the Mueller Development tour.

Spring B S Sp Brings INTEREST RATE

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GREA GREAT G EA AT NEW LO LLOW W IINTEREST NTERES REST TR RATES! AT TES! 3.99% forr Market Homes Homees and 4.25% forr To-Be-Built To-Be-Built o Homes H

Spring Brings Lo Lower w Interest Rates... at Dreess Custom Homes! Our realt wer realtor tor and buy buyer yeer stimulus plan w was as a created for the A Austin ustin market m to help yyour our o buy yer e understand d that no w is the time to buy y a new home. Along with great g interest rrates, aates, Drees Cu ustom Homes is also offering g great new home buyer now Custom pricing on aavailable vailab a ble mo ve in no w market hom mes as well as beautiful cus stom to-be-builts in A ustin’’s most sought after communi ities. move now homes custom Austin’s communities. Call or come buy y an y model home and ask our o Market Home Managerss for details. any

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Realty Line of Austin

April 2009


Team Leader Avis Wukasch (back right, wearing top hat) rounds out her circus act at the Keller Williams Realty Williamson County office awards luncheon.

Edgar Gonzalez of Dominion United Realty and Will Davis of Will Davis Realty get an overview of Falcon Pointe and what is to come at the model home grand opening.

Shannon Fitzpatrick and Patricia Fitzpatrick, both of Amelia Bullock REALTORS, make their way to Patricia’s listing at 141 Plum Creek in Anderson Mill West, which was on the weekly property tour.

The mayoral candidate forum at the Austin Board of REALTORS draws a who’s who in the industry to hear points of view on Austin real estate.

Mary Mealy, Bill Powers, Marie Dang-Schwartz and Michael Neuman take a moment to catch up at the regional meeting of Realty Executives at Marie Callender’s Restaurant.

ABoR Chairman of the Board Jay Gohil and ABoR Foundation chair Carol Medley Parker greet guest speaker Mayor Will Wynn at the Mueller Development tour.

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