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Buy Your Tickets for HBA’s MAX Awards Gala Today

Upcoming Events:

n Thursday, May 1, Austin Country Club

April 19 Small Office REALTORS ABoR Auditorium - 11:45 a.m.

Networking opportunities are available.

Tickets $75 per person

Questions? Contact Naomi Bludworth at 4545588, ext. 105.


Special thanks to all of our promotional part-

uy your tickets now for the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin’s Marketing and Advertising Ex-

cellence (MAX) Awards Gala.

ners: Newland Communities, BMC Select, Stock Building Supply, Austin American-Statesman, American Bank, N.A., David Weekley Homes, Floor King,

The Gala will be held from 6 to 10 p.m. on Sat-

Inc., Texas Gas Service, Atmos Energy, Beels Signs

urday, May 1, at the Austin Country Club. Tickets

and Designs, CERQA, High Tech Carpets, Demand-

are $75 per person. A table for 10 is $650. Seating

Gen Partners, Reliable Cleaning Service and High-

is limited.

tech Signs. [RL]

April 21 CRS Luncheon Westwood Country Club - 11:30 a.m. NAHREP Monthly Luncheon Cool River Cafe - 11:30 a.m. April 22 WCR Monthly Luncheon ABoR Auditorium - 11 a.m. May 1 HBA MAX Awards Austin Country Club - 6 p.m. May 3 ABoR TREPAC Golf Tournament Avery Ranch Golf Club - 11 a.m. May 19 Power Luncheon with Sente Mortgage 901 S. Mopac, Bldg. IV, Suite 125 - Noon


In Progress April 2010 • Vol. 14 • issue 12

enjoyable. entertaining. it’s all about you.

NAPMW-Austin to host 46th Education Conference May 13-15


etworking is always more fun and produc-

Austin and NAPMW,” says Evans, who has been working

other area of the country and have someone to help you

tive when there is someone new in the room,

on the conference since 2007. “The primary gain to Austin

find a new start or a new position. At the National Educa-

and there surely will be plenty of new people

has been the opportunity to gain leadership skills and to

tion Conference we spend a lot of time catching up and re-

to mingle with and learn from when the National Associ-

grow as an organization. NAPMW-Austin is excited about


ation of Professional Mortgage Women (NAPMW) hosts

this opportunity and looks forward to welcoming more

its 46th Education Conference May 13-15 at the Austin

than 120 mortgage professionals to the Austin area.”

Marriott South, which will draw attendees from throughout the country.

Among the conference highlights is keynote speaker Sarita Maybin, who will discuss “How to Stay Positive and

The event is open to anyone but its primary focus is on

Focused in Uncertain Times.” Her interactive presentation

education and development for professionals in the mort-

will show attendees how to respond to workplace chal-

NAPMW-Austin bid four years ago to host this year’s

gage industry and specifically for NAPMW members and

lenges, stay motivated and rekindle passion for their ca-

conference. “The presentation was based on what mem-

future-members. (The organization is open to men and

reer. Highlights include seven strategies for thriving on

bers felt this area had to offer,” says Jeanne Evans, 2010

women but the primary goal of the organization is to help

change, how to cope with workplace situations that are be-

National Conference chair. “There were three locals who

educate and develop women in leadership roles within the

yond your control, five ways to rekindle passion for your

bid for the conference so having our bid selected was a

industry.) Registration can be made online through the

career, three P's for staying positive and how to bounce

great honor.”

NAPMW Web site.

back from adversity by using "resiliency resources."

But of course, with honor usually comes a lot of hard

“This is an event not to be missed,” Evans says. “We’ve

Other training presentations include: Credit 101; How

work, and this year was even more of a challenge. For the

had so many changes in the last couple of years in the

to Get More Done with Less Stress; Can’t We All Get

past 20 years, NAPMW has used a national management

mortgage industry that all professional education and de-

Along? REALTORS and Mortgage Professionals; Top 10

company to manage the budget and do all of the confer-

velopment is a good personal investment. This conference

Appraisal Deal Killers; Marketing You; How to Increase

ence planning and negotiating, but this year the local

will provide industry, compliance and personal develop-

Your Sales through Diversity Marketing; Nuclear Net-

chapter, with the direction of the National Board, planned

ment education in a fun, networking environment.”

working: The Five Must Have Networking Tools and The

and organized the entire event. “This has truly been a team effort between NAPMW-

P. O. Box 81366 Austin, Texas 78708-1366

The opportunity to visit with professionals from other

Five Dysfunctions of a Leadership Team.

states also could prove valuable in the future. “Mortgage

Evans says all the preparation could not have been

lending is universal and

done without the help of her conference committee of ap-

while each state has its own

proximately 20 people. “NAPMW is a volunteer organiza-

property laws it is always in-

tion and all of the people who have worked on this project

teresting to find how we dif-

also have a full-time job as well as family commitments,”

fer and how we are alike,”

she says. “There is no way to express my appreciation to

Evans says. “HUD is National

all of these volunteers who have stepped up to make this

as are Fannie Mae and Fred-

conference a true success.”

Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Austin, Texas Paid Permit #715

You can visit us online 24/7 at www.realtylineonline.com

die Mac and most mortgage

Aside from networking and education, the conference

loan professionals can easily

also offers the opportunity to become a tourist in your own

relocate from state to state

city. If you haven’t ever seen the bats or eaten barbecue on

and stay in the mortgage

Ladybird Lake, here is your chance. Now that’s what must

lending business. Because

have given Austin the edge as host city— what other one

NAPMW is a National organ-

can offer up a nightly spring migration of 1.5 million Mex-

ization it is easier to network

ican Freetail Bats!

and to even relocate to an-

For more information, visit www.napmw.org. [RL]



Jordan Anderson and Susanna Orr, both of Keller Williams Realty, arrive alongside Alison Street of Amelia Bullock REALTOR for the annual Gracy Title forecast, where they learned that the news was positive for Austin real estate.

Parliamentarian Candace Smith and president Ginny Miller get things rolling at the economic forecast presentation that NAPMW hosted.

April 2010

realty line of Austin

All photographs, press releases and article submissions can be e-mailed to: realtyline@austin.rr.com Realty Line of Austin is published monthly by Caxton Publications, Inc.© as a non-subscription publication for the more than 8,000 members of the Austin Board of REALTORS® (ABoR), the more than 1,100 members of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS (WCAoR) and the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin. Caxton Publications, Inc.© dba Realty Line of Austin is an active member of the Austin Board of REALTORS®, the Williamson County Association of REALTORS® and is a honorary member of WCR. Caxton Publications, Inc.© dba Realty Line of Austin is not responsible for opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any by-products in advertising or editorial copy. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR® appears in this publication, the registered trademark should be assumed.

Doren L. Carver


Tawanna K. Carver

MANAgINg edITOr Linda McNabb

CONTrIBUTINg edITOr/WrITer/PhOTOgrAPher COLUMNISTS John Horton, ABoR Chairman Steve Zbranek, HBA President J. Rene Ward, WCAoR President Susanna Boyer, WCR President Latra Szal, Gracy Title

P. O. Box 81366, Austin, Texas 78708 Office: (512) 821-1900 www.realtylineonline.com


Emily Matthews of Capital City Sotheby's International Realty, Ashley Brinkman of Prudential Texas Realty and Melinda Carroll of First American Title get ready to listen to Mike Coy of the Referral Training Center who instructed an MCE class.

Sherry Scales and Sylvia Pack, both of RE/MAX Austin Skyline, get ready to Power Start the RE/MAX way at the Norris Conference Center.

April 2010

realty line of Austin

Austin Board of REALTORS®

Chairman’s Column John Horton


2010 Chairman


volunteer work for the 11th annual Good

discuss and learn about current issues and

Neighbor Awards. These awards are a great

hear what other REALTORS® have to say.

way to recognize REALTORS® who have

Visit www.abor.com/ALC to start your dis-

made a positive impact by serving the needs

cussion today.

of their communities.

In addition, ABoR members Socar Chat-

Five individuals will be selected to re-

mon-Thomas of Elegant Estates by Auc-

ceive the Good Neighbor Award and will

tion, Jay Gohil of Jay Gohil Realty and

each be given a $10,000 grant to use on

Robert Wright of R.L. Wright, REAL-

their community service projects. Winners

Rho fraternity at TAR’s Winter Meeting. able learning experience.

cessfully fight an incorrect tax appraisal or

Academy Cards can be purchased online

the importance of the REALTOR® Code of

at www.abor.com/acard. Visit the Web site

Ethics, the mandatory continuing education

today or contact ABoR’s Education Depart-

(MCE) courses offered by the ABoR Acad-

ment at 454-7636 to learn more and reserve

emy are an outstanding avenue to help you

your card.

enhance your REALTOR® knowledge. The ABoR Academy is now offering Academy Cards for $99. With an Academy Card, card-


munities are a great way for REALTORS® to

TORS® were inducted into the Omega Tau

Whether you want to learn how to suc-


REALTORS® who are inducted into this prestigious fraternity have made a lasting impression on the real estate community. These recent inductees were recognized for their contributions to the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) and its associated Institutes, Councils and Soci-

will also receive publicity in REALTOR® Magazine and other publications, as well as travel expenses to New Orleans to attend the 2010 REALTORS® Conference and Expo. In addition to the selection of the Good Neighbors, five REALTORS® will be selected for honorable mention. Individuals who are chosen for honorable mention will each receive a $2,500 grant.

Association and Members Honored for

eties with a Medallion of Service, appoint-

innovation and industry involvement

ing them members of the fraternity for life.

Good Neighbor nominee entry forms due

Please join me in giving a round of ap-

by May 21, 2010 and finalists will be an-

plause to these members and ABoR for their

nounced in August 2010. Anyone can nomi-

hard work and dedication to our industry.

nate a Good Neighbor, including brokers,

holders can attend an unlimited number of

Have you ever participated in the discus-

MCE courses between Apr. 1, 2010 and Mar.

sions happening in ABoR’s online Learning

31, 2011. While these cards allow you to take

Communities? If so, then you have probably

as many MCE courses as you would like,

gained valuable insight on a variety of topics

Community Volunteers Eligible for REALTOR®

they are not valid for designation, correspon-

relating to the real estate industry. At their

Magazine Good Neighbor Awards

dence or Quick Start courses.

Winter Meeting in February, the Texas Asso-

A limited number of Academy Cards

ciation of REALTORS® (TAR) recognized the

are available for purchase to both ABoR

Learning Communities with the Education

members and non-members. Once these

Program of the Year Award in the Innovation

cards sell out, you will no longer have the

Category. This award acknowledges ABoR’s

opportunity to purchase one. Education is

efforts to provide members with practical so-

a valuable tool that can help aid in your

lutions to help accommodate their needs in

success in the real estate business. Don’t

an ever-evolving marketplace.

miss out on your chance to take advantage

From Safety Alerts to Property Manage-

of this great opportunity for a more afford-

ment and Leasing, the online Learning Com-

colleagues and spouses. You are even encouraged to nominate yourself. For more information and to fill out the

NAR’s REALTOR® Magazine is currently

Good Neighbor Entry form, visit www.real-

looking for REALTORS® who help make

tor.org/gna or contact NAR’s Information

their community a better place through their

Central at 1-800-874-6500. [RL]

Subscribe to our Calendar of Events


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realty line of Austin

April 2010

Organizers brought in extra seating to accommodate the large crowd who came to the Norris Conference Center to hear what summer holds for the Austin market, at an event NAPMW hosted.

Ruby Johnson of M.E. “Gene� Johnson REALTORS shares a table with Susan Brown and Lee Bauermeister, both of Realty Executives, at the WCAoR meeting, where they got tips on surviving the new economy.

Dawn Bayarena, right, of Treaty Oak Homes, shares information about Central Park with Mike Jones, Priya Ram, Helena Suwono and Melissa Perez, all of JB Goodwin REALTORS, at a recent REALTOR luncheon in the South Austin community.

Three neighbors Mike Tvinnereim, center, of Drees Custom Homes, and Danny Lopez, left, and Frank Kruse, right, make the HBA crawfish boil a success year after year.

For On-time Closings with Personalized Service... If you are like most real estate agents, you depend on repeat customers and referrals for your business. After months of hard work with a client, can you afford to have the last thing they remember be that they were charged penalties because the lender did not close escrow on-time?

Ann McKinley, your Loan Expert

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April 2010

realty line of Austin


The KB Kronicle APRIL 7, 2010



KB Home Ɔ’s REALTORS! (Left) Realtors enjoy Agents were treated to a tour by an Energy Star inspector for an up-close look at the energy efficient features that go into every KB home.

(Above) Mike Coy, with Mike Coy’s Referral Training Center and Christy Bloomingdale, with KB Home, relax after the “How to Recognize a Room Full of Referrals” class that Mike taught at the KB Home Circle C Fairway Estates model home.

Spotlight Community of the Month

(Right) Cynthia Mattiza, with JB Goodwin, and Larry Burklow, with Discover Texas Homes, learn about what makes a KB Home Energy Star Certified at the KB Home Energy Star Class at Summerfield in Taylor.

(Right) Jennifer Korba and Lillie Foster, both with J.B. Goodwin Westlake office, learn about personality types and prospecting styles at the “How to Recognize a Room Full of Referrals” class.

Legends Village in Round Rock - Now Open! From the $130s • 1,376~3,728 sq. ft. • 2 model homes • 22 floor plans • 1~and 2~story homes • 3~6 bedrooms • 2~4 baths • ENERGY STAR qualified homes • Community park with playscape and pool Legends Village is convenient to Dell Diamond and is 3 miles from IH-35 and 4 miles from Toll Road 130. Families with children will appreciate living in Round Rock ISD where students attend TEA rated Exemplary Double File Trail Elementary School. The community is adjacent to Old Settlers Park at Palm Valley with ample space for recreational pursuits such as baseball, cricket, disc golf, softball, fishing, tennis, volleyball, To Visit KB Home at Legends Village: From I-35 N, exit Hwy. 79 heading east. Go 3 mi., turn left on Joe and soccer. Children will love playing at the Rock’N River aquatic center with its lazy DiMaggio Blvd., right on Arterial A and left on Chandler Creek river, slides, water playground and zero beach entry. There are also playgrounds, walking Blvd. to community. (512) 382-9866 trails, and picnic areas.

Need a sponsor for an upcoming meeting or event? Need a space to hold your next meeting, class, or event? KB Home is always looking for opportunities to work together with our local Realtor partners. Please contact Colette Fitzgerald, KB Home Broker/Realtor Liaison at cfitzgerald@kbhome.com, 512-651-8059, for more information!




realty line of Austin

April 2010

Alison Street of Amelia Bullock REALTORS and Becky Hopkins of Austin Title catch up at the NAPMW economic forecast at the Norris Conference Center.

Ken Renner, center, of Keller Williams Realty, thanks Rob Hutton, left, and James Castillo, both of DR Horton, for hosting a REALTOR appreciation luncheon at Austin Country Club.

CTCAR executive director Joe McCullough and CTCAR executive assistant Ashley Underwood are eager to learn about how appraisal reform will affect them. A group of panelists informed guests about recent changes.

April 2010

realty line of Austin

Williamson County Assoc. of REALTORS®

President’s Column J. Rene Ward


2010 President


this could be a win-win situation for everyone.

variety of formats. This class is being taught

3. Many agents have moving trucks that

by Pat Strong, a senior instructor and member

say: “Buy or sell a home with me and use my

of the REBAC Hall of Fame. Pat will teach this

moving truck for FREE.” What a great service they are proving to their clients.


4. How about a guarantee? Talk to you broker about different ideas, but here’s one: If after 90 days, you’re not completely satisfied with

class from 9 to 5 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, Apr. 19 and 20. Check the WCAoR Web site: www.wcaor.org for more details and to register. 4/29 – Looking for a Road TRIP? Well jump

your home purchase, I’ll sell it for free.


love a great deal. Usually nothing

hoods. The eNewsletter can be shared with

worthwhile is free of charge. So it is rare

your clients and prospects via e-mail, your

to come across something “on the

Web site, Twitter, Facebook, and others to en-

house” that is actually valuable; and if it helps

sure your role as the “Neighborhood Expert.” Remember our clients are just like us…they

me make money— even better! Sometimes you get what you don't pay for.

like great “deals” too. When you throw in a

The Right Tools, Right Now initiative from

free or discounted item, you show the cus-

NAR is a great deal. These services are meant

tomer that you truly appreciate the fact that

to increase the value of our NAR membership

they chose you over your competition. What

and to help you and your business find con-

do you have in your marketing arsenal that

tinued success. If you haven’t taken advantage

will make them feel like they got a great deal?

of Right Tools, Right Now, yet, visit http://www.realtor.org/righttools to find out more. New offers are added every month, so

Here are a few suggestions:

5. Some of the home warranty companies

onto the bus for a visit to the Vineyard at Flo-

are offering seller’s coverage during the listing.

rence and make a TREPAC contribution all at

This is a great service for your clients and it’s free or offered for a nominal fee. Ask your home warranty company about their offering. I’d also like to invite you to take advantage

the same time! You’ll be able to tour the café, spa, bed and breakfast and the entire 600 acre residential development, including equestrian

of some of the great deals happening at

facilities. In addition, you’ll have an opportu-


nity to participate in a wine-tasting and be

upcoming Events— Mark your Calendar! 4/14 – “Making Energy Efficiency Affordable” brought to you by ONCOR. Come and network with premier vendors and learn how to help your clients make affordable energyefficient improvements using rebates, tax cred-

your own judge of these great wines. There will be two buses leaving from the WCAoR parking lot: First bus leaves at 1 p.m. and returns to WCAoR at 5:30 p.m.; Second bus leaves at 3 p.m. and returns at WCAoR at 7:30 p.m. The cost is $40 per person. To register you

its and incentives. This is your opportunity to

can call WCAoR at 255-6211 or visit the Web site for more details at www.wcaor.org.

1. Deliver five star customer service. I call

meet with vendors, ask questions and learn

it the WOW factor. Be sure they are blown

about all the new ways to promote energy ef-

One of this month’s “deals” is the free Lead

away with how you treat them. Demonstrate

ficiency and also save money. Booths will be

Generating eNewsletter. This eNewsletter in-

how you solve their problems and make them

set up in the WCAoR education hall from 9 to

cludes local and national real estate sales and

feel valued. Make their experience memorable.

4 p.m. Come by and spend time with leading

price activity provided by MLSs and the Na-

This rarely cost you anything!

edge vendors in energy efficiency.

be sure to check back regularly.


Share Your Experiences Do you have a great “deal” that you want to share? Have you had any customer experiences you think you handled well? How about

tional Association of REALTORS, U.S. Census

2. Throw in surprise extras or deals when a

4/19-20 – Seller Representative Specialist

Bureau Key market indicators, housing market

customer signs an agreement with you. Every-

(SRS) – This designation is awarded by the SRS

video reports, blogs, real estate glossary, maps,

one likes to get something free. One idea is free

Council. This 2-day program focuses on pro-

ally appreciated. I want to know. Share them

mortgage rates and calculators, consumers ar-

(or discounted) staging services. Partner with

viding the REALTOR practitioner with the

with me by sending your comments to

ticles, and information on 50,000 neighbor-

a home stager for 2-hours of their services—

tools necessary to represent seller clients in a

WCAoR@wcaor.org. [RL]

Fs REE emin

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something you gave your clients that they re-





t Pho ne Gu r












April 2010

realty line of Austin

Karen Cunningham and Laurie Graham, both of AvenueOne Properties, are pleased to hear the housing forecast is positive for 2010. Gracy Title was the host.

Linda Vitela, Marisa Demitri, Rachel Muennink and Sherry Bounds have a little Mardi Gras fun at a recent HBA mixer.

WCR secretary Anita Farrell, right, of Keller Williams Realty, gives Ann McKinley of Network Funding some advice on the dessert chocolates at the WCR mixer which was held at Viva Chocolato. Laura McKinney of Keller Williams Realty asks Doris Stout of Drees Custom Homes about the latest offerings in Steiner Ranch’s Santaluz section during a recent model home grand opening.


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April 2010

realty line of Austin





realty line of Austin

April 2010

Pam Kaye, second from left, of ERA Millenium Realty, gets a personal tour of the model at the Bridges at Bear Creek by (from left) Lalo Gutierrez, Jonette Erhardt and Susan Bailey, all of Buffington Signature Homes.

Kent Zarbock of DR Horton chats with guest speaker Tim Crowley before guests arrived at the Austin Country Club for the annual REALTOR Appreciation luncheon.

Rose Herron-Krumnow of Keller Williams Realty and Reisha Lacey of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS mull over who they think they can convince to sing karaoke at The Common Interest, at AYREP’s happy hour.

April 2010

realty line of Austin



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Market View Austin




realty line of Austin

April 2010


Dow Wright and Tiffany Harris, both of Buffington Signature Homes, get ready to taste some great crawfish and mingle with other builders and REALTORS at the HBA crawfish boil held at Teravista.

North American Title's Dawn Schweter, Alisa LeBlanc and Karen Williams admire co-worker Tiesa Hollaway’s son Cristian at the 8th annual HBA crawfish boil REALTOR/builder mixer.

Now, each time you register a new, qualified prospect at the Steiner Ranch Welcome Center, you will receive a $20 Gift Card to Nordstrom. The more you show, the more you collect! And the best part of all, these cards never expire. Call or visit the Welcome Center for details and start eyeing that new pair of shoes! Showing your clients new construction in Steiner Ranch is always in style. Catherine Fenantes of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS and Suzanne Gantner of Sky Realty listen to a guest speaker at the WCAoR luncheon who shared tips on selling 500 homes a year.

Homes from the $250’s to $3+ million Welcome Center: 512-266-5833 or 800-783-4640 For more information, visit www.steinerranch.com

Builders: Taylor Morrison, Drees Custom Homes, Highland Homes, Monterey Homes, Sendero Homes, Partners In Building Custom Homes: Affinity Homes, Randy Rollo Homes, Echelon Homes. Information contained within this advertisement is correct at the time of publication and subject to change. In order to receive gift card, Realtor must accompany prospect into the Welcome Center on first visit.

CTCAR president-elect Harry Gibbs gathers with Jim Amorin, past-president of the Appraisal Institute, CTCAR director Tom Crawford of Commercial Investment Brokers and Sharon Hersh, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts at the organization’s monthly luncheon, which informed members about appraisal reform.

April 2010

realty line of Austin

HBA of Greater Austin

President’s Column Steve Zbranek


2009-10 President

2. Sendero Homes - Northwest Austin 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath with 2 living areas and 3,249 square feet of living space.


3. Robert Stephen Homes - Lakeway 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath with 2 living areas and 4,269 square feet of living space. 4. durrett interests, LLC - Central Austin 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath with 1 living area and

Spring is finally here…as far as Texas is

struction, Jimmy Jacobs Custom Homes (as

concerned anyway. The wild flowers are

featured on ABC’s Extreme Makeover Home

blooming, the birds are singing, the sun is

Edition), David Weekley Homes, Charter Ar-

shining and it’s the time of year when folks

chitecture and Construction, Ash Creek

start breaking out of their winter shell. As

Homes, Silverton Custom Homes, Durrett

you make plans for your weekends in April,

Interests, LLC, Bill Taute Homes, Robert

the Home Builders Association (HBA) of

Stephen Homes, Streetman Homes and

Greater Austin invites you to come out to our

Sendero Homes will be on display.

first annual Greater Austin New Home Tour.

Locations stretch from central Austin to

A place where you can experience homes big

Georgetown and Lago Vista for a wide vari-

or cozy, luxurious or simplistic and most im-

ety of style, architecture, location, amenities

portantly, homes you can call your very own

and prices.


This home tour is the only one of its

Open Saturday and Sunday on Apr. 10,

kind….a home tour featuring only new

11, 17 and 18 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., join us

homes with price ranges that will fit a wide

for a chance to experience an eclectic mix of

array of budgets and lifestyles. Many of the

newly built homes now on the market. This

homes will be furnished and allow you the

unique event displays an array of home

opportunity to peruse various interior design

styles, sizes, features, prices and locations for

options and trends. Plus, a variety of land-

everyone to see all across Austin. Don’t miss

scaping options will be on display.

this opportunity to see, touch and feel new homes ranging from the $230s to $4.3 million. Homes built by award winning builders such as Jauregui Architecture Interiors Con-

1. Silverton Custom Homes - Lago Vista 5 bedroom, 4.5 bath with 2 living areas and 4,346 square feet of living space.

2, 051 square feet of living space. 5. Jauregui Architecture interiors Construction - Bee Cave 5 bedroom, 5.5 bathrooms, numerous living areas and 9,085 square feet of living space. 6. Jimmy Jacobs Custom Homes - Georgetown 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath with 1 living area and 2,557 square feet of living space. 7. Jimmy Jacobs Custom Homes - Georgetown 4 bedroom, 3 bath with 1 living area and 3,603 square feet of living space. 8. Jimmy Jacobs Custom

www.realtylineonline.com Homes - Georgetown

3 bedroom, 2 bath with 1 living area and 2,352 square feet of living space. 9. david Weekley Homes - Austin 4 bedroom, 3 bath with 2 living areas and 2,712 square feet of living space. 10. Charter Architecture and Construction - Westlake 6 bedroom, 6.5 bathrooms with 6 living areas and 7,000 square feet of living space. 11. Ash Creek Homes - Northwest Austin 3 bedroom, 2 bath with 1 living area and 1,357 square feet of living space. 12. Bill Taute Homes - Central Austin 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath with 2 living areas and 3,570 square feet of living space. Streetman Homes - Central Austin 4 bedrooms, 4 bath with 3 living areas and 3,663 square feet of living space. Wristbands can be purchased for $5 at any of the homes (kids 17 and under are free) and are good for the duration of the tour. Visit www.AustinHomeBuilders.com for details and a map. [RL]

Subscribe to our Calendar of Events Today.

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realty line of Austin

April 2010

At last, time to eat says Time Warner Cable’s Danette Tidwell. She and others waited in line patiently for some of that good Cajun food that always draws a crowd at the HBA crawfish boil.

Susan Bailey of Buffington Signature Homes addresses the agents about the model moving at the end of the month at the Bridges of Bear Creek.

Curt Glover and Sean Blacklock, both of Avalar Real Estate, get ready to learn a variety of tips at Mortgage IQ’s Expo 2010 to improve their business.

Angie Miller of MileStone Community Builders helps Carrie Pace of Carrie Pace Realty find out about products that are ready to move in at the grand opening of Cypress Creek Townhomes.

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April 2010

realty line of Austin

Women’s Council of REALTORS®



President’s Column

Council of REALTORS invite each one of you

see any of the Austin Chapter officers for

Susanna Boyer

to come and share in the experience of form-

tickets. Winners will be announced at our an-

ing relationships, friendships and business

nual Business Meeting in July.


2010 President

partnerships that will enhance your life for years to come.


dreamed of being in a Pageant? Have you

Our next Business Resource meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Apr. 22, 2010, at Williamson County Association of REALTORS. Special guest speaker Rita Santamaria, president/owner, Champions School of Real Estate, will present “Building Your Multi-

tion lies in what unites us all— our shared

The Power of Relationships Success in business today is achieved through positive, productive relationships. The Women’s Council of REALTORS® provides an environment of collaboration in which members can form, build and maximize relationships for business and personal success. When members share their time, talent and experience, the entire industry is ad-

values. Participation Active participation increases member-

Got talent? Want to model? Always

Million Dollar Company: Business Produc-

got what it takes to strut your stuff on the catwalk? Now is your chance to show the world— or at least the Austin part of the world. Stay tune for more information to come. Cinco de Mayo celebration at the clubhouse of the Commons at Rowe Lane in

tion Through Networking” Let Women’s Council be the apple of your

Pflugerville. Salsa contest (the kind you eat)

eye! For a chance to win an Apple IPad,

and Salsa dance instruction. The fun starts at

Apple IPod Touch or an Apple IPod Nano,

5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 5. [RL}

ship value. Participation in the Women’s Council of REALTORS® is the opportunity to contribute to change, and to be changed, personally and professionally.


Success Professional Credibility

Success in business brings credibility, in-

Members of the Women’s Council of RE-

fluence and greater opportunity. For women,

ALTORS® are established career profession-

especially, wealth creation through business

als. We operate based on a shared value

success also leads to long-term financial se-

system of integrity, respect, consistency and

curity, greater independence and more qual-

a commitment to excellence and continuous

ity of life choices.


influence diversity

Positive change will come from the

The membership experience is enriched

greater inclusion of the women’s perspective

through the celebration of and active out-

in positions of influence in the real estate in-

reach to the full diversity of our industry. At

dustry and in the broader community.

the same time, the strength of the organiza-

We, as the Austin Chapter of the Women’s

John McClellan and Jason Lewis, both of Supreme Lending, help sponsor Spotlight Austin at Riverside Grove condos, where more than 80 REALTORS and builders picked up some tips about property rehab.

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April 2010

realty line of Austin

Mary Jane Amezquita of DHI Title finds Robert Lerma, a pain specialist, has the right touch at the NAHREP meeting at Cool River Cafe.

Mark Minchew of RE/MAX Austin Associates, Julie Pratt of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS and Jim Smith of The Property Management Company, enjoy sharing success stories at the Westwood Country Club, where CRS held its general membership meeting.

Mary Lynne Gibbs and Scott Bullard, both of Keller Williams Realty Lake Travis, get an early start and arrive early at the awards breakfast at the Lakeway Activity Center.

Congratulations to our Congratulations Elite 25 Agents Agents

Kathleen Bucher Dee Schultz Schultz Southw t Market C nt

Gene Arant Arant Lake Travis Market Center

Russ Philips Philips Round Rock Market Center

Let us help you take your business to an Elite level. For a consultative appointment please contact: Lake Travis Mary Lynne Gibbs (512) 263-9090

Round Rock Avis Wukasch (512) 255-5050

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April 2010

realty line of Austin



Newland Communities’ Erin Cook learns how to eat a crawfish at the HBA crawfish boil at Teravista, one of the company’s neighborhoods.

AYREP’s vice president of events Alisa LeBlanc of North American Title welcomes Randi Meshell, Gwen Johanssen, also of North American Title, and Linda Knowles-Katz of Land Mortgage to the organization’s second annual Mardi Gras event.

Luiz Larzaro of Lazaro Investments finds a lot to take in at Expo 2010, an event Mortgage IQ hosted at The Commons Conference Center.


on inventory homes at Cypress Creek Townhomes!


23 Homes 30 day closings



Enjoyable SHOP, DINE & PLAY nearby

Townhomes from the $130’s 512-215-5220 Angie Miller 512-470-3925 1900 Little Elm Trail, Cedar Park

Garden Homes from the $160’s 512-215-3424 Wendy Feeley 512-699-7333 Jim Halverson 512-756-3064 11400 West Parmer Lane, Cedar Park

Take 183A North to the Brushy Creek/ Cypress Creek Exit. Turn left at light & travel 1.7 miles on Cypress Creek Rd., then left on Juliette Way & left on Little Elm Trail. Cypress Creek Townhomes are just ahead on the right.

From Hwy 183/Toll Road 183A, head East on Brushy Creek Road, turn left on Parmer Lane. Paradiso Villas is 1/4 mile on the right.

6% commission is only available on homes closing within 30 days at MileStone Community Builders’ Cypress Creek Townhomes project. Other inventory and to be built homes (including those at Paradiso Villas) may qualify for 4% commission. Limited time offer available on new contracts only on select inventory homes; cannot be combined with other offers. Realtor must accompany buyer on initial visit to community. Homes subject to prior sale. All incentives and commission programs may be changed or canceled at any time without notice. Additional restrictions may apply; see sales consultant for details.




realty line of Austin

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April 2010

April 2010

realty line of Austin


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realty line of Austin

April 2010

April 2010

realty line of Austin



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April 2010

realty line of Austin

Antonia Warren, Tara Donahue, Lindsay Kelly and Linda Lahrman, all of Keller Williams Realty Lake Travis, have fun cheering on all the award winners.

Teresa Person of 1031 Exchange Corp, Sharon Anderson, broker, and Dianne Verden of Texas Investments REALTORS get ready to hear the latest about appraisal policies at the CTCAR luncheon.

Buddy Davis, Elizabeth Ramirez and Richard Carreon, all of DR Horton, welcome Inelda Brown of International Realty Brokers and other REALTORS to an appreciation luncheon. Cheryl Tucker and WCAoR president J. Rene Ward, both of Best Agents in Texas, enjoy some mudbugs at the HBA’s 8th annual crawfish boil at Teravista.

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April 2010

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Associates In Progress



but most times they go out to the

Advertiser Profile

garage to open more visual space.”

By Linda McNabb

Boettcher has learned a multitude of other quick tips that can lead to top dollar offers at little

Staging By design

cost. Paint Touch up • Clean dirt and smudges be-


etting a home ready for market

time on market – creating more time for RE-

can be a daunting task for both

ALTORS to develop the next transaction.

fore getting out the paint can. Clorox cleaning cloths will remove an amazing amount of grime.

REALTORS and sellers, but de-

And when REALTORS turn to experts

cisions about what aspects to tackle first are

like Ellen Boettcher of Staging by Design,

easier when faced with facts about what ef-

they can be sure that it can all be done in a

forts pay off the most. The latest statistics

magically short amount of time and their

from HomeGain’s national survey show one

client’s furnishings will shout out the value

of the best returns on investment – ahead of

of their home to a wide variety of potential

landscaping, replacing carpets, painting, up-

buyers. Staging By Design offers full service

dating kitchens and bathrooms – is home

home staging including furniture/accessory

staging. (The number one return on invest-

arrangement, editing and packing services,

touch ups! Use a Q-tip dipped in

ment is to clean and de-clutter, seemingly a

closet/cabinet organizing, curb-appeal de-

a bit of diluted paint. Precision is

no-brainer and something hopefully every-

tailing, vignette staging for vacant proper-

the key.

one does.)


An average home staging fee of $300 to



• Mr. Clean ERASER is magic on doors and woodwork. • A little spackling compound goes a long way! Place a bit of Spackle then wipe away excess with a damp sponge to avoid covering the texture of the wall. • Don’t use a paintbrush for

ellen Boettcher



decorating consultations.

Cleaning Tubs and Showers

$400 typically results in a home price in-

Throughout her experience, Boettcher

The icky, dirty residue on fiberglass tubs

crease of $1,500 to $2,000, making it a 586

says she encounters many similar situations.

and shower floors is almost impossible to

percent return on investment— in other

“Two decorating snafus that are the most fre-

clean. Here is the process that turns a “no

words a smart investment, according to the

quent challenges in staging are furniture

way” response to “Yes, I can” action!

national survey.

scale and room flow,” Boettcher says. “I work

• Open the window or turn on exhaust

• Repeat until all traces of gunk are gone! dead Air • Turn ceiling fans on low in each room to dispel dead air. Air movement signals that the house is

Not only does a staged home tend to

at removing wall-to-wall furniture. Simply

bring a higher price, it also moves more

pulling the sofa away from the wall three to

quickly. About 96 percent of homes staged by

four inches and replacing a love seat with a

an Accredited Staging Professional sell on

chair will help give the room dimension and

• Gather willpower.

by Design can Make a Difference in how

average in 37 days or less versus 212 days for

more open space. I look hard at area rugs and

• Spray CLR® on tub and scrub with a

quickly your client’s property attracts quality

non-staged homes. That is 83 percent less

coffee tables too. Sometimes they can stay,

fan in the bathroom. • Purchase rubber gloves, Magic Erasers® and CLR®.

Magic Eraser®.

alive and vibrant and buyers will react positively. Let the home breathe! For more information about how Staging

offers, visit www.stagingbydesign.com. [RL]



April 2010

realty line of Austin

Erin Cook of Newland Communities teams up with HBA’s Debbie Horridge and Carol Baker to put together a great crawfish boil at Teravista, where builders and REALTORS mingled.

Sam Sullivan of Sunsational Solutions and past-president Joe Linsalata attend the monthly CTCAR luncheon at Austin Country Club to learn about appraisal reform.

Carol Medley Parker of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS and Jon Kasner of Kasner and Associates catch up at the CRS general membership meeting at the Westwood Country Club.

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April 2010

realty line of Austin


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realty line of Austin

April 2010

Mike McKim, center, of Real Estate Texas, gets an earful about Buffington Signature Homes from Nianne Bibber, left, and Afshin Motalebi, right, who both work for the builder. They were doing just what the HBA’s crawfish boil was designed for— REALTORS and builders mixing— and good food, of course.

Pauline Brent, Lisa Beard, Susan Patterson, Phillip Pense and Ann Carson, all of Independence Title, pass out school district and tax rate materials at a recent WCAoR meeting.

Debbie Ates of Wilshire Homes and Debra Waldman of TAR get a chance to talk before the NAHREP meeting at Cool River Cafe. Sharing a laugh at a recent REALTOR luncheon were longtime friends David McMillan of United Lending and Johnny Mynhier of Treaty Oak Homes. Wanna see more of what Treaty Oak Homes has to offer your clients? Check out the model in the South Austin community, Central Park.

April 2010

realty line of Austin

Associates In Progress

Advertiser Profile

its trends and keeps up with

By Stacy Stroud

gage lending requirements.


the many changes in mortWith all the recent and up-




coming changes to lending forms and new guidelines, specifically FHA, Ann feels it’s important that REALTORS have an FHA and VA

here are several advantages to

important for REALTORS and buyers alike

expert as their resource to

working with an independent, lo-

to work with an experienced lender who’s

keep them up to date and

cally based mortgage lender. The

up to date on RESPA compliance and

make the lending process

first is personalized service and customer

changes to lending forms, so that there are no

comfortable for their clients.

care. At Network Funding, Ann McKinley

last minute delays or problems at closing.

network is operated by experienced, service-

Ann believes that experience, knowledge

oriented mortgage professionals. Holding

acts as a direct resource for her clients from

But the real mark of a good professional

and integrity are the three keys to making the

fast to the mantra “service will never be com-

start to finish. “The last thing people need is

lender, in Ann’s opinion, are the things that

home buyer comfortable and the lending

promised by growth” has awarded the com-

to get lost in the 1-800 number,” says Ann.

everyone should be doing: providing great

process run smoothly. Network Funding, LP

pany widespread success with a focus on

“You want someone who’s going to answer

service, meeting with the clients one on one to

offers a lightning fast 48-hour turnaround

catering to clients locally, and personally.

the phone when you call with a question.

discuss their financing options, getting the pa-

and a client-centered business model. Ann

Network Funding, LP is a full service

That’s why it’s a good idea to work with

perwork to the title company ahead of time so

feels that a good lender works with the real

lender with direct endorsement underwrit-

someone you know in advance is going to

there are no surprises at closing, and most im-

estate community, supporting REALTORS

ing on FHA and VA loans. Ann joined Net-

take care of you and your clients, someone

portantly, closing on time. She enjoys educat-

and serving as a resource to them. She works

work Funding, LP in 2006 and has over 12

who views you as an individual.”

ing clients on the lending process so that they

as a team with real estate agents and works

years experience in lending as a top pro-

Ann makes it a point to attend all of her

can make the best choice for their home mort-

hard to get referrals for them, and believes

ducer. And while the company originates all

closings. “It’s my favorite part of the job. When

gage. “I want people to have a great mortgage

that buyers and sellers should always be rep-

types of loans, Ann’s specialty is working

I sit across the table from my clients, they are

experience,” says Ann. “There have been a lot

resented by a REALTOR. Most of her past

with first time homebuyers and buyers mov-

prepared and know what we are doing ahead

of stories in the media about lenders doing

clients are referred by real estate agents.

ing to larger homes in negotiating the loan

of time, so that we can spend our time at the

unethical things, but that’s not how I do busi-

Network Funding, LP is a Texan-owned

process and utilizing in-house underwriting

closing signing paperwork and talking about

ness. I work by referral, and I always do my

residential mortgage bank serving clients in

on FHA, VA, and conventional loans. Her

their plans to move into their new house.”

best to make the lending process intuitive,

47 states. Created in 1998 by longtime col-

mission, and her passion, is to help others realize their dream of homeownership.

A good locally based lender will also be

transparent and comfortable for everyone in-

leagues Rex Chamberlain and Gregory

up to date on local real estate trends and the

volved.” That means treating REALTORS and

(Buzz) Baker as a Texas-based wholesale

Ann originates loans at the Network

nuances of the Austin market. 2010 brings

buyers with honesty, fairness, friendliness and

mortgage lender, it is now one of the fastest

Funding, LP Austin branch office located at

some significant changes to lending laws as

personal attention every day.

growing mortgage companies in the country.

8800 Business Park Drive, Suite 200, near the

a result of the changes in the market over the

Ann has lived in Austin since 1981. She

In accordance with Network Funding’s en-

Arboretum and can be reached at 331-7292 or

past several years. Now more than ever, it’s

understands the local real estate market and

trepreneurial philosophy, each branch in the

by email at annmc@austin.rr.com. [RL]

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April 2010

realty line of Austin

Some of the team players that made the WCR mixer at Viva Chocolato a success were WCR president-elect Cheryl Jenkins of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS, Jim Sackrider of Block Real Estate and Ellen Boettcher of Staging By Design.

Ellen Friedman of Bryan Adams & Co. and Sam Mehra of Mehra Marketing and Distributors get a front row seat at Expo 2010, an event hosted by Mortgage IQ at The Commons Conference Center.

Mike Sumerlin and Pamela Jones, both of RE/MAX of Texas, get ready for inspire those who are new to the business at Power Start Career Day at the Norris Conference Center.




May 3rd

9:00am to 12:00pm

May 6th

1:00 to 4:00pm

May 11th

1:00 to 4:00pm

May 18th

9:00am to 12:00pm

Credit Scoring: Balancing & Reformation Course No. 03-00-121-8900

The Inside Line To Clear Buying Power

Time Management Course No. 03-00-121-8902

100% Financing The Inside Line Course No. 03-00-121-8901

John Simpson

TREC Instructor Provider: Mortgage Acuity Provider No. 0688 mortgageacuity@austin.rr.com 512.789.5250 Direct

FHA Loans: The Inside Line Course No. 03-00-121-8903

Event Location: All trainings will take place at the Land Mortgage Corporate Office 8300 N. MOPAC, Ste. 225 Austin, TX 78759

April 2010

realty line of Austin


Right now is the time to settle for everything. Sell a new home between April 1 and May 31 to receive a $500 bonus.*

And now with homes for any lifestyle, we have something for everyone. Whether you’re selling to first-time buyers, a growing family, or a couple who is alone at last, Teravista lets your clients choose from a diverse collection of well-crafted homes. It’s the perfect opportunity for them to choose the life they’ve always wanted—one with a golf course†, residents club with a pool, and first-class educational facilities all near some of Austin’s top employers. They even get to choose between free HOA or free golf.** Plus, with homes starting in the $150,000s, it’s a choice that’s well within their reach.

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*Must have client sign a new home contract in Teravista between March 15 – May 31, 2010, and close escrow by December 31, 2010, to be eligible for the $500 Visa gift card. $500 Visa gift card paid upon verification of eligibility and, closing and funding of the new home. Contact a Teravista sales office to obtain a copy of the Terms & Conditions. **Must sign a new home contract in Teravista between April 1 – May 31, 2010, and close escrow by December 31, 2010, to be eligible for the 2011 HOA dues OR 12 rounds of golf at Teravista Golf Club. The builder incentives described in the “Something for Everyone” promotion are offered and sponsored exclusively by participating builders who are solely responsible for the content and operation of the builder incentives offered in the promotion. Newland has neither affiliation nor any obligations or liabilities relating to the builder incentives offered in the promotion. HOA dues OR golf rounds granted upon verification of eligibility and closing and funding of the new home. Terms and conditions apply. Visit Teravista.com/everyone or Teravista builder sales offices for details. Information regarding tax credits are provided for general guidance only, and no representation or warranty is made that you will qualify for a tax credit as described above. The information provided does not constitute legal, tax, accounting, financial, investment, or other professional, advice, services or consulting of any kind. Please consult with your qualified real estate, financial, accounting, and legal advisors regarding your specific circumstances and your purchase. Void where prohibited. Access to, or use of, the Teravista Golf Club is not included in the purchase of homes or homesites and requires separate membership and membership requirements. © 2010 Newland Communities. All rights reserved.




April 2010

realty line of Austin

NAPMW education chair Barbara Kennedy gets ready to introduce Jim Gaines, a research economist for Texas A & M University who gave an economic forecast to members at a recent meeting.

Attendees at the WCAoR luncheon listen intently to the guest speaker to find out how they can follow his methods to sell 500 homes a year.

Becky Hopkins, left, and Amy Kobza, right, both of Austin Title, encourage Stephanie Powell, center, of Champions School of Real Estate to sample some truffles at Viva Chocolato in The Domain. April Campbell Laird of Sunny Lane Realty has a night out with her son, Caleb, at the TREPAC chili cook off at the ABoR auditorium.

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April 2010

realty line of Austin



Past HBA president Gary Henley of Henley Homes enjoys the chance to enjoy a full plate of crawfish and other good fixin’s at the organization’s 8th annual crawfish boil.

Melinda Carroll, far right, of First American Title, welcomes Cindy Borbely of Keller Williams Realty and Aurelius Sofia of Land Mortgage to the MCE class at the company's Lakeway office.

Angie Miller of MileStone Community Builders talks Dorothy Powell and Vanessa Drimalas, both of JB Goodwin REALTORS, about some of the amenities at Cypress Creek Townhomes during the grand opening. Kim Gayer and Wayne Gayer, both of Gayer Group REALTORS, end the morning SWSC property tour with lunch at the Buffington Signature Homes model at the Bridges at Bear Creek.



April 2010

realty line of Austin

Patti Malone of Keller Williams Realty and Pauline Brent of Independence Title attend the WCAoR meeting where they learned about surviving in the new economy.

David Matthys of RE/MAX Capital City knows how to let people know his profession.

Lynn Bates of Patten Law Firm tells Roger Sturgell of Better Homes Realty about what he can expect at the Spotlight Austin event, which featured tips on property rehab.

Ellen’s Staging Tip: Give them a sign, or not... Do you wonder about adding signs or feature cards to highlight amenities in your listings? When amenities are both expected and usual, please don’t sign them. I recommend signing only if a feature is neither obvious nor expected. Here are a few examples: • Upgraded wiring or security systems. • Storage areas that are not noticeable (i.e., under stairs) • Multiple light switches (these can be really confusing if not signed) • Usual features (pull out drawers behind cabinet doors or usual flooring materials.

Do your sellers need professional staging?

Call me today for a “MAKE A DIFFERENCE” consultation. Ellen is ready to help you set the stage for professional results. Ellen Boettcher, president 512.751.1756 Ellen@StagingByDesign.com

April 2010

realty line of Austin


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Newland Communities is a privately owned company that creates residential and urban mixed-use communities in 14 states from coast-to-coast. We believe it is our responsibility to create enduring, healthier communities for people to live life in ways that matter most to them. www.newlandcommunities.com

*Must have client sign a new home contract in Falcon Pointe between March 15, 2010 – May 31, 2010, and close escrow by December 31, 2010, to be eligible for the 5% builder commission and $500 VISA gift card. 5% builder commission and $500 VISA gift card paid upon verification of eligibility and, closing and funding of the new home. Contact a Falcon Pointe sales office to obtain a copy of the Terms & Conditions. This is not intended to be an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to buy real estate in Falcon Pointe to residents of Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, and Oregon, or in any other jurisdiction where prohibited by law. Homes within the Falcon Pointe community are constructed and sold by builders not affiliated with Newland Communities or Newland Communities’ affiliated companies. Prices, specifications and details are subject to change without notice. © 2010 Newland Communities. All rights reserved.




April 2010

realty line of Austin

Linda Preece of WR Starkey Mortgage and NAPMW treasurer Matthew Posey keep things running smoothly at the check in table at a recent meeting.

DR Horton president Rob Hutton, far left, shows the company’s appreciation for the Top 10 producers at a recent luncheon. They included: Torquil Creevy, Cliff Hahn, Henry Le, Shelly Eoff, Hoit Frierson, Robert Fields, Mary Chittim Fields, Matt Holm, Jared West and Jay Parham.

Tom Moody, center, of DR Horton and his wife Carolyn Moody take some time to chat with Keith Young of Dannenbaum Engineering before braving the long line for the great food at the HBA crawfish boil. Richard Martin of Keller Williams Realty and Tom Sauceda of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage get ready to hear the annual forecast organized by Gracy Title at the at the Austin Country Club.

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April 2010

realty line of Austin

Experts Speak Out




was on the GFE, such as the appraisal fee, the

less of whether the charges will be paid for

Latra Szal

charge remains in the borrower’s column on

by the borrower, the seller, or other party.

the HUD-1. A credit from the paying party to

Proper disclosure of the GFE up front has

the borrower to offset the charge should be

become a critical component of getting buy-

listed on the first page of the HUD-1 in Lines

ers to closing on time. Last minute issues

204-209 and, if the service was paid by the

with disclosure can lead to upset and con-

seller, Lines 506-509 respectively. The credit

fused buyers. As long as the loan officers ac-

for the appraisal fee (or other fee) could also

curately disclose on their Good Faith

be offset by a credit disclosed as a negative

Estimates, closing delays should not occur.

number in Line A of the GFE and listed as a

As a tip to realtors, it is a good idea to contact

negative number in Line 803 of the HUD-1.

the buyer’s lender the week before closing to


Gracy Title


With the new Settlement Statements and

amount charged to the borrower is offset by

Good Faith Estimates in full force now, there

a credit in that amount in Lines 204-209 and

are still many questions about how to prop-

by a charge to the seller in that amount in

erly disclose buyer costs. Often it takes time

Lines 506-509 on page 1 of the HUD-1.

to resolve these issues, which can delay clos-

Q: How are items that were paid outside of

ings. Below, please see the second 1/2 of the

closing (P.O.C.) shown in the Comparison Chart

top 10 most Frequently Asked Questions that

on page 3 of the HUD-1?

have been asked of our escrow associates

A: The HUD-1 column in the Comparison

since we began to use the new forms. Thank-

Chart must include any amounts shown on

fully, HUD has answered these questions

page 2 of the HUD-1 in the column as paid

and their exact answers are shown below.

by the borrower, plus any amounts that are

Q: If a seller typically pays for the Block 5, (Owner‘s title insurance), does the charge still

shown as P.O.C. by or on behalf of the borrower. Q: Does a loan originator have to show an ap-

have to be shown on the GFE? A: Yes, an estimate of the cost must be

praisal fee (or other fee) paid to a third party on

shown in Block 5, (Owner‘s title insurance)

the GFE and HUD-1 even if the loan originator

for all purchase transactions regardless of

wants to cover 100% of the fee? A: Yes. The loan originator must list all re-

who is selecting or paying for it. Q: If the seller has agreed to pay charges that

quired third party services on the GFE and

were disclosed on the borrower‘s GFE, how are

HUD-1 regardless of whether the charge is

these charges listed on the HUD-1?

paid by the borrower, seller, loan originator

A: The charge for any service which is dis-

or any other party (except for administrative

closed on the borrower‘s GFE is listed in the

and processing services). If any party other

borrower‘s column on the HUD-1. The

than the borrower is paying for a service that

Q: If at the time a GFE is issued it is known

make sure all of the proper disclosures have

that the seller will pay settlement charges typi-

been made to the buyer. Not only does this

cally paid by the borrower, how are the charges

help take care of the new GFE requirements,

disclosed on the GFE?

it also helps make sure that the Truth-In-

A: All charges typically paid by the borrower must be disclosed on the GFE regard-

Lending law does not create any issues for closing. [RL]

Find out what’s happening in real estate. Visit our Calendar of Events page on our Web site.




Konie Peteete

Cherri Spradling

A Commitment to Yo Your Success Cherri Spradling Cherri Spradling has been in the title business for 25 years and has experience closing all ty pes of loans, whether they’re commercial or residential. She understands that closing is an important and memorable occasion and it’s her job to reduce stress and keep all parties well informed throughout the contract-to-close process. Cherri looks forward to providing you with the ser vices and products of one of Austin’s longtime industry leaders and help you achieve success in any market.

Konie Peteete Konie Peteete brings 26 years of Williamson Count y k now-how to area clients and customers. She k nows ever y facet of t he business and specia lizes in Farm & Ranch, Short-Sa les and Commercia l transactions. She understands t hat a successf u l and satisf y ing sett lement experience is a ref lection on you. Konie and her entire Round Rock escrow staf f are committed to hand ling each closing wit h t he precision and care you expect. Move your Williamson Count y business fo for ward w it h conf idence and ca ll Konie Peteete on your next transaction.



realty line of Austin

April 2010

Johnny Mynhier of Treaty Oak Homes welcomes Holly Mewis of ZIP Realty and Buster Spillar of Spillar Oldmixon Advisors Realty to a REALTOR luncheon at Central Park, the builder’s South Austin community.

Carol Ann Pevehouse of Sky Realty joins Cheri Price and Shirley Fisk, both of Stanberry & Associates, at the annual housing forecast, where they learned what they already knew— that Austin is the best place to be in real estate. HBA executive director Harry Savio works up a sweat for a good cause as a server at the organization’s 8th annual crawfish boil at Teravista.

TREPAC chairman Susan Horton takes the opportunity to remind agents about the PAC gives back by keeping real estate and their business in the hands of the REALTOR, at the property management course.

Edie Finch of Edie Finch Properties, Paula Adkins of Paula Adkins Real Estate and Emma Polk of Coldwell Banker SG Billings enjoy being at the CRS meeting.

Tiffany Stillwell, left, and Allison Ulrich, right, both of Patten Law Firm, thank Herman Cardenas of Renaissance Properties for hosting Spotlight Austin at his project, Riverside Grove condos, where attendees learned about property rehab.

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