LOOK INSIDE: JB Goodwin’s Thanksgiving Luncheon • WCAoR’s Christmas Tree Gala | ALL Photos Posted: www.realtylineonline.com
Comprehensive Housing Forecast set for Jan. 6 at Renaissance Hotel Gain the knowledge you need to succeed in the coming year by attending the 2009 Housing Forecast on Tuesday, Jan. 6 at the Renaissance Austin Hotel, located at 9721 Arboretum Blvd. Arrive at 7:30 a.m. to enjoy breakfast and networking; the program will follow from 8:30 to 11 a.m. Co-sponsored by the Austin Board of REALTORS® (ABoR) and the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin (HBA), this exclusive event is open only to ABoR and HBA members and will feature input from several industry experts. You will be briefed on the most recent market statistics and gain valuable insight on the future of our economy and the housing sector in particular. Jon Hockenyos, president of the economic analysis and public
policy consulting firm Texas Perspectives, will deliver the national economic forecast. Hockenyos will be joined by Eldon Rude, director of MetroStudy for the Austin market, and Gary Farmer, president of Heritage Title. A limited number of tickets remain and can be purchased for $75. All tickets must be purchased in advance. ABoR members may purchase tickets by calling 454-7636; online at www.abor.com/events/HousingForecast.cfm; or at the ABoR offices. HBA members may purchase tickets online at www.austinhomebuilders.com or at the HBA offices. For more information, contact Rita Barousse of ABoR at 4547636, ext. 1603 or Debbie Horridge of HBA at 454-5588, ext. 103.
Upcoming Events: DECEMBER 19 - JANUARY 1 Realty Line’s Office is CLOSED
JANUARY 6 HBA/ABoR Housing Forecast Renaissance Austin Hotel - 7:30 a.m.
JANUARY 7 AMBA Meeting Austin Country Club - 11:30 - 1:15 p.m. FEBRUARY 11 ABoR’S Gold Rush Party Location: TBD - 6 p.m.
All Installation & Award photographs will appear in the January ʻ09 issue
o ci a t e s i n a s sprogress
DECEMBER 2008 • VOL. 13 • ISSUE 8
Enjoyable. Entertaining. It’s all About You.
Three leaders take posts in local associations and chapters By Linda McNabb CONTRIBUTING WRITER A new set of leaders has taken over the reigns of Austin’s important associations/chapters in the real estate industry. Realty Line visited with them to get some insight into what is ahead for 2009:
Jay Gohil
Chairman of the Austin Board of REALTORS What is the greatest challenge that faces ABoR?
Our association must strive to remain relevant in a sea of change. The real estate world is evolving quickly and we offer the finest array of tools, resources and educational development anywhere. For example, ABoR leads the state in enrolling the most GRI students. Why should someone want to become a member of ABoR?
ABoR understands member needs — sometimes even before members themselves do. Change is relentless and new technology, techniques and outside competitors abound. ABoR, together with our state and national associations, ensures that
P.O. Box 81366 Austin, Texas 78708-1366
members stay ahead of the curve.
What are you most looking forward to as ABoR’s leader?
I am excited about proudly representing our association in the community and on the state and national levels. Locally, ABoR has been a potent force for consumer protection with the recently passed Energy Efficiency Ordinance. Without our involvement, residential housing costs could have increased by thousands of dollars and our brokerages would have carried greater legal risk. What kind of outlook do you foresee for real estate in 2009?
The 2009 real estate market will be tough and it will demand more of REALTORS®, but it will remain rewarding for those who stay involved. The Texas A&M Real Estate Research Center reports that Austin will continue Jay Gohil to be the crown jewel of the Texas housing market for many years to come. The center also predicts a solid spring 2009 market with little to no price decrease. What interesting, little-known fact about yourself can you share? Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Austin, Texas Paid Permit #715
Don’t forget: You can visit us online 24/7 at www.realtylineonline.com
cleaned offices at night while earning my engineering degree. I continue to work hard for the right things and I won't let our ABoR members down. I tell everyone I know that this is one terrific country. When you aren't working in real estate, what do you like to do?
My life outside of work totally revolves around my family. I have a new grandson by one son and another son was just married. I am one lucky man!
Barbara Wigginton
President of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS
What is the greatest challenge that faces WCAoR?
The challenge all real estate associations are facing is the possibility of a loss of membership as the economic slowdown continues. Although the Williamson County area is doing well when compared to many other market areas nationwide, we will certainly be affected by the current market conditions. It will be necessary for our association to be able to reach out to those who are being affected and provide leadership, support and information that will help them during this time of uncertainty in the market. Why should someone want to
People in become a member of WCAoR? my family WCAoR offers its memdon't tend bers the opportunity to be a to brag, but part of a member driven I'll tell you Barbara Wigginton with husband Sam organization that focuses that I came totally on the needs of its to this counREALTOR members for education and professional try from India to attend growth. As a member of our association, you have a voice college as a non-English and opportunity to express ideas and knowledge that will speaker. To succeed and provide guidance to the membership. make my family proud, I Our members receive weekly market information, studied hard, worked two 2009 leadership Continued on page 4 jobs during the day and
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Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Kay Andrews of Amelia Bullock REALTORS enjoys a tailgate party before the UT-Missouri game with her son Steve Andrews, left, and husband Fred Andrews, “coach” of the tailgate.
Tom Simons of Austin Equity receives congratulations from Pat Haywood of DHI Mortgage and James Castillo of DR Horton America’s Builder for selling 27 DR Horton homes. Tom was among 10 top winners at the company’s appreciation luncheon at Austin Country Club.
Realty Line of Austin is published monthly by ©Caxton Publications, Inc., as a non-subscription publication for the more than 9,000 members of the Austin Board of REALTORS (ABoR), the more than 1,100 members of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS (WCAoR) and the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin. ©Caxton Publications, Inc. dba Realty Line of Austin is an active member of the Austin Board of REALTORS, the Williamson County Association of REALTORS and is a honorary member of the Women’s Council of REALTORS. Caxton Publications, Inc. dba Realty Line of Austin is not responsible for opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any by-products in advertising or editorial copy. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this publication, the registered trademark should be assumed.
Doren L. Carver PUBLISHER
COLUMNISTS Socar Chatmon-Thomas Linda Hall • Wes Peoples Gary Cocanougher • Steve Klein All photos, press releases or article submissions can be sent to
E-mail: realtyline@austin.rr.com
Yvonne Slaughter of Highland Loan Source and Janet Havel, director of sales operations for Highland Homes, welcome guests to the model home in Hidden Glen which served as the site for WCAoR’s fourth annual Christmas tree gala.
Karen Williams of North American Title has a chance to hold newborn Harrison as brother Christian and father Damon Murgin smile for the camera at the title company’s second annual shop-til-you-drop-event.
P. O. Box 81366, Austin, Texas 78708 Office: 821-1900 www.realtylineonline.com
Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
w ww . r ea lt y l in eo n li ne . c om
for a listing, and both must be reported within 24 hours in the
MLS system. However, the two status options reflect very dif-
Wishing You Success in 2009
ferent circumstances for a property.
The P status indicates that a buyer has made an offer on the
property, and the seller has accepted the offer. While the prop-
erty is in P status, both the seller and the buyer are addressing
By Socar Chatmon-Thomas • Coldwell Banker United REALTORS
the terms of the contract, which may include mortgage
2008 Chairman • Austin Board of REALTORS This is my final column as Chairman of the Board and I’d like to take a moment to thank
you all for your support throughout 2008. With your help, ABoR has accomplished a great deal: We defeated the City of Austin’s proposal for mandatory energy efficient upgrades at
the point of sale, added great new ABoR and ACTRIS benefits and showed Austin con-
sumers the value of working with REALTORS in property transactions. I’ve had a fantastic time serving as your chairman and I wish you all continued success and a peaceful holiday
approval, title approval, inspections, etc. Successful comple-
tion of those terms typically results in a change in the proper-
ty’s status to Sold (S). Should the transaction fail, however, the
property’s status must be changed to reflect the desire of the seller and listing broker— usually by putting the property back on the market in Active (A) status.
The PB status indicates that the seller has also accepted the buyer’s offer but wishes to
consider additional offers known as “backup” offers. In this scenario, a backup offer is
written, presented and negotiated between the seller and backup buyer. If option money and earnest money are part of the backup contract, those checks are tendered to the appro-
Last Chance for Housing Forecast Tickets
Don’t miss your chance to attend the exclusive 2009 Housing Forecast on Tuesday,
Jan. 6 from 7:30 to 11 a.m. at the Renaissance Austin Hotel, located at 9721 Arboretum
priate parties. The seller, in this case, is still bound to the buyer named in the initial contract until or unless it falls through. Should the initial contract fall through, the second con-
tract replaces the initial contract upon written notification by the seller to the backup
Blvd. Brought to you by ABoR and the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin
ing Jon Hockenyos, president of Texas Perspectives, Gary Farmer of Heritage Title and
ker if the seller would consider taking back up offers. If you have questions or concerns
(HBA), this industry update features insight from leading real estate experts, includ-
Eldon Rude, director of MetroStudy for the Austin market. The speakers will offer an in-depth review the 2008 Austin economy and will share their predictions for the com-
ing year.
Tickets for the event are $75 each and are available only to ABoR and HBA mem-
https://www.abor.com/events/housingforecast.cfm; in person at the ABoR offices,
located at 10900 Stonelake Blvd., Ste. 100, Austin, Texas 78759; or by calling Rita Barousse at 454-7636, ext. 1603. HBA members may purchase their tickets online at
www.austinhomebuilders.com or at the HBA offices, located at 8140 Exchange Drive. Status Struggles: Revisiting Pending Properties
Knowing when to use the Pending (P) versus Pending Taking Backups (PB) statuses in
MLXchange can be tricky. Both statuses are used to show that an offer has been accepted
Regardless of whether the P status or PB status is used, agents may ask the listing bro-
regarding which status applies to your listing, contact the MLS Support Team at mlssup-
Go for the Gold with GRI
Master the fiscal side of real estate by attending GRI1: Real Estate Finance from Monday,
Feb. 2 through Thursday, Feb. 5 at the ABoR offices. This course starts you on the path to
earning your Graduate Real Estate Institute (GRI) designation and covers such topics as
real estate contracts, financing, fair housing, cultural diversity and the sales process.
The course costs $275 for ABoR members or $300 for non-members and carries 30 hours
core credit or nine hours Mandatory Continuing Education (MCE) credit (Provider # 0001).
Classes will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, with an optional exam period on Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. To register, visit https://www.abor.com/courses/abor_index.cfm?fuseaction=DES.
w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m
2009 leadership
Realty Line of Austin
Continued from front page
Moving into our new building is the focus for 2009. There is great excitement within the membership as the building should be ready for occupancy about the 1st of February. We look forward to the opportunities that having a new building brings: A state of the art educational facility that will be available to not only our members for available for rental to the community, increased REALTOR store offerings, increased meeting space for committee and we’re especially excited about the “REALTOR Café” where our members can have access to the internet, meet with clients and review paperwork while out of their office. Our committees are all busy planning educational events and social events now that we’ll have more parking and available space. Our new building is located at 123 Old Settlers Blvd., Round Rock. Currently our association is the 9th largest in Texas. I look forward to establishing the processes and programs that will continue to build leaders for the future. We have a highly talented membership and I want to be sure they have the opportunities to serve the real estate profession and their communities. My goal is to the raise the bar for real estate professionals as Charles McMillan of Dallas, the 2009 President of the National Association of REALTORS stated at the Leadership Summit for incoming board presidents this summer. Additionally he stated that we will strengthen relationships with consumers and the communities we serve. As leaders of local associations of REALTORS we will strive to position our members as the most trusted source of real estate information. What kind of outlook do you foresee for real estate in 2009?
soon show results in Williamson County and on “Main Street” around the country. So much of our economy is rooted in the success of housing. I am hoping that the economists that are suggesting a return to economic growth by mid-year are correct. What interesting little known fact about yourself can you share?
I love to play dominos and everyone in my family knows that I will always try to get a game started if there are four of us gathered together. When you aren't working in real estate, what do you like to do?
My favorite pasttime is fishing on the Texas coast. My husband Sam and I enjoy taking our boat to a fish camp just south of Port O’Connor and spending time with my sister and her husband fishing for trout and redfish in the shallow bays. It’s very exciting when you hook a large redfish or a fighting trout, but most of all we enjoy the company of our family. We just don’t get to do this very often so it always something we really look forward to.
Ron Urias
President of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals, Austin chapter What is the greatest challenge that faces NAHREP?
During down times in any market it’s easy for REALTORS to look for immediate ways to tighten their belts and do away with extra expenses. Our challenge at NAHREP is to help REALTORS realize they must continue to belong to associations that have their best interest in mind and to provide them with resources and opportunities to grow their business.
Ron Urias
As housing goes, so goes the nation. I hope that the bailout of the financial industry will
Why should someone want to become a member of NAHREP?
The reason I fell in love with this chapter is the way I felt after my very first meeting. I was
December 2008 warmly welcomed and made to feel like my business and life experiences were valued. Our goal is to provide member mentors to each new applicant so that they have a guide during their first few visits. What are you most looking forward to as NAHREP’s leader?
I have already started working with other like minded REALTOR organizations to work together and hold joint events like TREPAC fundraisers, membership drives and education seminars. We should work together so that our sponsors don't have to choose which one or two associations to donate to when in fact we can make it easier for everyone to win. After all, we share many of the same members in many of these collective groups. What kind of outlook do you foresee for real estate in 2009?
I have "concerned optimism" for 2009. Many of our members have been in business through the tough and turbulent cycles in this Austin real estate market and know that these times too shall pass. Now more than ever we need to concentrate on fine tuning our methods of presenting homes and taking this time together to retool our thought process on technology, blogs, social networks and networking groups like NAHREP. What kind of outlook do you foresee for real estate in 2009?
What many people don't know about me is that as president of my HOA I helped to defeat a proposed Wal-Mart superstore at the intersection of MoPac and Slaughter Lane. We worked with many other talented community activists, homeowners, City Council, Save Our Springs, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center and other HOAs in this David and Goliath struggle. I’m confident I can overcome any obstacles during my year as president. When you aren't working in real estate, what do you like to do?
I enjoy mentoring other business professionals who need a helping hand or a little encouragement. In the process I learn new things too!
Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
w ww . r ea lt y l in eo n li ne . c om
The KB Kronicle DECEMBER 11, 2008
512-651-8059 If you are looking for a location to hold your next sales meeting, training session or event, the KB Home Design Studio is the perfect place! Please contact Colette Fitzgerald at cfitzgerald@kbhome.com or 512-294-1781 for more information.
Happy Holidays! from
John McConnel, broker for Century 21 First Place Realty, motivates his team during their monthly sales meeting hosted by KB Home in the KB Home Design Studio.
KB Home 3% commission paid at slab on all Built to Order homes! 17 new-home communities to choose from. 130 TOLL
16 Temple
Williams Dr
tern hwes Sout Blvd
NORTH Wildwood Dr
1 El Camino Real From the $110s 1,109–2,837 sq. ft. (512) 878-0927
7 Berdoll Farms From the $90s 1,109–2,962 sq. ft. (512) 247-6174
13 University Park From the $120s 1,109–3,728 sq. ft. (512) 863-8363
8 The Enclave at Circle C From the high $200s 2,226–3,332 sq. ft. (512) 432-0107
Steve Osborne, with Century 21 First Place Realty, receives an outstanding achievement award during the November sales meeting held at the KB Home Design Studio.
Did you know... • KB Home is an Energy Star Certified Builder.
Georgetown 39 7 Lo o
1431 3406 Vistae Ridg Blvd
Champions Dr
Sunny Brook
Wood Way
Rd Creek Brushy
North Park Dr
79 Round Rock
2 Waterleaf From the low $100s 1,109–3,728 sq. ft. (512) 262-2117
Gattis School Rd
Lake Travis
Red Bud Blvd
Cedar Park
n W. Parme r L
1 1825
17 6 FM
Burnet Rd
Lake Austin
130 TOLL
4 Oak at Twin Creeks From the $220s 1,903–5,211 sq. ft. (512) 292-3652
290 71
Nuckols Crossing
St. Elmo Stassney
Bluff Springs
4 FM 1 50
3 2
Alum Rock Dr
FM 973
Ross Rd
7 6
Pearce Lane
FM 15
11 Silverado Ranch From the $160s 1,585–5,211 sq. ft. (512) 260-5805
6 Meadows at Berdoll From the $90s 1,106–2,962 sq. ft. (512) 247-6174
0 130 TOLL
San Marcos
10 Fairway Estates at Circle C From the mid $400s 3,015–5,368 sq. ft. (512) 432-0103
5 McKinney Heights From the $90s 1,090–2,561 sq. ft. (512) 282-0014
Salt Spring Dr
William Ca nnon Slaughter
9 Enclave Estates at Circle C From the high $300s 3,169–5,211 sq. ft. (512) 432-0107
Oak Hill
9 10 8
3 Plum Creek From the $140s 1,326–2,000 sq. ft. (512) 268-0780
12 Westwood From the $110s 1,202–2,962 sq. ft. (512) 528-1371
14 Summerfield From the $90s 1,087–5,211 sq. ft. (512) 365-3262
PFLUGERVILLE 15 Spring Trails From the high $150s 1,743–3,742 sq. ft. (512) 990-5304
TEMPLE 16 Village of Sage Meadows From the $120s 1,582–3,728 sq. ft. (254) 780-9037
NORTH AUSTIN 17 Lakes at Northtown From the high $160s 1,659–3,728 sq. ft. (512) 670-0217
©2008 KB Home (KBH). Broker Cooperation Welcome. See Built to Order™ options and upgrades offered at KB Home Studio. Finished homes must close within 21 days of contract to receive commission. Homes under construction must close within 7 days of KB Final to receive commission.3% commission will be paid at slab for Built to Order homes. If the home loan is not financed through Countrywide KB Home Loans, all commission will be paid at Close of Escrow. Commission is calculated on base price plus lot premium on Built to Order homes. Studio selections are not included in calculation of commission. All sales made with a contingency, GBO or any sale made as a non-principal residence purchase will be paid at close of escrow. All options/upgrades require additional charges, may require ordering at predetermined stages of construction and are subject to change/discontinuation anytime by KB Home. KB Home is not a custom homebuilder. Total price advertised includes all discounts. Commission on inventory homes is calculated on net sales price, which is the sales price less any discounts. See sales representative for details. KBH reserves the right to extend, modify or discontinue offer at any time without prior notice. Prices/terms subject to change, prior sale, homesite premiums and/or predetermined options. Floorplans, options, elevations, views vary by community/homesite location and are not guaranteed. Prices subject to change without notice. Restrictions and limitations apply.
If you would like to receive weekly updates from KB Home with our current inventory list, Realtor bonuses, and upcoming events, please email our Broker/Realtor Liaison, Colette Fitzgerald at cfitzgerald@kbhome.com.
• KB Home is the only national builder to receive the highly coveted National Housing Quality (NHQ) Certification. • KB Home was named #1 Most Admired Builder by Fortune Magazine. • KB Home pays Realtors 3% Commission at slab pour on Built-To-Order homes. (some conditions apply).
• KB Home was named the #1 Green Homebuilder by the prestigious investment firm Calvert Asset Management and the Boston College institute for Responsible Investment. • KB Home Austin has a dedicated Broker/ Realtor Liaison to make selling a KB Home a smooth and positive experience for our valuable Realtors!
w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m
Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Heather Graham, left, and Heather Cooke, right, both of Texas American Title, welcome Stan Barron of Stan Barron Properties and Robert DuBois of DuBois Bryant and Campbell Attorneys to the informative real estate forum at the Westwood Country Club. Participants got a view into the new regulations and licensing affecting homebuilders and lenders.
Kelly White and Mary Weaver, both of Sente Mortgage, host a goal setting event at Gracy Title. They await students to return from lunch to complete the second half of the course. Look for more classes to be held in the upcoming year.
John Leach and Kevin Breaux, both of JB Goodwin REALTORS, serve as head chefs at the company’s Thanksgiving feast. They had three turkey fryers going to feed the industry army.
Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
w ww . r ea lt y l in eo n li ne . c om
Julianna Brock of Power Training cuts the ribbon of the new office on Anderson Square while supported by friends.
Melanie Damron and Sam Chapman, both of Keller Williams Realty, head upstairs to check out the Gracy Title office, their new upstairs neighbor in Lake Travis.
Cathy Coneway of Stanberry & Associates catches up with Dewayne Naumann of First American Title before climbing on the bus for the 30-year anniversary prospector’s tour hosted by the Greater Leander Chamber of Commerce.
Purchase a new Centex home by 12/31/2008 to receive 25% Off Options up to $15,000.*
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Check out our new, lower prices!
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* Offer available on Centex to-be-built homes only in the greater Austin area on contracts written from 12-1-08 through 12-31-08. Features, options and upgrades will vary per series of homes, per plan and may vary per community. Not valid with any other offers or discounts and subject to change. See a sales representative for details. Prices subject to change without notice. **Price adjustments were not made in these neighborhoods.
w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m
Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Anticipating good news from guest speaker James P. Gaines, Phd, R e s e a r c h Economist with the Texas A&M Real Estate center at a recent NAPMW luncheon were FreezeJessie Skret, Harper Ray and Carolyn Thomas, all with Cornerstone Mortgage. the pics urchase P r o w Line at Vie in Realty e.com you see lin n o altyline www.re
RE/MAX Town & Country of Liberty Hill is among firms selected for the 4th annual “Aggie 100” list of fastest-growing companies owned and operated by former students of Texas A&M University. Shane White, right, was recognized at a formal luncheon on Oct. 31. Spotlight artist David Foster, ABoR’s president, and his wife, Kathi, showcase their art during WCR’s The Art of Austin REALTORS event held in the Seven Oaks community.
Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
w ww . r ea lt y l in eo n li ne . c om
Austin’s Colony # From the $110’s # (512) 276-1300 ADDRESS 15216 Parrish 4600 Belfield 4620 Acers Lane 4602 Acers Lane 4407 Acers Lane 4403 Acers Lane 4602 Belfield 4506 Acers Lane 4410 Acers Lane
Chaparral Crossing # From the $80’s # (512) 276-9001
SALES BED/ PRICE INCENTIVE PLAN STORIES BATH $164,115 $21,100 2010 2 3/2.5 $115,765 $8,500 1109 1 3/2 $128,725 $15,000 1439 2 3/2.5 $114,730 SOLD! 1229 1 3/2 $144,545 $13,500 1859 2 3/2.5 $128,815 SOLD! 1399 1 3/2 $117,125 $12,000 1229 1 3/2 $126,950 $15,000 1399 1 3/2 $123,425 SOLD! 1399 1 3/2
SALES BED/ PRICE INCENTIVE PLAN STORIES BATH $153,790 $34,000 1722 2 4/2 $90,965 $12,000 810 1 2/1 $110,565 SOLD! 1310 2 3/2.5 $99,900 $10,000 1110 1 3/2 $102,390 $10,300 1110 1 3/2 $110,340 $12,300 1410 2 3/2.5 $101,985 SOLD! 1072 1 2/1 $119,470 $9,400 1302 2 3/1.5 $104,575 SOLD! 1110 1 3/2
ADDRESS 4526 Felicity 4618 Best Way 4624 Best Way 4610 Best Way 4623 Best Way 4627 Best Way 4527 Felicity 4529 Felicity 4621 Best Way
Blanco Vista # From the $130’s # (512) 392-8782 ADDRESS 302 Hay Barn 239 Hay Barn 113 Split Rail 102 Silo Street 210 Hay Barn 206 Hay Barn
SALES BED/ PRICE INCENTIVE PLAN STORIES BATH $151,130 $21,000 1195 1 3/2 $194,515 $31,500 2010 2 5/2 $209,895 $26,500 2230 2 4/2.5 $159,945 SOLD! 1422 1 3/2 $186,705 $13,700 2012 2 3/2.5 $147,775 $17,700 1002 1 2/1.5
Neighborhoods. In all the best locations. • Minutes from Austin • Access to Major Employers • Parks & Lakes • Close to new Toll Roads • Shopping • Playgrounds • Schools
Bunton Creek # From the $110’s # (512) 504-3061 ADDRESS 1217 Twin Cove 1205 Twin Cove 1253 Twin Cove 1193 Twin Cove
SALES BED/ PRICE INCENTIVE PLAN STORIES BATH $139,990 $24,500 1192 1 3/2 $148,675 $17,700 1762 2 3/2.5 $117,200 $10,000 1032 1 2/1.5 $137,510 $16,500 1402 1 3/2
Meadow Lake # From the $100’s # (512) 448-2224
1 Chaparral Crossing
SALES BED/ ADDRESS PRICE INCENTIVE PLAN STORIES BATH 2410 Magin Meadow $160,530 $20,500 1990 2 5/2 7110 Thanna's $168,265 $28,000 2271 2 5/2 7113 Thanna's Way $173,865 $28,500 2430 2 5/2 2508 Andrea Woods $144,500 $16,000 1471 2 3/2.5 7108 Leppke $133,200 SOLD! 1539 1 4/2 7111 Leppke $124,968 $13,000 1229 1 3/2 2507 Andrea Woods $128,900 $16,900 1439 1 3/2.5 2405 Magin Meadow $125,150 SOLD! 1229 1 3/2 7207 Thanna's Way $121,045 $9,000 1229 1 3/2 7415 Thanna's Way $126,360 $1,000 1310 2 3/2.5 7417 Thanna's Way $129,360 $14,000 1410 2 3/2.5 7421 Thanna's Way $126,360 $11,000 1310 2 3/2.5 7422 Thanna's Way $126,360 SOLD! 1310 2 3/2.5 7404 Thanna's Way $126,360 $11,000 1310 2 3/2.5
From the $80’s (512) 276-9001
2 Austin’s Colony From the $110’s (512) 276-1300
3 Meadow Lake From the $100’s (512) 448-2224
4 Liberty Hill
1 2
SALES BED/ PRICE INCENTIVE PLAN STORIES BATH $249,995 $45,000 1868 1 3/2 $282,624 $42,000 2420 1 4/2 $294,741 $29,700 3112 2 5/3
5 Blanco Vista From the $130’s (512) 392-8782
6 Bunton Creek
Liberty Hill # From the $220’s # (512) 515-0330 ADDRESS 105 S Rawhide 100 S Rawhide Trail 205 Bronco
From the $220’s (512) 515-0330
6 5
©2008 Reytex Homes. Homes must close on or before December 31 2008. Price and incentive subject to change without notice.
From the $110’s (512) 504-3061
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Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Bob Kadura of Lexus attends the grand opening of the Keller Williams Realty office in Lake Travis. Agents Lionel Laday, Peg Braxton and Jessica Thompson try to convince Bob to let them use it to show their next listing.
Billy Meyerdirk, (standing sixth from left) owner, of Austin Inspectors Exchange and his employees gather for a recent promotion give-away to a local REALTOR. Call on the professionals at Austin Inspectors Exchange and experience their impeccable inspection services.
Buddy Davis of DR Horton America’s Builder and Adam Haile of JB Goodwin REALTORS get ready to dig into all the holiday goodies at JB Goodwin’s Thanksgiving feast.
December 2008
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Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Mary Miner, center, of M.E. “Gene” J o h n s o n REALTORS, visits with Barbara Wigginton and Edmond McEnany, both of Realty E x e c u t i v e s Excellence.
the pics urchase P r o w Line at Vie in Realty e.com you see lin n o altyline www.re
Rick Knowles of Capital Real Estate Training holds another class to share his “awesome real estate updates.”
Jerry Seay of TRT Real Estate and Bob Sedlor of Coldwell Banker Commercial United REALTORS enjoy a quick cup of joe before heading out to the 30-year prospector’s tour hosted by the Greater Leander Chamber of Commerce.
Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
The Holidays remind us that a House is a Home By Wes Peoples • Cimarron Hills 2008-2009 President • Home Builders Association of Greater Austin The phrase “home for the holidays” is one of my favorites, because it means so much more than a trip you take every year. A home is so much more than materials constructed into a building. For families and their loved ones, it’s a safe place to return to each day after work or school, each year for the holidays, and each time you need to be reminded of who you are and where you come from. During the holidays the concept of “home” is especially important to me, because so much of my happy memories— and so much of what makes me who I am— are woven into it over a lifetime. The size and the color of the bricks may change, but the meaning does not. I know that the feeling of home as a sacred place is something most people share, and I think that’s why many of us become builders. We want to be a part of helping families create that place to grow and share a lifetime of memories. Over the life of this column you’ll hear me talk about working together as a community to remove barriers to homeownership. That’s what this association is about. Yes, we’re builders and our livelihood is tied to families purchasing homes. But we also understand that a home— of whatever kind— is essential to a family’s well being, and it makes us feel good to know that we can do something to help people in our community. The statistics say that homeowners feel more secure, are more likely to be involved in the community, and their children do better in school. Over the long-term, it’s been proven to be a sound and equitable investment. But that’s not the real reason people dream of one day owning a home. Homeownership is a symbol of other things such as the promise of starting a family, setting out to make a life of one’s own, and securing a future. It is a symbol of hope. During the holidays, we like to reflect on all we have to be thankful and hopeful for, and we probably share many of these things in common. Many of us are thankful that the greater Austin region is a safer place to invest in a home, because homes here haven’t lost value as in most other parts of the country. We’re hopeful for a federal government that seems to be working together for the first time in a while to avoid further financial calami-
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Many of us are thankful for strong local leadership, which has brought strong economic growth to our community, made much progress in making homes more affordable for families, and will help lessen the negative impact of the national economy. And as home builders, we are both thankful and hopeful that we can help make the dream of homeownership possible for families like yours. Thank you for reading, and I hope that you will continue to stay tuned in the months ahead to learn about important issues affecting home ownership in the Greater Austin area, get home advice from builders, and read about ways to get involved in helping other Central Texans find that safe place called home. To learn more about how to choose a builder or buy a new home, visit the Home Builder’s Association of Greater Austin’s Web site at www.AustinHomeBuilders.com; then click on consumer resources.
Jeanne Butterfield of RE/MAX Austin Associates and her daughter, Jennifer, shown here at Realty Round Up, watched all the presidential debates and election coverage together.
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Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Hal Schauer, Jeff Osborne and Greg Powell break ground for the Capital RE/MAX City Round Rock office on Sam Bass Road.
Even the bathroom had trees to bid on at WCAoR’s fourth annual Christmas tree gala. From left: Tara Knight, Emily Isbell, David Durham, Holly Schuler and Yvette Evans. Tara, David and Yvette are with Keller Williams Realty and Emily and Holly are with Gracy Title.
William Davies of Davies Group Architects tells Gena Hammonds of Highland Lakes Real Estate that he will save a seat on the bus for her at the 30-year prospector’s bus tour in Leander.
December 2008
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Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Stan Barron of Stan Barron Properties speaks at the Informative Real Estate Forum coordinated by Texas American Title. He discussed how to sell a home once the real estate market has cooled off.
Barbara Preston of Keller Williams Realty and Mary Ann Ramsel of Crystal Falls Realty make sure they get a good view from the front of the bus at the Leander Chamber of Commerce’s 30-year anniversary prospector’s bus tour.
Karen Wong, seated second from left, of Horizon Realty, visits with Gilsey Campion, David Coates, Rosalinda Stephens and Harold Stephens, all of Prudential Texas Realty, at the DR Horton America’s Builder appreciation luncheon.
Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Past - Present - Future By Gary Cocanougher • Avalar Real Estate 2008 President • Williamson County Association of REALTORS On July 18, 1973, the Williamson County Board of REALTORS® was formed. They had a membership of 15 REALTORS® and nine brokers within Williamson County. By the end of 1973, WCBoR recorded a total membership of 68 including REALTORS®, Brokers and Affiliates. In December of 1990, the WCBoR initiated a change in name as to more accurately describe its operations. Documents were filed with the Secretary of State for a name change to Williamson County Association of REALTORS®. In 1992, WCAoR purchased its present building located at 1205 Sam Bass Road. When the association moved to this facility its membership was averaging 400 to 500 members per year. During the years 2003 and 2004, the membership started to show signs of outgrowing its present facility and in 2005 it sold its building. Presently, we have grown to be the 9th largest REALTOR® association in the state with membership around 1,300. In February of 2009, we will be moving to our brand new building located at 123 Old Settlers Blvd. We are a member driven association and continue to offer all kinds of education classes. We also offer a place for you to get involved, either by serving on a committee or participate in one of the many activities we have throughout the year. Our committees, as outlined below, have done a phenomenal job this year. • Awards: Chosen a very deserving group of industry leaders; • By-laws: Updated and corrected our by-laws; • Community Service: Collected dictionaries and coats for kids, set up a mentoring program for all schools in Williamson County; • Education: Offered more than the average classes such as broker breakfasts and hot topic seminars; • Fund-Raising: Put together a fund raiser for our new building and to date have raised close to $30,000; • Fund-Raising Task Force: Putting together fund raising programs for con-
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tinuous revenue from year to year; • Golf: They did an excellent job in organizing a fun and profitable golf tournament; • Governmental Affairs and TREPAC: Interviewed with local political candidates, held fund-raisers for TREPAC, organized phone banks to support TREPAC and guided our association to reach our 2008 quota for TREPAC; • Leadership: Graduated four of our members from the TAR Leadership program; • Nominations: Nominated a great slate of officers for 2009; • Public Relations: Organized four luncheons, organized a very successful Tech Tune-Up and brought more community awareness for our members; • Risk Management: Putting together ideas of how we all can be better REALTORS® without so much risk; and • Scholarship: Chose five scholarship recipients and organized the 2008 Christmas Tree Gala to raise money for next years scholarships. More money was raised this year than last year. These are just a few of the highlights our committees worked on this year and I am so proud of the leadership of the committees and also the volunteers that served us. I know by looking at the past and living in the present our future holds great things for us. We will continue to grow and help others because that is who we are. We are a profession that cares and wants to assist our fellow man. As long as we hold our values that are true to our heart our future will be our destiny. It has been my honor and privilege to serve as your president this year. I have met so many great professionals that I now consider my friends. I will continue to support this fine Association in anyway I can. My heart filled thanks to the Officers and Directors for your continued guidance and support. I also extend a big thank you for the staff that works tirelessly on our behalf. To the committee chairs and their volunteers thank you for your dedicated service. Finally to you, the members, we do not take your membership for granted and we will do anything to assist you. Let’s continue to remember our past, live the present and plan for the future. May God Bless you and your family during this holiday season.
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Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Gracy Title is officially open for business in Lake Travis. Office staff along with the Chamber of Commerce cut the ceremonial ribbon during the celebration event.
the pics urchase P r o w Line at Vie in Realty e.com you see lin n o altyline www.re
It was a glorious day to host a beautiful Thanksgiving lunch for agents with John Horton Realty. Susan Horton, center, welcomed agents, family and friends to her home in including Lisa Kruse, Melinda DeRoeck, Melanie Wheatley and Kim Mathis.
Gary Warren of Buffington Signature Homes enjoys dinner with Cecila Roberts of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS and Cheri Alderman of RE/MAX Capital City at the REALTOR VIP Growth Summit hosted by Newland Communities.
December 2008
Aralyn Hughes coos over Addillee, the daughter of Holly McCormick and Dion McCormick, while Holly admires Aralyn’s painting at The Art of Austin REALTORS event hosted by WCR held at a home in the Seven Oaks community.
Robert Fields and Mary Fields of New Home Locators visit with Rob Hutton of DR Horton America’s Builder at the REALTOR appreciation luncheon. Rob personally thanked Mary for selling 42 homes in DR Horton communities.
Ellen Boettcher of Staging By Design and her staging colleagues Leslie Causey, Dusty Rhodes, Merrill Jones and Brenda Jones show what an empty listing versus a staged listing can show like at one of the listings on the ABoR Foundation Home Tour in River Place.
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Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Mike Luscier of John Horton Realty and his daughter Megan will enjoy this holiday tree decorated by Independence Title, after winning it at the WCAoR fourth annual Christmas tree gala.
A awesome Thanksgiving feast and conversation was had by Cindy Wendling, Lori Steinberger, Roy and Deloris Smith and daughter. Staff, friends and family of John Horton Realty gathered at the home of Susan and John Horton.
Cara Keenan and Maggie Falvey, both of Falvey Keenan REALTORS, get a head start on 2009 at a goal setting and planning seminar hosted by Sente Mortgage and held at the Gracy Title office on Spicewood Springs Road.
Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
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From Our Family to Yours
Happy Holidays
Cheer. Laughter. Joy. Your Partners at Land Mortgage wish you the best this season and throughout 2009. ˜ • Alejandra Zendejas • LuCinda Bachman • Josh Baellow • Roger Ybanez DiAnne Acuna Sandy Battise • Jane Whitaker • Ken Bertelson • Joseph Thweatt • Nikki Bryant • Mike Spivey • Anthony Campos • Pam Jenkins • Chris Keefer • Randy Richardson • Gary Caples Matthew Posey • Julie Curby • Joe Pochron • Sean Dickson • Aaron Page • Mary Ellen Doyle Chad Overhauser • Deborah Finn • Kelly Ollendorff • Ben Friedman • Cheryl New • Stan Butterfield • Michelle Schiff • Richard Moore • Barbara Frierson • Gordon McMaude • Joan Gonzalez • Rasty Goodwin • Gordon McMaude • Trish Harris • Linda Knowles-Katz • Monica Jenkins • Donna Slade • Ramona Kelley • John Schutze • Juanpablo Wright • Tad Hensley Damian Squires • Diane Afflerbach • Cindy Bailey • Dana McGrath • Cindy Day • Dwayne Porter • Mandy Parkinson • Ginny Miller • Liz Rodriguez • Sandra Stanzel • Natasha Warren Stacy Panzanaro • Maria Oslo • Wendy Cantos
Tis the Season to Grow Nothing is more important than family, and we are pleased to annouce the addition of more dedicated professionals to ours. We proudly welcome:
Stan Butterfield
Chris Keefer
Ken Bertelson
Deborah Finn
512- 576-7784
512- 261-5002
Experience the Difference www.landmtg.com 8300 N. MOPAC
Suite 225
Austin, TX
Mortgage Banker No. 43954
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Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
It’s an early morning meeting and the breakfast is awesome! Just ask Joe McCollough, CTCAR executive director, Tommy Holmes of Independence Title and Joe Linsalata, CTCAR president elect. They were in attendance at the monthly property exchange.
Judy Wickham of Keller Williams Realty welcomes Debra Holloway of Gracy Title, Bubba Breazeale of Turnquist Partners and Larry Molinare and Lisa Altamirano, both of Gracy Title, to the grand opening of the new Lake Travis office.
A winding staircase and beautiful finishes were enjoyed by everyone who attended the recent ABoR Foundation Tour of Homes. Paula Greenfield of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS, Carol Medley Parker, Foundation chairman, Laura Pagnozzi of Independence Title and Connie Hentosh of Highland Homes.
Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
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Low APR when your clients act ASAP. (3.875% interest/5.385% APR) A below-market rate for the life of their loan. Bring your clients! We have homes available for immediate move-in. When your clients close by 1/15/09, the interest rate for the first two years is just 3.875% and just 4.875% for the remaining years (5.385% APR). This is a standard FHA loan with just 3.5% down! Let us show your clients how much they could save.
Hurry to your preferred Centex neighborhood during this special event, and check out our new, lower prices!
967 150
1626 13
11. Los Cielos Now $90s - $140s 1-866-893-0023
10. Woodland Hills Now $100s - $150s 1-888-308-1344
8. Stirling Bridge Now $130s - $170s 1-888-311-5585
7. Cantarra Now mid $120s - $150s 1-866-254-7569
6. Royal Pointe** CLOSE-OUT 1-866-881-5028
5. Retreat at Blackhawk Now $130s - $210s 1-866-554-2384
4. Creek Bend Now $100s - $180s 1-866-883-0419
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2. Cold Springs Now $150s - $240s 1-866-554-2390
9. Elm Creek Now $70s - $120s 1-866-893-8733
1. Westview Meadows Now $90s - $140s 1-866-884-8774
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14. Green Meadows Now $100s - $150s 1-888-308-1343
15. Terrace at The Preserve** $240s - $400s 1-866-548-2413
Annual percentage rate (APR) calculated from a full term 30-year standard FHA loan at 4.875% interest rate and a selling price of $207,000. The first-and second-year interest rate is 3.875% ($955.76 monthly principal and interest payment) with years 3-30 at 4.875% ($1,075.62 monthly principal and interest payment). Requires 3.5% down payment. Some qualifying restrictions apply. Offer available through CTX Mortgage Company 12301 B Riata Trace Pkwy., Bldg. 2, Austin, TX 78727. Buyer is responsible for paying some closing costs and reserves. Program is not available with other promotions or discounts. Offer on quick movein homes to close by 1/15/2009. See a Centex Homes sales representative for details. This material shall not constitute a valid offer in any state where prior registration is required, or if void by law. Arizona Mortgage Banker License #BK-0103597. Licensed by Department of Corporations under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act. Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee, License #6215 at 2728 N. Harwood, Dallas, TX 75201. Illinois Residential Mortgage License #M00414 at 2728 N. Harwood, Dallas, TX 75201—Regulatory Agency for License #MB0414. Illinois, Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Banks and Real Estate, 310 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 2130, Chicago, IL 60604, phone 312-793-3000. Not an offer to enter into an interest rate or discount point agreement under Minnesota Statute 47.206. Nevada Mortgage Banker, CTX Mortgage Company LLC, 1975 Angel Ridge Dr., Reno, NV 89521, phone 775-853-3093. Licensed Mortgage Banker, New Jersey Department of Banking. CTX Mortgage Company LLC is licensed by the Virginia State Corporation Commission, License #MLB-753. ©2008 Centex Homes. All Rights Reserved. Prices subject to change without notice. **Price adjustments were not made in these neighborhoods.
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Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Van Davison of Davison Properties, Jeffery Nyland of Prudential Texas Realty, Jennifer Entner of Texas American Title, Gina Nyland of Prudential Texas Realty, Kendra Petty of Realty Austin and Kristina Kirby of First Texas Home Mortgage enjoy a great Austin evening on the patio at Z Tejas in Avery Ranch during the preferred agents happy hour coordinated by Texas American Title. the pics urchase P r o w Line at Vie in Realty e.com you see lin n o altyline www.re
Lorraine Hodge of Prudential Texas Realty takes home one of the beautifully decorated holiday trees after placing the winning bid at the Williamson County Association of REALTORS fourth annual Christmas Tree Gala.
WR Starkey Mortgage makes a strong presence at the NAPMW luncheon where they heard from guest speaker James P. Gaines for an update on the Texas economy and market outlook in 2009. Seated: Cindy Musslewhite and Julie Black. Standing: Julie Gross and Jan Hill.
December 2008
Realty Line of Austin
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Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Sharing in the joy of Thanksgiving were staff, agents and family of John Horton Realty.
Rob Hutton, left, and Kent Zarbock, fourth from right, of DR Horton America’s Builder, honor the top REALTORS at the appreciation luncheon. Jay Parham, New Homes Market Center; Jared West New Homes Market Center; Mary Fields, New Home Locators; Tom Simons, Austin Equity; Henry Le, Harvard Realty; Clay McLaughlin, Moreland Properties; Sonia De Leon, SPT & Co. Realty; Andrew Clements, Sellstate Classic Realty; Kerrie Collier, WTA New Home Sales; and Jack McDonald, RE/MAX Austin Associates.
David Harris of Meritage Homes greets REALTORS Terry English of RE/MAX Greater Austin and Helen Finke of Joseph Realty Group as they arrive for the REALTOR VIP Growth Summit hosted by Newland Communities.
Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Real Estate NEWS & NOTES Penny Good Joins North American Title
Penny Good joins the North American Title Escrow Team with the same passion as when she began her career in the title industry over 16 years ago. As a true veteran in the industry, Penny has been presented with various opportunities throughout the years to expand her career as a title professional, including managing title offices in Williamson & Travis counties. Penny’s enthusiasm is evident in her devotion to people as she commits to making the buying and selling process a smooth and happy experience for the clients. Her proactive approach allows her to cure problems before you know they exist and assures you a smooth closing. North American Title is part of one of the Penny Good largest independent title agencies in the United States, representing eight of the largest national underwriters. Penny’s commitment to delivering exceptional customer service mirrors the service that the Round Rock Team delivers.
Paragon Property Group announces association with Coldwell Banker United, REALTORS
The Paragon Property Group is pleased to announce their association with Coldwell Banker United, REALTORS, the #1 Coldwell Banker franchise in the world. "We made this decision for many reasons, although one of the most important is that the switch will offer tremendous additional benefits for our clients, both buyers & sellers, so we can provide our clients with a superior real estate experience for all of their real estate needs," said Sue Ellett, broker/associate.
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Taylor Morrison announces the new Real Estate Pro Web site
We know your time is valuable and we have made it easier for you to find the perfect home for your customer. Taylor Morrison's new Real Estate Pro provides you all the powerful tools you need to stay ahead in today's challenging market. When you register with Taylor Morrison's Real Estate Pro website, you have instant access to: Special REALTOR promotions, Information on pricing changes, Showcase homes and other marketing initiatives, Introductions to new communities, Customizable searches based on move in date, price, location, square footage, and bed/bath combinations, Instant access to an Internet Home Consultant via "click to chat" and e-mail, a mortgage calculator to help your customers estimate their expected monthly mortgage costs, the ability to select one primary market and two additional markets for those REALTORS who may service customers in multiple Taylor Morrison divisions, the ability to locate a Taylor Morrison home using a MLS ID#, and receive advanced notification of contests, events and specials. Free up your valuable time and help your customers find their perfect home. Register now at http://realestatepro.taylormorrison.com/Realtors/Home.aspx to take advantage of our Real Estate Pro services.
Zip Realty, Top Producing REALTOR Ken Pfahler earns ABR designation and e-Pro certification
Ken Pfahler, REALTOR earned the ABR®, Accredited Buyers Representative designation and the e-Pro® certification in November 2008. These coveted designations illustrate the benchmark of excellence in buyer representation and is awarded to real estate practitioners who meet the specified qualifications. In 2008, His first year in real estate Ken successfully closed over 21 transactions, Ken Pfahler is a retired Navy veteran and originally hails from Dallas. Zip Realty Inc. is proud to have such an impressive Realtor® with our company and look forward to more achievements from Ken Pfahler in 2009.
Ken Pfahler
Coldwell Banker United, REALTORS Recognizes Million Dollar Agents
The Westlake office of Coldwell Banker United, REALTORS is proud to announce their Million Dollar a Month Club for October 2008: Jana Birdwell, Donna Bryant, Kathleen Bucher, Bill Dodd, Jacquelyn Foreman, Tosca Gruber, Eve Kush, Tonya Nieto and Ryan Rogers.
Mary Kennedy 750-7834 NoT picTured:
candy Buzan 797-5580
Max Leaman 293-1239
Kim Nielsen 825-2347
Melissa driskell 964-1864
Terrie doggett 415-0212
rhonda Neeley 560-3429
Brian patschke 565-5852
Trudy Savage 965-5017
Sabrina Shaddix 466-1180
Mark Hoffman 785-3279
Shannon Smith 560-4590
Tretha Harris 601-613-9269
Michael ray, 784-8488
Gina Knight 705-4462
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Realty Line of Austin
By Linda McNabb CONTRIBUTING WRITER Chad Overhauser, president of Land Mortgage, is proud of how quickly his staff’s professionalism and highly developed skills have made his company rise to the top in the competitive mortgage business in Austin. Started just five years ago, Land Mortgage is ranked as the fourth largest originator in 2007 by the Austin Business Journal. “It is a testament to our people,” Overhauser says. “They are educated, confident and know what the industry is doing. Land Mortgage is truly lending in their customers best interest. As a result of the confidence that the public has placed in Land Mortgage, Overhauser is pleased to say that the company earns nearly 100 percent of its business from referrals. “They come from business partners, home builders, family friends, past clients, anyone who has had a positive experience or knows someone here that they trust,” Overhauser says. “And there is always a higher level of trust when it comes from a third party, so we value these customers.” Land Mortgage includes a staff of 56, which includes Austin Board of REALTORS Affiliate of the year Sandy Battise, Women’s Council of REALTORS Affiliate of the Year Linda Knowles-Katz, and the NAPMW president-elect, Ginny Miller. “We are proud to have them on our team,” Overhauser says. “They really help our partners build their business by offering insights and opportunities.” Overhauser and his wife are from California, but moved to Austin after visiting friends here in the 90s. He played in the National Football League for five years, from 1998 through 2002, and could live anywhere and thought this would be a great place to start a family. Now the parents of four children, they are ready to stay put. “My vision is to grow the company into a statewide, then a regional and a national presence, but we don’t want to move,” he says. “We love Austin and want to stay here.” Land Mortgage currently has offices in Liberty Hill and San Antonio and Overhauser said he plans to open an office in Dallas soon. Despite struggles in the mortgage industry at the national level, he says he is hopeful about Land Mortgage’s future. “Mortgage companies that have solid platforms that can survive when there are disrup-
December 2008
tions will face tremendous opportunity,” he says. Land Mortgage offers training to its staff every week and also offers educational opportunities for REALTORS. “This office was designed to encourage training,” Overhauser says. “We believe in education and providing the industry insight on what is happening. It is especially important because (as lending practices change) everyone is having to make adjustments.” Overhauser says he would like to make it clear however, that while qualifying for a loan has become more stringent, there are plenty of opportunities for buyers. “Before, buyers could simply qualify if they had a good credit score,” Overhauser says. “They can still qualify, but now they need to Chad Overhauser provide income and asset docuPresident mentation. There are many different loan programs still available that offer value to the consumer. It is not as difficult as the media is making it out to be.” Overhauser said he would like to encourage REALTORS to educate their buyers about what an excellent time it is to be in the market for a home. Investors also are faced with great opportunities if they can put 15 to 20 percent down, he says. “It is a great time to buy a home in Central Texas,” Overhauser says. “There is high inventory and historically low rates — we are offering rates under 5 percent today — it is a perfect storm.” A major selling point for using Land Mortgage is that everything is done in house. “Their client’s loan never has to leave this office,” Overhauser says. “It is processed, underwritten and funded here and all the documents are drawn here. The customer’s information is secure and the process is very streamlined. Overhauser said he believes one reason for his company’s quick rise in stature in the industry is that his team puts people before profits. “At the end of the day, it is about the people who work here and the people we work with,” he says. “It is not just another transaction.”
December 2008
Realty Line of Austin
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O= DD BUY OUT YOUR LEASE! Some restrictions apply.**
$2,000 BTSA!
Some restrictions apply.*
Stop dreaming about it and start living it. Stuck in a lease? Ask about our LEASE BUYOUT PROGRAM! Visit a Legacy @ge]k gj E]jalY_] @ge]k [geemfalq Yf\ Úf\ gml `go ]Ykq al ak lg gof qgmj gof `ge]& Dgk] l`] dYf\dgj\ Yf\ _Yaf qgmj ^j]]\ge * J][]an] Y *$((( :LK9 gf `ge]k l`Yl k]dd Yf\ [dgk] Z]lo]]f Fgn]eZ]j , <][]eZ]j **& Nakal gmj o]Zkal] Yl e]jalY_]`ge]k&[ge ^gj [mjj]fl hja[af_$ dg[Ylagfk Yf\ \aj][lagfk&
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Realty Line of Austin
By Linda McNabb CONTRIBUTING WRITER To understand the difference between us and other companies you don’t need to look any further than the sign. This is the slogan of Realty Executives, one of the most closely followed real estate franchises in the world. In 1965, the company first drew attention as the originator of the 100 percent commission concept. Today, phenomenal franchise growth and a unique franchise development strategy are creating even more interest in Realty Executives. “The company is named for the Executives and brokers that make it work,” says Edmond McEnany, the manager of one of the newest franchises – Realty Executives Excellence based in Cedar Park. “They are the elite professionals who personify the values, service and efficiency it takes to become tops in their field. They are more than agents or brokers. They are ‘Executives’ in every sense of the word.” Since its dramatic beginning in Phoenix, Arizona, more than 40 years ago, the company has become one of the fastest growing franchises in any industry. Publications like Entrepreneur, Success and Inc. Magazine have recently ranked Realty Executives as a leader based on such criteria as franchise growth, management stability and financial soundness. Realty Executives only began its aggressive franchise expansion in 1987. In 1988, there were 31 franchises and just 624 agents. Today, Realty Executives has thousands of Executives in countries around the world. Realty Executives Excellence is quickly adding to that total. The franchise, which is conveniently headquartered on Parmer Lane — one of Cedar Park’s growing arteries — includes approximately 20 Executives. This includes broker Barbara Wigginton and Executives Carolyn Abbott, Rob Abbott, Gilbert Alires, Luis Aguirre, Jose Chavez, Donna Dobbs, Thelma Garza, Linda D. Hall, Bob Inzano, Jody Knight, Chris Rodriguez, Joyce Shorter, James Swift, Beverly Troutman and Sam Wigginton. “We have made a concerted effort to develop the name of Realty Executives in this area,” McEnany says. Realty Executives is designed for those top-notch, highly motivated agents who want to concentrate on their clients. Nothing else. It provides associates with the office support sys-
December 2008
tem they need to function efficiently. It doesn’t bog them down with administrative duties or constrictive schedules. The people who join R e a l t y Executives are already proven producers, people who are serious about their work. “We provide Realty Executives - Excellence the tools and 11901 West Parmer Lane, Suite 200 • (512) 716-0400 for resources them to take their business to the next level such as manuals, videos and other marketing materials, all of which can be personalized,” McEnany says. “We meet every Monday and our Executives bounce ideas off of each other. They are telling us that, for the first time, they feel like they are getting the support they need.” McEnany says Realty Executives Excellence also is helping by introducing a Hispanic initiative. The company has three Executives who are bilingual and many of the marketing tools as well as the company’s Web site, ExcellenceSells.com, will be available in Spanish in early 2009. While most Executives are already successful in the industry by the time they join Realty Executives, McEnany says newer agents also are welcome if they exhibit exceptional drive and determination during the interview process. If approved, they pay a monthly fee to be a part of the franchise plus a flat transaction fee for every transaction, regardless of the price of the property, which enables them to keep 100 percent of their commissions. In addition, McEnany says Realty Executives also makes it a point to show Executives how they can place a value on their business and sell it when they retire. “Every person who comes here is a business owner,” McEnany says. “We offer flexibility for them to grow the business the way they want to.” McEnany says he is hopeful about the local real estate market, despite national statistics that have not been so stellar. “Austin has been ranked in the top 10 markets for the last six months,” he says. “The market has slipped some but our home prices are stable and more realistic. And the greatest potential for growth is right here in North Austin and Southern Williamson County.”
December 2008
Realty Line of Austin
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RE/MAX Capital City agents show their support at “Angels on Wheels” at Mueller Park. The event benefited Dell Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas. Fellow motorcycle enthusiasts enjoyed a fun ride around the Austin area for a great cause, while agents served delicious food sponsored by Rudy’s BBQ and Blue Bell Ice Cream.
Pete Wainscott of Reliable Cleaning and Harry Savio of HBA present Alan Graham (center) of Mobile Loaves and Fishes witha $7,000 donation to help feed Austin’s hungry and poor.
WCAoR’s 2008 president Gary Cocanougher and wife, Nancy, enjoyed seeing all the bidding take place at the WCAoR’s fourth annual Christmas tree gala, which raised scholarship funds for high school students.
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Realty Line of Austin
By Linda McNabb CONTRIBUTING WRITER One good way REALTORS can help support the economy— during a time when it is a major concern for many— is to make a concerted effort to steer buyers to homebuilders who are “Austin Home Grown,” such as Buffington Signature Homes, which has decades of experience in building in the Austin market. “We are able to provide a management team with more than 100 years of combined expertise,” says James Giddens, who co founded Buffington Homes in 1987 with Tom Buffington and teamed up with him again to co-found Buffington Signature Homes last year and is now its president. “Quality, stability, a name you can trust and yesterday’s experience is utilized to build on a better future.” Buffington Signature Homes operates in seven communities: Forest Oaks, Silver Leaf, Bridges at Bear Creek, Southpark Meadows, Teravista, Caballo Ranch and Belterra. Home plans range from 2,000 to 3,700 square feet and are offered in the low 200’s to the mid 300’s. The company anticipates that it will close 260 homes and will have opened 10 communities by the end of 2009. “We offer our buyers fresh, progressive home designs loaded with architectural features with both young growing families and empty nesters in mind,” Giddens says. “We choose desirable locations and build in neighborhoods that people want to live in.” The Bridges at Bear Creek, for instance, is located in red hot South Austin, Silver Leaf is in the heart of Round Rock and Forest Oaks offers great access to major roads for commuting. Southpark Meadows boasts the largest retail development in Austin. Caballo Ranch is destined to become one of the most desirable locations as it is located at FM 1431 and Parmer Lane. “At Buffington, we pride ourselves in the opportunity to create that special place for each of our customers,” Giddens says. “Our approach to homebuilding combines the ease and value of production builders with the freedom to create a home that fits your personal style and needs. “The key to this approach is a unique collection of upgrades we call Buffington’s
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Signature Features. With the Signature Features, our customers benefit from more 90 than premium a n d upgraded features that most h o m e builders only offer an at Forest Oaks • Silver Leaf • Bridges at Bear Creek • Southpark Meadows a d d e d Priced from $200’s to mid $300’s cost. “ A n additional collection of Signature Selections will allow our buyers to further personalize specific rooms or aspects of their homes while maintaining the design standards and unmatched value of a Buffington Signature Home.” Buffington Signature Homes also prides itself on working well with REALTORS because the company realizes their importance to its own success. “We value and are here to assist our realtors and their clients with the intention of producing a smooth and professional transaction during these exciting times,” Giddens says. “We offer special realtor incentives and strong support. Your buyers will receive peace of mind when purchasing a Buffington Signature Home.” In short, REALTORS should rest assured that Buffington Signature Homes is synonymous with quality. “Our company is based on knowledge, integrity and experience and is locally owned and operated,” Giddens says. “We have expertise in the Austin market and offer the service of experienced and professional community sales managers. “We understand that every family is unique, and we believe that owning a home fits your personal style and needs shouldn’t be a luxury. With our exceptional floor plans, Signature features and Selections options, buyers can enjoy a beautiful, wellbuilt home with the personal touches that make it uniquely theirs. Our signature. Your life.”
December 2008
Realty Line of Austin
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Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Tiesa Hollaway (second from left) and Gwen Johansen (third from right), both of North American Title host guests Lisa Lewis of Colonial Mortgage, Vendor Susan Bartlett, Suzanne Gantner of Sky Realty, Linda Botello of Moreland and Mortgage Angela Martin, Chisholm Financial for holiday shopping at the company’s second annual shop ‘til you drop event. the pics urchase P r o w Line at Vie in Realty e.com you see lin n o altyline www.re
Wayne Richardson and Lyn Blankholm both of (right), Highland Homes, enjoy some fun at WCAoR’s fourth annual Christmas tree gala with Lyn’s mother Elaine Williamson and daughter Courtney Cantu.
Keith Estes of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS shows Michel Coe’ Fincher of Colonial Bank the views that overlook the bluffs off the back patio at this listing at 10205 Milky Way in River Place. Keith’s listing was on the ABoR Foundation Tour of Homes.
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Realty Line of Austin
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Realty Line of Austin
December 2008
Bring your buyers out to the best condo deal in town! At only $129,900 youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be in awe at the features and space Ceniza Condominiums offers. Only minutes to downtown Austin. Contact Lisa Matthews today!
Keller Williams Realty agents Mary Lynne Gibbs, Mary Tennant and Carmen Nichols gather around Rachel Willis at the grand opening of the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office in Lake Travis.
Ringing in the Christmas season with Santa at the Austin Inspectors Exchange Christmas party were owners Billy Meyerdirk and Betsy Hodge.
Penny Good, Karen Williams, Lisa McEntyre, Rhonda Foster and Tiesa Hollaway, all of North American Title, adorn purses that were for sale at the shop til you drop event.
Many dignitaries were in attendance at the Newland Communities REALTOR VIP Growth Summit. They were Alan McGraw, Round Rock mayor; Charley Scarborough, executive director, Seton Williamson Foundation and Kristina Snow (far right), principal Teravista Elementary. Newland Communities representatives were Erin Cook, Jennifer Taylor, Rainer Ficken (third from right) and Ian Boyd (second from right).
Mike Freeman and Starr Freeman, both of Century 21 Westbank Summit, enjoy an evening on the patio at Z Tejas in Avery Ranch with Texas American Title, which coordinated a preferred agents happy hour.