
Page 1

Last Chance: Get Your Tickets to the 2010 Housing Forecast Now Tickets are going fast so make sure to get yours today!

and home sales. This is a “must see” event for those wish-

(HBA) of Greater Austin on Jan. 13, 2010, at the AT&T

the Austin Market for MetroStudy; Pike Powers of

The 2010 Housing Forecast, presented by the Austin Board

of REALTORS® (ABoR) and Home Builders Association

Executive Education and Conference Center at 1900 University Avenue. Registration will begin at 8 a.m., fol-

lowed by breakfast at 8:30 a.m. and the first presentation at 9 a.m.

Event attendees will hear an in-depth analysis of the

2009 local economy and expectations for the coming year,

which will set industry standards for markets includ-

ing land development, construction supplies

Upcoming Events:

ing to create an effective 2010 business strategy.

DECEMBER 23 - JANUARY 3 Realty Line’s Office will be closed

Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. Powers and Economist John

JANUARY 13 Housing Forecast hosted by ABoR and HBA AT&T Education & Conference Center 1900 University Ave. - 8 to 11:30 a.m.

At the event you will here from Eldon Rude, director of

Hockenyos will deliver the National Economy Forecast.

Tickets are limited and cost $60. Purchase yours by








www.AustinHomeBuilders.com; or in person at the ABoR

offices or at the HBA office. All tickets must be purchased in advance using cash, check or credit card.

JANUARY 20 TREPAC Investors Breakfast The University of Texas Club - 8:30 a.m.

JANUARY 21 WCAoR First Quarterly Luncheon Georgetown Community Center - 11 a.m. 1003 N. Austin Avenue

—Associates In— PROGRESS DECEMBER 2009 • VOL. 14 • ISSUE 8

Enjoyable. Entertaining. It’s all About You.

Community Leaders Contributions Recognized by Local Boards ABoR Community Service Debbie Novelli Diane Dopson Properties


It’s that time of year when real estate professionals are

honored for their extraordinary contributions to the indus-

try and local communities. For those who may have missed

either of the installation and awards ceremonies, here’s a

Debbie has made giving back to her community part of

her life. She is recognized for her outstanding leadership

some information about what helped these outstanding

Charles has been a member of ABoR for more than 10

years and served as Chairman of the Board in 2007. He is

recognized by his colleagues for his dedication and commitment to the real estate industry. Also acknowledged for his

passion for education, Charles teaches legal and ethics courses at ABoR. In addition, Charles teaches as an adjunct

professor at St. Edward’s University and was a recipient of the university’s prestigious Presidential Award in 2008.

P.O. Box 81366 Austin, Texas 78708-1366


Graduate, REALTOR Institute, and








ABoR Rookie of the Year Anna Maria Garcia Aralyn & Company, Art of R.E.





traveling 500-square mile Region 8 to seven


I s s u e s

in sales. Anna is dedicated to

Board of Directors, teaches Code of




knowledge in real estate and

exemplifying great customer

service. Anna has also received a GRI designation.

Don’t forget: You can visit us online 24/7 at www.realtylineonline.com

up and does special tech projects like


in 2006.

t h ro u g h


Ethics monthly, supports Tech Tune-

Government Affairs Committee and was Rookie of the Year

a g e n t ing

At the local level Christy serves on the

Treasurer, and has in the past served as Chair of the

rounded enhanc-

political issues at the grass-roots level.

surveys and auctions, is upcoming

w e l l -


fundraising for the mighty state polit-

Mobilization Committee to identify

the path of success, resulting in closing more than $950,000


ical action committee, and on the

Anna’s career as a REALTOR® has only just begun. Her

energy, intelligence and charm have helped lead her down


Committee, as a TREPAC Trustee


Caritas, the Ronald McDonald House and many others.

Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Austin, Texas Paid Permit #715


state levels, on the Texas Association




organizations at both the local and


League, Mobile Loaves and Fishes,


In addition, she serves REALTOR

League of Austin, Helping

Accredited Buyers Representative,

Texas Affordable Housing Specialist.

S y m p h o n y

people earn their latest distinctions.

ABoR REALTOR of the Year Charles R. Porter, Jr. Bryker Properties

educational designations including

organizations like

and the Williamson County Association of REALTORS and

After being inspired by the professionalism of a fellow

agent, Christy has achieved many

and commitment to helping others.

Debbie devotes her time and support to

recap of the winners from the Austin Board of REALTORS

WCAoR REALTOR of the Year Christy Gessler RE/MAX Capital City

WCAoR Rookie of the Year Sonia Guardado JB Goodwin REALTORS

Since September 2008, Sonia has reached $2.54 million in

sales and has become actively involved in many organiza-

award winners: continues on page 6



Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

CRS officers for 2010 are installed at the CRS Installation luncheon. Fred Norton, chapter president, Kay DaSilva, director elect, Rise Johns, treasurer, Mary Ann Nations, secretary and installing officer Mark Minchew.


Realty Line of Austin is published monthly by ©Caxton Publications, Inc., as a non-subscription publication for the more than 8,000 members of the Austin Board of REALTORS (ABoR), the more than 1,100 members of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS (WCAoR) and the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin. © Caxton Publications, Inc. dba Realty Line of Austin is an active member of the Austin Board of REALTORS, the Williamson County Association of REALTORS and is a honorary member of the Women’s Council of REALTORS. Caxton Publications, Inc. dba Realty Line of Austin is not responsible for opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any by-products in advertising or editorial copy. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this publication, the registered trademark should be assumed.

Austin Republican Women salute veterans at a luncheon in their honor at Westwood County Club. From left: Diane Fulton of Capital Properties GMAC, Reta Kays of Reta Kays REALTORS, Ann Marie Sandlin, Deborah Bily, Lt. Col. Earl Hairston and R o s e m a r y Edwards.

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Doren L. Carver PUBLISHER Tawanna K. Carver MANAGING EDITOR


COLUMNISTS Jay Gohil, ABoR Chairman Steve Zbranek, HBA President Barbara Wigginton, WCAoR President Susanna Boyer, WCR President Tom Berry, Gracy Title

All photos, press releases or article submissions can be sent to realtyline@austin.rr.com

P. O. Box 81366, Austin, Texas 78708 Office: (512) 821-1900 www.realtylineonline.com

December 2009


Good News Comes as Homebuyer Tax Credit is Extended and Expanded By Jay Gohil • Jay Gohil Realty

2009 Chairman • Austin Board of REALTORS On November 6, the real estate industry received good news from the Oval Office as

President Obama signed into law the homebuyer tax credit extension and expansion.

Realty Line of Austin



The Housing Forecast will take place at the AT&T

Executive Education and Conference Center on 1900

University Avenue in Austin and will begin at 8 a.m. Tickets

are limited, must be purchased in advance and available on a

first-come basis. You don’t want to miss out on your chance to attend this exciting event.

Purchase your ticket today by phone at 454-7636, online at

www.abor.com/events/HousingForecast.cfm or in person by

visiting the ABoR offices located at 10900 Stonelake Blvd.

Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78759. For more on the event and

ticket information, contact Hessie Brawley at 454-7636, ext. 1603. New MCE Courses Join ABoR in 2010

While ABoR already hosts a wide variety of mandatory continuing education (MCE)

courses, there is always room for expansion and growth. Joining the MCE offerings in the

With the extension of the $8,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit, also comes good news

first quarter of 2010 are two new courses: Developing a Sphere of Influence, which will

tax credit.

the competition and use it as an advantage in your business. To learn more about these

for current homeowners. Individuals who have lived in their homes, as their primary res-

idence for five consecutive years out of the previous eight, could be eligible for a $6,500 Certain restrictions do apply for the tax credits, including income limits of $125,000 for

single buyers and $225,000 for married couples. Also worth mentioning is the fact that

buyers must reside in their new home for at least three years to avoid having to pay the money back. Purchases must also be under contract or have already taken place by April

30, 2010 for buyers to be eligible.

The extension and expansion of the tax credit is great news for the REALTOR® com-

munity and homebuyers. According to the 2009 National Association of REALTORS®

Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, purchases by first-time homebuyers made up 47 percent of home sales, which is up from 2008. It will be particularly interesting to continue

watching to see how the extension, and expansion, of the tax credit further impacts our industry.

Last Call: Purchase Your Ticket for the 2010 Housing Forecast Today

Time is running out for you to get your ticket for the 2010 Housing Forecast on

January 13. Set to feature an in-depth analysis of the local economy and expectations

for the coming year, this premier event is one you won’t want to miss. Join your fellow

real estate professionals and start the new year off right by effectively planning your

2010 business strategy.

teach you how to use your network to create and enhance your business, and What is

Your Value Proposition, which will show you how to identify what sets you apart from courses and to register online, visit the Education section of Abor.com.

Farewell 2009, Welcome 2010: Wishing You Success for the New Year

As my term as Chairman of the Board draws to a close, I look back on all that has been

accomplished over the past year, despite the struggles the real estate industry has faced.

From the launch of ABoR’s Learning Communities, where REALTORS® are engaging, learning and networking with each other every day in the virtual world, to the success-

ful transition for MLS subscribers from the dKEY to the ActiveKEY, 2009 has proven to be one worth remembering. Even in the face of adversity, we are still going strong.

It has truly been my pleasure to work with the entire REALTOR® community during

my time as Chairman. I wish you continued success in the coming year and hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

Season’s Greetings



Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

Greg Cooper of Goldwasser Real Estate, Laurie Nunnallee of First American Title and Ryan Leahy of Leahy and Associates enjoy holiday cheer at the Leahy & Associates Christmas party.

David Burton of Austin Suburban Properties and others put in some elbow grease during REALTOR day at the Austin Habitat Build.

Lindsay Kelly of Keller Williams Realty takes daughters Marly and Amelia to all the booths at the company’s Halloween carnival at the Lake Travis office.

December 2009

Realty Line of Austin





North American Title gathers real estate professionals at Mimi’s Café for the First Friday REALTOR Talk, where they heard the latest from Capital Metro. From left: Gail McClanahan of JB Goodwin REALTORS, Meredith Highsmith of Capital Metro, Tiesa Hollaway of North American Title, Penny Simcik of Discover Texas Homes, Beverly Polyniak of Old Republic, David Bogan of Exit Realty and Penny Good of North American Title.

Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

Award winners: continued from front page

tions in the industry. Her service includes (WCAoR) being a member of Education

Committee, (ABoR) the Realty Round-Up committee and subchair of Education

Committee, (WCR) 2009 governing board historian, member of Hospitality and

Installation Committees and 2010 governing board Hospitality Chair. She is a

TREPAC contributor and has participated in the JB Goodwin Coats for Kids Drive and the Food Shelf Food Drive. A certified Negotiation Expert, she is a native

Texan who attended Angelo State University and was a teacher for 10 years before

becoming a REALTOR. She is a member of Callison Elementary PTA Executive

Board as VP of Fundraising and is a participant in the Operation Turkey Program, which helps prepare and hand out food to the homeless.

WCAoR Affiliate of the Year Tiesa Hollaway North American Title

Tiesa has been an active WCAOR Affiliate member since she became North

American Title’s marketing director for Williamson County. She started the eastern Williamson County & northeast Travis County Commercial Property

Exchange and supported the brick campaign with a $250 North American Title

brick. She has participated in many association functions and committee work including serving as the Co-Chair for the 2009 PR & Membership committee. She

participated in TREPAC’s “The Hill Visit” and attended the St. Patty’s Day net-

working event. She played a part in the WCAoR Grand Opening event to

Bernie Bernfeld, right, tells Steve Builta of Hometrust Mortgage that he is back with Wells Fargo. The two were among those attending the AMBA monthly luncheon.

include; coordinating and inviting all of the Williamson County Chambers to do

a combined ribbon cutting, decorating, catering and entertainment. Tiesa coordinated and worked with the City of Taylor to host the second quarterly luncheon

as well as world renowned Louie Mueller BBQ to cater the event. She donated

100 recyclable bags to the Green Expo as well as Tech Tune Up and sponsored

the Golf Tournament by being a beverage sponsor. She was community service

committee liaison and collected cell phones and ink cartridges for Hope Alliance. She has accepted the Co-Chair position for the 2010 Membership Recruitment &

Retention committee. She is president-elect for Austin-Lakeline Rotary and par-

ticipates in a multitude of other organizations such as Vista Ridge High School’s

Interact Club, Angelheart Children’s Shelter, Relay for Life, Race for the Cure,

Hill Country Ministries. She is also a huge advocate for self defense and safety and is a fitness Instructor for Austin Self Defense.

December 2009


Find Out What Lies Ahead for the Region’s Housing Market By Steve Zbranek • Zbranek Custom Homes

2009-2010 President • Home Builders Association of Greater Austin

Challenging…the word that aptly describes the home building and real estate

industry for the last couple of years. While Texas (and especially Austin) has not borne

the brunt of worst economic downturn since the 1930’s, you know as well as I do that we have not been immune to its effects. The financial crises, foreclosures and job loss-

es in the region have all contributed to flattened demand, fewer buyers, fewer contracts and most importantly for you, less commissions.

Realty Line of Austin



the 2010 Housing Forecast. A panel of speakers has been

chosen to present information about the region’s economic

development plans, how the national economy will affect

the local market and last but not least, what’s to come for the new home market.

Join us to listen to these industry heavy hitters:

Eldon Rude, MetroStudy, Moderator and Austin Housing

Market Forecast

Rude has earned a reputation in the housing industry for

thorough analysis and candid insight into the factors that impact the supply and demand for housing.

Pike Powers, Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P., Economic Development

For the past 30 years, Powers has played an integral role in developing the Austin

regional technology economy. In 2003, he received the first Award for his contributions to the economic development of Austin and Central Texas.

Jon Hockenyos, Texas Perspectives, National Economy Forecast

Hockenyos is an economist & President of Texas Perspectives, an economic analysis

2010 is a new year. According to economists, the Austin region officially emerged

and public policy consulting firm founded in 1987. Hockenyos has served as a resource

“boom” years and therefore has not seen much decrease in prices for homes. The

Tickets can be purchased online at www.AustinHomeBuilders.com (HBA members) or

get a better deal down the road. Whatever the reason may be, it all means one thing

Calendar” in the members section).

from recession in August 2009. So what’s to come for the local housing industry? It’s

been well established that the greater Austin area did not see inflated pricing in the

biggest problem here seems to be related to consumer confidence. People seem to be either scared of losing their jobs or are not buying because they think they’ll be able to for builders, REALTORS and everyone else in the industry…uncertainty.

This uncertainty has been showing itself in the behavior of builders. Speculative

witness on a variety of issues for city councils, state legislatures, and the U.S. Congress. Tickets are $60 per person or you can purchase corporate tables for $500 (seats 10).

www.abor.com (ABoR members). Seating is limited, so hurry before tickets sell out.

For more information visit www.AustinHomeBuilders.com (find it on the “HBA

building has almost gone the way of the dodo for many builders who are not willing

Monica Nelson and Gail McClanahan, both of JB Goodwin REALTORS, show Kim Smyth, center, of Austin Title, the only room left with available seating at the ever popular Thanksgiving feast hosted by the Round Rock office.

to risk their livelihood. Existing inventory is slowly being swiped up by bargain

hunters and soon home buyers will start to see fewer housing options in the new home market. Recent analysis has shown that fewer lots are being developed for future con-

struction. It takes an average of two or more years to develop raw land into lots that

can be used for home building. Experts agree that the likelihood of lot shortage for new home construction will be realized in roughly two years.

So is there any good news to come in 2010? The Home Builders Association of

Greater Austin and the Austin Board of REALTORS are teaming up once again to offer

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Attend the next free RE/MAX® Power Start class on January 13. Write whitney@remaxtexas.com to register, or ask your local RE/MAX Broker.




Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

Dave Clinton of DR Horton and CRS members Cindy Reeder and Debbie Kelsey thank John Sirizzotti of Remedy Roofing for donating a television to the first annual holiday gala benefiting Any Baby Can.

As seen here, Mortgage IQ classes fill up with eager participants. Mark Hairston, fourth from left, of Mortgage IQ presented Credit Scoring and Credit Repair.

The Honorable Judge Dan A. Gattis installs incoming WCAoR president J. Rene Ward of Best Agents in Texas at Reunion Ranch. Photograph courtesy of Austin Digital Photography.

Sonja Benyououssef, J.B. Goodwin and Kathrine Daly, all of JB Goodwin REALTORS, make sure everyone eats their vegetables before they get to the dessert table at the company’s annual Thanksgiving feast.

What does the local housing market have in store for 2010? Our Speakers: Join the A Austin ustin B Board oard o off REALTORS REALTORSÂŽ and the Home B Builders uilders As Association sociation o off Gr Greater eater A Austin ustin (HB (HBA) A) tto o he hear ar the mo most st rrecent ecent sstatistics tatistics and insigh insightt on our ec economy onomy and housing mark market. et. Hear He ar from from the experts experts at the 2010 2010 Housing F Forecast: orecast:

Wednesday, W ednesday, January 13, 2010 Coffee C offee 8:00am Breakfast Br eakfast 8:30am 8:30am Pr ogram 9:00am - 11:30am 11:30am Program

AT&T Education Conference A T&T E ducation & C onference Ctr. Ctr tr.. 1900 Univ ersity A ve. University Ave. Austin, TX 78705 A ustin, T X7 8705

Individual tick tickets: ets: $60 Corporate C orporate T Tables: ables: $500 $500 ((seat seat 10) Seating is limit Seating limited. ed. NO Billing. Billing. ALL tick tickets ets must must be pr pre-paid e-paid with cash, cash, check or credit credit card. card. tickets. NO rreplacement eplacement of of lost lost tick ets. NO tickets tickets will be sold sold at the event. event.

Tickets: T ickets: $60

Eldon R Rude ude


MetroStudy MetroStudy Rude R ude has earned earned a reputation reputation in the housing industry industry ffor or thor thorough ough analysis analysis and ccandid andid insigh insightt in into to the ffactors actors that imp impact act the supply and demand for for housing.

Pike Pik e Powers Powers


Fulbright & Ja Fulbright Jaworski worski L.L.P. L.L.P. For F or the p past ast 30 30 y years, ears, Powers Powers has played played an in integral tegral role role in developing developing the A Austin ustin rregional egional ttechnology echnology economy. economy. In 2003, 2003, he rreceived eceived the ffirst irst Award A ward for for his ccontributions ontributions tto o the economic economic de development velopment o off Austin Austin and Central C entral T Texas. exas.

Jon Hock Hockenyos enyos

Housing F Forecast orecast ast


Texas Perspectives Texas Perspectives Hockenyos Hock enyos is an economist economist & President President of of Texas Texas Perspectives, Perspectives, an ec economic onomic analysis analy sis and public policy policy consulting consulting ffirm irm ffounded ounded in 19 1987. 87. Hock Hockenyos enyos has sserved erved as a resource resource witness witness on a variety variety of of issues issues for for city city councils, councils, sstate tate legislatures, legislat ures, and the U U.S. .S. Congress. Congress.

Online: www www.Abor.com .Abor..com or www.AustinHomeBuilders.com .Abor www.AustinHomeBuilders.com

By B y Phone: 5 512-454-7636 12-454-7636 (ABoR) (ABoR) or 512-454-5588 512-454-5588 (HB (HBA) A)

December 2009

Realty Line of Austin





Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

Tandi Haggard of Elite Financing and Laura Ebersol of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS did some early holiday shopping at the North American Title’s third annual Shop ‘til You Drop event. Karen Williams, Lisa McEntire, Tiesa Hollaway and Penny Good.

Pink ladies Jill Briley and Jennifer Waller, both of Keller Williams Realty, serve up hotdogs at the company’s Halloween carnival at the Lake Travis office.

Mark Sprague tells Jim Halvorsen of Milestone Community Builders about his move to Mission Mortgage while attending the builder’s Lunch & Learn event at the Cypress Creek community.



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December 2009

Realty Line of Austin





Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

RE/MAX Austin Associates’ Mark Minchew, Les Sherman, Diane Gomez, Donna Yoste, Mary Lou Taylor and Cindie Brooks, fourth from left, of Chicago Title, enjoy the RE/MAX Austin Associates holiday party.

David Pavliska of RE/MAX Round Rock is surprised when WCAoR outgoing president Barbara Wigginton presents him with a special President’s Award for all that he has given back to the association and the community during the installation and awards banquet.

Photograph courtesy of Austin Digital Photography.

Eric Copper, Niki Frost and John Squires, all of Keller Williams Realty, don the right attire for Octoberfest activities. Eddie Rinehart of Treaty Oak Mortgage introduces members of the Austin Mortgage Bankers Association to Doug Foster, commissioner of the Texas Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending, who spoke about national mortgage licensing requirements.

Are You Ready for 2010? Goldwasser Real Estate Agents Are Set! ; ; ; ;

Business plans ready for 2010 Marketing and database optimized Transaction management in place Systems running on auto-pilot

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Realty Line of Austin

December 2009


2009— A Year In Review



Barbara Wigginton (Central Texas Realty Experts), past presi-

dent, and Mary Miner (M.E. “Gene” Johnson REALTORS),

secretary, with their acceptance of the WCAoR “Oath of

Office.” Mr. Morrison also inducted the Directors Chris Sachs

(JBGoodwin REALTORS), Reba Saxon (Teacher Realty), Mark

Griffiths (Best Agents in Texas), Susanna Boyer (Sellstate Classic






Properties), Susan Brown (Realty Executives), Marty Kelly

(Zip Realty), Leisa Ormsbee (JB Goodwin), David Richard

By Barbara Wigginton • Central Texas Realty Experts

2009 President • Williamson County Association of REALTORS

What a year…the economy, unemployment, the housing market. With so much

adversity and change across the nation, there is little wonder how we might overlook all the great and exciting achievements of Williamson County Association of REALTORS in 2009.

Foremost has been the diligence and dedication of the 2009 WCAoR Officers and

Board of Directors throughout the year. The overwhelming enthusiasm and volunteerism

of our REALTOR and affiliate membership symbolizes the fortitude and character of professionals demanding excellence not only of our Association, but also of themselves. We applaud you.

The new WCAoR facility at 123 E. Old Settlers Blvd. in Round Rock stands triumphant

as the realization of a dream fostered to fruition by the sweat, and at times the tears, of

WCAoR staff, leadership and all its members. These efforts have delivered us to a new

era of optimism, continued growth and future success. To all those who contributed their time and resources, we thank you.

It has been both an honor and privilege serving as the president of the Board of Directors

of Williamson County Association of REALTORS this year. My best to you all in 2010!

Installation and Awards Banquet

On December 3rd, Williamson County Association of REALTORS held its Annual

Installation and Awards banquet at Reunion Ranch in Georgetown. During the event, the

2010 WCAoR Board of Directors was installed into their new leadership roles serving the Association membership.

Ron Morrison, Williamson County commissioner, inducted the 2010 officers, Victoria

Reviel (Zip Realty), president-elect, Christy Gessler (RE/MAX Capital City), treasurer,

(Austin Suburban Properties), Stacey Rider (Bartlett Real Estate Group) and Affiliate Liaison David Tandy (Gracy Title).

The honorable Judge Dan A. Gattis presided over the installation of the 2010 President

J. Rene Ward of Best Agents in Texas.

Likewise, awards and recognition were given to dedicated members of the WCAoR

membership. Christy Gessler received the “REALTOR of the Year” award for outstanding

service to WCAoR and performance in the industry throughout the past year. Sonia

Guardado took home the WCAoR “Rookie of the Year” award, while Tiesa Hollaway accepted recognition as the 2009 WCAoR “Affiliate of the Year.”

Also of note was Reba Saxon’s successful election to serve alongside Barbara

Wigginton as the 2010 TAR Directors on behalf of WCAoR. Both Jim Smith and Mary

Miner will serve as TAR regional vice presidents and Christy Gessler as the Region 8 TREPAC trustee.

We wish all those individuals taking on leadership positions to represent WCAoR, and

the livelihood of our industry, a wealth of success in the upcoming year. Call to Action: Join a Committee

Williamson County Association of REALTORS is currently seeking volunteers for its

2010 committees. WCAoR committees include Leadership, Technology, and Education as

well as many other opportunities. Committee appointments are one-year in duration in accordance with the bylaws.

WCAOR Quarterly Luncheon

WCAoR will be hosting its Quarterly Luncheon on Thursday, Jan. 21, 2010. The event will

be held at the Georgetown Community Center located at 1003 North Austin Avenue in

Georgetown. Dr. Jim Gaines, research economist, will be speaking on current trends within

the housing and real estate industry as well as addressing the economic outlook for the upcoming year. For more information, visit www.wcaor.org or call 255-6211.



Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

Joe Stewart, left, and John Horton, right, congratulate Rosa PrevostMorris for winning the “Rookie of the Year” award at the Women’s Council of REALTORS. All are with John Horton Realty.

Central Park in south Austin— There is nothing like it. Check out Treaty Oak Homes’ community that starts in the $180s.

Monica Washington, right, of Washington Housing Consultants arrives just in time to board the tour bus for a model home preview of Teravista and then was treated to a fajita fiesta for lunch. Welcoming her was Erin Cook of Newland Communities.

Ellen’s Staging Tip:

COLOR Can Sell Updating paint colors will set your listings apart from the competition. I recommend the following colors from Sherwin Williams Paint. • 6142 Macadamia for interior walls • 6137 Burlap is a wonderful exterior body color. • 6135 Ecru blends well with Burlap. Use on exterior trim. • 7020 Black Fox adds classic elegance to front doors.

Staging By Design offers paint color consultations for your listings, investment properties and office space. Ellen is ready to help you set the stage for professional results. Ellen Boettcher, president 512.751.1756 Ellen@StagingByDesign.com

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Realty Line of Austin

December 2009


ThankYou thanks the following REALTORS for partnering with us in 2009.

Austin Distinction Realty Eva Valdez Austin Reps LLC Shara Parker

Coldwell Banker United REALTORS JD Summers Marsha Lebowsky Covington Real Estate Paula Golden

Avalar Austin RE Solutions Bob Liston

David Broadway REALTOR David Broadway

Bubela & Associates Linda Buetel

Goldwasser Real Estate Amy Ballinger

Canady Realty Jill Pearson

Carrie L. Lasseter Real Estate Carrie L. Lasseter Centex Realty Gregory Howard

Howard Schmidt Realty Christine Gonzales

Kasner & Associates REALTORS Jon Kasner

Century 21 First Place Torquil Creevy

Chip Kidd Realty Services Chip Kidd Clay Enterprises Charles Clay

Keller Williams Realty Jaymes Willoughby Team John Little Jill Sack Monroe Talley Jr. Harold Frisch Melcor Properties Tomas Corzo

NooHome Realty Richard Olesch

Property Consultants of Austin Carson Gallagher Donny O’Neil RealNet Team David Baird Realty Austin Marsha Kim

RE/MAX Austin Associates Mark Minchew Tom Richardson Sandy Mauro Les Sherman Robinson Co. REALTORS Eddie Gawlik Spencer Properties Larry Wessels

Stanberry & Associates Ryan Carssow

Wishing you the best this holiday season— Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Instructor

Mark Hairston

Certified Mortgage Planner Provider #0606

Direct 789-6967


Look for our MCE Courses in 2010. Don’t miss out, call us for more details!

(512) 472-3500




Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

Susan Horton of John Horton Realty shares the holiday spirit with Beth Gatlin of ABoR at the Williamson County Association of REALTORS installation and awards celebration at Reunion Ranch. Photograph courtesy of Austin Digital Photography.

HBA’s Debbie Horridge, Robert Kleeman and Carol Baker look forward to working together another year. They were on hand for the last HBA General Membership Meeting of 2009.

Joel Neugent of RE/MAX Capital City and wife Lillian Neugent enjoy the chocolate fountain at the company’s client appreciation party, which featured good food and activities for all.

December 2009

Realty Line of Austin




Incoming President reflects on 2009 By Susanna Boyer • Sellstate Classic Realty

2010 President • Women’s Council of REALTORS With 2009 coming to a close, I would like to thank this year’s leadership team for a job well

done. Marie Dang-Schwartz, 2009 president, offered her well wishes and thanks to the 2009 officers during the 2010 Installation luncheon held at the Austin Country Club on Dec. 2.

At the installation, Marie highlighted some of the events that made 2009 a successful and

fun year. Events such as the “So You Think You Can Model!!!” offbeat fashion show that pro-

duced numerous laughs, with our own “Simon (Jon Offord), Paula (Sheila Hawkins-

Bucklew) and Randy (Michael Sedigh) as judges. Then we had a Fabulous 50’s Sock Hop,

complete with a Hula Hoop contest, and all the best snacks from “the good ole days.” Our Golf Tournament, even though it rained heavily all day long, had a great turn out and was a

great time enjoyed by all participants.

Our affiliates came to the rescue throughout the year. WCR appreciates their support cov-

ering the costs at our monthly event mixers and contests, which helped to increase our mem-

bership. We could not do any of this without the support of our affiliates and we appreciate those who consistently support WCR!

Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation go out to the 2009 retiring officers: Linda Knowles-

Katz, secretary; Susan Brown, treasurer; Cheryl Eskridge, vice president of Membership; Susanna Boyer, president-elect and Marie Dang-Schwartz, president.

As 2010 is almost upon us, I would like to introduce the 2010 Executive Team for the

Austin Chapter. Each one of them and each of our members, whether a REALTOR® or an

affiliate is an “Essential Piece” to the Austin Chapter of Women’s Council of REALTORS®.

Cedar Park from the $130’s. That’s a remarkable MileStone. Meet MileStone Community Builders – Austin’s dynamic new homebuilder. For special incentives look for us online at www.MyMileStone.com

Cheryl K. Jenkins President-elect

Susan Brown

VP of Membership

Anita Farrell Secretary

Chris Rodriguez Treasurer

Our 2010 Business Resource luncheon dates, times and locations will be posted on our Web

site after January 1, 2010. Visit www.AustinWCR.org for all the details. See you in 2010!

Cypress Creek – From the $130’s MileStone Community Builders is now open in Cypress Creek. Register online for the latest news and events at www.MyMileStone.com

Paradiso Villas – From the $150’s Discover the only new home community priced from the $150’s along west Parmer Lane.

For more information contact: Cypress Creek • 512-215-5220 Monique Flores Paradiso Villas • 512-215-3424 Jim Halvorsen

2 1


For The MileStones In Your Life... WCR National President Becky Hill, right, officially installs Susanna Boyer as the WCR Austin Chapter 2010 President during the annual installation and awards luncheon held at the Austin Country Club.

To qualify for the incentives listed above, homes must be sold after 10/1/09 and must close by 4/30/10. Actual terms may vary. Additional restrictions may apply and incentives are subject to change without notice. Please contact a community sales representative for additional information and/or requirements. Offer valid for new contracts only. (12/10/09)



Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

Area real estate professionals get out the power tools to participate in REALTOR day at the Austin Habitat Build.

Peter Sajovich of RE/MAX Austin Advantage and Lynn Bates of Patten Law Firm start off the holiday season at the Certified Residential Specialists installation and awards luncheon at Westwood Country Club.

JB Goodwin REALTORS and guests help support the food bank by donating canned goods in exchange for a plate at the company’s annual Thanksgiving luncheon.

S e a s on ’s G r e e t i n g s

To our many friends and clients— We send our best wishes for a happy Holiday Season and a Prosperous 2010.

Dana Markes 789-7400

Janet Widmer 246-2955

Jan Hill 306-6366

Julie Black 306-6357

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December 2009

Realty Line of Austin





Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

Becky Hopkins of Austin Title wins “Affiliate of the Year� award at the Women’s Council of R E A L T O R S Installation, which will be lead by Susanna Boyer of Sellstate Classic Realty in 2010.

Greg Hodge, with daughter Ellie, Gladys Ramos, Linda Graves and Nora Wall are very happy to see the large amount of food donated for the Round Rock Serving Center at the RE/MAX Capital City office party.

HBA’s 2009-2010 President Steve Zbranek, right, and executive director Harry Savio mix and mingle with guests at the last general membership meeting of 2009. Susan Brown and Anita Spadaro, both of Realty Executives, attend the company’s regional meeting at Marie Callendar’s restaurant where they learned about earnest money.

North N orth Ame American A merican Title’ Title’s s Marketing Marketing Quartet Quar Quar artet tet


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December 2009

Realty Line of Austin





Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

J. Rene Ward of Best Agents in Texas and past award recipient presents the Entrepreneur of the Year Award to D.A. Henry of the Aldion Group at the Women’s Council of REALTORS installation and awards luncheon.

Kathleen Bucher, Linda Ramsey, Rosa Vaca and Eric Copper, all of Keller Williams Realty, enjoy Octoberfest.

Karen McGrath, right, of JB Goodwin REALTORS dons an apron while serving up some well wishes and good food at the company’s annual Thanksgiving luncheon. With her were Matthew and Mary Jane Amezquita of DHI Title.

Round Rock Market Center 2010 Agent Leadership Council

2010 Education Schedule:

(Leaders and Decision Makers in the Market Center)

Debbie Fontenette

Diane Waters

Don Dungan

Gerald Gafford

Greg Doering

Joetta Houghton

Judy Copple

K. C. Whetstone

Karen Halsema

Kiersty Lombar

Kim Whitlock

Robert Fischer

Sherri Teepen

Steve Homer

Susie Gole

Tara Knight

Our 2010 schedule will be available December 21 at www.sentelearning.com

Round Rock Avis Wukasch 255-5050

Northwest Gene Frederick 346-3550

Southwest Eric Copper 448-4111

Lake Travis Cedar Park Mary Lynne Gibbs Michelle Busby 263-9090 616-4000

December 2009

Realty Line of Austin



Sonja Guardado of JB Goodwin REALTORS wins the “Rookie of the Year” award at the Williams County Association of REALTORS installation and awards dinner.

Photograph courtesy of Austin Digital Photography.

HBA member Ty Burcham presents a check for $11,000 to Leigh Edgar, a representative of Mobile Loaves and Fishes. The Sales and Marketing Council raised the money at its annual bowling “Strike Against Hunger” fundraiser.

Daryle Ann Cupp, Scott Bullard and Dianne Bartlett, all of Keller Williams Realty, arrive in style to the Keller Williams Realty Lake Travis Halloween party.



Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

Pearce Shanks, REALTOR, and Tiffany Stillwell of the Patten Law Firm, peruse the pewter serving pieces at Lynn’s annual Shop Til You Drop Extravaganza held at the law firm’s office on Great Hills Trail.

Keaton Nylander, Michelle Sanchez, Eric Sanchez, Melissa Nylander, Lovisa Nylander and Anders Nylander enjoy a carriage rideat the RE/MAX Capital City holiday party.

Past Women’s Council of REALTORS presidents get recognized for their accomplishments at the installation and awards celebration at Austin County Club. Past CRS Member of the Year Diane Christy honors Cindy Reeder as 2009 Member of the Year at the CRS Installation and Awards luncheon at Westwood Country Club.

December 2009

Realty Line of Austin


Cheer. Cheer C heer.. Laughter. heer Laught aughter er.. JJoy. er oyy. o Your Y our P Partners artners at at Land Mortgage Mortgage wish yyou ou the b best est this season and thr throughout oughout 2010. Chad O Chad Overhauser verhauser • B Bret ret Williams Williams • A Aaron aron P Page age • A Anthony nthony Campos Campos • Michelle Michelle Schiff • M Mike ike Mark Perkins Rasty Goodwin Natasha Karn SSpivey pivey • Monica Monica Jenkins Jenkins • Natasha Natasha Warren Warren • M ark P erkins • R asty G oodwin • N atasha K arn Pam Ingram Bachman Mandy Maria P am JJenkins enkins • Randy Randy Richardson Richardson • Linda Ingr am • LLuCinda uCinda B achman • M andy Kellam • M aria Richard Moore Robin Gary Caples Ginger Carnright Ginny Miller Glen Osio • R ichard M oore • R obin SStanfield tanfield • G ary C aples • G inger C arnright • G inny M iller • G len Chris Christian Ryan Gordon McMaude Wray SSanford anfor anf ord • C hris SStockdale tockdale • C hristian R yan • G ordon M cMaude • Hannah W ray • Hope Hope Piper Piper Jane W Whitaker hitaker • Ruth Ruth Martinez Martinez • SSandra andra SStanzel tanzel • SSandy andy B Battise attise • SShira hira Z Zippe ippe • SStacy tacy Panzanaro Barbara Ben Brandi Ripple P anzanaro • Steve Steve Haley Haley • Aurelius Aurelius Sofia Sofia • B arbara FFrierson rierson • B en FFriedman riedman • B randi R ipple Carol Cheryl Christie Barr Donna Dora Cindy Bailey DiAnne C arol FFeller eller • C heryl New New • C hristie B arr • D onna SSlade lade • D ora SSilva ilva • C indy B ailey • D iAnne Acuña Dwayne Porter Reynolds Watts Robichau Rios A cuña • Dw ayne P orter • EEddie ddie R eynolds • EErin rin W atts • JJeremy eremy R obichau • JJessica essica R ios • JJoan oan Gonzalez G onzalez • Joe Joe Thweatt Thweatt • John John Simpson Simpson • Kathy-Ann Kathy-Ann Norbert Norbert • Juanpablo Juanpablo Wright Wright • Julie Julie Curby C urby • Kelly O Ollendorff llendor ff • K Kirsty irsty W Wallace allace • Lana B Birchfield irchfield • Linda JJenkins enkins • M Matthew atthew P Posey osey Melanie Hollar M elanie H ollar • Linda Knowles-Katz Knowles-Katz • SueAnn SueAnn Roller Roller • Susan Durrett Durrett • Tad Tad Henley Henley • Tim Tim Reagan Cordova Harris Warren Bartlett Wendy Cantos Cindy Goddard R eagan • TTony ony C ordova • Trish Trish Har ris • W arren B artlett • W endy C antos • C indy G oddard Dana McGrath Deborah Afflerbach D ana M cGrath • D eborah Curtis Curtis • Diane Diane A fflerbach • Damian Damian SSquires quires

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Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

Realty Line spotted this license plate in the ABoR parking lot during the WCR monthly luncheon. Perhaps next year it will say Sold 4.

David Burton of Austin Suburban Properties asks Stephanie Powell of Champions School of Real Estate about the latest course offerings available. They were among those at the WCAoR installation and awards dinner honoring incoming president J. Rene Ward. Photograph courtesy of Austin Digital Photography.

Tom Rhodes, Kristin Carroll and Mary Weaver, all of Sente Mortgage, arrive at the AMBA luncheon to hear about the national mortgage licensing requirements for 2010.

DREES in DREES Steiner Ranc Ranch h is almost G GONE! ONE! Your Y our Clients W Will ill W Want ant T To o Kno Know w A limited opportunity for a quality crafted crafted home in one of A ustin’ss best communities. ustin’ Austin’s Only a few home sites and homes a available vailable in Steiner Ranch Ranch are still available. $900’s, a vailable. With With homes ranging ranging from the $500’s $500’s to $900’ s, Drees will be in the Hawks neighborhoods of Ha wks Canyon, Canyon, Emerald Emerald Ridge, Santaluz and the Reserve. Reserve. Don’tt miss this opportunity. Don’ opportunity. Check Check PRED for Realtor bonuses and home buyer buyer incentives. incenti ves.

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December 2009

Realty Line of Austin








Realty Line of Austin

December 2009


Realty Austin’s Todd Grossman #1 Buyers Agent in Austin

Realty Austin’s Todd Grossman recently became 2009’s top residential buyer’s agent in the Austin area,

according to data obtained from the Austin Board of Realtors Multiple Listing Service. This distinction

places Grossman at the top of all 8,774 real estate agents in the Austin area on a year-to-date basis.

Even in the challenging Austin real estate market, Grossman represented clients in 27 transactions total-

ing more than $12.6 million dollars during the first 10 months of 2009. He attributes his success to great customer service and consistent prospecting.

Yvette Boatwright, the broker at Realty Austin, couldn’t be more pleased with Todd’s achievements.

“Since joining Realty Austin Todd’s career has really taken off. His focus on understanding the market and taking care of his customers should stand as an example to all real estate agents.”

Military Spouses eligible for free education opportunities through Champions School of Real Estate

Many military spouses fight a day-to-day battle on the home front. From childcare to paying bills,

spouses of active duty personnel face a number of struggles to achieve success, and now with the Military

Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) program, the Department of Defense (DoD) is poised to offer unprecedented training and education assistance that leads to higher-salaried jobs.

Eligible military spouses are now able to receive up to $6,000 of MyCAA Financial Assistance that can help

them pursue education, training, licenses, certificates and degrees leading to employment in these fields.

Military spouses can learn more about getting started with Champions and the MyCAA Program at

www.championsschool.com/mycaa.php. Champions Career Counselors are available to walk those inter-

ested through the eligibility requirements and registration process and provide guidance to develop a Champions career training path.

RE/MAX of Texas Introduces Personalized License Plates

The Texas Department of Transportation has given permission for the creation of custom license

plates. Now available, this new promotion will allow agents and offices to purchase official, customiz-

able RE/MAX license plates for their vehicles, increasing their personal branding power. The RE/MAX of Texas plate featuring the RE/MAX balloon is the first corporate license plate in Texas. These plates

are available through MyPlates.com. In addition, RE/MAX of Texas directs a portion of the proceeds

from the sale of the RE/MAX plate to the Children's Miracle Network. For more information, visit www.remaxtexas.com/MyPlates.

Stacy Amezquita and Monte Gawthorp, both of JB Goodwin REALTORS, wait for some more fried turkey at the company’s annual Thanksgiving luncheon at the Round Rock office.

December 2009


Realty Line of Austin



including individual loan officer

Web sites,” O’Reilly says. “And

you can’t underestimate the extraordinary




Peanuts characters in identify-

ing our brand. Not every com-

pany has the benefit of a Snoopy blimp!”

Indeed, a brand name with

By Linda McNabb

CONTRIBUTING WRITER MetLife, with over $500 Billion in assets, was recognized by Fortune Magazine

as among the Most Admired Companies in 2009. With accolades like this, it is no

obvious, initial credibility, com-

bined with deep resources and a determination to be a leader in home financing in the Austin market, is a priceless asset.

“The MetLife brand name has

surprise the company is growing, and MetLife Home Loans, which is a division of

earned the trust of the general

market by the end of the first quarter 2010,” says Bob O’Reilly, an Area Director

tact is made, customers will be

MetLife Bank, is looking to grow in Austin.

“Our expectation is to have a minimum of six quality originators in the Austin

for MetLife Home Loans. “The sales team is currently supported locally by two extraordinary Processors/Closers, Susan French and Stephanie Moya.”

Although MetLife Home Loans is a relatively new name, the company has expe-

rienced rapid growth in a short period of time. In September, 2008 MetLife Bank acquired selected assets of First Horizon Home Loans, the residential origination

and servicing division of First Tennessee Bank. At that time, the new company set

up shop in Austin and has been working to build a team of mortgage experts

public since its founding in 1868,” O’Reilly says. “Once con-

impressed with the professionalism of our staff and the quality of our work.”

commitment to become one of the top five originators in the nation— it currently ranks among the top ten in residential loan originations, O’Reilly says. MetLife

Home Loans offers a full menu of residential mortgage loans, including jumbo

noted for experience and quality.

has been in the mortgage business for 18 years, most recently as a producing man-

ity, truth and fairness.

mortgage loans in Austin for over 12 years,” O’Reilly says. “Chris Blevins, who

ager for Regions Bank locally, has joined us as Austin’s Branch Manager. Deborah Ezzell also has joined Bradley as a Mortgage Consultant.”

The long established work histories of MetLife Home Loan’s highly experi-

enced loan officers and the company’s supportive culture is helping the company attract new clients.

“As an enhancement to their experience and well-deserved reputations, we’ve

provided our team with tools to make the customer outreach experience easier,

Area Director

MetLife Home Loans is a production-oriented mortgage company with a strong

products and condominium loans.

“One of our mortgage consultants, Bradley Rife, has been originating quality

Bob O’Reilly

Another reason for MetLife Home Loans’ growing success is that it shares the

core values of the MetLife family. These include conducting business with sincer-

“Our customers are served by Mortgage Consultants who uphold MetLife’s val-

ues of integrity and honesty,” O’Reilly says. “Our Consultants provide traditional

services to their customers and that includes educating homebuyers so they can make informed decisions to truly build financial freedom.”

MetLife Home Loans is located in the Barton Oaks Plaza at 901 South MoPac.

For more information, visit www.metlifehomeloans.com. Bob can be reached at ROReilly@metlife.com or at 512-329-3527 or 713-294-4236.



Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

Christy Gessler of RE/MAX Capital City thanks her peers at the Williamson County Association of REALTORS for their support as she accepts the “Realtor of the Year” award. Photograph courtesy of Austin Digital Photography.

David Burton of Austin Suburban Properties celebrates with WCR incoming president Susanna Boyer at the WCR installation and awards luncheon. David won “REALTOR of the Year.”

Mary Lynn Gibbs of Keller Williams Realty wears a wet suit so she won’t feel the cold as fellow Lake Travis agents attempt to dunk her at the company’s Halloween carnival.

The number one real estate radio show in town is now on the number one radio station in town Tune in Saturdays at noon. 590 KLBJ AM Saturdays at Noon David McMillan - United Lending 512.592.5444 direct 512.917.8658 cell TheMcMillanTeam.com

Presented by:

Call in number 512.836.0590

December 2009


Realty Line of Austin



Mediation’s Role in Contract Disputes By Tom Berry Core Services Manager Gracy Title Company Paragraph 16 of the TREC 1-4 Family Residential Contract give the parties the option to

choose mediation as a means of attempting to resolve contract disputes that cannot be

resolved through “informal discussion.� Further, paragraph 16 states, “It is the policy of the State of Texas to encourage resolution of disputes through alternative dispute resolution

procedures such as mediation.� So what exactly is mediation, and why would/should parties to a contract elect to resolve a dispute through mediation?

Mediation is one form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). ADR encompasses a

variety of dispute resolution processes that present an alternative to the most recognized

form of dispute resolution— litigation. Specifically, mediation involves the use of a neutral

third party, the mediator, who uses a variety of techniques to encourage dialogue between

two (or more) parties to a dispute, with an eye towards reaching an actionable agreement on the dispute.

In many cases, mediation offers significant advantages over litigation in resolving con-


tract disputes. Namely, mediation is less expensive, faster, completely confidential, flexible, and involves the mutual effort of both parties to resolve the dispute.

While a mediator may charge a fee, and good mediators often charge fees that run into

the hundreds of dollars per party, per day, the mediation process usually takes much less

time than moving a case through standard legal channels. A case filed in court can take months or years to resolve. Mediation usually achieves a resolution in a matter of hours. This is particularly true in residential resale contracts where the issue may only involve a

dispute over who gets the earnest money in a cancelled contract, or who will pay for additional repairs.

Mediation offers a confidential process. Litigation is conducted in a public venue, and

records of court proceedings are often accessible to the public. Mediation, on the other

hand, is strictly confidential. Only the parties and the mediator are privy to what has

Introducing the Wilshire Homes Contingency Partnership Plan ... Because We’re In This Together At Wilshire Homes, Built Around You also means that when you have a home to sell, we have a home to sell.

of the most frustrating aspects of litigation for the uninitiated, is the lack of input that even

When you enter into a contingency contract with Wilshire Homes, we’ll soon give you and your realtor a call and our team of experienced real estate professionals will come to your home, provide a “quick sale� analysis, and help you WOW shoppers from the moment they lay eyes on your home.

which do not necessarily pertain exactly to the dispute at hand. Real estate contract dis-

Let us free you up to concentrate on your new home. Here’s just a few of the ways we can help you out:

occurred during the mediation. Often, mediators even destroy their notes taken during mediation, particularly if the dispute does not contain any allegations of criminal activity.

Most significantly, mediation offers a great deal of flexibility in resolving a dispute. One

the prevailing party has on what a court of law determines to be the resolution to a dispute.

Judges and juries are often bound to remedies laid out in a statute, or relevant case law, putes often contain very unique sets of circumstances, not to mention a great deal of emo-

tional involvement, and a resolution tailored to the dispute is almost always preferable. In mediation, parties have control over the resolution, and the resolution can be unique to the

dispute. Simply put, when both parties are presented with a solution that factors in their unique set of circumstances, they are more likely to comply with the agreement.

On a related note, the mediation process consists of a mutual effort. If both parties are

willing to work toward resolving the case, they are more likely to work with one another

than against one another. This is also important to the realtor, because mutual effort usually preserves and/or improves relationships critical to future business referrals.








CRS president Sherri Teepen hands over the reins to incoming president Fred Norton at the Installation and Awards luncheon.



Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

Octoberfest means fun for (seated) Niki Frost and Katie Burnam with (standing) Jeanie Harvey, Jennifer Littlefield, Aaron Nann, Matt Romero and Sharon Patrick, all of Keller Williams Realty.

RE/MAX Capital City’s Linda Graves, husband Lee Graves and office manager Caroline Tontini show just a few of the canned goods that were gathered for the Round Rock Serving Center at the company’s client appreciation holiday party. Kenton Brown of Sente Mortgage and Mike Wueste of Patriot Bank Mortgage learn about national licensing requirements at the AMBA monthly luncheon at Austin Country Club.

December 2009

Realty Line of Austin




efits, we offer agents the opportunity to focus

on what they do best: work with clients to sell real estate. By doing so, they also have the opportunity to make more money than

Goldwasser Real Estate

traditional agents. There are no limits.”

Goldwasser was the number one Keller

Williams agent in the world before forming his own brokerage and while the new com-

pany is based on what made Chad success-

ful, Matthews says it is important to know

that the new company is building each

By Linda McNabb

CONTRIBUTING WRITER When you walk into the high-energy headquarters of Goldwasser Real Estate, you will find

their Mission Statement on the wall of every office. They claim to be revolutionizing the residen-

tial real estate industry. Their mission statement is nothing short of stellar— the company plans to become the world leader for buyers and sellers of residential real estate. Realty Line recently paid

an onsite visit to the fairly new company to get an inside look at how it is already well on its way to accomplishing this lofty goal.

Chad and Tara Goldwasser and their partner Greg Cooper, CEO, started the company as

an independent brokerage just 13 months ago, and it has surged into a group including 55

agent’s identity through their innovative Life

Time Connection system.

Matthews, an 18-year veteran, says he

joined Goldwasser Real Estate because he is committed to building a “client-centric” real estate company.

“We are doing that by solving some of

the problems that traditional real estate

agents face, such as operating alone and

Ryan Matthews Broker Associate

being solely responsible for all domains of the business,” he says. “Few individuals are great

agents who averaged $6.5 million in sales in 2008, more than five times what the average

administrators and great sales people— these are polar opposite personality types but are

Matthews, broker associate.

databases and property marketing are carefully orchestrated by our operation department. It

agent generates.

“No one in Austin is doing anything remotely close to what we are doing,” says Ryan So what exactly is the Goldwasser model?

“To our clients, it means providing a highly valued professional, world-class experience. It

means providing them with the best value and best service imaginable,” Goldwasser says. “For

our agents, it means giving them the best training, systems, support, and resources to make them

the most productive and profitable professionals in the industry. The traditional model of inde-

pendent real estate agents, common through the industry for decades, places unproductive burdens on the individual agent and provides only a loose connection to their broker.”

“When I first got into real estate in 1998, I joined one of the many real estate “teams” that were

forming at the time, where agents pooled their resources to enjoy additional administrative sup-

port and a more team-oriented atmosphere. Goldwasser Real Estate is now taking the team model a step further, providing our agents with a level of support far beyond what a typical team can

offer. Through training, transaction support, a professional marketing staff and a host of other ben-

both important in the business. So we have created the systems and staff to take care of the

difficult tasks that are associated with each real estate transaction. For example, all of our

makes much more sense to hire someone to perform a task at $30 an hour if an agent could

be making $100 plus an hour. In our system agents are not bogged down with low-dollar activities. They plug into the organization and are ready to produce at high levels.”

Matthews says the company is attracting high quality agents that fit into a positive, fun

and highly productive environment.

“I sincerely love working here,” Matthews says. “When I was interviewing the company, I

would hear the agents say how much they loved it here. I kind of dismissed it as marketing but after nine months, I can honestly say I look forward to getting into the office every morning.” Others on the team agree that Goldwasser Real Estate is a smart choice.

“Although this has been a tough year for most agents, I am having the best year and have

already closed 36 transactions,” says Lori Goto. “If you are focused and ready to make life changes that will benefit you and your family, this is the only real estate company to partner with.”

Champions School of Real Estate – Austin/Round Rock Campus! Over 26 years providing award-winning education across Texas and now conveniently located in the Austin/Round Rock Area! Providing Classroom, Correspondence and Online Courses for Brokers License, SAE, MCE and Designations.

Upcoming MCE Classes: 15 hours (includes Legal and Ethics) - $99! Prospering with Trends and Strategies - Taught by Allan Hancock! Sept 22 & 23 Oct 12-13 Nov 2-3 Nov 19-20 Dec 1-2 Dec 28-29

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Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

Mark Sprague of Mission Mortgage visits with Benton Reed of BMC West at the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin’s general membership meeting.

Steve Peek and Debbie Peek join Fran Pullin and Daryl Pullin at the Lake Travis Circle of Friends’ Miracles on Lake Travis event, which benefited the trauma department at the Dell Children’s Medical Center. Debbe and Fran are with First American Title. Chris Rodriquez of Realty Executives sets up a PowerPoint presentation about understanding earnest money, which was the training topic of the company’s regional meeting.

December 2009

Realty Line of Austin



The JB Goodwin R E A L T O R S Northwest office serves at the Salvation Army Thanksgiving lunch, which has become an annual holiday tradition.

Tiesa Hollaway of North American Title accepts the award for “Affiliate of the Year� at the Williamson County Association of Realtors installation and awards dinner at Reunion Ranch.

Photograph courtesy of Austin Digital Photography.

Mark Hairston of Mortgage IQ gives Rosie Stephens of Prudential Texas Realty a one-on-one question and answer session during a recent presentation.



Realty Line of Austin

December 2009

Mary Ann Nations of Keller Williams Realty and Hellena Frazier of JB Goodwin REALTORS help guests check in at Westwood Country Club, where CRS members watched as new officers were installed.

Ann Marie Sandlin of Reta Kays REALTORS invited Lt. Col. Earl Hairston of ABoR to the Austin Republican Women’s luncheon where he and other veterans were thanked for their service.

Jim Halvorsen, Garrett Martin, Amanda Matragrano, Kyle Estes and Monique Flores, all of Milestone Community Builders, team up in the Cypress Creek community in Cedar Park.

REALTORS get ready to tour new models and the community of Teravista. Afterward, they were treated to a fajita fiesta at the community’s historic Ranch House.

Caroline Carver, right, daughter of Realty Line owners Doren and Tawanna Carver, gathers treats from Tandy Fuller and other agents at the Halloween carnival Keller Williams Realty hosted at its Lake Travis office.

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