Realty Line December 2014 Issue

Page 1

in this issue…

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• JB Goodwin Thanksgiving Lunch • Supreme Lending Client Party • CRS Luncheon • Pure Gold Realty Grand Opening • AYREP Happy Hour • and much, much more!

Associates in Progress

Associates in Progress


Page 19

Back Page DECEMBER 2014 • VOLUME 19 • ISSUE 8

New association leadership changes for 2015 Austin Board of REALTORS (ABoR)

By Riki Markowitz

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As we bid farewell to a fantastic 2014, it’s time again to welcome new leaders in Austin’s real estate community and show appreciation for outgoing team and board members. This month we support Austin Board of REALTORS (ABoR), Williamson County Association of REALTORS (WCREALTORS), Women’s Council of REALTORS (WCR), and Home Builders Association of Greater Austin (HBA) in recognizing REALTORS of the year, affiliates of the year, rookies of the year, and much more.

The 2014 ABoR Industry Award winners will be recognized at the 2015 Installation and Awards Ceremony, on Friday, Jan. 16 at the new ABoR Headquarters. The awards are: REALTOR of the Year, Affiliate of the Year, REALTOR Community Service Award, Salesperson of the Year, and Rookie of the Year. 2015 ABoR Leadership Team The 2015 ABoR President is Barb Cooper of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS and PresidentElect Aaron Farmer, of Texas Discount Realty. Bill Evans of Austin Real Pros, REALBarb Cooper TORS will serve as immediate past president. Serving as Treasurer/Secretary is David Burton of Horizon Realty. Aiding the officers are Directors of the Board. Bill Evans Continuing members of the

board are John Baughman of Grant Realty, Sharon Rosshirt of Stanberry & Associates, Steve Crorey of Sierra Homes Realty, Brandy Guthrie of Sky Realty, Jason Peebles of Nextage Lone Star Realty, and Janet Murdock of J.B. Goodwin, REALTORS. New members of the board for 2015 are Susie Kang of Joa Realty (2nd term), Romeo Manzanilla of Realty Austin, Lisa Messana of Keller Williams Realty-RR, Bill Morris of RE/ MAX Capital City, Cord Shiflet of Moreland Properties, and Jonathan Stilley of Private Label Realty.

Williamson County Association of REALTORS (WCREALTORS) President Jack Stapleton, J.B. Goodwin Realtors in Round Rock; President-Elect Shavonne Martin, Keller Williams Realty, Round Rock; Treasurer Cecilia Roberts of Jack Stapleton Coldwell Banker United

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The 2015 WCR president-elect is Amy Kobza of Keller Williams Realty and Michelle Toomer, of Family Tree Realty, serving as

Front Page: Continued on page 28

Upcoming Events Friday, January 16

ABoR Awards/Installation Ceremony New ABoR Office - 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Tuesday, January 20

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Realtors in Georgetown; Secretary Suzanne Gantner of Sky Realty; and Past President Gary Cocanougher of ERA Colonial Real Estate. The newest director on the G. Cocanougher board is Cyndi Bell of Keller Williams Realty, Cedar Park. WCREALTORS will again be recognizing the winners of its REALTOR of the Year, Rookie of the Year, Affiliate of the Year, and Affiliate Company of the Year awards. The winners of the Industry Awards will be announced at the Annual Installation & Awards Banquet on Thursday, December 11th at Lone Oak Barn in Round Rock.


Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

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December 2014



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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

Chairman’s Column

Austin Board of REALTORS®

By Bill Evans • 2014 President

December 2014

and the more information we believe needs to be shared with our membership. Keep an eye peeled for new resources about this wideranging topic in the ABoR Learning Communities and on

In case you missed it

Congratulations are in order


If you are interested in getting involved, you may contact ABoR Government Affairs.

efore we get down to brass tacks in this month’s column, let me just take a minute of your time to congratulate one of our own! Our colleague and fellow REALTOR Celia Israel won the runoff for House District 50 seat, formerly held by Mark Strama. District 50 represents portions of North Austin, Pflugerville, Manor, Elgin and Webberville in Travis County. The Austin Board of REALTORS (ABoR) supported Celia’s candidacy, and we are proud of her win!

More syndication news As you know, in 2013 the ABoR board of directors acted on the unanimous recommendation of the ACTRIS Syndication Task Force decision to end the facilitation of syndication via ListHub. Even though the board will cease facilitating the syndication of listings, individual brokers may still wish to syndicate their listings through a variety of sources in order to best serve their clients and businesses. ABoR continues to gather information to assist individual brokers in making informed syndication decisions. We sponsored a wellattended forum on the subject, where advocates of each mindset were able to offer their opinions. There is an ongoing survey about syndication available on and member input continues to be compiled by the ABoR staff. The more we dig into the topic of syndication, the more information we uncover,

Speaking of the REALTOR Party As a 2014 ABoR public policy team member, you can play a big role in the REALTOR Party. Policy teams offer members an opportunity to help define ABoR’s positions on public policy that supports property rights, homeownership and a healthy and sustainable real estate market. You may sign up year-round to participate in up to four public policy teams— Local Property Issues, Smart Growth and Development Issues, Transportation Issues and Water and Conservation Issues.

Syndication is only one of the important issues the board deals with on a daily basis. We are also working to revamp our publicfacing website,, and we want your input! Find out what consumers want in a real estate website and help shape the future of by attending the Feb. 19 ABoR Forum. The Forum will

feature a presentation by industry expert Marilyn Wilson of the WAV group, followed by a discussion about how AustinHomeSearch. com can serve the needs of REALTORS and consumers. The Forum will be held at the ABoR office from 10 a.m. to noon, and we hope to see you there! If you can’t make it to the forum, you can still weigh in by completing the survey available at As always, we need to know what is important to you and what we can do to enhance the value of your membership. Feel free to contact the Board if you have any questions or concerns at (512) 454-7636 or send me an e-mail at RL

ABoR Academy Educational Courses Jan 13: zipForm Plus (TREC #03-00-085-26006) Jan 13: Advanced Look at RPR - South ABoR Office (TREC #03-03-125-26392) Jan 20: Broker Responsibility MCE Course (TREC # Pending) Jan 21: The Essentials of Residential Leasing (TREC #03-00-076-27372) Jan 21: Leasing 101, The Leasing Process (NO MCE) Jan 22: Know Your Code Article 1 (TREC # 01-00-125-26586) Jan 27: Understanding & Dealing with Appraisals (TREC #03-00-025-25306) Jan 27: CMA's Adjustments and Theories (TREC #03-00-046-26939) Jan 28: What is RPR and How Can It Help Your Business? ABoR South Office (TREC #01-00-035-2547) Jan 28: CMA's and Unique Properties (TREC #03-00-025-25307) Jan 28: Green MLS: The Key to Unlocking the Green Home Market/Aud C (TREC #03-00-064-24332)

More at

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December 2014



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HBA VP of Public Policy Harry Savio introduces Rachel Arnold, executive assistant to Commissioner Valerie Covey, to various colleagues at Newland Communities’ new community in Georgetown, Rancho Sienna.

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Bobbie Lockett of Capital Title, Barbara Wigginton of The Virtual Realty Group, Melia Gardner of Capital Title and C. Lynne White of Keller Williams attend the WC REALTORS Halloween Open House and Education event at its office in Round Rock.

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TAR instructor Linda Randall, left, and Teri Shipper of Tag Portraits admire all of the super treats at the North American Title Shop ‘Til You Drop Holiday Shopping event at its Round Rock office.

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

December 2014


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December 2014

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995.™

Tammy Kress, right (front), broker/owner of RE/MAX 1, holds a REALTOR Safety Seminar for RE/MAX 1 agents.

Submitted Photo

Cecilia Rober ts of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS and Jacque Smith of Independence Title aren’t scared of the ghosts they might see at WC REALTORS’ Halloween Open House—they’re scared of some of the antics that happen in real estate—wow! Buy photo: RL_120314_E.jpg at

Bill Morris of RE/MAX Capital City thanks Wendy Dabrusin of Supreme Lending for inviting him out to the client appreciation party her company hosted. They had a good time listening to live music and eating some good ‘ol Texas BBQ.

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Cesar Soliz and Bill Bayles, both of JB Goodwin REALTORS, gather outside the office to smell the wonderful aromas coming from the fried turkeys being cooked on the patio. The two attended the company’s annual Thanksgiving luncheon.


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Williamson County Assoc. of REALTORS®


Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

December 2014


President’s Column By Gary Cocanougher • 2014 President

'Tis the season


e are in the Christmas Season and there is not a better time to celebrate the wonderful year that the Williamson County Association of REALTORS has completed. It is December, and we already show that we are getting close to 1,500 members. Our goal is not to be the biggest but to fulfill the words of our mission statement: “The Mission of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS is to help its members meet present and future real estate challenges in Williamson County, to enhance and promote REALTOR members’ professionalism, to encourage member involvement in the various communities of Williamson County, and to provide quality service for its members.” It takes all of us from the members, board, committees, and especially the staff, for us to succeed. I want the groups I mentioned above to know how humbled I am to have been able to work side-by-side with you. My heartfelt appreciation for all that you did this past year for the betterment of

our Association, it was my honor to serve as your president. As this year comes to an end I hope you are able to spend quality time with your family and friends during this Christmas Season and give thanks for this prosperous real estate economy. I know that our incoming President, Jack Stapleton, and our board have big plans for next year. They, along with a strong group of committee chairs, will lead the association into a year of providing expanded member benefits, education that will help the members be more successful, and a flow of real estate and economic information that they will take with them to the Hill Visits in April. I will be there to support and encourage as I know you will. It may take a village to raise a child, but it also takes a strong, caring and committed membership to build professionalism among our peers. And I believe that it what we do at the Williamson County Association of REALTORS, Merry Christmas! RL

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December 2014



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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

Jonathan Richards and Jason "Louie" Lewis, both of Supreme Lending, check out the Johnny Cash memorabilia at the newly reopened MeanEyed Cat, where the Austin Young Real Estate Professionals held the last networking event of the year.

Submitted Photo

Jay Gohil of Jay Gohil Realty takes a moment to thank the ABoR member affiliates at a special appreciation event hosted by ABoR at Maggiano’s Little Italty in the Domain.

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Chad Goldwasser and his fiancée Tina Romero, both of Pure Gold Realty, enjoy showing guests the renovations they made to a building on West Sixth Street that is now the real estate company’s new office.

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

December 2014

Happy Holidays from Our Families to Yours



December 2014

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995.™

Congratulations on a job well done, the outgoing CRS Austin Chapter officers celebrate a successful year.

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Sarah Gray, center, of Pure Gold Realty, enjoys time under the lights with Sarah Guerrero, left, of All State and Jamie Smith of Wealth Strategies at the Pure Gold’s grand opening party which featured live music from The Rocketboys, although the rain cut the set short. Buy photo: RL_120814_P.JPG at

Karen Williams, center, of North American Title mingles with colleagues at the MeanEyed Cat, where AYREP held its last networking event of the year. Buy photo: RL_120514_E.jpg at Submitted Photo

Kurt Miller of JB Goodwin REALTORS thanks Cindy Mitchell of DR Horton for donating some canned goods for the food drive hosted every year at the JB Goodwin REALTORS’ annual Thanksgiving Luncheon.

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

December 2014



December 2014

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995.™

Ruby Johnson and Mary Miner, both of Nextage Lone Star Realty, deliver 771 lbs of food and turkeys to the Storehouse Food Ministries in Pflugerville. They offer a special "thank you" to Julie Lyn Halstead-Robinson (not pictured) for the delivery pickup of the bags in the Blockhouse neighborhood!

Submitted Photo

It’s time to dig in everyone! REALTORS enjoy the food at the annual JB Goodwin REALTORS Thanksgiving Luncheon.

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Vaike O’Grady, Bill Meyer, Rainer Ficken and Maggie Dotson, all of Newland Communities, celebrate the grand opening of its new Rancho Sienna community in Georgetown.

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995


December 2014

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December 2014

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

Ann Banos, left, of Real Living, joins guest Korinda Rodriquez, along with Jazz Lough and Marley Ketchum, both of First Close Title, at the Pure Gold grand opening party.

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Kim Gayer, right, of Gayer Group Real Estate and friends admire the newly redesigned Mean-Eyed Cat, where the Austin Young Real Estate Professionals held the last networking event of the year.

Submitted Photo

Stacye Blake of Landmark Home Warranty, Christine Issac of North American Title and Patricia Eckert of Keller Williams Realty peruse holiday gifts at the North American Title Shop ‘Til You Drop Holiday Shopping event at its Round Rock office.

ve that ha e clients tis th r r u C fo n ts o preciati de to his clien p a his w to o ing out nt to sh ed his gratitu for com e prese w th m o e h e s k th li ding time anked me Len y. He th ere’s no of Supre ome City Realt r and th a n e a y ll t a le McC a gre m of H n. John Dunha It’s been t happe alty and Keith lubhouse. a th e d e ma ky R ker C ase of S party at the Zil Reddeh on ti ia c re p client ap

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December 2014

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December 2014

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995.™

Diane Christy of Diane Christy Realty, Anita Farrell of Keller Williams Realty and Beth Oliver of Beth Oliver Real Estate invite you to come join all the CRS designated agents at the bi-monthly CRS Austin Chapter meeting at Westwood Country Club.

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Who says you can’t have cake first? Christel Childs and Veronica Patterson, both of JB Goodwin REALTORS, decided dessert was the best course and dug in at the company’s annual Thanksgiving Luncheon.

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Karen Smith and Andrew Smith of Capital One Home Loans get ready to listen to The Rocketboys at Pure Gold Realty’s grand opening party.

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

December 2014


Thom Chang, Daniel French, Brenda Abboud, Jack Stapeteon and Michael Carver, all of JB Goodwin REALTORS wait patiently for their turn to grab some lunch at the company’s annual Thanksgiving Luncheon.

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John McClellan, right, of Supreme Lending knows his customers are No. 1! He hosted a special event to show his appreciation to clients like Bradley Pounds of Watter International.

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Kristi Rice and John Shutze, both of Supreme Lending, relax and mingle with fellow ABoR member affiliates at the ABoR Affiliate Appreciation event at Maggiano’s Little Italy.

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995.™

Did someone say lunch is ready? Mary Ann Castro, Paula Fiedler and Lisette Padro, all of JB Goodwin, REALTORS get ready to get in line at the company’s annual Thanksgiving Luncheon.

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Ted Simpson of Texas Premier Realty, Sheila Perry of Sky Realty, Gael and Tony Slowik of Sky Realty and John Schutze of Supreme Lending mix and mingle at the Supreme Lending client appreciation event at the Zilker Clubhouse.

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Emily Chenevert, Beth Gatlin and Vicky Harris, all of ABoR, along with Jay Gohil of Jay Gohil Realty celebrate a successful Affiliate Appreciation Event at Maggiano’s Little Italy. Buy photo: RL_120314_A.jpg at Buy photo: RL_120114_E.jpg at

“I see much success in your future,” says Soñia Guardado of 98th Meridian. She dressed up as a fortune teller for WC REALTORS’ Halloween Open House.


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Amy Keillor, “The Redheaded REALTOR,” unveils her personal branding (as seen on her tote bag) during Pure Gold Realty’s grand opening party.

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December 2014



December 2014



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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

Women’s Council of REALTORS®

President’s Column By Victoria Reviel • 2014 President

Thanks for the memories WCR-Austin

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Ed Cortes Sr. Loan Officer NMLS# 225306 512.293.9896 •




s I finish out my year as the Austin Chapter Women's Council President, I want to give thanks to so many people. I am finding that words do not express what this year has meant to me; it has been a very challenging year, but also incredibly rewarding. I have had the opportunity to work and serve with the most wonderful people, many of which I hope will be lifelong friends. Thank you for the opportunity to serve the wonderful WCR Austin members, thank you

to the 2014 Board of Directors; Amy Kobza, Becky DeButts, Ruby Johnson, Gene Fuessel, Christy Gessler, Mary Miner, Melia Gardner, Becky Hopkins, Patricia Wagener, Nikki Fulks, Doedi Meyer, Bill Evans, Diana Keyes, Soñia Guardado, Cheryl Jenkins, Stacey Blake and Chris Rodriguez. Thank you for the memories; thank you for your love and friendship; thank you! Amy, I wish you much success, I know you and your team will do a wonderful job! RL

Jennifer Linscott Sr. Loan Officer NMLS# 330465 512.563.2727 •


The Avallon Building, Building 1 | 10415 Morado Circle, Ste. 100 | Austin, TX 78759 © 2014 SWBC. All rights reserved. Loans are subject to credit and property approval. Other restrictions and conditions may apply. Programs and guidelines are subject to change without notice. Rates are subject to change daily. SWBC Mortgage Corporation, NMLS #9741. Corporate office located at 9311 San Pedro Avenue, Suite 100, San Antonio, TX 78216.

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WCR Officers Victoria Reveil, 2014 president; Amy Kobza, president-elect; Ruby Johnson, VP of membership; and Becky DeButts, chapter secretary.

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3203 S I-35 Ste 520, Round Rock, TX 78664 - Located at I-35 & 45 Toll Road *Source: 2013 NAR Member Profile; Prospering 09-00-125-26446; Ethics 03-03-125-26393; Legal 03-03-125-26392; Hottest 03-00-066-26967; ABR: 15-00-055-25733; ALHS: 15-00-036-26866; Broker: 06-06-124-24214; CHMS: 09-00-086-2741; CNE: 12-00-045-25534; Farm and Ranch: 09-00-065-25732; MRP 09-00-026-26762;


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Home Inspection


Business Etiquette

Find us on Social Media Open to the Public; TREC #0005; Lone Star College Tomball Provider #0123

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

December 2014


Great Hill Country Views

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Homeowners here enjoy: Less than 30 minutes to downtown Austin, West Cypress Hills’ location combines the best of both worlds: urban amenities amid the scenic natural beauty of the hill country.

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Offer, prices, plans, specifications and availability are subject to change and/or cancellation at any time without prior notice. Please contact community sales counselor for additional details and restrictions.

December 2014


Austin CRS Chapter

President ‘s Column By jim Smith • 2014 President

How to make even more money in 2015


he Council of Residential Specialists is the largest not-for-profit affiliate of the National Association of REALTORS - a professional network of over 30,000 residential professionals in the U.S. and overseas, with one common goal in mind: your success! The Council provides real estate agents with a host of educational programs, tools, resources and strategies to help members stay ahead in our competitive and changing profession. The council awards the prestigious CRS designation (Certified Residential Specialist) to those who have completed advance training and demonstrated outstanding professional achievement in residential real estate. Less than three percent of the REALTORS across the country have earned this prestige. In a continuing effort to be on the leading edge of our profession, the Council is rolling out a new model of membership that we will transition towards in 2015. Why the change? It will become even easier and more productive to create better connections among our members on local, state, and national levels. This new model is built around state-based

We are


networks and includes a robust online community. The online component of the new model allows us maximum flexibility to create specialty groups and communities of interest. Want to connect with members that specialize in lakefront properties? How about networking with those whose expertise is one to 10-acre homesteads? Specialize in investment properties? Or maybe your niche is the highend residential market? Unified dues will also be a main component of the new model. Beginning in 2016, members will pay one dues amount, with the ability to have multiple access points (you will no longer have to pay chapter dues - a big savings for those of us who are members of multiple chapters!). Members choose when, where, and how they wish to connect. As your career shifts, you can easily shift your membership connections to meet your needs. Maybe you are currently specializing in single-family homes in the $200,000 to $300,000 price range, and wish to begin working with investors. You will be able to participate in that community and be able to learn


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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

from those that are already experts within that field. The Austin Area CRS Chapter will still meet every other month (the even numbered months) and offer fantastic speakers on timely topics addressing our needs. The new communities will greatly enhance our membership by putting us directly in touch with other members across the country in the specific area of practice you choose. I am excited to soon be able to be in direct touch with fellow professionals specializing in my niche! Imagine being able to both send and receive referrals with REALTORS whom I already know deal with the type of client being referred. Additionally, these communities will allow us to discuss better marketing ideas, tricks of the trade, latest trends affecting our niche, as well as the general sharing of information that will help all of the members to be even more effective with our clients and customers. I would like to take a moment to thank the best team I have ever had the pleasure of working with: our Chapter leadership. Without the

selfless efforts and incredible enthusiasm, my year as president would have been difficult, at best. Michelle Busby, CRS (president-elect), Hellena Frazier, CRS (treasurer), Christine Choate, CRS (secretary), Rise' Johns, CRS (past president), and David Pavliska, CRS (presidential appointee). I also wish to thank our committee chairs who did the yeoman's job of greasing a terrific year: Mary Miner, CRS, Sonny Bara, CRS, Laurel Brown, CRS, April Laird, CRS, Anita Farrell, CRS, Fred Norton, CRS, Gena Hammonds, CRS, and Emma Polk, CRS. What an awesome crew! Please join us for our next Austin Area Chapter meeting from 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Feb. 18 at the Westwood Country Club. Help,our new Chapter President, Michelle Busby, lead us into the new membership model! Contact me directly at jimsmith@ for additional information regarding our meetings, education offerings, and most of all, how you too can begin the path of earning the prestigious Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) designation! RL

2014 Officers

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Financing offered by DHI Mortgage Company, Ltd. 10700 Pecan Park Blvd., Suite 200, Austin, TX 78750. Branch NMLS #38686. Company NMLS #14622. DHIM is an affiliate of D.R. Horton. For more information about DHIM and its licensing please visit Provided for informational purposes only. This is not a commitment to lend. Not all borrowers will qualify. REV: 11/25/14 | EXP: 11/25/15








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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

December 2014

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December 2014

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

LeeAnn Renfrow of VIP Realty and Linda Holmbeck of Horizon Realty enjoy live music by Suede at the Supreme Lending client appreciation party at the Zilker Clubhouse.

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CRS Austin Chapter 2014 President Jim Smith, left, of Property Management Company welcomes Laurel Brown of Keller Williams Realty and Jon Kasner of Kasner & Associates, REALTORS to the group’s bi-monthly meeting at Westwood Country Club.

Buy photo: RL_120814_L.JPG at Buy photo: RL_111014_A.jpg at

Mia Sanchez of Reilly Realtors finds “thirst-aid” in this ambulance turned into a “jambulance” at Pure Gold Realty’s grand opening party.

What should you look for in

A MORTGAGE PROFESSIONAL? Expertise. As Professional Mortgage Advisors, we have the experience to see you through the home buying process. There’s no substitute for expertise. Our areas of expertise include: 1) Quick pre-approvals for confidence when placing offers on homes. 2) Providing guidance to maximize your financial portfolio. 3) Assistance with coordinating inspections, appraisals & contingency dates. 4) Ensuring adequate qualifying ratios so you get a loan you can afford. 5) Credit counseling and guidance.

Dana Cook Loan Officer NMLS# 308653

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Universal American Mortgage Company, LLC dba Eagle Home Mortgage - Company NMLS #1058, Branch NMLS #1068413, 12301 Research Blvd., Bldg. 4, Suite #185, Austin, TX 78759; NMLS #1020880, 15950 N. Dallas Pkwy, Suite 400, Dallas, TX 75248; NMLS #1075077, 2201 South W.S. Young Drive, Suite 111-A, Killeen, TX 76543; NMLS #1084944, 18756 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 200, San Antonio, TX 78258. Certain restrictions apply. This is not a commitment to lend. Applicants must qualify.

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

M/I Homes A S S O C I AT E S I N P R O G R E S S - A d v e r t i s e r P r o f i l e b y K a t i e B r o w n


ounded in 1976, M/I Homes has a long-standing tradition of providing homebuyers with uncompromising quality, superior design and enduring value. “To put it simply, we care about our homebuyers,” says Kreg Conner, vice president of sales and marketing. “For more than three decades and nearly 90,000 customers, we have approached the sale and construction of each M/I home as if it were our own.” With locations already in 16 cities, M/I Homes opened its first Austin neighborhood, Caballo Ranch, in July 2013. “Austin is an attractive area and fit for M/I Homes’ product offering and commitment to value,” Conner says. “Austin’s robust economy and growth helped make the decision for M/I to expand its national footprint." Currently, M/I Homes has five neighborhoods and three series of homes available throughout the Austin area, including Caballo Ranch and Parkside at Mayfield Ranch in Leander, Highlands at Mayfield Ranch in Georgetown, Paloma Lake in Round Rock, and Sweetwater near Lake Travis. Depending on the neighborhood and home series, starting prices for single family homes range from $248,990 to $425,990. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or seeking a brand new home, M/I Homes offers a wide variety of floor plans and designs in desirable communities.

M/I has made a commitment to the Austin market to have an above average number of inventory homes available in all of their communities. Because of this decision, buyers have three options: purchase a complete, move-inready home, choose a property that is under construction yet still customizable or build a completely unique house on a home-site. For those who decided to customize or build a home, M/I Homes has a design center for homebuyers to make style and color selections.“Our included design options are extensive and many include choices at no additional charge, which makes us different from our competition,” Conner says. “Typically with other builders, if a buyer is making a choice they have to pay for it. This is not the case with M/I Homes included features.” M/I Homes’ homeowners have several choices that other homebuilders would typically charge for. For example, their standard tile selection includes more than 40 options in various sizes and color groups, and their standard granite offering has seven selections at no additional cost. With M/I Homes’ Legacy Series, homeowners are able to make personalized choices. Examples include straight or arched room transitions; color and style of 42” upper cabinets; hardware, lighting, and plumbing finishes; style of interior door; and many more.

The Austin Board of REALTORS® is moving! “Our buyers can expect to pay significantly less at the design appointment,” Conner says. “Other builders can range from $25,000 $150,000, while our current average is $23,000 at our design center appointments.” Once design decisions have been made, homebuyers will meet with their personal construction manager to review and approve all selections before construction begins. Throughout the building process, multiple meetings will take place to ensure that construction is progressing, and homebuyers can expect to close in approximately seven months. Additionally, all M/I Homes are Whole Home Certified, which focuses the building process on four main areas: energy efficiency, air, water and sustainability. Some ways M/I Homes instills these tenants in their construction includes using low-flow appliances to conserve water, using environmentally friendly materials. By using higher standards for energy efficiency, homeowners will see significant cost savings compared to older homes. Every M/I Homes property receives a Home Energy Rating Certificate. “Others builders may only inspect one or a few homes of each plan and then give an average,” Conner says. “We inspect and certify every home so that our homebuilders know exactly how efficient the home is and have an estimate on what their yearly energy cost should be.” Each certificate includes an overview of the types of energy used, such as lighting, cooling, heating, hot water, and appliances, as well as the estimated annual cost for each. Even as it expands to more communities throughout the U.S., M/I Homes remains committed to its family values and employees. “We strive to grow a local company culture that

December 2014


Kreg Conner, Vice President of Sales and Marketing

cares for both its employees and customers,” Conner says. “If our employees believe in our company, goals and commitment to our core values, this will transcend to our customers, who will receive a home of uncompromising quality, superior design and enduring value.” While M/I Homes is focused internally on its employees and family values, the company is just as dedicated to its customers. “M/I Homes has made a commitment to our homeowners to ensure that they get more for their money,” Conner says. “By including more standard features, additional choices at no additional cost and a wider selection of inventory, M/I Homes is committed to quality, design and value." RL




32,790 SQ FT







ABoR’s main office closes December 19. The south office will remain open December 22–23, 29–30, & January 2.

December 2014


RL austin


Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995.™

Rita Santamaria of Champions School of Real Estate thanks the CRS Austin members for inviting her to speak to the group at its bimonthly meeting at the Westwood Country Club.

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Pam Buske of RE/MAX Capital City and her guest John are amazed by the stunning views from the Zilker Clubhouse where Supreme Lending hosted its client appreciation party.

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Chad Goldwasser, left, of Pure Gold Realty, shows real estate colleagues David Bateman of Bre Partners and Michael Porter and Carlos Arana, both of Arana Capital Real Estate, around his company’s newly opened office on West Sixth Street.

Buy photo: RL_120114_A.jpg at

Kim Correa of First American Title and Stuart Napier of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage attend the ABoR Affiliate Appreciation event at Maggiano’s Little Italy.

Buy photo: RL_120814_J.JPG at

Don’t miss your chance on these acreage, hill country views! Available inventory homes – REDUCED! PLAN NAME







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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

Capital Title of Texas A S S O C I AT E S I N P R O G R E S S - A d v e r t i s e r P r o f i l e b y K a t i e B r o w n


edicated to delivering high-quality residential and commercial title services, Capital Title of Texas is operating as the largest independently owned titled company in the state. Since 2006, Capital Title of Texas has rapidly expanded its reach throughout the state and has grown to 50 office locations serving Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio. In Jan. 2011, Capital Title of Texas opened its first Austin location in the Northwest area, with three more offices opening in Georgetown, Round Rock and the Balcones area over the following three months. Today, Capital Title of Texas’ Austin team has grown to include 40 individuals and seven convenient locations throughout Austin. Capital Title of Texas’ growth and success has led to numerous recognitions and awards, including recent honors such as the Inc. 5000 List of Fastest Growing Private Companies (2013, 2014), SMU’s Caruth Institute for Entrepreneurship Dallas 100TM Entrepreneur Awards Winner (2013, 2014), and Star Local Media Readers’ Choice Awards Winner: Best Title Company - Plano Star Courier (2013). However, even as the company has seen growth and expansion over the years, its dedication to excellent customer service remains at

the forefront of its business philosophy. “Capital Title is proud to provide closing teams made up of some of the most experienced residential and commercial leaders within the title industry,” says Monica Middleton, president of Capital Title of Texas’ Austin region. “Our company was built on a strong set of values set forth by our Owner and CEO, Bill Shaddock, which helps guide all team members toward the goal of delivering excellent service to each customer.” Title experts are able to provide a variety of services related to closings, including residential services, commercial services, lender services, REO and foreclosure, and reverse mortgage. “When you choose Capital Title, your documents are done on time, every time,” Middleton says. “Most importantly, our industry-leading experts are available to assist you 24/7, not just 9 to 5. Each associate strives to exceed expectations and anticipate the needs of our customers.” Additionally, to facilitate and assist with closing and refinancing needs, Capital Title of Texas works with a variety of industry professionals, such as real estate brokers and agents, builders, developers, mortgage companies, attorneys, lenders and more. “Whether the transaction involves a single-family home, condo, refinance, construction loan or commercial property, our closing teams have the knowledge to close the transaction,” Middleton says. To ensure that every client need is met, Capital Title of Texas has a strong focus on communication. “When clients are informed throughout the closing process, it eases their stress level of buying or selling property,” Middleton says. “Being good at our job is not a satisfactory objective. Excellent customer service is our goal and what we strive for. It is through our customers and their feedback that we get better each and every day.” Another vital aspect to Capital Title’s dedication to providing excellent customer service is through its educational initiatives. The company’s business development team offers informative classes to homeowners, potential homebuyers and real estate professionals seeking additional guidance throughout the closing process. “Capital Title offers events, activities and courses for those who wish to further their education or simply learn more about the industry in order to achieve personal goals,” Middleton says. “As a local business, we are proud to support fellow Texans by providing educational resources and tools so individuals can make well-informed decisions in the real estate market.” Because of the company’s commitments to its local, Texas roots, Capital Title of Texas strives to make a positive difference in the communities it serves. To provide better service to its customers and protect home-grown jobs, Capital Title uses Texas-based vendors

December 2014


Monica Middleton, Austin Division President

rather than outsourcing and encourages its suppliers to support local businesses. Those who choose to work with Capital Title of Texas to fulfill their closing needs reap a multitude of benefits—from excellent customer service and educational resources to open communication and a local, family business mentality. “At Capital Title, we are Main Street, Texas – not Wall Street,” says Owner and CEO Bill Shaddock. “We work for our customers, who are the start and end of our business. We pride ourselves on our financial strength, which provides the confidence our customers need from their title insurance company.” RL


Front Page: Continued 2015 President Elect. Victoria Reviel, 98th Meridian Boutique Real Estate Sales & Marketing Group, is the 2014 WCR outgoing President and will serve as 2015 Past Amy Kobza President. Ruby Johnson, a community relations liaison & client care specialist at Nextage Lone Star Realty will be taking the helm of VP of Membership. David Teague, Victoria Reviel mortgage loan officer at Capital One Home Loans has been elected Treasurer and Melia Gardner, a business development rep for Capital Title, serving WCR as 2015 Secretary.

Home Builders Association of Greater Austin (HBA)

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HBA’s appointed, non-elective Executive Committee: • Immediate Past President, John Sparrow, Milestone Community Builders • Government Relations VP, Darren Webber, Peloton Land Solutions • Special Projects VP, Vaike O’Grady, Newland Real Estate Group, LLC • Education VP, Alex Pettitt, Spring Builders, LLC • Finance & Operations VP, Lee Whitaker, Pacesetter Homes • Membership VP, Carol Baker, Capitol City Insurance • Communications VP, Natalie Roberts, Mission Mortgage RL

Congratulations from all of us at Realty Line

Elected Officers

John Sparrow


early this month.

HBA thanks outgoing Board of Directors and Executive Committee members for their time and service, including Mary DeWalt, Ray Tonjes, and Robert Kleeman.

Walt Elias


December 2014

Newly elected HBA officers for 2015 are President Walter Elias, Brookfield Residential; President Elect Wes Wigginton, Foursquare Builders, LLC; and First Vice President, Steve Krasoff, Scott Felder Homes, LLC. Awards and recognitions, as well as Board of Directors swearing in, took place at the Presidential Awards lunch


P. O. Box 81366 • Austin, Texas 78708-1366 (512) 821-1900 E-mail:


Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

Publisher: Doren L. Carver

Associate Publisher: Tawanna K. Carver

Managing Editor: Naomi Bludworth

Contributing Editor: Linda McNabb

Contributing Writers: Riki Markowitz, Katie Brown, Naomi Bludworth, Linda McNabb

Contributing Photographers: Doren L. Carver, Linda McNabb

Columnists: Bill Evans, Gary Cocanougher, , Victoria Reveil, Jim Smith, Wayne Morgan Submission Guidelines: Submit photos, press releases and calendar items to All photos must be at least 300 dpi and include a caption with first/last name and company affiliation. Press releases must be fewer than 300 words. Non-advertisers submitting calendar items will be charged $25 per submission. All submissions must be received at least seven calendar days prior to ad copy deadlines published at Submission items will be included as space allows. Realty Line Austin is published monthly by Caxton Publications, Inc.© as a non-subscription publication for the more than 8,000 members of the Austin Board of REALTORS®(ABoR), the more than 1,100 members of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS® (WCAoR) and the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin. Realty Line Austin is printed on recycled paper. Realty Line Austin is a proud member of the Austin Board of REALTORS®, the Williamson County Association of REALTORS® and is a honorary member of the Women’s Council of REALTORS. Realty Line Austin is not responsible for opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any by-products in advertising or editorial copy. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®) for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR® appears in this publication, the registered trademark should be assumed.

PrimeLending Capital City Conventional, FHA, VA, USDA, HomePath & Jumbo just to name a few loan products!

Candy Buzan Branch Manager Sr. Loan Officer The Candy Buzan Team

Marie Cyr Loan Officer The Candy Buzan Team

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Diane M. Clark Sr. Loan Officer

Jori Stern Sr. Loan Officer The Leaman Team

Missy Driskell Sr. Loan Officer

Sherri Eckert Loan Officer The Leaman Team

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Two Great Locations! All loans subject to credit approval. Rates and fees subject to change. Mortgage financing provided by PrimeLending, a PlainsCapital Company. Equal Housing Lender. © 2014 PrimeLending, a PlainsCapital Company. PrimeLending, a PlainsCapital Company (NMLS: 13649) is a wholly owned subsidiary of a state-chartered bank and is an exempt lender TX V121013. NMLS 179412 (Buzan), NMLS 269403 (Cyr), NMLS 184428 (Hoffman), NMLS 292478 (Stewart), NMLS 280093 (Lynch), NMLS 176530 (Smith), NMLS 180307 (Nielsen), NMLS 268025 (Clark), NMLS 179666 (Kennedy), NMLS 180066 (Driskell), NMLS 180854 (Savage), NMLS 151263 (Leaman), NMLS 225339 (Bailey), NMLS 177299 (Stern), NMLS 357516 (Eckert).

810 Hester’s Crossing, Suite 150 Round Rock, TX 78681 7719 Wood Hollow Drive, Suite 155 Austin, TX 78731

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

December 2014



December 2014

RL austin


Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995.™

Kim Gayer of Gayer Group Real Estate accepts one of the door prizes at the Austin Young Real Estate Professionals networking event at the MeanEyed Cat.

Submitted Photo

Members of the Women’s Council of REALTORS have a lot of fun while making lifelong friends at its Masquerade Happy Hour at Baby Acapulco.

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Scott Hearne of Tower Real Estate and Bridgette Hearne of State Farm take cover under an umbrella during the Pure Gold Realty grand opening party featuring live music and a little rain.

Texas American Title

From all of us at Texas American Title we wish you

Happy Holidays!


811 Barton Springs Rd. Suite 111 Austin, TX 78704 Office: 512-479-7887 Fax: 512-479-7977


804 Las Cimas Pkwy. Suite 140 Austin, TX 78746 Office: 512-306-9009 Fax: 512-306-9180


1001 South Mays Round Rock, TX 78664 Office: 512-255-1550 Fax: 512-255-2329


715 Discovery Blvd. Suite 205 Cedar Park, TX 78613 Office: 512-259-5950 Fax: 512-259-0540

Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995.™

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

December 2014



December 2014

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995.™

Michelle Howard Toomer of Family Tree Realty and Nikki Fulks of North American Title get ready for a happy hour to remember. The two attended WCR’s Masquerade Happy Hour at Baby Acapulco’s.

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The Austin Title team arrived with holiday spirit at the JB Goodwin REALTORS annual Thanksgiving Luncheon. Pictured left to right are Becky Hopkins, Cher yl Scully, Criselda Ayala, Pamela Carroll and Kim Baker.

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Lynn Broussard, left, and John and Laura McClellan, right, all of Supreme Lending, thank Kristi Larkam of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS for coming out to the company’s client appreciation party at the Zilker Clubhouse.

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Kari Bradfield, left, of Realty Force tells Angela Danek of WC REALTORS how much she loves her Adele costume. WC REALTORS recently hosted a Halloween Open House and Education event at its headquarters in Round Rock.


Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995.™


Experts Speak Out


Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

Commentary By Wayne Morgan Austin Institute of Real Estate

How to sell homes faster without reducing the price


f you want to do more business, make it easier for people to do business with you. Look at every step in your consumers’ decision-making process through the eyes of the consumer and see how many barriers they have to overcome to do business with you. For example, many of us rely on the cooperation of the co-broker and their agent to provide us with buyers. Yet it is amazing how difficult it can sometimes be finding and gaining access to the property. So although I do not represent buyers, I am constantly looking at property because I love it and, as an active investor myself, I am constantly looking for distressed property to buy. Therefore, I am in and out of houses quite often. Sometimes this is quite a challenge. When it gets too hard to either find the property or get inside it, I typically just move on to the next one. I have spoken to other brokers who feel and do the same. So, here are a few hints that some might find useful in lowering the barriers to access and getting those homes sold sooner.

1. Let us in! Don’t put lockboxes on vacant properties. We all know that security is an issue and that personal items can sometimes “disappear” after a showing, but an appointment to show a vacant house? If the home has specific amenities that buyers and their agents need to know about to support the price being asked, label all these with 3X5 cards and post them throughout the home. The listing agent does not have to come point them out to us. Lower the barrier to access. 2. Describe the type of lockbox. If it’s a lockbox, insert lockbox, if it's combination, please don’t insert lockbox or, put somewhere in remarks “Combo box; call for code”. I have heard from so many brokers they go to show a house and there is no lockbox, just a combo box and they cannot reach the listing agent and can’t get inside because they do not have the combination. 3. Be clear with showing instructions. When the listing says “Show Instr” and after that it says “GO” and next to “Access Inst” it says “None” it creates some confusion. 4. Learn the four basic directions “North, South, East and West”. I know that, thankfully, due to technology, most of us have GPS, but that voice telling us when to turn can be distracting when we are discussing other things like financing, grocery shopping, HOA rules, deed restrictions, schools, playgrounds and neighborhood amenities, home values, pointing out sold properties, etc. So instead of inserting instructions to turn “right” or “left” since that varies depending which direction one is headed, use “West” or “East” so the rest of us will know which way to turn regardless

December 2014

of our direction of approach. Sometimes, we let the buyer read the directions to let them feel involved in the process, so in that case, this is particularly helpful. If you are thinking to yourself (as I’ve heard many say) “I’m so bad with directions,” then maybe make it a New Year’s resolution to learn this. So, as a hint, go look at all your listings, all your processes, all your systems and see if you can get more agents, more brokers and more buyers into those listings and chances are good they will sell sooner! RL

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Chad Goldwasser of Pure Gold Realty and Christine Choate of Horizon Realty go way back. They talk about old times at the CRS Bi-Monthly meeting at the Westwood Country Club.

Congratulations November Top Producer Julie Black, NMLSR # 232023 Senior Loan Officer Phone: 306-6357 e-Fax: 866-561-8955

Patty Chapman, Senior Processor Gerald Scott, Loan Officer Assistant NMLS # 1155612

A Solid, Proven, and Committed Lender! WR Starkey Mortgage, LLP NMLSR# 2146 807 Las Cimas Pkwy., Suite 150, Austin, TX 78746


This is not a guarantee of financing. All borrowers must meet certain underwriting guidelines and credit criteria. Rules and Regulations may apply.


December 2014

Real Estate News & Notes


stringent mandates and design and construct a high-performance green home that is both environmentally responsible and resource-efficient. To maintain this initiative, Jimmy Jacobs Homes has employed third-party LEED-certified inspectors throughout the entire homebuilding process—from design to final review—to ensure that new homes are compliant with LEED standards. Upon taking possession of the home, each homeowner will receive a certificate verifying their home’s LEED-certification. Remaining homes under construction in the closeout communities of Long Creek at The Bandit in New Braunfels, The Fairways at River Crossing in Spring Branch and Heritage Oaks in Georgetown will not be included in the LEEDcertification but will still bear Jimmy Jacobs’ signature quality and green components. RL

What does 1.6 miles and more than 18,000 LED lights look like? The historic Pierre Bremond House at 402 West 7th Street, currently housing the offices of The Hay Legal Group PLLC, is decked out with lights for the holidays. “We enjoy having our offices in this fine Austin home and wanted to give back to the community with a beautiful light display,” says John A. Hay III, founder and managing partner of the law firm and title office that has been here since early 2013. A local vendor, Christmas Lights of Austin, installed the display and owner, Joshua Lien and his team of installers, were challenged by the massive trees – some with circumferences greater than 20 feet. Yet this former Army Captain - who spent more than five years in Iraq and Afghanistan before purchasing the local company – succeeded. This late Victorian Austin landmark was built in 1898 - now owned by the Texas Classroom Teachers Association - has been used as offices

Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995.™

pect the same commitment and dedication that I have shown for the last 27 years of my mortgage career, with the exceptional support of a company that offers the very best in mortgage financing and customer service," says Steve. RL

since 1968. Among the many original features are beautiful Parquet floors, carved mahogany fireplace mantels, stunning beveled glass doors and vivid stained glass windows. “Our law firm is also a fee attorney office for Independence Title Company and we have numerous folks in our office daily for real estate closings. The historic nature of this house is breathtaking during the day and we wanted to light it at night to showcase it in a way it has never been shown,” Hay says. The light installation will be available through the first week of January. Central Texans are invited to stop by and take exterior pictures during the holidays. RL

Wilshire Homes opens Paloma Lake model in Round Rock Wilshire Homes opened its newest model in Paloma Lake in Round Rock. The model showcases homes for 55-foot properties. It features four bedrooms, three baths, a formal dining room and optional upstairs bonus space that could flex to a fifth bedroom or a game room. Base pricing on the home starts in the $250s. RL

Builta joins City Bank Mortgage as V. President/area manager Austin mortgage veteran Steve Builta takes on a new position as vice president and area manager at City Bank Mortgage. "You can ex-


Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

Historic downtown building lights up for the Holiday Season

Jimmy Jacobs Homes expands LEED certified program in Austin, San Antonio Jimmy Jacobs Homes, has committed to LEED-certification for all new homes in current and upcoming developments. Two of Jimmy Jacobs’ newest LEED-certified developments, Reagan’s Overlook in Austin and Pearson Place at Avery Ranch in Leander, will open in late 2014. LEED-certified homes will save homeowners up to 40 percent on energy and water bills. The new LEED-certified homes qualify for Jimmy Jacobs Efficiency Promise Program, which provides a two-year limited guarantee that energy used to heat and cool the home will not exceed a specified value. In addition, LEED-certified homes generate higher average property values than homes without LEED-certification. “Jimmy Jacobs’ new LEED-certified homes use less energy and natural resources. As a result the homes create less waste and provide a healthier environment for the homeowner,” says Justin Cox, vice president of operations at Jimmy Jacobs Homes. “We have made a conscious decision to invest in this program as we believe it’s the responsible choice that will ultimately provide the best outcome to our homeowners.” The U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED for Homes program requires builders to meet


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Very MerryFromHolidays North American Title

During this joyous season, we all look forward to spending time with family and friends. We also look back on the past year with gratitude to our customers, who we consider a part of our family. North American Title wishes peace and joy to you and yours.

Cheers to a prosperous and...

Happy New Year! Your Closing Professionals NORTH AUSTIN 5608 Parkcrest Drive Suite 150 Austin, TX 78731 t: 512.302.3892

RESEARCH 11044 Research Blvd. Bldg. D | Suite 100 Austin, TX 78759 t: 512.249.0576

ROUND ROCK 1 Chisholm Trail Suite 3100 Round Rock, TX 78681 t: 512.255.6550

SOUTH AUSTIN Grand Oaks Office Park 8700 Manchaca Road | Suite 605 Austin, TX 78748 t: 512.482.0851

©2014 North American Title Group and its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. North American Title Group and its subsidiaries are not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. | TX14-6254 R 12-03-14

Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995.™

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Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995


December 2014



COMMISSION on ANY Sale through December 31st, 2014!


Lennar has beautiful new homes ready NOW for Quick Move-In throughout various communities in Austin and Central Texas. Find your dream home today with prices ranging from the $160s - $500s.



FOR REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS ONLY: In order to earn a broker co-op fee, broker must bring client into a Welcome Home Center and register them on the client’s first visit. No commission will be paid when agent/ broker is acting as a principal/buyer. Not valid if client has previously registered with Lennar or, whether individually or with a broker. Lennar reserves the right to discontinue this program at any time. Other terms and conditions apply. See a New Home Consultant for more information. Price subject to change without notice. *Effective 12/05/14, 5% Commission will be paid on any sale on or between 12/05/14 and 12/31/14. Contracts signed prior to 12/05/14 are excluded. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer. Offers, incentives and seller contributions are subject to certain terms, conditions, and restrictions, which may include use of designated lenders and closing agents. Offer good for a limited time only. Copyright © 2014 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo and the Everything’s Included logo are registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. (10088) 12/05/14

Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995.™

RL austin


Putting a Face on Real Estate since 1995

December 2014


Laura Sanders Fowler of The Fowler Law Firm teaches REALTORS at WC REALTORS’ Halloween Open House about scary legal monsters in real estate.

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The North American Title gang is all here ready to host a fantastic “Shop ‘Til You Drop” Holiday Shopping event at its Round Rock office.

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Tammy Gardner and John Leach, both of JB Goodwin REALTORS know the fried turkey is in good hands with Kevin Breaux, left, who has been frying these turkeys for the last 17 JB Goodwin REALTORS Thanksgiving Luncheons. That’s a long time!

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