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ABoR Foundation to Award $10,000 in Scholarships

TheAustin Board of REALTORS Foundation will award ten $1,000 scholarships this spring to deserving graduating high school seniors who plan to pursue any course of study at any college or university in Texas. To be eligible for consideration the student must reside in one of the following counties: Travis, Williamson, Lee, Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Blanco or Burnet. Students are required to submit an official high school transcript and attendance record with their completed scholarship application. These materials must be mailed or hand-delivered to the ABoR

office no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18. Neither faxed nor late applications will be accepted. In reviewing applications, the ABoR Scholarship Committee will consider both financial need and academic merit. The committee will select candidates for a personal interview that will be held on Friday, April 18. Students may download applications at www.abor.com/news_media/pdf/2008scholarship.pdf. Completed applications should be mailed or hand-delivered to: Attn: Rita Barousse, Education Department, ABoR, 10900 Stonelake Blvd., Ste. 100, Austin, Texas 78759.


FEBRUARY 20 CRS Quarterly Luncheon Westwood Country Club - 11:30 a.m. FEBRUARY 21 NAHREP Monthly Meeting Holiday Inn Downtown - 11:30 a.m. FEBRUARY 21 Portrait Homes REALTOR Luncheon Buttercup Creek - 11:30 a.m. MARCH 6 ABoR TREPAC Bowling Tournament 300 Austin - 11:30 to 4:30 p.m. MARCH 19 St. Patti’s Day Golf Tournament Forest Creek Golf Course - 10:30 a.m. MARCH 20 HBA Crawfish Boil REALTOR/Builder Mixer HBA office - 6 to 10 p.m.


DR Horton Homes, page 31 Breed & Associates, page 25

Agent Spotlight

FEBRUARY 2008 • VOL. 12 • ISSUE 10

Enjoyable. Entertaining. It’s all About You.

Dee Shultz, page 29

WCAoR President in the Spotlight Gary Cocanougher, page 37

Hidden appliances, pet showers among ‘08 trends Indoor/outdoor living spaces have been popular for awhile, but now we’re talking about CONTRIBUTING WRITER bringing the “indoors out” with actual custom What are you, and your clients, looking for kitchens, weather-proof sculpture and wall art, now—what’s hot—and what’s not? Starting with heated floors, fireplaces, office area, and the the obvious, everyone wants information, and overall space sized to accommodate more tradieveryone wants value (or the perception of tional furniture (furniture that will withstand the value). And this means knowing the market. As elements) rather than the typical “porch” furnifor what’s on the market, whether new construc- ture. If you are a “pet person” you’ll want the latest tion, renovation or remodel, more buyers are asking about a home’s “carbon footprint.” Is a in pet pampering—a dedicated pet shower area home “green?” Is it built with earth-friendly and drying area complete with hairdryer materials? Is there a rainwater collection system? and shelves for soap, shampoo and conIs the home energy-friendly and efficient, does it ditioner and towel racks. The pet draw on recycled materials, and do the appli- (we’re mostly talking about the ances and mechanical systems reduce the need dog) steps, or is led, into the for fossil fuels? Buyers want the answers to these tile shower base (so the owner doesn’t have to questions to be “yes.” Segue to appliances, and buyers want them lift Rover in), and is concealed. Not just matching panels and cabi- bathed with the hand nets, but concealed behind sliding doors, draw- held shower. The well-thought out ers or hinged panels. Kitchens are becoming pet shower will also have a bench for the owner, more non-traditional, more of a “living and to avoid leaning over during bath time. On a simpler note, laundry rooms in the masentertaining space,” so as a result, less functionter suite as well as rooms to store luggage are on al looking. the rise, while the bowls above the counter (bathPresorted Standard U.S. Postage room sinks) are on the PAID way out. Bright colors, Austin, Texas Paid Permit #715 oversized mantels, tumbled stone fireplaces, P.O. Box 81366 and meditation rooms Austin, Texas 78708-1366 are in. Upscale, air conditioned garages complete with storage systems and refrigerator are in. Spiral staircases are out. As for surface Don’t forget: You can visit us online 24/7 at www.realtylineonline.com finishes, glass tile is in,

By Melinda Seifert

for counters and even some floors, mixed with weathered metal, recycled wood, slate, terra cotta and concrete. Bamboo floors are out and hardwood laminate flooring is following. Then there’s the master bath. Not just luxurious, but a true destination with functional areas—such as a soaking room; wireless internet; flat-panel, wall-mounted TV’s; a small serving bar stocked with juice, water, snacks; and a separate area for yoga, pilates, or exercise equipment—and

another flat-panel, wall-mounted TV. To go with all of this, the home will need to be controlled with hand-held devices, to open and close blinds, operate the thermostats, adjust the lights, adjust the volume, and change the channel. Now, you have to ask, can you afford it, because there’s a new trend in how you pay for what you get, as well. It’s the down payment, and more and more, underwriters are looking for what they call “substance” from potential home buyers. This means they’re looking at income, savings, and credit scores. And this sort of gets back to looking for information and value, knowing the market, and knowing the difference between true value and the perception of value. Trend or not.


w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

REALTORS knew they would be getting a great meal in a lovely location when they attended the Millionaires Club celebration dinner and awards ceremony that Centex Homes hosted at the Barr Mansion, but they didn’t know they would be taking home these hefty appreciation checks.


Realty Line of Austin is published monthly by ©Caxton Publications, Inc., as a non-subscription publication for the more than 8,000 members of the Austin Board of REALTORS (ABoR), the more than 1,000 members of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS (WCAoR) and the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin. ©Caxton Publications, Inc. dba Realty Line of Austin is an active member of the Austin Board of REALTORS, the Williamson County Association of REALTORS and is a honorary member of the Women’s Council of REALTORS. Caxton Publications, Inc. dba Realty Line of Austin is not responsible for opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any by-products in advertising or editorial copy. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this publication, the registered trademark should be assumed.

Doren L. Carver PUBLISHER



Jim Runnels, Peg Runnels, Martha Stanberry, Bill Stanberry and Sharon Rosshirt join HBA President Gary Henley of Henley Homes and his wife Lana Henley at HBA’s 2008 housing forecast. Jim, Bill and Sharon are all with Stanberry & Associates.


COLUMNISTS Socar Chatmon-Thomas Linda Hall • Gary Henley Gary Cocanougher

All photos, press releases or article submissions can be sent to

E-mail: realtyline@austin.rr.com

P. O. Box 81366, Austin, Texas 78708 Office: 821-1900 • Fax: 836-4057 www.realtylineonline.com

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Realty Line of Austin

February 2008


Pick Up a Spare at the TREPAC Bowling Tournament By Socar Chatmon-Thomas • Coldwell Banker United REALTORS 2008 Chairman • Austin Board of REALTORS Don’t miss your chance to help out your profession’s political action committee while having a great time. The annual TREPAC Bowling Tournament will be held on Thursday, March 6 from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 300Austin. Registration cost is $150 per team and all registration fees are directly invested in TREPAC. Download a registration form online at www.abor.com/pdf/BowlingFlyer.pdf. Prizes will be awarded for first-place team, middle-of-the-road team, lowestscoring team and high series for men and women. A best-dressed prize will be awarded to the team sporting the best red, white and blue uniform. Teams must consist of at least one woman and one REALTOR. Not up to bowling? Show your support for TREPAC by sponsoring the tournament. For more information, contact the Government and Community Affairs department at 454-7636, ext. 1501 or government@abor.com.

Hands-on MLXchange Courses Now Available ABoR has expanded its MLXchange course offerings. MLXchange Basic, Client Relations, Designer Tool, CMA and MLXchange Advanced are now offered in the ABoR computer lab, giving you a hands-on option for MLS training. You can also sign up for open lab courses that allow you to explore commonly-used MLXchange features, including client relations and Web sites, searching and CMA. To register for a hands-on MLXchange course, visit www.abor.com/courses and select the MLS tab. Courses held in the computer lab are marked with the word “lab” next to the course title. Please note that to participate in hands-on MLXchange training you must bring your SAFEMLS token to class. How Smart is Your Phone? Today’s buyers and sellers expect instant responses from their agents. ABoR offers several courses to help you stay at the forefront of customer service by har-

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nessing the power of your Smartphone. Register for any the following courses by visiting of www.abor.com/courses. Please note that “Introduction to Palm Smartphones” and “Intermediate Smartphones” are hands-on courses, so be sure to bring your Smartphone to class. “Smartphones/Key Agent Technologies” – March 26, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., 3 hours MCE (TREC approval pending), cost is $20 for members and $29 for non-members. In this course, you will learn how to select the best Smartphone, contact manager, Web site and other key technologies for your business. This course is designed to help new and experienced agents maximize their productivity through technology. “Introduction to Palm Smartphones” – March 26, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m., 2 hours MCE (TREC approval pending), cost is $20 for members and $29 for non-members. This course shows you how to become more productive using the programs already installed in your Palm Smartphone. Topics covered include managing your contacts, calendar and e-mail and synching your Palm Smartphone to your personal computer. You will also learn how to send text messages, pictures and documents via your Smartphone. “Intermediate Smartphones” – March 26, 3 to 5 p.m., 2 hours MCE (TREC number 02-00-129-6607), cost is $20 for members and $29 non-members. Learn to make the most of the purchased applications available for your Smartphone. Students will learn to better manage their business with applications such as Pocket Real Estate Wireless, TopProducer, the Supra Ekey and GPS systems. Students must have attended “Introduction to Smartphones” or be experienced Smartphone users to attend this class.

Lunch and Learn Updates Do you have an outstanding MLS fine? ABoR now gives you the opportunity to waive an eligible MLS fine once every six months by attending a Lunch and Learn session. This course is also a great way to review the MLS Rules and Regulations and stay current on changes to the rules. Lunch and Learn sessions are free to all ACTRIS subscribers and include a pizza lunch. Upcoming Lunch and Learns will be held on Friday, March 28; Wednesday, April 30; and Friday, May 23. To register for a free session, visit www.abor.com/courses and select the “MLS” tab.


w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Austin Board of REALTORS® Foundation Hosts Barton Creek Tour of Homes Mar. 5

On Wednesday, March 5, 2008, the Austin Board of REALTORS® (ABoR) Foundation will host the Barton Creek Tour of Homes, featuring nine multi-milliondollar homes along Calera Court, Chalk Knoll, Escala, Mirador and Ravello Ridge Drive. “This certainly will be a fabulous event,” said ABoR Foundation Chairman Carol Medley Parker. “And it’s a great plus that every dollar REALTORS® pay to attend the home tour goes directly to a scholarship for a deserving high school senior attending a Texas college or university. What we have is a win-win situation: touring incredible homes and helping great students.” The event, which will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., includes a catered lunch. Tickets go on sale February 6 and cost $25. All proceeds will benefit the ABoR Foundation. To purchase tickets, contact Laura Pagnozzi of United Title of Texas at 306-0122; Kara McGregor of Independence Title at 454-4500; or Rita Barousse in the Austin Board of REALTORS® Education Department at 454-7636. The ABoR Foundation, representing more than 8,000 licensed REALTORS® in Central Texas, is a charitable organization that provides scholarships, conducts service projects in the community and helps REAL-

TORS® and their families in the event of catastrophe. Established in 1978, the ABoR Foundation has awarded more than 230 scholarships to high school seniors to help families put their children through college.

Top agents recognized by Coldwell Banker United, REALTORS

The Westlake office of Coldwell Banker United, REALTORS is proud to announce their Million Dollar a Month Club for December 2007: Jana Birdwell, Kathleen Bucher, Jessica Dodge, Brian Fahey, Paula Greenfield, Barbara Gremillion, Tosca Gruber, Roselind Hejl, Betty Hood and Tonya Nieto.





Greenfield Gremillion

Women’s Council of REALTORS (WCR) meeting changes venue

The Feb. 21st WCR Networking meeting will be held at the Balcones Country Club at 8600 Balcones Drive. Attorney Laura Fowler will be the guest speaker. She will present “How to Avoid Being Sued, Grieved or Indicted.” Networking and registration begins at 10:30 a.m., lunch is from 11:45 to 1:30 and the MCE presentation is from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.




Rogers joins local real estate company


Coldwell Banker United, REALTORS Westlake Office is pleased to announce that Ryan Rogers has joined their team of professional sales associates. Ryan is a graduate of Southwest Texas State University Rogers with a degree in Consumer Science and a minor in Business.

Smith, Maguire join RE/MAX Capital City

RE/MAX Capital City is proud to announce its newest agents Scott Smith and Cynthia Maguire. Scott joins us from Prudential Texas Realty. Cynthia grew up in the Midwest and has a B.S. in Marketing with a concentration in International Business from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Cynthia brings a strong business background to the team Smith and excels in negotiation, client customer care, listening to her client's concerns/questions and observes high business ethics. We are excited to have them join our team! Maguire

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

w ww . r ea lt y l in eo n li ne . c om

Introducing the KB Home Realtor Bonus Program 2008

First Sale**:

Second Sale**:

Third Sale**:




3% 4% 5% paid at slab pour*

3% paid at slab pour*, 1% bonus at closing

3% paid at slab pour*, 2% bonus at closing

and 5% for every sale that closes thereafter!

Great selection of ready for move-in homes: Berdoll Farms • from the $110’s • (512) 247-6174

Lakes at Northtown • from the $160’s • (512) 670-0217

Summerfield • from the $110’s • (512) 365-3262













5337 Mathra 12808 Sexson Ridge 5409 Manowar Stretch

E-2177-C E-2320-A F-2149-C

3/2.5/2 3/2/2 3/2.5/2

$160,768 $161,575 $150,219

820 Mahomet Drive 816 Mahomet Drive 808 Mahomet Drive

A-1659-B A-2325-C A-2531-B

3/2/1 3/2.5/2 3/2.5/2

$190,694 $217,617 $223,875

703 Big Sur 606 Big Sur 504 Big Sur

E-2177-A E-2425-A E-2667-A

3/2.5/2 4/2.5/2 4/2.5/2

$152,014 $151,698 $172,121

Meadows at Berdoll • from the $120’s • (512) 247-6174

Oak at Twin Creeks • from the $210’s • (512) 292-3652

University Park • from the $120’s • (512) 863-8363













5809 Nijmegan 13008 Spiers Way

E-2962-B N-2621-A

4/2.5/2 4/2.5/2

$194,389 $165,939

10309 Grizzly Oak




2027 Ashberry Trail 2714 Perkins 2726 Perkins

F-2368-C F-2368-C F-2488-E

3/2.5/2 3/2.5/2 4/2.5/2

$160,980 $186,091 $184,390

Enclave at Circle C • from the $200’s • (512) 432-0107 ADDRESS




11213 Bastogne Loop 7625 Brecourt Manor 7524 Brecourt Manor

L-2446-B L-2446-B L-2763-A

3/2/1 3/2/1 4/2.5/2

$337,212 $358,465 $383,703

Greenridge • from the $160’s • (512) 990-5304

Sage Meadows • from the $120’s • (254) 780-9037 ADDRESS




8608 Starview 8518 Starview 8205 Sage Meadow

C-2962-8 C-3288-7 C-3635-7

4/2.5/2 4/2.5/2 4/2.5/2

$186,116 $212,017 $211,903

Village of Sage Meadows • from the $120’s • (254) 780-9037 ADDRESS





309 Boone Valley 4504 Cisco Valley 19812 Cheyenne Valley

H-1893-1 H-3859-1 H-3859-1

3/2/1 4/2.5/2 4/2.5/2

$191,217 $273,461 $257,154

McKinney Heights • from the $110’s • (512) 282-0014 ADDRESS




9121 Ipswich Bay Drive 8905 Cornish Hen 6736 Cornish Hen

B-1659-A W-2408-C W-2488-E

3/2/1 3/2.5/2 4/2.5/2

$170,354 $170,667 $164,893


713 Green Pasture Drive A-2755-C





Silverado Ranch • from the $160’s • (512) 260-5805 ADDRESS




510 Whistler’s Walk 611 Clover Flat 613 Clover Flat

L-2679-D C-1960-7 C-2855-7

3/2.5/1 3/2/1 4/2.5/2

$277,396 $196,772 $244,227

SpringTrails • from the high $150’s • (512) 990-5304 ADDRESS




713 Willow Walk 409 Springbrook Road 416 Springbrook Road

SL-2620-B SL-2958-B SL-2137-B

4/2/1 5/3.5/2 3/2/1

$230,906 $269,170 $207,983

Waterleaf • from the $110’s • (512) 262-2117 ADDRESS




131 Japonica Court 131 Tower Drive

A-1659-A F-1340-C

3/2/1 3/2/1

$146,961 $140,295

Westwood • from the $120’s • (512) 528-1371 ADDRESS




2110 Woodway Drive 2111 Woodway Drive 208 Deercreek

C-2070-8 D-1201-1 D-1698-2

3/2/1 3/2/1 3/2.5/2

$169,033 $136,811 $155,080

Terraces at Woodlake • from the $130’s • (512) 931-2510 ADDRESS




332 Cliffwood Drive 324 Cliffwood Drive 317 Cedar Lake Blvd.

C-2105-7 C-2400-8 C-3635-7

3/2.5/2 4/2.5/2 4/2.5/2

$182,058 $187,639 $218,952

©2008 KB HOME. Here’s how it works: To participate or qualify for this offer you must be a Texas licensed real estate agent and agree to the following terms of the program. Sales made from 1/1/08 through 6/30/08 and must close escrow by 11/30/08. Bonus Program applicable in communities with 3% base commission on built to order homes. 3% Realtor commission is paid in full at slab within 2 weeks of slab pour on built to order homes only, excluding Fairway Estates in Circle C Ranch, and will be processed after the foundation is poured. In addition, buyer must be financing home through Countrywide KB Home loans as an owner occupied primary residence. Any “Bonus” commission is paid at close of escrow only. Commission is paid on base price and lot premium only. Studio options are not factored into the calculation of any commissions paid. If any commission is pre-paid and the buyer doesn’t close on that property, that real estate agent will no longer be eligible for any future prepayment of commission. Realtor must be procuring cause of sale and accompany buyer to or register the buyer at the community before sale date. *Sale must close escrow to qualify as a sale for purposes of determining graduated commission rate. Any pre-payment or bonus program is subject to change without notice.





w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

NAHREP president Victor Montalvo, far right, attends Foreclosure Prevention and Awareness Week with policymakers Texas including Representatives Mark Strama and Jose Menendez, National NAHREP chairman Felix De Herrera, national Freddie Mac representative Becky Froass and U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul. the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Gary Warren and E l i z a b e t h Brademan, both of Homes Legacy arrives at the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin, where they visited with Nicki Tyler of Stewart Title, prior to hearing the 2008 housing forecast from Metro Study representatives.

Bobby Kruger of RE/MAX Austin takes notes at the real estate assistance course lead by Rita Barousse, an MLS trainer for the Austin Board of REALTORS.

Keller Williams Realty Lake Travis Announces It’s 2008 Agent Leadership Council

Amber Hart

Cyndi Pool

Gene Arant

Gregg Klar

Johnny Cuchia

Kim Bailey

Lori Wakefield

Mary Hickey

Peg Braxton

Peggy Schatz

Ray Gill Jr.

Rise’ Johns

Sandy Cary

Scott Bullard

Mary Lynn Gibbs Broker/Team Leader

Carmen Nichols Asst. Team Leader

Allison Crow Productivity Coach

1927 Lohman’s Crossing, Ste. 102 Austin, Texas • 512-263-9090

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

w ww . r ea lt y l in eo n li ne . c om

whyryland? HOUSEWORK’S ENERGY-EFFICIENT SYSTEM “Ryland's HouseWork’s program is a great way to join the 'Go Green' campaign. It's one of the main reasons I recommend Ryland Homes to my clients over other homebuilders. HouseWork's saves you up to 40% on energy costs with features such as improved insulation, fresh air ventilation and sealed ducts. Ultimately, HouseWork's can help lower AC bills, waste less water, and cut costs in areas you never thought possible.” - Realtor, San Antonio Area

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Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Amanda Sheppard, center, congratulates Mary Ann Harris and Scott Martin, who were both Bronze Medal winners at the Keller Williams Realty awards ceremony, which featured great views of Lake Travis.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Mary Mealy of Realm Real Estate welcomes attorney Monica Capuano to the January meeting of the National Association of Hispanic Real E s t a t e Professionals.

Miranda Anderson and Lance Myhre, both of DHI Mortgage, attend the January luncheon at the AMBA meeting at the Renaissance Austin Hotel.

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008


Knowledge Is Power! By Linda Hall • Realty World, John Horton & Associates 2008 President • Women’s Council of REALTORS As we are into the “meat and potatoes” of the year, I want to share the Mission, Vision, Goals and Core Values of the Women’s Council of REALTORS. Renew or join and share in our excitement! Make the most of your membership by volunteering. Women’s Council of Realtors Mission Statement We are a network of successful REALTORS® empowering women to exercise their potential as entrepreneurs and industry leaders.

Our Vision Through our influence as successful business professionals, women will effect positive change in the profession and in the broader community.

Our Long-Term Goals • To be the source of education and business tools focused on the needs of women REALTOR® entrepreneurs at all stages of development. • To be a dynamic, accessible network, linking resources and member expertise to drive business success. • To build, support and promote strong leaders for the industry and the broader community who are advocates for property rights and homeownership. • To be the voice for the achievement and impact of women in real estate. To be sought after as a partner with other organizations to advance common objectives. • To be a network of strong chapters that consistently deliver value and provide a collaborative, trusted, welcoming environment in which members can achieve their business goals.

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• To be a magnet for career-focused REALTORS® with diverse backgrounds and a high level of professionalism. • To be a strong organization with the resources and infrastructure necessary to fulfill our mission and realize our vision.


Women's Council of REALTORS® Values The Power of Relationships—Success in business today is achieved through positive, productive relationships. The Women's Council of REALTORS® provides an environment of collaboration in which members can form, build and maximize relationships for business and personal success. When members share their time, talent and experience, the entire industry is advanced. Professional Credibility—Members of the Women's Council of REALTORS® are established career professionals. We operate based on a shared value system of integrity, respect, consistency and a commitment to excellence and continuous development. Diversity—The membership experience is enriched through the celebration of and active outreach to the full diversity of our industry. At the same time, the strength of the organization lies in what unites us all - our shared values. Participation—Active participation increases membership value. Participation in the Women's Council of REALTORS® is the opportunity to contribute to change, and to be changed, personally and professionally. Success—Success in business brings credibility, influence and greater opportunity. For women, especially, wealth creation through business success also leads to long-term financial security, greater independence, and more quality of life choices. Influence—Positive change will come from the greater inclusion of the women's perspective in positions of influence in the real estate industry and in the broader community. Save the dates! March 27 – Speaker Charles McMillan – President-Elect NAR April 24 – Cultural Diversity Bake Off May 6 – WCR Fashion Show


w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Broker/owner Mark Minchew of RE/MAX Austin Associates enjoys visiting with agents and staff at a surprise celebration in his honor at Carmelo’s. The company recently celebrated its 35th anniversary.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Bob Ross and Margaret Ross catch up with Dennis Ciani of Pacesetter Homes at the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin to see how the Austin market is projected to perform in 2008.

Patricia Wagner, Nicole Cooke and Pat Haywood kick off a new year at a recent Austin Mortgage Bankers Association meeting. Patricia and Pat are with DHI Mortgage and Nicole is with DHI Title.

Custom Build on one of many beautiful home sites! Buyers may choose their own builder. Lake Forest, Round Rock 1110 Pine Forest 1114 Pine Forest

Heavily treed Heavily treed

$99,950 $99,950

Cimarron Hills, Georgetown 100 Waterstone 101 Waterstone 103 Hammerstone

.59 acres .53 acres .90 acres

Cul-de-sac Site Cul-de-sac Site Cul-de-sac Site

$99,950 $99,950 $99,950

River Chase, Georgetown 504 River Chase 520 River Chase

1.74 acres 1.82 acres

River Frontage River Frontage

$232,000 $251,000

Crystal Falls, Leander 2301 Ambush Canyon .47 acres Golf Course $89,950 2305 Ambush Canyon .57 acres Golf Course $89,950 3309 Crystal Falls Pkwy Bluff site with views $89,950 808 Mission Hills Hill Country Views $119,950

Escalera Ranch, Georgetown 104 Escalera Pkwy

Heavily Treed


The Ranch at Delaware Creek, Burnet Sunday Drive, Lot 2

.44 acres

Interior Site


The Bluffs at Steiner Ranch, Austin 732 Zen Gardens 2.21 acres Expected Lake Views $232,000

Courtney Kirk (512) 496-2718

February 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Matt Stillwell and Tiffany Stillwell discuss the state of the market with Kenton Brown of Sente Mortgage and Donna Bailey at the January meeting of the Austin Mortgage B a n k e r s Association. Tiffany and Donna are with the Law Offices of Patten and Karlseng.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

A m a n d a Matragrano, Larry Carter and Tonia Jones, all of Centex Homes, await their honored guests at company’s the Millionaires Club celebration and awards ceremony at the Barr Mansion.

Mary Hickey and Warren Chirhart, both Keller Williams Realty are honored for top listings taken, dollar volume, for individuals at the company’s awards ceremony at the Lake Travis Market Center.

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008


Sink or Swim in 2008: What to do when the competition’s tough By Gary Henley • Henley Homes, Inc. 2008 President • Home Builders Association of Greater Austin As we move through the first quarter of 2008, the Austin area new homes market will most likely continue to level out; our multi-year growth streak tempered by the fallout of a nationwide downturn. For most, it’s nothing to panic about. In terms of pricing, homes in Austin are still relatively affordable for the average family. Still, it never hurts to be prepared, and as the market becomes more challenging, less wellestablished and less aggressive REALTORS may find themselves in a bind. What can you do? Whatever your particular strategy when staking a claim on your share of the new homes market, now is the time to be proactive. Brush up on your closing skills, set incremental goals, even get up early and attend that networking breakfast you’ve been skipping the past few months. No, we’re not joking. In a challenging market, REALTORS who have been in the business longer will have a leg up. They probably have a larger network and a longer pipeline, for one. Also, they’ve most likely survived more severe downturns than the one we’re experiencing, either in the past or in other markets. They know when to kick it into high gear and experience tells them which tactics to use to weed out the competition. It can be a tricky game, but you too can play it, even if you’re fairly new to the business. The good news is that there are those out there who want to help you because it’s a mutually beneficial deal. These are the builders. If you didn’t have the chance in 2007 to reach out to Austin area builders and developers, make that a priority in 2008. Make your search a cinch and start with the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin, at www.AustinHomeBuilders.com. Our members are always glad to know a good REALTOR and make a new friend in the community, and when times are looking a little scarce for REALTORS, builders, or homebuyers, this working relationship can be a beautiful thing for everyone. Next on the agenda: make sure your sales skills are sharper than a tack. Why, you ask? Everyone’s been to real estate school and for some, this is just another lecture

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on the importance of continuing education. Good – put that to work for you. Not everyone knows where to find affordable sales strategy seminars that teach you workable new skills and will give you a real advantage (instead of pushing a gimmick or trying to sell you a book). The HBA hosts frequent education opportunities for our builder members as well as Austin area REALTORS. We’re committed to making sure Central Texas families have access to the most professional builders and high quality housing available at every price point, as well as a pleasant buying experience; what better way to ensure quality than through education? Taught by nationally renowned, award-winning experts, these courses bring you proven strategies from the nation’s top sellers at a very affordable price. We offer them through our Sales and Marketing Council as part of our commitment to education, to connecting homebuyers to affordable new homes, and to connecting with Austin area REALTORS. Coming up this month is your chance to hear from one of Builder Magazine’s Power 50, Bob Schultz, MIRM, CSP. Schultz is widely recognized as North America’s foremost new home sales and management expert. The challenging times the home building industry is now facing are nothing new to him. In the mid-70s, through the housing recession caused by the Arab Oil Embargo, and again in the early 80s with 18+% interest rates and another huge downturn, he engineered many extremely successful programs for builders and developers and workouts for REITs and major financial institutions. On February 21–22, Schultz and the New Home Specialists will present three strategy-packed seminars: A Dozen Strategies to Boost Your New Home Sales Power in a Challenging Market (TREC/MCE approved). Bob Schultz teaches a dozen absolute strategies that, when implemented, will immediately increase your sales— no matter how much you are presently selling. He will challenge you to answer the question, “Doing what you’re doing now, the way you are presently doing it, how many sales are you missing?” Then he will teach you the techniques that will help you capture those missed sales. The Market Has Changed! Have You? Bob Schultz will present concepts and strategies that will cause you to “think through” the possiTough competition Continued on page 37


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Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Rita ABoR’s Barousse, standing, prepares to train these REALTORS at a recent MLS session, which was part of their real estate assistant education.

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Meri Krause of Count on Us Realty shares stories about her three dogs while visiting with Kelly Arnold of Stewart Title at the title company’s recent open house at its Spicewood Springs office.

Mike Kolar of Kolar Advertising and Dena Jost of Heritage Title attend a dinner at the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin, where they heard the housing forecast for 2008 provided by Metro Study.

February 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Mention Elvis and there is sure to be a crowd— and food, just as there was at this happy hour celebration at Wilshire Homes in comPflugerville memorating The King’s birthday.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Phyllis Avery of First American Title welcomes Elaine Garner and Jeanne Ann Klein, both of Keller Williams Realty, to an update on the economic forecast. First American Title and Mission Mortgage hosted the event.

David McMillan of Land Mortgage, The McMillan Team, joins Mary Lynn Gibbs of Keller Williams Realty at the Keller Williams Realty annual awards breakfast at the Lake Travis Market Center.

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Realty Line of Austin

February 2008


Statistically Speaking By Gary Cocanougher • Avalar Real Estate 2008 President • Williamson County Association of REALTORS As a Williamson County Association of REALTORS member, you have access to numbers and statistics that may help your clients make good decisions while helping you stand out as a professional in your field. What’s in a number? Plenty, if an agent knows how to determine it, analyze its relevance, and use it to make sound real estate decisions. That’s where you come in. Your ability to help people understand dollar amounts and statistics can help you get hired, gain the confidence of clients, secure referrals, and win repeat business. Consider the following areas where you can shed some numerical light on a buyer’s or seller’s situation.

Market facts What have average and median home prices been doing in your area recently? How does this break down in different price ranges? What about months’ inventory or number of days on market? Sharing this information with clients—buyers and sellers—establishes a solid foundation for your recommendations. Prospects also will be interested in comparisons of your personal stats with the market in general. For example, if your selling-to-list-price ratio is higher than the market average, or if the average days on market for your properties is lower, tell people.

Loan payments You don’t need to approximate loan payments in your head, though that can be impressive. You should be able to quickly come up with an estimated loan payment, whether with a calculator, a printed table, or a Web-enabled mobile device. Another helpful calculation: how much a certain amount of purchase price will raise or lower a monthly payment. Your proficiency at estimating payments for various interest rates and loan dura-

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tions can answer one of the first big questions held by buyer prospects: How much can I afford? Of course, the mortgage payment is just the start of the answer to this all-important question.

Taxes and insurance Property taxes can come as a big shock to first-time homebuyers. Experienced homeowners can also find themselves in a bind if tax amounts are not properly figured into a budget. You can easily determine the current tax rate in your area and apply it to an offer price to come up with a potential tax bill. The result may be very different than what the current owners pay, due to exemptions and appraisal caps. You can also show a buyer the trend in property values in your market over the past several years. This gives them an indication of how that tax bill might grow in the near future. Insurance rates vary depending on the insurer, deductible amounts, the property itself, and other variables. An approximate range, though, can give a buyer a feel for what additional monthly costs will be involved in owning a home. Don’t forget to discuss PMI with a buyer when that might apply. Maintenance costs What will home maintenance cost on a home? The answer once again depends on a number of factors. Some projections peg the amount somewhere between 1% and 4% of the purchase price of the home each year. Whatever figure you share with buyers, you are getting the point across that there are additional costs associated with homeownership. Few people will want every last number and statistic you can present them. But any client can benefit from your knowledge of them. The Williamson County Association of REALTORS provides information for your benefit in order to help you serve your clients—weekly stats, weekly newsletters, numerous MCE classes and other market related information—visit our Web site at www.wcaor.org. You as a REALTOR are a professional and as REALTORS we are obligated to know and pass along any information that will help serve our clients. If you see something you are not getting thru this Association, please let us know because we value your membership. If you’d like more information to help you in your business please e-mail us at wcaor@wcaor.org with your request.


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Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Aldo Berdvo of Centex Homes welcomes Ray Gonzalez and Araceli Gonzalez, both of Casa Grande Realty, to the Barr Mansion, where top sellers were recognized at the Millionaires Club Celebration Dinner and Awards Ceremony.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Doren Carver, publisher of Realty Line, gets tips on how to impersonate “The King.” Later, he went shopping for blue suede shoes.

E.J. McKinney and Gregg Klar of Keller Williams Realty are the third place team for top listing units taken. The team also won the Eagle Award at the company’s awards breakfast at Lake Travis.


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MLK Drive

From the $180’s 512.846.1238

Realtors must accompany clients on their first visit to each sales office. Subject to qualification with preferred lender. Prices subject to change without notice. Offers may be withdrawn at any time without notice. See your Sales Consultant for details. REVISED: 11/06/2007

Round Rock 35


From the $200’s 512.846.1238




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From the $170’s 512.846.1084



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and Old Town Village in Leander

community Close Out Specials.


Coming Soon 210.662.0066

Visit Stonewall Ranch in Liberty Hill

and take advantage of Incredible



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Georgetown Leander

South Street



Buda Bastrop Kyle

A R M A D I L L O H O M E S . C O M


February 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Tiffany Cavin of RE/MAX Heart of Texas follows Kristy Smallwood, Kelly Arnold and B a r b a r a Schroeder, all of Stewart Title, as they show her around the title c o m p a n y ’ s Spicewood Springs office during a recent open house.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Vicki Harris of Mario ABoR, Casarez of Exit Realty and Brett Humphries of Realm Real Estate enjoy food and friendship at the NAHREP meeting at the Holiday Inn.

Mary Ann Nations and Rise Johns share a moment before the awards are announced at the Keller Williams Realty awards breakfast. The Rise Johns Team walked away with a gold medal.

February 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Holly Allen, Sheila Rosart and Pearl Jones, all of Keller Williams Realty Lakeway, support fellow agents as they are honored at the company’s awards breakfast overlooking Lake Travis.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Jack McCool and Doug Land, both of Capital City S o t h e b y ’ s International Realty, at the arrive Lakeway Activity Center to learn what they can expect from the housing market in 2008. Mark Sprague of R e s i d e n t i a l Strategies provided the forecast. First American Title and Mission Mortgage hosted the event. Steele Jackson, division sales manager for Centex Homes, presents Rachel Carter of Realm Professionals with a $10,000 check in recognition of her superb sales record in Centex Homes communities.

The select neighborhoods of Centex Homes

5. Edinburgh Gardens Mid $100s 272-4985 6. Stirling Bridge $150s - $180s 272-4985 New 7. Elm Creek $120s - $190s 281-0190



























685 BR IS






















183 71




ABIA 1626





11 BUDA 967


4. Royal Pointe Mid $100s - $200s 252-0583 Close-out



3. The Retreat at Blackhawk $140s - $210s 632-6305 New


2. Creek Bend $120s - $210s 759-2948


2243 BAGD

1. Westview Meadows $120s - $180s 260-0289


12 2001



centexhomes.com Prices subject to change.



8. Village at Elm Creek $100s - $130s 281-3993

9. Woodland Hills $130s - $180s 926-1971 10. Los Cielos $120s - $160s 247-9023

11. Garlic Creek $150s - $240s 312-2107

12. Green Meadows $120s - $150s 312-2229

13. Southlake Ranch Low $100s - Mid $100s 262-3100 se-out


14. The Terrace at The Preserve $250s - $400s 402-1889

February 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Members of the $99 club do their part to support the Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee. Investors were recognized at the Austin Board of REALTORS appreciation lunch and presentation.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

ABoR trainer Marcie Roggow, gives standing, some advice to Arlene Knapp of Keller Williams Realty and Doris Cline of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS, at the real estate assistant course.

Rose Costas, NAHREP director of education for the Austin chapter, helps local president Victor Montalvo lead the January meeting at the Holiday Inn.

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008


Breed & Associates By Melinda Seifert CONTRIBUTING WRITER “We grovel to please,” says Corey Breed, owner of Breed & Associates, the Austinbased residential appraisal group that opened its doors in 2001. The company specializes in Jumbo, FHA, Conventional, Land, Interim Construction and “Subject To” appraisals. Breed describes his company as organized, and says each employee is a college graduate with great communication skills. “We offer a 48-hour Guarantee. We do what we say, when we say—and this alone sets us apart from our competition.” Breed describes the appraisal process as an orderly and concise method of reaching an estimate of value. It means defining the problem or situation, data collection and analysis, application of the three approaches to value (market data approach, cost approach and income approach), reconciliation of value indications and a final estimate of defined value. Typically, the appraisal documents the condition of a property inside and out, with consideration for configuration of the property, modernization or functionality, and should also include any updates or remodeling as well as the overall quality of construction. The information is used by the appraiser in the overall comparison process. Square footage is estimated for the gross living area. Porches, garages, covered patios and outbuildings are also accounted for, but are considered in the valuation separately from the gross living area. He adds that when establishing value, the “sales comparison approach” is generally the most reliable, due in part to the sheer number of sales in the Austin area, the great job by REALTORS in the area, and the availability and accuracy of the MLS.” To confirm estimated values, he also looks at the income producing possibilities in a property and the replacement value. Breed says an appraisal covers all the marketable aspects of any property, and then compares it with similar sales within the same area. He explains that while the sales data is reliable, its application in the appraisal itself is subjective—and therefore open to interpretation and even abuse. In an appraisal, one of the most important things to

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look for is reliability, says Breed. He points out that purchasing a home is the largest investment most people make in their lifetimes. An unreliable appraiser can cause problems with financing and associated timelines and can even affect bargaining position. A poor appraisal can actually result in a buyer paying too much for a property. “The people with the money rely on appraisers to establish fair market value— for a reason.” While an appraisal isn’t the most time-consuming component of a transaction, it does require extensive research. Breed says the on-site part of the appraisal is usually under an hour, however the final report typically runs 20 to 24 pages. Given access to a property, he says Breed & Associates will complete the appraisal in 48-hours (thus the company’s 48-Hour Guarantee). “We understand that everyone is under pressure, from borrowers, underwriters, loan officers to the REALTORS themselves. Everyone wants to close their deal as quickly as possible, so we feel we do our part by offering our 48-Hour Guarantee turnaround time on purchases.” He says too, that the accuracy of the appraisal is so important since the financing of more than 95 percent of all purchases relies on third party lenders, and these lenders rely almost exclusively on the appraisal when making their decision on the loan. “An appraisal of questionable reliability, reasoning or quality can throw a wrench in even the most smoothly executed transaction.” After running his family’s restaurants (The Kitchen Door), Breed is familiar with what customer service means, and he applies these concepts to his clients and business model. “We really do our best to make sure everyone involved is pleased with our part of the transaction—and yes, we do grovel if we have to.”

“We offer a 48-hour Guarantee. We do what we say, when we say—and this alone sets us apart from our competition.”

- Corey Breed


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Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Amber McDonald, Christy Reynolds and Tara Thomason, all of Centex Homes, greet Lily Hernandez and Chris Hall, both of Fern Hernandez Realty, as they arrive at the Barr Mansion, where Centex Homes hosted the Millionaires Club Celebration Dinner and Awards Ceremony.

Paul Raney of First State Home Loan talks about reverse mortgages to AARP members at the Ben Hur Shriner’s Hall.

February 2008

Strong sales skills of the JKB Realty Group make them Platinum Medal Winners at the Keller Williams Realty awards breakfast overlooking Lake Travis.

Mike McCoy of Mission Mortgage welcomes guest speaker Mark Sprague of Residential Strategies to the economic forecast at HBA hosted by First American Title and Mission Mortgage.

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Scott Bulger of Wilshire Homes and Roger Buraimoh of Keller Williams Realty get tips from “Elvis” on how to make the ladies swoon. They were among those who attended the Elvis Birthday Bash at Wilshire Homes in Pflugerville. the pics urchase P r o w Line at Vie in Realty e.com you see lin n o altyline www.re

Becky Homer and Steve Homer, both of Keller Williams Realty, enjoy the beauty of the Barr Mansion, where they were among selected guests at the Millionaires Club celebration dinner and awards ceremony hosted by Centex Homes.

Chris Sachs, center, division vice president of JB Goodwin Realty’s Williamson County office, shares the spotlight with Gay Puckett and Janet Dean of the company’s northwest office at the RedWall Gala for Dell Children’s Hospital.

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Dee Shultz Keller Williams Realty Luxury Homes Division Dee Shultz, director of Keller Williams Luxury Homes division, started her career in real estate 27 years ago, when her youngest sons were in the first and second grade and her oldest son just starting high school. She says she wanted to “get out and meet people who talked in multiple syllables…people whose meat she didn’t have to cut.” She wanted flexible hours and wanted to earn enough “mad money” to buy lots of shoes and purses—and maybe break even. Since then, she has certainly achieved those initial goals, and more.

Dee says she was first encouraged to give real estate a try when she was still new to Austin, by the broker who sold her family their first home in Austin. She says she had no idea it would become such a passion. She opened her own firm, Village Realty, in 1981, just one year after starting out, at the unfortunate time when interest rates were in the 18 to 23 percent range. After 12 years, she was ready to focus more on client relationships and selling real estate than on running her own business. She joined Prudential Owens Realty and was there for seven years before joining Keller Williams Realty in 1999. “Clients ask if I get tired of looking at homes” says Dee. “My answer is absolutely not!” She adds that if it were not for the time she chooses to spend working directly with clients, and the necessary paperwork, she would spend even more time driving around and looking at the fabulous homes that make Austin so special. Dee believes that having incredible staff members to help support the business is the key element that allows her to follow her passion. Today, her three sons are grown and married, giving her three “surrogate” daughters, and four grandchildren. Her oldest granddaughter is a freshman at A&M, and her grandson is a junior at Cedar Park High School. Her other two granddaughters, ages three and


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eight, take ballet and compete in rodeo barrel racing events. Along the way, from being a Mom to her three boys to being a grandmother, Dee has managed to build and run a successful business, accrue some enviable accolades and still enjoy every day in the business. Dee is an accredited member of the Million Dollar Guild in the Institute for Luxury Homes Marketing. She is a charter member of the Austin Elite 25 and has been a member every year since its inception 14 years ago. She has been the #1 Individual Agent for Keller Williams in Austin for the past seven years; the #2 Residential REALTOR in Austin in 2003, 2004, and 2005; #2 Individual Agent for Keller Williams Nationwide in 2006; #1 Individual Agent for Keller Williams Nationwide in 2003 and 2004; and has achieved more than $600 million in successfully closed transactions during her career. Far more important than awards, recognition or honors, Dee says what she gets from the business is much deeper; the real reward is the often life-long relationships she builds with her peers as well as her clients. “I cherish the friendships and business relationships, and even though we compete for listings and buyers, the wonderful friendships come first.” Dee says she feels true compassion for both clients and fellow REALTORS, treating


them all with equal dignity and respect. “I am what I am, and I will always be truthful and faithful.” And she does it all with the same sense of humor she integrates into her life. “I feel humor is very important in keeping us all sane,” says Shultz. When not working, she enjoys watching her grandchildren at “whatever they are doing.” When she has time she enjoys reading. Dee describes her perfect Friday night as, “going to a movie, a hot dog smothered with jalapenos and mustard, a huge sack of popcorn, and a root beer.” To her that’s a real treat. Of all her accomplishments, Dee says that nothing compares to raising “three absolutely fabulous children.” She says staying healthy so she can continue working is definitely on her list of ongoing goals. She adds that she doesn’t have allencompassing goals—she runs her profession as a business without getting caught up in too many specific goals. And she says she realizes that may not be the smartest way to look at things, but it’s how she is most comfortable. As for future goals, Dee says they probably haven’t changed much—she just wants a little more mad money to buy more expensive shoes and purses. On a serious note, Dee acknowledges that, “I have been very blessed and am eternally grateful for everything that has come my way in life.”


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Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Cheryl Tucker of The Best Agents in Texas, Mari Edwards of Wilshire Homes and Linda Hall of Realty World, John Horton and Associates get all shook up at the first happy hour of the year, which was held at Wilshire Homes in Pflugerville to commemorate Elvis’s birthday. the pics urchase P r o w Line at Vie in Realty e.com you see lin n o altyline www.re

Lori Wakefield, Holly MaceMassingill and Mary Hickey all earned top closed volume for individuals at the Keller Williams Realty awards breakfast at the Lake Travis Market Center.

Robert Fields and Mary Fields, both of New Home Locators, get ready to enjoy a lovely dinner at the Barr Mansion. They were among the selected guests Centex Homes invited to the Millionaires Club celebration dinner.

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008


D.R. Horton By Melinda Seifert CONTRIBUTING WRITER D.R. Horton and its predecessor companies have been in Austin as a continuous business entity for about 47 years. Bill Milburn began building homes and/or developing lots in Austin area around 1960. Milburn Homes was acquired by Continental Homes in 1992 and then subsequently acquired by D.R. Horton in 1998. D.R. Horton has been ranked as the largest homebuilder in the United States by Builder Magazine for the past five years. Most people are unaware that there actually is a “D.R. Horton.” Don Horton started the company in Fort Worth with $3,000 in 1978. He grew his homebuilding operations in the Dallas/Fort Worth area through 1987, and then began expanding to other states and markets. When the company went public in 1992, it operated in nine states and 11 markets. In its first year as a public company, employees closed 1,231 homes. D.R. Horton now operates in more than 80 markets in 27 states, and closed more than 41,000 homes in the fiscal year ended September 30, 2007. Locally, D.R. Horton has about 25 communities with 175 people committed to providing the best home-buying experience possible. The company’s philosophy is to build a quality house in the community families would like to call home. Many D.R. Horton communities offer a wide range of amenities, which may include walking paths, sports courts, swimming pools and more. D.R. Horton offers a broad range of products suitable for people looking for their first home, as well as those looking for a much larger home for their family. Anything from 1,000 square feet to almost 4,000 square feet can be found in the company’s offerings. If a family wants a home from the low $100’s or a fully-featured home with ample area, they’ve got it! If buyers want a lowmaintenance lifestyle the company offers four condominium communities with homes from 1,000 square feet to 1,900 square feet. Buyers can also per-

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sonalize their home by choosing features from a multiple-page option list or by visiting the decorating center with thousands of selections. And, D.R. Horton is located in all the places buyThe Cathryn ers want to call home: Kyle, Buda, South Austin, Manor, Hutto, Round Rock, Cedar Park, North Austin and Leander. One of the things that distinguishes D.R. Horton from other builders is its long-term philosophy. Conmpany executives realize that if they want to have long-term success, they have to treat all of their customers right, including their employees, homebuyers and REALTORS. D.R. Horton in Austin welcomes REALTOR participation and it shows. Last year, it was more than 84 percent. Management realizes that REALTORS are important in the homebuying process and encourages REALTORS to visit communities so they can work with REALTORS to find the appropriate home for their client. REALTORS looking for a new home to sell should start with D.R. Horton. The company has a wide variety of product, and its communities are located in just about every submarket in Austin. With a co-brokerage rate, the company is obviously focused on working successfully with the REALTOR community. Professional sales consultants can make a sale seem effortless. REALTORS can literally drop their client off at one of D.R. Horton’s communities and the D.R. Horton staff will take care of the rest.

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Suzanne Koneman of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS helps Nicki Tyler and Holly Downs, both of Stewart Title, celebrate at an open house at the new Spicewood Springs office.

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Laura Caffey and Jason Garza, both of B&G Surveying, visit with Tandy Fuller of Keller Williams Realty at the January meeting of the National Association of Hispanic Real E s t a t e Professionals.

The Gene Arant Team earns a multitude of recognition at the Keller Williams Realty awards celebration. The team was a platinum medal winner and also was awarded for top listings taken (dollar volume) and top closed volume.

SWBC Mortgage Corporation

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February 2008

Kristin Carroll and Josh Penland, both of Sente Mortgage, join Cathy Coneway of Stanberry and Associates at the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin, where Metro Study provided a housing forecast for 2008.

Tiffany Amore of Kimball Hill Homes hands Cindy Lindsay of Tree Top Properties a $60 cash prize for attending the open house of the latest model in Falcon Pointe.

Carrie Garrett, Duane Steffek and Audrey Yazbeck, all of Centex Homes, are pleased to see members of the Millionaires Club attend the celebration dinner and awards ceremony at the Barr Mansion.

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Jasper Augustine and Kathy Stan, both of RE/MAX Capital City, explore the designer decorated townhomes in Silver Oak, Portrait Homes’ first Austinarea community.

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Joe Stewart, Sandy Bednar, Sytha Gustafson Minter, Bill Evans, Judith Bundschuh, Karakay Kovaly and Robert Wright are recognized for their financial contributions to TREPAC, the special interest group that lobbies for real estate interests. All gave $1,000. Irene Beurskens of Dominion United Realty and Edgar Gonzalez of Greater Austin for Sale.com get ready to mingle with Elvis at the Wilshire Homes happy hour in Pflugerville.

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008


The REALTOR® Party By Richard Rodriquez • ABoR Governmental Affairs Committee Chair and David Burton • ABoR PAC Committee Chair As we approach the end of the first quarter of 2008, we are well into this presidential election year and politicos across the country are coming out in support of their party. What party are you supporting? Have you thought about joining the REALTOR Party? As a REALTOR, you are part of the 1.3 million members nationwide and over 90,000 in Texas alone. We stand strong as a group with a voice worth hearing and your voice can be part of that! Our party’s agenda is to protect the business of real estate and to insure that our profession continues to stand strong. In order to maximize REALTOR influence in the electoral process, the Austin Board of REALTORS and individual REALTORS in conjunction with the Texas Association of REALTORS and the National Association of REALTORS, need to take action to support our many legislative friends. Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike are all members of the REALTOR Party because they strongly support our public policy issues. Promoting homeownership, protecting the rights of property owners, and fostering a vibrant commercial real estate sector are issues that cut across party lines. As a member of the REALTOR Party, we encourage and welcome you to get involved in the political process at the Austin Board of REALTORS. Join the Governmental Affairs Committee and participate in local candidate interviews and the endorsement process, help craft a defense against potential city ordinances threatening your livelihood and other harmful legislation, or educate fellow members on the importance of government affairs by making presentations in broker offices. With your participation you will help ensure REALTORS continue to be a recog-

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nized voice and grassroots force in local politics. You will directly influence the issues that affect your business, your livelihood, and the livelihood of your clients. Another way of participating in the REALTOR Party is through investing in the Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee (TREPAC). Voluntary TREPAC investments are used to support candidates who demonstrate their support for the preservation of real property rights and the real Richard Rodriquez estate profession. Investing in TREPAC is like taking out an insurance policy on our profession. By supporting candidates who vote with the REALTOR Party interests in mind, we are protecting ourselves against bad legislation that can hurt our livelihood and the livelihood of our clients. If you’re looking for a fun way to invest in TREPAC and network with other REALTORS, just attend one of the many events the TREPAC Committee hosts each year. Between the Bowling Tournament, Wine Tasting, Golf Tournament, and David Burton a new Texas Hold ‘Em tournament, there’s bound to be something for everyone. Your ticket or registration fee for these events is considered a direct investment to TREPAC. So use your voice to make a difference and be informed of what is happening in our industry on the local, state, and national levels. Whether it’s sitting in on a Government Affairs or PAC committee meeting, attending a TREPAC event, or participating in any of our other governmental affairs programs, your participation makes you a more informed professional. In this very different market, we know that knowledge is power and we hope your involvement will help promote your continued success in this industry. For more information on how to get involved and about the upcoming events, please contact Emily Chenevert, ABoR Governmental Affairs department at government@abor.com or 454-7636 ext. 1501.


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Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Karakay Kovaly gives Mark Minchew a Golden R for being a $5,000 investor in the Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee. He and others were honored for their contributions at the Austin Board of REALTORS appreciation lunch and presentation.

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Jennifer Korba, division vice president of JB Goodwin Westlake and president Byron “Buddy” Schilling await the live auction which featured a trip to London, a diamond necklace, a Chevy Tahoe and two patient room namings at the RedWall Gala, which benefited the Dell Children’s H o s p i t a l Foundation. Linda Randall joins her friend Helen Finke of Joseph Realty Group, to check out the latest Kimball Hill Homes model in Falcon Pointe, a master planned community in Pflugerville.

Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

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S P O TL IG H T: W CA oR P r e side n t

Gary Cocanougher Avalar Real Estate

“I will always be in real estate, and I will always be a strong volunteer in my community as well.”

Gary Cocanougher bought his first house when he was 21—and has been in real estate since—not always as a career, and not always as a business, but as a passion. “I love real estate because it is a people business, one where you help your clients through one of the biggest financial decisions they will ever make,” says Cocanougher. And with a 23-year career in banking, understanding the financial side of real estate is a plus for clients. Today, Cocanougher and his wife Nancy own and run the Avalar Real Estate office in Georgetown. Avalar is a national franchise with approximately 123 offices in 19 states. The Cocanougher’s Georgetown office opened in November 2005, and was the fifth office to open in Texas. With the purchase of his first house, Cocanougher says his goal early on was to invest in real estate for the future. After 30 years of experience and obtaining his broker’s license and GRI designation, he says his goals today are helping clients see what he saw back then. And, he says it is a truly special thing. One of the things that Cocanougher says makes real estate special—and professional—is the Code of Ethics, which he says guides the principles of how he does business. “Even though I represent my client, I truly want what’s best in everyone’s

interest. Still, my client’s best interest is my main objective and even if it means losing a sale, it’s worth the extra mile it might take to do it right.” Gary and Nancy have been married for 32 years, have a son and two daughters and two granddaughters. Nancy is a licensed REALTOR and also a Registered Nurse, and works at St. David’s in the neo-natal unit. They have lived in Georgetown for only five years, and in that time, Cocanougher has been president of the Georgetown Lions Club and is currently serving as a zone chairman for his Lions Club district. He is a Director of the Georgetown Boys and Girls Club, and is in charge of coordinat-

ing the delivery of Meals on Wheels with REALTORS once a week (he delivers meals as well). He is a member of the Georgetown chamber of Commerce, First United Methodist Church, and is the 2008 President of the WCAoR, where he has served on the Board for three years. Cocanougher’s goals today include participating and providing leadership in the organizations he is so much a part of, while growing Avalar Real Estate to become one of the best and well-respected companies in the Real Estate profession. “I will always be in real estate, and I will always be a strong volunteer in my community as well.”

Tough competition Continued from page 13

bilities the market presents. LEARN: Everything old is new again; Adapting to the changing market; How not to “give away the store;” When put in command, take charge; Create an action plan for success...and much, much more! Serious Management for Serious Times: In this hard-hitting, fast-paced program, Schultz will challenge you to change your mindset and to capitalize on the opportunities that today’s changing market provides. For many years our industry was blessed by incredibly low interest rates and phenomenal market conditions. The market has changed drastically, and builders and managers who once succeeded by maintaining the status quo during a great market must now learn how to flourish under ordinary market conditions. LEARN: Strategies your CFO and shareholders will be glad you know, how to re-tool your sales operations, the importance of accountability, top-grade your sales team through staffing and recruiting, manage customer in process strategies, create an action plan for implementing the new tactics and strategies ...and much, much more! For more information, pricing, and registration, visit www.AustinHomeBuilders.com. Happy, smart selling in 2008!


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Realty Line of Austin

February 2008

Randy Rollo of Randy Rollo Homes and David Bosco of Ryland Homes eagerly await the housing forecast for 2008 that Mark of Sprague R e s i d e n t i a l Strategies presented. The event was hosted by First American Title and Mission Mortgage.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Bill Evans of Austin Real Pros and Carol Parker of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS arrive for the Austin Board of REALTORS’ investor appreciation lunch and presentation to honor those contributing to the Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee. Bill was a $1,000 contributor and Carol pledged $99. Winifred Harrison and Jacci Anders, both of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS, stroll through the Silver Oak Townhomes, a new Portrait Homes community.

February 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Carrie Rendon, Debbie Ates, Mari Edwards, Lori Yandle, DeAnne Henry and Audra Johnson gather around “The King” during a celebration at a Wilshire Homes model in Pflugerville commemorating Elvis’s birthday.

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Peggy Lankford and Heather Gatling of Keller Williams Realty are happy to cheer on the accomplishments of their colleagues at the company’s awards breakfast at Lake Travis.

Larry Schuler, right, of Kimball Hill Homes, welcomes David Durham of Keller Williams Realty to the grand opening of the latest model home in Falcon Pointe, a master-planned community in Pflugerville.


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Realty Line of Austin

February 2008


The Elaine Garner Team wins twice—for top closed volume and also top listings taken at the Keller Williams Realty awards celebration. Elaine Garner is pictured third from left.

Kenton Brown of Sente Mortgage enjoys a light moment with Marty Halseth at the Austin Mortgage Bankers Association Meeting at the Renaissance Austin Hotel.

Ernie Hatton of ERA Millennium Realty looks down in amazement at the $25,000 check that Centex Homes’ division sales manager, Steele Jackson, presented to him at the Millionaires Club celebration dinner and awards ceremony at the Barr Mansion.

RE/MAX Austin Associates show their appreciation for broker/owner Mark Minchew by surprising him at Carmelo’s to celebrate the company’s 35th anniversary.

Speaker Myers Barnes, second from left, provides motivational training to, from left, Celia Rangel, Peg Bennett and David Blackburn. The three are all with The Oaks at Wildwood in Georgetown and were attending a national sales conference in Ohio.

Chris Sachs, Sue Reynolds, Louise Peach and Andrew Constancio, all of JB Goodwin REALTORS Williamson County office, gather to eat, dance and play casino games at the RedWall Gala at the Austin Convention Center. More than 1,000 guests helped raise money for the Dell Children’s Medical Center.

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