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Upcoming Events: celebration will recognize Austin’s finest real estate profes-

n Austin Board of REALTORS® Celebration Set for Friday,

Dec. 3 at 8:30 a.m.

sionals, including ABoR’s 2011 Chairman of the Board Ju-

e Austin Board of REALTORS® (ABoR) will host our annual Installation and Awards Brunch on Friday, Dec. 3 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Austin Country Club, located at 4408 Long Champ Drive. Event attendees will be treated to a variety of special coffees, teas and holiday drinks as they network with their fellow real estate professionals and honor the outstanding members of the local real estate community. emed “Members First, Member-Driven,” this year’s

dith Bundschuh of Catalyst Realty. Additionally, ABoR’s incoming Board of Directors and the 2010 Industry Award Winners will be honored at Installation. Join ABoR for this special celebration by purchasing your ticket today. Costing $25, Installation tickets can be purchased by contacting Shirley Williams in ABoR’s Education Department by phone at 454-7636, ext. 1603 or by email at swilliams@abor.com. Ticket quantity is limited for this exciting event. RL

November 18 WCAoR November Luncheon Cedar Park Recreation Center - 11:30 a.m. November 22-26 Realty Line office closed in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday November 30 CRS Holiday Gala benefitting Chapter with a Heart DR Horton’s Forest Creek Model - 5 p.m. December 1 CRS Installation Banquet Westwood Country Club - 11:30 a.m. December 2 WCAoR Installation Bella Lago in Forest Creek - 6:30 p.m. December 3 ABoR Installation & Awards Banquet Austin Country Club - 8:30 a.m. December 8 WCR Installation & Awards The Westin at the Domain - 11 a.m.


In Progress NOvEMBER 2010 • vOL. 15 • ISSuE 7

Putting a Fa ce on Re al Est ate sin ce 1 99 5

Celebrate Outgoing and Incoming Leaders at December Installations and so we wanted to offer opportunities to sponsors and self, so it has been a long road.” Combining the annual Christmas Tree Auction with show our members we are mindful of the times by having the installation turns out to be a smart idea bea less formal, more business cause it will certainly add to the festive atmosevent and keeping the focus phere of the evening as well as provide for a way on what is important, our to raise funds for the new Building Fund and members. It fits well into the Scholarship Foundation. Special guests such as theme Bundschuh has chosen u.S. Congressman John Carter also are expected for her year; ‘Members First, to be in attendance. Member-Driven.’” “It is a chance for all of us to see each other Burton says he has reagain and to honor our REALTOR® of the Year, ceived a lot of positive feedRookie of the Year and Affiliate of the Year,” Reviel back about changing the says, “and to come together with one vision for installation to a daytime event, 2011 for the association.” and urges everyone to attend. WCAoR “We know it is a busy time for Judith Bundschuh executive dieveryone to visit family and rector Marge loved ones and attend com- Austin Board of REALTORS 2011 Chairman Phillips says pany parties. But this event is it is also an a not-to-be-missed opportunity to network with people that buy and sell our proper- opportunity to see ties. One client cannot sustain a business so it is a good history in action. “It’s time to forge new relationships in a social setting so ne- the baton being gotiations go smoother. And passed,” she says. “It of course it’s a great time to is a real transformaPresorted Standard visit old friends who you tion to see that hapU.S. Postage pen.” haven’t seen in a while.” PAID Austin, Texas And transformaWCAoR’s incoming presPaid Permit #715 Victoria Reviel ident victoria Reviel of 98th tion is what the P. O. Box 81366 Williamson County Assoc. of Austin, Texas 78708-1366 Meridian says she is looking WCAoR event is all REALTORS 2011 President forward to leading the about, as the theme Williamson County Associa- is “Transforming Our Lives, Our Association, Our Fution. “It’s been a dream and ture.” Reviel says she hopes to put this idea in place by now I get to live it,” she says. seeing the organization continue to grow. “We were “I have the unique situation founded in 1973 and we are larger and stronger now. of actually having worked at We will continue to transform into a new association by the association before I went You can visit us online 24/7 at www.realtylineonline.com Front page: Continued on page 8 back into the business my-

REALTORS and other members of the real estate profession can expect some new, interesting twists as they come together for one last time this year to thank those who have led professional associations and to usher in the new leadership for 2011. e Williamson County Association of REALTORS® will hold its Installation and Real Estate Industry Awards Gala at 6:30 p.m. on ursday, Dec. 2 at Bella Lago in Forest Creek in Round Rock—and will combine it with the annual Christmas Tree Auction. e Austin Board of REALTORS® will hold its annual Installation and Awards event at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 3 at the Austin Country Club. Representatives from both organizations have been busy planning the events and are eager to give Realty Line readers a preview of what to expect and explain why some of the changes are being made. “When incoming president Judith Bundschuh came to me with the idea of a brunch rather than a big gala I was all for it,” says ABoR installation chair David Burton of Austin Suburban Properties. “We wanted to honor those who served in 2010 and install our incoming officers but keep it simple. ese are tight times for everyone



Realty Line Austin

November 2010

All photographs, press releases and article submissions can be e-mailed to: realtyline@austin.rr.com Realty Line of Austin is published monthly by Caxton Publications, inc.© as a non-subscription publication for the more than 8,000 members of the Austin Board of REALTORS® (ABoR), the more than 1,100 members of the

Doren L. Carver PuBLiSHER Tawanna K. Carver MAnAging EDiTOR

Williamson County Association of REALTORS (WCAoR) and the Home Builders Association (HBA) of greater Austin. Caxton Publications, inc.© dba Realty Line of Austin is an active member of the Austin Board of REALTORS®, the Williamson County Association of REALTORS® and is a honorary member of WCR. Caxton Publications, inc.© dba


Realty Line of Austin is not responsible for opinions or facts


expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any

John Horton, ABoR Chairman Steve Zbranek, HBA President J. Rene Ward, WCAoR President Cheryl Jenkins, WCR President David Tandy, gracy Title

by-products in advertising or editorial copy. REALTOR® is a

Patricia Wagner of DHi Mortgage sells raffle tickets to Carrie Mitchell and Susan Graham, both of Austin Title, at the nAPMW “Monster Mash” themed bottle auction at the norris Conference Center.

Stacy Stroud COnTRiBuTing WRiTER

registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR® appears in this publication, the registered trademark should be assumed.

P. O. Box 81366, Austin, Texas 78708 Office: (512) 821-1900 www.realtylineonline.com


Tiffany Stillwell of Patten Law Firm shows off her new son Wyatt as she and her sister Lynette Rabb enjoy some refreshments at the Parade of HomesTM preview party at Rough Hollow in Lakeway.

Hank Smith swears to be a strong president for the Home Builders Association (HBA) of greater Austin. He and other new officers were installed at the organization’s awards banquet.

Austin Northwest

A Austin ustin No Northwest r t hw e s t ““A A Career Career W Worth orth Having, Having, A Business W Worth orth O Owning, wning, and and A Life Worth Worth Living” Living”

We are pleased to announce that Karen McCarty

welcome Karen and look forward to a successful future together. Northwest No rthwest Gene G ene FFrederick rederick 346-3550

SSouthwest outhwest Diane Johnson 448-4111

Lake Travis Travis Mary M ary LLynne ynne Gibbs Gi 263-9090

Round R ound R Rock ock Avis W Avis Wukasch ukasch 255-5050

November 2010

Realty Line Austin

Austin Board of REALTORS®

Chairman’s Column John Horton n 2010 Chairman

Tickets Now Available for the 2011 Housing Forecast


ith the year beginning to wind down, it’s time to start planning for what lies ahead. Mark your calendars for Jan. 13, 2011 as ABoR and the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin will present the 2011 Housing Forecast. With insights on the future of the economy and the housing market, this event is a mustattend for real estate professionals. Attendees will hear from experts in the field, including Susan Davenport, senior vice president of Global Technology Strategies for the Austin Chamber of Commerce; John Duca, vice president and senior policy advisor for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas; and Eldon Rude, director of the Austin Market for Metrostudy. Rude is set to moderate the event, as well as discuss the forecast for the Austin housing market. Duca will discuss the national economy and Davenport will cover economic development in our region. e 2011 Housing Forecast will take

place at Renaissance Austin Hotel, located at 9721 Arboretum Boulevard. Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m., with coffee and breakfast to be served at 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. respectively. e program will run from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Don’t miss out on your chance to plan for the year ahead by hearing from real estate experts on the local and national economy at the 2011 Housing Forecast. Tickets cost $65 and seating is limited. Purchase your ticket today by visiting www.abor.com/forecast. For more information about the 2011 Housing Forecast, contact Shirley Williams in ABoR’s Education Department by e-mail at swilliams@abor.com or by phone at 454-7636. New Mobile MLS Tools Available for ABoR MLS Subscribers ABoR has teamed up with Goomzee to offer two new mobile real estate solutions for ABoR’s MLS subscribers—Mobile MLS

and Realty Connect. MLS subscribers may have had the opportunity to learn about these new products at last month’s Realty Round up, but in case you missed it, here is what you need to know. Mobile MLS allows REALTORS® to access listing information directly from the MLS database on their mobile phones that have a browser and Internet connection. A secure login system will be implemented to maintain MLS data security. ABoR’s MLS subscribers will have the option to perform quick and advanced searches, as well as view showing instructions and more with the new Mobile MLS. Additionally, Realty Connect allows REALTORS® to promote their listings to potential buyers by providing agents with reusable property codes that correspond with specific listings. ese codes can be placed on promotional materials such as sign riders or advertisements. Buyers will then send a text message to the code to directly receive information about the listed property. ABoR’s MLS subscribers will have access to the basic service package for both mobile tools at no extra cost. Additional premium package options are available for an added fee. However, a free trial period for MLS subscribers will run through June 2011 and allow MLS subscribers to try both tools on the premium plan for free until the trial period ends. To learn more about these exciting new products, visit ABoR’s Partners and vendors page at



www.abor.com/mls/vendors.cfm. TREPAC Kicks Off New Fundraising Year e 2011 fundraising calendar year for the Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee (TREPAC) has officially begun and now is the time to make your investment in the REALTOR® Party. An important investment for your business, your TREPAC contribution allows for the continued protection of Texas REALTORS® and support for political candidates that promote the interests and rights of the real estate industry and private property owners. Fundraising events for the 2011 investment year began back in October with the annual TREPAC Golf Tournament at the Grey Rock Golf Club. anks to the generous support of the real estate community, the tournament raised more than $9,000 for TREPAC. We would like to thank our generous sponsors, as well as all of the investors and golfers for making the tournament a success. If you weren’t able to make it to the golf tournament, you can still do your part. Invest in TREPAC today by visiting www.abor.com/gov_affairs/trepac/. Your investment in TREPAC is an investment in your business and will help protect private property rights. For more information about TREPAC, contact ABoR’s TREPAC coordinator Anna Kong at pac@abor.com. RL



Realty Line Austin

November 2010

Diane Kennedy of Coldwell Banker united REALTORS and husband Scott Kennedy of Kennedy investments relax to the music of Austin’s own Duck Soup at the ABoR Foundation’s Music Fest.

Dan Cathy, third from left, president & COO of Chick-fil-A was the special guest speaker at the recent Austin Mortgage Bankers Association meeting. He presented “Customer Service and the importance of a good name.” Also pictured is Doug Scott of ViewPoint Bankers Mortgage, Mike Carroll, Michael Scott and Vincent Magnarini.

Sandi Gillis of Austin Title shows Martin Ochs, left, of Hometrust Mortgage, and David Starry of Real Vision Properties around the company’s new Westlake office.

Jonny Rodgers of JB goodwin REALTORS and Ben Buckman of independence Title make sure nobody misses them on the course at the AMBA golf tournament at great Hills Country Club.

What lies ahead for the local housing market in 2011? Our Speakers: Join the Austin Board of REALTORS® and the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin (HBA) to hear the most recent statistics and insight on our economy and housing market.

Eldon Rude


Rude has earned a reputation in the housing industry for thorough analysis and candid insight into the factors that impact the supply and demand for housing.

Hear from the experts at the 2011 Housing Forecast:

John Duca

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A researcher of macroeconomics and finance for the Federal Reserve Bank, Duca will address the national economy. Duca has published numerous articles on money, credit and housing for scholarly journals.

Coffee 8:00 a.m. Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Program 9:00 - 11:30 a.m.


Renaissance Austin Hotel 9721 Arboretum Boulevard Austin, TX 78759


Susan Davenport Individual tickets: $65 Corporate Tables: $550 (seat 10) Seating is limited. NO Billing. ALL tickets must be pre-paid with cash, check or credit card. NO replacement of lost tickets. NO tickets will be sold at the event.

Tickets: $65


Davenport serves as the Senior Vice President of Global Technology Strategies for the Austin Chamber of Commerce, managing the Greater Austin Technology Partnership which focuses on improving Austin’s global position on technology innovation.

Online: www.Abor.com or www.AustinHomeBuilders.com

By Phone: 512-454-7636 (ABoR) or 512-454-5588 (HBA)

November 2010

Realty Line Austin


The KB Kronicle NOVEMBER 4, 2010



During this time of Thanksgiving, we at KB Home are thankful for Realtors like YOU!

(Above) Realtors from KW Cedar Park enjoy lunch and a “Sneak Peek” of the upcoming weekend sale at Silverado Ranch in Cedar Park

(Above) Stephanie Timmons with Zip Realty is the winner of a 42” Vizio LCD HDTV, compliments of KB Home. Congratulations Stephanie! (Above) Realtors Jana McCool and Caroline Sills take a break from the MCE class they attended at The Oak at Twin Creeks community.

COMING SOON - INTEREST LIST NOW FORMING LEXINGTON PARKE IN DEL VALLE From the $110s • 2 model homes under construction • 17 floor plans • 1,109 to 2,561 square feet • 1- and 2-story homes • 3-5 bedrooms • 2-3 bathrooms • 2-car garage • Del Valle ISD

To sign up for the interest list, call 888-KB-HOMES today! Need a sponsor for an upcoming meeting or event? Need a space to hold your next meeting, class, or event? KB Home is always looking for opportunities to work together with our local Realtor partners. Please contact Colette Fitzgerald, KB Home Broker/Realtor Liaison at cfitzgerald@kbhome.com, 512-651-8059, for more information!




Realty Line Austin

November 2010

Lisa Altamirano of gracy Title takes the front seat with driver James Garcia of Bee Creek Realty on the way to tour Bee Creek Hill Estates. Joining them were Joni Langle of Bee Creek Realty and Ross Frie (standing) and Bruce Evans, both of Keller Williams Realty.

Outgoing president Steve Zbranek passes the gavel to incoming president Hank Smith at the Home Builders Association of greater Austin’s installation and awards banquet.

Avis Wukasch of Keller Williams Realty and Glenn King of RE/MAX Round Rock get ready to elect the WCAoR Board of Directors at the new member orientation.

November 2010

Realty Line Austin

Williamson County Assoc. of REALTORS®

President’s Column J. Rene Ward n 2010 President

e Year in Review

It’s been an exciting year! Many of the initiatives that were started in previous years had a direct impact on the success of the Association this year, so I extend thanks to all the Board members, Committee chairs, REALTORS, affiliates, Association staff, sponsors and community who have contributed. Here’s a quick summary of the current state of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS (WCAoR): • Membership is up over 11%. In a challenging year when other Boards and Associations have lost members, we are growing. We know that members have a choice of boards and we appreciate that so many of you have chosen to join us. Not a member? If you join today, there is no fee for the rest of the year, just pay your 2011 dues. • Our “new” building turned one-year old and this year there were several additions to the building. Our MLXchange room was completed (thanks to a donation by KB Home) and ChoreMasters purchased one of the remaining room sponsorships—the kitchen.

• e Association negotiated a loan modification for its building which resulted in a sizeable financial savings to the Association. ank you Independent Bank. Additionally the Association also qualified for the Association Business property tax exemption which provided a substantial savings in property taxes. • Education spread beyond our walls and we offered 13 classes throughout Williamson County. WCAoR also introduced four new classes under our providership, including: DocuSign, Photography I & II and Top 20 Tech Tools. • e governing documents were updated, with the help of NAR, a Strategic Plan has been developed. e Policies and Procedures committee updated and created a new manual, and the association now has documents that everyone can access online. • Our events were rich, full of content, fun and profitable. Many thanks to the Golf, Tech Tune-up, Celebrity Dinner and Green Expo committees for their hard work and great


fundraising success. • New initiatives this year included: Rookie Club, New Home Builder’s Series, Monthly Top 5, new Web site, monthly press releases and an affiliate newsletter. • Several new member benefits were launched, among them the Tech Helpline. Our Tech support hotline is available to all WCAoR REALTOR members with no limit on the number of devices or the number of calls. Please try it out… 1-877-573-5605. ank you Wells Fargo. • Changing the way members perceive TREPAC has been a challenge. is year every member of our Board of Directors made a $99 (or more) investment. Our executive team invested $250 (or more) to what we believe to be the best return on our investment and the best investment in our careers. • Helped developed leaders and recognized our member’s accomplishments. is year we sent three members— Cindi McIntrye, Ruby Johnson and Lee Bauermeister—to the Texas REALTORS Leadership Program (TRLP). Member awards were presented at each luncheon. ank you membership committee for your contributions this year. e luncheons have been awesome. • e association members contributed to the community: Built a house with Habitat for Humanity, held a blood drive and a garage sale with proceeds going to Children’s Organ Transplant Association, Westie Pet Rescue and Round Rock Serving Center. Keep an eye out for our Coats for Kids drive. • Our staff grew. By now you have met Kent

Prickett, our young, friendly and always helpful office administrator. Some may not have met Claudia Williams. She is quietly in the background making sure our balance sheet is correct and that our bills are paid in a timely fashion. Jackie Woodfin continues to do a fabulous job at expanding our education offerings and Linda Hall is the welcoming face to our new members. Congratulations to Marge Phillips, our Association Executive, who received her REALTOR Association Certified Executive (RCE) designation. Attend our November luncheon to see Texas Association of REALTORS, CEO, Travis Kessler present Marge’s RCE plaque. We still have a few things to accomplish yet this year. We are now accepting applications for our industry awards: REALTOR of the Year, Rookie of the Year and Affiliate of the Year. Nominate someone you know who has contributed to the Association, their office and our community. Nomination forms are available on our Web site. 2011 holds lots of promise. Come be a participant in our success. Join a committee, teach a class, attend an event, invest in TREPAC, and/or get a designation. You are invited to join us as we celebrate the new leadership team on Dec. 2 at the Bella Lago in Forest Creek. Check the Web site for more info: www.wcaor.org Get involved. When we do nothing, we feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when we get involved, we feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing we are working to make things better. RL

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Realty Line Austin

November 2010

Continued from Front page professional development and supporting private property rights for the community.” Burton says he is looking forward to seeing positive changes for ABoR as well. “e association is so much more than the

MLS provider. It is the pulse of what is going on in the community. e leadership has forged relationships with the City Council and keeps up with changes throughout the industry, all while staying positive.” RL

Misty Lynch and Amanda Stewart, both of PrimeLending, keep the company name visible while handing out beverages at ABoR’s golf tournament for TREPAC.

AYREP treasurer Hector Zuniga makes sure Soun Rajsavong of JB goodwin REALTORS gets to know Mike Stein and Erin Ward at the organization’s networking happy hour at Malverde.

Jacque Smith of independence Title knows how to get involved at the green Expo that the Williamson County Association of REALTORS hosted at the Dell Diamond.

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November 2010

Realty Line Austin





Realty Line Austin

November 2010

Crystal Warner and Leslie Brvenik, both of Austin Title, welcome Mark North Jauregui of northMax Realty to the grand opening of the company’s Westlake office.

Roger Arriaga of KB Home accepts the “Production Builder Member of the Year” award from Home Builders Association of greater Austin president Steve Zbranek at the installation and awards banquet. Roger received the award for his dedicated work in governmental relations issues that affect affordable housing.

Steve Schwartz looks for a lost golf ball in the brush at grey Rock golf Club, during the Austin Board of REALTORS annual golf tournament benefiting TREPAC.

Austin Area Market Update frrom your friends at Gracy Title

Happy Thanksgiving

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In this season of gratitude, we give special thanks for your business and support. Best wishes fforr a Happy Thanksgiving and a joyous holiday season!



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November 2010

Realty Line Austin

Proud Supporter of Foundation Communities

Partnerrships Builtt on T Trus rust We at Gracy Title, along with our partners in the community, are proud to be involved as volunteers by helping Foundation Communities with their vision. We e are ecstatic to be a part of this collaborative laborative efffort fort & hope to spread s the word to others who are able to lend their time as volunteers for this noble cause. ause. We would like to thank all of the participants who helped make this year ’s fund-raiser a success! Foundation Communities is a nonprofit organization that empowers low-income families & individuals with the tools they need to succeed. Founded in 1990, they provide afffordable fordable apartments a and duplexes to more than 2,000 families. Foundation Communities has developed a model of service-enriched housing that enables families ZLWK ORZ LQFRPHV WR SHUPDQHQWO\ LPSURYH WKHLU HGXFDWLRQDO DQG ¿QDQFLDO VWDQGLQJ They currently operate rate 14 afffordable fordable housing communities‚ c 11 in Austin with two more properties under construction and three in the Dallas-Ft. W Worth orth area. With innovative programs they have uniquely combined stable housing, education & support leading individuals & families from homelessness to success. 7R ¿QG RXW PRUH YLVLW WKHLU ZHEVLWH ZZZ IRXQGFRP RUJ





Realty Line Austin

November 2010

Karen Michalik of Coldwell Banker united REALTORS and her husband Don Michalik, right, enjoy refreshments with Mel Hopper and Nancy Hopper after previewing the Parade of HomesTM entries at Rough Hollow in Lakeway.

The Capital Area Food Bank will receive more than 13,000 pounds of food thanks to Keller Williams Realty.

Frank Sitterle Jr., Brian Shields and Je Buell, all of Sitterle Homes, introduce their new model home to REALTORS who attended the recent open house at the model in Behrens Ranch. Kay DaSilva of Avalar Austin and Carrie Weikert of Keller Williams Realty catch up at the quarterly CRS meeting at Westwood Country Club.

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November 2010

Realty Line Austin

HBA of Greater Austin

President’s Column Steve Zbranek n 2009-10 President

A Final Farewell from Your President

A year has passed since I began my term as President of the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin. Last November there were lots of questions about what the new year would bring. Nationally, unemployment was 10% and the interest rates were pretty close to where they are today. When I spoke at the annual economic forecast meeting we co-hosted with the Austin Board of REALTORS (ABoR) last January, the message was slower sales for 2010 and few to no builder spec home starts. While sales were slightly better than predicted, unsold new home starts were mostly limited to production builders. Few custom home builders started speculative inventory and today there is a new home shortage in some price ranges and some areas. Looking ahead, the absence of new home competition should generate better activity for pre-owned homes in the coming months. For at least the next 18 months, new home shoppers will choose to buy existing homes or to build a new home from scratch.

e absence of residential construction has created a soft pricing environment for new homes. Labor is more available, less expensive and more responsive. Materials are competitive and interest rates make this the best time to start a new home in Austin in five years. Spread the word! Most of you know that I am a licensed real estate broker and an active member of ABoR. One of my goals as President of the HBA this past year was to build more bridges between the REALTOR® and home building community. In each presentation, I have done for our builder and remodeler members, I have emphasized the concept of “procuring cause of sale” that we learn in real estate school. Simply put, if an agent introduces a client to a builder, who ultimately contracts for a home, they have earned a commission. Builders have been encouraged to attend classes with REALTORS® to help them better understand things such as agency, contract law, disclosure and other topics that are routine to us and not in-

cluded in most builder classes. When speaking to REALTOR® groups I have passed on the builder’s desire for agents to become a “sales associate” when the fit with the client is right. Builders are concerned when agents take buyers to multiple companies without trying to match the client’s needs to one or two firms. In today’s competitive environment, most builders try to specialize in areas of product design, location, green building technique, home automation and others. Just as it benefits both sides for builders to study the topics listed above, REALTORS® and builders can better



work together if the agent learns about the company they want to recommend. Home builders and remodelers welcome individual visits by REALTORS® wanting to learn more about what they offer. I leave office with the hope that a bridge or two has begun. We have stuck together as an industry through a tough market and we can profit together when it changes. Best of luck to all and be thankful that we serve our clients together in the best area in America. For more info, visit www.AustinHomeBuilders.com and the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin on Facebook. RL

And the winner is... Arne Birk of Keller Williams Realty! He won a $100 American Express gift card at Realty Round Up for completing the Realty Line Readership Survey.

Thank you Arne for giving us your Two Cents. We greatly appreciate the feedback we’ve received from you. Presenting the prize to Arne is Realty Line’s publisher Doren Carver and his daughter, Caroline Carver.



Realty Line Austin

November 2010

Tammy Templin of Coldwell Banker united REALTORS and Laurie Nunnallee of First American Title met Austin’s police chief Art Acevedo during the Austin Children’s Shelter gala at The Four Seasons hotel.

Marcy Urban of urban Homes & Land was all smiles after Vaike O’Grady of newland Communities called her name as a big winner at the nine and Wine event held at Teravista.

Rudy Hopkins said he would wear a cape if he had one and Jody Wiltsey just happened to have one— so her wish was his command. Jody’s mother made both costumes for the Austin Title duo.

You Y ou are in invited vited to to join the Austin Austin Board Board of REALTORS REALLTTORS®

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Tick Tickets ets $25 F For or more inf information, ormation, visit www www.abor.com/events/installation.cfm. .abor.com/events/installation.cfm. Special thanks tto o our sponsors: sponsors: CoreLogic/MarketLinx, CoreLogic/MarketLinx, North Nor th American Title, Baker Baker Botts Botts LLP and the Austin A American-Statesman American-Statesma an

November 2010

Realty Line Austin

Women’s Council of REALTORS®

President’s Column Cheryl Jenkins n 2010-11 President

WCR Members and Friends

e year is quickly coming to an end and our calendars are jam packed with holiday parties, installation events and family gatherings. is is the time of year that our minds and hearts are filled with giving and caring for others. WCR is thankful for our many members, and most certainly for our supportive affiliate partners. We would like to thank the following companies for partnering with us for 2010: Realty Line, Alfred’s Catering, Austin Wealth Specialist, Time Warner Cable, Mr. ReKey, Allied Home Warranty, MiCasa Inspections, Todd Lessig, First American Home Warranty, IBC Bank, Old Republic Home Warranty, Farmers Insurance – Ron urias, Belia Mia Maid Svc, 1-800-Pack-Rat, Cutco Cutlery, Primerica, Clear Communications, YMCA of Williamson County, Monte vista Condominiums, Wells Fargo Mortgage Banking, Mercedes Homes, Junk Busters, Necessary Inc., GREEN Screen, Full Moon Design Group, e Spe-

cialist Carpet Cleaning, All Star Land Surveying, Home Warranty of America, Home Guardian, Perry Homes, Security National Mortgage, Capital One Bank, Austin Title, Capital Inspection, Bank of America, Milestone Community Builders, Mortgage IQ, A1-Signs, Appearance Plus, Batteries Plus, Puro Clean, ultimate Imaging, Realty Executives, Carey Transportation, DR Horton and Brad Roberts Fine Floors & Surfacing. We had many fun events planned for 2010. We hope that you can join us for our Fundraising Bottle Pull on Tuesday, Nov. 16 at Water to Wine on Anderson Lane. is will be a very fun event with unlimited wine tastings, bottle auctions and door prizes. And back by popular demand is our Holiday Shopping Trip to Fredericksburg on Wednesday, Dec. 1. e bus will leave from the ABoR parking lot at 9 a.m., stopping for a pickup at Barton Creek Mall then proceeding to Fredericksburg. We will return at approximately 6 p.m. e


bus space is filling up, so RSvP now as space is limited. We will cap off the year with the Installation of our 2011 Officers. is exciting event will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 8 at the Westin Hotel at


the Domain. Lots of fun things are planned for the Installation, so you won’t want to miss it. Tickets for all these events can be purchased on our Web site, www.austinwcr.org. RL

Deanne Desjardin, Jessica Reynolds, Vanessa McCann and Jo Carol Snowden of Moreland Properties all have a great time at the Music Fest the Austin Board of REALTORS Foundation hosted at the Mueller Browning Hangar.

Lots of Networking Opportunities can be found on our Web site!

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Realty Line Austin

November 2010

November 2010

Realty Line Austin


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Realty Line Austin

November 2010

Scott Vantine, sales consultant for the surrounding Austin areas, mans the Affordable Home Protection Services Home Warranty booth at the TAR Convention in Galveston.

REALTOR Paul Ott walks with Gwen Johansen of North American Title and Janice Moran to preview all the historic commercial properties in downtown Georgetown.

Todd Higdon of Diane Dopson Properties checks out the upscale shower at one of the Parade of HomesTM entries at Rough Hollow in Lakeway.

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November 2010

Realty Line Austin

Associates In Progress

Advertiser ProďŹ le by Stacy Stroud

Hometrust Mortgage


ometrust Mortgage doesn’t bank on beginners. Dedicated to the art of perfecting the drama-free closing process, Hometrust Mortgage is proud to be celebrating 25 years of business. This Texas mortgage banking firm has built an elite team of loan officers with a strict veterans-only policy. If the assertion sounds a little “hardcore,� that’s because it is. “Our clients don’t like excitement in the transaction process, and neither do we,� says Steve Builta, branch manager of Hometrust in Austin. “That means we hire very selectively based on experience and skill, we do what we say we’re going to do for our clients, and we’re rock solid on all our deals.� Hometrust began in 1986 as a trust company and transitioned to mortgage banking as business grew and expanded to 30 offices. The firm now has branches throughout Texas and New Mexico, with the largest in the Houston area, Austin, and Albuquerque. The Houston-based company offers a

wide array of up-to-date, properly negotiated mortgage products, including FHA, VA, and conventional loans— and processes, underwrites, closes, and funds the loans entirely in house. Speaking with Builta, there is no ambiguity about the type of service they mean to offer REALTORS and their clients: Hometrust aims to be the voice of experience in the marketplace. Companywide, the average loan officer brings 15 years of experience to the table, and the average employee has been with the company for 10 years. Out of roughly 20 people between the three Austin branches, the least experienced Hometrust employee (and one of the firm’s best, Builta adds) has been around for seven years. Builta himself is no newcomer. He has a 20-year presence in the Austin mortgage market and 24 years in mortgage lending total. With a minimum of turnover and a recruiting strategy that turns a turbulent economic time into an opportunity to attract veteran loan officers,


Hometrust has very carefully created a culture of experts. This no-nonsense way of doing business leaves little room for red tape and multiple tiers of management and relies instead on the experience and motivation of expert loan officers to manage their own team, work their own files through underwriting, keep customers informed and educated, and otherwise move the transaction from point A to point B seamlessly and conservatively. In other words, getting to close with no surprises. With mortgages in general on shaky ground over the past few years, it means a great deal today just being able to close loans. But prompt, straightforward and friendly customer service is still top priority for Hometrust Mortgage. “We’re adamant about never wasting anyone’s time. If something is not going to work out,� says Builta, “we need to sort that out in the first 24-48 hours. Beyond that if we tell our clients it’s going to happen, then it needs to happen.� New legislation in mortgage banking and other regulatory changes will affect all mortgage companies, but Hometrust is prepared—and even sees these changes as an opportunity.

Steve Builta Branch Manager, Austin area Shifts in the industry will put stable firms like Hometrust in a position to expand by attracting experienced loan officers looking for more stability. Otherwise, things will remain largely the same: a strong product, competitive rates, and a core belief in providing a seamless, educational transaction experience to REALTORS and their clients. REALTORS seeking drama-free closings for their clients can find experienced Hometrust loan officers in convenient Austin area locations. RL

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Realty Line Austin

November 2010

Anna Kong of ABoR discusses TREPAC activities at the AYREP event with Chris Rodriguez of Realty Executives, Linda Knowles-Katz of Land Mortgage, Linda McNabb of Realty Line, Becky Hopkins of Austin Title and Jim Smith.

Jay Tucker of Reliant Title and Sonny Allen of Land Mortgage get ready to hit the green at the fall golf tournament at Great Hills Country Club that the Austin Mortgage Bankers Association hosted.

The KW Cares Lakeway Fundraiser Casino Party brings smiles to the faces of Laurel Ochareon, Linda Moss, Sandra May and Jennifer Hunter, all of Keller Williams Realty Lakeway. Mike Teeter of Waterhouse Realty strolls along the square, taking a peek at historic commercial properties in Georgetown, Texas, with Penny Good of North American Title.

Farewell~ Steiner Ranch Welcome Center

The Steiner Ranch Welcome Center will be closing at the end of this year. It has been such a pleasure working with the wonderful REALTORS of Austin. Thank you for being such wonderful supporters of Steiner Ranch. Please come by for a visit or to learn more about the neighborhoods that we will still be actively building For the coming year. We will miss you all!

— The Welcome Center Staff 512-266-5833

November 2010

Realty Line Austin


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Realty Line Austin

November 2010

ABoR Chairman John Horton and Susan Horton arrive by shuttle to hear Duck Soup at -ABoR Foundation’s Music Fest at the Mueller Browning Hangar.

WCAoR President J. Rene Ward will soon give the reins over to this great incoming team: Soon to be treasurer Marty Kelly, secretary Stacy Rider, president Victoria Reviel and presidentelect Christy Gessler.

Kenton Brown and Kristin Carroll, both of Sente Mortgage, spend the day out on the golf course to support the Austin Mortgage Bankers Association, which held its fall golf tournament at Great Hills County Club.

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November 2010

Realty Line Austin


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Realty Line Austin

November 2010

Marion DeMarco of DR Horton hands a bag of goodies to REALTOR Susan Hershey of Keller Williams Realty at the Nine and Wine REALTOR Appreciation event held in Teravista.

DiAnne Acuna of Land Mortgage and WCAoR association executive Marge Phillips choose a free tree at the second annual Green Expo at the Dell Diamond.

NAPMW members Brooklyn Hibbs, Jason Garza and Kristin Clardy along with NAPMW president Laura Rosales, third from left, have a ghoulish time at the Monster Mash, the organization’s annual bottle auction. Richie Rodriquez and Joe Thweatt , both of Hometrust Mortgage, warm up on the driving range at Great Hills Country Club to be ready for the Austin Mortgage Bankers Association tournament.

November 2010

Realty Line Austin

Experts Speak Out

Commentary David Tandy n Gracy Title

Austin’s Growing Need for Affordable Housing


f you are one of the 50,000 Austin residents in need of affordable housing, you know Austin housing is challenging. Austin started 2010 with about 90% apartment occupancy and will finish the year at 95% (which will exceed the occupancy rate in 2005 and 2006). Rents begin to increase at 93%. Yet, there are few apartments under construction or even in the planning stages to address the coming shortage of apartment units. According to Texas A&M Real Estate Data Center, as of January 2010, there were 691 apartments in the Austin/Round Rock/San Marcos area with 151,000 units. Although our population continues to grow at between 40,000 to 50,000 new residents (net in-migration and natural growth combined), there were only 3,700 units under construction and 5,100 units proposed for 2010. With Austin’s diversified and growing job base, there will continue to be a steady flow of new residents, yet we are not providing enough housing

units for that growth. And our present single family construction will not address the growing housing need, particularly for affordable housing. Austin is projected to have less than 6,000 single family building permits for 2010. So between multi-family and single family, we are projected to create fewer than 12,000 housing units for families to live although the population growth will create a need for twice that number. Home prices and median family income actually mask our city’s challenge to provide affordable housing for lower income families. Affordability indices are a function of median home prices and median family income. Austin is one of the few markets in the United States where the average and median home price have increased, which would decrease the affordability index. Since Austin’s median family income is the highest in the state, and even jumped 6.1% in 2009 to $73,300, the published index shows Austin being more

affordable than other cities in Texas. While this helps create a healthy and growing economy, the reality for the lowest income families is reduced housing options as rents continue to increase. As to single family home prices, Austin never showed more than a 5% decline from its peak and, in 2010, regained and surpassed those peaks. 2011 will be a year of strong price competition between rents and home prices with a shortage of both driving increases in both. One option for solving Austin’s affordable housing needs was recently highlighted at the Annual Fund Raising Luncheon for Foundation Communities. is non-profit organization has made a significant impact in providing affordable housing solutions for 5,000 Austin area citizens. By owning properties for life and providing critical support services such as free after-school child care, they have helped the lowest income families, often single parent families, create a long-term



stable economic situation from which to build for their future. In 2011, Foundation Communities will open both an additional single adult supportive housing and an affordable family apartment community as they continue to provide needed housing solutions for Austin. Many Real Estate Professionals including Emily Moreland, David McMillan, Chuck Malburg, Janet Cloudt, Amy Gandy, Wes Peoples , Cari Clark, Dawn Krantz, Joe Brown, and Greg Weaver attended the event and, along with many others in real estate, are great supporters of Foundation Communities. As Austin continues to grow, it’s in the real estate community’s best interest to support all of the many Austin initiatives for affordable housing such as Foundation Communities. ese programs improve not only the lives of those needing these housing options but also improves the surrounding communities and Austin overall. RL

DID YOU KNOW? Subscribe to our

All theofpictures Calendar Eventsin the print edition of

Realty Line are available for purchase.

Visit www.RealtyLineOnline.com and follow the link.



Realty Line Austin

November 2010

Emily Matthews of Capital City Sotheby’s International Realty, finds the AYREP event at Malverde uplifting, thanks to Joe Hartman and Tyler Jones, both of Keller Williams Realty, Joe Salinas of Capital City Sotheby’s International Realty, Kenny Arms of Progressive and Scott Robarts of Keller Williams Realty.

Eddie Rinehart of Independent Bank Mortgage and Harper Ray of Cornerstone Mortgage get ready to hear information about legislation regarding origination compensation at the AMBA meeting.

Gary Cocanougher of ERA Colonial Real Estate and WCAoR president J. Rene Ward check out the high efficiency washer and dryer at the Green Expo that the organization hosted for the community at the Dell Diamond.

November 2010

Realty Line Austin


More than 100 commercial agents arrive at the square in Georgetown to see available commercial property during the Commercial Property Tour arranged by North American Title.

Find out what’s happening in real estate. Visit our online calendar. Gracy Title’s Jean Tandy, right, joins Louis Doucette and Leslie Woods, both of Urban Home, at the entry to one of the Parade of HomesTM entries at the preview party at Rough Hollow in Lakeway.


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Realty Line Austin

November 2010

Brandon Ullrich and Shannon Allen, both of KB Home, tell attendees at the Green Expo about the neighborhoods where their homes are available and the many amenities that are offered. The Green Expo was hosted by the Williamson County Association of REALTORS.

John Glenn, right, gives kuddos to John McClellan of Supreme Lending for being a top sponsor for the AMBA golf tournament at Great Hills Country Club.

Brian Pack, center, of Sitterle Homes, introduces himself to Kim Perez and Andrew Constancio, both of JB Goodwin REALTORS, during a recent open house at the model in Behrens Ranch. Craig Pizer and Patricia Wagner, both of DHI Mortgage, attend the AMBA meeting at Austin Country Club to learn about origination compensation legislation.

Texas American Title Company

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The Palmer Team Jim Palmer, VP—NMLS #216331

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Jeff Engeling—NMLS #222024

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866-766-5252 | 512-531-1800 swbcmortgage.com

November 2010

Realty Line Austin

Experts Speak Out

Commentary Stephanie Powell n Champions School of Real Estate

Increase your Market Share and Generate More Revenue


hat a mixed bag of comments we hear in today’s real estate world of professionals. Some say it is a slow or sluggish time and others say they are looking to add a buyer’s agent(s) to work inquiries the agent can not get to. There are two categories of thought with our “belt tightening” mentality in our brokerage offices. The first one is the easy one that comes out of the accountant’s mouth, “you must cut your expenses”. This recommendation doesn’t require you to be a CPA or have a degree in accounting to know it helps to practice this activity in a crunch; however, it is not the best focus for a number of reasons. Putting out the memo or edict of cutting expenses is a negative thought process that goes into the owner’s brain and is repeated or observed by the members of the office family. It brings on negative comments such as, “well, what will be cut first, our receptionist or the extra

ink pins?” People start thinking in the down, negative mode and wondering if not verbalizing “how does this affect me and my family?” All thoughts tend to be on the survivor mode level and not the upbeat sales mode that is 100% necessary for a brokerage to survive and thrive. The focus I suggest for a sluggish period in your business is to focus on increasing market share and generating more revenue. This is the time for contests in the office for upbeat, competitive, healthy focus on increasing your company’s market share. Your family of agents is putting revenue generating thoughts into their focus all day long which indeed will surpass any savings realized from firing the receptionist. The team and management are encouraging each other on what new listings, leases, pending sales, closed sales, prospects, outgoing referrals they generated over a two-week, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual, period of time. The best

contests are those that are “tracked” on a short-term basis to keep the momentum going strong. Openly complimenting the leader in the contest as the contest progresses keeps the leader focused on winning or “generating revenue” while keeping other office agents engaged in the competition of the contest. The true outcome of a positive focus on market share occurs as the market


29 29

“continues its upswing”. Your company acquires market share to generate revenue that surpasses previous years. Your company is now positioned for great successes. Those looking on the outside will say, “you are very lucky to get through the downturn and be positioned so strongly.” You know that you created your own luck through focusing on growth during those years. RL

Cynthia Reeder of RE/MAX Capital City and Karen Wilson of City Realty show off the football autographed by Mack Brown, Colt McCoy and Jordan Shipley that was part of a raffle to benefit Any Baby Can at the CRS meeting. Have you purchased your ticket yet?

Exciting Things Coming Soon... Stay Tuned



Realty Line Austin

November 2010

Rita Snyder, right, of Keller Williams Realty plays host at the front door at the WCAoR’s Green Expo, while guests check out the goodie bags and get ready to learn from large and small companies showcasing their green products and services.

Harry Gibbs of HG Commercial Property and Don Quick of Don Quick and Associates talk about some of the opportunities that are available in Georgetown. They were attending the Commercial Property Tour on the Historic Square.

Joy Herring of Realty Executives sets up her shot at the TREPAC tournament at Grey Rock Golf Club.

November 2010

Realty Line Austin




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Realty Line Austin

November 2010







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