Realty Line October 2008 Issue

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Marie Dang-Schwartz to be Installed as 2009 WCR President

It's time to get involved with Women's Council of REALTORS for 2009 by attending the Installation and Awards Celebration to be held Thursday, December 4, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., at the newly remodeled Glass Oaks Ballroom at the Renaissance Hotel (formerly "Tangerine's"). Be prepared to be entertained, visit table top displays, and participate in a silent auction full of Christmas baskets and other fabulous items. The incoming officers to be installed are Marie Dang-Schwartz (2009 President), Susanna Boyer (President-Elect), Cheryl Eskridge (Vice President of Membership), Linda Knowles-Katz (Secretary), and Susan Brown (Treasurer). The 2009 theme is "Working In Tandem," with the spokes of the

bicycle wheel being REALTORS, lenders, title companies, insurance companies, marketing companies, builders, home warranty companies, home inspection companies and educational providers. "Networking and helping each other grow their business is the WCR 2009 focus", says Marie Dang-Schwartz, the incoming president. "We want to help each other by giving back to those that give to us." Marie is also asking that everyone bring to the event an unwrapped toy to give to the Blue Santa Program. Sponsorships are still available in the $1,000, $500, and $250 range, and the single ticket price is $35. Inquiries and purchases can be made by contacting Marie Dang-Schwartz at 431-5365, Becky Hopkins at 656-7095 or Rosa Prevost at 923-2775.

Upcoming Events: OCTOBER 21 Presidential Awards and Hall of Fame Inductee Dinner HBA Office - 6 to 9 p.m. NOVEMBER 13 ABoR Foundation Tour of Homes River Place - 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

DECEMBER 4 NAHREP Installation Mexican American Cultural Center - 6 p.m.

DECEMBER 5 ABoR’s 2009 Installation & Awards Renaissance Austin Hotel - 6 p.m.

DECEMBER 10 AMBA HOLIDAY PARTY University of Texas Club - 6:30 p.m. DECEMBER 11 WCAoR Installation Banquet Marriott La Frontera- 5:30 p.m.

o ci a t e s i n a s sprogress

OCTOBER 2008 • VOL. 13 • ISSUE 6

Enjoyable. Entertaining. It’s all About You.

Opportunity Knocks Three Times for First-time Buyers nity to help them make the decision to purchase their first home, and get off the fence, so to speak. CONTRIBUTING WRITER The tax In the midst of the current financial crisis on Wall credit, valStreet, REALTORS may think there is not much they ued at 10 can do except weep over their dwindling retirement percent of funds and idly wait for a miraculous turnaround in the value of home the market. But there is one tactic they can try that the might help speed up the recovery: they can focus on purchased, first-time home buyers who are uniquely poised to is actually an interestbenefit from the current downturn. One of the reasons is landmark legislation that free loan was part of the Housing and Economic Recovery r e p a y a b l e 15 Act of 2008 that ensures a tax credit of $7,500 for over first-time home buyers (defined as those that have years, but not purchased a home in the past three years) who b u y e r s purchase a home on or before July 1, 2009. This tax p r o b a b l y credit will be paid to eligible buyers even if they do won’t feel it not owe any tax. This means the U.S. government since they will write them a check for up to $7,500, in hopes will be reapthat they will then spend it and help bolster the ail- ing the tax saving benefits of owning a home. Another talking point is that this is a buyer’s ing economy. Cash is always a great selling point, and REAL- market, so the choice of homes is abundant and TORS can help educate buyers about this opportu- prices are attractive. Furthermore, the recent bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has lead to a Presorted Standard significant drop in interU.S. Postage PAID est rates— in fact, it lead Austin, Texas to the biggest one day Paid Permit #715 drop in 20 years. P.O. Box 81366 “REALTORS tend to Austin, Texas 78708-1366 get paralyzed when they hear the bad financial news,” says Kenn Renner of Keller Williams Realty, who recently presented a seminar to first-time Don’t forget: You can visit us online 24/7 at home buyers at Amplify

By Linda McNabb

Credit Union in Round Rock. “But these three things— cheap money, a buyers market and the $7,500 tax credit— make it a great time to be in real estate. I am thriving.” Renner says some REALTORS shy away from first-time home buyers, thinking they are a lot of work because they require counseling about the process since it is unfamiliar to them and sometimes have credit issues. But he says it is a niche well worth the investment of time. “The loyalty level is huge,” he says. “It is a generational thing. I have been in real estate for 25 years and now I am selling homes to people’s sons and daughters.” But selling a home to anyone— even if they aren’t a first-time home buyer— helps improve the economy, due to the ripple effect among all the industries related to the housing market. “You help pay 30 people’s salaries when you buy a home,” Renner says. “People from title companies, appraisal companies, mortgage companies, etc. And when you sell it, you pay for the next 30 people’s salaries.” So get out there selling and help turn this economy around. The country is depending on you.


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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

HBA president Gary and Henley Haythem Dawlett of Legend Communities present a $10,000 check to Tammy Shaklee of Make-A-Wish Foundation from funds that were from generated HBA’s Parade of Homes in Rough Hollow.


Realty Line of Austin is published monthly by ©Caxton Publications, Inc., as a non-subscription publication for the more than 9,000 members of the Austin Board of REALTORS (ABoR), the more than 1,100 members of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS (WCAoR) and the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin. ©Caxton Publications, Inc. dba Realty Line of Austin is an active member of the Austin Board of REALTORS, the Williamson County Association of REALTORS and is a honorary member of the Women’s Council of REALTORS. Caxton Publications, Inc. dba Realty Line of Austin is not responsible for opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any by-products in advertising or editorial copy. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this publication, the registered trademark should be assumed.

Doren L. Carver PUBLISHER

Patients of Dell Children’s Hospital are joined by members of the RE/MAX Skydiving Team at the RE/MAX Night at the Ballpark. The event held at the Dell Diamond brought patients and RE/MAX Associates across Austin together to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network.



COLUMNISTS Socar Chatmon-Thomas Linda Hall • Gary Henley Gary Cocanougher • Steve Klein All photos, press releases or article submissions can be sent to


P. O. Box 81366, Austin, Texas 78708 Office: 821-1900

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008


Set Your Sights on Success By Socar Chatmon-Thomas • Coldwell Banker United REALTORS 2008 Chairman • Austin Board of REALTORS On Tuesday, January 6, 2009, ABoR and the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin will jointly present the 2009 Housing Forecast. This premier event will prepare you for a productive year with analyses of the Austin economy and predictions for your industry’s future. Director of the Austin Market for Metro Study Eldon Rude will be moderating the program; speakers include ABoR Directors Jay Gohil and Charles Porter, HBA President Wes Peoples, and President of Heritage Title Gary Farmer. Tickets to the forecast and breakfast event are $75 each, available exclusively to ABoR and HBA members. ABoR members may purchase their tickets online at, by phone at 454-7636 or in person at the ABoR offices, located at 10900 Stonelake Blvd., Ste. 100, Austin, Texas 78759. HBA members may purchase their tickets online at or at the HBA offices, located at 8140 Exchange Dr., Austin, Texas 78754. Vendors, this is an excellent opportunity to boost your visibility in the coming year. A variety of advertising options are available for this exciting forecast. For more information contact Rita Barousse of ABoR’s Education Department at 454-7636, ext. 1603 or

First-Round Victory in the Fight to Keep Austin Affordable Local real estate professionals celebrated an important milestone on September 10. The City of Austin’s Energy Efficiency Retrofit Task Force voted to oppose a plan that would require mandatory energy efficient retrofits to existing homes. Instead, the task force unanimously supported a program that includes required energy audits, disclosure of audit findings and general consumer education. The proposed plan will be reviewed by several boards and commissions before the City Council votes on it this fall.

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This is a great success for our industry, but we still need your help. Watch for a possible Call to Action from ABoR this fall, and please take the time to answer that call. For more information on what you can do to ensure Austin homes remain affordable, visit

Manage Your Messages from ABoR Exercise your power to choose with expanded e-mail preferences from ABoR. Now you can decide which messages to receive by logging on to the “My Account” section of Once you’ve signed in, select the “Edit Preferences” link. Under “Electronic News Preferences,” you can create your ideal combination of communications. While you are logged on to your account, why not update your entire profile? Select the “Edit Personal Information” from the “My Account” main page to ensure your contact information is up-to-date. The “Edit Specialties” link lets you record your designations, foreign language skills, fields of business and preferred areas. The information in your account is used in the “Find a Member” section of and the “Find a REALTOR®” section of

Revised Rules and Regulations Several aspects of the ACTRIS Rules and Regulations have been updated. Subscribers are encouraged to review the new governance document, available online at under the “Downloads” heading. Changes to the document include: • Streamlined section numbering that corresponds to article numbering; for example, sections of Article 2 are now numbered 2.1 through 2.11 • Relocation of “Incorrect Parcel Identification” and “Improper Use of Term ‘MLS’ or ‘Multiple Listing Service’” from Section 13.8, Immediate Fines to Section 13.9, Warning Letters/E-mails • Mandatory MLS training requirements for new ACTRIS participants and subscribers If you have questions about these or any other portions of the ACTRIS Rules and Regulations, contact the MLS Department at 454-7636 or


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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

REALTORS arrive at The Red House Lounge for refreshments after touring East Austin properties as part of the Spotlight Austin series, which is sponsored by Patten Law Firm.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Cedar Park City member Council Matt Powell tells HBA associate Jeff Brinkley about the growth in Williamson County at the home building organization’s elected officials night.

On behalf of her international clients, Anna Maria Garia of Aralyn & Company, The Art of Real Estate assesses the amenities at a Meritage Home built in the Mueller Development.

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008


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The KB Kronicle Realty Round Up OCTOBER 2, 2008



Women's Council of Realtors Boutique Sale

It’s that time of year again and KB Home would like to invite all Realtors to stop by the KB Home booth at Realty Round Up on October 22nd. Pick up great information on how to sell KB homes and receive a special Realtor appreciation gift!

Friday Octber 17th • 5-7pm

Realtors only Open House. Enjoy Boutique shopping, wine & cheese in the beautiful KB model homes at Silverado Ranch.


Saturday Octber 18th • 8am-noon Boutique Open to the Public

USDA loans are still available in select communities: • Westwood (Leander) • Waterleaf (Kyle) • Summerfield (Taylor) • Spring Trails (Pflugerville) • Berdoll Farms (Del Valle) • Plum Creek (Kyle) See Sales Counselor for details. Broker Cooperation Welcome. ©2008 KB Home (KBH). 1Advertised monthly payment assumes a sales price of $111,950 and includes principal, interest, taxes, insurance and estimated private mortgage insurance premium only; any other fees such as HOA not included. Scenario assume borrower qualifies for a FHA 30-year fixed rate mortgage loan of $110,220 with an interest rate of ©2008 KBAlso Home Broker Cooperation Welcome. Zeroclosing down financing available incredit, communities that areaccount, currently eligible for USDA financing. restrictions SeetoBuilt to Order™ / 7.131% APR. assumes (KBH). buyer pays down payment of 3% of the sales price and pays all applicable costs. Scenario assumes the buyer has good sets up a tax & insurance escrow and provides full documentation. Rates effective 9/3/2008 and Credit subject to change without notice. apply. This offer subject underwriting guidelines and options is available onlyand for owner6.875% 2 occupied homes; non-owner-occupied subject to additional restrictions and homes qualifying requirements. Advertised monthly21 payment assumes a sales price of Homes $119,950 andunder includes principal, interest, taxes, insurance and estimated private7 mortgage other fees such as HOA not included. Scenario assume borrower qualifies for a may FHA 30-year upgrades offered athomes KB are Home Studio. Finished must close within days of contract. construction must close within days insurance of KB premium Final.only; Allany options/upgrades require additional charges, fixed rate mortgage loan of $118,097 with an interest rate of 6.875% / 7.120% APR. Also assumes buyer pays down payment of 3% of the sales price and pays all applicable closing costs. Scenario assumes the buyer has good credit, sets up a tax & insurance escrow account, and provides full documentation. Rates effective 9/3/2008 and subject to change without notice. This offer subpredetermined stages of construction subject to and change/discontinuation anytime byCountrywide KB Home. KBLoans, Home is not a custom homebuilder. See Countrywide sales representative details. CORPject torequire underwritingordering guidelines and isat available only for owner-occupied homes; non-owner-occupied homes areand subjectare to additional restrictions qualifying requirements. These offers only available through KB Home LLC. However, financing may be obtained through any other lender. KB Home Loans,LLC and for KB Home are independently responsible for the products and reserves services each company offers. Monthly payments, prices, terms, interest rates, APR, taxes, insurance, specifications, calculations and all assumptions are only estimates which are subject to change without notice and aremay not guaranteed.† Monthly payments will differ depending upon many factors, including, without limitation, differing prices, down pay75425 KBH the right to extend, modify or discontinue offer at any time without prior notice. Other restrictions and limitations apply. Prices/terms subject to change, prior sale, lot premiums and/or ment amounts, increases in tax rates, private mortgage insurance costs (if required by lender), and insurance rates, as well as insurance deductibles, home replacement values and other insurance terms for flood, property hazard and other insurance.† Additional restrictions, terms, conditions and limitations apply. Plans, pricing, terms, availability and specifications are subject to change/prior sale without notice.options. Floor plans, options, elevations and views vary by community and areand not guaranteed. is approximate. Photos show upgraded landscaping/options and maySq.footage not represent communities’ lowest-priced homes. Void where prohibited. See sales representative for details. Floor plans,options,elevations viewsSq.footage vary by community and are not guaranteed. is approximate. predetermined

Silverado Ranch Realtor luncheon a big hit!

All of us at KB Home would like to extend a big

in Cedar PArk 4 Models and 58 floorplans • 1,585 - 4,094 sq.ft. • From $166,950 • 3-5 bedrooms • 512-260-5805 Parmer Lane west to Cedar Park. Turn left on FM 1431 then left on Vista Ridge Blvd. to the community on the right. 501 Trail Dust, Cedar Park, TX 78613

To donate any gently used clothing, accessories, or Christmas decorations to the Boutique sale, please contact Mary Mealy 554-8335, Linda Hall 250-0909, or Linda Knowles-Katz 809-3310.

Realtor Lunch at the KB Home community in

Silverado Ranch. The event was a great success, as agents learned about KB Home construction, Realtor relations, Countrywide KB Home Loans, and the KB Home Design Studio, all while enjoying a delicious catered lunch.

Mike Foster, with KB Home, explains the benefits of buying a new KB home in Silverado Ranch to the Realty Executives, Cedar Park team.

We appreciate our local Realtors and we value

Design Studio is the perfect place! Please contact

Colette Fitzgerald at 512-294-1781 or for more information.

If you would like to receive weekly updates from KB Home with our current inventory list, Realtor bonuses, and upcoming events, please email our Broker/Realtor Liaison, Colette Fitzgerald at


sales meeting, training or event, the KB Home


If you are looking for a location to hold your next

To find out more about TORY • IN our fantastic buyer EN incentives and Realtor bonuses on ready for move-in homes, call N MI SSI O 512-651-8059 or email up t o

on inve select ntor y


our partnership with YOU!!

Great deals on ready for move-in homes INV

THANK YOU to the agents who attended our

Thelma Garza, left, and Gilbert Alives, both with Realty Executives enjoy a catered lunch at the KB Home Silverado Ranch community in Cedar Park.

Silverado Ranch


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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Diana Barton, Michelle Burch and Shirra Hanna, all of Dwyer Realty, welcome guests to the grand opening of the Oaks at River Place Village.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Glenn King of RE/MAX Round Rock checks out the features on his Palm TREO during a class King of Rose Chicago Title taught at the WCAoR Tech Tune-Up.

Jana McCool and Diane Payton Gomez, both of RE/MAX Austin Associates, get a chance to relax in the new Mercedes Homes model at The Bridges at Bear Creek, during a premier that featured star-studded entertainment.

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008


Exciting Benefits from Women’s Council of REALTORS Membership By Linda Hall • Realty Executives Cedar Park 2008 President • Women’s Council of REALTORS Join us in Orlando, Florida on November 7-10 for these exciting programs and educational opportunities I have listed below! WCR strives to educate, motivate and move our members to the highest levels of success! Have fun, network and learn! Then join us back in Austin for our October meeting for more networking and some savvy advice on managing our financial real estate resources. The meeting will be held at the Austin Board of REALTORS auditorium on Thursday, October 23. Networking starts at 11 a.m. Don’t miss the opportunity! Thursday, November 6 • 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. “Riding the Waves: Keeping More of Your Money in Turbulent Times” with Chris Bird In this session, Chris shares his insights as a former IRS agent and a Certified Financial Planner. You will learn the secrets to maximizing pre-tax investments and strategic tax planning, as well as recent tax law updates and how they affect you. This informative session will also provide you with insight to many financial benefits, including the top five tax write-offs that most REALTORS® miss. Thursday, November 6 • 2:45 to 4:15 p.m. General Assembly with special guest speaker Jon Gordon Based on his internationally best-selling book, The Energy Bus, Jon Gordon presents a powerful road map to overcoming common life and work obstacles

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while bringing out the best in yourself and your team. Whether you are a leader looking to build a positive culture, a manager trying to energize and engage your team or someone who desires to enhance productivity and performance, this session is sure to motivate and inspire. The question is, are you ready to get on board? Saturday, November 8 • 9 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. “Turning E-Leads into Real Deals” with Amy Chorew In today’s marketplace, savvy REALTORS® know it’s all about effective communication. In this session, you will learn techniques designed to refresh your current approach to dealing with online leads. Join Amy as she shows you how to sift through these leads while building strong relationships and discovering what strategies work best for you. Communicating with today’s online consumer? It’s not so hard, when you’ve got the right tools. Saturday, November 8 • 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. “Absorption Rate Pricing” with Zan Monroe Establish yourself as the market expert and REALTOR® of choice by providing your clients with the competitive advantage they deserve. Join Zan as he provides you with the tools necessary for understanding and relaying market change information to your clients. Learn to calculate absorption rate, evaluate models and trend analysis and get valuable tools allowing you to determine the amount of time it takes an average home in your market to sell, regardless of market status. If you haven’t heard— the 2009 Installation Banquet “Working in Tandem” will be held from noon to 2 p.m. on Thursday, December 4 at the Renaissance Austin Hotel. It will be quite a special event as Marie Dang-Schwartz will be installed as your 2009 President. Mark your calendars. Tickets will be on sale soon.

I got cake! After your first sale, get 1% more on each D.R. Horton home you sell in addition to the existing commission rate!*

I got cake and ice cream! • Some rules apply, see our sales consultants


After your 5th sale, get 2% more on each D.R. Horton home you sell in addition to the existing commission rate!*

Call 345-4663 for more information or contact D.R. Horton’s Sales Consultants.


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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Chris Ott, president of Austin Young Real Estate Professionals and Tiffany Stillwell of Patten Law Firm are pleased to see a nice turnout at Spotlight Austin, which they helped host at The Red House Lounge. Participants got to tour several East Austin properties.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Colette Fitzgerald of KB Home gives a tour of the KB Home Design Studio to Josh Neal and Tara Yates, both of eExecutive Realty, during a recent power lunch the homebuilder hosted.

Niki Acosta, left, and Alison Blake, right, both of Taylor Morrison, congratulate Debbi McCall of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS for winning an HD flat screen television at the grand opening of Falconhead West.

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

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Austin’s Colony Comfortable Living, Accessibly Priced MONTHLY PAYMENTS FROM:






Community Park • Amenity Center • On the Colorado River

Austin Colony Living. This charming East Austin community offers convenient access to US 183 and the new SH-130 Tollway. Austin’s Colony features riverside parks, fishing, a community pool, an amenity center and playscape with nature trails winding throughout the neighborhood. Students will attend the growing Del Valle ISD which features the award winning Hornsby-Dunlap Elementary School just minutes away. Reytex and Pacesetter Homes offers buyers Mortage Security with a special 2/1 Buydown program* on these select affordable homes.

130 TOLL









4511 Acers Lane 4600 Belfield 4601 Acers 4502 Belfield Ln 4504 Belfield Ln 4506 Belfield Ln 4508 Belfield Ln 4516 Best Way 4623 Best Way 4618 Best Way

Austin Anderson Bexar Apprentice Mason Craftsman Apprentice Titus Smith Lynn

1229 1109 1399 1075 1389 1284 1075 1310 1110 810









































Webberville Rd.



130 TOLL



Hunter’s Bend Rd

Colorado River




Austin’s Colony

2008 Reytex Homes and Pacesetter Homes. FHA loan with 3 1/2% down by the buyer with Builder paid 2/1 buydown. Years 3-30 fixed at 6.75%. The APR is reflective of the note rate. Home must close on or before 11/14/08. Interest rate is subject to lender guidelines and can change without notice.

Please vistit this Pacesetter Professonal to get personal help with your home purchase needs.

Oscar Saenz 512-382-6673

Let these Reytex Professonals personally help with you with your home purchase needs.

Richard Crow 512-276-1300 Anthony Martinez 512-276-9001



w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Morgan Hands, right, shares a moment with Olga Sequera and Lise Renee Samuels, at Spotlight Austin, where participants got to learn about a multitude of East Austin Properties. All are with Exit Realty.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Steve Zbranek of Zbranek Custom Homes takes aim at the dartboard as Robb Jones of HBA calculates points at the Elected Officials night.

Marjorie Tinnell and Ann Carson, both of Independence Title, check out the vendor booths at the Williamson County Association of REALTORS’ second annual Tech Tune-Up.

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

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Susan G. Komen for The Cure together again with Gracy Title

Helping Save Lives! There is a hero within us all!

Whether we have reached for power within ourselves to get through as survivors, to support loved ones in need, or to become more involved in a simple act of charity, our mission of raising awareness is the VDPH *UDF\ 7LWOH LV D ¿UP EHOLHYHU WKDW HDFK RQH RI XV can make a huge difference by combining our efforts and becoming involved. As we prepare for our 5th consecutive year in the Race for the Cure, we’d like to thank the real estate community for our great past successes and look forward to celebrating 2008 as our best year ever. Superhuman abilities are not required and we don’t need to wait for drastic measures to be real heroes LQ WKH ¿JKW DJDLQVW EUHDVW FDQFHU -RLQ XV IRU ZKDW should prove to be a fun and memorable event at the 2008 Race for the Cure and help our efforts in WKH ¿JKW DJDLQVW EUHDVW FDQFHU DZDUHQHVV :H ORRN forward to seeing you there!

Realty Round Up, Wednesday October 22nd Visit


A special thanks for your donations at this year’s Tech Tune-Up on September 5th. Our efforts were a success for Komen at our booth, so Wii are doing it again for Realty Round Up! Congrats to David Durham our winner!

Play with us and win a Wii system or any one of our other super prizes Make a $2 donation during Realty Round Up to become eligible to win. To register in advance, you may drop off your business card with your donation at the front desk of any Gracy Title location or contact any one of our sales representatives.* Sign up for the Race for the Cure during Realty Round Up and Gracy will match your race entry fee and provide you with a team t-shirt to wear the day of the race. *All the money raised will go to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Drawing to be held at Realty Round Up. Participants do not need to be present for the drawing to win.

V i si t us a t b o o t h # 50 0 a n d j o i n th e ca use



w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Amber Hart of Keller Williams Realty and Debra Holloway of Gracy Title on Lohman’s Crossing get ready to board the bus to preview a home in Jonestown.

the pics Purchase ine at r o w ie L V in Realty you see lin n o e altylin

The Austin NAHREP Chapter makes a strong presence at a recent NAHREP conference. They are pictured with Founder Gary Acosta, center.

Jim Gilbert and Claire Gilbert, both of Sky Realty, enjoy the Hollywood menu and entertainment by Broadway star Matt Wilson at the Mercedes Homes premier at The Bridges at Bear Creek.

Discover why no one can do what Countrywide can.

CHRIS KEEFER, Sales Manager Direct: 231-3426 • Cell: 261-5002

JOHN ROACH, Hm. Loan Consultant Direct: 231-3433 • Cell: 694-9504

JOEL BOMIA Hm. Loan Consultant Direct: 231-3414 • Cell: 805-501-5027

We are the experts at finding solutions.

KIM GHANEM Sales Manager

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Direct: 231-3423 Cell: 563-2727

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Hm. Loan Consultant Direct: 231-3436 Cell: 585-1481


Hm. Loan Consultant Direct: 231-3418 Cell: 791-2476


Hm. Loan Consultant Direct: 231-3420 Cell: 432-528-3218

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008


HBA Looks Back on Successes, Forges Ahead with New Initiatives and Leadership By Gary Henley • Henley Homes, Inc. 2008 President • Home Builders Association of Greater Austin It’s that time of year when the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin says goodbye to its current president and inaugurates a new one. With my term ending October 31, I have spent some time looking back at our phenomenal year. It’s been honored to serve as President of such an involved organization. While we have weathered some economic hurdles this year, we have been able to ward off some of the roadblocks to new homeownership, making housing in Central Texas more affordable for many middle-class families. The HBA was active in addressing dozens of government and regulatory issues successfully that affect new home builders and homeowners. For example, the HBA hammered out a compromise with the City of Austin on its “Visitability” ordinance. A dedicated group of members including production builders, Habitat for Humanity and engineers worked with city staff and council members to create a palatable change. We also helped create a voluntary program to offer fire sprinklers in new homes in Travis County Emergency Services District #3. The other option would have been mandatory fire sprinklers. The HBA continues to provide top-notch education programs to our members including professional designation courses that help differentiate builders. We moved quickly to provide courses that made it easy for builders and remodelers to satisfy the new Texas Residential Construction Commission (TRCC) continuing education requirements. Plus, our working relationship with the City of Austin allowed us to offer timely informational sessions on the City’s new building inspection software program that changes the way our members do business. I’m also proud to report that our membership has continued to grow in 2008. Our association now boasts 900 member firms (87% are small businesses). These members build 95% of the homes in our five-county region. Valuable networking events such as our annual Elected Officials Appreciation Night and BBQ Bash, Crawfish Boil Builder/REALTOR Mixer and Chapter meetings have been great successes and continue to offer members opportunities to make connections that benefit their business. You cannot get ahead without giving back. We continue to do so in our community. This year, in conjunction with our Parade of Homes,™ the HBA along with Rough Hollow developer Haythem Dawlett of Legend Communities donated $10,000 to the Make-a-Wish Foundation® of South and Central Texas. Helping historic Austin communities such as the Clarksville Community Development Corporation (CCDC) repair their affordable housing units after May’s wind and hail storms with a $10,000 donation is at the heart of our mission. Plus, our partnership with Frameworks Community Development

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Corporation, a non-profit organization that offers home buyer education to first-time buyers, is yet another illustration of our commitment to our community and new homeownership for families. You can count on incoming president Wes Peoples to continue these initiatives and provide leadership to new ones. Peoples is a 17-year member of the HBA who has served in many leadership positions. He is currently the Chair of the Issues Fund Governance Committee, Home PAC Chair and President-Elect. In 2006, the HBA named Peoples to its “Hall of Honor,” recognizing his contributions to the home building industry. He began his home building career with Nash Phillips/Copus Inc. Some of his career highlights include being a founding partner of Wilshire Homes, Austin Division President of Hammonds Homes and division president of Meritage Homes Corporation when it acquired Hammonds Homes. With his leadership, these companies garnered many awards and recognition. Peoples is now successfully pursuing investment and development opportunities, including currently serving as general manager of Cimarron Hills Country Club in Georgetown. Peoples knows that the president cannot do it all alone. He will be supported by an incredible board of directors. These members will support our industry in many positive ways. The Executive Committee includes President, Wes Peoples, WP Investments; President-elect, Steve Zbranek, Zbranek Custom Homes; Immediate Past President, Gary Henley, Henley Homes, Inc.; Government Relations VP, Hank Smith, C. Faulkner Engineering; Development VP, Nicki Tyler, Travis Tile Sales; Education VP, Ty Burcham, Cimarron Hills; Operations VP, Mike Smith, Mesa Home Systems; Membership VP, Carol Baker, Capitol City Insurance; and Communications VP, Mike Kolar, Kolar Advertising & Marketing. The Builder/Developer Board Members are Roger Arriaga, KB Homes; Bill Barton, Buffington Signature Homes; David Bosco, Ryland Homes; Marshall Durrett, Durrett Interests, LLC; Marvin Galloway, Wilshire Homes; Jody Jones, Eppright Custom Homes; Tom Lynch (alternate), Qualico Group; Eric Perkins (alternate), Cactus Wood Homes, LLC; Glenn Reynolds, Cool River Custom Homes; Matt Risinger, Risinger Homes, LP; Mitch Schwartz, Meritage Homes Corporation; John Sparrow, D.R. Horton; Bill Taute, Bill Taute Homes and Allen Valliant. The Associate Board Members are Patricia Ansley, Mowhawk Industries; Robert Kleeman (alternate), Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, PC; Mike McCoy, Mission Mortgage of Texas, Inc.; Walker Molinare, Gracy Title; Benton Reed, BMC West Building Materials; Eldon Rude (alternate), MetroStudy; Mark Sprague, Residential Strategies, Inc.; JD Steanson, Capitol City Insurance; Dan Steakley, Stanberry and Associates; Bill Sullivan, Austin Plumbing Supply; and Gabriel Trinidad, Lighting, Inc. We value this board’s commitment to our industry. The HBA will continue to do everything we can to make sure that middle-class families are not priced out of our communities by rising taxes, government fees and regulations. We know that the vast majority of new homes are bought by middle class families, and whether it’s through education, government, or community involvement, we’ll all work hard to protect Central Texas families from roadblocks to new homeownership. To learn more about how to choose a builder or buy a new home, visit the Home Builder’s Association of Greater Austin’s Web site at; then click on consumer resources.


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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Carole Keeton Strayhorn, second from right, is welcomed as the guest speaker to the Austin Luxury Network by (from left) Heather Graham, Heather Cooke and Anne Schniederjan, all of Texas American Title.

Kenton Brown of Sente Mortgage addresses a full house at the Power Lunch, which focused on building great relationships.

HBA president Gary Henley, right, welcomes Travis County Commissioner Sara Eckhardt, center, to the elected official night. With them were, from left, Brooke Bulow, Hank Smith and Peter Einhorn.

October 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

HBA members are ready to welcome elected officials to a barbecue social at the organization’s headquarters. Seated: Walker Molinare, Debbie Horridge and Anna Flores. Standing: Gary Henley and Naomi Bludworth.

the pics Purchase ine at r o w ie L V in Realty you see lin n o e altylin

Nicole Cooke of DHI Title enjoys refreshments at The Red House Lounge at Spotlight Austin, hosted by Patten Law Firm. With her were Christy Baggarly-Myers of All Star Land Surveying and Jerry Oballe and M a t t h e w Bialaszewski, both of ADT Security Services. Rene Ward of Best Agents in Texas attaches a wrist band on David Matthys of RE/MAX Capital City so he can attend MCE seminars at the Williamson County Association of REALTORS’ second annual Tech Tune-Up.

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008


Annual Christmas Tree Gala Benefits WCAoR Scholarship Fund By Gary Cocanougher • Avalar Real Estate 2008 President • Williamson County Association of REALTORS For the past several years, the Williamson County Scholarship Committee has held a Christmas Tree Gala to raise funds for the Williamson County Scholarship Foundation. Decorated Christmas Trees are donated by WCAoR members and auctioned off to the highest bidder. On November 20, our annual Christmas Tree Gala will be held at the Highland Homes model home in Hidden Glen through the generosity of Wayne Richardson. This is by far the biggest fund raising event that our Scholarship workgroup has. The money raised at this event will go to high school seniors in Williamson County entering college. This year, the WCAoR Scholarship Foundation was able to disburse five $1000 scholarships, one of which to a WCAoR member’s senior. There was over 30 applicants and the five that were chosen were extremely grateful. It will be a great way to start off the Christmas season, please come and enjoy food, fellowship and friends. For more information, contact the WCAoR office at 255-6211. Installation Banquet Planned on December 11 As each year comes to an end we like to celebrate the REALTOR profession by awarding those members who have gone above and beyond to contribute to our industry and pass the baton to those who will serve our leaders of tomorrow. The Installation and Awards Banquet on Thursday, December 11 will do just that. This year’s event will be held at the Marriott at La Frontera. Advertising opportunities are available now as well as tickets and tables. Contact Douglas Craig at 255-6211 for more information. Not only will we be installing the 2009 Board of Directors, we will also be awarding those members who have truly excelled as a member of WCAoR and in their profession. Nomination forms and criteria for WCAoR REALTOR of the Year, WCAoR Rookie of the Year and WCAoR Affiliate of the Year can be found on the WCAoR Web site at

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Auction Benefit for New Building a Huge Success Our first auction for the new building took place on September 25 with auctioneer Reba Saxon auctioning off the naming right for the rooms, beautiful watches, golf packages and other items. I would personally like to offer a big thank you for the donors of these auction items The fund raising workgroup provided refreshments and a good time was had by all. The night was very successful in that we sold eight rooms and all the other items were bid on. We raised $28,380. I hope by the time you read this that all the rooms will have been sold, but if not the opportunity is still there. We definitely have bricks available for you to purchase. The bricks are available for $100 and $250 and will be displayed outside the building. This is a very inexpensive way for you to support your Association and to have your name permanently displayed. The money raised will go toward furnishing the building and if we raise enough funds it will allow us to lower our debt.

Our Association meets TREPAC Quota The fiscal year for TREPAC ended September 30, and we ended on a good note. Our quota for our Association was $29,000 and at the time I am writing this I do not have the exact amount we raised, but we reached our quota. The goal for the entire state was $3 million. On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for your contribution. Since some of you have asked me where the money goes, I will try to explain a bit. All funds eligible to be invested in candidates in political races are expended for that purpose. Thirty percent of the annual investments received by TREPAC, until quota is achieved, are forwarded to NAR’s REALTORS Political Action Committee for use in federal campaigns in Texas and throughout the country. In this manner, TREPAC participates in the political process at the national level, where a multitude of legislative issues threaten private property rights and the real estate industry daily. Of the balance of TREPAC’s funds, 50% will be invested in candidates for state legislative office and certain statewide offices in Texas. The final 20% is designated for candidates in the local races as requested by the local association. So you can see this is a must that we continue to support TREPAC.


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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

C h a r l o t t e Lipscombe of A v e n u e O n e Properties joins Debbie Harmon and Alison Street, both of Amelia Bullock REALTORS, at the Austin Luxury Network meeting at the Headliner’s Club downtown.

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Fathers and sons enjoy an evening of outdoor music at Teravista. From left: Rainer Ficken of N e w l a n d Communities with Alexander, Dwayne Zimmerman with Brandon and Colin O’Connor with Ryan.

When Debra Krist of Mercedes Homes and David Pavliska of RE/MAX Round Rock meet, it’s likely that another new home has been sold. They were enjoying the REALTOR showing at Enchanted Forest.

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October 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Residential Dripping Springs Office Arboretum Office 7 53 3UITE ! s $RIPPING 3PRINGS 48 #APITAL OF 48 (WY "LDG s !USTIN 48 /FFICE s &AX /FFICE s &AX Georgetown Office Monterey Oaks Office Barton Oaks Office 2IVERY "LVD "LDG s 'EORGETOWN 48 3OUTH -OPAC 3UITE $ s !USTIN 48 3 -OPAC 0LAZA )) 3UITE s !USTIN 48 /FFICE s &AX /FFICE s &AX /FFICE s &AX Hutto Office Round Rock Office Bee Cave Road Office %D 3CHMIDT "LVD 3UITE & s (UTTO 48 % /LD 3ETTLERS "LVD 3UITE s 2OUND 2OCK 48 "EE #AVE 2OAD 3UITE B s !USTIN 48 /FFICE s &AX /FFICE s &AX /FFICE s &AX Lago Vista Office San Marcos Office Commercial Office $AWN $RIVE s ,AGO 6ISTA 48 .ORTH 'UADALUPE 3TREET s 3AN -ARCOS 48 #APITAL OF 48 (WY "LDG s !USTIN 48 /FFICE s &AX /FFICE s &AX /FFICE s &AX Commercial II Office Lakeway Office 4OWER OF THE (ILLS /FFICE #APITAL OF 48 (WY "LDG s !USTIN 48 22 3 3UITE s !USTIN 48 . (WY 3UITE s !USTIN 48 /FFICE s &AX /FFICE s &AX /FFICE s &AX Downtown Office Liberty Hill Office 7IMBERLEY /FFICE 7 TH 3TREET 3UITE s !USTIN 4EXAS *ONATHAN $RIVE 3UITE s ,IBERTY (ILL 48 22 0 / "OX s 7IMBERLEY 48 /FFICE s &AX /FFICE s &AX /FFICE s &AX


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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Sharon Anderson, right, REALTOR heads up the Small Office REALTOR meeting after a summer break. With her was Tammy Fariss of Tammy Faris REALTORS.

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Bryan Faircloth and Timothy Price, both of Keller Williams Realty, join Colette Fitzgerald of KB Home for a power lunch foucused around building great relationships.

Margaret Gilbreth of Amelia Bullock REALTORS and Bob Ross enjoy an evening on the patio at the HBA of Greater Austin where they got to visit with an array of elected officials.

October 2008

Steve Dalbey of Moreland Properties, Dee Shultz of Keller Williams Realty and Harlan Cooper of Cooper REALTORS enjoy the view atop the Headliner’s Club downtown as they get ready to hear Carole Keeton Strayhorn address the Austin Luxury Network.

Reba Saxon of Keller Williams Realty plays the Nintendo Wii for a chance to win it at the Gracy Title booth at the WCAoR Tech Tune-Up at the Texas State campus in Round Rock.

Barbara Wigginton and Sam Wigginton enjoy the sights in Chicago, where Barbara attended the NAR Leadership Summit for Association President-elects. She will serve as president of WCAoR in 2009.

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Julie Gabriel, left, of Patten Law Firm, joins husband Cass Gabriel, Josh Penland of Sente Mortgage and Allison Ullrich of Patten Law Firm at Spotlight Austin, which was held at The Red House Lounge.

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North American Title’s Alisa LeBlanc, Penny Good and Tiesa Hollaway got to visit with many of the more than 200 REALTORS who attended WCAoR’s second annual Tech Tune-Up.

Magical drinks, music and musings draw Jose Chavez of Texas Realty and Bill Hubbard of BR Hubbard Realty Services to Mercedes Homes’ REALTOR showing of Enchanted Forest.

Centex is excited to announce the Grand Opening of our first Georgetown community

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October 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Matt Menard of Home Resource Group and Mary Stephens of Envoy Mortgage enjoy music, food in the shade of mature oak trees at the Mercedes Homes REALTOR showing of Enchanted Forest.

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Linda Holmbeck Susan and McVicker, both of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS, join Carolyn Jeter of Red Poppy Real Estate at the Small Office REALTOR meeting at ABoR.

Danny Burnett of Dwyer Realty welcomes Brian Pitman of Independence Title to the groundbreaking ceremony for the Oaks at River Place Village.

2009 Installation Banquet

Working in Tandem keting mar

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President - Marie Dang-Schwartz President Elect – Susanna Boyer Vice President of Membership – Cheryl Eskridge Secretary – Linda Knowles-Katz Treasurer – Susan Brown


Platinum Event Strategic Partner - $1000

• • • • •

4 Luncheon Tickets with Reversed Seating Seating at the Head Table for One 3 Minute Presentation Time at Luncheon Reserved table to Display Promotional Literature “Platinum Size” Comapny Logo and Name Displayed on Sponsor Board • Logo and Company Name on E-Flyer • Logo and Company Name on Chapter Website • Logo and Company Name in Event Program

Gold Event Strategic Partner - $500

• • • •

2 Luncheon Tickets with Reserved Seating Special Recognition by Chapter President at Luncheon Reserved Half Table to Display Promotion Literature “Gold Size” Company Logo and Name Displayed on Sponsor Board • &RPSDQ\ /RJR RQ ( ò\HU • Company Name in Event Program

Silver Event Strategic Partner - $250

• • • •

One Luncheon Tickets with Reserved Seating Special Recognition by Chapter President at Luncheon “Silver Size” Company Logo and Name Displayed on Sponsor Board

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

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Richard Holtom of Richard Holtom and Associates joins Charlene Farmer of Avalar Real Estate, Dripping Springs of Chamber Commerce executive director Kim Johnson and Emmy McKee and Ricky Marquez, both of Kimball Hill Homes, at the ribbon cutting at the Ledgestone community in Dripping Springs. View or Pu you see rchase the pics in Realty Line a t altyline online.c om

Belinda Garza of Chicago Title asks Chris Sachs of JB Goodwin REALTORS about the technology tips he picked up in a workshop at the Williamson County Association of REALTORS’ Tech Tune-Up.

Diane Schouten of Ash Creek Homes welcomes Mary Boatwright of RE/MAX Capital City to the REALTOR luncheon at Arboretum Park, conveniently located off Anderson Mill.

candy Buzan 797-5580

Max Leaman 293-1239

Kim Nielsen 825-2347

Melissa driskell 964-1864

terrie doggett 415-0212

rhonda Neeley 560-3429 Not pictured:

Michael ray, 784-8488 Mark Baker, 689-5273

Mary Kennedy 750-7834

Brian patschke 565-5852

trudy Savage 965-5017

Sabrina Shaddix 466-1180

Mark Homan 785-3279

Shannon Smith 560-4590


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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Aralyn Hughes of Aralyn & Company, The Art of Real Estate, and Mark Reinking worked together in the 80s and now she will be cutting checks for his son, Andrew Reinking, right, who works under her license as a new agent in her company. Both Mark and Andrew got their licenses at 19.

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Many of the classes at the Williamson County Association of REALTORS’ second annual Tech Tune-Up were standing room only at the Texas State University campus in Round Rock.

Sam Mehra of Casa Grande Realty gets in a little personal time with “Marilyn Monroe” at The Bridges at Bear Creek, where Mercedes Homes rolled out the red carpet for the real estate community.

October 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Katie Robinson of KB Home gives a personal tour of the design studio to Michael Cantu and Gregory Cantu of Cantu International Real Estate Company.

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Instructions are usually to turn phones off when you arrive at a meeting, but Rose King of Chicago Title told REALTORS to be sure to turn theirs on as she showed them how to take advantage of Smart Phones at the Palm TREO workshop at the WCAoR Tech Tune-Up.

Ellen Boettcher of Staging By Design and Kay Cobb of House Masters attend the WCR meeting where they learned how to make clarity an everyday habit.

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008


Ash Creek Homes: Arboretum Park By Linda McNabb CONTRIBUTING WRITER After a long, hot summer spent watering lawns to keep them green, buyers may want to turn to Ash Creek Homes’ newest community, Arboretum Park, for a low maintenance lifestyle. The one-story, detached garden homes come with full landscape care, freeing owners to enjoy the convenience of many other activities that are easily accessible due to the neighborhood’s desirable northwest location off Anderson Mill Road and Highway 183. “The number of homebuyers who we see who are specifically looking for a low maintenance lifestyle, especially less yard work, is skyrocketing,” says Diane Schouten, director of sales and marketing. “In a city like Austin, they’ve got so many other things to do.” In addition to less work and easy access to a multitude of activities, the construction of the homes and the neighborhood itself are environmentally friendly. The homes adhere to stringent energy efficiency standards and are certified as “4-Star” by the City of Austin’s Green Building Program. Homebuyers can provide all their energy needs for their Arboretum Park home exclusively with solar and wind power. “I never realized how much money one can save with a green-built home,” Schouten says. “The average utility bills are about $95 a month for a three-bedroom home.” Water use is minimized through xeriscape landscaping, low-flow faucets, dual-flush commodes and energy saving dishwashers. And as an added commitment to energy conservation, Ash Creek Homes will provide a $2,500 hybrid-vehicle rebate to new Arboretum Park homebuyers through the end of this year. The Green Building techniques are a natural fit for this urban community that has a connecting route to the brand new commuter Metro-Rail at the corner of the neighborhood and is built among the canopies of century-old oak trees. “We build the houses around the trees, rather than putting the trees around the houses,” Schouten says. “This creates unique, meandering streets, providing an architecturally interesting way for homebuyers to make a meaningful change in their environmental footprint.” REALTORS also might want to tell their buyers that by purchasing an Ash Creek Home,

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they are supporting a local builder. Ash Creek Homes was founded in 1982 and has completed more than 500 homes in Austin. The company has constructed homes for Austin’s most discriminating buyers, in some of the area’s finest neighborhoods. “We are a local builder with 25 plus Arboretum Park in Northwest Austin years of experience Anderson Mill Road and Hwy. 183 and are accommodating to buyers and sensitive to buyers’ needs,” Schouten says. “We provide attention to detail and are not cookie cutter. We think outside the box. We are inspired by classics and driven by design.” Five available floor plans range from approximately 1,200 to 1,600 square feet, and each site comes with a unique private yard area. All the plans are single-story, which the architects found to be the most preferred design for buyers in all age brackets. “The product is appealing to all different types,” Schouten says. “Young professionals, downsizers, elderly people, divorced people and young couples starting out. It is always a mixture, and people like that in a community.” One of the bonuses of building an Ash Creek Home is that buyers can track the progress of construction via the company’s web site. Schouten takes photographs and gives updates each week of the interior and exterior of each home, which is particularly handy for busy buyers or those who are purchasing from out of town. “Buyers really enjoy having the ability to see what is going on without having to drive out here,” she says. “It allows for a smooth process.” Living in this environmentally sensitive community, which is enhanced with a coffee shop, a day spa and the convenience of other local retailers just outside the gates, is surprisingly affordable, as homes start in the $190s. “It is Austin’s best kept secret,” Schouten says. “There will be no unpleasant surprises in building an Ash Creek Home and your price will be guaranteed and the quality will be the highest in the industry.”


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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Let everyone know what you do with a license plate like this one found at the Austin Board of REALTORS.

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HBA past president Eric Perkins visits with Rep. Patrick Rose of District 45 and Bill Barton of Buffington Homes at the organization’s elected officials night.

ZIP Realty members Stuart McWilliams and Shannon Powers, standing, join Justin Belch and Victoria Reviel, seated, for a summer evening in East Austin at Spotlight Austin, which was held at The Red House Lounge.

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008


By Linda McNabb CONTRIBUTING WRITER Mercedes Homes makes it fun for REALTORS to sell in their communities. The company offered a free car — a Mercedes of course — to the REALTOR who sold the most homes during a recent promotional period. Now, a persistent REALTOR who sells the most Mercedes Homes through the end of the year can win two tickets to the Super Bowl, plus airfare and two nights of accommodations. In addition, Mercedes Homes is offering up to a 5 percent commission on homes sold by the year’s end. “We pride ourselves in our unique REALTOR promotions that entice REALTORS to work with us,” says Kari Green, marketing manager. Our Sales Professionals are trained to work hand in hand with the REALTOR community by putting them in an at ease environment. We value each and every REALTOR who walks through our doors and maintain a level of professionalism with their clients that is hard to find.” It’s no wonder REALTORS are flocking to Mercedes Homes communities, as this homebuilder has a lot to offer. “We offer a wide selection of feature and amenity rich homes in convenient locations,” Green says. Mercedes Homes is currently building in 15 areas throughout Austin and recently celebrated the grand opening of Enchanted Forest in North Austin and the Bridges of Bear Creek in South Central Austin. These homes were respectfully released to the REALTOR community prior to formal release to the general public. Some of the features in Mercedes Homes which make the builder a leader in design and architecture include rotundas, courtyards, flex space, game rooms and lofts, media rooms, work at home offices, computer niches and side entry garages. Mercedes Homes provide design consultants who will spend personal time with your buyers to help them create a home environment that reflects their personal taste and style. A newly designed showroom, where buyers can see, touch and feel the most current selections and trends

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available, also adds to the excitement of building a Mercedes Home. The b u i l d e r proudly offers financing, title and closing services through its wholly owned subEnchanted Forest sidiaries MHI Priced from $260’s to $320’s Mortgage and BDR Title, making the purchase seamless for buyers and REALTORS. “We are the perfect happy medium. We can offer unique elevations yet offer designs without the time and expense associated with a custom builder.” Also notable, as the country undergoes another hellish hurricane season, is that the company is an industry leader in developing hurricane-resistant building methods and home features. Because the company builds in hurricane prone areas such as Texas and Florida, it has teamed with some of the nation’s top researchers to design homes to withstand high winds and driving rain. The number of buyers choosing Mercedes Homes has helped it become one of the largest builders in the United States. The company also has won the highest award the homebuilding industry can bestow — the National Housing Quality Award – not only once but twice, most recently this year. “There are thousands of American home builders,” Green says. “Fewer than four dozen have ever won this award. Only three other builders have ever won two. We can rightfully call ourselves the best of the best in the nation.” Mercedes Homes is proud to work hand in hand with the REALTOR community. To receive news on “coming soon” communities and upcoming events and promotions, REALTORS can sign up on the company’s Web site,


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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Walker Molinare of Gracy Title and Anna Flores of HBA show Jim Hull, standing, of Pro Home the nametags of the many elected officials he could visit with at the barbecue.

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Suzanne Kitchens Gantner and Nicole Boynton, both of Sky Realty, make sure everything runs smoothly at the WCAoR Tech TuneUp, where their colleague, Brian Childress of Sky Realty presented a workshop on how they could use search engines to improve the volume and quality of customers to their web sites. Marsha Mitchell of Gardner-Mitchell Realty and Charlie Degenhart of Keller Williams Realty enjoy an outdoor concert by Gary Clark Jr. at Shady Grove.

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Kristen Meek of Hindsite 20/20 enjoys life on the patio at The Red House Lounge with Andy Fisher and Jazz Lough, both of Real Living Lifestyles and Leslie Brvenik of LandAmerica Austin Title. They were attending Spotlight Austin by Patten Law Firm.

the pics urchase P r o w Line at Vie in Realty you see lin n o altyline

Lise Renee Samuels of EXIT Joe Realty, Williams of Keller Williams Realty and Nicole Cooke of DHI Title are please to see familiar faces while attending a N A H R E P Conference in Phoenix, AZ.

Gerry Spencer and Heather McGee, both of Exit Realty, head for lunch after attending some useful workshops at the WCAoR’s second annual Tech Tune-Up.

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008


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BUFFINGTON IS BACK You recognize the name, now get recognized for your part in our comeback. With Buffington’s Signature Rewards Program, you’ll earn exciting extras in addition to your standard realtor commissions. The more you sell, the more you can earn! Other builders might call them upgrades. We call them Signature Features. You will call them fantastic!


• $1,000 Visa Gift Card for your 1st closing. • $2,000 Visa Gift Card for your 2nd closing. • $3,000 Visa Gift Card for your 3rd and all following closing!

Relocation reimbursement available. See Community Sales Manager for details.

Call or visit today to learn more about our 90+ Signature Features


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132 Kodiak Drive




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to Up 000 in tives! , n r $25 ince ealto r e or r es buy all f onus C b

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2416 Sturgis Lane





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to Up 000 in tives! , n r $25 ince ealto er or r es buy all f onus C b


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Copyright © 2008 Prices, plans, specifications, square footage and availability are subject to change without prior notice or prior obligation. Square footage is approximate and may vary upon elevations and/or options selected. Elevation materials will vary per community specifications.


w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin


How USDA Loans Helped Save The Market By John McClellan • Supreme Lending Let’s be honest! USDA loans can’t really save the market;

however, they do have a place in today’s mortgage market.

My office has been abuzz about USDA loans for the past cou-

ple of months— a program that has become, as of October 1,

the only affordable zero-down loan program available (other

than VA loans, for which only veterans qualify). USDA loans

are filling the void created by the elimination of FHA seller-

funded DPA (down-payment assistance) and no-down-pay-

ment conventional loans. The strange effect that we are seeing

is that demand for homes outside Austin’s city limits has been affected by this loan program.

A USDA loan is geographically restrictive, and inside

Austin’s city limits does not qualify. However, bedroom com-

munities like Leander, Hutto, Kyle, Buda, and Wimberley do

qualify; and borrowers who have little or no down payment

are refocusing their searches in these areas.

So, what is USDA, and what makes this program better

than other programs that offer a low down payment? Over the last 12-14 months we have seen a fundamental change in (1)

the way that mortgage loans are underwritten, (2) how their

interest rates are set, and (3) how mortgage insurance (MI)

premiums are determined.

In the past, the rate the bank set was the same regardless of

the borrower’s score— 580 or 800. Over the last few months,

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have instituted a credit score and LTV (loan-to-value) tier system for setting interest rates.

Having a 680 score rather than a 770 score will now net a high-

October 2008

er interest rate. Fannie and

As pointed out earlier in

Freddie have also put into effect

this article, MI payments

LTV rates are higher than 80 per-

borrower in making his

an LTV tier system; 90 percent

can be a burden on the

cent LTV rates.

monthly payments; there-

and FHA have drastically scaled

tage for him.

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac,

back their liberal underwriting

standards; and we have seen an increase in the rate of loan

denials. As previously noted, Fannie and Freddie have eliminated their zero-down payment loans and instituted a mini-

fore, this is a huge advanWhat is the downside

of a USDA loan? USDA loans are geographically

restrictive, meaning that

mum requirement of 3 percent down. FHA has eliminated the

in certain areas properties are not eligible for USDA financing.

buyer’s down payment. They have also raised the buyer min- Typically, towns with a population

seller-funded DPA, which allowed the seller to pay for the

imum from 3 percent to 3.5 percent starting January 1, 2009.

Mortgage insurance (MI) has always been that dirty little

phrase in mortgage lending. MI is insurance for the lender

in case the borrower defaults on the mortgage, with the insurance covering losses based upon the coverage amount.

To find out which homes in Central Texas qualify, visit

above 25,000 do not qualify for USDA financing; however, the best place to check is this Web site. USDA loans are also income restrictive. Income limits are based on the total project-

ed income for all adults living in the household and varies by

the number of persons who will reside in the household and

In the past, if you were putting down 3 percent on a

the location of the property. Applicants may have an income

would be $174.60, regardless of your credit score. Since MI

In the opening paragraph I mentioned that borrowers are

$225,000 home, the monthly mortgage insurance payment

companies have started using a tiered premium model, that

of up to 115 percent of the median income for the area.

starting to focus their attention on the bedroom communi-

same monthly payment is now $254.25 per month.

ties that surround Austin. These buyers are choosing this

the ones I have just discussed, and what is the downside?

to the demand for these communities. Not many lenders

So, what about USDA? What makes this loan better than

First of all, and probably most importantly, USDA loans are

loan program over others, and in doing so they are adding carry this program, and even fewer real estate professionals

fixed rate mortgages with 30-year amortizations. Most of

and buyers are aware of the USDA loan. I believe that this

today have been caused by ARMs (adjustable-rate mort-

see a move towards more of these. As lending guidelines

the problems that we are seeing in the financial markets

gages) and hybrid loans (loans with negative amortization).

USDA loans are fully amortized fixed-rate mortgages,

which provides for a stable payment over the life of the loan,

thus giving the borrower security.

USDA loans do not have a monthly MI payment!

loan program will continue to gain traction and that we will tighten and borrowers look for alternative options, this program will be in ever greater demand. Low payments, fixed

rates, no down payment and no monthly mortgage insur-

ance— this may not save the market; but it is a viable,

affordable option for many borrowers.

Smart Business Planning Starts Here Join the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin and the Austin Board of REALTORS® (ABOR) for this joint program to hear the most recent statistics and insight on our economy and housing market. This annual housing forecast will be your first chance to learn what you need to do to plan your business strategy for the coming year.

Ticket Sales Began October 1, 2008 - Limited Seating GUEST SPEAKERS ELDON RUDE

Austin Housing Market Forecast Austin Market, MetroStudy

GARY FARMER Economic Development

President, Heritage Title WES PEOPLES President, HBA of Greater Austin

JAY GOHIL 2009 Board Chairman, ABOR

CHARLES PORTER Past Board Chairman, ABOR

U.S. ECONOMY FORECAST Speaker to be announced November 3, 2008.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Coffee 7:30am Breakfast 8:00am Program 8:30am - 11:00am Renaissance Hotel - Arboretum 9721 Arboretum Blvd Austin, TX 78759 Seating is Limited

Ticket Sales Began October 1, 2008 NO Billing. ALL tickets must be prepaid with cash, check or credit card. NO replacement of lost tickets. NO tickets will be sold at the event.

Tickets Available at: ABOR Members* 10900 Stonelake Boulevard, Suite 100 Austin, TX 78759 (512) 454-7636

*Tickets will be sold by phone, online or in-person

HBA Members** 8140 Exchange Drive Austin, TX 78754 (512) 454-5588

**Tickets will be sold online or in-person only

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008


Reality Real Estate By Steve Klein • Steve Klein Custom Homes Do we have any clients named Buffett? As the old saying goes, Timing is Everything. In the past several weeks I have witnessed a significant number of clients return to the market and seriously look at inventory homes. We also have numerous clients who decided to dust off their partially completed designs, or ask us to update budget numbers on homes already designed, engineered, estimated and in the hold file. None of them are from Omaha or are named Buffett, but the reality is that smart real estate buyers seem to know when to buy. The inventory of existing homes has been steadily picked over and builders throughout the metro region have been aggressive at marketing any inventory they had at pretty great deals all summer. We all know how to watch leading economic indicators of job creation, unemployment, population growth etc…the stock market is up and down and back up, consumer confidence is what it is, and the elections are within a month from being here. So what does all this mean?

Buyers still want to buy Well for starters most people are not as clueless in making important decisions as some network TV reporters sometimes portray. Yes they are concerned about and watch their investments. They certainly follow leading national news. They are educated, able to sift through the mountain of information and decide how it realistically relates to them. More importantly many of our buyers place a high personal value on their private residence. They have wanted to enter the market for probably over a year now, but have not bought due to certain limiting factors. Many buyers have had the harsh reality of not being able to market their existing home out of state in areas much harder impacted than Austin. Although this is a legitimate issue, smart sellers eventually come to the conclusion that they still want to move to the Austin region and finally drop their sales price to a level that is attractive to buyers, knowing that they may recover some level of that position on the new purchase.

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Do Buyers Fib? Another phenomenon is that once consumers decide they want a product, most are only able to keep this purchase in a holding pattern for a limited amount of time. In essence, people are buying new homes because they still want one. Their lifestyle has changed and they want a new home that reflects that new lifestyle. I would caution new home sales professionals and professional Realtors of the old axiom “buyers are liars” during these times. Even though consumers are smart, they can still get emotional about a large purchase. How often have we invested untold amounts of time with a client that “had to have” a four-bedroom home, a two-story foyer with Cinderella’s staircase, a spacious kitchen, on a large cul-de-sac lot and we find out later they bought a one-story, three-bedroom home with study, a small kitchen and it was located on a busy corner lot with bad sun position? The typical answer is always, “But it was a great deal!”

Do Real Estate Professionals Always Pay Attention? Recently a couple viewed a residence we just completed. You could sense their excitement build as they walked the home and property. The size, design, room count, features and finishes and even price were what they were seeking. The magic words we all wish to hear were spoken, “We just love this home, what do we do next?” Their Realtor without hesitation said “we have 11 more homes on the list and we better get going.” Assault and battery, although seemingly appropriate at the moment, is a felony so we watched the bewildered client walk out the door.

Show, Show, Show or Show and Sell? Our local economy is performing well. New job creation will be in the vicinity of 8,000+ in 08. Retirees continue to move here for many well-known reasons. There is still ample liquidity in America and mortgage credit and terms are still available and favorable for buyers with good credit and savings. Stay in close contact on a sincere basis with all your clients. Listen to what they say and don’t be afraid to suggest they make a purchase now. And when they want to buy, don’t be afraid to stop showing more property.


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That’s former Dallas Cowboy and Super Bowl champion Too Tall Jones, second from right, with the Gracy Title team consisting of Jim Vigliotti of Presidential Mortgage, John Dunn of Texas Heritage Mortgage and Dan Morey of Wells Fargo Home Loans at the Kyle Annual Classic Golf Tournament. the pics Purchase ine at L View or y in Realt you see n o e n li alty

Diane Dopson of Diane Dopson Properties, Heather Cooke of Texas American Title and Kay Andrews of Amelia Bullock REALTORS share information about high end properties at the Austin Luxury Network meeting downtown at the Headliner’s Club.

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

October Small Office REALTORS Meeting

Date: Monday, October 27, 11:45 to 1 p.m., ABoR Auditorium Speakers & Program: Jay Gohil, Incoming 2009 ABoR Chairman, will discuss how ABoR is promoting the value of REALTORS® through a public awareness campaign. He will be followed by an update from Kay Pennington, ABoR Product and Services Specialist, who will demonstrate information on MarketMetrics, the new web-based statistics package that will enhance your market knowledge and support your professional opinion of value. She will also present information on other free ACTRIS member benefits, including ListHub, Pocket Real Estate Wireless, RatePlug and SofToken.

Meritage Homes Turns Over the Keys of the Habitat for Humanity House

Meritage Homes, along with the support of generous vendors and volunteers, has completed the Habitat for Humanity home for the Nealy family at 4604 Acers Lane in Austin’s Colony. The dedication ceremony at the Nealy’s new home took place on Saturday, October 4. Before moving into their new home, the Nealy family will have devoted over 400 hours of sweat equity to their home and other Habitat homes, as well as completed 24 classes on financial management, home maintenance and home ownership. Austin Habitat for Humanity is at the forefront of the Greater Austin area’s efforts to eliminate poverty housing by building affordable homes in a way that optimizes volunteers, partner families and commercial resources. For more information, go to

Coldwell Banker Highlights its Million Dollar Club for August 2008

The Westlake office of Coldwell Banker United, REALTORS is proud to announce their Million Dollar a Month Club for August 2008: Jana Birdwell, Kathleen Bucher, Clay Byrne, Brian Fahey, Ali Garsson, Barbara Gremillion, Tosca Gruber, Eve Kush, Maureen Martin, Bridget Ramey, Colleen Rouhselang, Michelle Valiton, Carol Verrengia and Pat Vincent.

We Are Expanding!

We are Proud to Announce the addition of the City Girls Team!

Sandy Mann 493-9640

Diana Taber 657-8367

To find out how to become a member of this growing company, please call Broker/Team Leader Eric Copper at 448-4111. Lake Travis Mary Lynn Gibbs 263-9090

Williamson County Avis Wukasch 255-5050

Southwest Eric Copper 448-4111

Northwest Linda Bartlett 346-3550

October 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Sister Patricia of the Daughters of Charity/Seton Hospital and Armando Zambrano, right, of Children’s Foundation of the Dell Children’s Medical Center, thank Mark Minchew of RE/MAX Austin Associates for participating in a Radio-Thon to raise funds for an addition to the emergency ward. The event raised $380,000 in 24 hours, breaking all previous records.

Linda Knowles-Katz and Sandy Battise, both of Land Mortgage, look forward to hearing from guest speaker Ann Daly at the Women’s Council of REALTORS meeting about how they and other women can get clear about what they want and how to get it.

Heather Morrison of Oxford Alliance Development, Leah Glossbrenner of IBC and Jen Burpo of Jauregui, discuss the latest real estate trends at the grand opening of the Oaks at River Place Village, hosted by Dwyer Realty.

October 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Tara Hays of Great Austin Properties tells Heather Graham of Texas American Title about some upscale homes on the market at the Austin Luxury Network at the meeting Headliner’s Club.

View or Pu you see rchase the pics in Realty Line a t altyline online.c om

Jane Sherman and Colleen De Ases, both of Sky Realty, join Stephanie Zellous of Keller Williams Realty at the KB Design Studio where they checked out the many upgrades available to their buyers. HBA’s executive vice president Harry Savio and Austin Mayor Pro Tem Brewster McCracken laugh as they wipe pie from their faces at the Elected Officials Night. It was deemed a tie in the association’s dart-throwing contest so they both got a pie to throw. Harry wanted to wear the raincoat but members urged him to just be brave.


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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008

Dan Kurka and Marilyn Kurka of New Home Solutions Realty enjoy the harp duo as they tour the Mercedes Homes model at Enchanted Forest with Angelica Rios of Realty Texas.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Jasper Augustine, Jeff Osborne and Debbie Kelsey, all of RE/MAX Capital City, make themselves at home at the model in Arboretum Park, the green-built community by Ash Creek Homes.

Bruce Berman of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS keeps up with business before attending a peer panel on technology in real estate, one of the many offerings at the WCAoR’s second annual Tech Tune-Up.

October 2008

WCR president Linda Hall introduces guest speaker Ann Daly to Georgia Duke and Gwen Johansen, both of North American Title. Ann is the author of “Clarity: How to Accomplish What Matters Most.�

Corky Hilliard, a Mueller Development resident, checks out the new public pool with Aralyn Hughes of Aralyn & Company, The Art of Real Estate.

NAHREP members enjoy Fiesta Patrias. From left: Fernanda Gonzalez of Qualle Investments, Gilbert Aires of Realty Executives and Marcela Alfonsin of Keller Williams Realty and Bonnie Barrera of Independence Title.

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

October 2008


Caroline Carver, far right, celebrates her 10th birthday with friends from cheer at Chaparral Ice. (l-r) Sara Williamson, Genna Ellinwood and Briley Richards.

Diane Schouten, right, of Ash Creek Homes tells Bill Morris of RE/MAX Capital City about how the green-built homes in Arboretum Park will save his buyers money on utilities.

Caricatures were a big hit at the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin’s Elected Officials Night. Can you guess who this is? Check out sketches of other staff members at the HBA Web site.

Members of Kimball Hill Homes and the Dripping Springs Chamber of Commerce prepare to cut the ribbon in front of the new model home in the Ledgestone community in Dripping Springs.

Stephanie Petta of Avalar Real Estate will get to enjoy a trip to Mexico after winning a trip from Austin Inspectors Exchange.

Wayne Gayer and Kim Gayer, both of Beyond the Move Realty, ask this Marilyn Monroe look alike for a rendition of happy birthday at Mercedes Homes’ premier opening of The Bridges at Bear Creek.

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