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s a m t s i r h C Merry a l l a o t d n a . to all.. ! t h g i good n

DECEMBER 24 - JANUARY 3 Realty Line office is closed JANUARY 16 NAHREP Luncheon Holiday Inn Town Lake - 11:30 a.m. JANUARY 16 HBA 2008 Economic Forecast HBA office - 6 to 9 p.m. FEBRUARY 20 CRS Quarterly Luncheon Westwood Country Club - 11:30 a.m. Don’t forget: You can visit us online 24/7 at www.realtylineonline.com


DECEMBER 2007 • VOL. 12 • ISSUE 8

Enjoyable. Entertaining. It’s all About You.

CLB Partners, page 23; Monterey Homes, page 29; and Sente Mortgage, page 35

ABoR Director in the Spotlight:

John C. Sheppard of HomeSource, page 39

Are You Really Insured? What You May Not Know By Melinda Seifert

CONTRIBUTING WRITER You have a homeowners’ insurance policy. Your understanding is that it protects your home and contents. And you hope you never use it. But if you need to make a claim, are you really covered for everything you think is covered? What about the exclusions? Here are a few things to check for in that policy before you ever need it. Terrorism, war and nuclear accidents? Forget it. You’ll probably be on your own—but if you home burns in a riot, you’re probably covered. What about something more commonplace, like mold? The majority of carriers have eliminated mold from coverage after the increase in moldrelated claims from 2000 to 2004, and many have limited how much they’ll cover for water damage as well. This can also include sewer backup unless you have a special rider. Natural disasters? The recent California wildfires highlight the vulnerability homeowners can face. If you live in a developed area, and your home is destroyed by fire, earthquake or hurricane, you are probably covered. But—if you live in a remote cabin, check your policy. Landslides are another sticky point, and while technically defined as “earth-movement,” it’s not the same as earthquake. And many floods aren’t covered at all under a “normal” policy. You’ll need to obtain flood and wind coverage from the national Flood Insurance Program run by FEMA. Keep in mind too, the greater the chance that you could be a victim of a natural disaster due to location, you might find insurers reluctant to cover you. While a policy may not come right out and state what’s expected of the homeowner, insurers do expect you to take care of your home and home maintenance—which means termites and ongoing water leaks that lead to damage, might not be cov-

ered. It’s a good idea to regularly inspect your son’s spouse, children or relatives living in the house, home for cracks, leaks or water damage, decay, and isn’t covered. Even damage by an estranged spouse not living in the home can be a problem in terms of termites. Insurers also charge more for certain hazards, and coverage, if the person is listed on the deed of trust or others aren’t covered at all. You’ll pay more for a pool insurance policy. In other words, does the “evil-doer” or spa, but forget the trampoline. You’ll find the same have an insurable interest in the home? These are just a few of the more common coverage true for certain breeds of dogs. Dog bites cost insurers more than $300 million a year, and some breeds questions—rest assured, there are more, and there are aren’t usually covered at all, such as Pit Bulls, always exceptions. When REALTORS help clients Rottweilers, and wolf hybrids. Huskies and with insurance needs, there are a few basic areas Dobermans are other breeds that might pose an where they too can do some comparison shopping— How responsive is the insurance company to coninsurance liability problem. Do you own a valuable art collection? What about sumer complaints? Does the Better Business Bureau antiques, guns, jewelry, collectible books? A typical or State Insurance Commissioner have records and policy limits coverage for luxury and collectible reports on that company? Is the company financially items. To ensure adequate coverage you’ll want to sound? Does the company offer discounts for multikeep a homeowner’s inventory and obtain supple- ple policies such as home, auto, boat and life? It all gets back to the fundamental concepts of mental insurance to cover the value of items needing extra coverage. If you don’t own anything special or teamwork and relationships. The more “insurance valuable, you’re probably OK. Unless—you have a savvy” REALTORS are, the more clients will know. The more clients know, the better their decisions. And computer or a home-based business. A typical homeowner’s policy will probably pay when clients are good consumers, getting the best for a new computer, but maybe just up to the prices and best coverage and understand what that amount of what the computer is worth “now.” And, coverage really covers, everyone in the relationship if you have digital information on that computer, benefits. such as photos, music, or work-related data, that Presorted Standard U.S. Postage data isn’t generally covPAID ered. If you have a home Austin, Texas Paid Permit #715 business, you’ll almost certainly need suppleP.O. Box 81366 mental insurance. Austin, Texas 78708-1366 As for the “you never know what might happen” category—there’s what is called “intentional damage.” In general, intentional damage by an insured person, or the per-


w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007


Outgoing Women’s Council of REALTORS president Barb Cooper hands her title over to Linda Hall during the installation of officers at the Balcones Country Club. Richard Smith gives Socar Chatmon-Thomas the gavel to run the Austin Board of REALTORS. Don’t be surprised if she gets a lot of business done quickly – she sold her first home after only three weeks in real estate.

Realty Line of Austin is published monthly by ©Caxton Publications, Inc., as a non-subscription publication for the more than 8,000 members of the Austin Board of REALTORS (ABoR), the more than 1,000 members of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS (WCAoR) and the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin. ©Caxton Publications, Inc. dba Realty Line of Austin is an active member of the Austin Board of REALTORS, the Williamson County Association of REALTORS and is a honorary member of the Women’s Council of REALTORS. Caxton Publications, Inc. dba Realty Line of Austin is not responsible for opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any by-products in advertising or editorial copy. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this publication, the registered trademark should be assumed.

Doren L. Carver PUBLISHER




COLUMNISTS Charles R. Porter Linda Hall • Gary Henley Ysolette Nicoson

All photos, press releases or article submissions can be sent to

Rebecca A. Gallardo-Serrano, National NAHREP incoming Lynda Conway and Bettye Turner, both of JB Goodwin REAL- chairwoman, installs Victor Montalvo as president of the Austin TORS, are pictured with Gay Puckett, the newly installed 2008 NAHREP chapter at the group’s installation at the Omni Hotel. The event also served as a fundraiser for Operation Blue Santa. director of the CRS Austin chapter.

E-mail: realtyline@austin.rr.com

P. O. Box 81366, Austin, Texas 78708 Office: 821-1900 • Fax: 836-4057 www.realtylineonline.com

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

Austin Board of REALTORS® Chairman’s Column

Start the New Year with the ABoR Academy First, I would like to thank you for allowing me to serve as your chairman in 2007. I wish all of you the very best. Throughout the year, the ABoR Academy provides educational opportunities that help you maximize your performance in the real estate industry. Two upcoming courses will aid you in better understanding your industry and bringing your clients superior service. On Thursday, January 10, attend “Agency in Texas” from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to uncover the nuances of agency. Instructor Judi Shanklin-Carnes provides students with a step-by-step approach to understanding agency in this newly revised course. The class costs $36 for members and $44 for non-members and carries four hours of MCE credit (TREC # 04-00-108-5372). Learn to make the most of your commission in “It’s Your Commission” on Wednesday, January 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Course instructor Gordon Gorychka will discuss the various employment agreements available, with special consideration given to buyer representation. This course provides four hours of MCE credit (TREC # 04-00-077-4280) and costs $36 for members and $44 for nonmembers. Register for either of these courses by visiting www.abor.com/courses. Updates to MLS Rules and Regulations

ABoR’s Board of Directors has approved several changes to the ACTRIS Rules and Regulations. The revised policies are available online at www.abor.com/mls/rfm.cfm, under the Downloads heading. Clarification of Appeal Process


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The process for appealing MLS fines has been clarified. Participants whose MLS violations are upheld by the ACTRIS Board of Directors may further appeal to the Professional Standards Committee. Participants must make their appeals in writing and in accordance with the Bylaws of the Austin Board of REALTORS. The

Bylaws are available at www.abor.com/pdf/bylaws.pdf. Use of Sold Data

Subscribers wishing to display sold information on their Web sites and marketing materials may do so with the approval of the buyer and the seller. Written approval to use sold information must be obtained from both parties. Information must be compiled and maintained outside of the ACTRIS MLS system. This update is housed under Article VIII, Confidentiality of ACTRIS Information, Sections 2 and 3, and Article XI, ACTRIS Fines, Section 3. Use of “MLS” Term

Charles R. Porter Bryker Properties

2007 Chairman Austin Board of REALTORS®

Recently the ACTRIS Directors determined that Article XI, Section 2 of the ACTRIS Rules and Regulations covers the use of the term “MLS” on subscribers’ Web sites. The NAR Code of Ethics (Standards of Practice 12-10) also prohibits the use of “MLS” in meta tags. Subscribers who use the term “MLS” on their Web sites will be subject to the consequences outlined in the ACTRIS Rules and Regulations. Participants who object to other subscribers using “MLS” in their meta tags should file a grievance in accordance with the NAR Code of Ethics. Residential Lease Forms Revised

All new leases and lease renewals entered into on or after January 1, 2008 must include new provisions, according to legislation passed during the 80th Texas Legislature. House Bill 3101 mandates that leases contain a notice advising tenants of their statutory remedies should a landlord fail to repair certain conditions. Further, landlords are now prohibited from collecting a late fee until three days after the date the rent is due, and the fee must be a reasonable estimate of the damages incurred due to the late payment. Landlords must also make a copy of the landlord’s tenant-selection criteria and grounds for denial available upon request. Should a landlord fail to make this information available, he or she may not be able to retain application fees or deposits. The Texas Association of REALTORS has accordingly integrated changes to the following forms: 2001 Residential Lease; 2003 Residential Lease Application; 2005 Extension of Residential Lease; 2009 Agreement for Application Deposit and Hold on Property; and 2205 Addendum for Authorization to Act for Owner before Owner’s Association. Revised forms can be found on the Forms section of www.texasrealtors.com.


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Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Jim Craig, center, of Sente Mortgage welcomes Betty Wangler of Sandy Goodwin Company and Ted Heaton of State Farm Insurance to the company’s grand opening celebration.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Joanne Rossa of National City Mortgage hosts a free lunch and learn, “Back to Basics” for REALTORS at the AmeriPoint Title office with Lynn She Bates. addressed rumors of the “mortgage meltdown” by sharing facts about FHA, VA and conventional financing.

Sean LeGrant and Grant Whittenberger, both of Morrison Homes, take advantage of the staff appreciation lunch Morrison Homes hosted at Vintage Villas.

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Breed & Associates understands the time pressures that all realtors, lenders and borrowers face – everyone deserves to have their deal close as quickly as possible. We offer a 48 Hour Guaranteed* turnaround time on appraisals to alleviate your worries. *Weekdays only. Exceptions can and will be made.





December 2007

Realty Line of Austin


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Smart, flexible and thoughtfully designed to maximize square footage and create great living spaces. Select a floor plan that’s right for you.

Select the architectural style and exterior features that ensure your Built to Order home is appealing both inside and out.

KB Home has made it a priority to include neighborhood parks, pools and other amenities within our communities, where children can play in a safe environment.

Broker Cooperation Welcome. ©2007 KB Home (KBH). All rights reserved. Built to Order™ applies only to the identified items and select options available at the KB Home Studio, may require buyers pay an additional cost, requires selection before pre-determined stages of construction, and items are subject to change/discontinuation by KB Home at any time. Not all items are available in all communities/plans. KB Home is not a custom homebuilder, certain features are pre-selected and included in the cost of the home. Certain photos also show decorator items not available for purchase from KB HOme. Plans, pricing, terms, availability and specifications are subject to change/prior sale without notice. See sales or KB Home Studio representative for further details.


Enclave Estates at Circle C

Waterleaf in Kyle

University Park in Georgetown

From the high $300s 3,169–5,211 sq. ft. • (512) 432-0107

From the $111s 1,109–3,728 sq. ft. • (512) 262-2117

From the $121s 1,109–3,728 sq. ft. • (512) 863-8363

From Loop 1 (Mopac) in south Austin, exit Slaughter Lane and head west. Turn left on Escarpment, then right on La Crosse. Turn right on Spruce Canyon into the community. 11325 Brecort Manor Way, Austin, TX 78749

From IH 35, exit FM 150 and head east to the community on the left. 591 Gina Drive, Kyle, TX 78640

From I-35 in Georgetown, exit Hwy 29 (University Drive) heading east past Southwestern University. Turn right on S. Western Blvd (CR 110) to the community on the left. 1913 Ashberry Trail, Georgetown, TX 78626




w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Mark Minchew of RE/MAX Austin Associates learns about the American Polish Foundation for Education by visiting with Tara Sekora and Mike Sekora at the RE/MAX Austin A s s o c i a t e s Christmas party at The Oasis.

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On behalf of TREPAC Earl Hairston, ABoR director of Government Affairs; Charles R. Porter, Jr., ABoR 2007 Chairman; Karakay Kovely, Keller Williams Realty; Sheri Brummett, Coldwell Banker United REALTORS; and Imran Ismail, RE/MAX Fortune present Congressman Michael McCaul, fourth from left, a $3,000 check and thanked him for his support of REALTORS and his consideration of REALTOR issues before Congress.

Katrina V. Le of DR Horton Homes welcomes Paul Logan of JB Goodwin REALTORS to the Thanksgiving luncheon in the Highlands section of Avery Ranch.

“Just place those boxes over there,� Kristy Smallwood jokes with Kelly Arnold, both of Stewart Title, as they move into their new office at 4601 Spicewood Springs Road.

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Becky Thurman and Janice Haecker, both of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS, donate a wreath for the silent auction that the Williamson County Association of REALTORS Scholarship committee hosted.

Joe Gonzales, director of education for 2007, accepts a trophy for his service at the NAHREP Installation and Christmas Charity Event at the Omni Hotel.

Linda Kaiser, Aimee Petty and April Downey, all of Independence Title, arrive at Balcones Country Club to congratulate Linda Hall as she was installed as incoming president of the Women’s Council of REALTORS.

Mike Whittenberg, Marla Lamb and Beverly Bakanoski, all of Taylor Woodrow/Morrison Homes, enjoy the staff appreciation luncheon the company hosted at Vintage Villas.

Carol Sajovich and Peter Sajovich, owners of RE/MAX Austin Advantage, enjoy dessert at the Hilton downtown, where the 2008 officers and board of directors for the Austin Board of REALTORS were installed.

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin


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Women’s Council of REALTORS® President’s Column

Welcome to the 2008 Leadership team of the Austin Chapter of WCR! On December 6, the 2008 Leadership Team was installed to manage and guide the Chapter along the same growing path as set forth by our predecessors. Congratulations to our Officers: President-elect Marie Dang Schwartz, Vice President of Membership Susanna Boyer, Treasurer John Schutze, and Secretary Holly McCormick. We were honored to have Texas House of Representatives Mark Strama as our special guest speaker. Past presidents Sheila Hawkins-Bucklew and Joe Stewart were the Master of Ceremonies and Installation Officers.

It Is Important to Share Our Benefits, History and Value of Membership

WHO WE ARE: The Women's Council of REALTORS is a nationwide community of real estate professionals who include many of the best and brightest in the business. We are productive people with reliable expertise helping others reach their next level of success. With more than 18,000 members, WCR is the twelfth largest women’s organization among 700 in the U.S. Based on commission income, WCR members are more than twice as productive as the average REALTOR and are better established in the business. That, in turn, means they are better connected to the communities they serve. WCR is an affiliate of the National Association of REALTORS and is headquartered in Chicago, Il. WHAT WE DO: At WCR we are never standing still. That’s why in 2003 we launched an entirely new REALTOR designation, the Performance Management Network. It’s professional training, and a thriving referral network, so powerful it will keep the competition up at night. PMN courses dig deep into the hot topics that are shaping our business. The newest course, “Harnessing the Power: Skills Based Performance Management,” was developed by WCR in conjunction with The Pacific Institute. The course, which is also approved as an elective for REBAC’s ABR designation, teaches how to

harness the power of performance management to manage time effectively, build credibility, and develop a professional and personal vision. HOW WE DO IT: WCR has an established network of 300 state and local chapters, with volunteer managers trained to position their groups as a business resource center in their REALTOR communities. With regular networking and educational programming designed to keep our members at the top of their game, it’s small wonder that WCR members collectively generate over $100 million in commissions annually. We learn more, earn more, grow more. Save The Dates!

Linda Hall

Realty World, John Horton & Associates 2008 President Women’s Council of REALTORS®

Our next meeting will be at 11 a.m. on January 24, 2008. This informative meeting will be held at the Austin Board of REALTORS. We are gearing up for the annual TAR/WCR Midwinter meeting that will be held February 22-26 at the Austin Hyatt Regency hotel. As president of the 2008 Austin chapter of the Women’s Council of REALTORS and on behalf of the 2008 Officers, committee chairs and other volunteers, you are invited to join us! Are You Ready?

• The average WCR member has a gross income of $117,900 and has 17.5 years experience in real estate • 70% of WCR members have 10 or more years experience in real estate • Among more than 700 U.S. women’s organizations, WCR is the 12th largest • 93% of survey respondents reported that WCR membership gives them a “sense of professional pride”


w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Kenton Brown of Sente Mortgage makes Lisa Goldin of Lisa Goldin Properties and Linda Shulman of United Title of Texas welcome at the mortgage company’s grand opening.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Mark Hairston of Mortgage Source of Texas and Shara Parker of RE/MAX Austin Associates kick up their heels to enjoy some live music at the RE/MAX Austin A s s o c i a t e s Christmas party at The Oasis.

Advantage Realty Group supported a T-ball team this year, which included Michelle Brown’s son Hunter Futrell. The team won every game and earned first place at the end of the season tournament.


Life comes together atTeravista


With miles of winding trails, a Resident’s Club with swimming pool, tot splash pool, tennis, playscape, sand volleyball, fitness room and an 18-hole championship public golf course, Teravista offers homes from some of Austin’s most well-known builders. Teravista. Where life comes together. HIGHLAND HOMES 512-238-0600

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Newland Communities is a privately owned company that creates residential and urban mixed-use communities in 14 states from coast to coast. We believe it is our responsibility to create enduring, healthier communities for people to live life in ways that matter most to them. www.newlandcommunities.com

1698 Stonehaven Lane Standard Pacific 4535 Wandering Vine Trail Lennar-Premiere Collection 4202 Engadina Pass Texas Big by Legacy 4496 Heritage Well Lane Lennar-Medallion Collection 2004 Westvalley Place Highland Homes 1009 Wood Mesa Morrison Homes 4390 Barchetta Drive Texas Big by Legacy

1,893 sq. ft. 2,801 sq. ft. 3,058 sq. ft. 3,122 sq. ft. 3,377 sq. ft. 3,650 sq. ft. 4,570 sq. ft.

Homes upper $100s-$500s

teravista.com From N IH35: Exit #256 (1431/University Blvd.) and turn left on Teravista Club Dr. REALTORS® Welcome Prices, specifications and plans represent present intent of the developer and builders and are subject to change without notice.

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin


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You deserve a bigger slice.

Greg Miller, right, sales manager of Portrait Homes, congratulates Joseph Cho on being the top sales person in November.



Every time you sell a Wilshire home between January 1, 2007

commission on FIRST sale





Wilshire will reward you with


extra commission. Earn 3%

commission on SECOND sale

commission on the first home you sell, 4% on the second, and 5% on the third and each additional home you sell by

commission on THIRD sale

the end of the program.

Raquel Atwell of DR Horton Homes welcomes Bobby Galvez of RE/MAX Heart of Texas and Miranda Anderson of DHI Mortgage to a REALTOR luncheon in the Highlands section of Avery Ranch.


3 4 5 6 7

Covered Bridge - 512-894-0502 Belterra - 512-894-0502

Cedar Park

Meridian - 512-301-2700

Lakeside at - 512-252-8583 Blackhawk

r e ss C r e Cyp


Walsh Trails - 512-219-0895 Highpointe - 512-894-0502

Lake Travis

Star Ranch - 512-341-9769


ed B Cover

18 26


Build On Your Lot for more information call 512-930-5300

Jerry Hohensee of Sun City Texas, gives Derwood Crocker of RE/MAX Centx a sneak preview of nine new Pulte Homes in the Georgetown community.

Avery Ranch Blvd

eline Blvd

12 University Blvd

Round Rock

. eek Rd Brushy Cr


O'C o



D r

45 To ll Pa rme r Ln


Gattis School Rd


7 Rowe Ln.

45 Toll

lente Rd Vo

A n d e r s o n M ill R d




Be nW hite Blvd

Belterra Drive

Sawyer Ranch Road

Dripping Springs


e k Blvd




Teravista - 512-341-3829

Grand MAX Builder of the Year.


3A 18

The Commons - 512-989-8120 at Rowe Lane


11 12


Avery Ranch - 512-341-3545

ch an sR

9 10

Sonoma - 512-341-9769

D ie


Bella Vista - 512-219-0886

A.W. Grimes


Park Place




Offer begins January 1, 2007, and ends December 31, 2007. Commissions are paid at the time of closing. Program subject to change or end without notice. Homes must sell by December 31, 2007. Homes sold and/or program can not be carried over to the following year.


w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Ysolette Nicoson, seated, 2007 WCAoR president, celebrates a successful Christmas Tree Gala with committee members from left, Kay Cobb of HouseMaster Inspections, Karen Curry of Realty World, John Horton and Associates and Jacque Smith of Independence Title.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Noble Davis of Lakeline Realty knows how to show up in style for the Thanksgiving open house DR Horton Homes hosted in the Highlands section of Avery Ranch.

Maury Dugas and Justin Poague, both of Burgess Inspection Group, give their approval to the award winners at their first Austin Board of REALTORS installation and awards celebration at the Hilton downtown.

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin


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Home Builder’s Association of Greater Austin President’s Column

Earn up to $30,000 for the Holidays, Help Austin Area Children This year, members of the Home Builders Association (HBA) of

Greater Austin have lent their hands, hearts, and hours of hard work to

build the kind of home that keeps on giving: the 2007 HBA Benefit

Home. The Benefit Home is the annual construction of a home built

entirely through donations of construction management, materials, sup-

plies, labor and monies of the members of HBA. When this gorgeous two-story home in the Rough Hollow community is sold, the majority of

the proceeds will benefit local charities, including children in need.

And here’s the best part: if the home sells now, the proceeds will help

underprivileged children in the Austin area have a very special

Christmas—and so could you, with a $30,000 commission on the sale.

The Benefit Home project was started by the HBA in 1991 as a

fundraiser and community service project. Every year, a homebuilder is chosen to team up with building material suppliers area wide to create one unique home with quality materials, amazing upgraded fea-

tures, and lots of love. To date, over $1 million have been donated to local charities by this project.

We team up with Central Texas REALTORS® to make sure families

throughout the Austin area know that they can purchase a magnificent

new home and help others just by making the purchase. We’re proud

to offer a 3% commission to the buyer ’s agent who closes the deal on

our 2007 Benefit Home.

The primary benefactors for this year will be The Austin Children’s

Shelter, Wild Basin, Meals on Wheels, Austin Sunshine Camps, Seton

Community Hospital, Sammy’s House and Greyhound Pets of

America-Central Texas. This is a one of a kind opportunity to delight your client with a prestigious, truly unique home in a beautiful neighborhood while at the same time helping other families have a wonderful holiday season. For example, proceeds from the sale might go to helping an underprivileged child enjoy gifts on Christmas morning (Austin Children’s Shelter), making it possible for a famiGary Henley ly sit down to a holiday dinner (Meals on Henley Homes, Inc. Wheels), giving a child the gift of an unforget- 2008 President Builders Association table summer full of hiking, swimming, and Home (HBA) of Greater Austin canoeing (Austin Sunshine Camps), making child care possible for an underprivileged family (Sammy’s House), or all of the above, and countless other opportunities to make someone’s 2007 holiday season brighter. This year ’s Benefit Home is like no other: it is the largest and most prestigious one ever built. With two stories, 4,012 square feet, tons of upgrades, and a cul-de-sac location in Rough Hollow with a beautiful view, this home is priced just right at $974,000. Again, the HBA will pay a pay a 3% commission to the buyer ’s agent, so get ready for one heck of a sale—all for a great cause. Like the charitable efforts of many Central Texans during the holiday season, the Benefit Home is a labor of love that rewards its builders, its buyer, and its benefactors. If you’re looking for a big deal to boost your fourth quarter sales and earn a sizeable bonus for the holidays, consider this rare opportunity to make someone’s holiday dream come true. To learn more about the 2007 Benefit Home, view the floor plan and photos, and sign up for updated information, go to http://benefithome.bigbadhomesale.com. To locate an HBA member, learn more about how to choose a builder and find a new home, visit the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin’s Web site at www.AustinHomeBuilders.com.

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Bob Karlseng, right, of The Law Offices of Patten and Karlseng, chats with, from left, Marek Wojtyla of Keller Williams Realty, Nicole Von Thies of Vesta Strategies and Sam Mehra of Zip Realty at the last Spotlight Austin of 2007.

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David Burton of Five Star GMAC Real Estate accepts his award for Rookie of the Year at the Austin Board of REALTORS’ installation and awards celebration.

Kathy Mayer of Steiner Ranch and Dee Shultz of Keller Williams Realty relax as they see guests enjoying the VIP event they planned at the Bellagio Estates in Steiner Ranch. The open house featured great music, food and friends in a $3 million spec home.

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December 2007

Realty Line of Austin


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Williamson County Association of REALTORS President’s Column

WCAoR 2007— A Year in Review Wow, time really does fly when you’re having fun! I have had the best time being involved in the Williamson County Association of REALTORS (WCAoR) this past year. We have had our share of challenges, but we have also had our share of fun and accomplishments. There are numerous accomplishments to be proud of as an association. The first one is our volunteer and member involvement both on committees and in attendance at our functions. As our membership grew to over 1300 members this year, so did our member involvement. We chose to have our quarterly luncheon in locations throughout the county to help familiarize our members with the growth and change affecting our real estate market countywide. New faces stepping up and helping out and participating will continue to have a great impact on the changing face of WCAoR. A sincere thank you to all of our members who have volunteered. Of course one of our major accomplishments this year was the cash purchase of a two-acre piece of property located at 123 Old Settler ’s Blvd. in Round Rock. We are fortunate to have secured such a prime location. The location is convenient to hotels, shopping and restaurants, as well as to the north/south IH 35 corridor. I would like to take this opportunity to give Darren Quick of Don Quick and Associates a huge thank you for his sincere efforts in helping complete this purchase and for contributing his portion of the commission back to the association. Darren, thank you, thank you, thank you—you are awesome! The association has hired Mike Faulk as the architect on the new 8000 square foot building which is in the early design phase and should be complete by the end of 2008. We have seen great success in the accomplishments of each committee this year as well. The annual WCAoR Golf Tournament and 2007 Christmas Tree Gala which benefits the WCAoR Scholarship Foundation were well

attended, enjoyable and profitable. The Scholarship committee gave out five scholarships to local high school seniors throughout Williamson County. The Governmental Affairs and TREPAC committees did wonderful work in keeping the members informed of legislative issues throughout the county and raised TREPAC dollars this year through our annual bowling tournament. The Education committee provided many venues for brokers and REALTORS to be more informed and the feedback received has been very Ysolette Nicoson Coldwell Banker United positive from those who have attended. The REALTORS Community Service committee has been inspira2007 President tional in helping to collect donations for Coats for Williamson County Association of REALTORS® Kids as well as the local food banks. The Bylaws committee accomplished the daunting task of rewriting the bylaws and getting them approved through the National Association of REALTORS. The Marketing committee put together an extremely well attended oneday Tech Tune-up to help bring the current technologies into everyday real estate practice. A sincere thank you to our committee Chairs this year: Nicole Boynton, Christi Gessler, Kelly Boring, Hellena Frazier, Patty Haug, Karen Curry, Raquel Baxter, Janet Snow, Jim Moran, Harry Pokorny, Don Dungan and Gary Cocanougher. Of course our wonderful staff has been instrumental in our success as well. Our members have had the benefits of the e-mail newsletter, the WCAoR weekly statistics, the WCAoR online real estate forums and so much more. It’s wonderful to belong to an association where you are known by name and are always greeted in a friendly manner. Thank you so much to the staff at WCAoR. My position as the WCAoR President comes to an end on Dec. 31. I have thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity and honor. The people in this association are priceless. My heart will always be with the Williamson County Association of REALTORS. Thank you to all our members for a wonderful year—it is each member and their contribution that will continue to change and advance this association!



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Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Realty Line owners Tawanna Carver, second from left, and Doren Carver, far right, discuss plans for 2008 at the and Installation Christmas Charity Event at the Omni Hotel. With them were Joe Stewart, left, of Realty World, John Horton & Associates and Alfred Engstrand of Alfred’s Catering, second from right. the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Josh Penland, of Sente right, Mortgage welcomes Matt Presley of Paul Presley Realty to the company’s grand opening, which featured live music, food and dancing.

Miguel Linares, guest of Diane Gomez of RE/MAX Austin Associates, bring some holiday spirit with them at the company Christmas party held at The Oasis.

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

J.B. Goodwin and Chris Sachs give thanks before everyone dives in for lunch at the annual Thanksgiving luncheon at JB Goodwin REALTORS in Round Rock.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Carol Dochen, right, welcomes her mentor Irene Smith, who has been her friend and teacher for many years, to the grand opening of her new real estate office on Spicewood Springs Road.

HBA Executive officer Harry Savio asks Austin Mayor Will Wynn about the hot topic of global warming. Wynn addressed the members of the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin about Austin’s climate protection plan.

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December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Lynda Conway and Bettye Turner, both of JB Goodwin REALTORS install incoming CRS Austin chapter officers Gay Puckett, Sherri director; Teepen, directorelect; Fred Norton, treasurer; and secretary Kay DeSilva during the installation luncheon.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Texas State Representative Mark Strama and Sheila HawkinsBucklew, 2006 WCR past presiintroduces dent, Mark at the installation luncheon at the Balcones Country Club.

Aralyn Hughes hosts a holiday gathering at her new place on Congress Avenue. Bill Smith, REALTOR, thinks he may have seen this painting before— it is on display at the Austin Bergstrom airport.

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tractors, designers and marketing specialists then highlight each development, preserving what is unique about Austin and creating the genuine character of each new project. And just as it recognizes and develops the character of each project within the needs of Bobby Nail, developer and Julia Salmon, sales associate prospective buyers, CLB Partners recognizes the importance of Bridges on the Park Lamar Blvd. and Riverside Dr. REALTORS to its success, as well as the trust clients put in their relationship with a REALTOR. Nail says CLB regularly offers incentives to REALTORS as an added bonus, often payable at earnest money deposit. Currently the company is including a $5,000 VISA gift card bonus (at earnest money) on top of the normal commission. “We view REALTORS as an important part of the selling equation and value the relationships built through the process,” says Nail. “We will be closing homes this year, which means the commission will be paid this year—not two years from now.” Approaching completion, Bridges on the Park is situated at the southeast corner of Lamar Boulevard and Riverside Drive, a “stone’s throw” from Lady Bird Lake. Bridges on the Park offers homeowners 104 condominium homes in the a-story mid-rise building with first-floor retail space. Homeowners can expect amenities such as stainless steel appliances, designer-selected interior finishes and color palettes, granite counter tops and an outdoor community with a pool, spa, outdoor fireplace, professional barbeque grill and cabana. Home prices in Bridges on The Park range from $338,000 to $516,000 for one bedroom/one bath homes between 862 square feet to 1,016 square feet. Two bedroom/two bath homes range in price from $499,000 to $776,000 and in size from 1,349 square feet to 1,623 square feet. These luxury homes offer a location where homeowners are able to utilize proximity to restaurants, entertainment, work and leisure activity choices. “With these projects, and others in the planning stages, we have made a commitment to Austin,” says Nail. “Incorporating innovation and an active lifestyle in our urban locations offers something truly special to home buyers looking for something truly special.”

CONTRIBUTING WRITER Although Dallas-based, CLB Partners calls Austin “home.” Bobby Nail, developer, says the company has been in Austin since 1999, and understands that it’s the quality of life, job opportunities and the need for beautiful, urban living that makes Austin a prime candidate for what CLB Partners offers. And what the company offers is “a community within a community.” CLB Partners is sensitive to the needs and desires of buyers of its product, and reflects that understanding in each development it undertakes, through the selection of location and interior palettes, included upgrades and on-site amenities. As an example, Nail points to Austin City Lofts, completed in 2004. “The project set a high standard of quality for other condominium developments in downtown Austin which have since followed.” He says, Buyers can take advantage of a convenient, urban location, while enjoying a home where they can entertain friends and family. CLB Partners was one of the first to build a high rise condominium project in downtown Austin, and are proud of the standard they set with Austin City Lofts, 82 luxury loft homes located on the northwest corner of West 5th Street and West Avenue. “The quality of materials used, attention to detail, and the reputation for unequaled client satisfaction are all reasons Austinites feel good about investing in a CLB Project,” says Nail. He adds that these are the same factors that contribute to the quality of life while living in Austin City Lofts, and will ensure a good resale value—factors which ultimately protect the investment made. Individual homes feature spacious balconies, hardwood and exposed concrete floors, maple cabinetry, granite kitchen surfaces, superior appliance packages, and large bathrooms with granite countertops, oversized showers and whirlpool tubs. Building amenities include a pool, garden area, 24-hour security and controlled-access parking. When CLB Partners decides to build a luxury residential or mixed-use development, choosing the site is just the first step to success. A carefully built team of architects, con-


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By Melinda Seifert

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Associates In Progress

FM 6 85

Realty Line of Austin

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December 2007



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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Austin Mayor Will Wynn gives a version of Al Gore’s presentation on Global Warming to members of the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin.

Katrina V. Le of DR Horton Homes shows Ron Cannaday and Gisselle Bekdache, both of Ready Real Estate, what is available in Avery Ranch during a REALTOR luncheon in the Highlands section of the community.

Diana Valera of Realty World, John Horton and Associates and her husband Juan were the first to arrive and enjoy the cocktail hour at the NAHREP Installation at the Omni Hotel.

Linda Komm of SWBC Mortgage bumps into Becky and Rudy Hopkins, both of LandAmerica Austin Title and Ronni Winters of RE/MAX River City as they tour Aralyn Hughes’ new Congress Avenue office, art gallery and living space during her holiday open house.

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

RE/MAX Austin Skyline agents Elizabeth and Brad Bradburn patiently await to see the finished caricature drawing of themselves. They attended their company’s holiday party.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Jack Boettcher was happy for his wife, Ellen Boettcher of Staging By Design. She received the Affiliate of the Year award from the Austin Board of REALTORS at the annual installation and awards celebration.

Alison Street of Amelia Bullock REALTORS and Jan Witt of Rainbow Septic visit at the grand opening of Carol Dochen’s new real estate office on Spicewood Springs Road.

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Past Women’s Council of REALTORS president Joe Stewart pins Linda Hall as the 2008 president at WCR installation and luncheon awards held at Balcones Country Club.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Enjoying the RE/MAX Austin Skyline holiday party were Kathy Crowley of RE/MAX Austin Skyline and her husband Lew Goodley. Lew is a retired RE/MAX agent.

Guests at the popular Thanksgiving luncheon at JB Goodwin REALTORS’s Round Rock office form a line that went down and around the corner, all the way to the back of the office.

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

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Monterey Homes By Melinda Seifert CONTRIBUTING WRITER Providing customized design, without custom prices sets Monterey Homes apart in Austin’s leading luxury communities. Abby Feuerbacher, director of Marketing for Monterey Homes, says the custom features found in a Monterey home combine art with architecture. “These are homes of uncompromising quality, style and sophistication.” “By taking homebuilding into the realm of fine art, we offer a truly unique product,” says Feuerbacher. “You don’t find a Monterey home in every community, and while we do have available inventory, it’s not unlimited. But if you’re after a semi-custom, luxury home, located in a luxury community, Monterey Homes has the right product for a selective buyer.” In each of its custom home neighborhoods, Feuerbacher stresses that unlike some custom home builders, Monterey Homes offers a 100 percent commission to REALTORS at slab pour on up to a $1 Million plus home, and has inventory available for immediate move-in. This provides the best incentive for both the home buyer and the REALTOR—immediate satisfaction from a choice well made. “Our niche fills the need for customers who want to live in a luxury custom home and community but don’t want to deal with contractors and the added time and expense of building a custom home.” Monterey Homes is currently building in five premier communities, offering a collection of custom crafted designs without the drawn-out build times or costs usually expected of a custom home. The Enclave at Rough Hollow on the western edge of Lakeway, and near the new Rough Hollow Yacht Club, overlooks the last remaining deep-water arm of Lake Travis, offering cul-de-sac homesites priced from the $800s. Savannah Point at Steiner Ranch offers gated privacy in a peninsula neighborhood overlooking canyon views and the renowned University of Texas Golf Club between Lake Austin and

Associates In Progress


Lake Travis. Feuerbacher says a few, priced from the $500s, offer altitude and a little bit of attitude.” The Overlook at Greenshores offers “elegance over L a k e Austin.” H e r e , Santa Cruz Model Monterey’s homes are set on The Enclave at Rough Hollow, Lakeway large, heavily wooded hill country estates, with a “robust view of nature.” Priced from the $600s, these homes have access to a private day dock and play area. Bella Montagna is a private, gated retreat overlooking Lake Travis and the serene Texas Hill Country and it’s extravagant sun sets. Bella Montagna is priced from the $700s. Wimberly Lane at Barton Creek is a private, resort-style living, gated community surrounded by an 84-acre nature easement and priced from the $600s. In general, prices for a Monterey home range from $500,000 to $1Million plus, and square footage from between 3,062 to 5,301 square feet. Monterey Homes has been in Austin for six years, and is known for its architecture, value, locations and versatility. This means custom features, upgrades, and standard features that other builders consider upgrades, explains Feuerbacher. “Purchasers receive a custom look in some of Austin’s best locations, at a non-custom price.” Monterey Homes is part of the Meritage Homes Corporation. Meritage Homes Corporation is one of the nation’s largest homebuilders and is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol MTH. It was named to the Forbes Platinum 400 list for the fourth consecutive year and operates in rapidly-growing states in the South and West, including six of the top ten housing markets in the country.


w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

All smiles at the RE/MAX Austin Skyline Christmas party were Angela Rowland and Dorothy Pickford, both of RE/MAX Austin Skyline.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

John Horton and Susan Horton, both of Realty World, John Horton and Associates, try to “Live Every Day Inspired” at the Austin Board of REALTORS’s installation and awards celebration.

Bill and Dinah Flood of Stanberry and Associates make themselves at home at the grand opening of Sente Mortgage.

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

The Independence downtown Title Austin office is officially open for business! Independence Title’s Jay Southworth, Brian Pitman and Linda Kaiser were host at the gathering which was attended by David Mahn of B e n c h m a r k Development and many others in the real estate industry.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Snuggling on the deck to stay warm at the RE/MAX Austin Skyline holiday party were Jay Orr of Treaty Oak Bank and his wife Renee Orr, an agent with RE/MAX Austin Skyline.

Bill Roquemore of Prestige Realty graciously accepts the CRS of the Year award during the annual installation and awards luncheon.

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December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

ww w.r ea l tyl in e on li n e.c om

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Cyndi Brooks of Chicago Title enjoys the fine food served at the RE/MAX Austin Skyline annual Christmas party.

the pics urchase P r o w Line at Vie in Realty e.com you see lin n o altyline www.re

ABoR’s 2007 Chairman Charles Porter congratulates Kay Andrews of AvenueOne Properties for winning the Salesperson of the Year award at the Austin Board of REALTORS installation and awards gala.

David McMillan of The Mortgage Show and Land Mortgage and David Raesz of Keller Williams Realty head to the back office to join a huge crowd at the grand opening of the new Land Mortgage office.

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December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

ww w.r ea l tyl in e on li n e.c om

Sente Mortgage By Melinda Seifert CONTRIBUTING WRITER Who in their right mind would open a new mortgage company today? Meet Sente Mortgage, recently introduced on October 16 this year. You may remember them as Milestone Mortgage, a company known for its passion, knowledge, integrity, accountability and fun. Kenton Brown, Tom Rhodes, Joe Brown, Chris Holland and James Racanelli are shareholders in the new company, and CEO Rhodes says offering ownership to others is part of the plan. Sente is a term used in an ancient strategy game called “Go,” and refers to the move made in the game that determines the winner. Rhodes says the name embodies the spirit of the new company. And it defines the change from Milestone to Sente. “We saw the opportunity of having an Austin-owned bank and how it could help us meet the needs of our clients in a highly specialized way,” says Rhodes. He adds that as entrepreneurs at heart, the ability to produce their vision of a world-class mortgage bank was “in their blood,” and after 18 months of hard work they drove the effort to completion. But there are differences between Milestone and Sente. Rhodes explains that local ownership and control provides an unprecedented ability to make decisions based upon the local market. A new system for preparing and closing documents dramatically reduces the time it takes to get an approved loan closed. More lending sources allow Sente to offer more products to its customers, including construction loans, reverse mortgages and commercial loans. “We have made a commitment to provide our loan officers and staff with a level of education and training that we believe doesn’t exist in the marketplace,” says Rhodes. He points out that as the market changes, customers need a mortgage expert they can trust and one who knows the market intimately. As an example, he says the company hired experts in instructional design, which enabled them to create a challenging curriculum with manuals and workbooks to help loan officers take their knowledge and service to the

Associates In Progress


next level. Rhodes says that some of the courses they have designed h a v e received interest from R E A LT O R S interested in the fundamentals of Sente Mortgage building a business. The company A locally-owned company is looking at offering its Business Plan Bootcamp to REALTORS next year. Sente now has 31 employees, 19 of them loan officers, and locations in Austin and New Braunfels. “We are focused on personal one-on-one lending, which means we are completely organized around the referrals of friends, families, business colleagues and clients,” says Rhodes. And while all mortgage companies are in the business to provide loans, Rhodes says Sente’s services are unique to the industry. “A mortgage is a mortgage—it is our people who are extraordinary—their passion, caring, expertise and unwavering commitment to continue learning and growing.” He says the last point is important because people who are lifetime learners perform at a higher level, and these are the people who make up the Sente team. “Fundamentally, Sente is a personal, business and career development company, and everything else grows from this basic core value.” Rhodes adds that successful REALTORS are continually growing and improving their skills and knowledge, and look to surround themselves with people and associates who value those same traits. Short term goals for Sente include becoming the Number One lender in Austin. Past that, Rhodes says taking Sente to a multi-state company is not out of reach. “We are 31 people who passionately care about what we do, so much so that we built a new company so we can do it even better. We love being Austin-owned, and that the ‘world headquarters’ of Sente Mortgage is right here in town. No matter how big we grow, we will always be about Austin.”


w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Sharing fine food and company in the spirit of the holiday at the RE/MAX Austin Skyline holiday party were Carmen Slade of RE/MAX Austin Skyline and Texas American Title’s Terry Jackson and Salli Davis.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Knolly Williams and Jack McDonald, both of RE/MAX Austin Associates, discuss who is number one during the office holiday party at The Oasis.

Rhonda Foster, Kelly Boring-Stiles, Courtney Catalena and Karen Williams, all of North American Title, wait for guests to arrive at the holiday shopping bazaar at the company’s Round Rock office.

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Laura Pagnozzi of United Title of Texas and her husband Marty Pagnozzi take the silent auction item for a test drive during the ABoR installation and awards gala. Laura is also one of the 2008 Foundation Officers and Directors.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

RE/MAX Austin Skyline owners Ron Binkley and Craig Nowling play host to their guest during the annual office Christmas party.

Faye Davidson of Davison Real Estate and Sandy Bednar of Distinct Austin Properties were in attendance at the CRS installation and awards luncheon.

Happy Holidays from

Keller Williams Realty

Northwest Linda Barlett 512-346-3550 x8201

Southwest Eric Copper 512-448-4111

Lake Travis Mary Lynne Gibbs 512-263-9090

Williamson County Avis Wukasch 512-255-5050 x3616

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

ww w.r ea l tyl in e on li n e.c om


John C. Sheppard John Sheppard started out in real estate because he didn’t really want to go to law school, didn’t know anything about the oil and gas industry, and decided there wasn’t much future or income potential in being a cowboy. He did know that many people go into real estate as a second career—and he decided to skip that step. He knew Austin, had a zest for sales—and the desire to retire at an early age. It seemed to be the perfect choice. Today, Sheppard is broker/owner of HomeSource and founder of AustinHomeSource.com. With five agents, including his wife, Deborah, Sheppard says it was the right choice. It was while attending The University of Texas that Sheppard toiled as a messenger for the Texas House of Representatives. He was promoted to Messenger Supervisor, and then again to Assistant to the Sergeant at Arms and “doorkeeper” for the House Chamber—but realized he couldn’t raise a family—or frequent Green Mesquite BBQ often enough on his salary. During a 2 a.m. Session of the Legislature, while he says he was “pondering about how making laws was like making sausage, and how watching either one get made will make you lose your appetite for it,” he realized he enjoyed the process, and the negotiating necessary to pass bills, which is not unlike a real estate negotiation. Looking at a biographical list of legislators, he saw that Attorneys, oil/gas/ranchers and real estate brokers were their most common profession. Thinking that he would like to pursue a career track that might lead him back to the Capitol, it led him to Representative Joe Pickett from El Paso, who is a broker and at the time, part-time instructor at Austin Institute of Real Estate. It was while taking his pre-license courses he was introduced to Lynda Conway and Bettye Turner at JB Goodwin REALTORS. Sheppard says they were his compass, “and that there are no two better examples of professionalism in our industry.” After 12 years in the business, he says he finds the business rewarding. “One of the glorious things about self-employment is that you can sleep in on Mondays. One of the most difficult things about self-employment—is that you can sleep in on Mondays.” In other words, says Sheppard, you have to motivate yourself. He adds that as a profession, the profession needs to be more professional. “Education is the

ABoR Director in the Spotlight


root,” says Sheppard, who is now a TREC approved instructor. He is also putting his early legislative experience to work. Sheppard is currently serving on the Austin Board of REALTORS Board of Directors, and was recently elected to another three-year term. He has chaired the ABoR Government Affairs committee and served on both the TAR and NAR Political Communication Subcommittee committees. He says he hopes to see more ABoR members become involved in city and county government as well John C. Sheppard as in TAR and NAR. “Like politics, all real estate is local. And like politics, you have to work at all levels to make a HomeSource difference.” When he started out, Sheppard’s goals were simple— to put food on the table and buy a house. His thought was by selling a house a month, he would make it work. “So far so good,” says Sheppard 12 years later. Since “starting out” he has been married to Debbie 13 years, has two preteen children, two cats and a really big dog. As for accomplishments, “the most important thing I ever have or will accomplish in my life was convincing my best friend, Debbie, to be my wife.” Sheppard’s clients might look at what he has done for them as different types of accomplishment. Sheppard says he likes knowing that he’s helped retirees get the most out of their nest egg home they sell, or that he’s helped first-time homebuyers get the home they didn’t think they could afford, for what they were paying in rent. He adds that he prides himself on being accessible and listening, and that listening is the most important skill to success in the business. As for the future, Sheppard says he would like to open another office location, volunteer more time in youth sports, and become more involved politically. He enjoys fresh and saltwater fishing, baseball, Texas government and history and Texas hold ‘em. He has a ball cap that says “Best Coach of All Time,” and a coffee mug that says, “#1Dad.” He says his personality “probably brings a bit of heartburn to some in the industry” because he doesn’t mince words, his humor is dry and sarcastic, and he always tries to “tell it like he sees it.” And, while he acknowledges that sometimes the truth hurts, he points to the inscription on The University of Texas Tower—“Know the truth and it shall make you free.” Knowing “the truth,” also means knowing who you are and working to turn goals into reality. And Sheppard knows it’s a good thing he didn’t become a cowboy.


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Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Liz Moncrief and Tim Moncrief, both of Keller Williams Realty, mingle with industry friends at Spotlight Austin, a monthly event hosted by The Law Offices of Patten and Karlseng.

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Diane Kennedy of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS places a bid on a painting during the final moments of the silent auction at the ABoR installation.

Mary Lynne Gibbs of Keller Williams Realty and Sheri Brummett of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS take a tour of a $3 million spec home in Bellagio Estates during a VIP event in Steiner Ranch.

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

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The Women’s Council of REALTORS has a great leadership team in place for 2008. Linda Hall is president, Marie Dang Schwartz is presiand dent-elect Susanna Boyer is vice president of membership.

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Tara Kessler and Charlene Mosso, both of DR Horton Homes stop by the Thanksgiving luncheon at JB Goodwin REALTORS’s Round Rock office.

Tracy Pennington of Stewart Title and Heather Johns of Urban Space enjoy visiting with friends and colleagues after the winners were announced at the Austin Board of REALTORS’ installation.


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Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

During the WCR installation and awards banquet awards were given to Sandy Battise, affiliate of the year; Susanna Boyer, rookie of the year; Ann Marie Sandlin, lifetime achievement; and D.A. Henry, REALTOR of the year.

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Donna Yoste and Marsha Corrales, both of RE/MAX Austin Associates, enjoy food, music and fun at the office Christmas party at The Oasis.

NAHREP Austin’s outgoing president Bonnie Barrera turns over the reins to incoming president Victor Montalvo, who has quickly become a key figure in real estate since earning his license just five years ago.

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

December 2007

Nancy and Gary Cocanougher, both Avalar Real of Estate, attend the Christmas Tree Gala hosted by the Williamson County Association of R E A L T O R S Scholarship committee. Gary is the incoming president of the association.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Alex Pettitt of Risinger Homes, Tiffany Stillwell of The Law Offices of Patten and Karlseng and Brandon Hausenfluck of Homes MidCity enjoy the last Spotlight Austin for 2007. Look for the next event on Jan. 17.

Jodi B. Lynn, right, of Taylor Woodrow Homes embraces her friend Michelle Teal of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS at the VIP event at the Bellagio Estates in Steiner Ranch.

December 2007

Realty Line of Austin

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Byron “Buddy” Schilling, Stephanie Bitoni, Kay Sachs and Chris Sachs kick off the holiday season at the JB Goodwin Thanksgiving luncheon. Buddy, Stephanie and Chris are with JB Goodwin REALTORS while Kay is with BG Personnel Services.

Kelly Arnold and Kristy Smallwood, both of Stewart Title, find the best place for their new office sign at the company’s Spicewood Springs office.

Kristin Carroll, second from left, and Tom Rhodes inform guest Mary Lynn Johnson, left, and D.A. Henry of The Aldion Group about the new name of their company, Sente Mortgage.

Shannon Salamone, left, and Carla Bright, right, both of Portrait Homes, welcome Buddy Estrella of Mission Mortgage to the grand opening of the Portrait Homes’ townhomes on Cypress Creek Road in Cedar Park.



The Back Page

Realty Line publisher/owner Doren Carver, center, Craig Bass, left, of North American Title and David Pavliska of RE/MAX Round Rock hope to hear their names announced as cash award winners toward the end of a great ABoR installation at the Hilton downtown.

Santa gets an early Christmas present from Patricia Wagner of DHI Mortgage at the WCR installation luncheon at held at the Balcones Country Club.

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December 2007

Rockin’ around the Christmas tree were family and friends of Texas Mortgage Consultants’ Russell Stout (back row, red shirt).

Developer Bobby Nail and sales associate Julia Salmon check out the progress of the building at the Brides on the Park condos project on Lamar and Riverside.

Barry Carew cuts the ribbon at the grand opening of the new office in Wolf Ranch for the Georgetown Area Builders Association.

The new board members for the NAHREP Austin chapter are installed. Bonnie Barrera, immediate past president; Teresa Rabago, treasurer; Mary Mealy, parliamentarian; Jessica Garcia, secretary; Victor Montalvo, president; Lisa Renee Samuels, director of membership; Nicole Torres-Cooke, director of public affairs; Rose Costas, director of education and Ron Urias, president elect.

Realty Line of Austin

Jay Pearce of Jay Pearce Real Estate takes home the tree he bid on at the silent auction that benefited the Williamson County Association of REALTORS scholarship foundation.

Alan Laskey and Sondra Laskey of JB Goodwin REALTORS, carve a ham to serve to the more than 100 guests at the company’s Thanksgiving luncheon in Round Rock.

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