Candice Wiener Amanda Kay Nadine Christine Travis Heinrich Jennifer Bradley Oscar Goodman Tyra Bell-Holland Jennifer Vaughan Michael Rogers Christian Purdie Phillip Cox Ella Gagiano Jennifer Busse-Nieves Siloh Moses Andrea Dupper Erik Lewin Gerard Ramalho Crystal Barber Denis Thompson AJ Moreno Galit-Ventura Rozen Jennifer Burbank Scott Kerbs Chris Craig Dani Bradford Dr. Brian Iriye Michael Kalekini Lissette Waugh Marc Barry Leila Hale
THANK you! The truth of the matter is you’re only as good as your support. Here at Real Vegas, we are forever grateful and appreciative of all the continued support! Without the contributing names listed here, this publication would not be possible. This special feature fall issue is dedicated to the Las Vegas’ Top Real Lawyers for 2019 that we have had the pleasure of getting to know and learning about this past summer; Marc Randazza, Michael Haight and Mark Henness, 3 attorneys from the Defenders Law Firm, David Menocal, Hayley Price and K. Ryan Helmick. This issue is another result of our hard work, blood, sweat and tears and at Real Vegas magazine, we will NEVER claim to be a one man show! What we all do in contribution to each issue is truly a labor of love and from the bottom of our hearts and we proudly thank every advertiser, writer, photographer, contributor in every way, shape and form. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to tell the stories and provide rich content including current events and our historical Las Vegas history to our readers as well, which is of the utmost important to us. Please feel free to submit any editorial pieces for consideration to: and please follow and like us on social media and visit our ALL NEW website: We would love to have you join us out at one of our upcoming events! Please check out our upcoming events that are promoted and shared on social media each quarter.
Patrick Kang Rob Holbrook
THANK YOU all and we hope you enjoy reading the contents as much as we enjoyed putting it all together!
Tsikki Thau Cathy Brooks
c yc
le this M
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The Smith Center of Performing Arts
Printed in the U.S.A.
Jill King
By: Candice Wiener
e c i u J
ultimate protection and overall secure feeling for clients, as
Make no mistake that when you talk about Las Vegas’ Top
they know he is a fearless leader who will fight for their rights
Lawyers, we’d be remiss not to make mention of power
in and out of the courtroom.
house criminal defense attorney, David Chesnoff. From celebrities, musicians, sports stars to the gaming world,
Real Vegas recently had the opportunity to sit down with
Chesnoff is well known for representing the elite, wealthy
Mr. Chesnoff in his office downtown and have an up close
and famous. David Chesnoff is a famed and celebrated
and personal meeting with him. Most of us have seen him
attorney here in Las Vegas and even local prosecutors
on televised programs and in the newspaper defending
know they have their work cut out for them when he is
high profile celebrities and clients. What most of us don’t
retained by an alleged criminal. Chesnoff has boldly
know or face is how he deals with the stressful complexities
represented many of clients in criminal defense cases and
that come with representing these high-profile clients that
other legal matters. Chesnoff is now managing partner of
he so tirelessly defends. To David, what helps alleviate such
Chesnoff & Schonfeld and Richard Schonfeld is a partner
a demanding and stressful career and brings him peace
in the firm. Formerly, Chesnoff was partners with Oscar
and fulfillment is spending time at home with his wife Diana
Goodman and their law firm was formed after meeting
of 35 years and enjoying their dogs and horses at their
one another back in 1985. When Goodman was elected as
ranch style estate. He also enjoys a playing golf and poker
Mayor of Las Vegas, he remained partners with Chesnoff
with a strong core of buddies that he considers his best
in the firm until 2001. With such a notable and nationally
friends. His favorite course to play golf at is Shadow Creek.
recognized law firm, it’s easy to see why clients look no
Any chance he can get to play either golf or poker, he very
further than to Chesnoff in order to retain the best in the
much enjoys. David also likes to read… He doesn’t read a
business for their criminal defense and legal matters. When
lot of legal matter material, of course, unless it pertains to
it comes to criminal cases, clients can face uncertainty in
work; but he enjoys reading novels and historical books.
not knowing what their lives hold in store depending on the
His most recent read was a publication focused on Ulysses
outcome of their case. Chesnoff and his firm provide the
S. Grant. David enjoys listening to Harvard Business School
podcasts to learn things that about business that he has
and clients that Mr. Chesnoff has had the opportunity to
yet to learn and certainly knows the value of continuing
education. Although we know, David isn’t going anywhere anytime Chesnoff’s driving force and passion behind becoming a
soon and thoroughly enjoys his well-established career
criminal defense attorney was the strong desire to stand up
as a criminal defense attorney; hypothetically speaking,
for the under-dog, to help uphold our nations’ constitution,
when asked- if he decided he was done practicing law
which he stated is a sacred document. It’s very clear to
tomorrow, what would he choose to pursue career wise, he
see that David is extremely passionate about protecting
stated “that’s a good question…” He said after working for
people’s rights. We asked David if he could implement 3
people in the casino and gambling industry both directly
things today to better the legal system, what would they
and indirectly for 40 plus years, he would consider going
be. He replied respectfully: “More civility between opposing
into hospitality in some capacity. He truly enjoys seeing
lawyers. More scholarship. And requiring lawyers to do
people happy and the hospitality industry caters to doing
more pro-bono work.”
just that.
Some of David’s favorite and most notable clients he’s
For a celebratory evening, David enjoys a nice bottle of
helped are Mike Tyson, whom he says he has great
Sassicaia (a nice bottle of Italian red wine), and his ideal
affection for and David Copperfield. He also represented Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton, in which he says were both lovely clients that he’s represented. Suge Knight was also a client that was always very dear to his heart. David has
night out on the town would consist of drinks at the High Limit bar at the Aria, followed by dinner at SW Steakhouse
an empathetic understanding as to Suge’s past, where he came from and possesses an innate understanding of him and his life. These well-known clients are just to name a few on the hefty
roster of
We have some of the best judges, the best police department and people in Las Vegas.
and then going to see Absinthe the show, which he has seen previously, but would enjoy going to see again. A
favorite travel destinations are Israel and Asia.
few of his favorite restaurants, for obvious reasons, include
David is in fact a fan of various genres of music. He loves
SW Steakhouse at the Wynn, Lemongrass at the Aria, a
outlaw country, old school Motown and on his drive into his
well-known staple in Las Vegas; The Palm Restaurant at
office, he enjoys getting revved up with new age music.
the Forum Shops at Caesar’s, and Michael Mina’s, Bardot
He’s also a big fan of the Eagles. Although a celebrated
attorney whose reputation clearly proceeds him, he also has a very humble and kind disposition. When it comes to
Chesnoff has traveled all over the world from a very young
automobiles, David is surprisingly a Ford pickup truck guy.
age. His brother was famous journalist and therefore he
Although he subtly mentioned that he does own 1 fancy
traveled often with him as well as with his Mother. David’s
car that he also enjoys.
Having played sports in his younger high school and
And treat every case as though you were representing your
college years, David is a fervent sports fan. His favorite
own brother.” He also advises young aspiring attorneys to
teams are the Yankees and the Patriots. “What can I say?
be progressive in their law practice approach.
I love winners,” David jokingly laughed. He also professed his admiration for our newly anticipated Las Vegas Raiders
Much like us here at Real Vegas, Mr. Chesnoff is a die-hard
team and clearly supports our new additions of local sports
local. He loves Las Vegas. Some things he loves most about
our community and city is the fact that you know everyone. Big city, small town… He loves the top-notch entertainment,
With Antonio Brown (formerly of the Pittsburgh Steelers and
restaurants, history and culture, as well as the incredibly
his short stint with the Raiders and the Patriots) so frequently
talented people that our beloved city boasts, in all walks
in the media earlier this football season, Chesnoff says: “It’s
of life. He says, “we have some of the best judges, the best
unfortunate he doesn’t have someone in his ear giving
police department and people here in Las Vegas.”
personal issues.” He agrees with our Real Vegas top sports
Chesnoff recently represented a female client with the
analysts that Antonio’s too good of a player to be done
Innocence Project who was sentenced for a murder she
with the NFL just yet. However, time will tell what’s in store
did not commit, and he successfully helped reverse her
for the famed wide receiver’s future and career.
conviction, resulting in her release.
With recreational and medicinal marijuana being made
David Chesnoff is passionate about implementing more
legal in the state of Nevada, we wanted to know David’s
alternative sentencing, our community having more
opinion on the still somewhat controversial topic and
adequate counseling readily available and more local
unsurprisingly, Mr. Chesnoff has absolutely been an
resources for our youth. He is an advocate for youth right
advocate for the legalization of marijuana since he was
here in our community.
12 years old and has always believed it should be legal. “Anyone who’s in jail for a past marijuana charge should
It’s no surprise to us that Mr. Chesnoff is an all-around
be let out.”
good, intelligent and humble guy all the whilst being a well-respected power house attorney
Mr. Chesnoff says he wouldn’t have done much different in
that continues to give back to our local
his legal career, however; he would offer some sound and
community both in his personal and
solid advice to an up and coming 21-year-old version of
professional life.
himself: “Take every time you go to court seriously. Study…
him more guidance and helping him to temper his own
LAWYER By: Erik Lewin
i admire
I practiced as a criminal defense attorney in New York and Los Angeles for ten years. It’s a strange business. When I first moved to LA, I remember thinking, there’s plenty of crime here, how wonderful! And yet, by virtue
of playing in such a depraved sandbox, I was in a position to help people in need. I haven’t forgotten certain former clients who I considered very brave, or certain judges who exhibited great wisdom and compassion. But the one individual I think of most fondly, in all of my days in the courtroom, was neither of these things. He was a prosecutor. I’m not sure I ever met a real life hero before I met Ken. He didn’t look like one; his cheeks sagged under the weight of sevety-plus years, all the hairs he had left were white, and his eyeglasses looked more like telescopes. But decades prior, Ken was a star jet fighter for the US military in Vietnam, performing countless missions (sorties) in the sky, until he was shot down and imprisoned in the infamous Hanoi Hilton for five years, alongside John Mcain.
His survival is documented in his book, Outlaw Lead, and I wager to say, he did not know if he’d ever see home again.
he was acting prosecutor for several of my clients. We didn’t always see eye to eye; he didn’t offer up sweetheart plea deals or cut my clients any slack. In fact, he could be quite the hard-headed sonofagun! But we always worked out these matters amicably, before retiring for affordable cigars in the grimy attic of a nearby smoke shop.
We had cases together, meaning
It’s not what I’ve done,
it’s what I’ve done lately.
In these private little moments, Ken shared with me the precious nuggets
record, during the council’s session. I am proud
of his lived history in Vietnam, with an almost holy
to say that I was the only defense attorney Ken
intimacy, the testimony from a man who was
invited. I’m not sure how all the prosecutors felt
there. It was then that he spoke of wanting to write
about that!
Outlaw Lead, which I fervently encouraged, and in
But when Ken was finally asked to speak, after the
time had the honor of reading his first rough pages.
lawyers, family, and politicians had recited this incredible laundry list of his accomplishments, he
It was my understanding that Ken rarely spoke
expressed his thanks and quietly undercored one
of his past in the war. It was not something he
point: “It’s not what I’ve done, it’s what I’ve done
openly broadcast, in spite of his great pride. The
his decorations, his unfathomable sacrifice. Once
I don’t know if I could have survived in a prison
he returned to the United States after his service, he
camp. The closest I’ve ever come to captivity
became a teacher, and soon thereafter, pursued
is being summoned to jury duty. It’s hard to
his legal education.
understand how extreme life experiences, those
“Ken,” I said, blowing a mouthful of smoke that
that flirt with death, can effect the psyche and
hovered between us, “why do you still work so hard,
emotional temperament of a person. It may be that
all these years later?”
my closest glimpse into such a state is through my
He chuckled, brushed an ash from his cardigan,
interaction with Ken. He never lets disappointment
and said in his country twang, “It’s not about what
or hardship upset his spirit. I understand not
I’ve done. It’s about what I’ve done lately.”
everyone is this way.
To that end, after many years of service as a fine
I learned countless lessons as a lawyer – from the
prosecutor, he decided to evolve in his career, and
craft of the practice in and out of the courtroom,
open up his own law firm. But first, his prosecutor’s
along with many memorable interpersonal
office chose to honor Ken, in conjunction with the
experiences with clients. It’s all been an education,
Los Angeles City Council, in the city chamber.
but perhaps none more so than the sheer grace
The record of Ken’s incredible service as a military
and humility exhibited by my friend and hero, Ken
veteran and prosecutor was detailed on the
remarkable thing was he never rested on his laurels,
The Native Juice.......................................................................................2 - 5 The Lawyer I Admire............................................................................... 6 - 7 Las Vegas Celebrates 25 Years as Top Trade Show Destination.......... 12 Fall into Season with the Latest Makeup Trends............................. 16 - 17 Officer Survival Solutions............................................................................ 20 2019 Real Top Lawyers of Las Vegas................................................ 21 - 35 Frist Amendment Lawyer, Marc Randazza...................................... 24 - 25 Murder, Death Row and the Ineffectiveness of Legal Counsel.... 36 - 41 #VegasStronger Remembering One October................................ 42 - 43 Health Tips from A Closet Healthy Girl.............................................. 46 - 47 Real Kids in Power – Kids for the American Cancer Society.......... 48 - 49 MG Patisserie and Café – Dessert First............................................. 52 - 53 Helping People is at the Heart of Realtor’s New Venture.............. 54 - 55 When the Opioid Crisis Hits Pregnancies.......................................... 56 - 57 Sin City Has a Lot of Karma & Luck.................................................. 60 - 61 Project Marilyn is Making a Difference, Period ............................... 66 - 67
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From the
publisher's CANDICE N C Wien er desk:
nights and challenges that came our way, but I personally
I’ve found that innately possessing an attitude of gratitude is
wouldn’t change it for anything and am exceptionally proud
certainly a rewarding way to look at life. No matter what we
of the growth that we have achieved in one short year. Our
go through, when you choose to remain grateful for what you
company motto very much remains the same that we are all
have right where you are, the positive affirmations tend to
follow. My eldest daughter says, mom, what we go through, we grow through… Such incredible wisdom. It reminds me of
This issue brings some notable faces in the legal community
the meme where a man in a brand-new sedan is looking at
to the forefront. We are honored to share our 2019 Las Vegas’
a man in his brand-new sports car, thinking to himself: wow, I
Top Lawyers special feature issue. These attorneys are top
wish I could afford that brand-new sports car. While another
rated and are vigorous advocates for our local community.
man in an older but decent shape sedan is looking at the
The thing I love learning about is how passionate most of them
man in the brand-new sedan, thinking to himself, I wish I could
are; not only regarding fighting for their clients, but also about
afford a brand-new sedan. All the while another man in a
the scales of justice and our constitutional rights, much as I
beat down clunker is looking at the man in the average, better
am. This issue, we were honored to get up close and personal
shape sedan, thinking: I wish I could afford that newer and
with Mike Haight and Mark Henness of Henness & Haight,
safer sedan. Yet again, a man riding his bike is looking at the
2 prominent Las Vegas Injury Attorneys, Marc Randazza of
man in the old beat up clunker, thinking to himself, wow, I’d
Randazza Legal Group, a celebrated and nationally televised
love to have any car that runs. Another man is walking down
1st Amendment Attorney, David Menocal, Hayley Price and
the street looking at the man on the bike and thinks to himself,
K. Ryan Helmick of Mr. Richard Harris’ Law Firm, the Defenders.
wow, I could go far if only I could afford a bike like that. And
These rock-star lawyers grace our front covers with the most
from a window looking down is a man who is paralyzed in a
professional legal etiquette and all have incredible stories in
wheelchair, thinking, wow, that man can walk and can go
their legal journey. We also had the pleasant opportunity to
anywhere! The moral of the meme is that it really is all about
meet famed Criminal Defense Attorney, David Chesnoff. From
perspective. My mom raised me to be thankful right where
celebrities to prominent locals, David is hands down one of
you are with what you have and certainly not take anything
the best in the business and just seeing his office was quite a
for granted or covet what others have. It’s easy to presume
treat! The wisdom and legal professionalism that he maintains
while surfing through social media and seeing successful
is top-notch.
they seemingly have it so easy. In theory, that’s typically not
Las Vegas’ Top Lawyers are such a vital and crucial part of
the case… When I scroll through social media and see friends
our community. They fight hard to both protect the under-dog
enjoying the fruits of their labor, it makes me genuinely happy
and respectfully represent their clients and we are thankful for
for them. Most everyone who is in a successful position in their
their hard work. Please follow us on social media and join us
lives that affords them the luxury of traveling with their families,
at an upcoming recognition party to meet these remarkable
etc. have generally all most certainly worked tirelessly to get to
individuals and their respective firms they represent.
that level of success. A special thank you to our advertisers, readers, contributing This issue means so much to me since this journey began. The
writers, and all of our supporters! Woo hoo, we truly couldn’t
fall 2019 edition officially marks the one-year anniversary of
have done it without you! This is just the
Real Vegas. A full year of staying hyper focused on what’s
beginning of what’s to come and we are
authentic and genuine in our professional and personal
extremely appreciative for our innovative
lives. Our situational awareness has increased, our focus
leaders and incredible support.
has been more on the positive and letting the negative, energy draining life suckers that fall by the wayside. We’ve had many productive and activity filled work-days, sleepless
@realvegasmagazine CANDICE WIENER 702.743.5358
friends vacationing to exotic beaches and lavish travels, that
L a s Vegas C elebrates 25 Years A s
By: Oscar B. Goodman, LVCVA Host Committee Chairman
Las Vegas maintains its long-standing reputation as the leading destination for business travel. For the 25th consecutive year, Las Vegas was named the country’s #1 trade show destination according to the Trade Show News Network (TSNN) “2018 TSNN Top Trade Shows” list. According to the list, Las Vegas hosted 48 of the largest shows held in the country last year. In celebration of 25 years as North America’s leading trade show destination, here are 25 contributing factors leading to Las Vegas’ ongoing success as a business destination: Las Vegas welcomed 42.1 million visitors in 2018, of those, more than 6.5 million were business travelers Nearly 24,000 meetings hosted annually More than 11.6 million square feet of exhibit space
In the next 5 years, the destination will add more than 3 million square feet of additional meeting and exhibit space Home to 3 of the country’s largest convention venues (Las Vegas Convention Center, Mandalay Bay Convention Center and Sands Expo and Convention Center) The meetings industry generates $10.5 billion in impact to local economy
As a 24-hour destination, attendees have access to world-class dining, shopping and entertainment long after business wraps up for the day Las Vegas is currently the only destination in North America with a World Trade Center designation on the campus of a convention center Business travelers tend to stay longer and spend more while in the destination
Supports approximately 67,200 local jobs
Las Vegas can accommodate groups from 10 to more than 150,000 attendees and varying budgets
Nearly 150,000 hotels rooms, offering a phenomenal group value proposition
The Las Vegas Convention Center alone hosts more than 50 events annually, welcoming nearly 1.5 million attendees
The average daily room rate averaged $128 in 2018
Supplemental registration staff is available through the LVCVA for events taking place in the destination
On average, attendance increases by 8% when conventions rotate into Las Vegas
Year-round appeal: Las Vegas averages 320 days of sunshine annually Las Vegas trade show delegates spend more time on the show floor, averaging 11 hours
More than 950 daily inbound and outbound flights from more than 130 U.S. and international cities McCarran International Airport is conveniently located just 2 miles from Las Vegas Boulevard and 3.5 miles from the Las Vegas Convention Center Whether by bus, taxi, shuttle or monorail, accommodations are generally within a 15-minute ride from McCarran International Airport
Las Vegas was among the top 5 meeting destinations overall, based on studies with meeting planners Las Vegas offers an extensive array of team building experiences, including outdoor and adventure activities, corporate social responsibility projects and behind-thescenes interactions at some of the destination’s top entertainment venues Many Las Vegas properties are incorporating new and unique health and wellness offerings catering to business travelers.
The LVCVA is the ultimate authority on Las Vegas. For more information, visit
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By: Lissette Waugh
Whether you are looking to spice up your fall makeup bag or wanting to spook up your Halloween makeup look, here are few tips and tricks to take your makeup look to the next level.
Velvet eyes & suede lips This season spice up your life by exploring the latest fall colors in lipsticks and eyeshadows. It’s all about velvet rust brown shades for the eyes and rich burgundy shades of red for the lips.
Never wear them together but choose one feature to be your focal point. My top picks for the fall
season are:
Photos by Adam Trujillo
Inglot Freedom System Eyeshadow in 298 | $8.00 Inglot Freedom System Eyeshadow in 282 | $8.00
Make Up For Ever Artist Color Pencil in 718 Free Burgundy | $18.00
Make Up For Ever Artist Rouge Crème in C407 Black Red | $22.00
Sugar Skull Halloween makeup look: Stand out this haunted season by thinking outside the coffin and take your Sugar switching up your traditional Sugar Skull color choice from the standard black and white to using vibrant shades of turquoise, hot pink or orange. My top pick for face paints is the Mehron Paradise Paints, $13.50 and Viseart Editorial Brights Eyeshadow Palette, $80.00 to intensify the colors.
Visit L Makeup Institute at Tivoli Village 440 S Rampart Blvd B130 | Las Vegas, NV 89145 | 702.685.9298
Skull look to the next level. I recommend
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Officer SURVIVAL SOLUTIONS By: Marc Barry combat medics with decades of experience operating With Law enforcement officer deaths and both active
in some of the most volatile and dangerous conditions on
shooter and mass casualty events on the increase
the planet. We have all come together for one greater
throughout the nation, we as local emergency services
purpose and that is to ultimately, to “Save Lives”!
should be better prepared for these events to render immediate aid and help increase survivability in these tragedies. In 2009-2010, as a retired Metro Police Officer/Detective, I invented these lifesaving kits that consist of tourniquets, special treated gauze and pressure bandages. These kits are created to combat the immediate need for lifesaving measures to be readily available to all Law Enforcement and general citizens alike. The first responder on any given tragedy scene is always going to be you the general public. These kits are
critical lifesaving items that will stop arterial life threatening hemorrhaging. They are compact enough to be carried on the body and in accordance with any uniform policy among our nations Police and/or Sheriff’s Departments. To date these kits along with the deploying Officers immediate actions have saved over 300 citizens and 39 Police Officer lives. they are now being carried as a part of the uniform among over 6100 Law Enforcement agencies globally. These same kits are now being adopted by numerous churches, malls, other public gathering places and schools
throughout our nation and are currently being deployed daily throughout our communities. I created Officer Survival Solutions to not only make these kits available to all citizens and emergency services alike but also to help increase awareness and training to the average citizen whom will most likely be the “First Responder” in any mass casualty event. We offer free training to our community on a weekly basis and will assist any group,
company, corporation or public agency with site security
Officer Survival Solutions
and emergency preparedness operation plans to better
725.214.9960 - Las Vegas Offices
prepare all individuals in lifesaving measures should that
760.696.0120 - Training Division
time present itself. My team consists of police officers and
858.776.4425 - Direct 24 hours
Real Top of Las Vegas
the list • pg. 22
Dennis Prince
Joseph Benson
Paul Powell
Derek Connor
Joseph Garin
Peter Christiansen
Dina Ladah
Joseph Wirth
Peter Mazzeo
Aaron Aquino
Donald Kudler
Julie Raye
Phillip Aurbach
Adam Breeden
Ed Prudhomme
Justin Watkins
Puonyarat Premsrirut
Adam Kutner
Edward Bernstein
K. Ryan Helmick
R. Duane Frizell
Adam Smith
Elaine Marzola
Kari Hanratty
Ralph Schwartz
Adam Vander Heyden
Emily McFarling
Kevin Hanratty
Ramzy Ladah
Alan Sklar
Eric Blank
Kevin Lazar
Reza Athari
Alex De Castroverde
Eric Marshall
Kristin Cogburn
Rhonda Mushkin
Alexis Brown
Eric Palacios
Kristina Holman
Richard Harris
Alicia Ashcraft
Eric Roy
Kristina Wildeveld
Richard Holley
Alison Brasier
F. Peter James
Lawrence Hill
Rob Telles
Allen Cap
Frank Flansburg III
Lawrence Ruiz
Robert Adams
Amanda Connor
Gabriel Martinez
Leah Martin
Robert Cardenas
Amanda Litt
Garrett Ogata
Lee Drizin
Robert Cerceo
Amy Sances
George Bochanis
Leila Hale
Robert Cottle
Andre Lagomarsino
Gina Corena
Leonard Stone
Robert Eglet
Anthony Paglia
Glenn Truitt
Lew Brandon, Jr.
Robert Maddox
Arezou Piroozi
Gus Flangas
Lindsay Cullen
Robert Schumacher
Augusta Massey
Hayley Price
Lloyd Baker
Roger Croteau
Aviva Gordon
Heather Harris
Louis Palazzo
Ross Goodman
Ben Bingham
Iśrael "Ishi" Kunin
Malcolm P. LaVergne
S. Craig Stone II
Benson Lee
Jack Buchanan
Mandy McKellar
Samuel Schwartz
Boyd Moss
Jacqueline Mary McQuigg
Marc Randazza
Sandy Van
Bradley Mainor
James Pisanelli
Marc Saggese
Shannon Wilson
Brandi Cassady
Jamie Cogburn
Marcus Berg
Shawn Goldstein
Brett Carter
Jason Close
Marjorie Guymon
Shemilly Briscoe
Brian Blankenship
Jason Naimi
Mark Henness
Stacy Rocheleau
Brian Harris
Jason Revzin
Matthew Hoffmann
Steve Dimopoulos
Brian Steinberg
Jason Stoffel
Melvin Grimes
Steven Abbott
Brian Vasek
Jason Weiner
Michael Kane
Steven Baker
Carol Hay
Jeffrey Barr
Michael Balaban
Steven Mack
Chad Golightly
Jeffrey Burr
Michael Haight
Steven Parke
Charles Lybarger
Jeffrey Patterson
Michael Mushkin
Terry Coffing
Christopher Burk
Jennifer Braster
Michael Pandullo
Theodore Parker III
Craig Anderson
Jennifer Pandullo
Michael Stein
Tisha Black
Craig Drummond
John Momot
Michele LoBello
Tom Standish
Craig Kenny
John Moran Jr.
Michelle Abrams
Tony Sgro
Cristina Hinds
John Moran, III
Mitchell Resnick
Tracy Eglet
Dale Hayes
John Mowbray
Nadin Cutter
Travis Buchanan
Dallas Horton
John Shook
Nedda Ghandi
Troy Isaacson
Dara Goldsmith
John Watkins
Nicholas Wooldridge
Vincent Aiello, III
David Chesnoff
Jon Eric Garde
Nick Pomponio
Warren Geller
David Jacks
Jonathan Callister
Ozzie Fumo
William Devine
David Menocal
Jonathan Nelson
Pat Lundvall
William Skupa
David Roger
Jordan Schnitzer
Patrick Kang
William Terry
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MARC RANDAZZA proudly embraces the moniker of
Star Trek film, claiming that the Klingon language was
Devil’s advocate, bestowed upon him for serving as First
copyrighted property. On behalf of a group of linguists,
Amendment counsel to some unpopular clients.
Randazza argued that since Klingon was a living language, it could not be anyone’s “property.” Randazza wrote a portion
He has represented InfoWars host Alex Jones, The Satanic
of it in actual Klingon – gaining international attention. He
Temple, and women sued for defamation for speaking out
took down the copyright troll, Righthaven, and is a consultant
about sexual harassment. He represented the blogger who
for the Republic of Kosovo on copyright law. But, his favorite
exposed the Steubenville rape case, an Argentine journalist
intellectual property work is where IP meets free speech –
seeking to expose what eventually turned into the famous
like fair use cases. In one that made the press, Randazza
Panama Papers case, and another journalist seeking to
defended Alex Jones in a case involving “Pepe the Frog”
uncover information about Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes. He
- a case over a cartoon frog, but with serious political
defends pornographers, preachers, and Atheist skeptics.
“I don’t discriminate on viewpoint,” says Randazza. “If you
Randazza was a law professor for three years, teaching
do, then you’re not a First Amendment lawyer – you’re
intellectual property and free speech law. He lectures on
a lawyer for your point of view.” Randazza sees the First
these subjects internationally. “I love mentoring students,” he
Amendment as a neutral principle. “When you protect a
says. “It allows me to proselytize about what I hold dear – a
Satanist, you also protect the Christian,” says Randazza.
belief in freedom of expression.” He still goes back to teach
“When you protect a racist, that principle also protects the
in the LLM program he graduated from in Italy, and helps his
civil rights activist.”
students join him as a published author. Randazza has over
In 2013, Randazza lobbied to revise Nevada’s Anti-SLAPP
legal column and consults the press on free speech issues on
statute to make it the strongest in the country. In 2015, when
a regular basis.
there was an effort to repeal the advances – Randazza was a one-man lobbying army, successfully pushing back against
Whether he’s teaching, speaking to the press, or practicing,
a billionaire’s effort to destroy the law. He was also part of the
Randazza’s belief in balance doesn’t waiver. While most First
lobbying effort in California to stop the “condom bill” – which
Amendment lawyers won’t take plaintiff’s side defamation
would have mandated condoms in pornography. “It was a
cases, Randazza says that the First Amendment does not
First Amendment violation,” says Randazza. This led to him
absolve anyone of a need to be responsible. “If you ruin
writing The Freedom to Film Pornography – a study on the
someone’s reputation by being irresponsible, I don’t object to
free speech implications of producing adult entertainment.
you paying for that. But, I enjoy defending the scoundrel, the loudmouth, the agitator. That is where First Amendment law
Randazza’s practice also includes cutting edge intellectual property cases. Paramount Pictures sued a “fan made”
is made.”
a dozen law review articles under his belt as well as a CNN
OF LAS VEGAS ADAM BREEDAN Attorney/Owner Breedan and Associates
Managing Partner Adam S. Kutner & Associates 702.382.0000
Attorney/Owner Adam Smith Law
Partner Greenspoon Marder
Attorney/Owner Anthony Paglia Injury Lawyer LTD.
702.978.4247 @greenspoon.marder
Attorney/Owner Massey and Associates 702-722-9906
Attorney Mainor Wirth
Practicing Partner Cassady Law Offices
Partner Bertoldo Baker Carter Smith 702.800.0000
Attorney/Owner Lybarger Law Offices
Attorney/Owner The Hayes Law Firm
Attorney/Owner Dallas Horton and Associates 702.380.3100
Attorney/Owner Chesnoff & Schonfeld
Schedule your Free Consultation! 702.380.3100
Lawyers You Can Trust In 1982, the Richard Harris Law Firm began with a single client, and one thing has remained constant over the years – our clients come first. For nearly 40 years, we’ve been helping people protect their legal rights and ensuring best outcomes for those we serve. In 2007, we added our criminal defense division, The Defenders, so we could help more people.
830 South 4th Street | Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
MEET OUR TEAM Richard Harris: Since 1982, Richard Harris with his partners and associates have served tens of thousands of clients and families. Admitted to practice law in Nevada and California, Rick initially associated with nationally known criminal defense attorney and former Las Vegas Mayor, Oscar Goodman. Award winning with national recognition, Richard Harris earned membership in the Bar Register Attorney Richard Harris of Preeminent Lawyers, Best Attorneys of America, Elite Lawyers of America, Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, Outstanding Lawyers of America, Super Lawyers and The Verdict Club as a Platinum Member. In 2016, the Nevada Justice Association honored Richard Harris with its prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award.
Attorney Hayley Price
K. Ryan Helmick: As a trial lawyer with The Defenders, K. Ryan Helmick is determined to help people facing serious challenges. His entire legal career, he has focused exclusively on criminal defense, and he does so with passion and drive. Ryan has successfully handled nearly 2,000 DUI and criminal cases. He also trained at Gerry Spence’s world renowned Trial Attorney K. Ryan Helmick Lawyers College. During his practice of law, he has been recognized as National Trial Lawyers Top 40 Under 40, received “10 Best Award in Client Satisfaction” by The American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys and was honored by Avvo, the lawyer rating service, with the Clients Choice Award.
Hayley Price:
David Menocal:
Hayley Price is passionate about representing a range of clients in criminal law matters. For her, one of the most rewarding parts of being an attorney is helping her clients return to good standing within the community with innovative thinking, problem solving and negotiation. She sees every opportunity to help her clients as a chance to advise, inform, apply and shape the law with the best interests of the client in mind.
David Menocal’s undergraduate studies led to a passion for his Cuban roots and interest in serving the Hispanic community, including volunteering at a non-profit corporation “Law in Action,” where he educated indigent Hispanic inmates on their constitutional rights and assisted them in their early release from jail. David primarily practices in the areas of criminal defense and personal injury litigation. David is fluent in Spanish.
Attorney David Menocal
A criminal charge is scary for anyone. Defendants are up against a lot, and they need the help of a highly qualified lawyer. The attorneys at The Defenders are led by Attorney K. Ryan Helmick, who has extensive trial experience in all criminal defense case types, including the most serious charge a defendant can face, murder. Fellow attorneys, David Menocal and Hayley Price, serve as part of the legal team who helps clients protect their legal rights to ensure the best possible outcome. The Defenders team helps clients in tough situations every day. The firm’s lawyers are available day and night. If your family member or friend needs our help, please contact us. Richard Harris Law Firm and The Defenders are a dedicated group, skilled and prepared to give extraordinary client service and the highest quality legal representation. We look forward to putting our special abilities to work for you.
OF LAS VEGAS DAVID MENOCAL Attorney The Defenders 702.333.3333
Practicing Partner Ladah Law Firm
Attorney/Owner Law Office of Garrett T. Ogata
Founding Partner The Law Offices of Gina Corena, PLLC
Attorney The Defenders 702.333.3333
JAMIE COGBURN Attorney/Co-Founder Cogburn Law Offices
JASON REVZIN Practicing Partner Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP 702.893.3383
Managing Partner JEG Law 702.898.9540
Attorney/Owner The Schnitzer Law Firm 702.960.4050
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Attorney/Owner Mainor Wirth
Attorney & Managing Partner Grace Law 702.528.7787
Attorney The Defenders 702.333.3333
Attorney/Co-Founder Cogburn Law Offices
What you want in personal injury attorneys. 702-800-0000 |
OF LAS VEGAS LAWRENCE RUIZ Founding Member Ruiz Law Firm
Senior Associate Bertoldo Baker Carter & Smith 702.800.0000
Attorney/Owner Mckeller Law Offices
MARC RANDAZZA Managing Partner Randazza Legal Group 702.420.2001 @randazzalegal
in @randazza_legal
Randazza Legal Group
MARK HENNESS Managing Partner Henness and Haight 702.625.4872
Attorney/Owner 702 Firm
Managing Partner Henness and Haight 702.625.4872
Managing Partner Stein Law 702.744.8065
Managing Partner Black & LoBello 702.869.8801
Attorney/Owner Ghandi Deeter Blackham
Owner Ace Law Group 702.625.6560
RICHARD HARRIS Attorney/Owner Richard Harris Law Firm The Defenders 702.333.3333
ROBERT CARDENAS Founding Member Cardenas Law Group,
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Managing Partner Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani
Attorney/Owner Roger P Croteau and Associates
Attorney/Owner Schwartz Flansburg
Associate Attorney Black & LoBello 702.869.8801
Partner Bertoldo Baker Carter & Smith 702.800.0000
Attorney/Owner Dimopoulos Law Firm
STEVEN ABBOTT Partner Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP 702.893.3383
@LewisBrisboisLaw @lewisbrisbois @lewis-brisbois
STEVEN PARKE Attorney/Owner Parke Law Firm
STEVEN MACK Attorney Black & LoBello 702.869.8801
TISHA BLACK Attorney/Owner Black & LoBello 702.869.8801
Attorney/Owner The Law Office of Eglet Adams
Partner Greenspoon Marder
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M U RDER, D E AT H R O W and the
t e e m
of Legal Counsel in Nevada
Kevin Lisle
By: Candice Wiener
hear of the involvement of another Cimarron Memorial high It was a crisp October evening on the night of October 22nd,
school student, who so happened to be my junior high school
1994, in which would forever change the lives of many Las
sweetheart and boyfriend at the time. In the events to follow,
Vegas locals involved in some way, shape or form with a
I would actively follow the case and even would speak from
murder that took place after a road rage incident on the U.S.
time to time to my then boyfriend who was detained at the
95 Freeway near Valley View Blvd. As we know it, small city-
Clark County Jail.
big town, some of us knew the suspects and/or their friends, some knew the victims and/or witnesses. Nonetheless, the
I met Adam Evans when I was only 12 or 13 years old, at
murder of Kip Logan, a former high school student of Bishop
Brinley Junior High School and we shortly thereafter, we were
Gorman High School, died of an apparent gunshot wound
both zoned to the brand new “Summerlin” school, Becker
to the head at the ripe age of 19 years old. As a young high
Middle School. He had a tough exterior, but I could see past
school student, at the time of the incident, I was shocked to
it and recognize his soft and more demure side. I remember
pointing him out to my mother in the yearbook and I told her, I
and study it fervently, trying to understand. I would get into
am going to marry him one day. And that, we did. Only 6 short
trouble for accepting calls from him on my “teen phone line” at
years later. Adam was a handsome, young, intelligent (both
the time and we’d also communicate via the US mail. I believed
book smart and street wise), charismatic and captivating soul.
in his innocence, albeit the entire situation was extremely
After a spring break, when we returned to school, I noticed a
unfortunate for all of those affected and/or involved. Many
bunch of bruises and scrape marks on his face and knuckle
classmates would talk to me about the news they would read.
tattoos that was a little juxtaposed to me, it also screamed “bad
Me, being the student body high school president, many didn’t
boy” yet all the while, capable of protecting those whom were
understand my affection to him and the case in its entirety, but
close to him, that he loved. When I asked what happened and
I believed in him and that “young love” that I so deeply had at
how he got injured, he blatantly and proudly told me he went
that time for him.
to California over spring break and was jumped and initiated into a California gang. I thought to myself, what a waste. How
There were 2 other accused in the involvement of Kip Logan’s
stupid for a young, handsome kid of his intellect to be going
murder at the time, that I would come to learn about as I tried
down the wrong path. I’m not sure if this drove me closer to him
to make sense as to whom was implicating who and who did
in a subconscious level or not, but we continued our innocent
what surrounding the crime. I had a despondent and innate
friendship and courtship as though that wasn’t the case. I was
sadness in me for the family of the victim, all the while, a
plausibly in denial about the grim circumstance he faced, as I
knowing inside of me, that Adam, was innocent of this heinous
often looked past reality in an attempt to always give people
crime. The other 2 accused were Kevin Lisle (25 at the time)
in general and loved ones, especially, the benefit of the doubt
and John Melcher (16 at the time). They were all friends and
and only focused on the potential in which I clearly saw in him.
connected through another mutual friend of Adam’s, whom I
Most of his teachers (some classes we shared) would have
didn’t particularly like, as I saw him as a very bad influence on
agreed. “Mr. Evans, you are a very talented young man and
your test scores are exceptionally high.” I would overhear from teachers I admired. It’s as if his good looks and intellect were
When Adam and I spoke about what had taken place that
very attractive to me and quite frankly, his wit and charm, what
evening, he didn’t tell me much… Years later, the federal
kept me engaged and interested.
special public defenders would visit my house and ask questions
We moved on to high school and dated casually, but not really
was Adam telling me after his release and after so much time
seriously, until this incident happened. He was a passenger
had passed, him stating that he was incoherent at the time
in the van on the night of October 22, 1994. He was the 2nd
of the incident, passed out in the back of the van when the
suspect to be arrested and also the youngest, with John
gunshot took place. He said he didn’t know which of the other 2
Melcher being the 1st suspect arrested the night of the murder.
former friends and suspects was the perpetrator of the shooting.
At the young age of 14 Adam was booked into the Clark
In my studies and findings, I would investigate every court
County Detention Center and my immature “young love life”
document that I could get my hands on and found so many
was torn apart and in shambles. I didn’t understand. I saw the
inaccuracies within the witnesses and the state’s findings, that
good in him and couldn’t comprehend how he could allow
brought a more inquisitive nature, approach and understanding
himself to get caught up in such a dire and overall sad situation.
to the case for me.
In the days, weeks, months and years to follow, I would naturally take an implied interest in this criminal defense case. As an
Adam initially upon arrest, testified that Melcher was the
aspiring criminal defense attorney (at that time), I often viewed
passenger and the shooter. He initially stated that Melcher also
the facts of the case, as much as I could, through an unbiased
was the one who disposed of the murder weapon; the gun.
position. Many other fellow students who were friends with Adam were also in shock in awe and watched as the findings
Much later (almost 2 years), defendants Adam Evans and John
played out in the Review Journal (at that time our main news
Melcher, after being so-called claimed “brutally interrogated”,
source). I would cut clippings and pictures out about the case
were both offered plea deals, as juveniles, in exchange for
that I didn’t know much about. However, what I did remember
testifying against Kevin Lisle in both the Kip Logan murder
ultimately accepted in as evidence at the trial. In my opinion,
(in which Evans and Melcher were eventually convicted as
it seemed as though the juveniles were obligated per their
accomplices to). Within both of the juveniles’ plea deals, they
pending plea deals to submit testimony that I believed should
were required to provide testimony regarding a previous murder
have been ruled as “heresay”, based on the fact that they
of the (at the time, Chief of North Las Vegas Police’s son, Justin
were not eyewitnesses in the Lusch murder.
Lusch), in which Evans and Melcher were not present at the time of Justin Lusch’s death. This murder took place a couple
Witnesses testified that John Melcher (aka; nickname was
months prior to the Kip Logan murder. And both Jerry Lopez
Shotgun) was the driver; and the passenger in Kip Logan’s
and Kevin Lisle would ultimately be convicted of. Jerry Lopez
car, his friend, Joey Gonzales, stated that the shot came from
was convicted of murder in the 1st degree with use of a deadly
the passenger’s seat, he also noted that the shooter was
weapon and sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of
of Hispanic descent, with a goatee and that the backseat
parole. Kevin was also convicted of murder in the 1st degree
passenger (who was not the shooter) appeared more white.
with use a deadly weapon and was sentenced to the death
The backseat passenger was 14-year-old Adam Evans. Evans
was 25% Hispanic and Kevin Lisle, who was later convicted of the murder, had seemingly lighter skin than
both Melcher and Evans. This was just one of the discrepancies that stuck out in my mind when the trial was taking place. Although, there were seemingly multiple discrepancies throughout the trial. Ultimately, I gathered and presumed that prosecutors needed to get a conviction, but that they mishandled evidence and eye-witness testimony, possible
coercion of the juveniles’ subsequent testimony, placing Lisle in I still don’t understand how both men were convicted
the passenger seat of the car, when Evans clearly initially stated
of the same murder. Did they both shoot the fatal shot that
that Melcher was in the passenger seat the night of the crime.
killed Lusch? Questions arose in my mind throughout the long tenured trial and sentencing phases. He was said to have
It brought another thought to my mind. The death penalty
endured 3 gunshot wounds. Would the Coroner’s not be able
is usually imposed on the most powerless people in the US.
to depict which was the fatal shot? If there was only 1 shooter,
Traditionally, anyone who has been able to afford adequate
how would our justice system convict both men in the crime? If
legal counsel has had fair representation, as money provides
there was only 1 shooter, wouldn’t the other man be subject to
the luxury of attorneys who are qualified to defend them,
a conviction of an accessory to the murder and not the actual
possess the skill set, resources and inclination to represent the
murder itself? It didn’t seem as though Lisle had adequate legal
defendants properly in capital cases like that of Lisle’s. When
counsel and since he has been incarcerated for the past 25
he was represented by Public Defenders, he claimed that
years, he has struggled to continue to fight and appeal his case
often times he felt they were working against him, as well as not
in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. He has studied relentlessly
adequately capable of representing him. When it comes to our
and fought tirelessly regarding the “ineffectiveness of legal
constitutional rights, don’t we all believe that in the event we or
counsel” that he felt he was subject to at the hands of the
someone we loved were in this terrible situation, would all have
Special Federal Public Defenders in both murder cases.
the right to adequate legal counsel? Doesn’t the Miranda Rights read as follows? “You have the right to remain silent. Anything
There were a lot of red flags and discrepancies throughout
you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You
the case that didn’t correlate in my mind. A continued feeling
have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney,
of discrepancy was unsettled in my understanding of both
one will be provided for you.” With that being said, does one
cases regarding the original statements provided prior to the
simply interpret that to mean “If you cannot afford an attorney,
plea deals, that were contradictory to the testimony that was
an inadequate one who is incapable of defending your case
will be provided for you? If so, where is the comfort and solace of our justice system in that? Not to mention, over the years that I have been in contact from time to time with Kevin Lisle, he has mentioned the violation of his constitutional rights and the heinous conditions within the prison in Ely, Nevada. He has mentioned that he was put into solitary confinement for about 20-24 years of his 25 years of incarceration and that being that he was convicted of killing a cop’s son, he has endured severe mistreatment from the prison guards and executives within the prison. One would naturally think that’s understandable; considering his conviction of “killing one of their own.” He confided to me that the Associate Warden would instruct the prison guards to go into his cell, where he would meticulously lay out all his legal documents and appellate papers that he would be working on, due to the fact of the ineffectiveness of legal counsel and inadequate defense representation; and that the guards on average would storm into his cell and destroy
all his paperwork on a regular basis. Lisle claims that approximately about 170 days minimum out of the 365 days in a year, this would happen and became a routine thing. Making his attempt to defend himself in proper person, even more challenging than it already had been. He also mentioned the lack of medical care and has a ton of legal documents stating his mistreatment and lack of medicine and medical care. He said the prison system is just a business. Furthermore, there have been incidents published in the Los Angeles Times, stating that when a death row inmate asked for specific medication to address his heart condition, Max Carter, (the prison’s physician assistant at
that time), sent a very cross reply: The medication was the wrong kind and potentially lethal, but he would be happy to prescribe it “so that your chances of expiring sooner are increased.” Another prisoner claimed her asked for pills to ease the pain from his deteriorating joints, the prison’s highest ranking medical worker (at that time), would deny the prisoner stating an stinging comment that added insult to injury, that he was “gonna let you suffer.” There have been reports of death row inmates dying due to lack of medical care and another case where the head medical MD (during a time in which they had one),
was scolded by the Warden and/or Associate Warden for
via pro-bono work and studying the facts: the ineffectiveness
saving the life of a death row inmate who was having a heart
of legal counsel, in which just recently; another Ely State death
attack. It’s also been said Ely State Prison was without an MD for
row inmate was released based mainly off those grounds,
the male prisoners for over 18 months at a time.
after serving 33 years. On August 21, 2019 Paul Browning, was released. Appeals found that “a mixture of disturbing
No matter what your beliefs are, prisoners who have been on
prosecutorial misconduct and woefully inadequate assistance
death row in the past have later had cases overturned and
of counsel” led to “extreme malfunctions” at his murder trial. I
been released from prison. The legal system is not fail-proof
believe that there are other inmates, much like Kevin Lisle, that
and makes mistakes and so does the prison system. However,
are deserving of assistance and a re-opening and review of
ultimately, these are still US citizens who have constitutional
their previous trials.
rights and the violations of those rights shouldn’t be ignored because of their convictions, nor their voices silenced. Lastly, Scott Dozier was a death row inmate that Kevin Lisle told me he knew. Dozier had waived his rights to appeal and was set to be executed. Prisoners stated that due to the horrendous living conditions within the prison and mistreatment of specific targeted prisoners, that this wasn’t much of a surprise. Who would want to continue to endure in those surroundings? Dozier was found dead at Ely State Prison earlier this year on January 5, 2019.
It’s easy to see how prisoners’ mental states are forced into deterioration based on much of the mistreatment, deprivation of outside contact, and that’s apparently just scratching the surface as to what really happens within the prison’s confines. Recently, Real Vegas met a former prisoner who was recently released and attempting to re-integrate into society, getting a job and back on his feet. He stated that the prison guards used him and other prisoners like their own personal video games. Forcing certain they refused, they would be brutally beaten and that this was solely for the guards’ amusement and entertainment purposes as well as to create inner conflict among the inmates. 2 months after the suicide of Scott Dozier, Lisle petitioned the court to waive his right to appeal his case any further. He clearly realized he wasn’t going to get help and sad to say, has frankly given up all together in hope for help in his appeal. I think it’s time that criminal defense attorneys look into and stepup to help prisoners who may have an appellate case that they could possibly contribute assistance to prisoners like Lisle
For more information regarding Kevin’s journey within the prison system at Ely State Prison, visit: Individuals are able to contact him directly through the website.
inmates to fight by putting a kike in their cell and if
By: Gerard Ramalho
The time was shortly after 10pm, nearing the end of the shift, when an urgent sounding female voice came over the police scanner. “Shots fired. At least eighteen, possibly nineteen victims. Some fatalities. This is an active shooter.” I heard it myself and remember thinking, was this real? Nineteen victims? You can generally tell the seriousness of a situation by the tone of the dispatcher’s voice. The assignment editor, director, producer and I all heard it. This WAS as real as it gets! I ran to the studio and my co-staffers rushed to their positions as well. We knew we would be breaking into programming very shortly, even though we had no confirmation of what was actually going on, or what would
happen next.
That for me was the start of One October, what would
knew this situation was unique, but it was frustrating. I
become the single most significant event of my broadcast
personally had to rely on my own police and fire sources
career. For the next five hours I would remain on set,
who were providing me information in a non-official
eventually joined by my colleagues Reed Cowan and
capacity. The texts and information from the public
Latoya Silmon. My friend Phil Ramos, a retired Metro
however continued to pour in, “There are multiple shooters
Homicide Detective, would join us as well. What followed
and victims at several casinos.” “We’re hearing there’s a
was a tidal wave of information and questions. My cell
shooter in a helicopter.” These turned out not to be true,
phone, everyone’s phone was buzzing non-stop. “I think
and thankfully we didn’t report them. It was difficult to
there’s something going on at Mandalay Bay.” “I think
determine what was real and what wasn’t. We knew there
we’re under attack.” “Is this terrorism?” After all, the 9-11
was a lot of suffering, a lot of blood, and we also knew it
attackers did spend time in Las Vegas. We did our best to
was still in progress. Our two field reporters, Nathan O’Neil
analyze what was happening and broadcast information
and Christy Wilcox had arrived on scene within minutes,
that was not just factual, but helpful. I’d never before
so we cut to them live as much as possible. I remember
felt such a responsibility at my job, or to my community.
seeing panicked people running in the background of
People desperately wanted to know what was
their video feed, also armored SWAT vehicles speeding
happening. The actual facts unfortunately materialized
through. I thought to myself, okay good Metro is on it.
slowly: The victims were at the Route 91 Country Music
They’ll end this. I also remember feeling a sense of pride
Festival. The shots were coming from Mandalay Bay.
about our reporters and their willingness to brave a
Clearly there would be more than 19 victims. That much
dangerous situation to do their jobs. They too were First
we did know. Police and other authorities initially were not
Responders. It was about that time we started to receive
communicating with the media as they would typically,
cell phone footage with audio of the gun shots. So many
which sometimes occurs when a situation is still fluid. We
shots fired. It had to be automatic weapons. How many
victims were there now? Emotion set in for some of us as
at that concert. I was also equally moved by how the
we heard about people being carried out, young people,
community stepped up, churches, organizations, elected
families who had attended the concert together. Then I
officials. I received countless calls from people asking, “How
received a text from our Chief Meteorologist Kevin Janison,
can I help?” It was all very humbling. One friend of mine
“What do we know? My daughter was at that concert.” We
owns restaurants here in town and she temporarily shut
also received phone calls from two KSNV employees who
them down so that they could prepare and deliver meals
were at the concert as well and were still hunkered down
for victim’s families and first responders. There were many,
behind a building waiting for evacuation orders from police.
many stories like this. The blood banks were turning people
It didn’t take long for us to realize this event, this tragedy,
away because they already had more than enough blood
would affect our entire community. All of us! Thankfully
donations. Financial donations also came pouring in. Then
Kevin’s daughter and the two KSNV employees did get out
came the miracle of the Vegas Golden Knights. Amazing
safely. Too many others did not.
to think a brand-new sports franchise could help heal and unite a community, but that’s exactly what happened.
Our non-stop coverage would continue for several days. I was impressed by my colleagues and the way they handled both the crisis and the response. We began to learn about
One October and the days that followed is a
the individuals affected, and about the heroes who acted
time when I grieved for my community, but
bravely as shots were still being fired. Again, these were
also loved my community like never before. It
emotional days. At times people in the newsroom broke
was in those days we became Vegas Strong
down. And why wouldn’t they? Everyone knew someone
and today, we are all Vegas Stronger.
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JON ERIC GARDE, ESQ. life’s passion.
ON THE HORIZ ON New Opportunities & Resources for All
Among those who will benefit from the Collaboration Monday is Occupational Therapy in the northwest valley…
Center will be Joseph. He was welcomed into the world
Tuesday is Speech Therapy over in the southeast…
in 2009 to his loving family. Within weeks of the diagnosis
Thursday is Behavior or Physical Therapy in yet another
of Down syndrome his parents were searching for advice,
location. Having a disability, be it physical, intellectual,
experts and answers. Today his family is providing the land
or developmental, can be exhausting. The disability
that will be the setting for the Collaboration Center. His
on its own can be a constant emotional and financial
father, Marcelo, says his mission is simple, “to help provide a
challenge, not to mention trying to fit never-ending
space for families and experts to come together, and find
treatment appointments into your regular schedule of life,
the information and services they need more easily, with
work, school, and family time. Appointments that take
less stress, regardless of the disability, so families can live the
you across the valley, going one direction and another.
most fulfilling life possible.”
The Collaboration Center will address the challenge of living with a disability by uniting community experts in ONE
The Collaboration Center will bring together specialists
and providers to offer therapy, vocational services, health and wellness programs, as well as a comfortable setting
Ground-breaking on the new venue is set for the fall of
for social and recreational programs, allowing patients
2019.The two-and-one-half acres near south Rainbow Road
and their families to enjoy time together in a place that
and the 215 Beltway in the southwest valley will spring to life
embraces all.
with bulldozers and construction workers, building a center for information, enrichment, and inclusion.
At one single campus the Collaboration Center will host
non-profits, state agencies, families and peers, all in one
partners committed to unparalleled inclusion for all, and
place, at one time. These experts and advocates will be
will help meet the growing demand for services and insight
able to offer a compassionate, focused approach for
across Southern Nevada. Together, these providers will
guidance and diagnosis details.” Of course, this non-profit
bring a new level of support and encouragement to those
won’t run on its own. These life-changing opportunities
in need of services. It may well serve as a model for ground-
require support from generous donors who see the value in
breaking assistance programs in cities and states across
partnership and a life well lived, no matter the challenges
America. First, the Center will focus on our home.
you face. Lynda Tache, Collaboration Center Director of Funding and Program Development, says, “There
Within the Clark County School District alone, more than
are several great local organizations that have multiple
ten-thousand students are enrolled in “special education”
services in one location, however, the Collaboration Center
classes and programs. In addition, thousands of adult
is the first of its kind in Nevada to incorporate multiple
residents living with intellectual and developmental
community providers with a health, wellness and recreation
disabilities call our community home and live
component promoting inclusion as its first priority.”
independently, in group homes, or with relatives across our valley.
As the Collaboration Center looks to the future, we ask Las Vegans to watch us grow, and consider supporting a
The strongest aspect of the Collaboration Center says
Center for all. For more information on how you can support
Director of Operations, Cynthia Goussak, is the fact that “It
The Collaboration Center and upcoming opportunities visit
will bring together therapists and health experts, educators,
the website at
PUBLIC RELATIONS CONTACTS: Creative Vision PR Deborah Clayton/Kim Schofield Deborah 702.528.7940 / Kim 702.528.4199
HEALTH TIPS from a closet
HEALTHY GIRL By: Andrea Dupper
What is stopping you? Seriously, what is holding you back from being a healthier version of you? I’ll tell you what it is for me, and what it is for most people. It’s FEAR! Fear, you say? How can someone possibly fear a healthier life. A healthier life means we leave our comfort zone. It means we trade in nights out with friends, for nights at the gym. It means when we brunch on Sundays, we skip the mimosas. It means we take care of ourselves, and that sh*t is scary!
It’s scary because we have created a social life based around food and alcohol. We have formed emotional bonds over toxic situations. We have looked for assurance and love from people who are disconnected, pinched off to growth. (Read that again) Our fear about becoming healthier versions of ourselves is based in someone else’s acceptance of who we need them to see us as. On my journey into a healthier self, I’ve battled with my own fears. My own insecurities. I’ve looked to others for love and reassurance that what I am doing will make them happy, will appeal to their needs. That thinking is what got me into unhealthy habits in the first place. Someone made a snarky remark about the way I was dressed, what I ate. Someone wasn’t giving me the love I deserved, I drank. Someone wanted me to
be everything for them, I lost my identity. I know I am not the only one that has “been there done that”. Here’s the thing ladies, you must be the creator of your own reality. YOU must be filled with an abundance of love for yourself. So much love, that the jerks in your life can’t affect you. “Love and Fear cannot exist together” I am so filled with love for myself and others it doesn’t matter if you love me back. That’s freakin power. I don’t need your love. It doesn’t matter because I am in love. If I am love, then I cannot walk in fear, because love and Fear cannot exist together.” Rachel Hollis
I am aware that right now, society and every self-help guru from Oprah to Rachel Hollis is preaching about self-love and self-care. Ladies, listen to me, learning to LOVE yourself, to see yourself as vital, to see yourself as a strong, passionate and goddess warrior... you must spend time getting to know you and loving you. That time is going to be scary… because a lot of us don’t know who we are without our family, friends, significant other, children or work. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable for a while and being in love with yourself. Comfort is the enemy of great and you don’t have time to waste on being anything but great!
FIERCE Though They are Little, they are
Benefitting the
American Cancer Society of Southern Nevada
The American Cancer Society of Southern Nevada is shifting gears and putting power in the hands of our youth with their brand new, Real Kids In Power Campaign & Real Students in Power. The idea for this unique, youth-driven platform was designed for kids by kids to show to the entire community that small is still mighty! While participating in this year’s Relay for Life event, Cruz Holland, who was immediately inspired by the occasion, inquired, “Mom, I would dye my hair pink or purple to raise money, can I fundraise, too?” Tyra BellHolland, an active member of the American Cancer Society, a Power in Purple candidate, and Cruz’s mom thought let’s groom and mentor our next generation to build a better,
children, teens, and all students the tools to learn how to make a difference will really
make an impact! Kids inspiring other kids is the future to saving lives, and it was this mentality that was the founding catalyst to the Real Kids in Power Campaign. The movement began Sunday, September 1st through Monday, September 30th, 2019 and recruited 30 kids to each raise $500, and 30 young adults currently in high school or college to each raise $1000. The child who raised the most amount of funding received a family fun-pack basket filled with prizes and all other candidates will have a chance to receive scholarship money sponsored by the Ava Rose Agency and RESORTCIERGE MD. To celebrate the campaign and reward the driven, kid fundraisers, a community engaged pep rally was planned to take place at Tivoli Village for mid-September.
unified and more loving community. Giving
l a i c o S Let’s get
Re a lVe g a s M a g a z i n e . co m
Let's book you in
702 467-9278 |
t r e s s e d FIRST MG Patisserie and Café
By: Jennifer Burbank
Chef Gillet in action
Sometimes it haunts me, to think of how many delicious
I peruse the mouthwatering display case and announce
desserts I’ve denied in my lifetime just because I was
to Chef Gillet that I’ll take one of everything. Michael Gillet
overzealous with dinner. I’ve never once heeded the
is the owner and two-starred Michelin Pastry Chef behind
precautionary advice of my server to save room for
MG Patisserie. Classically trained in Burgundy, France in the
dessert. Now, have I pushed the limits of satiety to request
late 80’s; Michael hit his career turning point when Master
dessert after a sizable meal for the love of this very article?
Pastry Chef and Chocolatier Jacques Torres spotted his
Definitely, but the feeling of gluttony has always eclipsed
talent and recruited him to join the critically acclaimed
my true appreciation for the ubiquitous final course. So
pastry team of Le Cirque 2000 in New York, ultimately rated
today an unsung hero leaps from its shadowy position as a
four-stars by the New York Times.
backup dancer to finally see its day in the sun. This time it’s dessert first!
Since then Michael has amassed over 28 years in the industry, working along side of heavyweight chefs like José
With this agenda in mind I immediately make a beeline to
Andrés and Giada De Laurentiis to develop award winning
MG Patisserie and Cafe, located off of the 215 and South
pastry programs for their flagship restaurants. Chef Gillet
Rainbow. I love the vibe of this cozy pastry shop, dark
was also a James Beard Award nominee and appeared
chocolate walls and warm gold accents are reminiscent of
on Food Network’s mega hit series Chopped.
a candy bar nestled in its foil wrapper, chic crystal lamps hang from the ceiling and a loungey playlist keeps my
Chef Michael finishes preparing my heaping plate of
head unconsciously nodding to the beat. The open kitchen
confections and I find solace in the fact that I decided
allows me to spectate the behind the scenes action and
against logging my calories today. I begin my MG journey
also verify that the working conditions are spotless.
with Designer the Almond Croissant. Mac Cake As I bite into the breakfast
pastry I try to conceal my ‘O face’ (“Office Space”), but
on its very own plate, adorned with Louis Vouitton’s famous
the buttery almond cream in the center of this perfectly
insignia embossed in white powdered sugar, a creation
flaky croissant was truly stunning. This was the best Almond
that Chef Gillet refers to as the Designer Mac Cake. It is a
Croissant that’s ever touched my lips, trumping any of my
chocolate lover’s dream, filled with decadent chocolate
experiences in France at the finest Parisian bakeries.
five ways; cake, cream, ganache, shavings and crisps.
The Bubbly Brownie Bear was next; delectable brownie
Chef Gillet asks if I’m ready for the Live Creme Brulee, the
batter molded into an adorable bear and flawlessly
final piece de resistance of my dessert-laden day. Chef
cooked with a crispy gooey texture, then cloaked in a
Michael grabs a blowtorch and begins caramelizing the
dreamy chocolate ganache. The Brownie Bear quickly
sugar right before my eyes, toasting the top of the creamy
disappeared from my plate. This Bear is very dangerous.
custard until it’s a deep golden brown. Two points for Chef Gillet’s ingenuity as I’ve never seen a live Creme Brulee
My lovely pink and gold Cupitol spoon moved on to meet
before, nor have I seen it presented in a sardine can. It was
the beautiful Matcha Passion Cake, a magnificent dark
brilliant, and the Creme Brulee tasted magical. MG has left
green cake roll brimming with sophisticated flavors of loose
me speechless, I never expected to find this level of pastry
Japanese Matcha green tea powder and subtle mango
craftsmanship off the Strip.
passion fruit cream expertly melded together. I can best describe it as a light and fluffy cloud of happiness.
I washed down my guilt with a nice hot cup of La Colombe coffee and almond milk, then ended my splurgy Saturday at MG by conveniently ordering a custom cake for my best friend’s birthday. Lunch items like salads and sandwiches are also on the menu, but since today’s focus was dessert we will have to table that for the next visit. The menu changes with the seasons so I noted on my calendar to head back to MG in the fall; that is if the Almond Croissant
doesn’t coax me back in by tomorrow morning. Matcha Passion Cake
Next was the Tres Leches. I was very curious to try Chef Michael’s take on the Central American fan favorite because it’s not traditionally served in a contemporary transparent jar with a screw top lid. Often, I find that extravagant packaging camouflages a lackluster product, but in this case, the Tres Leches was the rock star. This was Free! I made my way to the Meyer Lemon Tart, justifying to myself that it’s on the healthier side since it was once fresh fruit. The tart was sublime, a crunchy lemon shell filled with a
Meyer Lemon Tart
delicate and refreshing citrus cream that’s both sweet and sour in its flavor profile. In fact, one of the key takeaways from my visit to MG was that none of the desserts were overpoweringly sweet, a characteristic that I admire in a polished dessert. I was down to a colossal pink Macaron sandwich that sat
I N SI DE T I P: Gluten Free, Sugar Free and Vegan Menu items are available by pre-order. Call MG Patisserie and Cafe 702-220-4860 and allow at least a 48-hour window of time to freshly prepare your guiltless goodies.
a standout on the menu, and bonus… it’s actually Gluten-
t r a e h
of Realtor’s New Venture
As someone who came from a foreign country at a young
For years, as a pharmacist, Kamelia Kohlmeier has helped
age, Kohlmeier relates to the idea of everyone wanting to
improve the physical health of the people she encounters at
achieve the American dream, which often includes owning
work. But now, as she makes a transition into the real estate
a home. But ownership often seems out of reach, so families
market, she is focusing on bettering their financial health.
have resorted to renting. And with rents on the rise, many
people often feel stuck. Now that Kohlmeier has her real
Kohlmeier graduated in 2009 with Doctor of Pharmacy from
estate license, she wants to help people realize their dreams
Roseman University’s College of Pharmacy in Henderson.
and see that buying a home is possible.
After getting married, she started thinking about having a
family, and she realized that she and her husband were
“Investing was more for myself. I was helping my family grow
barely affording life as a couple with student loan debt on
and leaving a legacy for them,” she said. “Being a real estate
top of everything else, so providing for a family would be
agent, now I can actually help others realize their dream. …
Everyone deserves to have a roof over their family’s head
they can call their own home.”
She and her husband, David, were both curious about the
real estate market, so they started attending real estate
Within that passion lies another passion. In her new real
investment seminars and weekend classes as well as reading
estate venture, Kohlmeier especially wants to reach out to
books and researching. They found real estate investing to be
students (particularly in the pharmacy field) who are like she
a fairly low risk than other modes of investment.
was — facing a mountain of student loan debt that eats up
almost their entire salary, not leaving much room for investing
“I looked into investing, I looked into day trading and other
in a home — and help them realize their dream of owning
part-time jobs. Everyone was always talking about investing
a home and providing for their future. She also wants to
and stocks, but I thought about the stock crash. I feel like
educate women in financial literacy and teach them how to
we don’t have enough say in stocks,” Kohlmeier said. “How
invest in real estate so they can focus on their families.
companies manage their financials is variable; sometimes
even CEOs don’t know what is happening. You think a
But it won’t be just women she educates. Because seminars
company is doing so great, and then it gets bought out and
played such a large role in her development, she and her
people get laid off. But I learned in real estate classes that
husband hope to pull together professionals they have met
real estate will never go to zero. Stocks can go to zero, but
along the way and offer seminars to teach people about real
when you look at a graph of real estate trends, it’s almost
estate investing. She said her seminars will be different than
always headed up. So, we decided we needed to do this for
what some people are used to seeing because she will offer
us, for our kids.”
people strategies that will make them successful as opposed
to just telling them to go out and buy and sell.
Now the couple has about 15 investment properties. Since 2012, they have bought most to hold and rent out as a
And the help doesn’t stop there. Kohlmeier has hired real
strategy to help them save for retirement. But what started as
estate scouts who drive around Las Vegas, find homes that
a revenue stream has transformed into a passion.
are boarded up and/or distressed and take pictures of
today! your
70 2 . 3 33.SOLD 7
Kamelia Kohlmeier Realtor ®, Investor Lic# S. 0188303
them. The pictures and information are used to create an
the biggest purchase most of us make in a lifetime.”
interactive map that she believes can serve three purposes.
Kohlmeier still plans to be active particularly in medical field
Potential local buyers may find homes at a cheaper price,
because she loves that part of her life, too. But she is looking
and investors can quickly locate and acquire properties to fix
forward to the opportunity to help others achieve their
and sell. When either of those things happen, it benefits the
dreams while setting up her family for 20 or 30 years down the
communities the houses are in because a fixed-up house is
less likely to attract vandalism and squatters and is more likely
SELL, Kamelia s a y s S O L D ! You say SELL, Kamelia says SOLD!
to increase home values in the area.
You say
Creative solutions like that are what Kohlmeier believes
specializing in creative financial strategies that help people
get into a home who have acquired a lot of school debt, are first-time buyers, have gone through a divorce, struggle with
less-than-perfect credit, are in a job transition or experiencing other hardship.
“I want to help people find their right home or sell their
Free Marketing Evaluation
home,” she said. “Buying that first home is the scariest. I
remember the first property we got was $19,000, and we
sellers Buyers buyers
Free Marketing Evaluation
Free Investor Strategy Consultation
were terrified. When our offer was approved, we just said,
‘Now what? What’s next?’ Doing it, taking action versus just talking about it, is very different. Buying a home is probably
Free Investor Strategy Consultation
will set her apart in a real estate-rich area. She sees herself
By: Brian K. Iriye, MD
It is almost impossible to be a spectator in the opioid crisis that continues to hit our country- almost everyone knows an affected family member, friend, or acquaintance. By extension, this has spread to the realm of pregnancy with devastating effects on mothers and their babies and this cannot be underestimated or overlooked. Our country is alarmed by the increase in maternal deaths associated with pregnancy as we are the only developed nation with an increase in maternal mortality over the last two decades. However, there is developing evidence that the maternal mortality rate is actually dropping in hospitals and the overall increases in pregnancy associated maternal deaths come in a significant number from post-partum overdose. In Virginia, Maryland, Texas and Georgia, 10-15% of maternal deaths
are associated with drug overdose. In Alaska, the rate is approximately 22%. Most of these deaths are approximately 6-9 months after delivery and due possibly to the increase stresses of a new baby, change in insurance and hence providers, financial concerns, etc. This begs for a change in looking at pregnancy as not just a delivery process but one of the changes for a year after delivery with solutions aimed at financial and social solutions beyond the usual physical exam and lab tests. In addition, the mother with an opioid use disorder also is influencing the outcome of the baby. The infant exposed
to larger doses of illicit opioids including those medications involved in treatment for the mother result in a 50-80% risk of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS). These babies, in an oversimplified explanation, have withdrawal type symptoms after delivery and need narcotic treatment to prevent severe symptoms and go through a prolonged and expensive (approximately $3000/day) NICU stay that lasts often 15-30 days. What needs to be done? How can we help these mothers and babies, decrease poor outcomes as well as reduce cost? The simple fact is we need to get proper treatment to these patients
When the OPIOID CRISIS Hits Pregnancies
placenta less than methadone and causes less complications for the baby after delivery. This alone has been hypothesized to save over $20K per patient treated
2 3 4 5 6 7
2 - Babies that get NOWS have a smaller
head size and increased risk of subsequent developmental problems
3 - There is emerging evidence opioids may
with opioid “addiction” being treated as a medical disorder. Patients on illicit drugs such as heroin need to be transitioned to medications to stabilize their systems and decrease overdose risk, illegal activity from seeking drugs, and reduce the risk of hepatitis and HIV which comes with needle use and snorting drugs. Patients on opioids for pain or that obtain legal prescriptions with an opioid use problem also need to be transitioned if needed to a safer alternative. Second, these patients need
have a negative effect on fetal and infant brain development
behavioral health services and counseling which is part of
4 - Weaning or detox of carefully selected
patients during pregnancy may be possible under the proper circumstances
5 - Treatment of patients is still the standard of care and stabilization of the mother is the best treatment for the baby as well
6 - Decisions regarding treatment are best made with mutual agreement between a mother and the medical provider
7 - Ensuring treatment after delivery is essential to prevent relapse and overdose
any addiction program to prevent relapse and provide
These special patients require a comprehensive solution. The High Risk Pregnancy Center has started the Maternal Opioid Health, Education, and Recovery Project (MOTHER Project) that has a system of care that provides screening, education, and treatment for moms with an opioid use disorder. It operates on the principles of stabilizing moms, providing treatment and appropriate referrals to behavioral health when needed, placing moms on the lowest dose of medication possible for adequate treatment. There are several very important principles emerging from new science on the treatment of mothers
during pregnancy:
With the opening of our clinic, we have seen 11 patients through their entire pregnancy and not a single baby has required treatment for NOWS - in stark contrast to the usual 50-80% NOWS rate. This center has conservatively saved the state and payers over a half million dollars. This is done at a financial loss to our practice as we do not currently receive state funding and our services are not often reimbursed by insurers. The opioid crisis has detrimentally affected almost every aspect of physical, emotional, and medical care in our country. There are emerging solutions for treatment, recovery, and prevention of outcomes affecting our moms and babies in Nevada.
Follow Dr. Brian Iriye on Twitter:
1 - One medication (buprenorphine) crosses the
Doctors The
Dr. Sean Su, MD Suzie Nguyen-Su, DDS
are in!
Dr. Sean Su, MD, primary care physician is focused on
Suzie Nguyen-Su, DDS is a Doctor of Dental Surgery,
providing experienced and passionate care to patients in
focused on providing full dental services and creating
the Las Vegas area.
beautiful smiles across the Las Vegas community.
Dr. Su is available to see patients for initial consultations
Dr. Su is available to see patients for comprehensive and
and conservative pain procedures, with a special focus
cosmetic dental services, including patients who require
on serving patients who require medical care due to a
treatment due to a personal injury. Dr. Su will conduct an
personal injury. Dr. Su will conduct a patient evaluation
initial patient evaluation and conduct a specific course of
and recommend an appropriate and efficient course of
treatment to address the patient’s needs.
treatment. Dr. Su offers convenient and flexible scheduling from her Dr. Su offers convenient and flexible scheduling from his
office in Northwest Summerlin. Same day appointments are
office in Northwest Summerlin. Same day appointments
are available. Suzie Nguyen-Su, DDS is a graduate of University of Sean Su, MD is a graduate of University of California-
California-Irvine, where she graduated Magna Cum
Irvine and earned his medical degree from Loma Linda
Laude and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She earned
University School of Medicine. In private practice since
her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from UCLA. She
1999, Dr. Su provides primary care and cosmetic services
completed an Advanced Specialty Education Program in
to patients in the Las Vegas, Nevada Area
Periodontics at Loma Linda School of Dentistry. Dr. NguyenSu is proud to serve the Las Vegas community, taking the time to address the personal needs of each of her patients.
Call today
Schedule an appointment
2451 Professional Court, Ste 110, | Las Vegas, NV 89128
Sin City Has a Lot of
By: Nadine Christine
the world, whose own journey began in Haifi, Israel, a city of tremendous spiritual diversity and harmony, he was Inspired Real Vegas Magazine prides itself on bringing the best of Las
by his travels and became committed to fostering peace.
Vegas to our local community and tourists all around the world. Dubbed “Sin City” since the early 1900’s, Las Vegas
“I created Karma and Luck as a space to celebrate the
certainly does have its reputation for “What happens in
power of cultural connection, and the benefits of integrating
Vegas stays in Vegas.” That is until you walk into one of the
karmic spirituality into modern life,” he stated. After visiting
most breathtaking stores called Karma & Luck.
several of the locations, his words totally resonated with us. We were blown away with the colors, beauty and
Founder Vladi Bergman opened his first store in 2015, and
products. From floor to ceiling, we stared in awe at some
has expanded to 10 stores, nestled in some of the most
of the most beautiful Buddha’s, Trees of Life ordained with
beautiful hotels in Las Vegas, with his newest flagship store
amethyst stones, home decor and magnificent jewelry for
opening in Planet Hollywood soon. An explorer and citizen of
women and men. You could feel the spiritual energy from
I created Karma & Luck as a
space to celebrate the power of cultural connection
Karma and Luck.”
didn’t want to walk out. We asked Vladi what inspired him with the pieces he chooses.
Truer words have never been spoken. We observed the people that came into the store and their phones were busy
“We scour the globe to source and curate our finely crafted
snapping pictures, talking on social media with Facebook
goods, made in fair trade partnerships with masterful artisans
live and just their overall joy. We get it and so will you when
in China, Tibet, Thailand, India, Israel, Brazil, Bali, Turkey and
you stop by on your next visit or if you’re
Uruguay. Each piece is made with love and gratitude and
a local, it’s an absolute must. It is truly an
blessed with powerful intention, a talisman designed to bring
‘experience and cultural journey’ that is not
good fortune to your home and surround you with protective
to be missed.
energy wherever you go. Our stores are blessed each morning with a sage ritual and cleansed for our customers
To view their products,
to begin their personal journey as they walk into the doors of
the moment you walked in and we’re here to tell you, we
EVENTS a round
Handcrafted, artisan vendors, fun for the whole family. Lots of specialty items on display. Free admission. #ShopLocal #SupportLocal 702.743.5358 SENIOR EXPO SERIES October 23, 2019 | 10 am - 3 pm Santa Fe Station Casino October 28, 2019 | 10 am – 3 pm Silverton Casino
LAST FRIDAY, JUST ADD WATER STREET The Last Friday of Every Month October 25, 2019 | 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm November 29, 2019 | 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm December 27, 2019 | 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Last Friday is a free community, foodie, arts, crafts and music festival in historic downtown Henderson in the Water Street District at the Henderson Events Plaza, 200 S. Water Street, Henderson, NV 89015 Free for all ages!
October 30, 2019 | 10 am – 3 pm Sunset Station Casino
USA TODAY WINE & FOOD EXPERIENCE October 26, 2019 | 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Each Senior Event Expo boasts a day of information, products, services and opportunities for our local seniors. Free samples, goody bags, door prizes and entertainment.
Las Vegas Festival Grounds 311 W Sahara Ave, | Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.331.1350
62 PHIL COLLINS IN CONCERT October 19, 2019 | 8:00 pm “Still Not Dead Yet” 2019 Tour at T-Mobile Arena LIVE! 702.692.1600 YMCA TRUNK OR TREAT October 25, 2019 | 6:30 pm Durango Hills Community Center/YMCA 3521 N. Durango Dr. | Las Vegas, NV 89121 The annual Halloween season officially kicks off with the YMCA Trunk or Treat is open to all ages and free admission. Bring the family dressed up in your Halloween costumes and enjoy free candy, bounce house, mad science haunted house, cakewalk and games (while supplies last). Raffle tickets will be available for sale.
2nd Annual USA TODAY Wine and Food Experience with grand tasting of Las Vegas fine food, craft beer, wine and spirits. NHRA NEVADA DRAG RACING FINALS October 31, 2019 - November 3, 2019 Las Vegas Motor Speedway 7000 N Las Vegas Blvd. | Las Vegas, NV 89115 NHRA Nevada Nationals is the penultimate NHRA sporting event of the season. FIRST FRIDAY November 1, 2019 | 6:00 pm Downtown Arts District First Friday Las Vegas is a community festival in downtown Las Vegas hosting local art, culture, music, food, and more the First Friday of every month! Where community and art collide. 212.555.1234
INTIMATE EVENING WITH SANTANA LAS VEGAS MAYOR’S CUP INTERNATIONAL SOCCER TOURNAMENT October 25 - October 27, 2019 The 20th Annual Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup. International Soccer Tournament will take place at the Betty Wilson Soccer Complex, 7353 Eugene Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89128 and on several other fields. Admission is free and open to the public. Come and watch more than 500 youth soccer teams from all over the world compete! 702.258.0279
November 1, 2019 | 7:00 pm House of Blues Las Vegas 3950 Las Vegas Blvd. S. | Las Vegas, NV 89119 Including various recurring dates in November and January 2020. Visit website for details and more dates. Watch Santana perform his greatest hits live! 702.632.7600
Cornerstone Park 1600 Wigwam Pkwy. | Henderson, NV 89074 Cultural, community festival. Food trucks, music, fun. Design your own lantern. Visit website for pricing and itinerary. VETERANS EXPO & CARE PACKAGE DONATIONS November 9 & 10, 2019 | 10 am – 3 pm Veterans Day Weekend Inside the Galleria Mall Celebrating active military, veterans of all ages and their families. Operation care package: Donate items for troops overseas. Free admission. 702.331.1350 HENDERSON HOME SHOW November 9 & 10, 2019 | 10 am – 3 pm Inside the Galleria Mall Featuring the latest ideas in home trends, home improvement, repair and remodeling both inside and outside the home. Free admission. 702.331.1350 ICE SKATING AT THE COSMOPOLITAN The Boulevard Pool at the Cosmopolitan will turn into The Ice Rink. You can call ahead and even reserve a fire pit! Winter 2019-2020, dates TBD 702.698.7000 PROFESSIONAL BULL RIDERS (PBR) November 6, 2019 - November 10, 2019 T-Mobile Arena 3780 South Las Vegas Blvd. | Las Vegas, NV 89119 Watch the world’s top riders and bucking bulls go head-tohead in the Professional Bull Riders’ Unleast the Beast World Finals! This 5-day event is part of PBR Finals Week, and features action-packed bullriding, live concerts, pre-event fan zones, after parties, rider autpgraph sessions and more! For a complete schedule. MARIAH CAREY IN CONCERT November 22, 23, 27, 29 & 30, 2019 | 8:00 pm The Colosseum at Caesars Palace 3570 Las Vegas Blvd. S. | Las Vegas, NV 89109 Timeless classics and stunning talents, Mariah Carey brings her Vegas-tailored residency to The Colosseum for a limited-time engagement. Visit website for additional details and dates. 855.234.7469
JIM JEFFERIES November 29 & 30, 2019 | 10:00 pm Terry Fator Theatre, Mirage 3400 Las Vegas Blvd. S. | Las Vegas, NV 89109 One of the most sought-after comedians who gets away with jokes other comedians wouldn’t dare touch, due to his ability to equally offend and charm the crowds he entertains. 888.684.3565 LAS VEGAS GREAT SANTA RUN December 7, 2019 | 8:00 am - 1:30 pm Downtown Las Vegas 15th Anniversary! Fremont Street Experience – 3rd Street Stage (Pre-Race is at the corner of Fremont & 3rd). Entertainment begins at 8 am (After Party is at corner of Ogden & 9th). 5K Start is at 10 am. 1-mile Start is at 10:30 am. After Party at the finish line. A CLASSIC HOLIDAY WITH THE PHILHARMONIC December 7, 2019 | 2 pm & 7:30 pm The Smith Center for the Performing Arts 361 Symphony Park Ave. | Las Vegas, NV 89106 Traditional holiday celebration for the entire family. Heavenly vocals and beloved seasonal melodies that capture the spirit and merriment of the Holiday season. Visit website for additional details, pricing and tickets.
63 702.749.2000 – Box Office 702.462.2008 – VIP Subscriber Line BELLAGIO CONSERVATORY & BOTANICAL GARDENS Holiday dates: December 7, 2019 – January 4, 2020 Dark dates: December 1-6, 2019 The Majestic Holiday Magic boasts grandiose Holiday décor that is sure to captivate the Holiday spirit with a visit with you and your loved ones! 702.693.7111 HOLIDAY MAGIC AT THE LINQ PROMENADE December 1-30, 2019 The Linq Promenade will transform into a Holiday paradise for the Holiday season with a plethora of Christmas decorations, festive music and even live carolers. 800.634.6441
WATER LANTERN FESTIVAL HENDERSON November 2, 2019 | 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm
" 64
e v l oyou,
By: Friends of Steve and Debbie Meriwether
A son, brother, grandson, nephew,
friend, and a student with dreams. Garrett Meriwether was just 18 years old when he died. Driving home in a quiet Las Vegas neighborhood, Garrett’s car was hit by a sedan speeding at more than 70 miles an hour. Behind the wheel of that sedan was a 19-year-old who admitted to police that he’d been drinking alcohol.
May 22, 2019 changed the lives of so many. There are broken hearts all around, battered by frustration and grief. The driver at fault had goals of his own. Instead, he will spend the next 5 to 20 years of his life in prison.
For Garrett Meriwether’s family and friends, the sentence
first event will be dedicated to students of Palo Verde High
will never end. It’s impossible to mend this hole in your
School bound for college at UNLV. The scholarships will
heart. Especially when his death was preventable. For now,
focus on students involved in DECA, speech and debate,
life is measured one moment at a time without Garrett.
or interested in hotel management – three of Garrett’s
Some moments are good, productive and normal. Then it
all comes flooding back, the tears come, the memories, and the heartbreak. It hasn’t been that long since Garrett
The family’s message for all of us; please don’t drink and
left, but time does not heal all wounds.
drive, please don’t speed, think of others when you get behind the wheel, and parents - hug your children every day. Steve and Debbie will never forget Garrett; his smile, his thoughtfulness, a million little things through his life, his first steps, his first words, and the last words they heard the night Garrett died. Words that Garrett said at the end of so many conversations. “Okay, love you, bye.” A special thank you to non-profit for generously hosting and organizing the inaugural event. You can support the Foundation by watching for event updates on the Garrett Meriwether Foundation Facebook and Instagram sites.
65 Sometimes the only way to move on and get through the day, day in and day out, is to DO something. Be a POSITIVE force. Keep the spirit, enthusiasm and inspiration of that person you’re missing, ALIVE. That is what Garrett Meriwether’s family has chosen to do. They are creating a non-profit foundation in Garrett’s name. The goal will be to remind us all of the potential impact and heartbreak of driving under the influence, or driving recklessly. They also want to help students realize their dreams by creating scholarships for high school seniors headed to UNLV, where
Their first effort came to life just 116 days after Garrett
Here at Real Vegas, we knew Garrett personally, as we
died. On September 15th, 2019, the Meriwether family,
have a member of our team that was dear friends with
their relatives from across the country, local friends and
Garrett and will never forget the tears that ensued after
supporters came together for the Inaugural 5k run/1-mile
her learning about his passing. The kids would often come
walk at the Kellogg-Zaher Sports Park. More than 500
over to have study groups and referred to their circle of
supporters attended.
friends as the “Nerd Herd” at Palo Verde as this group of students were very intelligent and ambitious young adults.
They got through the morning together, and when all was
Our hearts and prayers go out to the Meriwether family
said and done, the family, supporters, sponsors, and donors
and our community’s support and donations are very
raised an estimated $25,000 dollars. The revenue from this
much appreciated.
Garrett would be attending his Sophomore year.
e c n e r e f f i d PR O JECT MARIL YN
is Making a
By: Jennifer Bradley
Fairy Godmother,’ Wendi Schweigart, whose foundation
October is making a difference month. National period
was in tribute to her Mother has now delivered more than
day is Oct. 19 and its named after founder, Wendie’s mom,
1000 bags to the community in less than 6 months. Project
Marilyn, who’s birthday is in October.
Marilyn was inspired by the desire for every woman to have dignity with her period. PERIOD. Feminine hygiene products
Project Marilyn, a non-profit organization in Southern
are the least donated supplies with community giving.
Nevada, provides monthly feminine hygiene products to
“This project is named after and dedicated to my mom,
homeless women and teens in need. The charity, which
Marilyn, who passed from cancer in 2011. She was an
recently began in April 2019, was founded by ‘Aunt Flow’s
amazing woman who never realized her own power.
She hustled
but rarely does
and sacrificed
anyone think;
before women
what does a
were praised for
homeless woman
doing so. I miss
do when she’s
her terribly and
on her period?
work each day in
The reality would
hopes of honoring
horrify you.
her strength, says
Women go to
daughter and
extremes to care
Project Marilyn
for themselves
founder, Wendi
each month.
Schweigart. “Our mission is simple; tampons, pads and
From straws with cotton to using fast food napkins and
hygiene wipes that are put together in a bag, with the
socks; when resources are limited the results can be tragic.
quantity being such that it will last a woman her entire
When women and teen girls resort to using items for their
cycle. So many other organizations are already giving
periods that are not intended for such, they can result from
“hygiene” items, such as toothpaste, toothbrushes and
everything from a mild infection to disrupting their fertility.
deodorant. We want to stay true to our mission which is
This is not just a health issue but a dignity issue as well. How
to provide menstruation supplies only. We hope that by
do we expect a woman to get back on her feet when
providing for this specific need, we can support other non-
she doesn’t have a proper way to care for herself each
profits in their greater mission to better the lives of women
and teen girls in our community.” Since delivering the first bag in June, which contains 15
support and wish to thank the following for donations: NDL
tampons 5 maxi pads 5 wipes, to supply them for the
Group, Inc., WHSAN, NJS Reps, Richard Harris Law Firm,
entire cycle of their period each month, Project Marilyn
Bank of George, Tary Insurance (Farmers) Las Vegas Door
now has partnered with organizations including the Las
and Glass and Cragin and Pike and Veterans Village (also
Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD), Salvation
a partner). Plus, several businesses have volunteered to
Army, Project 150, Refuge for Women, The Hoving Home,
come pack bags, including Cushman Wakefield, Prologis,
The Las Vegas Rescue Mission, Casa de Luz, The Shade
Brookhollow Group, Sun Commercial Real Estate and
Tree, Veteran’s Village and more. Additionally, Project
Sun Commercial Property Management. The support has
Marilyn “popped-up” with The Just One Project’s pop
been overwhelming and all of us at Project Marilyn are so
up and Give, mobile food pantry at Wooley Elementary
thankful to these companies,” says Schweigart. ‘It makes
School and gifted 80+ bags for families and young
me so proud that in a matter of 6 months from launching,
adults. This continued relationships with local nonprofits
with the help of the community, we are fulfilling a critical
will help serve the female population right here in our
community. Project Marilyn has also been named the official “My vision for Project Marilyn is to have our name
Southern Nevada Alliance for Period Supplies
synonymous with providing women and teens, in need
and partnered with the national organization, the Alliance
in our community, with their feminine hygiene supplies
for Period Supplies.
each month. When you think “who is helping to end period poverty in Southern Nevada?”, you will think of Project Marilyn,” continues Schweigart. For as little as $5 a bag; anyone can give a woman dignity with her period. PERIOD. People often donate clothes and food to assist,
PROJECT MARILYN Facebook @projectmarilynlv Instagram
“We are so grateful to the community for their generous
What Was Once the Future of Marketing… is By: Michael Kaleikini
to learn about the behaviors of people online, you could It’s not what you think anymore…
probably predict when they are ready to buy, going to buy, are just researching, or a number of other statuses.
Data has taken a new place in business and many marketers
The biggest obviously being, when they are ready to buy.
are not catching on fast enough to understand what the
What wasn’t foreseen was that not only could they tell
power is that’s hidden in it. With the ability to track behaviors
when someone was ready to buy, but when they became
online, paid traffic is easier to gather in and convert by
“aware” that they had a need or problem. All of a sudden,
simply sampling data that scores “leads” according to
the machine was telling them when someone was starting
behaviors that a person executes online. This sounds very
to look for solutions, what kind of solutions, and then being
big brother, but it’s not since only the platforms can see the
able to serve that up in a secure file that the big suppliers of
digital advertising HAD to use as first party data. This made online advertising cheaper.
Data has been evolving for years and what was once
mining, is now monitoring. Monitoring comes through what
are called identity graphs where an AI Machine learns and
Most would say that they are fine with doing things the old
monitors behaviors online and then according to programs
way through lead farmers and getting counts of leads in
or directions, can mine that data much faster than human
the market place, but with no real way of telling whether or
eyes can analyze, organize and act upon. In days past, by
not someone was really interested in buying, it was still part
the time that kind of data was ready to be acted upon, the
science, part art. This has now changed to more, if not all
leads had actually moved on to either “not interested,” or
too late as a competitor likely had already gotten to them. This was of course frustrating and data mining was part
Machine learning has gone deep into how to tell when
science, and part art. Not anymore.
a human is actually aware that they need a solution to a
problem and can now package that in secured files that THE GRAND IDEA
the ad platforms use to properly serve up the right ads at the
When AI Machine learning was introduced to big business, it
right time. This isn’t like the old days of, “Give me a count
wasn’t exactly hailed by all. In fact, by most accounts they
and let me sample your data.” That no longer works. (In
were happy with the results they were getting. Mostly tech
fact, it hasn’t for a long time). Now it’s how many samples
companies and SaaS companies understood what this new
of an audience can I get or is there a way to monitor my
Machine AI learning could possibly provide and decided
database that will tell me when someone is ready to buy?
to get in early and see what it could do. Not all roses, but
The answer is, “almost.”
its evolution has allowed the machine to learn and to mine data to the point it can now assign an actual lead score so
As it is reducing the cost of acquisition is already a big deal.
that when a marketing department needs to gain insight to
Dropping advert costs as much as 90% or raising conversion
the market or increase their paid traffic conversions while
rates to the point that the pipeline has to back off on
dropping cost of acquisition. (Go read the article on 5 forces
lead generation means that businesses can now use data
of competition).
to increase profitability. This was what data was always intended to do, it’s just a machine can do it faster, more
The Grand Idea was that if you could teach a machine
efficiently, and with much better results.
HOW CAN MY BUSINESS USE IT? The bottom line is what do you sell? Who do you sell it to? Where do you find them the most? While it’s good to have the data and can use it across multiple platforms, it doesn’t help if you’re trying to shoot ducks in a pond where there are no ducks. You go to the pond or lake that has the ducks and do your duck calls there. Then you see how many of them come flying in. Finding the ducks is as easy as searching google or Facebook audience insights. Done right, you can tell where people are looking for your product or service. If you’re wondering why this would matter and why each platform can’t tell you that your audience is on another platform, think about this: why would a big advertising platform tell you that your advertising is better elsewhere? Why would they push away someone that wants to spend dollars on their billboards online? I’m sure they wouldn’t want to lose that advertising revenue. So, using the data to tell the platforms
when to serve up the right ad, and then using a multi-channel, or even better; an Omni channel strategy and the data that you own, in which you can increase your chances of getting seen, recognized, eventually as an authority; enabling your business to profit more and eventually increase your market share. The ultimate win is that your profits increase. Not to mention, while you’re sending out videos and your competitors. What advantage does that give you? A ton! You get to control the conversation, tone, and solution that gets seeded in the customer’s mind. Why would you NOT want that? Eventually on follow up offers you can get them to buy from you easier because they’ve seen your brand and what you’ve done for the market place already.
ads, you could be controlling conversation before
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