Real Vegas Magazine | Jessica Friedman of JM Friedman Law | Leading Lawyers of Las Vegas

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Jessica M. Friedman JM Friedman Law

Top Family Law Attorney

s r e y w a L g n i d a e L 2022

of Las Vegas



Native By: Candice Wiener

Notable Old School Vegas Families That Shaped Las Vegas

The Late Real William Bill Terry There are so many magnificent words anyone could and would use to describe the Honorable William Bill Terry. He was one of the big-time old school Las Vegas attorneys whose reputation was larger than life, but he was about as humble as they come! Hearing of his passing away on January 15th, 2021, I was instantly filled with sadness and sorrow for his family and everyone that knew and loved him. I was quickly brought to tears as I recollected my own experiences with Bill and what an incredible attorney and human being this man was. Then, later reading the comments and many locals’ memories about Bill and his sound character brought me to tears once again. Having been related to another old school, powerhouse attorney, my late Grandfather, Mr. Louis Wiener, I was already well aware of Bill’s phenomenal stature within the Las Vegas legal community. I knew him to be one of the best attorneys in town and I recalled watching the entire Binion trial on TV when I was pregnant while I was house and


dog sitting for my uncle and aunt at that time. I immediately admired


his business acumen in the courthouse and starred in

27th, 2017, I

awe of how intelligent he was and how savvy he was at

contacted Mr. Bill Terry’s office

representing his clients. It was my personal opinion that

based on an urgent personal situation that arose with

his defendant was guilty; and having met her months

a family member. His receptionist assured me that he’d

prior at Ted Binion’s home, I definitely didn’t have a

be in the office within about an hour and would call me

good first impression about his defendant. But I couldn’t

back. It was less than 15 minutes, and I got the return

not admire his tenacity in fighting for her whether he

call from Bill. He asked me for a little more detail about

believed she was innocent or not. I realized that he was

the individual’s behalf that I was calling on and stated

simply doing his job. And was damn good at it as well!

that he wanted to call me back right away based on the severity of the case and he mentioned that in all his

My first personal encounter with Bill was on or around July

years, he had parents call him on behalf of their children,

but not the other way around and

given a feeling of assurance that

remiss if I said I didn’t. I felt in my gut,

he was intrigued to know more.

it was highly unlikely the criminal

this was no coincidental pattern.”



He replied, “that’s exactly what I

That family member and myself

my understanding that even the

thought,” and he continued that the

went to Bill’s office to meet him at

LVMPD sex crimes detectives all the

said individual was far too careless

12pm on Friday, July 28th (and I

way to the DA’s office knew with Bill

and unheeding. He continued to

recall the exact date as that date

on the case as the criminal defense

explain that back in the 1960’s, it

was my baby brother’s birthday

attorney, it was doubtful it would

was socially acceptable to call

who had passed away years prior).

even be prosecuted.

your law clerk ‘sweetie’ or ‘honey’,




but he cautioned that in todays’

We spoke about my grandfather, and he mentioned to me that he

We didn’t hear much for about

time of the whole #METOO, Harvey

had an affinity of love and respect

6-9 months and things seemed to

Weinstein era that we are living in,

for my late grandfather and added

quietly calm down. Then around

that it’s no longer ok to be so careless

“I’m not much of a funeral guy, but I

the 2nd week in April 2018, the

and flirty toward co-workers. I was

went to your grandfather’s funeral,”

same family member asked me to

picking up what he was putting

and I told him obviously I was there

find another attorney who would

down and agreed with him that I

as well. We then spoke about

write a demand letter for someone

was going to confront the individual

another family member who had

who he contracted to do business

with his admonishing. Needless to

retained Bill for his troubled adopted

for him that he claimed she didn’t

say, I wasn’t met with respect or

children who were often in trouble

do to his satisfaction, so as a good-

the gratitude of trying to help him

with the law, and he told me what a

hearted, supportive family member,

protect his assets and stop with that

great client he was.

I did just that. The demand letter

kind of behavior. But Bill knew that

was sent on or around April 17,

would likely be the case and that I

Then we addressed the reason

2018, and it wasn’t until June 6,

would likely be met defensive and

we were there and the heinous

2018, that the reply letter to that

hostile behavior and boy, was he

allegation as to why we were

demand letter came across my

right once again. But I tried and Bill

there to meet with him. He gave

desk. I was somewhat shocked at

tried to no avail.

some sound and solid advice and

this 2nd heinous allegation, and

provided a bit of comfort. We left his

I immediately contacted Bill. He

Bill was truly such a man of strength

office, and I advised the individual

was my 1st call and his response

and integrity and will always be

to retain him for the $7500. We went

when I told him of the news also

remembered in the Las Vegas

back to the family member’s office;



community as one of the legal

his accountant wrote the check,

“Candice, can I ask you a very

greats of all time! Las Vegas was

and I went back down to Bill’s office

candid question?” My voice sort

truly blessed with a wise, caring, and

to drop it off.

of stammered as I replied, “Mmm

honest man with the utmost values





from Chicago, Illinois. Bill was born

believe that there is any validity to

on August 31, 1946 and passed

representing you, you were instantly

this claim?” I replied, “Bill, I’d be

away at the age of 74 after his

battle with cancer. Close friends and family say that Bill was a devout Catholic and that his family was his number 1. And that seems 100% what I also believed to be true of him and another reason why his legacy in our Las Vegas community will live on, and he will be remembered as one of the all-time greatest attorneys our community has ever had the pleasure of knowing. Our sincere respect to his family and loved ones, we are thankful to have known him.


hmm, yes.” He continued, “do you Truly with Bill in your corner and


Pg. 12-13

The Native Juice – The Late William Bill Terry .........................................2-3 New Year, New You .................................................................................8-9 Celebrity Makeup Artist, Scott Barnes ................................................10-11 Success on Purpose, the Real Vernon Fox III .....................................12-13 McGraw Tribute Show ..........................................................................16-17 Not Your Average Elementary School Principal Meet the Real Mrs. Stephanie Jones-Wong……………….…………...……………………….….22 Former Coyote Ugly Girls… Then and Now! ......................................24-25 The Proof is in The Pudding! .......................................................................26 Rise Again with Sean Alexander ..............................................................27 Local Band Crash Midnight Announces Partnering with the Las Vegas

Pg. 16-17

Golden Nights; Meet the Real Shaun Soho .............................................29 “So, what in the World are NF’s?” .......................................................30-31 2022 Leading Lawyers of Las Vegas ...................................................32-56 Vegas Lawyers; The Real Tony Abbatangelo ....................................52-53 Tame Your Brain for a Battle (Legal or Otherwise) ............................54-55 Locals’ Choice Top Restaurants in Las Vegas ...................................60-63 Family Owned and Operated, Las Vegas Billboards ........................64-65 Is 2022 the year of Self [in]Provement? ....................................................66 Meet the Real Louie Patrizi & the Lovely Yer Veloz ...........................68-69 A Home That Love Built …………………………......……..…………………70

Pg. 30-31

Pg. 54-55

Pg. 10-11

From the Publisher’s Desk

Keeping it Real W

hat a wonderful start to 2022! I personally love the winter months in Las Vegas for so many reasons. The cooler weather always seemingly brings a nice reprieve to the scorching summer temperatures, we get to light and cozy up by the fireplace, which is one of my favorite things to do when I afford myself some rest and relaxation time! And Winter has an amazing way of bringing warmth to my heart since family seems to come together more during the colder season. Winter also ushers in the holidays, which I so look forward to every year as our large immediate and extended family enjoys getting together, cooking, and baking delicious meals and each other’s delightful company! Christmas Eve marks my granddaughter Eden’s Birthday and then come January 13th of each new year, marks my own Birthday celebration! Reflecting on 2021 brings a lot of satisfying feelings in both my personal and professional life. Milestones were made and although ugly challenges continually present themselves, the positive take away is that they continually keep making me stronger! Things that are done in an attempt

to hurt you and your business now have become completely laughable to me. I’ve learned so much about the mental illness of narcissism personality disorder than I ever wanted to know, but when people feel threatened by your success and have this terrible disorder, it’s just what they do. It seems to shock others who truly love and care about me, but it doesn’t come as a shock to me. I don’t know if I’ve just matured to a level of the highest vibration so that what is meant to hurt and cause harm to me, actually makes me laugh, but as always, God turns it around for good! It’s simply scriptural in all actuality. I’m honored to have been raised by such a sweet and devout woman, who always taught us; right is right and wrong is wrong. I’ve had a lot of friends growing up whose parents acted as they could do no wrong. Not mine. My mother taught us to always take accountability and I’m a better person because of it. My whole world has contained the mantra, be kind to everyone and do wrong to none! I feel as though I’m continually protected and taken care of by exemplifying those exact qualities. You know the saying, “you can’t have hot coals in your pocket and not get burned.” Same goes to the “snake poem,” The lyrics from the snake poem describe the story of a woman who takes

a snake into her home after discovering it freezing to death outside her house. Things take a turn for the worse, however, when after nursing the snake back to health, the serpent bites her, infecting the woman with a deadly poison in the process. Asking the snake why he tricked her, the reptile replies that the “silly woman” knew “damn well” what it was when she took it in. These things, in addition to the notion of karma, help me to understand why scheming and distrustful people do the things that they do. It’s very much a crash-course psychology lesson, but certainly helps me to keep things into perspective. My intention is to focus on the positive and what’s real! In my early 40’s, my journey has helped me to focus on what’s important and to really take inventory as to who and what makes deposits into your life and/or withdrawals. No one wants a negative balance in any account. I wish you all a prosperous 2022 with all the love and light in your lives! We dedicate this issue to our 2022 Leading Lawyers of Las Vegas and know the importance of having wise and good counsel to help protect you in your personal and business life. We hope you enjoy reading and learning about these incredible attorneys and all they do for locals in our community! Wishing everyone nothing but the best for 2022! Cheers to continued success!






By: Tatiyana Brooks


his year, it’s all about you! As the years fly by, we’re reminded of the things we’ve always desired but never pursued, and things we meant to do but never found the time to. If you’ve been searching for that “umph” that will help give you your groove back, look no further. I’ve got the details on some of my favorite in-demand beauty treatments to make 2022 your most confident year ever!

Body Sculpting

(single session, $200), available at holistic wellness self-care spa, Vanity Beauty Boutique:


Summer bodies are made in the winter. Prepare for the warm weather months and lose inches instantly with microcurrent body sculpting. With just one session, you can sit back, relax, and let the powerful technology work to build muscle and shrink fat cells so you don’t have to! Since body sculpting treatments work with your body’s natural ability to tone and tighten, the inches you lose are real and will stay off! Body sculpting combats the effects of aging, weight changes, and pregnancy, and achieves goals that can’t be obtained from just diet and exercise alone.


Vanity is located inside the popular Village Square Summerlin shopping plaza, at 9330 W. Sahara, Suite 140, Las Vegas NV 89117. For more information, call Vanity Beauty Boutique at 702-344-7424 or visit

Lip Filler

(starting at $500 a syringe), available at premier medical spa, Flawless Med Spa:

Kiss 2021 goodbye and get the full, youthful lips you’ve always dreamed of. Lip fillers are simple, yet effective injections that add volume and plumpness to the lips while keeping them looking natural. Since they promote collagen production over time, lip fillers can last six months to a year in between treatments and help you look and feel young and lively. Flawless’ owner and master injector, Melanie Speed, RN, BSN, CANS, has consistently been named a “Top 100 Best Aesthetic Injector in America” from the Best Aesthetic Injectors from 2018-2021 and has been a recipient of Real Self’s “Most Loved Injector” award. Flawless Aesthetics is located at 9418 W. Lake Mead, Las Vegas NV 89134. To book your appointment, call 702-588-2260 or visit


(one session, $250), available at permanent makeup artistry studio, NeeziieBabiie Beauty:

Did you know you can attain noticeably defined arms, abdomen, and glutes without breaking a sweat? Hollywood’s favorite noninvasive treatment, EmSculpt®, uses highly focused electromagnetic energy to tone the body and achieve long-lasting effects. Each 30-minute session is equivalent to 5 ½ hours of working out or 20,000 crunches, leaving you plenty of time to plan for your summer getaway. Unlike spending hours and hours doing intense gym workouts, EmSculpt® at NeeziieBabiie Beauty can get you ideal results in just four quick sessions scheduled days apart.

Monthly Beauty Membership

(choice of three-services, $49.99 monthly), available at the Cosmetology Institute of Las Vegas:

With what I consider to be one of the biggest beauty steals in town, choose from a vast selection of mixand-match services including a blowout, color retouch, pedicure, facial, makeup application, beard trim, full face wax and more with this unique monthly membership program. Take a break from the kids, chores, and office, and treat yourself to a day of head-to-toe pampering in the hands of blossoming cosmetology students at a price you can’t beat. Monthly beauty members also receive 15% off all premium services including balayage color application, full highlights, chemical relaxer, corn rows and more. The Cosmetology Institute of Las Vegas is located at 3249 W. Craig Road, Suite 100, North Las Vegas, NV 89032. Book your appointment by calling 702-756-2208 or visit for more information.


NeeziieBabiieBeauty is located at 6020 Badura Avenue, Suite 130, Las Vegas, NV 89118. Book your appointment directly by calling 702-686-5995 or visit






By Lissette Waugh Scott Barnes, Celebrity Makeup Artist extraordinaire, is known for painting the faces of Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Beyonce, to name a few. His talents do not stop there. Scott Barnes began his career as a fine arts painter at Parsons School of Art and Design, where he used his finely honed techniques to re-create light, shadow, and texture. Publisher of About Face Makeup with Jlo gracing the cover, he has now created what I think is his best Makeup line yet. I had the opportunity to Interview Scott and ask him about his new Makeup line and what’s to come in 2022.

RVM: Scott, tell me about your new makeup line you designed? currently launched various products including MAXXX OUT Mascara, SB: ISNATURAL No. 2 Eyeshadow palette, and the recently released coveted

Holiday Music Box for the winter season. The Holiday Music Box cover art I sketched myself. The box includes 40 dazzling eyeshadows, creamy bronzers and contours, shimmery highlighters, and delicate blushes. The looks are endless with the Holiday Music Box!

are so many amazing products in your line. I love your Contour RVM: There Palette. Which would be your favorite creation in this Line? product I curated and designed are special, it’s hard for me to choose SB: Each a product that stands out as my favorite. If he had to choose 1, I would say

SNATURAL No.1 because of its diversity while creating looks and it’s one of my constant go-to’s during shoots and makeup glam sessions.

RVM: What can we expect to see from you in 2022? have so many exciting projects and launches coming out in 2022 including SB: Iproduct lines people have been asking for years! I can’t go into too much detail about what’s coming, but, I will say that I am excited to launch products that cater to everyone whether you’re just starting out in makeup or have been a beauty aficionado for years.

Rest assured we will be seeing great things from Scott Barnes. All his products are available online:


the year comes to an end, can you share with me what Makeup Trend you are excited RVM: Asto say, Bye, Bye to? goodbye to using kitchen ware as makeup tools! It’s ridiculous (and unsanitary!) Just use the SB: Say tools made for the actual purpose!





here are often misconceptions that success is something that you can trip and fall into. That if you are in the right place at the right time, or if you know the right people, it’s the only way that you can get a break in life. While those things definitely help, there is also the good old-fashioned idea of work and faith that still get the job done.


Vernon Fox III is someone who has in many ways lived a life that some only dream of. From playing Division-1 college football, to playing in the NFL, winning a state championship as a head high school football coach, speaking internationally, and even most recently authoring a book, you would think he was all done seeking any greater achievements, but if you ask him, he will say he is just getting started.


Vernon grew up in Las Vegas and attended Cimarron-Memorial High School, where his jersey hangs retired on the wall of the gymnasium. After graduating with Honors and going on to Fresno State University on a full-ride athletic scholarship to play football, he achieved his goal of graduating in four years and graduated cum laude, being recognized as an academic All-American. As he was racking up the hardware on the field, being recognized as a 2-time 1st Photo credit: Rae Paravia Team All Western Athletic Conference defensive back (a drastic shift from his high school days as a star running back), he also collected recognition for his work in the classroom. In 2001, Vernon was recognized as a finalist for the distinguished Vincent dePaul Draddy Trophy, now known as the William V. Campbell Trophy. This award is known as the “Academic Heisman” and given to 1 out of 16 finalists annually that exemplify excellence in the areas of on-field performance, community service, and academics. All of these things would be the lead-in to an amazing college experience that ended in an opportunity to achieve a childhood dream of playing in the NFL. Despite being projected to be selected as high as a 4th round draft pick in the 2002 NFL draft, to his disappointment, Vernon went on to go to the then San Diego Chargers as an undrafted free agent. It is what he has referred to as his “handshake and opportunity.” While he was a far-shot from making the final 53-man roster and came in as a 6th string strong safety, that previously mentioned hard work and faith landed him a spot on the final roster and he found himself in an unexpected starting role by his second official NFL game. This game would end with him snagging an interception from his former college teammate David Carr (the big brother of Raider QB Derek Carr), who ended up being the 1st overall draft pick that year to the Houston Texans, in their inaugural season. Talk about irony! The first pick competing against the overlooked and rejected 6th stringer standing on the same stage with the same amazing opportunity to live out a dream.

Success was never easy for Vernon. That’s why it has always been intentional. He has always believed that you must take intentional steps towards the goals that you have set for yourself. That you can’t expect success to just happen. Four teams later, with stops in Detroit, Washington, & Denver, Vernon ended his 8-year NFL career and waddled in the often encountered “where do I go from here?” thoughts that pro athletes often arrive at. The easiest thing to do was to parlay the simple gifts and talents that he already possessed into his next venture. Well, it wasn’t that easy. He had to endure the grieving of being separated from 18 years of doing the same thing and living a dream. A new dream had to be established. Vernon often served as a motivational speaker and that seemed like the most suitable choice of a career path versus jumping back into the game of football, since there was still the bitter sting of a premature abrupt ending to his playing career. As a man of faith and one whose life was built and led on Christian principles, Vernon leaned on the self-appointed mission statement to “give back a portion of that which was first given to him” and went on a mission to serve and pour himself out for the betterment of others. Whether that was in youth camps, speeches at schools, sermons in churchPhoto Credit: Steven Shofner es, or motivational spills to those looking to advance their lives and live out their potential, you could find him emptying himself out regularly. That all came to an abrupt pause when an unexpected phone call led to his next mission, which would be to impact the lives of a group of young men at a local Christian high school. Without pursuing, Vernon was offered the role of head high school football coach at Faith Lutheran Middle School and High School, the largest Lutheran school in the US. After much prayer, Vernon accepted this role and his life’s mission continued, only this time he would be combining two of the most integral aspects of his life. Vernon would be connecting both football and his faith in a new uninhibited role. By then he was a proud husband and father and that was as big of an accomplishment as anything he had experienced. Family has always been the most important thing to Vernon. Growing up in a stable home with the love of two amazing parents, he and his sister learned the value of family. Those values are what has pushed him to be the best husband and father that he can be for the last 16 years.

1 state championship, 2 academic state championships, 3 conference championships, and 1 region championship later, Vernon stepped away from coaching in 2020 to answer the call to expand his service in full-time ministry and as a speaker, coach, and consultant. He was ordained as a minister in 2014 and certified as a life coach in 2019. He developed frameworks to holistically meet the needs of individuals in faith, life, leadership, character, and success coaching. He launched this transition with the lifelong accomplishment of completing his first book and becoming a published author. His arm of influence extends as he currently continues in a life of service to the personal, ministerial, corporate, and community needs of those that he reaches. None of it has ever been on accident. The intentionality continues. A life of service. A life of help. A life of real success.


Even though he had no experience as a coach, he believed that if he took the same intentional approach that landed achievements like being named a team MVP on every level of competitive football, including the NFL, as a special teams MVP of the 2005 Detroit Lions, he could experience success as a coach. The only difference was that his plan was not to earn accolades or championships to determine success. His approach to winning would be built on surrounding himself with great men that could help perpetuate a vision of developing men of character, integrity, accountability, and excellence. Not only was he able to be a part of that, but the by-product was that the other accolades came as well. In his first season at Faith Lutheran, he was blessed to be a part of leading the team Mike Nowak (Los Angeles Chargers) to its first state championship in the school’s then 34-year history. He would receive the first of his two coach of the year honors and be a part of a climb that would take the program from a 3A to a 5A classification in 7 seasons. He maintained his dual focus of athletic achievement and classroom achievement and his team was also able to earn the first of two academic state championships in that first season. This opened doors for Vernon to continue speaking all over the country, sharing his lessons of faith, success, and leadership, and eventually led to his first international speaking engagement in 2019.

Photo Credit: Daniel Clark


Dr. Sean Su, MD

Dr. Sean Su, MD, is a primary care physician who is focused on providing experienced and passionate care to patients in the Las Vegas Valley.

Dr. Su is available to see patients for initial consultations and conservative pain procedures, with a special focus on serving patients who require medical care due to personal injury. Dr. Su will conduct a patient evaluation and recommend an appropriate and efficient course of treatment. Dr. Su offers convenient and flexible scheduling from his office in Northwest Summerlin. Same day appointments are available. Sean Su, MD, is a graduate of University of California – Irvine, and earned his medical degree from Loma Linda University School of Medicine. He’s been in private practice since 1999. Dr. Su provides primary care and cosmetic services to patients in the Las Vegas, Nevada area.

Call today to schedule an appointment

702.240.4242 2541 Professional Court, Suite 110, Las Vegas, NV 89128



Suzie Nguyen-Su, D.D.S. Suzie Nguyen-Su, DDS, is a Doctor of Dental Surgery, focused on providing full dental services and creating beautiful smiles across the Las Vegas community.

Dr. Su is available to see patients for comprehensive and cosmetic dental services, including patients who require treatment due to a personal injury. Dr. Su will conduct an initial patient evaluation and provide a specific course of treatment to address patients’ needs on an individual basis. Dr. Su offers convenient and flexible scheduling from her office in Northwest Summerlin. Same day appointments are available.

Sexy Vegas Smiles Suzie Nguyen-Su, DDS, is a graduate of University of California – Irvine, where she graduated Magna Cum Laude and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from UCLA. She completed an Advanced Specialty Education Program in Periodontics at Loma Linda School of Dentistry. Dr. Nguyen-Su is proud to serve the Las Vegas community, taking the time to address the personal needs of each of her patients.

Call today to schedule an appointment

702.240.4242 2541 Professional Court, Suite 110, Las Vegas, NV 89128



McGraw Tribute Show P

resenting a powerful show that thrills and captivates audiences everywhere. This Tim McGraw tribute performed by Nashville recording artist and Las Vegas Entertainer Adam D.

Tucker accurately recreates the music and mystique of country

music ICON Tim McGraw. Adam and his talented crew have opened for 42 National Acts all over the United States, such as: Taylor Swift, Jason Aldean, Blake Shelton, Luke Bryan, Eric Church, Reba McEntire to name a few. The timeless sound of Tim McGraw proves appealing to audiences of all ages, bringing back memories and touching the hearts of all. This talented group of musicians showcase Tim McGraw’s mega-hits from the 90’s such as “Don’t Take the Girl”, “I Like It I Love It”, and his current radio hits of today! Some other noteworthy stuff about the Tribute Show is they have been seen in 47 U.S. States, Australia, Canada, Mexico, and the British Virgin Islands. They have been the opening Act for more than 40 National Acts and was named the WINNER of Episode 3 for the NEW HIT TV SHOW Clash of the Cover Bands executive produced by Jimmy


Fallon with superstar judges Meghan Trainor, Adam


Lambert, Ester Dean and Twitch from the Ellen show as the host. Adam grew up in a small town, Sissonville, West Virginia. He has come from the backroads of West Virginia to the Las Vegas Strip and to Hollywood. Adam moved here to Las Vegas 11 years ago. He has performed for many charities and fundraisers all over the U.S., including Susan G. Koman, Children’s Miracle Network, American Cancer Society, Veterans, Police Associations, Children’s Epilepsy, just to name a few. Adam’s kids Lilly Tucker (age 10) and his son Beau Tucker join him on stage from time to time. His son Beau loves getting on stage with his dad. He has sung in 10 states in front of thousands of people. He recently joined him for a veteran’s day show.

Adam’s stage name is VEGAS McGRAW and his show has been dubbed as The Worlds #1 Tim McGraw Tribute Show!


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Mrs. Stephanie Jones




tephanie Jones Wong is a beacon in society, and a model of due diligence in our local community. She has worked with much pride and joy in education and is a community builder with Clark County School District for over 20 years. Starting as an English teacher at Cimarron-Memorial High School in 1995, where she worked for 4 years, she then moved on to become a Dean of Students until 2000, when she became the Assistant Principal at Bonanza High School until 2005, and then the Principal at Garside Junior High School until 2010. In January 2010, she took the position of Principal at Red Rock Elementary School where she still is Principal and oversees the staff that serves over 670 students each day. She has had the pleasure of having children of past students as the Principal at Red Rock Elementary. Stephanie believes school should serve as a hub for services for families, including access to health care, mental care, eye care and dental care; “many families


do not have access to quality care or are unable to access it easily, but families come to the campus every day, so it makes sense to provide the services on site,” Stephanie states. Stephanie dreams to provide social services to families, focused on families with children with special needs. Experience has taught Stephanie that access to therapies such as Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech and ABA therapy is difficult to find outside of school facilities and hours, and it is a hard push to pull a child out of class to attend ther-

apy during the school day. As such, she finds that parents are often faced with a difficult decision for the child, therapy, or school? When both are essential. Stephanie would like to see these services provided to the students and families on school grounds before and after school hours, as well as co-treatment options where students can participate in necessary therapies while attending classes. Stephanie sees a loss of connectedness in moving from elementary to middle to high schools, so has made it a personal and professional goal to create a school and provide an atmosphere for students' grades Pre-K – 12. "My desire to keep students on the same campus PK-12 stems from the loss of connectedness we see when students transition to each level. Elementary teachers and staff are in a unique position because they get to know the families and work with the children from age 3 to age 10 or 11. We know the stories of the families and can provide necessary support. However, when a student tran-

sitions to middle school, it is common for their story to get lost, and a 10-year-old is much less likely to tell their story to 6 new teachers in middle school." Stephanie continues, "When I'm not being a principal, I participate in NHRA drag racing. I got 2 speeding tickets in 1997 and a friend of mine said I should drag race! Not long after I started dating my husband and guess what? He was a drag racer! My first race car was a 1976 Plymouth Volare. Now I race a 1970 Plymouth Barracuda in the Stock Eliminator Class. I have been successful with class racing and my best finish was runner-up at a National Event in Denver, CO. One of my favorite cars that I race is our 1973 AMC Gremlin!" She has been married 20 years and she and her husband have 2 children, 14 and 10 years old. They have 2 dogs, 2 cats, a pot belly pig (Chris P Bacon), a desert tortoise, chickens, & a turkey!

Coyote Ugly Saloon Has Been Dubbed the Most Famous Bar on the Planet and I Had the Pleasure of Working There

5 Former

Coyote Ugly Girls Then and now!


f you are from or have been in Las Vegas for any length of time, you’ve likely either been to Coyote Ugly at the New York, New York Casino or at least have heard of it. Well, it was in about 2005 when I called up my stepfather who raised me, having a “Carrie” from Sex in the City moment, and asking him as a single mother how I could

make some real money. Being that I was a single mother of 2 young daughters and making peanuts for a living at that time, working at a National regional magazine, I recall my stepfather earnestly asking me, “Well, how has it been working for your longtime absentee biological Father at his magazine company?” My reply was, well he works me like a dog, and I can hardly pay my rent. I’m always stressed to the max and have literally little to no quality of life and/or time with my young daughters. It’s like a rat race, I continued… and I’m pretty sure he’s broken every labor law in the book. He does not compensate me well at all and he literally treats me like I’m his slave. He even micromanages my break periods. I continued, “Dad, I’ve lost a lot of weight from the stress and working for him makes me a nervous wreck!” I just want to be able to provide a nice lifestyle, make some real money and have time to spend with my daughters.” He told me since your bio-father fired you so he could keep (his then) 4th wife on payroll, that I should go down to the Pure Management Corporate Office and meet with a guy by the name of Jeff the following Monday at 10am. I did just that and was hired to work at Coyote Ugly on the spot. I was instructed to go get my Sheriff’s, Health and TAM cards and that as soon as I had those, I would start my new position. My stepdad was a silent investor so he assured me I would be taken care of. I completed the tasks at hand eagerly and started at Coyote the following week. The ladies were nice, the job was fun, and I was never worked more than 8 hours in a shift. Heck, I even had support and multiple bar backs that were happy to do the heavy lifting! I was very grateful and became pretty close friends with those guys as well. I felt like I was in Heaven! Furthermore, I learned that I would have culinary benefits (that were really good insurance benefits) for my daughters and myself. This was something I was promised by my former domineering employer, but never came to fruition, so I was very thankful


and enjoyed my time and comradery with the other Coyote girls. I enjoyed watching the choregraphed dances when the ladies would do their practices inside the bar before the saloon would open in the evening. I normally would be getting off as the line would start to wrap around the building, the bouncers would arrive and I’d make my way home to spend my evenings with my wonderful daughters every night, also affording me my evenings and private time to share with them, help them with their homework, make them dinner, watch some TV, and put them to bed. I was at Coyote from about 2005-late 2006/early 2007 and moved on to continue my career as a Lead Bartender at the Planet Hollywood on the Las Vegas Strip. Recently, I was in contact with one of the Former Coyote Ugly girls during the pandemic and shut down and we were chatting with one another about a few things, catching up and learning what one another was doing now and I was inspired to run an article on the Former Coyote Ugly Girls… Then and now. Here are 5 of us ladies and we hope you enjoy reading about the journeys and maybe even a Meet & Greet with them at an upcoming event.


Candice was born and raised in Las Vegas, NV and is a mother, child of a large family of 8 and a grandmother. She spent most of her life being a caretaker for children, animals, and family. She went into food and beverage and hospitality around 2005. She was hired as a cashier and daquiri bartender at Coyote Ugly, in which her family had vested interest and owned part of while it was under the Pure Management corporate umbrella. She thoroughly enjoyed her tenure while bartending and not only met some great women, but her favorite boss of all time, who ended up leaving Coyote and went over to a new restaurant concept and venture of her family’s, which was Trader Vic’s and Halo Bar. At the time of her resignation at Coyote Ugly; another former boss told her she was the 1st Coyote he ever heard of actually turning in a formal, signed 2-week notice recognition letter. Although Candice was an avid lover of dancing, she never danced on the bar based on her conservative opinion that since she had already given birth to 2 daughters at that time, she not only did not want to bare midriff or dance for purposes of entertaining others. “I love to dance, but I love to dance as an escape and not for anyone watching. I do admire the strong women who enjoy entertaining, being in the limelight is just simply not my thing.” Stated Candice when asked. Candice went back to the print magazine media sector that she left to bartend at Coyote for in 2005, that she had been doing from about 2002-2005. She returned to print magazines and has been in that professional arena ever since. She now publishes this magazine, Real Vegas, and was inspired to catch up with other Coyote Ugly gals and see what they’re doing now. Personally, Candice enjoys spending time with her huge extended and immediate family, and is now a grandmother, mother of 2 grown daughters and has been in a long term relationship for almost 7 years.

Sarah Lyn started working at Coyote Ugly at the age of 21 and bartended from 2006-2010. At the time she was very shy and did not dance on the bar; she focused on serving drinks, interacting with guests, and enjoy some of her favorite country songs while doing so.

She’s very grateful for her time at Coyote Ugly and the many amazing people she met while working there. For the newbies stepping into Coyote Ugly for the firstatime she still advises not ordering water and tipping your fabulous bad ass bartenders!


She left Coyote at 25 to go back to school for cosmetology. She worked in skincare and the beauty industry for several years and soon crossed over into the medical side of skincare. She currently works as a medical assistant at Lakes Dermatology where she assists in everything from cosmetic procedures to MOHS (cancer) surgeries.


Tiffany was born and raised in Alabama. She started her classic dance training at a very young age and was privileged to train at Gus Giordano’s Studio in Chicago, Broadway Dance Center in New York; after which she moved to Los Angeles under scholarship at Tremaine Dance Studio. She was very fortunate to perform with many different amazing artists both on screen and onstage: U2, Kidd Rock, Black Eyed Peas, Usher, Outkast, Back Street Boys, No Doubt, Limp Bizkit, Eminem, Nelly, Michael Caine, Alice Cooper, Hans Klock, Siegfried and Roy, and many more. She has toured Europe with ‘Grease the Musical’, as well as the States with Hoku Ho and 98 Degrees. Tiffany shifted into becoming a choreographer and director with projects like “Britney Spears: Femme Fatal Tour”, ‘Sir Rosevelt: Share the Code Concert”, ‘Farm Club’ on USA Network, ‘Storm’ at Mandalay Bay, ‘James Bond: PlayStation Game’ for EA Sports, ‘Black Kat: PlayStation Game’ for Westwood Studios, ‘Life is Beautiful with Walk the Moon’, ‘Miss USA’, ‘Coyote Ugly and Centrifuge’, and many corporate events for various Las Vegas Casinos. Currently Tiffany resides in Las Vegas where she runs her own business, The Unspoken Studio, a teacher of various styles of dance for Nevada Ballet, Rock Dance Center, a teacher, and co-director for Joffrey Cirque Arts, and as the Dance Coach for MJ One, with quest work on O and Mystere with Cirque du Soleil. Tiffany started her Coyote career as a cocktail server/dancer. She then worked very hard to become an Entertainment Bartender. Tiffany was with Coyote Ugly for 10 years before she left to join the “circus”.


Sandra moved to Las Vegas in 2003, from California. She worked at the Wynn Casino as a Cocktail Server and 2 years later she landed at Coyote Ugly as Cocktail Server/ Daiquiri Girl and was employed there for 3 years. Sandra has a 10-year history in the service and hospitality industry. She went on to have her 1st son in 2009. Sandra now works for herself with Retail Industrial Supplies.


Melissa (then Cerrito, now Kovacovich) was one of the daiquiri bartenders for most of her time at Coyote Ugly. She would also bartend inside the club on occasion and do the beer tub. Often times she would be asked to help out in the club and dance on the bar when they needed her to. Fast forward 10 years... She is now a proud stay at home mom to her 2 beautiful boys (9 and 5) and going on her 10th year of marriage to a wonderful man, her husband is a firefighter! Melissa (Cerrito as we used to call her) keeps in contact with a few of the girls from Coyote whom all have kids now as well. Coyote was a huge part of her life, and it gave her some long-lasting friendships that she treasures still to this day!





Local Band Crash Midnight Announces

Partnering with the Las Vegas Golden Nights



mous Sand Dollar in Las Vegas to celebrate the single’s release that Sand Dollar appearance has now come and gone. The band is announcing a New Years’ Eve show with Quiet Riot (featuring the return of original member Rudy Sarzo!) at Fremont Country Club in downtown Las Vegas! Tickets are available now at CRASHMIDNIGHT.COM

The band is proud to announce partnering with the NHL’s Las Vegas Golden Knights to have the new single featured during games this season. Combined with the launch of a Crash Midnight signature “Smash Midnight Blackout” whiskey smash cocktail at Corduroy (the coolest rock bar in downtown Vegas), fans will be getting a steady dose of Crash Midnight everywhere they go in the Entertainment Capital of the World!

SHAUN SOHO: “This one is rapidly becoming one of our favorites live. The swagger of the riff gets me into it instantly. I’d been saving these little lines of lyrics that were inspired by all the shit we got ourselves into running in the streets of Boston’s bars and underground parties when we were first starting out, but I hadn’t put them together or found the right song for them yet. Once we started messing with this riff, everything just stuck right in there and felt exactly right. Our co-producer, Tristan Hardin, helped us find the right balance between the raw, gritty feel we were going for and still making this thing sound huge. Our hometown NHL team, the Vegas Golden Knights, dug the track too and will be using it all season long during their games at T-Mobile Arena. It’s going to be wild to hear this thing blasting through the speakers there. Big shoutout to VGK President, George McPhee, for helping connect us with their guys over there to make this happen. Shaun Soho told us: “We’re looking forward to New Years’ Eve 2022. Alex Grossi from Quiet Riot has become a good friend - he’s ac-

“Blackout” is a raw, “punks in the street” homage to the band’s formative years running in the Boston club scene. It came together during the year-long shutdown of live entertainment, which gave the band an opportunity to really look back on where things all started and use some of that as inspiration for a few of their new songs. “Blackout” took on a whole new meaning for the band though when the Las Vegas Strip literally went dark during the height of the pandemic. Crash Midnight will be doing a special acoustic performance Oct 22nd at the infa-

tually joined us on stage this year - and it’s going to be cool to share the stage again with him and the guys from QR. DJ Lethal from House of Pain and Limp Bizkit is joining the bill too so there’s going to be a lot to take in that night. Fremont Country Club has become like our second home downtown here in Vegas. It’s a great venue and really supports the scene out here.”

Shaun Soho continued: We partnered with “Corduroy,” our favorite rock n’ roll bar in downtown Las Vegas to create a Crash Midnight signature cocktail called the “Smash Midnight Blackout.” It’s a take-off on one of our favorite drinks we used to have all the time back in Boston called a whiskey smash. We also just got word that one of our heroes, Cheetah Chrome from The Dead Boys, is going to be jumping up to play a couple songs with us at the end of our set on New Years’ Eve. Basically, just bourbon, simple syrup, mint and lemon, but these guys added some of their homemade ginger beer, a dash of bitters, and some activated charcoal to turn in jet-black. Then they serve it in a glass skull mason jar so you’re sitting here with this bad*** black skull drink. It’s definitely a head turner, with a lot of people going “yo what’s that?!” and taking pictures and everything. If you’re out on Fremont Street in Vegas, you gotta try one.”


as Vegas Hard Rock breakouts, Crash Midnight, drop their third of four brand new singles for 2021 with “Blackout” on Oct 8th - a searing rock anthem that will be echoing this fall throughout Las Vegas - where the band has established itself as the highest-drawing independent rock act.


“So, what in the world are


By Siloh Moses of

If you have been wondering just ‘what in the world are NFT’s?, well guess what? You’re not alone. Google’s keyword search data shows that interest in NFT’s or nonfungible tokens has surged to record levels, with traffic beating out search terms pertinent to many cryptocurrency assets ranked among the top 10. What’s a cryptocurrency? A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend.


A cryptocurrency (or crypto as it is called for short) can also be used to buy goods and services in the real world but is mostly used in online peer-to-peer digital transactions.


In layman terms, it’s considered ‘digital cash.’ And an NFT is a nonfungible token (or unit of data) that is stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain. This blockchain certifies that the digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable. NFT’s can be used to represent items such as photos, video snippets, digital art, audio (music), and other types of digital files. Often purchased with digital cash or crypto. To keep this a simple as possible (without going too far down the rabbit hole) we’re going to answer the topic at hand. If you want to know more about crypto’s or NFT’s, and want to go deeper down the rabbit hole, be sure to check out and subscribe to their free email crypto newsletter. So, now that you have an idea of what NFT’s are, again non-interchangeable units of stored data that can be used to represent items such as photos, video snippets, digital art, audio (music), and other types of digital files. Often purchased with digital cash or crypto…The real question is “How do they work?”

When you purchase an NFT you become the owner of that piece of data, whether it’s digital artwork, a video clip, or a song… when you purchase it, you become its owner. Depending on the rights of the NFT (governed by the creator), you the new owner can either, view it, own it, sell it, transfer it, and even make a commission on part of the sale once you sell it. Again, governed ultimately by the original creator and is written in the smart contract (unique computer code), (proof that you own it), at the time of purchase. Now, there are limits to how much you can sell your NFT on the open market, and of course the crypto rights, in the US at least, belong to the NFT creator. NFT crypto rights or IP rights can last for 120 years in the US and the NFT creators keep all the intellectual property rights even after they sell that NFT to you. What makes NFT’s valuable? The community based around an NFT make it valuable. How much someone in that community is willing to pay, makes all the difference. The scarcity of a NFT also brings it value. An NFT can sell for millions based on how many of that NFT have been ‘minted’ or created. A limited supply of any NFT can drive the price of that NFT well into the Millions of US dollars. Also, an NFT can have written in the smart contract (computer code) that the asset will change in appearance every time the asset passes hands and is sold. This makes it unique to own. For instance, NFT’s in music. In March, the rock band ‘Kings of Leon’ generated $2 Million dollars in sales from their new music album that was offered as an NFT. The album sold at $50 a pop. NFT’s in Art, In June, the infamous covid Cyptopunk sold at Christies Auctioneers for $11.8 million dollars, and the biggest NFT sale to date goes to ‘The Beeple Art Compilation NFT’ which sold for $69.3 million dollars at auction back in March as well. So, you’re sold, where can you go to buy your very own NFT’s? There are specified marketplaces online where you can go to purchase NFT’s in not just music and art, but in real world infrastructure, games, and collectables. The most popular is; they raised $23 million from investors in March, plus recently raised an additional $100 million dollars to expand further into the metaverse with their product offerings. There’s Dapper Labs (dapperlabs. com) which raised $305 million in their latest round of funding and brought on investors in the likes of basketball great, Michael Jordan and famous actor Will Smith. Speaking of sports and NFT’s, SoRare (; An NFT platform for fantasy soccer, raised the largest funding to date with $532 million with a $3.8 Billion dollar evaluation. In conclusion, NFT’s are driven on supply and demand, much like cryptocurrencies. This supply and demand can have a significant role in their value and longevity as a collectable or an investment asset. Furthermore, there is little known at this point what the ‘use cases’ (real world application) are or will be for NFT’s in the future. Massive demand has skyrocketed for them since the beginning of the year and massive adoption in multiple industries has helped create their buzz and news worthiness. When you combine art, music, entertainment, video streaming, gaming, and collectables, all the things we can’t live without, it’s no wonder why they have been ‘all the rage’ lately. If you want to know more about crypto’s or NFT’s be sure to check out and subscribe to their free email crypto newsletter. To purchase one of your own crypto NFT’s, visit one of the NFT marketplaces mentioned above.


Leading Lawyers OF LAS VEGAS

Join us as we acknowledge our local Leading Lawyers as they continue to interpret the law through actions and words for the protection of us as individuals, business concerns and or ideas.

You can nominate your favorite at

R E A LV E G A S M A G A Z I N E . C O M / N O M I N AT E


Leading Lawyers OF LAS VEGAS

Adam Breeden Adam Kutner Adam Muslusky Adam Smith Adam Vander Heyden Adam Wax AJ Kung Al Lasso Alexis Brown Alicia Ashcraft Allen Cap Amanda Litt Amanda Connor Amy Sances Andre Lagomarsino Andrew Misko Anthony Paglia April Bonifatto Arezou Piroozi Ash Watkins Augusta Massey Aviva Gordon Ayesha Mehdi Ben Bingham Ben Moshe Benjamin Cloward Bill Curran Boyd Moss Bradley Mainor Brandi Cassady Brett Carter Brian Harris Brian Steinberg Brian Vasek Carol Hay Chad Golightly Charles Lybarger Christian Gabroy Christian Griffin Craig Drummond Craig Kenny Dale Hayes Jr. Dallas Horton Danielle Liss David Chesnoff David Jacks David Menocal

"The List" David Roger Dawn Cica Dean Patti Dennis Prince Derek Connor Dina Ladah Donald Kudler Ed Prudhomme Edward Bernstein Eric Blank Eric Marshall Eric Roy Frank Sorrentino G. Mark Albright Gabriel Martinez George Bochanis Gina Bongiovi Gina Corena Glen Lerner Gregg Hubley Heather Harris Hunter Sidell Husna Alikhan Ilona Szymkowicz Iśrael Ishi Kunin Jack Buchanan Jacob Leavitt Jacqueline Bretell Jakub Medrala James Pisanelli Jamie Cogburn Jason Close Jason Stoffel Jason Weiner Jeffrey Barr Jennifer Braster Jessica Friedman Jim Jimmerson John Bertoldo John Lambertsen John Moran Jr. John Moran, III John Mowbray John Naylor John Watkins Jordan Schnitzer Joseph Benson

Joseph Garin Joseph Maridon Jr. Joseph Wirth Julie Raye Justin Watkins K. Ryan Helmick Kari Hanratty Keith Galliher, Jr. Keith Routsong Kevin Brenner Kevin Hanratty Kevin Rowe Kimball Jones Kristin Cogburn Kristina Wildeveld Kyle Morishita Lawrence Hill Lawrence Ruiz Lawrence Smith Leah Martin Leila Hale Leon Mead II Lindsay Cullen Louis Palazzo Malcolm LaVergne Mandy McKellar Marc Randazza Marc Saggese Marcus Berg Margo Chernysheva Mark Bourassa Mark Henness Mark Hutchison Matthew Hoffman Michael Balaban Michael Kane Michael Gowdey Michael Haight Michael Pariente Michael Stein Michael Troiano Michele LoBello Mike Nguyen Mitchell Resnick Nadin Cutter Nedda Ghandi Nicholas Wooldridge

Nick Pomponio Pat Lundvall Patricia Lee Patrick Kang Paul Powell Peter Mazzeo Phillip Aurbach Philip Silvestri Puonyarat Premsrirut Qumars Behzadi Ramzy Ladah Rena McDonald Reza Athari Richard Cunningham Richard Harris Richard Holley Robert Cardenas Robert Cottle Robert Draskovich Robert Hill Robert Schumacher Robert Sidell Robert Walsh Roger Croteau Sam Mirejovsky Sandy Van Shane Jasmine Young Shauna Hill Shelley Krohn Shemilly Briscoe Sigal Chattah Soraya Aguirre Stacy Rocheleau Steve Dimopoulos Steven Baker Steven Parke Tara Clark Newberry Terry Coffing Theodore Parker III Tim Riley Tony Sgro Tracy Gallegos Travis Buchanan William Devine II William Stoddard

ADAM ADAMVANDER VANDERHEYDEN HEYDEN is Honored is Honored to betonamed be named one one of the of 2022 the 2022 Leading Leading Lawyers Lawyers of Las ofVegas Las Vegas and and sends sends a warm a warm congratulations congratulations to allto all the 2022 the 2022 Leading Leading Lawyers Lawyers of Las ofVegas Las Vegas

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THE THECURE CUREFOR FORYOUR YOUR CRIMINAL CRIMINALCASE! CASE! Contact Contact us today us today forfor a free a free consultation! consultation!

ADAM VANDER HEYDEN LAS VEGAS CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY Adam Vander Heyden is originally from Eagle, Wisconsin. After graduating from Thomas Cooley Law School in Michigan, he has dedicated himself and his career to helping people through a difficult time in their lives as a criminal defense attorney. Over the past 6 years, Adam has handled over 1100 DUI cases, resolved over 50,000 traffic tickets, and made thousands of court appearances for his clients.

Everyday Adam’s focus is on protecting the constitutional rights of Nevada citizens, preventing abuses by the state, and ensuring that one mistake does not cost someone their life, career, or future. Adam’s passion for criminal law carries over to the rest of his life as well. When he’s not in the courtroom Adam enjoys hiking, reading, playing hockey, and competing in NPC Mens’ Physique competitions. Adam believes firmly that you only get back what you put into something, which is why he puts everything he has into everything he does.



If you’re looking for an attorney who will treat your case, your life, with the respect and dedication it deserves then give Adam Vander Heyden a call today at

35 35

Opens Permanent Headquarters in North Las Vegas! • • •

Almost 30,000 sq. ft. New Location: 3675 W. Cheyenne Ave Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89032 New Office Features: Mock Trial Room, State-of-the-Art Conference Rooms, and Room for Growth!

While we look forward to seeing you at our new location, we are also available to see clients at our Spring Mountain location, by appointment. Bighorn Law was founded in 2012 on a simple premise – taking care of our family, friends, and community in Las Vegas. We couldn’t stand seeing the everyday person taken advantage of by insurance companies, other law firms, and institutions and become victims of a system they don’t understand. We started assembling an expert attorney network with the drive to fight for maximum settlements for every case. There’s never a reason to settle for less than what is deserved. Even if it takes a little longer, we work hard to ensure the end result was worth it. Our results prove our purpose. In the short time since our inception, we’ve won over $150 million in settlements for our clients, including a $13.6 million medical malpractice case. By winning more cases and getting higher compensation,


we can make our clients whole again.


Bighorn Law partners secured a $1,643,400 verdict recently for a client who sustained a traumatic brain injury in a disputed motor vehicle crash. Additionally, Bighorn Law clients find success in $1.6 Billion settlement with Essure over defective contraception, among many other notable cases.

Cases That We Handle •

Personal Injury

Workers’ Compensation

Medical Malpractice

Featured Partners Jacqueline Bretell was born in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, and moved to Nashville, Tennessee with her parents and brother in 1995. Jacqueline attended the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, where she was a member (and later Captain) of the UTC Mock Trial Team. Jacqueline graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science at the age of 20. After completing her undergraduate studies, Jacqueline attended Mercer University’s Walter F. George School of Law in Macon, Georgia. Throughout law school, she competed and coached multiple mock trial teams, and served as the President of the first Georgia Student Trial Lawyers Association. Jacqueline earned her Juris Doctorate degree while also earning a Certificate in Advanced Legal Writing, Research and Drafting as part of Mercer’s top-ranked legal writing program. Upon graduating from law school, Jacqueline was recognized for her oral advocacy skills by being selected for membership in The Order of Barristers, a national honor society. She went on to pass the Nevada bar at 23 years old. After completing law school, Jacqueline moved to Las Vegas and began her career working for one of the best insurance defense firms in Nevada. During this time, Jacqueline learned valuable lessons regarding how insurance companies value claims, and the tools and practices they use to make their case. Jacqueline left the practice of insurance defense, and joined Bighorn Law, where she was able to devote her career vigorously and passionately protecting the rights of those who have been severely injured.

Kimball Jones is passionate about achieving justice for his clients. His practice focuses on personal injury litigation, and he has settled millions of dollars in personal injury claims. Kimball is licensed to practice law in Nevada and Idaho. Before practicing law Kimball attended Brigham Young University-Idaho where he earned a B.S. in Economics. Kimball graduated more than a year early, finishing in the top five percent of his class overall and as the university’s top economics student in 2005. While earning his degree, Kimball also founded and presided over BYU-Idaho’s Pre-Law Society, interned for a U.S. Senator, and served as his university’s student body president. After college Kimball went to law school at Brigham Young University’s J. Reuben Clark School of Law where he earned a J.D. in 2008. Kimball was awarded a Dean’s Scholarship for academic excellence each year of law school. Kimball also excelled in law school competitions, taking first place in BYU’s Moot Court Competition and second place in BYU’s Negotiations Competition. In addition to practicing law, Kimball loves serving his community and country. After law school, Kimball chose to give back to his country by serving in the Army full-time. Kimball continues to serve in a reserve capacity, though his active-duty days are behind him. Kimball is now focused on improving the community he lives in through service within the community and through successful advocacy of his clients’ claims.

Jacob Leavitt is part of the successful workers’ compensation team at Bighorn Law in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was selected to Rising Stars for 2019 – 2020. This peer designation is awarded only to a select number of accomplished attorneys in each state. The Rising Stars selection process takes into account peer recognition, professional achievement in legal practice, and other cogent factors. Jacob studied at The Thomas M. Cooley Law School. He graduated in 2012. After passing the bar exam, he was admitted to legal practice in 2012.

Bighorn Law Headquarters: 3675 W. Cheyenne Ave., Suite 100, N. Las Vegas, NV 89032 Spring Mountain: 4089 Spring Mountain Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89012




hane Jasmine Young and her law firm,

Shane didn’t go into business for herself at the

Young Law Group, recently won GOLD in

beginning. She gained a tremendous amount

Best of Las Vegas in 7 categories: Estate

of experience in many different areas of law,

Planning, Elder Care, Long Term Planning,

including transactional, regulatory, and litigation

Personal Injury, Child Protection Planning, Pet

within two prestigious, national law firms. That

Protection Planning, and Woman Owned

experience enabled her to gain the perspective


and vision for the business she has created, which she believes makes the greatest impact

These honors come as a result of many years of

on her clients.

service in the community and establishing trust and countless relationships that have formed

At Young Law Group, Shane is dedicated to

over the years.

reaching out to her community and offering a unique legal experience under a holistic,

Flashback to April 2000: Five months pregnant

non-traditional model that allows her clients to

with identical twins, Shane Jasmine Young

meet their objectives and gain peace of mind

graduated Magna Cum Laude from Pepperdine

knowing that their families will be cared for in

University with a Bachelor of Science

the event of their incapacity or death, and

degree. While that was certainly a huge

that matters will be handled according to their

accomplishment, Shane was far from done. She

wishes without court and conflict.


had her sights on a bigger vision for herself and


her community. That’s why, on the twins’ first

“My goal is to create lasting relationships,

birthday, she began working on her law degree

not one-time deals, and to encourage

at UNLV’s Boyd School of Law.

others to take action to plan during a time of convenience, not a time of crisis,” Shane

To say Shane is a go-getter would be an

explains. When she works with clients, it isn’t a

understatement. Her tenacity and commitment

templated package she uses. Instead, she takes

to achieving her goals is one of the qualities that

the time to create a personalized, thorough,

shows up in her work with her clients. She started

and comprehensive roadmap for each client

her own law firm to help her clients achieve their

based on their unique needs and goals.

visions and goals, and today she is doing just

Each client leaves with a working plan and


documents that are ready to be put into action.

What’s more, Young Law Group services people from all different economic backgrounds because Shane believes everyone should have access to support. As she says, “I am passionate about educating and empowering our community to make wellinformed decisions – keeping families and business owners out of court and conflict and protecting their assets, loved ones, and legacy.” Because of this, Young Law Group offers services and support for every budget and estate size from modest to multimillion. Today, Shane’s mission to support her community is a family affair. She and her husband and high school sweetheart, Charles, are co-owners of the business. And their five daughters help in the business in various ways. Who better for them to learn about commitment, kindness, and opportunity than their mother and Best Woman Owned Business AwardWinner, Shane Jasmine Young? To learn more about Young Law Group and their services, please visit or call 702.473.5600 to schedule an appointment.

SHANE JASMINE YOUNG Young Law Group 702.473.5600

Congratulations to


for being named a 2022 Leading Lawyer of Las Vegas and to all the 2022 Leading Lawyers of Las Vegas!


essica M. Friedman was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. She has been practicing exclusively in Family Law. Jessica got into this field due to her desire to help families during critical times in their life.

Jessica M. Friedman practice areas include:





Child Support


Alimony Modifications


Legal Separation

Name Changes

Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements

Contact Us


170 S. Green Valley Parkway Suite #300 Henderson, NV 89012

JM F R IE DMA NL AW.CO M Don’t take our word for it… Read some of our raving reviews: Amazing Lawyer Jessica was instrumental in resolving and awful situation in an especially awful year. Thanks to her my divorce moved as quickly and efficiently as one could hope for in 2020. She went to bat and even got the attorney fee’s owed to my ex lowered without my even asking. Those worried about being taken to the cleaners just because you’re a man or scared about not seeing your kids contact her right away. Great Lawyer Jessica did an amazing job handling my divorce. Jessica was very responsive to all emails and text messages (even when she was on vacation). She did not feed into the drama or tactics of my Ex’s lawyer, which in turn kept me at ease. Her methods are straight and to the point, always serving at my best interest. I would and have recommended Jessica for divorce representation. ‘Thank You’ Jessica! Amazing Lawyer Jessica did an amazing job on my divorce, she always responded within 24 hours with answers to any questions I had. She stood up for me to my ex-wife’s lawyer and resolved my case quickly. I highly recommend her.

Amazing Professionalism and Knowledge of the Law Ms. Jessica Friedman got me my daughter back. Her professionalism and knowledge of the law is off the charts. She is honest and hardworking. My case wasn’t easy. This young lady, however, is a bull. Through her encouragement and relentlessness, she reunited a father and a daughter. She understands the bond. She won’t stop until justice is served. If you are going through a divorce or custody battle, there is only one lawyer to get. Fathers have rights too! Jessica Friedman knows that and will get you what you want, protect you from injustice, and guide you through the process. She is the greatest and worth every penny! There is a light at the end and that is Jessica. I’m extremely grateful.

Jessica was amazing. She was always in my corner and had my back. My divorce was extremely difficult and at times very hard. She always told me “Go focus on you and your kids and let me handle the legal stuff”. She did that!! I couldn’t be happier with my results. Thank you, Jessica!! Best decision I’ve made! I met with plenty of attorneys in Las Vegas and none of them were motivated about being up for the job to help me get my kids back. I needed a determined attorney that was not going to give up and that was exactly what I got! Jessica was very organized, detailed, always very fast to email me back, and fought extremely hard for me in court. I couldn’t be more impressed! I will forever be thankful for her fighting for not only me but my children! I pray I never have to go back to court but if I do, I will have Jessica on speed dial!


Big win!!!!



Leading Lawyers





6590 SOUTH RAINBOW BLVD. SUITE #110 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89118 @duidoctorvegas




Wax Law



400 S 4TH ST #500, LAS VEGAS , NV 89101

























Leading Lawyers







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3675 W. CHEYENNE AVE, SUITE #100 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89032 @BighornLaw




170 S. GREEN VALLEY PKWY, SUITE #300 HENDERSON, NEVADA 89012 @jessica.friedman.796



Leading Lawyers









702.479.7373 @BighornLaw











1050 INDIGO DR #200 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89145 @naylorandbrasterlaw



1050 INDIGO DR #200 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89145 @naylorandbrasterlaw





6900 WESTCLIFF DR, #104 LAS VEGAS, NV 89145









3675 W. CHEYENNE AVE, SUITE #100 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89032 @BighornLaw




8430 WEST LAKE MEAD BLVD. SUITE #100 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89128 @mandy.mckellar @mandymckellar






Leading Lawyers










6480 W SPRING MOUNTAIN RD., SUITE #1 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89146 @acelawgroup












321 N PECOS RD, SUITE #300 HENDERSON, NEVADA 89074 @cardenaslawgroup



















6910 S CIMARRON RD., SUITE #230 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89113 @younglawnv

Spencer Fane congratulates Ayesha Mehdi for being named one of the 2022 Leading Lawyers of Las Vegas, and we applaud all of this year’s honorees.

Spencer Fane is a full-service business law firm focused on providing results that move clients and their businesses forward. With more than 380 attorneys in 23 cities, including many of the nation’s fastest growing markets, Spencer Fane assists clients in legal matters nationwide.

Spencer Fane LLP |


Leading Lawyers









Leading Lawyers OF LAS VEGAS

MEAD LAW GROUP LLP RANKED CONSTRUCTION LAW TIER 1 IN METRO LAS VEGAS Mead Law Group LLP is honored by U.S. News-Best Law Firms for Construction law and Litigation-Construction


est Lawyers® and U.S. News & World Report announced the release of the U.S. News – Best Lawyers® Twelfth Edition Best Law Firms rankings. Mead Law Group LLP was ranked in Best Lawyers in the Metro Las Vegas Nevada as Tier 1 in Construction Law and Litigation-Construction and Tier 2 in Commercial Law categories.

“I am honored for our firm to be selected for these prestigious rankings,” says Leon F. Mead II Esq., the founder, and Managing Partner of Mead Law Group LLP. “Construction law is very detailed with constant change in legislation. Commercial law is fundamental as businesses are transformed after the events of the past two years. I take great pride in the accomplishments of Mead Law Group in these legal fields.” Achieving a tiered ranking in U.S. News – Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” signals a unique combination of quality law tionally, one “Law Firm of the Year” was named in each nationally ranked practice area. Mead and the Mead Law Group LLP have been handling construction law almost exclusively for over 30 years. The practice is primarily devoted to representing owners (private and public), contrac-

tors, developers, managers (construction), material suppliers, and design professionals in construction contract preparation, negotiation, and implementation. Other significant experience includes litigation, arbitration, mediation, mechanics lien remedies, construction claims, and professional licensing.


practice and breadth of legal expertise. Ranked firms, presented in three tiers, are recognized on a national and regional-based scale. Firms that received a tier designation reflect the highest level of respect a firm can earn among other leading lawyers and clients from the same communities and practice areas. Addi-


by Paul Padda

The Real

Tony Abbatangelo

To say that Tony Abbatangelo, Esq. was “born into the law” would be a fair assessment of his life and professional career because it’s quite literally true. With a father that was a well-respected lawyer in Las Vegas and a mother that ran her husband’s law practice, Tony spent his formative years in his parents’ busy law firm while other kids were in daycare. For Tony, his parents law firm was his daycare.


Through that experience and being witness to all the excitement that went on at his parents’ busy firm, Tony realized at a young age that it was his destiny and calling to be an attorney, just like the father he loved so much and looked up to. Today, Tony is indeed a well-respected lawyer, respected by judges and prosecutors alike. However, equally important, he’s also beloved by his clients because they know when he’s representing them, he’s a fighter for their cause and a person with a deep reservoir of compassion. Fabulous Las Vegas Tony was born and raised in our fabulous City of Las Vegas. His parents moved here in 1961 and were first generation Italian Americans who grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Tiring of the east coast winters they decided to move to the west coast for the opportunities and great weather. Driving to California, which was where they intended to relocate, they decided to stop in Las Vegas along the way, but like countless people who today claim Las Vegas as home, they never made it to California. Instead, they immediately fell in love with the glitz, glamour and great weather of Las Vegas. Everything seemed fabulous here! At the time, Las Vegas was a town and it seemed everyone had one degree of separation back then. Everybody knew each other or had a friend in common. Although Las Vegas has changed a lot since 1961, it’s still a relatively small city with a big name! Simply put, it’s still fabulous Las Vegas!

Growing Up in The Law Tony quite literally grew up in the law. His dad was an attorney, and his mother was the office manager for the law firm. Tony’s dad was “old school” and handled a very diverse set of cases. That’s how most lawyers were back in those days. From personal injury to criminal law, from divorce cases to drafting a will, Tony’s dad did it all. And while hanging out and literally growing up in his parent’s law firm, Tony got to see it all. He would go to court with 5 2 his dad at an early age. As he got older, his parents put him to work as the file clerk

organizing papers, serving as the firm “runner” and doing whatever else it took to help the clients. The decision to become a lawyer for Tony was hardly a decision at all. Having grown up in the law and revering a father that was a successful, well-respected attorney that was loved by his clients, Tony knew from an early age that this was his calling. After graduating from the University of San Diego law school, passing the Nevada bar exam, and becoming a licensed attorney, Tony began working in his father’s small law firm. There was no time for hand holding or coddling from his father who was as tough as they came. Tony was immediately thrown into a jury trial in which his client faced a charge of involuntary manslaughter. Tony “hung the jury.” This means the jury could not decide if his client was guilty or not – they couldn’t reach a unanimous verdict which is required to convict. It was certainly a victory for Tony’s client. Feeling pretty good about the result, Tony spoke to 2 of the jurors after the trial. Both elderly women, they told him they couldn’t convict because they felt sorry for Tony given his young age and apparent nervousness during the trial. That was a bit deflating, but it taught Tony a lesson in humility and the importance of bonding with a jury. It also taught Tony another valuable lesson and that is that the focus should always be on the client. Lessons From Mom Watching his mother work equally as hard as his father, Tony learned at an early age to respect every person for the invaluable role they play. It takes a team to win! While his mother held the title of “office manager,” she also played an instrumental role in communicating with clients, managing their fears and anxieties, and helping them understand the legal process. According to Tony, “she drummed into me the importance of keeping clients informed, it was about showing respect. I would come back from court, and she would have a stack of papers telling me to call my clients before the day ended. She also taught me humility because she was certainly never afraid to let me know when I was screwing up!” Looking back on the early days of his career, the advice mom gave him still rings true today according to Tony: “people come to an attorney looking for help during a stressful time in their life and because of that, they should always be treated with respect and compassion no different than how a doctor should treat a patient.” Although they’re no longer with him, Tony still hears his parents telling him to keep practicing law the right way: with honesty, integrity, and compassion for clients. Judge Tony Abbatangelo In 1993, Tony decided to run for Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge because he didn’t like how a particular judge was treating people. Tony and his friends worked hard in that election. Motivated to make the law better, Tony campaigned relentlessly. The hard work paid off. At 28 years old, Tony became the youngest attorney ever elected judge in Nevada history, a record he still holds to this day. In 1996, Tony ran for another judicial seat, this time for Justice of the Peace in Las Vegas Justice Court. Once again, through dedication and hard work, he was elected Judge and served in that position for 14 years. During his tenure as a Judge, Tony oversaw a wide variety of cases – everything from simple traffic tickets to murder cases. A well-respected Judge, Tony routinely received the highest ratings from lawyers and the public. In 2004, while still serving as a Judge, Tony started the DUI Court in Las Vegas. It was the first of its kind to be certified in the State of Nevada. Around the same time, he was also instrumental in the creation of the “Moderate Offender Program” or “MOP.” Having sat on the bench for several years, Tony observed that a significant percentage of people that find themselves in the justice system are basically good people who have either addiction or dependency issues or people who simply made a bad decision. As a pioneer in “restorative justice,” a concept that is the topic of considerable discussion today, Tony understood early on that people should be entitled to second chances and a pathway to redemption. A Well-Respected Lawyer That Cares About His Clients Tony is a lawyer that truly cares about his clients. Since leaving “the bench” as a Judge and joining private practice, he’s dedicated himself to maintaining his reputation as an excellent lawyer and advocate for those he serves. He routinely appears in trial courts in southern Nevada and is well-known to judges and their staff. After all, he was once one of them. A skilled negotiator and trial attorney, Tony handles both criminal and civil cases. He’s defended the most serious of criminal cases and negotiated high dollar settlements in personal injury matters. A graduate of the University of San Diego, for both undergraduate and law school, Tony is admitted to practice law in Nevada and is active in a number of legal and community organizations such as the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the Nevada Justice Association and the Clark County Bar Association to name a few. A graduate of Bishop Gorman high school and a life-long resident of Las Vegas, Tony “understands” this city better than anyone. If you need a smart, compassionate attorney that knows how to get results and is no stranger to the courtroom, you need Tony and his team at The Vegas Lawyers.




By Kiné Corder, MA, NCC National Certified Counselor


ou win some and you lose some, that’s what they say. But high achievers play to win, period, dot, bottom line. Losing is not an option. High-achievers love winning much more than they hate losing. And that’s why they usually do it. They put everything they have into winning, every time.


As a therapist who’s worked with attorneys, athletes, soldiers, doctors, entrepreneurs, and other high-achievers, I’ve seen this drive to win lead to impairment. Cortisol levels go up as stress levels soar. Serotonin levels go down as the sense of satisfaction, happiness, and wellbeing subsides. The elevated stress causes inflammation to increase in the body, the immune system to weaken, and the body to become more susceptible to disease. This goes mostly undetected, but what the high achiever can often experience are the physical pains like headaches, neck tightening, and shoulder stiffness. The mental pressure can cause high achievers to lose sleep, friends, and even direction. The cost of winning can be expensive if you don’t know how to tame your brain during a battle. What’s a battle feel like?: During a legal battle, all parties want to win. At-

torneys want to keep their good record, plaintiffs want justice, while defendants want their freedom, dignity, and reputation. Even the judge wants to feel like a winner during a legal battle. Every once in a while, there’s a win-win-win-win situation, however that’s rare. In most cases, someone gets what they want while the others get less than their fair share. It becomes even more stressful when it’s a zero-sum game. Winning at the end feels good, but that doesn’t mean it feels good along the way. Each case comes with a series of deadlines, court dates, and discoveries. And with all of that comes a rollercoaster of emotions. But what if instead of a rollercoaster it was more like a train ride. You may not be the conductor, but at least you know all the stops. When you can tame your brain, you’re able to smooth out some of the emotional reactions. What you’re up against?: The biggest problem when it comes to a battle, especially a legal battle, is you don’t know what’s going to happen. Even if you’re the attorney, you know the process, but you don’t know the outcome. And when you’re not the attorney or the judge, the process is a bit confusing, and you feel like nobody cares about winning as much as you do. Even though you have a team, you feel like

you’re by yourself. Here is the second problem, you get so focused on the specific end goal that you lose patience, flexibility, and reason along the way. This behavior causes you to shut down, close off, and creates more divisiveness, which makes you feel more alone.

The third problem is, you can lose sight of what’s really important to you, depending on how long the battle is. The longer the battle the more likely you are to lose sight. You start listening to outsiders who don’t know your desires. People project their fears onto you and the battle becomes War World III with total disregard for human life, including your own. It can become a suicide mission.

Even though going through a battle alone isn’t wise or healthy, most high achievers believe they can handle it on their own. A legal battle can last years, while draining your bank account and energy. TAME YOUR BRAIN therapy is a great way to manage your emotions, expectations, and it feels good to know you have someone on your side, going through it with you.

I’ve worked with people through 10-year cases, battles dealing with traumatic experiences, cases against really powerful people, and they were all equally stressful. Most people don’t consider getting a therapist to manage their emotions during a battle until the stress becomes unbearable.

Even if you don’t hire your own therapist to guide you through the process and help you navigate your emotions as well as the ups and downs, you can use some of the same tools I use in my private practice. I’ll share them with you.

Things you need to tame your brain: When you are experiencing a battle in life, legal or otherwise, there are three important things that can help you manage your emotions and the emotions of those around you. I’m sharing 3-high level ideas you can use, but if you ever have questions, you can message me on LinkedIn or Instagram (@kinecorder) to get clarification. I always answer, but it may take a day or 2. You also invite you to visit my website there might be a resource that can help, or you can call our office at 888-452-TAME or visit

TAME YOUR BRAIN therapy tips: Control the Controllable - Get very clear on what is within your control and what is not. I’ll give you a clue; you don’t control other people and you don’t control events. The only thing you truly have control over is yourself, and even that is limited. That’s why you’ll need to spend time getting to know two more things when it comes to controlling the controllable. Know your role in the battle and how you can give your all to that role. The second one is very important, know what you want. I mean really want. Not the things that would be a fleeting pleasure. Nor the things that you don’t care about, but you know would hurt the other people. I’m talking about the things that bring meaning to your life. Things worth fighting for. It can’t just be about money or power. It must mean more than that or else you won’t really feel satisfied at the end. If you make it about money or power you won’t feel like a winner on the inside, even if you do win on the outside. Track the progress - You want to win, so all you can think about is the end. There are so many battles to win along the way and you need to be aware of them. Track every win and celebrate them. Study the strategy when you don’t win and adjust it. This will give you the shot of dopamine you need to keep going. It will help lower your cortisol and keep your serotonin flowing.

You may be looking for perfection in each part of the battle, but that isn’t realistic or likely. The best way to tame your brain is to put progress over perfection. Everything isn’t going to go your way. Don’t let that shock you, stop you, or bring you down. In a boxing match both fighters get punched. By taming your brain, you can endure the punches and punch back harder. So, celebrate your wins by remembering that every punch, block, and weave count.

someone to cheer you on when the path gets dark. Build a team you can trust.

Don’t do it alone - I can count how many boxing matches I’ve actually watched but I’m going to continue with this analogy because I’ve seen so many of my TAME YOUR BRAIN members benefit from this way of thinking. There are two things that happen in a boxing match that you can apply to your battle. One is to use your pauses wisely. When you are in your corner, prepare for the next round. Don’t waste time crying and complaining. Feel the pain, acknowledge it, but don’t stay stuck focused on it.

Keep your head on straight by using these tips that I’ve shared with you. Pass them on to your team so that you’re all on the same page. You can win when you tame your brain and you can do it with less stress and more satisfaction. So, the next time you are preparing for a battle, tame your brain. You’ll be so happy you did.

The second thing is, listen to your coach and respect wise counsel, even if you are the attorney. Your coach is on the outside looking in and they can see things you can’t. Everyone needs a guide. It could be a therapist, a colleague, or someone who has gone through something similar. Find someone you can trust to call you out when you’re headed in the wrong direction and

Lastly, let me give you this bonus tip. Don’t make your team your enemy. Find the right people to go into battle with and trust them to play their role. Remember you are the leader but making decisions for yourself does not mean making decisions by yourself. Utilize your team appropriately.

You can check out my article on finding meaning over money in the last issue of Real Vegas magazine here: searchformeaningovermoney/


as Vegas Legal Network works around the clock to give Clark County residents some peace of mind during stressful times in their lives.

Whether it’s an automobile accident involving personal injury or if someone needs help with an advanced healthcare directive, the LVLN is ready 24 hours per day, seven days weekly to offer assistance and connect people with its network of attorneys who will help them.

This free service to the community serves people who have a personal injury, accident injury, criminal defense, estate planning (including wills, trusts, and power of attorney), immigration, probate, or employment-law cases. Founded by David Kohlmeier, who retired from the Henderson Police Department force six years ago after 17 years in law enforcement including a stint with the New York Police Department, the Las Vegas Legal Network is comprised of more than 25 licensed attorneys and dozens of former (read retired) police officers who will work tirelessly to help people at some of the worst moments or events they have experienced. Las Vegas Legal Network was recently voted Gold as the Best Networking Organization in Las Vegas. The award is a testament to how the network works to serve the community in many ways. The retired police officers, known as client relations specialists, respond 24/7as part of the Accident Mobile Response unit. This free service often dispatches a retired police officer to the scene of an accident when many lawyers can’t even be reached. The retired officer helps community members by taking some of the burdens off them. This is especially helpful for elderly residents. “We all know the stress that comes with something like a car accident,” Kohlmeier said. “What better way to reduce that stress than to have someone very familiar with the process standing by ready to assist?” There is no charge for this service. If a client relations specialist connects the person with one of the network’s attorneys, the work often can be done for free, at a discounted rate, or on contingency, which means the attorney is not paid unless the client wins a case in court. “We understand and recognize the frustration many people experience when they call a lawyer and find the lawyer is not interested in taking their case,” Kohlmeier said. “We at the Las Vegas Legal Network are committed to helping people, and we won’t rest until we’ve connected a person with someone who can help them.” The network’s representatives can visit a client directly through a house call, or LVLN works with local services to provide transportation to and from law firms within the network. Participating attorneys are screened regularly and are among some of the best rated in their industry. Their reviews and reputations are important to the Las Vegas Legal Network. Kohlmeier and the retired officers are not licensed attorneys, and as such, they do not give legal advice. Their role is to connect the right lawyer with the right client, and sometimes, this means having a person speak to several lawyers depending on the type of case involved. “It’s our job to be ready for an emergency response when people need help the most. We don’t relax until the client does,” Kohlmeier said. “ With violent crime on the rise and homicide rates spiking both locally and nationally as a result of the mental health issues related to the pandemic, criminal justice reforms, and economic stressors, more people than ever before have concerns. “It’s our job to reduce stress,” Kohlmeier said. “We make it our priority to take away the tension and pressure many people feel during a traumatic event. Accidents and the like are difficult enough; we want to take away some of the hassle.” The Las Vegas Legal Network is easy to reach

Contact them toll-free at

844-LAWYERS (844-529-9377) or via the website at

There’s No Expo Like a

PROE EXPO in Las Vegas

PROEXPO is a Las Vegas-based consumer event company that focuses on Southern Nevada residents by producing a series of local consumer events in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Pahrump, and Mesquite). Dean Taylor, president of Pro Expo started the company in 2011 with a single consumer event, the Summerlin Women’s Expo. Over the next decade, Taylor has grown Pro Expo into a leading consumer event producer, hosting more than 200 consumer events in Southern Nevada. These events include Family Expos, Home Expos, Health Expos, Senior Expos, and Veterans Expos. “With the hundreds of national tradeshows going on in Las Vegas, I saw a niche for local events that promote local companies to Las Vegas residents,” said Dean Taylor. “Too many events focus on national companies and bringing in tourists. That’s great for the city but doesn’t do much for the residents. So, I started Pro Expo.” Pro Expo has found the formula to success through its old-school approach to customer service. It values the vendors as the lifeline of the event industry. Offering each vendor, the personal service they deserve. “Whatever the vendor needs, we make it happen with no questions asked and they appreciate it,” said Taylor. Most of the vendors in Pro Expo’s events are repeat vendors. Many have done more than 50 events over the years. The repeat business is attributed to two factors, great customer service, and the feeling of being welcomed. “The vendors put a lot of time and effort into their presence at an event, and they often have special needs. So, we try hard to satisfy those needs,” said Craig Levine, Pro Expo Vice President. And, that’s why we have such a tremendous resign rate.” In 2021 Pro Expo produced 18 Senior Expo Series and the 3 Veterans Family Festival. The Senior Expo Series provides local seniors all over Las Vegas access to companies focusing on their specific needs. With over 400 annual vendors these eighteen events help educate and inform visitors by providing the latest products, services, information, programs, and resources available to both seniors and caregivers. The Veterans Family Festival celebrates active military and veterans of all ages and all branches of service; men, women, and their families. The festival is an opportunity for veterans to learn more about the many resources, benefits, products, and services available to them by local organizations, which represent community service providers, VA benefits organizations, nonprofit organizations, and local providers. “Our events are not about us selling vendors space, they are also a fun day for local consumers, who get to come out and socialize, shop, learn about new products, and be entertained.” Added Levine. All of Pro Expo’s events have been free to the public to attend. There is never an admission fee. In all visitors receive a free welcome bag to stuff with the samples, giveaways, and trinkets the vendors hand out. Contact them today to reserve your booth at an upcoming event and showcase your brand!

Call at 702.331.1350 visit them online

8515 Edna Ave. Ste. 260 | Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.331.1350 |

2021 Greatest



Las Vegas

Adi Mor

Donna Lefever

Kolton Villa

Rick Turley

Alexio Ramirez

Ellie Shefler

Kristen Riffle

Rob Jensen

Amy Noto

Eric Auger

Kristen Routh Silberman

Robert Little

Andrea Mickles-Tadich

Erin Patrick

Laura Harbison

Robert Smith

Andrew Cartwright

Fafie Moore

Leslie Stringham

Robin Smith

Andrew Dionne

Falisha Rexford

Lester “Chip” Madsen

Robyn Yates

Angela Tina

Frank Gargano

Lexy Glassman

Roger Ayala

Anita Bovee

Frank Napoli

Lianna Alvarez

Rose Naghdi

Anthony Knight

Gady Medrano

Lilly Ruiz

Ryan Hogge

Ashley Hawks

Gavin Ernstone

Linda Naw

Ryan King

Ashley Oakes-Lazosky

Geoffrey Lavell

Londa Faber

Samantha Kolari

Audra Knowles

Gordon Miles

Lori Ballen

Sandi Oberling

Avi Dan Goor

Hali Gillin

Lori Shannon

Sandra Bezak

Betsy Lemper

Ivan Sher

Margaretha Breytenbach

Sarah Emick

Bill Hargraves

J Dapper

Mark Minelli

Shane Nguyen

Brandy White Elk Jimenez

Jack Woodcock

Mark Anthony Reyes

Shannon Love

Brenda Beltran

Jason Mattson

Mark Stark

Shaun Marion

Cassie Mor

JC Carillo

Marleni Wohlschlagel

Shirley Brass

Cathy Jones

Jeff Galindo

Maureen Robinson

Soozi Jones Walker

Chris Patrick

Jeff Manning

Merri Perry

Stacey Heroy

Christin Griffin

Jena Mcintosh

Micah Rhett

Stephanie Napoli

Christina Chipman

Jenna Montijo

Michael Moretti

Steve Hawks

Christine McNaught

Jennifer Franco

Michael Ring

Tammy Eden

Jill Lamonte

Michael Zelina

Tamra Coulter

Clea Whitney

Jillian Batchelor

Michelle Cadiz

Tamra Trainer

Craig Tann

Jim Fong

Michelle Sullivan

Tania Michaels

Cynthia Cartwright

Joe Iuliucci

Nancy Lessnick

Tanya Smith

Dale Snyder

John Gafford

Natalie Manning

Teri Brenkus

Dana Limon

Jonathan Jacobs

Nicole Tomlinson

Thomas Love

Dani Bradford

Joshua Galindo

Noah Herrera

Tommy Leigh

Danielle Hess

Julia Grambo

Nora Aguirre

Trish Nash

Daryl Hanna

Kami Zagari

Pete Torsiello

Troy Kearns

Dawn Houlf

Kamran Zand

Randy Bell

Yelena Brezhneva

Debbie Drummond

Kelly Barnhart

Randy Char

Yvette Auger

Delinda Crampton

Kendall Thacker

Renee McCormick

Zach Walkerlieb

Denise Klein

Kenneth Lowman

Rexalynn Walberg

Zar Zanganeh

Di Redman-Wolfgram

Kirby Schofield

Rick Brenkus

Claire Susick




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4480 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89169 702.364.5300

2620 Regatta Dr Suite 118, Las Vegas, NV 89128 702.331.5565

At Wynn Las Vegas 3131 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109 fine-dining/sw-steakhouse 702.770.3325

10975 Oval Park Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702.333.1512

10100 W Charleston Blvd #150, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702.214.5590

7320 S Rainbow Blvd #112, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702.998.9780

1974 N Rainbow Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89108 702.638.2746

8 E Fremont St, Las Vegas, NV 89101 barrysdowntownprime. com 702.726.5504

3555 S Town Center Dr Ste 105, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702.722.2099

3945 S Durango Dr # A6, Las Vegas, NV 89147 702.228.8856

3041 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 702.331.1160

8450 W Sahara Ave Suite 116, Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.562.0440

355 Convention Center Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89109 702.369.2305

9275 W Russell Rd #190, Las Vegas, NV 89148 702.527.5200

1130 S Casino Center Blvd #110, Las Vegas, NV 89104 702.570.7864

5135 S Fort Apache Rd #145, Las Vegas, NV 89148 702.998.2555

308 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.384.4470

10100 W Charleston Blvd #150, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702.214.5590

8380 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89117 8955 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas, NV 89123 702.804.0293 - 702.333.4622

3945 S Durango Dr # A6, Las Vegas, NV 89147 702.228.8856

3355 Las Vegas Blvd S 10th Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89109 restaurants/bouchon.html 702.414.6200

315 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89107 702.821.0660

124 S 6th St Suite 100, Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.473.9523

6250 Rio Vista St, Las Vegas, NV 89130 702.645.1399

3720 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89158 702.798.7115

5780 W Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89103 702.873.8990

7365 South Buffalo Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89113 & 3429 South Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146 702.684.6161 & 702.262.6995

5165 S Fort Apache Rd #165, Las Vegas, NV 89148 702.873.0888

3600 S Las Vegas Blvd South, Las Vegas, NV 89109 702.693.8876

3600 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 restaurants/michael-mina.html 866.259.7111

620 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas, NV 89119 702.735.3033

5165 S Fort Apache Rd #165, Las Vegas, NV 89148 702.873.0888

3570 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 702.785.6628

3131 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109 dining/fine-dining/ Delilah 702.770.3300

11011 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702.797.7595

3655 S Durango Dr #6, Las Vegas, NV 89147 702.463.8382

10100 W Charleston Blvd #150, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702.214.5590

8524 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.228.2264

3420 S Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146 702.873.1977

7150 S Durango Dr #140, Las Vegas, NV 89113 725.373.9287

2400 N Buffalo Dr #145, Las Vegas, NV 89128 702.541.6708

3400 S Jones Blvd #15, Las Vegas, NV 89146 702.868.8808

1770 Festival Plaza Dr Suite 200, Summerlin, NV 89135 702.476.5484

1220 N Town Center Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89144 702.871.5652

1750 N Buffalo Dr Ste 115, Las Vegas, NV 89128 702.304.8084

5875 South Rainbow Blvd Suite 104, 5875 S Rainbow 702.485.2744

430 S Rampart Blvd Ste 110, Las Vegas, NV 89145 702.333.1112

2620 Regatta Dr #111, Las Vegas, NV 89128 702.560.2454

300 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89102 725.214.4950

9640 W Tropicana Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89147 702.823.1400

9320 Sun City Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89134 702.998.2820

2160 W Charleston Blvd A, Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.384.6868

2620 Regatta Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89128 702.804.8008 702.444.7820

4275 S Durango Dr #100, Las Vegas, NV 89147 702.749.6534

1770 Festival Plaza Dr #190, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702.228.2766

11770 W Charleston Blvd # 110, Las Vegas, NV 89135

3708 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109 702.698.7990

440 S Rampart Blvd Suite 120, Las Vegas, NV 89145 702.489.3525

3570 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 702.732.7888

4480 Spring Mountain Rd #100, Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.790.2147

8704 W Charleston Blvd Ste 101, Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.935.2088

9691 Trailwood Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89134 702.213.4576

11261 S. Eastern Ave #200, Henderson, NV 89052 702.625.5216

10810 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702.718.4646

3185 Highland Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89109 702.836.3621

8427 W Lake Mead Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89128 702.360.8885

9560 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89117 113 N 4th St, Las Vegas, NV 89101 3663 S. Las Vegas Blvd #595, Las Vegas, NV 89109 702.462.2298 - 702.778.7800 - 702.462.5000

8125 W Sahara Ave Suite 110, Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.665.6423

10082 W Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89147 702.838.9990

3799 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 en/restaurants/joel-robuchon-french-restaurant.html 702.891.7358

10170 W Tropicana Ave Suite 144 Las Vegas, NV 89147 725.605.3800

2201 S Fort Apache Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.254.3333

3131 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109 fine-dining/mizumi 702.770.3320

3330 S Hualapai Way #160 Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.367.7511




as Vegas Billboards is a boutique billboard company that offers highly specialized services for digital billboards, focused on servicing our client’s needs and performing to a high level of satisfaction.

Family owned and operated by father and son, Dave and Chad Harris, the company started Las Vegas Billboards in 1987. Dave Harris has been in the billboard

business for over 50 years; starting Las Vegas Billboards 35 years ago. Las Vegas Billboards is the largest privately held digital billboard provider in the state of Nevada with 35 digital billboards and growing. Keeping with the local feel, Las Vegas Billboards offers advertisers a very personal experience with great attention to their advertiser’s needs. As a family-run business, decisions are quickly made and they take pride in the ability to get an advertiser’s content going, in many cases, the very same day the first inquiry occurs. Working with advertisers of all budgets, from the national brands to the local mom and pop businesses, no budget is too small or too big. Unlike their competitors, Las Vegas Billboards creates customized programs for their advertisers. Want to be on all 35 locations, no problem. Pick five or ten to focus your message, not a problem either. There are no predetermined networks so the advertiser can customize their target market as they see fit. Las Vegas Billboards also runs10-second ad spots, providing 25% more time than their competitors. Why billboards? Because you can’t turn it off. Ever change a radio or tv channel during a commercial? Well, you can’t do that with billboards. It’s hard to advertise to those that aren’t watching tv or tuned to the radio; with billboards, the message is always ON! If you’re looking to expand your current marketing or looking to start something new, Las Vegas Billboards is a great place to start.



Contact them today to get your message on billboards!




Self [in]Provement?

here’s a Las Vegas power couple that works tirelessly to help others refine, redefine and represent their authentic selves.

What started as a genuine friendship has blossomed into a beautiful relationship, an upcoming 2022 wedding and a co-authored book titled ‘SELF talk’. Both Taleen Sofee and Johnnie Williams found their way to Las Vegas more than 12 years ago. Their uniquely different lives collided in a chance meeting at a former wellness retreat center owned by Taleen. Johnnie says he still remembers walking into Zen Me Wellness back in 2014 to request a tour that started it all. He was looking for a place to regroup after years on the road speaking, and Taleen desired to create a wholistic oasis for a diverse array of professionals seeking life balance and inner peace. The initial sparks between them were (just) that of ideas for helping others grow beyond their past traumas and to challenge their current limiting beliefs. They each saw in the other - someone who could see great potential lying dormant in too many people. So during the 2020 global awakening, these 2 assembled an amazing gift for any individual ready to begin their own self-awareness journey. The goal was to package a typical year of their private coaching content into a literary compass for helping to guide, but not direct each reader along their unique life path. “We knew that the pandemic had impacted so many people who now must shift to survive. So, we decided to create this very affordable coaching option in both print and audiobook, to offer extreme value.” Says Taleen S. Zarabian.

You can begin an amazing journey with them at Taleen offers [in]Powerment Coaching & Courses for women emerging from challenging life experiences and Johnnie provides Confidant Coaching for men looking to level up personally and professionally as they manage an ideal work/life balance. So, what are some of your 2022 inner improvement plans for the year of manifestation? This couple suggests you ask yourself the following questions, and build a strategy around the answers that come to mind:


WHO is most important to you? WHAT are you most concerned about? WHERE would you like to see improvement? WHEN will you stop reliving your past trauma?


WHY is now the most ideal time for self-development? HOW committed are you to begin improving on yourself? They both, wholeheartedly believe that great questions can serve as the best coaches for the individuals ready to [in]prove. “2022 invites us to meditate and contemplate our spiritual life path and soul purpose. So take the time to listen to your intuition and inner-wisdom. You still have a great deal to achieve, and with devotion, patience and grace you will successfully manifest your desired results. Just maintain your personal convictions and keep an optimistic outlook and a positive attitude as you bring things to fruition on both spiritual and material planes.” - Joanne Sacred Scribes

The Proof is in the Pudding!

Real Vegas Magazine puts our money where our mouth is.


We don’t believe and agree with other publications that largely inflate and fluff up their print and digital numbers to impress you to convince you that your advertising dollars are best spent with them. Here’s what they don’t tell you - that their print edition numbers are not only heavily inflated and not “REAL” as to what they print in actuality, but additionally, they don’t tell you about their attrition rate. What is attrition? Attrition Definition: The action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure. What does that mean in regard to local city print magazines? That means that when the old issue’s distribution points are to be replenished with the new issue, where does any (if there even are any) leftover magazines go? In the TRASH! Here at Real Vegas magazine, we have a signed contract with our distributors that no magazine goes in the trash. Meaning, your hard earned and spent advertising dollars also DO NOT go to waste! Our magazines fly off the shelves and we have years of pictures to prove what we print, circulate, and distribute is actually what we say it is. Hence the name “Real”. We do not fabricate and push inflated numbers in our media kit. We stand by our strong company ethics and continually under promise and overdeliver. In the event that there are remaining copies when our distributors go to replenish stands with the newest issue, the former publication is brought back to our office and redistributed through local expos around town, job fairs and more. Your hard earned and spent advertising dollars will always be promoted locally here at Real Vegas magazine.

Meet the Real





By Candice Wiener

ouie Patrizi was born in Chicago Heights, Illinois. Raised by his single mother, his journey began when she bought him his first drum set. Louie is impressively a self-taught drummer and vocalist and would play along to the top 40 rock and roll vinyls. In an effort to make a career in music, his journey took him from Chicago to Los Angeles. His trio band opened the Playboy club and worked there for over a year. The Chicago scene offers a variety of clubs to work in addition to fairs and events throughout the Midwest. The Comedy Store on Sunset Strip was home to many artists where Louie shared the stage with Robin Williams, Jimmy Walker, Jay Leno, Sam Kenison and many others. Specific L.A. Clubs such as Club Lingerie, The Music Machine, Madame Wong’s East, and Madame Wong’s West were just a few places musicians would flock to to try to get their originals heard. The original scene was in Los Angeles where Louie was Tiny Tim’s drummer. Louie has a gold record to his credits, working with such greats as Jerry


Marcelino and the Merv Griffin band. Los Angeles is also where he did Liverpool on Tour, a Beatles tribute band, which took him to the Red River X show in Winnipeg Canada. In Las Vegas, Louie played drums with 1 of the top Elvis shows at the Rivera for 4 years. Working at many of the casinos on the Las Vegas strip for over 20 years, also put him into contact with doing production shows for Kimberly Clark, Chorus Line, and Annie get your gun. In July of 2011, Louie was inducted into the Las Vegas Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. Vegas is also where he met Denny Lane helping him work on his originals. When Louie returned to Las Vegas, the music scene


had completely changed. Gone were the days of round the clock shifts in lounges. Louie says, “Back in the day you could work a day shift and a night shift where all casinos had lounges with live entertainment. My current performances have been as a single working with tracks. It’s afforded me the opportunity to sing Crooner songs, Oldies, Pop, Pop Rock by the Greats! Like Frank Sinatra, Englebert, Johnnie Mathis, Gene Pitney, and Mel Carter to name a few. With well over 100 songs singing a wide range of vocal styles. I am often asked if I am an impressionist or impersonator. I don’t consider myself either, just enjoy singing the tunes as the original artist did.” Louie’s goals are to keep working doing what he loves to do. As a single, duo, or working with his 5-piece variety band, The Naturals, as a drummer and singer. “Having worked with many professionals here in Vegas, I have the ability to perform and put out the best for the listening audience.” Louie now performs live with a talented female singer named Z Veloz and they perform live at the German American Club. Z’s full name is Yer Vue Veloz, but she goes by Z, which is short for “Zismus”, which means “Honey” in Hmong. Z was born in Laos and her nationality is Hmong. Her parents brought their family to the United States in 1980, when she was just 6 years old. She grew up in Spokane, WA. Z went on to tell us “Music has always been in my life. My father used to sing and play an instrument called “qeej”, it’s an instrument made of bamboo. My three brothers all play guitars and two of them sing as well. I used to watch them play back in my younger days. I wished I had learned how to play the guitar, but I didn’t. I wanted to sing instead.”

“In 1997, I got married to an amazing man named John Veloz. He was also a musician. We have 4 beautiful children together;

would like to perform some songs with him for the following Saturday at Salud. I said yes. I was beyond excited to be once again doing what I love and singing live music. From then on, we have been p e r f o r m i n g together and it’s been awesome singing songs that we both love and b r i n g i n g memories back to everyone.


In school Z loved and flourished in her music class. In the summer of 1992, Z recorded my first cassette of Hmong songs with her brother and cousin. She continues, “it was very cool! But sadly, that would be my last as well. Nevertheless, music has always been with me throughout my happy and sad days.”

Aurora, Yanni, Ariella and James.” Z has never stopped singing even though she didn’t do any more recordings. “I sing whenever I can. It just so happened that about 7 months ago, I was hanging out with my girlfriends at Salud Mexican Bistro, and I met Louie Patrizi. It was Salud’s 1st karaoke night. I was there to support my friend Summer Rich and her restaurant. I got up to sing a few songs. When the song was over, I walked to my table and a man approached me and ask if I would like to sing a duet with him and I said sure. So, we sang a duet together and afterwards we introduced ourselves and I ask for his business card. His name is Louie Patrizi. Before the night was over Louie had asked me if I


A H OThatMLove EBuilt B E L L A V I TA G R O U P H O M E

By JoAnn Munz


estled in the heart of the Stetson Ranch community at 9924 Wonderful Day Drive is a home that love built. While the Bella Vita Group Home blends in seamlessly with the neighborhood, the minute you walk through the front door you feel a warmth right to your core and you know there's something magical going on here.


When Rae Yoshida’s father retired in Las Vegas from Hawaii she set out to find an assisted care facility for him, should he ever need it before she returned home. After an extensive search of many facilities, she stumbled upon Bella Vita, whose name means beautiful life, loved it so much along with her daughter, Raquel, bought it and extended her stay in Las Vegas to become part of the residents’ day to day lives. Being a smaller, non-medically staffed home that specializes in memory care such as Alzheimer’s and dementia it is their mission that every resident receives the special attention they would receive as if they were a family member. Care is not solely for the

residents, Raquel is quick to point out, “Families are riddled with a myriad of emotions and guilt when they realize a loved one’s care beyond is their skill set, we work closely with them as well to assure they’re making the right choice for everyone.” Not all the residents are long term, "we have some who just need a safe haven to recover, say from a surgery. Nurses and therapists come right to them; it's always sad to see them go but rewarding at the same time". With the challenges of COVID still looming extra efforts have been implemented through a designated cell phone for FaceTime when visitation cannot be scheduled or for those living out of state keeping families united as much as possible. Each meal is a family gathering as the residents are brought one by one from either their private or shared rooms and encouraged to dine together on special request foods and on occasion, their favorite take out to make them feel connected with the outside world. The living room is the boma where they spend most of their time, "there's a lot of old movies watched in that room on the dai-

ly", Raquel laughingly jokes. Holidays and birthdays are celebrated and decorated always with mindful caution for safety under the watchful eye of the always present, hand selected staff. Having round the clock care helps them know the resident's habits so well it aids them to foresee avoidable instances, but also provides some comedic moments! “It takes a special person to work in a home like this, and our staff is truly the thread that weaves this home into a family”, Raquel says like any proud mama. While Rae’s father never did reside at Bella Vita, many have had a wonderful day here, and many more to come! For a consultation for a loved one you can reach Bella Vita Group Home at 702.388.1118 and be sure to visit their website: bellavitacarehome. com.

Kim’s Top 5 Books on


How to Start a Business

re you a budding entrepreneur planning to start your own business? The decision to make your dream a reality introduces an exciting season. Becoming a business owner is incredibly rewarding, but it also demands a lot of hard work, focus, and strategy. You have to learn all about creating a business plan, accounting, and marketing, as well as complying with state and federal requirements on taxation, registration, and more. Luckily, there are services like Zenbusiness that can help you file your Nevada annual report and more. No doubt, one of the best ways to prepare yourself for entrepreneurship is to read about the experiences of other experts. Whether you’re a serial entrepreneur or you’re still building the courage to start your first business, Real Vegas Magazine recommends five books to get you started.

• Will It Fly? by Pat Flynn Will It Fly? is an incredible book that offers a holistic overview of what to expect when entering the business world. The book presents important challenges to help readers think critically about their business idea and capabilities. Pat Flynn is a well-known thought leader in the entrepreneurial world, especially in the areas of digital marketing and lifestyle businesses. He is known for his inspirational methods of educating entrepreneurs on how to follow their career dreams critically. The book covers action-based examples and tests to validate your business ideas. Preparing for entrepreneurship in this way ensures that you don’t waste your time and money.

• Profit First by Mike Michalowicz Finances play an integral part in every successful business, in all stages of development, especially start-up costs. From incorporating the business to investing in stock and marketing the brand - the finances all add up. Profit First by Mike Michalowicz is a valuable tool in assessing finances and transforming businesses from “cash-eating monsters to profitable cash cows.” The book explores a simple, counterintuitive cash management solution for small businesses. Profit First is practical and easy to follow, providing dozens of case studies and step-by-step advice.

• Atomic Habits by James Clear It’s not unusual for business owners to wear many hats, spreading themselves thin in the process. Productivity and efficiency are essential for effectively managing a business. Atomic Habits by James Clear explores how small changes can produce remarkable results. There are many benefits of a productive workplace. It contributes to increased profits, happier working culture, and business success. The book pivots around productivity and the role that it plays in running a business. Atomic Habits serves as a practical guide on how to break bad habits and form positive ones instead

• Zero to One by Blake Masters and Peter Thiel Rather than become another one of many, Zero to One discusses how to produce new ideas, products, and services that meet a specific need. Placing the emphasis on innovation, the book challenges future business owners to question the purpose that they serve.

• How I Built This by Guy Raz Nothing can compare with first-hand experience and wisdom from entrepreneurs who have started a business themselves. Guy Raz shares the stories behind some of the world’s most iconic businesses in his book How I Built This. The book journeys the path walked by some of the world’s best-known entrepreneurs. In the process, it offers inspiration to aspiring business owners, as well as lessons to consider. Guy Raz also hosts a podcast by the same name, offering an audible experience. Some of the world’s greatest ideas come from the smallest spark of inspiration. These books could help that spark burst into flame.


It’s no secret that the start-up industry is competitive. Co-written by renowned entrepreneur, Peter Thiel, Zero to One explores methods of finding singular ways to venture into uncharted territories and create new ideas.


Goes Country

Yellowstone prequel 1883 makes star-studded world premiere in Las Vegas. Billy Bob Thornton, Faith Hill, Isabel May, and Tim McGraw at the 1883 premiere in Las Vegas. Real Vegas was right there upon the arrival of the star-studded cast on the red carpet. 1883 was filmed on location in Fort Worth, Granbury and Weatherford in late summer. 1883 premiered on December 19 and follows Yellowstone’s “Dutton Family” as one of the trendiest shows of the year. Cast Photo Credit: Phillip Cox

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