The urban landscape of Aulla: AN ECOLOGICAL DESIGN APPROACH
by Rea Sepping
Contextual description Location Aulla, with its 10,500 inhabitants, is the main economic center of the valley of the river Magra (Val di Magra), largest town in italian historical territory Lunigiana and is a crossroad of major roads Cisa, Cerreto and Lagastrello and railways La Spezia-Parma and Lucca-Aulla. It locates in Tuscany region, next to the border of Ligurian region. Town’s borders derive from the ancient Roman settlement which no longer exists. It was built at the confluence of Magra and Aulella rivers to watch over Via Francigena pilgrimage route that was an important trade and spiritual center of antiquity. Due to its strategic geographical central location it suffered in the total destruction of the old town during the World War II, concerned to block the escape route for the Germans. The town Aulla has been entirely rebuilt in the 50s, after extensive allied bombing flattened the city. It is now home to important public offices, many business activities and crafts expanding, Aulla has used in recent years the title of “commercial capital of Lunigiana.” Aulla is where everyone in the Lunigiana goes to shop, especially on market days.
Project brief is to solve these problems: • high level of traffic • few public spaces in the town • monotone, unattractive cityscape • uncomfortable streets for pedestrians (few sidewalks and crossings) • several underused spaces, brownfields • no recycle or alternative energy production • few recreation possibilities • green areas only in periphery • no light traffic roads • no good connections between landmarks (railway station, nursery etc.)
The purpose of this project is to: • Create a pattern for biodiversity by ecological network, embracing light traffic and amenities for pedestrians and green spaces for public • The town to be safe, healthy and comfortable for its residents, have a climate sensitive urban design in context with the town’s identity • Propose ways to manage sustainably water, energy and food sufficiency
Legend: City border Industrial sites
Context Due to the fast reconstruction, the town was extended partly on the river area, despite the safety from the floods. In 2010 the catastrophe appeared - the protective wall was too weak, river surpassed and part of the town was flooded, including huge damage to the buildings. The upcoming project is a new border construction and the outcome about 3 meters high wall around the town. The architecture consists mainly of boxy, unadorned buildings hastily erected out of cheap materials. Today, the expansive view of the Magra from La Brunella fortress has been largely ruined by new train tunnels and viaducts.
Recreation area The outskirts
Map of ANPIL (Protected Natural Area of Local Interest) that is served as a recreation track during the shallow water (Source: ANPIL)
Rural areas
The High Regional Park Appennino Reggiano 40km 47min
The streets are wide, with few vegetation and comfortable mainly for the car drivers. Separated green public areas are asfalted or located out from the urban zone. Pedestrial access to ANPIL's track
National Park of the Cinque Terre 40,9km 44min
Cityborder border City
Closest settlements
The aerial photos show how the settlement has been expanded over the years (Source: The municipality of Aulla)
Closest settlements Town Aulla Town of of Aulla
New railroad
New railway
Old railroad
The centre The center
Industrial Industrial sites sites
Fluvial area
Fluvial area
Recreation area
New railroad New railroad
TheThe outskirts outskirts
Old railway Old railroad
Rural areas areas Rural
The wallwall The
Residential Residential areas areas
Access Access
The center
Important Important elem elements
Fluvial area
Main streets Main streets
New railroad
Fluvial area
City border City border
Recreation area
Residential areas
Regional Park of the Apuan Alps 47,2km 1h7min
Old railroad
The wall
Old railway Highway
Important elements
General analisys about the surrounding area of Aulla 1:30 000 2013
Analisys about the inner areas of Aulla 1:10 000
Main streets
Contextual description 17
Surrounding mountain ranges of the project area (Source: 2
Topography of Aulla and its surroundings 1:20 000 Diagram about the climate in the project area There is a big issue concerning the aspect that the town has been built inside the river area. It would be eligible to restore the riverbed, eliminating the part of the town from its place. But considering the obvious financial and other aspects there will be built 3-4 meters high border even if it will only postone the upcoming disasters to the future generations. There is projected a green pathway on the wall as a green corridor and a transition between the town and the river.
Legend: Legend:
Existing Existing use use of of land land
Service Service Service
Education Education Education
Industrial Industrial areas Industrialareas areas
Old Oldcentre centre (mixed (mixed use) use)
Residential Residential (urban) Residential(urban) (urban)
Residential Residential (suburban) Residential (suburban) (suburban)
Parking Parking Parking
Ruralnatural Rural naturalareas areas
Oldrailway railway Old Old railway
Green public Green Greenpublic publicspace space space
New New railway Newrailway railway
Green space space Green Green space
Existing use of land in Aulla 1:5000
Section 2 - 2
River Magra
Historical map from 1902 that shows the actual size of the river bed (Source: Library of Aulla)
The maximum water level of river Magra calculated by the engineers (Source: Municipality of Aulla)
Sections of Aulla and its surroundings 1:10 000 The surrounding areas of the town are mainly covered with diverse forests and some small villages
Fortress La Brunella River Magra
Town of Aulla
Section 1 - 1 Town of Aulla
Urban landscape character In the urban part of Aulla occur four main characters: The industrial area: served mainly by a certain target groups - workers and customers with vehicles The outskirts: a special character on the mountainous area that has curvy roads and lots of vegetation around, a good environment for living not far from the centre, with good views and possibilities for agriculture. The active city: one of the most busy zones due to many business and service establishments, mainly car-centralized with few greenery. Mostly an unsafe and unattractive area with not many recreation possibilities. The old town: ancient area that has commonly narrow streets and the atmosphere of a typical italian old town.
1 1
2 2
OPP: wide open space POS: close riverside
NEG: no sidewalks
NEG: unsightly service and industrial buildings
NEG: dangerous passings
NEG: no greenery
NEG: open views to industrial junk
Section 1. Industrial area 3
NEG: no sidewalks
POS: extensive natural environment
POS: alternate long views due to the rapid landscape
NEG: private landscape/no public space OPP: green patches without use 4
Section 2. The outskirts NEG: heavy traffic
NEG: enormous unsightly buildings
POS: existing alley
POS: long views
OPP: wide street NEG: uncomfortable sidewalks
POS - positive aspects NEG - negative aspects OPP - opportunities for a new function
Section 3. Active city
POS: inherent architecture
Section 4. The old town
POS: dense settlement
POS: diverse urban environment
NEG: few greenery
NEG: car dominant streets
POS: active private agriculture
Views and character management
Buffering the town with the vegetation on the riverside Benefit will be roof-top gardens
1 1
3 Open views to the historical part of the town
Maintain the existing views to the historical part of the town
9 3 4
8 6
The main and only views to Aulla’s urban areas from outside
The views are important to delimit spaces in order to represent a place and show its unique essence, as well to give a positive memory about it. It limits the “noise” and can represent an esthetical image about a certain place. It is important also for the biodiversity that buffer zones create a transition between urban and natural environment.
Existing situation: After the WV II Aulla has grown into more large industrial centre, where long views are directed towards the new and “naked” developed zone from the highway and from other opened areas. Again the old town has grown more into vegetation. Objectives: The town needs a buffer zone around the new zone, but opened the historical vistas towards the old town.
Historical views to the town of Aulla - the representative views always include the symbol of Aulla - the fortess Brunella (Source: Library of Aulla)
Biodiversity connections - Green corridors Existing situation: In the drier seasons there is usually growing vegetation inside the river that creates a buffer zone between the urban area and the highway. On the other side of the town where the land starts rising, there is also more greenery, also the old railway that is not used creates another green belt, which gives green edges to the town.
Proposals: The potential green areas give more opportunities for people to spend leisure time close to home, instead being forced to move outside of the town or tolerate risks due to the town with heavy traffic. There are no light-traffic possibilities yet in Aulla, but it is important to reduce the carbon footprint and provide alternative transport opportunities to make the town more environmental-friendly.
The urban areas do not have much greenery in the inner side of the town except some tree groups here and there, plus two greater alleys on the main streets. There exist two green public parks and some passable lawn patches inside the town with some tree groups that does not offer much cosiness inside the city space. Objectives: Due to its wide streets and sparsely displaced buildings in the newer areas of the town, it needs desperately some greenery to give shade and prevent overheating. In addition, it is essential to create green networks of attractive, wildlife-friendly neighborhoods that provide habitat for many species. Also to increase the quality of living environment it is important to create more recreational possibilities for its citizens.
The “green corridor” is created considering already existing green areas and the new potential spaces like greyfields to reuse as a green public space. These places are connected with green connections that represent safe and comfortable pedestrian sidewalks and Legend: bicycle lanes. These corridors are used also as blue connections - with adapted sustainable Legend water management system. Potential areas Potentialgreen green areas The new green buffer zone around the town (reused old railway+ new green river shores) Old Oldtown townarea area gives the citizens freedom to move everywhere necessary, Active Activeurban urbanenvironment environment including important directions inside the urban zone. Industry/service areas Industry/service areas Proposals of biodiversity connections 1:5000 The Theoutskirts outskirts
Division of existing green areas 1:5000 Legend
Rural Ruralgreen greenareas areas
Ecological link beteween Green pedestrian path
Existing urban Existing urbantree treegroups groups
and urban area Pedestrian path Buffer zone (Pedestrian/ bicycle path and SUDS) Pedestrian/bicycle path and SUDS Pedestrian path and SUDS
Existing urban Existing urbangreen greenspace space
Greyfield Greyfield Existing recreation Existing recreationarea area Forest area Forest area Sparse wood Sparse woodarea area
Pedestrian/bicycle railway passing
Green area area without Green withoutwoods woods
Vehicle railway passing
Agriculture Agriculture
Vineyards Vineyards
Pinus pinaster
OPP: green spaces without use
Erica arborea Myrtus communis Cistus salvifolius Dorycniu hirsutim Arbutus unedo Pulicaria odorosa Celaginella denticulata Carlina corymbosa Ruscus aculeatus
OPP: overgrown railway
POS: Active cultivation
Citisus laburnum Prunus spinosa Crataegus oxyacantha
Clematis vitalba Calluna vulgaris Rubus fruticosus Hedera helix Genistra germanica Genistra pilosa
Anthropogenic vegetation
Salix alba Populus alba Populus nigra Alnus glutinosa
Alien species
Robinia speudoacacia Ailanthus altissima
Cornus sanguinea Crataegus monogyna Salix eleagnos Salix triandra Salix purpurea
Lagestroemia indica Picea abies Pinus nigra Pinus pinea Prunus cerasifera Pseudotzuga mensiesii Quercus rubra Tilia sppl. Cedrus deodara
Chestnut forests Quercus robur Quercus ilex
living environment
strategic point (roads, rivers)
history, industry, commerce, service
good relationship between the built environment and people’s quality of life
enhanching town’s importance as a market and historical town
comfortable to manage transportation
Quercus cerris Ostrya carpifolia Carpinus betulus
Riverin vegetation
Aulla - central market town
CON: few greenery in urban landscape POS: wide recreational area
Oak and hornbeam forests Trees
POS: diverse agriculture
Existing vegetation
Scheme about holistic sustainable planning objectives of the project area showing the importance of various target groups to take into consideration and existing activities that should be considered during planning and design for the purpose of unite and unique character of Aulla
NEG: sparse and disrupted street trees
A view from Uetliberg in Zurich, showing a green corridor (Photo by: Jeff Kenworthy)
POS: diverse forests m
OPP: brownfields without use
good living quality for the citizens and workers
good quality of urban environment for visitors and clients
good traffic condition for transport users (streets, parking)
Traffic - Streets Existing situation The streets in Aulla are mainly wide and made firstly to serve motorized vehicles exept the old town that follows the italian traditional streets of medevial times.
Existing situation Outskirts’ streets are mainly narrow and simple, active streets used mainly by residents.
Current project
Objectives To raise the living and moving quality there should be done certain changes considering the safety and amenity of the citizens, especially of pedestrians and cyclists.
Solution Should be left like original but in dangerous parts like most active streets changed with traffic-calming measures.
The main idea is to change this area more comfortable for the pedestrians and cyclists and less comfortable for vehicles. All this invites people to move on foot and provides a green infrastructure (and light-traffic) to move through it into the other parts of the town. Having all the important functions together with suitable and greener infrastructure rises the quality of the town’s most used streets.
Existing situation Industrial areas with wide empty streets are visited mainly by a certain targetgroup with vehicles for cargo loading. Solution Changing the streets into more esthetical and pleasureble environment for the workers and clients by creating average green spaces with diverse vegetation, organizing the street division for vehicles and pedestrians. Existing situation Outskirts’ streets are mainly narrow and simple, particular for mountainous areas. Solution Should be left like original, in dangerous parts around housing changed with traffic-calming measures.
Given street is one of the most actively used by all citizens because there exist together residential, service and commerce functions.
Green corridor invites birds, insects and other species in the urban spaces making it more diverse; closeness to nature in urban environment improves mood and reduces stress. Increased biodiversity has the ability to maintain itself and give always a changing impression and atmosphere depending on the time of year.
Street alley Street alley Street alley Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale
Bioswale Cleaning if it is full of leaves and litter Transparent asphalt No special treatment, like other types of asphalt Vegetation Managed depending on the species; mowing grass with different variety to let it be natural
Existing situation Old town streets are partly passable with vehicles, mainly used by pedestrians. Solution The old town should be left car-free (except the cars for people with disabilities) because of its small sized area with already narrow streets that would increase the quality of the living environment.
Draining surface
Acer campestre Fraxinus angustifolia Ulmus minor Populus alba Alnus glutinosa Salix alba Morus alba Cornus sanguinea Myosotis palustris Lithodora diffusa Molinia caerulea
1.2m 1.2m
Piazza Giuseppe Mazzini before and after 1:500
Drying layer
Existing situation The active service and residential area streets are overloaded with cars and pedestrian ways are uncomfortable with mainly minimal sizes. Solution Creation of an esthetical parking-house to remove parking places from the streets. Section of transparent asphalt Reducing high-level traffic from the streets with traffic calming measures and new light-traffic possibilities. Function
Bicycle road is added next to the pedestrian zone and is separated from the car road by a security providing bioswale that also collects rainwater. A green strip on the right is expanded and on the pedestrian side there are added some benches and more green spaces with vegetation. Motorway and parking places are left at the same place (exept one parking row) but reduced into a minimum size possible. The material of sidewalks is a transparent asphalt and the mororway’s is porous asphalt to absorb the rainwater and remove pollutants.
Plants used
Piazza Giuseppe Mazzini before and after 1:200
Draining binder
2.0m 2.5m
Natural conglomerates with transparent binders and colored (Photo by G. Franchi)
TNT gr 200 Roadbed foundation 4-7 Stabilized stone size 0/50 Compacted soil
Moisture tolerant plants
Bioswale is a low depression to collect and take run-off water from the street and infiltrate it into the soil. (Source: Latvian Association of Spatial planners. Sustainable Urban Drainage systems in Baldone town Centre. )
Car parks Existing situation: The existing carparks are mostly wide and very open areas and without any particular emphasis on sustainability. The main problem occurs in the hot summers, when asphalt and lack of shade creates greenhouse effect and air pollution. Objectives: There should be created more shade, used the heat from the sun as energy and planted trees to cool air temperatures, soft the environment with diverse vegetation and provide places for birds and wildlife. Porous asphalt (Source: NAPA - 17
Solution: Use the extra space for tree planting and replace the existing surface with plastic grass lawn grid. Using PV as a shade and energy collector
Pavement of plastic grass lawn grid after (Photo by G. Franchi)
Mixed volcanic lapilli and pumice Plastic grass lawn grid Concrete curb
TNT gr 200 Roadbed foundation 4-7 Stabilized stone size 0/50
0.1m 0.10m 0.30m 0.046m
Existing situation Large ex-railway muddy and bumpy area with no marking on the ground
Creation of plastic grass lawn grid (Photo by: G. Franchi
Existing situation Very large asphalted parking lot with smaller trees in one side and small feeble bushes here and there on the separation islands that do not fulfill the objective ecologically nor esthetically Solution: Use the extra space for more tree planting and replace the existing surface with porous pavement. Using PV as a shade and energy collector
Central parking lot before and after 1:500
Solar parking area (Source:
Details of pavement of plastic grass lawn grid
Current project
1 .0 m
Given carpark is in the centre of the town, where it serves mainly the customers of the market, but is used also by others.
4 .9 m
Solution Use the extra space for tree planting, raingardens and replace the existing surface with porous pavement Plants used Quercus robur Fraxinus angustifolia Ulmus minor Salix alba Alnus glutinosa Morus alba Salix ealeagnos Sambucus nigra Lithodora diffusa Molinia caerulea Juncus effusus
Function Street alley Street alley Street alley Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale
Existing situation Large parking lot next to the old-town, green playground and park. Inside the parking lot there are small feeble bushes here and there on the separation islands that do not fulfill the objective ecologically nor esthetically Solution Use the extra space for tree planting, raingardens and bioswales and replace the existing surface with porous pavement
Bioswale Solar panels Vegetation Porous asphalt Plastic lawn grid
Cleaning if it is full of leaves and litter Last 40 years with good output Managed depending on the species; mowing grass with different variety to let it be natural Has shorter lifetime and requires more maintenance to reduce clogging Last well, depending on the level of usage
The idea is to use porous pavement that absorbs the rainwater and biodegrades the oils safely. At not so overused and carparks with natural pavement should be used the plastic grass lawn grid that gives green and soft look to the pavement. For the overheating in that area should be used solar panels that collect energy and give shade while parking in a hot weather. As the vehicles are kept cooler they will use less air conDetails about solar photovoltaic system for parking ditioning to cool off as well. The parking area does not look so flat and grey any more that rises the quality of the living environment. There is created a five store parking house next to the park Camilla to fit more cars, delimit visibility of cars and give more possibilities to move on foot. In addition the streets next to the carpark should be changed and provided with larger walkways.
Existing situation Large parking lot next to old-town and a big road surface covered with shingle. Inside the parking lot there are small feeble bushes here and there on the separation islands that do not fulfill the objective ecologically nor esthetically
Parking places are calculated in a way to fit more green spaces for trees and bushes to soften the hard urban landscape in this area. Also the trees will give shade and clean the air.
Public space Existing situation: There are not many attractive and comfortable public spaces in Aulla and recreation areas situate far from the urban areas. Main places that public visits are inside the old town and the active city zone. Objectives: It is important to create safe and esthetic public spaces for people in an urban area that offers an experience of natural environment. 17 m
Plants used
Acer campestre Fraxinus angustifolia Ulmus minor Populus alba Alnus cordata Salix triandra Sambucus racemosa Hemerocallis hybrida Iris setosa Corylus avellana “Contorta” Iris pseudacorus Miscanthus sinensis Molinia caerulea Liriope muscari Cornus sanguinea Cornus mas
Park Park Park Park Park Raingarden Raingarden Raingarden Raingarden Raingarden Raingarden Raingarden Raingarden Raingarden Raingarden Raingarden
Raingarden Cleaning if it is full of leaves and litter, maintanance of the plant species Transparent asphalt No special treatment, like other types of asphalt Vegetation Managed depending on the species; mowing grass with different variety to let it be natural
Herbaceous plants and shrubs slow the flow of stormwater and act as filter drawing out pollutants
Soil with good infiltration capacity
Geotextile Solution To use the potential of this area there should be planted more native and various species of plants and together with a creative design give more functions for people and habitat for birds and other species. Existing situation Central park Camilla is a repetitive place from what ca 50% is covered with asphalt and stone pavement with benches. Solution To create more a natural environment in this park there should be planted native and various species of plants for biodiversity, using raingradens for the water directing and creating different opened and private spaces for people. Existing situation A big recreational area near the fortress and far from the centre. It has some benches there and playgrounds for children. Natural environment with beautiful views due to its rapid topography.
Existing situation Large lawn with small asphalted area with some benches and trees for shade.
Solution Should be remained the same but planted more native vegetation behind the benches creating more safe essence. Existing situation An old park next to the old town, big carpark and a playground inside it. Solution Asphalt changed into more porous and natural pavement, planted more plants in order to create guígher biodiversity and close the views from the carpark.
Rain garden is planted in shallow location where it collects rain water and infiltrates it into the soil. It creates a good draining layer. It has also a drain-pipe that transports excess water to a sewer or open drain. (Source: Latvian Association of Spatial planners. Sustainable Urban Drainage systems in Baldone town Centre) Example of rain garden (Source:
asphalted playground
ex-schoolhouse without use
5-store parkinghouse
Current project Given park is the most big and central public space available in Aulla, that is why it needs a new approach concerning people’s needs to have a closer relationship with nature inside the urban zone, a place for close recreation. The idea is to create big biodiversity park where people have a possibility to learn also about the species through an educative design in the area. The design proceeds from direct sidewalks between the entrances that gives it enjoyable journey through the park and also more private spaces to stay and relax. The carpark includes a cafe and bicycle rent on the first floor and front of it an outdoor cafe with sunshades.
transparent asphalt raingarden private pathway with natural soil/grass grass
Park Camilla before and after 1:500 an elevator to the parkinghouse
Old railway Existing situation: The old railway is not in use and has not been touched after a very long time. Due to this lot of vegetation has grwon around that gives a good quality as a green buffer zone to it. The large centre of the railway is planned to be a new school complex, that occupies most of the old train station. Objectives: It is a potential recreation zone and should be used as a green corridor, reconstructing it for recreational function for the people. Conserning the new project, there should be made some changes to plan the recreation trail inside it. 17
Modules of the railway 1:200
Pavement of crushed stone
Crushed stone pavement (Source:
Plants used
Acer campestre Prunus spinosa Carpinus betulus Crataegus oxyacantha Alnus glutinosa Cornus mas Crataegus monogina Salix purpurea Corylus avellana “Contorta� Lobelia fulgens Potentilla reptans
Railway path Railway path Railway path Railway path Railway path Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale
Existing native vegetation + added more trees and bushes
Solar street light Crushed stone pavement Vegetation
Lifetime is 25 years. Lightbulbs changed every 5 years. Managed depending on the species, cutting with different variety to let it be natural
Using old railway components as seats and design elements and also presenting the history of Aulla in the ex-railway recreation track
Old railway of Aulla after bombing during the WW II (Source: municipality of Aulla)
Current project The idea is to make the old railway available for people to use it for recreation and also passing through. It has a pavement of crushed stone that is natural and comfortable for both running and riding a bicycle. In the edges there should be long bioswales that absorb all the excessive water. The solar street lights are important to light the track in the darker times and without big energy loss because of the solar cells on top of it that save energy of the sunlight. The new railway track has three passings for pedestrians that enable to arrive in the important sites of the area and on the station area where there will be a new school complex, the track will be passing it in a comfortable way. It arrives also to the market place (marked on the general plan with red circle).
Solar street light Because of energy saving ability of LED street lights, cost of solar street lighting system will be much lower (Source:
Underused space Existing situation: There are many underused spaces especially in the newer development parts as well as inside the residential areas.
Existing situation Large green area in the periphery that is next to industry and commerce areas.
Objectives: These underused spaces can be used for various functions like public and recreational activity, sustainable water and energy management and also for local food supply.
Solution This area could be used as a biofuel or alternative energy production area or bigger sort of urban farming area because it situates in the town and near residential area where people could cultivate their own food.
compost new space for community with bench and added vegetation
unused space
second level platform
patches of urban farm
existing hedge
Existing situation This area is described as a recreational land but now only little part is used for sports (one football pitch), majority of this land has no other use. There is also an access into NPIL (Protected Natural Area of Local Interest) Solution In this area should be planned a bigger sort of recreational area with running tracks and other sports squares .
existing trees
Residential building area before and after 1:500
Road Existing situation Average green lawn patches between the residential houses that have no vegetation or function.
Front garden
Current project This big area of unused space is very suitable for urban farming - divided patches of land for people to have their own food supply. This community would need also a private space to be outside - for that there is created two spaces with seats and more vegetation to provide shade. There should be also a place for compost. Pavement must be permeable to avoid excess water.
Existing situation Big green lawn in the center between three residential building.
Plants used
Acer campestre Fraxinus angustifolia Ulmus minor Quercus rubra
Garden Garden Garden Garden
Farm Managed by locals Transparent asphalt No special treatment, like other types of asphalt Vegetation Managed depending on the species; mowing grass with different variety to let it be natural
Second level platform
Section of a new urban garden in the residential area 1:200
Solution Suitable space for urban farm - separated pieces of land to rent for people who live there.
Raingarden Walking path Allotment gardens
Solution That could be used as a community park for people for the neighbourhood or also for community urban farm/gardening
second level platform for urban gardening
The roofs of the buildings could be used as well for vegetation or solar panels to use maximum potential of the project area. That could be applied to every flat roof top in the town. Rooftop garden (Source: guardian)
Permeable pavement (Photo by: JJ Harrison)