University Centre Reaseheath - Agriculture Graduate Destinations

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Agriculture Graduate Destinations

Where will your degree take you?

Agriculture Graduate Destinations

Why choose University Centre Reaseheath? Located in the dairy county of Cheshire, our 330-hectare campus offers world class, industry standard teaching facilities while retaining a friendly, supportive atmosphere. This means that academic excellence and student satisfaction go hand in hand.

Our flexible degree courses We have a strong reputation throughout the agricultural and farming industry for our flexible degree courses and we enjoy an excellent relationship with the farming community. Based at University Centre Reaseheath, undergraduates learn the latest industry techniques and develop a thorough knowledge of farm management and business skills. This is underpinned by in-depth technical and scientific training. Our degree courses cover a wide range of farming practices and ensure that you understand the socio-economic influences affecting consumer markets and the complexities of successful rural business management.

Talking your language Our expert staff talk your language and they can help you to understand the technical, legal, managerial and ethical principles of farm management. With their fingers firmly on the pulse of the UK agricultural industry, our lecturers will keep you abreast of the latest innovations.


A different way to study We understand that many of our undergraduates need to earn while they learn so we’ve condensed our degree courses by trimming out any of those unnecessary ‘gaps’ in the timetable. This means that module delivery takes place on just two days a week (including work placement).

Broaden your horizons We pride ourselves on producing graduates who are industry-ready. Broaden your horizons by visiting commercial farms, joining international study tours or applying for the John Platt Travel Scholarship. You’ll also benefit from our strong links with leading agricultural businesses and industry bodies.

It’s your future Today’s global marketplace needs graduates with both advanced business skills and technical knowledge to compliment their practical experience. Our degrees open doors to a variety of career paths in the agricultural sector and allied industries including farm management, consultancy, agri-tourism, sales and marketing. We believe that there’s no better endorsement than the recommendation of our graduates. The profiles contained in this booklet chart where the ‘Reaseheath Experience’ has taken a selection of our former students.

Did you know?

Agriculture Graduate Destinations

We offer additional industry recognised qualifications such as PA certification and safe use of veterinary medicines.

Leading the field We are the only institution in the UK to offer a degree in the field of dairy herd management. Combining scientific knowledge with practical and business management skills, this specialist course provides the know-how to run a successful dairy business.

“The small group sizes of our Agriculture degree programmes creates the ideal teaching environment. Tutors can use a wide variety of teaching and assessment methods but also adapt sessions to meet the individual needs of our students. “At Reaseheath, students are not a small face in a lecture theatre, but valued individuals, better prepared for further progression and successful careers within the industry.”

Free transport for HE students on all college bus routes from September 2018

Mark Biddulph HE Course Manager


Agriculture Graduate Destinations

Our facilities We’ve invested nearly £4 million to ensure that our college teaching farm offers undergraduates a first-class learning experience. As a regional centre for agricultural education, our 272 hectare farm boasts a range of world-class industry standard facilities so that undergraduates can develop their knowledge of mixed and dairy production farming. A range of forage and arable crops are produced onsite and the farm houses a dairy herd of pedigree high-yielding Holstein cows, a commercial flock of North Country Mule ewes and a high welfare commercial pig unit.

Our Advanced Agri-Tech Academy A further £7 million has been invested into the development of our Advanced Agricultural Engineering and Agri-Tech Academy.

The milking parlour Our herd of pedigree Holstein cows are milked through a 32/32 Westfalia 90 degree rapid exit parlour which has auto ID, auto shedding and two automatic footbaths. The parlour contains an Apollo milking system and vertical mega fans to regulate temperature.

Crop production We allocate 51 hectares for cereal and apply lean management techniques to ensure optimum inputs and yields. Undergraduates have access to a Gatekeeper cropping programme that logs field data and the results of soil and slurry analysis, and we’ve introduced a Trimble 750 field mapping system.

Our campus

This high-tech facility will be one of the most sophisticated education centres of its type in Britain. This new specialism will enable us to deliver training in the latest crop production systems, including technical training in precision farming, agronomy and data mapping.

Over £80 million has been invested into technical training resources on campus. This includes £50 million investment into an industry leading food centre, a unique horticultural centre for plant production and research, modern farm and more.

Partners in the initiative include CLAAS, Case IH, New Holland, JCB and Kuhn, many of which have donated advanced engineering machinery and equipment.

A further £30 million has recently been invested into new facilities due for completion in 2018, including new residential student accommodation, extension to our dedicated HE Centre, Agri-Tech Academy and new sports facilities.

Anaerobic Digestion (AD) Plant Our bespoke AD plant demonstrates achievable methods of generating renewable energy from farm wastes while mitigating methane emissions from slurries. The model is aimed at helping farmers, community groups and those in allied businesses to decide if AD technology is a viable option for those in their particular environment.


All full-time undergraduates are invited to apply for residential accommodation. Students in their first year of study are guaranteed accommodation in our halls of residence. This offer is made to all applicants who live more than a reasonable daily travelling distance from our campus. We’re also offering free transport on all college bus routes from September 2018. To find out more visit:

Agriculture Graduate Destinations

“Reaseheath Agriculture students benefit from a teaching team that is actively engaged in the industry, facilitating sessions that are both current and relevant. “Access to a multi enterprise college farm which operates on lean management principles enhances our students’ employability skills.” Alan Brown Curriculum Manager Agriculture


Agriculture Graduate Destinations

Lean management Lean management

Lean at Reaseheath

The UK agricultural industry is constantly subjected to inconsistencies in terms of the costs charged for products and supplies.

The underpinning principles of lean management are woven into to all of our degree courses and applied practically by collecting and using data from our college farm. Evaluation of this data encourages reflective learning.

We believe that the ability to assess business value and build resilience in the production process is an essential skill for agriculture graduates.

What is lean management? Lean management is a ‘tool kit’ for creating effective and efficient business management protocols regardless of the industry sector. It provides a methodology, a philosophy and a system that allows for the identification of value and waste in a production system.

What are the benefits? Lean management allows for the assessment of data which is generated when completing production processes so that their efficiency can be gauged accurately. This ensures that informed decisions can be made on how to increase revenue. A practical understanding of lean management methodology is a highly desirable skill for any graduate entering the modern farming industry.


Undergraduates develop their knowledge by following and creating standardised procedures so that their ability to conduct in-depth assessments of business effectiveness can be deployed. Relevant work placements encourage students to use the protocols of lean management to devise and implement plans for improvement in the workplace.

Agriculture Graduate Destinations

“Understanding ‘lean’ protocols has helped to give me a sense of satisfaction when completing my practical assignments. It’s great to discuss improvements with the farm staff and gain their feedback. Attending the ‘lean’ meetings has given me a clearer understanding of what farming procedures are being used and how the data we collect is being utilised.” “The principles of ‘lean’ management are woven into the lectures, practicals and work placements that make up our degree courses. The methods underpinning ‘lean’ are delivered alongside real time-data from the college farm. The use of live data allows undergraduates to witness how changes in management can impact a business over time.” Ben Williams Programme Leader, Agriculture


Agriculture Graduate Destinations

Our courses BSc (Hons) Agriculture Business Management Top-Up Foundation Degree Agriculture Foundation Degree Agriculture with Dairy Herd Management

Full and part-time study options available


Agriculture Graduate Destinations

Graduate Profiles


Agriculture Graduate Destinations

Dan Henderson Foundation Degree in Agriculture, 2015 Instructor in Agriculture Dan graduated from Reaseheath in 2015 with a Foundation Degree in Agriculture before topping up his degree to a BSc at Scotland’s Rural College in Edinburgh. Dan’s interest in agriculture began on his family’s farm in Fife where they kept 100 sheep, 17,000 laying hens, and managed 60-70 acres of spring barley. Due to changes in legislation his family diversified into agri-tourism, developing accessible holiday accommodation on their land. After leaving school, Dan gained experience as a directly employed apprentice on his family’s farm where he completed Scottish Vocational Qualifications in Agriculture. Dan relocated to Cheshire following his decision to enrol at Reaseheath.

My ‘Reaseheath Experience’ was second to none! Many of the people I met during my studies have become life-long friends and the quality of the tuition I received was outstanding.


Dan’s degree course, delivered over two days a week, allowed him the time to develop his industry knowledge through employment. He forged valuable contacts as an active member of the Middlewich Young Farmers Association while he worked on dairy farms and undertook shearing and lambing contracts. A chance meeting with Iain Clarke, the then Head of Agriculture at Reaseheath, resulted in Dan pursuing his current career after Iain encouraged him to apply for a vacancy at the college. In August 2016, Dan joined University Centre Reaseheath as an Instructor in Agriculture. His responsibilities include leading the sheep, machinery, and estate management modules and he lectures on animal health and health and safety issues. Said Dan: “My ‘Reaseheath Experience’ was second to none! Many of the people I met during my studies have become life-long friends and the quality of the tuition I received was outstanding. The content of my degree was strongly industryrelevant and this gave me a clear advantage in the jobs market.”

Agriculture Graduate Destinations

Faye Russell Foundation Degree in Agriculture with Dairy Herd Management, 2013 Farm Manager Faye’s interest in agriculture began during childhood as her family lived next to a dairy, beef and sheep farm where she spent most of her free time. After completing A Levels, Faye wanted to follow a career in agriculture but she needed to find a degree course with a hands-on focus that would allow her to continue working on the farm. The Foundation Degree in Agriculture at University Centre Reaseheath ticked all the boxes. It allowed Faye to continue to play a vital role in the day-to-day running of the farm while she studied with like-minded people who shared her passion for agriculture. Faye found the learning environment and course content perfectly suited to undergraduates working in the industry. The course was expertly managed by lecturers with current industry experience who made her studies relevant. Since graduating Faye has taken a managerial role at the farm and oversees 135 dairy cows, 300 homebred beef cattle which are supplied to a high-end supermarket chain, and 350 sheep. In addition, Faye has established her own business breeding British Lop cross bred pigs which she supplies to an awardwinning local butcher, and poultry which she sells to local clients. Faye has expanded her business by purchasing land to increase the number of commercial suckler cows she produces. Bred from the farm’s dairy herd and beef sires, the calves are reared to finishing.

My foundation degree helped me to develop a strong work ethic, a desire to achieve, and gave me the knowledge to pursue my own business interests.

Faye plays an active part in her community and is well respected as a parish councillor and a local authority school governor. She believes her position in local government is a testament to the academic skills and business acumen developed at Reaseheath. Said Faye: “My foundation degree helped me to develop a strong work ethic, a desire to achieve, and gave me the knowledge to pursue my own business interests. “The mixture of practical and academic study equipped me with the skills to complete the paperwork side of my business as well as developing my passion for agriculture and giving me the tools I needed to succeed.”


Agriculture Graduate Destinations

George Browne BSc (Hons) Agricultural Business Management Top-Up Current Undergraduate Even though he comes from a non farming background, George, 21, is a farmer at heart and has studied agriculture at Reaseheath for the past six years. He gained an excellent grounding on our Level 3 Extended Diploma in Agriculture before progressing onto our Foundation Degree in Agriculture with Dairy Herd Management and then our BSc (Hons) Agricultural Business Management one year top-up.

As undergraduates we’re encouraged to be involved with our learning programme. We have debates on topics that interest us and visit advanced and diverse agricultural businesses. We’re also looking forward to a study tour to Canada, which will give us a real insight into the global industry.


Alongside his studies, George has gained relevant industry experience and welcome income by working part-time as an assistant herdsperson on two different dairy farms. He has already been offered a permanent position after he qualifies and intends to spend the next few years furthering his practical experience. He and his girlfriend then plan to apply for a council farm tenancy so they can continue their farming careers together. George, who chose to specialise in genetic modification and the growing biotech industry for one of his modules, has found life as an undergraduate at University Centre Reaseheath both stimulating and enjoyable. He says: “Gaining a degree is about enjoying the experience, what you achieve and the opportunities you gain. “As undergraduates we’re encouraged to be involved with our learning programme. We have debates on topics that interest us and visit advanced and diverse agricultural businesses. We’re currently looking forward to a study tour to Canada, which will help to give us further insight into the global industry.”

Agriculture Graduate Destinations

Joe Collins Foundation Degree in Agriculture, 2015 Agronomist Joe graduated from University Centre Reaseheath with a Foundation Degree in Agriculture before spending a gap-year sheep farming in Australia. He returned to the UK to top-up his Foundation Degree at Harper Adams University. Joe’s interest in agriculture began on a smallholding owned by his aunt and uncle in Shropshire where he launched a small business buying and selling sheep. This enterprise developed and on leaving school Joe found employment on a mixed sheep and arable farm. Joe was keen to broaden his horizons through study but he was reluctant to leave his job. He discovered that the flexible study options offered at Reaseheath would allow him to keep working while he obtained his degree and gained further industry experience. In 2017, Joe was chosen as one of four high-performing agricultural postgraduates to be awarded the NFU Mutual Charitable Trust’s ‘Centenary Award’. Joe faced stiff competition from across the UK and a lengthy application process to obtain this award. Shortlisted applicants were invited to attend interviews at the headquarters of the NFU Mutual in Stratford–UponAvon where they discussed the agricultural industry and outlined their personal goals. Recipients of this prestigious award receive a bursary to cover up to 75% of postgraduate course fees. Joe’s bursary is being used to fund an MSc in Sustainable Crop Production at the University of Warwick with the aim of pursuing a career in agronomy.

When I started my BSc, I realised that my Foundation Degree had given me a headstart by developing my practical skills and my knowledge of business management.

Said Joe: “The degree course complemented my employment by broadening my horizons and by giving me the transferable skills I needed to develop my career. “When I started my BSc, I realised that my foundation degree had given me a head-start by developing my practical skills and my knowledge of business management.”


Agriculture Graduate Destinations

Owen Davies Foundation Degree in Agriculture, 2015 Herdsman An ambitious young farmer, Owen began his career in Australia after gaining a Foundation Degree in Agriculture with Distinction. On enrolling at Reaseheath with no previous farming experience, Owen completed his Level 3 Diploma in Agriculture which included a full year’s work placement on a dairy unit. In 2012, he progressed into higher education and excelled in all areas of study. An international job opportunity arose while Owen was an undergraduate after he impressed Reaseheath’s then Farm Manager, Mark Yearsley. Mark, who has since moved to a senior dairy operations management post in Australia, approached Owen when looking for an ambitious Dairy Herd Manager.

I wouldn’t have got such amazing career opportunities without my degree from University Centre Reaseheath.

Owen worked at an impressive 10,000 acre dairy farm outside Melbourne which runs 2,000 high yielding cows. He spent a year on the farm learning all the aspects of the business, including the care and commercial output of the herd, and the breeding and production of youngstock. On completing his period of employment, Owen took the opportunity to travel New Zealand before returning to the UK where he is currently a Herdsman on a 750 acre dairy enterprise. Owen’s role involves managing a team of staff and overseeing the farm’s herd of 400 dairy cows and 300 youngstock. He aims to move into farm management in the future. Said Owen: “I wouldn’t have got such amazing career opportunities without my degree from University Centre Reaseheath. My course has been the major factor in getting me to where I am today and where I’m likely to be in the future.”


Agriculture Graduate Destinations

Rachel Armour BSc (Hons) Agricultural Business Management Top-Up Current Undergraduate Rachel has already made a name for herself throughout Northern Ireland for her success in showing animals from her own pedigree herd of Irish Moiled cattle. She has also established a pedigree flock of Suffolk sheep at her home farm in County Londonderry and has a part share of a Poll Dorset flock in England. Her long term plan is to set up her own livestock fertility company, but in the immediate future she hopes to gain experience and extend her skills working for a company specialising in livestock artificial insemination (AI) and embryo transfer. She plans to take an additional AI qualification while studying for her degree at University Centre Reaseheath, and believes that this will help her stand out when applying for jobs. Rachel, 22, had already achieved a Foundation Degree in Agriculture with Land Management and had spent a year concentrating on her own projects before deciding to top up to a full degree at University Centre Reaseheath. She has researched hybrid sheep breeding for one of her key projects, and believes that the in depth knowledge she has gained will help enormously in her future career.

The course has a good balance between agriculture and business management. There’s a really good mix of topics and the tutors are friendly, helpful, and easy to contact.

She says: “Becoming a Reaseheath undergraduate has been a very good experience. The course has a good balance between agriculture and business management. There’s a really good mix of topics and the tutors are friendly, helpful, and easy to contact.”


Agriculture Graduate Destinations

Richard Upton Foundation Degree in Agriculture with Dairy Herd Management, 2011 Dairy Farmer Richard hails from a dairy farming background and grew up helping his father and grandfather who were both tenant farmers. While completing his A Level qualifications, Richard sought part-time work at local dairy farms. On progressing into higher education at University Centre Reaseheath, he worked on a grass-based spring calving farm to gain experience of how simple, low-cost milk production can be highly profitable. After graduating with a Foundation Degree in Agriculture with Dairy Herd Management, Richard became the manager of a 180-head Holstein herd, applying his knowledge to improve performance and profitability by trialling paddock grazing to reduce feed costs.

My course opened the door to a wealth of practical management skills while allowing me to forge links with other forward-thinking farmers.

Richard started a personal enterprise rearing and selling youngstock in 2012 alongside his employment. Profits were invested back into the business to increase herd size with a view to acquiring enough cattle to stock his own holding. In June 2016, Richard won a 10 year tenancy on a 120 acre dairy farm in Rugeley, Staffordshire. Working with his partner Ella, the couple has managed to rapidly increase stock numbers from 30 cattle to a herd of 100 autumn calving cows who are managed with a system of grass and self-feed silage. Richard’s aim is to maximise herd size with the intention of expanding their business while maintaining a clear focus on simple, low-cost milk production. Said Richard: “A passion for dairy farming has played a massive part in my life and will continue to do so. My course opened the door to a wealth of practical management skills while allowing me to forge links with other forward-thinking farmers. “I’ve found my qualification to be widely recognised by employers and potential landlords, and this has been of enormous benefit to my career progression.”


Agriculture Graduate Destinations

Rob Yardley Foundation Degree in Agriculture, 2017 Velcourt Farm Manager Rob gained experience in the armed forces and as a chef before deciding to pursue his long-standing interest in agriculture. He spent time in Australia and New Zealand as a harvesting contractor before returning to the UK to work as a lead operator for a contractor in Lancashire. In 2012, he relocated to Cheshire to take up a position as an arable operator. With his sights firmly set on attaining a managerial position, Rob enrolled on a part-time foundation degree at University Centre Reaseheath to aid his career progression. Despite his job demanding long hours Rob’s outstanding commitment to his studies was soon recognised. In 2014, he was awarded a scholarship to attend the Oxford Farming Conference (OFC) where he took full advantage of the opportunity and established links with influential industry contacts. Following this experience, Rob was chosen as one of three undergraduates to receive an OFC Travel Scholarship to attend the Agritechnica conference in Germany. As a member of the NFU’s North West Crops Board, Rob was also approached by leading agricultural company Syngenta to travel to Ukraine to share his experience of the UK farming industry. In 2016, Rob joined Europe’s leading farming company Velcourt Farms on their Farm Managers Programme. He secured his ‘dream job’ of farm manager in 2017 and currently manages a 1,100 hectare mixed arable enterprise in Yorkshire.

Reaseheath offers such superb facilities and my degree gave me the transferable skills needed to fast-track my career.

Rob was awarded the John Platt Travel Scholarship 2017 and intends to use his bursary to travel to South America to investigate the potential benefits of farming methods with or without the use of glyphosate. His research will include the methods and technology underpinning row crop production in differing climates. As the winner of a John Deere Journalism Award, Rob regularly contributes to national industry journals and has appeared on Radio 4.


Agriculture Graduate Destinations

Rosie Lee Foundation Degree in Agriculture, 2016 Farm Manager Rosie graduated from University Centre Reaseheath with a Foundation Degree in Agriculture having returned to education after a 12 year career in banking. On completing her studies she received the Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence in Agricultural Science. Rosie hails from Cheshire where she was raised on her parent’s farm. After her father’s death, the farmland was tenanted but Rosie felt passionately that the property had educational, agricultural and leisure potential. Possessing little agricultural knowledge Rosie wished to return to study but, with a young family and a new business venture afoot, she needed to find a flexible degree programme. Rosie discovered that the parttime study options offered at Reaseheath would accommodate her needs.

The ‘Reaseheath Experience’ offered me a world of opportunities through education, strong industry connections and students with the same passion for success.

Rosie’s degree course included field trips to visit businesses within the agricultural industry who had diversified and this opened her eyes to the possibilities for expansion at her family’s farm. The investigatory studies illustrated the diversification and environmental business strategies that would be necessary to move her business forward while future proofing it for modern farming. The confidence Rosie gained through her studies ultimately allowed her to develop the farm and its facilities. Now open to the public, Weaver Dairy House Farm offers visitors of all ages the opportunity to learn about agriculture and environmental issues through links forged with Natural England and the Cheshire Wildlife Trust. Rosie and her team also run a herd of pedigree Hereford beef cattle and a flock of Shropshire sheep. As Farm Manager, Rosie combines the care of livestock with habitat management while she ensures that agricultural activities complement the environment. Said Rosie: “The ‘Reaseheath Experience’ offered me a world of opportunities through education, strong industry connections and students with the same passion for success.”


Your great career in agriculture starts at University Centre Reaseheath



Agriculture 01270 613284

University Centre Reaseheath, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 6DF

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