Coverage 2

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COVERAGE the reaseheath college student magazine

issue 2


REASEHEATH SOCIETIES Reaseheath Herpetological & Entomological Society (RHES)

HOT TOPIC How to deal with exam stress






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Introducing your Student Association team


What’s Occuring? Upcoming events


Societies Reaseheath Herpetological Entomological Society (RHES)


RAG Special


Hot Topic How to deal with exam stress


Meredydd Explains


Bright Ideas 10 things to do in the local area


Fast Food Cheap and easy student meal ideas




Welcome to the second issue of Coverage. After the success of our first issue, the Principal asked for 100 copies to be printed off and distributed around campus, so I hope you have been able to get your hands on one! This issue is all about RAG. At the moment we have raised just over £5000, £900 of which was from RAG week alone. I hope you all got involved and enjoyed the activities we put on during this week and I would like to thank everyone who donated. I hope you enjoy this issue, please let me know if you would like to submit any articles or have any ideas for the next magazine via email: Thanks for the great suggestions and input so far!


12-13 Sports Clubs Jujitsu special 14

Mystic Katie’s Horoscopes



Katie Gibson SA Press Officer



Occuring? Events to put in your diary

May Half Term Reaseheath Zoo Opening

Reaseheath Family Festival 18th May Join us for this year’s technology-themed Family Festival. We’ve got some great headline acts booked and our whole campus will be open with fun activities for all the family. Back by popular demand the Devils Horsemen and Titan the Robot. We have an exciting new act for 2014, Bloodhound SSC, the 1,000 mph land speed car. In addition to these acts we will have plenty of activities to commemorate the Centenary of World War 1. Free entry for students upon showing a valid Reaseheath Student ID card. For more information visit:

24th May - 1st June Come along to the Reaseheath Zoo and meet our many animals, including meerkats, monkeys, rabbits and reptiles! Over the various days we will be running different activities which may include keeper talks, fun quizzes and animal meet and greets. Open from 10am-5pm (last entry at 4pm). Free entry for students upon showing a valid Reaseheath Student ID card. For full ticket prices visit:

Reaseheath Trips Mondays: Supermarket trip Aldi 6pm | Morrisons 6:30pm | Sainsburys 7pm Meet at Student Services to register and then catch the minibus.

Tuesday: Catch a ride into town! All you need to do is head to the bar, buy a drink, get a stamp and then catch a free ride into town. Available from 10pm down at the PLC.

Wednesday: Evening trip Head to Student Services between 7pm - 8pm and we will have minibuses waiting to take you to any of the following: Cinema | Bowling | Chinese | Carvery If you would like to suggest any more trips, email Andy Walker at




SOCIETIES Reaseheath Herpetological & Entomological Society (RHES)

Reaseheath needs more societies! If you have an idea for a society or would like to set up your own get in touch with Andy Walker at and education of the world’s crocodiles. Members made cakes and sold them in the canteen and carried out a delivery service to offices of staff in need of a sugar rush. RHES raised a brilliant £63.00. On the 7th January, we undertook habitat

RHES endeavours to promote the conservation and scientific

restoration for a rare

study of reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates by undertaking

dragonfly. We visited

a number of projects, trips, talks and skill building. RHES opens

Delamere forest, to help

up communications for individuals interested in herpetology and

restore the habitat for the

entomology with weekly meetings. Membership is open to all.

White Faced Darter with Cheshire Wildlife Trust.

To find out more about RHES contact Lauren Lane on 01270 613208 or come along to one of our meetings. Meetings are held every Monday at 4pm in AM2 at Animal Management.

Some of the things we have been up to:

The RHES society recently benefited from a guest speaker in virtual form. Colin Stevenson spoke to the society via Skype about his time as director at Madras Crocodile Bank. Now at Crocodiles of the World back in the UK, he spoke about the problems faced in India and the comparative difficulties in running a Zoo in the UK.

Reaseheath Mammal Society We’ve started this society to gather together anybody interested in learning about mammal species on the campus whilst practising survey methods. No formalities, no hassle, no meetings, just getting out there and surveying wild mammals! Get in touch via our Facebook

This year RHES are raising vital funds for their nominated charity,

page for info about

Crocodiles of the World. The charity is dedicated to the conservation

joining us.


What is RAG ? RAG stands for ‘Raising and Giving’. The Student Association selects a charity each academic year that the College will support and raise money for. This year’s RAG charity is St Luke’s Cheshire Hospice. RAG events take place throughout the year including a ‘RAG Week’, which this year took place between the 21st and 28th March. During the week we raised money through loads of great activities.

SPECIAL Sport Relief Mile


On Friday 21st March staff and students from across the College took part in a Sport Relief Mile around the campus. Participants could either run 1, 3 or 6 miles around the 1 mile course. We had students doing the conga, students in pairs with wheelbarrows as well as animals completing the course. We raised £102.65 in total and this is being split between Sport Relief and this year’s RAG charity; St Luke’s Cheshire Hospice.

Several teams of two were dropped off at a secret location by safeguarding officers and members of the Student Association. The teams were blindfolded and told they were going to be stranded 20 miles away from campus. They had 6 hours to get back safely in order to win the prize of 2 summer ball tickets without the help of their mobile, money and other devices.

Sarah Ruff, College Sports Maker: “A huge thanks to members of the Student Association, Student Services and ground staff for their help on the day ensuring that the event went smoothly. It was great to see students from not only sport but construction, equine and staff from across the college participate in the mile.”

After a 45 minute drive they were dropped off at a Queens Park in Crewe. The game was a success with all the teams making it back in under an hour!

Around 80 people took part throughout the day with around 120-150 miles being completed in total so well done to all who took part!!

Tractor Pull The tractor pull is one of RAG’s most successful and well known events. After hiring a Fast Track from the engineering department, students from varied curriculum areas (Agriculture, Equine, Adventure Sports, Animal Management…) gathered themselves in groups to sign up to see who could pull the tractor the furthest along on a set track. It was a well turned out event with even the Principal joining us at the end.



Leg Waxing


Throughout RAG week the Student Association held a number of BBQs. These took place during the evenings when we had live entertainment and games going on in the bar. With the help of Andy Walker, not only did we cook enough food to feed all of the students in the bar but we sold out fast! At the end of the week we had raised a lot of money to go towards our RAG total.

Staff vs Students Football The staff vs students football match is an eagerly anticipated event on the RAG week calendar. Last year, the match ended in a 2-2 draw with the staff claiming victory after a tense penalty shootout. This year the students sought revenge, and revenge it was… The first half saw a brace of goals within 10 minutes from the students, who were quick to add to their lead going 4-0 after 35 minutes. A very dubious penalty was awarded after some theatrics in the box from Mr Greg Otto, the penalty was converted and the half ended 4-1. The second half didn’t get much better for the staff, with the students scoring a total of 6 goals in this period of play. The staff attempted a fighting come back and managed to score 3 goals in the last 20 minutes. None the less the students won with a score of 10-4. The staff went home with some pride after winning the traditional penalty shootout at the end of the match. All that took part enjoyed it thoroughly and hopefully all the staff will take part again next year, if they’re not too proud!

RAG BALL RAG ball was the biggest event of the week. This year our theme was casino. The bar was amazingly decorated with James Bond style balloons, various sized cards and coloured suits. Both a band and a DJ were hired as entertainment for this event which led to it being the most successful one in RAG week.

This event was held during the day in front of students who were in the bar area. Students nominated their friends to have areas of their body waxed. In order for the nominated student to avoid the ordeal, they had to sacrifice the shrapnel in their pockets. Due to plenty of lads backing out lots of donations went towards RAG that day!

Barrow Race Mainly aimed at over 18s, the mission of the RAG Barrow Race is to reach certain points on campus where SA members were stood with various drinks (soft or alcoholic). They had to do this in pairs; one being seated in the wheelbarrow while the other was pushing them. At each checkpoint the two received a drink, which they had to down as quickly as possible before swapping positions with one another and running to the next checkpoint. The quickest team back to the bar were crowned the winners!

Stay Awake This event is exactly what it states... the aim being staying awake all night. A BBQ was prepared as well as members of the SA setting up games, selling popcorn, hot drinks and cakes. In order to participate, students contributed £3 along with gaining sponsorship monies from friends and family members. It was a long night with only a small handful of students falling asleep.

Tim Gallagher Tim Gallagher made his second appearance at Reaseheath for RAG week performing some amazing covers of current songs and some well known old classics. The bar was packed with students to come and see him perform, I’m sure he will be back in the near future.

Cake Stall During RAG week we did a few cake sales which proved a great hit. Cakes were sold to staff and students across campus throughout the week. We made a selection of muffins, cupcakes and rice crispy cakes, selling out on all occasions.

Upcoming events? -- Rearranged Raft Race as it was postponed due to bad weather -- M&S bag pack -- Sainsbury’s bag pack -- The 3 peaks -- And much more… If you want to get involved in any of these events, visit Lisa in the Xtra office in the bar.



How to deal with exam stress WHAT IS TEST ANXIETY? Too much anxiety about a test is commonly referred to as test anxiety. It is perfectly natural to feel some anxiety when preparing for and taking a test or exam. In fact, a little anxiety can jump start your studying and keep you motivated. However, too much anxiety can interfere with your studying. You may have difficulty learning and remembering what you need to know for the test. Furthermore, this may block your performance and prevent you from demonstrating your full knowledge during test situations. Further, too much anxiety may block your performance during the test. You may have difficulty demonstrating what you know during the test.

HOW DO I KNOW IF I HAVE TEST ANXIETY? You probably have test anxiety if you answer YES to four or more of the following: 1. I have a hard time getting started studying for a test. 2. When studying for a test, I find many things that distract me. 3. I expect to do poorly on a test no matter how much or how hard I study.

1. Try not to do too much studying at one time. If you do, you will tire and your studying will not be very effective. Space the work you have to do over shorter periods of time. Taking short breaks will restore your mental energy.

2. Plan specific times for studying. Study time is any time you are doing something related to college work. It can be completing assigned reading, working on a paper or project, or studying for a test. Schedule specific times throughout the week for your study time.

3. Try to study at the same times each day. Studying at the same times each day establishes a routine that becomes a regular part of your life, just like sleeping and eating. When a scheduled study time comes up during the day, you will be mentally prepared to begin studying.

4. Set specific goals for your study times. Goals will help you stay focused and monitor your progress. Simply sitting down to study has little value. You must be very clear about what you want to accomplish during your study times.

5. Start studying when planned. You may delay starting your studying because you don’t like an assignment or think it is too hard. A delay in studying is called “procrastination”. If you procrastinate for any reason, you will find it difficult to get everything done when you need to. You may rush to make up the time you wasted getting started, resulting in careless work and errors.

6. Work on the assignment you find most difficult first. Your most difficult assignment will require the most effort. Start with your most difficult assignment since this is when you have the most mental energy.

7. Review your notes before beginning an assignment. Reviewing your notes can help you make sure you are doing an assignment correctly. Also, your notes may include information that will help you complete an assignment.

8. Tell your friends not to call you during your study times. Two study problems can occur if your friends call you during your study times. First, your work is interrupted. It is not that easy to get back to what you were doing. Second, your friends may talk about things that will distract you from what you need to do. Here’s a simple idea – turn off your mobile phone during your study times.

4. When taking a test, I experience physical discomfort such as sweaty palms, an upset stomach, a headache, difficulty breathing and tension in my muscles.

9. Call another student when you have difficulty with an assignment.

5. When taking a test, I find it difficult to understand the directions and questions.

10. Review your work over the weekend.

6. When taking a test, I have difficulty organising my thoughts. 7. When taking a test, I often “draw a blank”. 8. When taking a test, I find my mind wandering to other things. 9. I usually score lower on a test than I do on assignments and coursework. 10. After a test, I remember information I couldn’t recall during the test.



This is a case where “two heads may be better than one”. Yes weekends should be a fun time, but there is also time to look over your work. This will help you be ready to go on Monday morning when another college week begins.

Finally… take plenty of breaks when working on a task so that you do not wear down. Next issue topic - finding your university




Dear Students, The first issue of the Student Association magazine was a fantastic read and I hope that you found it informative and interesting. It is so important that all of us at Reaseheath College share information, celebrate success and communicate well together to ensure we work closely to help make your study at Reaseheath the best and most enjoyable possible. Student Association members have been working closely with Lisa AllertonHarris and Tanya Crofts to strengthen, even further, the way you, our students, can inform and influence decisions made by the College so that you have the best experience possible. We are well over two thirds of the way through the academic year and by the time you read this article, the new sport and fitness centre will be open and in use. In May we will be starting

the construction of our new National Food Futures Centre which is located at the far side of the Golf Course. This will be open in time for our students who enrol in September 2015. The last term is very important for you all in that many of you will have exams to study for and assignments to complete. I know that as the weather improves it is sometimes difficult to concentrate on academic work. It is, however, hugely important that you focus and work hard during this period so that, with the fantastic support from tutors and learning support and welfare staff, you achieve your full potential. I can guarantee you that you and your family and friends will be so proud. Regards

Meredydd David OBE Principal





Snugburys is an award-winning ice cream shop, well known for its huge straw sculpture and its family of pigs and piglets. Situated about 5 minutes away from Reaseheath.


Chester Shopping Chester has been offering retail therapy to visitors since the Middle Ages! Eastgate is the main shopping street in Chester with large retail stores, and smaller unique boutiques on the Rows above. Chester is famous for its Medieval Rows - galleried buildings with covered first floor walkways. Parking can be expensive in Chester but if you know where to park it’s not too bad. The Park and Ride is easiest and cheapest option, but if you want to park nearer the town centre, Tesco has a car park which is just £1.50 an hour, or if you spend £5/£10/£25 in store you get 1/2/3hrs free parking. It’s also worth bearing in mind that after 3pm all car parks are free! If you get there at 2pm, you only have to pay 1 hour of parking.

Enzo Coffee Shop and Italian Restaurant Enzo is first and foremost a coffee shop offering snacks and homemade cakes. In the evening it turns into an Italian restaurant which serves fresh pasta, pizza and other authentic Italian dishes. Reaseheath students can get a discount on coffee, cake, pizza and pasta. Just show your student I.D. card to get 25% off take out and 10% off if you eat in.


Phoenix Leisure Park Situated in Crewe, the leisure park has a bowling alley, Odeon cinema, Mecca Bingo and Pizza Hut. They also do great student offers.


Buffet Island Buffet Island is a huge all you can eat Chinese buffet near Newcastle-under-Lyme. It has a massive variety of food from sushi to freshly made stir fries. Their desserts are amazing - you can get freshly made waffles, pancakes and candyfloss, made to order. It’s half an hour away from Reaseheath, but trust me it’s worth it. The buffet is also cheaper on weekdays.


Jazz Fest

Chester Zoo

Alton Towers

Each year Nantwich plays host to an annual jazz and blues music festival. The festival, now in its 18th year, takes place around Nantwich town centre. There is a great atmosphere over the weekend with 100s of live bands and artists performing in all of the local pubs and bars. It’s a festival not to be missed!

Chester Zoo is the UK’s number 1 zoo with over 11,000 animals and 400 different species. They’re open daily from 10am with free parking. Chester Zoo is only 35 minutes away from Reaseheath. Check out their website for offers and student discounts.

Alton Towers offers visitors an unrivalled selection of theme park rides and attractions suitable for all. Alton Towers is an hour drive away from Reaseheath. Keep in mind the parking isn’t free here, it’s £6 for an all day parking pass so it’s not cheap!


Delamere Forest Delamere Forest is Cheshire’s largest area of woodland and is around half an hour’s drive away from Reaseheath. Situated at Delamere is the original Go Ape Tree Top Adventure experience, where you can take on challenging aerial crossings, zip wires and a tarzan swing! Also at Delamere is the Go Ape Forest Segway. Visit for details, discounts and offers on these experiences.



Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe is the UK’s number 1 sweet shop. It has a fantastic range of old-school retro sweets and a selection of American sweets. Whatever you’re craving you will find it here! Mr Simms is situated in Nantwich town centre, just off the high street down the alleyway next to the Crown Hotel.


Food recipes

for under a fiver

Turkey Meatball Stew with Green and White Beans Serves: 4 Cost: ÂŁ4.00 Tip: Double the recipe and freeze half the stew. It will keep in the freezer for up to a month and can be quickly re-heated from frozen a time saving treat!


Cost: 80p, that’s just 20p per portion!


Cooking time: 40 minutes


Tip: If you’re feeling adventurous, why stop at apples? Exchange apples for mixed berries, banana or sultanas for a few more delicious bakes!

1. Drain and rinse the chickpeas, pour them into a medium saucepan and cover with water. Place on a medium heat and bring to boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes until softened. 2. Remove chickpeas from heat and drain the water. Mash with a masher or a fork, until soft and pulpy. 3. Tip the turkey mince and flour into the sauce pan and mix until well combined. 4. Place the mixture into the fridge for 30 minutes to chill, this will ensure the mixture is easier to shape. 5. Flour your hands and prepare to get a bit sticky! Shape the meatballs with your hands by gently squeezing a small amount of mixture together and rolling it in your palms to make a ball shape, you can have them as big or as small as you like. Do this until all the mixture has been used up. 6. Place the meatballs into a lightly oiled frying pan and fry on a medium heat for 10 minutes or until cooked through.

Bramley Apple Bread Serves: 4

Ingredients ------

200g self-raising flour 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 2 tsp lemon juice 200ml milk 1 large bramley apple

Method 1. P re-heat your oven to 180C or gas mark 4. 2. Measure out the milk into a jug, add the lemon juice and leave to stand. 3. Sieve the flour into a mixing bowl, add bicarbonate of soda and mix thoroughly. 4. Finely dice or grate the apple and then mix this into the flour. 5. Once the apple is evenly distributed, pour in the milk and lemon mixture and stir well until the dry ingredients are combined. 6. Lightly grease the inside of the loaf tin and then pour in the mixture. 7. Bake in centre of the oven for 40 minutes. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before turning out of the tin.

250g lean turkey mince 200g canned chickpeas 2tbsp flour 2tbsp oil 1 egg 2 cloves garlic 1tbsp oil 400g baked beans 400g chopped tomatoes 200ml chicken stock 150g rice

Stew 1. Dice the onion, finely slice the garlic and place into a medium saucepan. Cook on medium heat for few minutes to soften. 2. Whilst the onions are softening, rinse the rice well and place into a saucepan with 365ml/13 fl oz of cold water. Place the rice onto the heat, bring to the boil and then simmer for 7-8 minutes. 3. Drain the beans using a colander and rinse thoroughly to remove the sugary, salty orange sauce. 4. Toss the beans into the pan with the onion and garlic, pour over the chopped tomatoes, chicken stock and stir well. 5. Bring mixture to the boil and then reduce to a simmer for 15 minutes. 6. Add in the meatballs and green beans, cook for a further 5 minutes to heat through. 7. Drain rice and serve the meatballs with lashings of stew on top.




For more information or if you have any questions about sports activities in the day time, or if you want to suggest another activity email Sarah Ruff at: For evening sports email Andy Walker with questions and suggestions at:


Indoor Cricket Tournament

Jujitsu classes take place every Monday evening, 5pm - 7pm with Chris Mann in the sports hall. It’s a great way to learn self-defence and a chance to get your first jujitsu belt.

On Wednesday 19th March we entered an indoor cricket team into a regional tournament which was held at Salford City College. We finished second having won 2 of our 4 matches. The team played really well and showed great promise. We came close to beating Preston College, who won the tournament, but unfortunately we just fell short of their run total. Preston College won, with Reaseheath a close second, and Salford finishing in third place.

Rugby takes place on Mondays. It’s offsite so meet at student services at 6pm. Monday nights are also dedicated to the Reaseheath Netball Team. Training takes place in the sports hall between 7pm - 8pm.

Tuesday Men’s and Women’s Football Training takes place Tuesday afternoons between 3pm - 4.30pm on the sports field, so bring your boots. Get fit with Zumba! It’s a dance-fitness craze. Have fun with your mates while you exercise. It’s in the sports hall at 6pm - 7pm. Do you love the rush of team sports? Then Rush Hockey could be for you! It’s fast, fun and furious. Meet in the sports hall, 7pm - 8pm.

Sarah Ruff, College Sports Maker said “It was great to see Reaseheath College participate in the tournament and the team played really well. We are now looking forward to the outdoor season which starts after Easter and hope to take the good form with us.” The outdoor cricket season starts after the Easter break and if you would be interested in playing please contact Sarah on sarahr@

Gym Information

Wednesday Come along to Netball Training/Matches on Wednesday afternoons. For more information contact Sarah Ruff Continue working on your self-defence skills with Jujitsu at 5pm7pm in the sports hall. Have a chance to climb Reaseheath’s Climbing Wall in the Sport Hall! Come along 6pm - 7pm if you’re new to climbing, or 7pm - 8pm if you’re a more experienced climber. Badminton takes place at 7pm and 8pm in the sports hall, bring your mates.

Thursday Thursday evening is 5-a-side football night. Staff are currently setting up a 5-a-side league. If you would like to join in, meet at the sports hall for 6pm.

Friday Football Mash Up is a twist on football including loads of different games to improve your football skills. It’s on 12pm-1pm on Friday lunchtimes in the Sports Hall. For more information email Sarah Ruff: There are no current sporting activities on Friday evenings but the sports hall is free for use by all students, so why not get in there and have a kick about?


The new gym will be opening within the next few weeks so keep your eyes peeled for more information. It will only cost £10 for the remainder of this academic year and you will receive a free induction. The gym includes high spec kit and you can use an app to monitor your training and targets. It will be open over lunchtimes between 12pm and 2pm and in the evenings until 8pm. For more information tweet @RHC_Sports or ask a member of the sports staff, who are based in Grebe House.


Sports Team Summaries Men’s Football

Men’s Basketball The team picked up their first win of the season at the end of February and still have a few more matches left to play. If you are interested in being a part of the team please speak to Greg Otto in Student Services.

Reaseheath Jujitsu Club

The men’s football teams have been a mixed bag this year with the first team currently struggling against some very strong opposition. The men’s second team has also struggled, but have put together some good results recently.

Reaseheath Residential Football Team

The Reaseheath College Residential Football Team has been running since December 2013. This year has seen the most success for a residential sports team that the college has known. They play on a Wednesday afternoon either at home or away. They have played a total of 10 matches this season most recently beating the staff 10-4 in a charity game.

Women’s Football The women’s football team will finish in a mid-table position and have had some great results throughout the year. It is hoped this success will continue into next season with some talented players emerging. The team has also played in three local tournaments organised by Cheshire FA and they have won all of these.

Netball After a difficult start the Netball team have really started to improve, with results getting better, they are a lot more competitive in their matches. The first points of the season were picked up at the end of March and it is hoped this good form will continue.

Chris Mann is the Jujitsu instructor at Reaseheath College. He has been training for 12 years at the Tajima Jujitsu Club in Chester and achieved a black belt 3 years ago. The Reaseheath Jujitsu Club was set up 2 years ago after some students at Regents (old accommodation block) initially asked Chris to do some keep fit training with them. This progressed from the lawn at Regents to the sports hall and has since seen over 60 students come and go over the last 2 years! Jujitsu is a traditional Japanese martial art which is simple but effective. It ranges from using throws, locks, holds, groundwork and weapon work including knives, long weapons and chains. As you can see from the picture you do have fun at Jujitsu. There’s a vigorous warm up/exercise programme involving pad work, bag work and various cardio work. This is tough, but good fun at the same time. Equine student, Hannah McKinnel, recently achieved her orange belt grading. Hannah has been in the club for 2 years now and performed at a high standard in an excellent grading.

Jujitsu Club 5pm – 7pm Monday and Wednesday nights - FREE to students.

Inter Club Jujitsu Course Saturday May 3rd 1pm – 4pm Chester, Rhyl, Oxford and Reaseheath at Reaseheath College.


Mystic Katie

Virgo (The Virgin)

23 August - 22 September It is quite common during this time of the year to feel shy or insecure about your thoughts. However, by the end of this month you will have developed a real depth of wisdom. Say yes, yes, yes to a delightful social event on 18th May, which will introduce you to those who will be in your life for a long time.

Libra (The Scales)

23 September - 22 October You may be feeling a little under the weather and in need of some TLC. Things may be rather stressful for you throughout the month of May. A rather bumpy 30 days ahead, however, staying focused may help engrain a new way of managing your pressures and efficiency will be restored moving forward.

Scorpio (The Scorpion) 23 October - 21 November

As the eighth sign in the zodiac, Scorpios are intensely independent. Don’t let your quest for superiority jade those relationships closest to your heart. Tuesdays are often said to be lucky for Scorpios - the 6th of this month looks

Taurus (The Bull) 20 April - 20 May

Considering a trip? If travelling worldwide is on the agenda - make your suggestions known or at least generally maintain your current plans. With issues pertaining work, you need to be pretty resourceful and mindful of connections with others.

particularly optimistic.

Sagittarius (The Archer) 22 November - 21 December

You will have ample opportunity to redeem yourself throughout this month when a significant decision is finalised. Begin the 8th and 9th with hopefulness in mind, prospects of a new acquisition is brewing.

Capricorn (The Goat) 22 December - 19 January

Capricorns will resonate confidence throughout the month of May. You may make some changes in your life that you feel are rather bold, but you are fully in control to make the right decision. Saturday the 24th could be your lucky day, watch out for an urgent request.

Aquarius (The Water Bearer) Gemini (The Twins)

20 January - 18 February

21 May - 20 June

Generally speaking at this time your lifestyle is positive and you should

During this month you will be subject to strong influence. You think you

and you will get lot of things done, specifically during the final week of May.

are doing things your own way, but ensure you take time to reflect on these actions. The 7th is a day of positive energy, look out for a surprise.

Cancer (The Crab)

continue with current methods. Make the most of your enterprising nature

Pisces (The Fish) 19 February - 20 March

21 June - 22 July

You have a lot on your mind, mainly relating to money at present. Good

Hard work and focus will ensure this month has a fruitful conclusion. This is

you will put these strengths into practice during the second week of May

a chance for you to refresh your personal connections, which may have an

and will begin to climb the ladder of success.

influence in your social circles.

Leo (The Lion) 23 July - 22 August

news, these hurdles and hindrances will be short-lived. As an intuitive being,

Aries (The Ram) 21 March - 19 April

This is a lucky month for those born under the Aries sun sign. The 3rd and

Be cost effective this month, this will help to bring your comfort back. Prevent

5th will be excellent days for catching up with old friends. By the middle of

any unnecessary conflicts by choosing a constructive and diplomatic mind-

this month you will be in a particularly good mood and feeling very hopeful

set, some things are best left unsaid.

for the future.




l a i c o Win S s t e k c i T

Spot the


There are 5 differences

What is our fundraising target for this year’s RAG charity, St Luke’s Cheshire Hospice? (A) £5,000 (B) £15,000 (C) £10,000 If you think you have the answers email Katie (Press Officer) at


This What are our mascots saying? Funniest caption wins. 15

Are you




Did you know there is Discretionary Bursary Funding available to help with tuition fees, travel expenses and equipment costs? This is means tested, and you may qualify! Call in to see the Student Finance Team in Student Services, they are happy to help with all questions and queries.


Farm Shop

We are excited to launch our new branded student clothing range and branded protective clothing for practical lessons. We are offering polo shirts, hoodies, fleeces, gilets, coats, rugby shirts, overalls and even steel toe cap boots. One of our newest items is the Varsity Jacket in the centre of the photo. This is our starting collection and during the academic year we will be adding to the range of clothing and items we offer. If you would like us to look at offering any new items this year please email

What’s your

Next step?

Raising Standards Inspiring Achievement


If you would like to advertise here in the next issue please email:

Why not consider staying on to study for a degree at Reaseheath? -- Adventure Sports -- Agriculture -- Animal Management -- Countryside -- Engineering -- Equine

-- Events Management (Rural) -- Floristry -- Food industry -- Horticulture Visit www.reaseheath. or see your course tutor for more details.


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