Reaseheath College Undergraduate Handbook 2015

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Raising Standards Inspiring Achievement

Undergraduate Handbook 2015

Harper Adams

Index Student Support


Student Life


College Life

15 and 18

Reaseheath Campus Map Student Finance

16-17 19

College Rules and Regulations


Policies and Procedures


Useful Telephone Numbers



Student Handbook Student Handbook and Diary 2015/2016 2014/2015

Student Support Higher Education Contacts Assistant Principal and Dean of Higher Education:

Rachel Ellis Jones

Assistant Dean of Higher Education:

Alan Hill

HE Quality Enhancement Manager: HE Academic Operations Officer:

Shaun Williams

Sean Hargreaves

HE Administrator:

Sarah Lloyd

HE Student Data Officer:

Shane Wild

HE Learning Support Manager:

Helen Kay

Student Services Contacts The Student Services department at Reaseheath exists to provide support for all students whether on a full-time, block release or day release course. The department is based in Centrepoint.

Contacts: Student Services Manager: Assistant Student Services Manager: Student Services Co-ordinator: Student Services Officer:

Mark Birkitt Greg Otto Jared Erskine Alison Goodall

Student Services Administrator:

Debbie Whalley

Evening Entertainment Officer:

Andrew Walker

Safeguarding Officers:

Mike Bell Peter Hynes Stephanie Varney Emlyn Murr Plus 7 Assistant Safeguarding Officers

Welfare Team:

Drew Walker Carys Jones Amanda Pointon Catherine Snee

Careers Co-ordinator:

Student Handbook 2015/2016 and Diary 2014/2015

Rob Icke


Student Support Summary of Student Services Please contact Student Services for the following matters: - Accommodation - Part-time Employment - Careers - Reaseheath Club - Counselling Services - Residential Matters - Enrichment Activities - Security - Finance - Social Activities - Fire Prevention and Alarms - Sporting Activities - First Aid - Students Association - Medical - Transport

Insurance of Personal Property The college cannot accept responsibility for the loss of any personal monies or valuables. All students are advised to take out a personal insurance against loss of, or damage to, their own property. This can often be arranged as an extension of a household contents insurance policy. Students taking part in sports and social activities do so at their own risk and it is recommended that they take out personal insurance.

Lost Property Any property or money found should be handed in to a Safeguarding Officer or Student Services. The college is a safe and secure campus, but as anywhere with a large number of people you need to watch out for theft. All thefts should be reported immediately to the Student Services Manager. The Police must be notified before any insurance claim can proceed. Swift action must be taken in the event of losing Credit Cards, Cheque Books and Bank Cards. Any property or money found in the HE Centre should be handed to the HE Office.


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Student Support Welfare and Counselling Support Student Welfare Officers offer professional and confidential support to any students who may be experiencing personal difficulties of any sort. Issues can range from difficulties with coursework, problems settling in, homesickness, financial difficulties, health issues, family problems, substance/alcohol abuse, bullying, etc. Whatever it may be, we can help. Welfare Officers have assigned curriculum areas which means they work closely with the teaching staff in these areas. This knowledge and experience often leads to a far quicker resolution of many of the problems and uncertainties you may have as a student. We can also put you in touch with outside agencies if necessary. Students can also access support through our drop-in service. Tuesday to Friday 9:30am - 12noon. We are located on the 1st Floor in Centrepoint. This area is always staffed. HE Advice and Guidance & Careers Information Three Welfare Officers offer advice and guidance and are happy to support students with their long-term plans. We can offer individual interviews and support learners to research their career ideas and routes, assess and challenge thinking and planning, help decide next steps and provide information. Reaseheath4You Drop-in sessions are held Monday - Friday from 12noon to 1:00pm in Centrepoint. Support is given on jobsearch, apprenticeships, course information, applying to Higher Education, writing CVs, interview techniques etc. An email with a sample of part-time job vacancies is sent out on a weekly basis. Towards the end of your course we can offer advice to help you find full-time work. Counselling Service Reaseheath offers professional and confidential support to all college students who are experiencing personal difficulties of any sort. Counselling can help you with all types of personal difficulties, whether you are affected by your own feelings or by circumstances over which you have no control. Counselling provides a relaxed setting where you can talk freely in a way that is rarely possible with friends or tutors. How to Make an Appointment - see your curriculum area Student Welfare Officer.

Your Health The college wishes to promote the good health of all students. Resident students are registered with the Health Centre in Nantwich and Doctor’s appointments can be made by Student Services. A list of Dentists, Opticians and other Doctors in the Nantwich area is contained at the back of this book. Non-resident students are strongly advised to register with a Doctor near to where they live as soon as they start college.

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Student Support Health and Safety In order to comply with the law and to ensure a healthy and safe working environment, it is a requirement that all students at Reaseheath act safely, responsibly and co-operate in complying with college procedures at all times. In particular: - To take responsibility for their own safety and welfare. - To ensure that their behaviour and actions do not put any other persons at risk. - To co-operate at all times with college staff and abide by Codes of Practice. - To abide by the college regulations relating to protective clothing and operation of equipment. - Not to smoke anywhere on campus except the two designated smoking areas. - To report any accident or injury, no matter how apparently trivial, to the member of staff in charge or Safeguarding Officer. - To report any unsafe activities or situations. - To respond immediately and appropriately to fire alarms and fire drills. An explanation of these duties and specific safety advice and instruction will be provided as part of your course. Pedestrian safety is of particular concern especially with the current building works across the campus and all students should ensure that when walking around the campus, footpaths are used. If it is necessary to walk on roads then the utmost care must be taken to walk sensibly and at the side of the road. Strictly enforced speed limits are in force on access roads, in car parks and around the campus. All drivers must adhere to these and at all times drive safely and sensibly. Any student wishing to park on college premises must register their car with Student Services, display a car parking pass and park only in the designated area. Motorists should be aware of pedestrians at all times and must drive carefully and slowly on campus. Access to the college is via the Main Entrance, off the Worleston Road which leads to the car parks. Other access roads must not be used by students unless directed by staff to do so. Your own copy of the Health and Safety Policy should be provided to you during induction.


Student Handbook Student Handbook and Diary 2015/2016 2014/2015

Student Support Reporting Sickness All students must make every effort to inform the college in event of illness. If you cannot contact your Course Manager, then please contact the departmental administrator. Residential students who are unable to attend lectures or meals, due to illness, should inform Student Services or the Safeguarding Officer as soon as possible, either at Student Services or on the Safeguarding Officer’s mobile. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT STAFF ARE NOTIFIED OF ILLNESS SO THAT APPROPRIATE CARE AND ATTENTION CAN BE GIVEN. Non-residential students who are taken ill at college should inform their Course Manager who will take appropriate action.

Self Certification/Doctors Notes Any student who is absent from time-tabled activities for more than 5 consecutive days must provide their Course Manager with either a Doctor’s note or a Self-Certification note.

Tetanus Students are strongly advised to ensure that before they come to college they have been immunised against Tetanus and their immunity must be maintained at a satisfactory level. If in doubt, consult your own doctor.

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Student Life Reaseheath Student Association The Student Association collectively organises events such as Evening Activities, Christmas Ball, RAG Week and Summer Ball. There is a disco night every Thursday, at least one themed disco per month, Live Bands, Monday Pub Quiz Night, 5 a side football leagues, evening trips out plus much more look out for posters and advertisements during the year. Reaseheath’s Student Association is made up of 16 key positions, all of which have the student’s say in key issues of college life. *The following positions are elected at the end of the preceding academic year: - Treasurer - Sports Secretary - Social Secretary - Assistant Social Secretary - Secretary - Academic Board Representative (FE) - Academic Board Representative (HE) - College Board Representative (FE) - College Board Representative (HE) The following positions are elected during September: - Vice President - RAG Chair - Under 18’s Representative - Press Officer - Equal Opportunities Representative - Health and Safety Representatives (Male and Female) Look out for posters asking for nominations during September!

Reaseheath Club The object of the Club is to provide facilities for the development of social and sporting activities for its members and to further staff/student relationships. All current staff and students holding a valid ID card are automatically members of the Reaseheath Club. The Reaseheath Club operate a licensed bar in the Jim Humphreys Centre. Opening Times are as follows: Monday - Saturday 8:00pm - 11:00pm Sunday 8:00pm - 10:30pm The Bar may also open on Wednesday afternoons following sports fixtures.


Student Handbook Student Handbook and Diary 2015/2016 2014/2015

Student Life NUS Extra Card Reaseheath College is registered with the National Union of Students to enable you to buy an NUS Extra Card. This will enable you to get reductions on your shopping both on the high street and online, in places that will not accept your Reaseheath College ID card as proof that you are a student. You are able to purchase your card once you have enrolled at Reaseheath, by visiting

Enrichment Students are encouraged to take part in recreational activities. The college offers activities during evenings and occasional Saturdays throughout the academic year, offering both indoor and outdoor sessions. The following are a sample of the popular activities we run within the college: - Football - Gym - Rugby - Table Tennis - Darts - Netball - Pool - Climbing Wall Students who wish to participate in sporting activities must bring their own sportswear for training and practice sessions. The Students Association and Social Committee organise many activities and functions. If you are prepared to be involved we need you on these committees.

Reaseheath RAG Each year the college has a RAG Week in order to raise money for worthy local charities. It is hoped that your commitment will make this year’s RAG as successful as in previous years. RAG Week is an opportunity for students to let their hair down and have a thoroughly enjoyable week, at the same time raising money for individuals less fortunate than ourselves. Please give RAG Week your support.

Part-time Work For some full-time students this is essential, and for many it is good experience, particularly if the work is course-related. More information on part-time jobs can be found on the jobs board at Reaseheath 4 You. There is also an opportunity to become a student ambassador.

Mobile Phones To avoid annoyance, please switch off mobile phones in classrooms, workshops, library, learning resource centre, drop-in computer centres and reception areas.

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Student Life


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Student Life Careers Advice and Guidance Careers advice and guidance is available at Reaseheath through the Careers Service who operate within the Centrepoint building. Our officers are specially trained in providing a professional service to all our students and have experience and information relating to training and employment or to offer assistance with applying for part-time employment whilst studying with us.

Tutorials The college has arrangements whereby all students will have a personal course manager (often this is the same person who manages your course). The course manager is the first person you contact if you have any problems. It is vital that you establish a good working relationship with your course manager (if there are any issues an alternative member of staff can be allocated to act as your course manager). For part-time students the arrangements are reasonably informal but for full-time students structured tutorials will be scheduled throughout the year (you are also encouraged to meet with your course manager at any time if problems arise where you need help). Your course manager will: - Monitor your progress with you and encourage you to set challenging targets with your work. - Assist in reviewing your personal development and career plans. - Assist in providing specialist support if this is required and if needed refer you to other experts. - Help you to make the most of the ‘Reaseheath Experience’.

Higher Education Learning Support Centre The college has a Higher Education Support Team, HEST, who are based in the HE Centre. Students with learning difficulties, social or communication difficulties, including ASD, physical difficulties and mental health issues may be eligible for the Student Finance England funded Disabled Students Allowance. If you feel you could be eligible, please contact us in the HE Office. Students on the DSA schemes may be eligible for: 1. Exam concessions 2. Dyslexia screening 3. One to one specialist tutoring or mentoring as well as in-class note taking or study buddy support 4. Specialist equipment designed to facilitate learning 5. Free advice and initial interview If you wish to discuss anything please call in to the office or email

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Student Life Learning Resources Centre The Learning Resource Centre is located in the Centrepoint Building. There are a range of resources to support the main subject areas, consisting mainly of books but including materials in other forms particularly DVDs. A number of journals and magazines provide up to date information and there is a separate collection of careers and lifestyle books. Online sources of information including electronic newspapers and journal databases and a growing collection of e-books are accessible through the LRCs Moodle pages. Follow the link on SharePoint or ask the staff for details. We also have a collection of novels and popular DVDs. Computers provide access to the Internet and to the college’s Intranet which stores a variety of electronic learning materials including links to relevant websites. You can bring your own laptop in and link it via WiFi to the college network. Black and white and colour printers and photocopier are also available for students to use. There is an £8 credit on your network account to cover printing and copying. When this is used up you can add more using one of the top-up machines in the IT Centre or the LRC. The staff are ready to help anyone find information for assignments and other work so don’t hesitate to ask. The Learning Resource Centre provides study spaces where you are welcome to work, a quiet study area upstairs and a group area in which you can work together with friends. We have links with our partner HE institutions and access to some electronic information and other resources depending on the institution. Further study space for HE students can now be found in the HE Centre housed in the courtyard opposite the rear of Centrepoint. Access is by swipecard. To help you get the best from the resources ask your tutor to book your class in for a session with library staff who will show you what, where and how! The LRC staff are happy to help with any query. In return we would appreciate your help in maintaining a clean, quiet environment for studying.

Opening hours during term time: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:45am - 7:00pm Friday: 8:45am - 11:00pm Saturday/Sunday: 10:00am - 11:00pm Contact: Learning Resources Manager: Karen Myatt Library Supervisor: Alison Stewart Librarian: Jackie King Learning Resources Assistants: Doreen Cross Liz Caracciolo


Student Handbook Student Handbook and Diary 2015/2016 2014/2015

Student Life Virtual Learning Environment Both Harper Adams University and the University of Chester have Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs.) These VLEs are an electronic area where you can access lecture notes, messages from lecturers and maintain your college files and emails. The Reaseheath VLE is audited regularly to make sure that you are getting the resources you need. Please make sure to obtain your login details and access the VLE within the first few weeks of term to ensure you are getting all the information you need for your course.

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Student Life Student Charter When studying on a course, you will have: - A campus where safeguarding ensures a safe, secure and healthy environment. - An environment where everyone is treated equally, fairly, and with respect. - A course of study that leads to a nationally recognised qualification(s). - Teaching that is of a high standard delivered by suitably qualified and experienced staff. - Assessments that are marked fairly and within an agreed timescale. - High quality facilities, learning resources and equipment specific to your course. - Constructive feedback on your progress and help you set your own targets, improve performance and increase motivation. - Careers, welfare and confidential counselling services. - Opportunities to consult and seek your views. - Any complaints are dealt with promptly and are fully investigated. If you feel that you are NOT receiving the service described we would like you to tell us: - Speak to your tutor or another member of staff. - Speak to a member of the Student Association. - If you cannot resolve an issue through discussions with staff then it would be appropriate to use the college complaints procedure. The College expects you to: - Give 100% commitment to your course and work to the best of your ability. - Attend all timetabled sessions and to be punctual. - Inform the college of any absence. - Arrive at lessons on time and fully participate in activities. - Take responsibility for your own learning and complete course by the deadlines set. - Inform your tutor of any problems that might affect your performance. - Understand and comply with the college rules and regulations. The college does not tolerate unacceptable behaviour or harassment or bullying of any members of the college community. If the College feels that you are NOT meeting your responsibilities we will: - Meet with you and this may involve discussions with the Principal or Vice Principal. - Speak to your employer. - If we cannot resolve an issue through discussions with you, it may be appropriate that you are asked to leave your course. This document, in its entirety can be located via: sharepoint > policies and procedures > curriculum policies > student charter


Student Handbook Student Handbook and Diary 2015/2016 2014/2015

College Life First Aid First aid boxes are provided in all workshops, laboratories, sports hall and receptions. Report accidents in class immediately to the class lecturer / instructor. Student Services and Reception keep a list of First Aiders.

Serious Accidents If there has been a more serious accident where there is a danger in moving the casualty, phone or contact Reception on 01270 625131 - if Reception is closed contact Student Services on 07889 216789. - Tell them where the accident has happened and give any other details you have. - Return to the scene of the accident.

Fire Drill If you discover a fire: - Break the glass of the nearest fire alarm point. - Provided that there is no personal risk and you feel confident to do so, attack the fire using appropriate fire extinguishers. If you hear the fire alarm: - Turn off all gas and/or electrical supplies. - Close, but don’t lock, all windows and doors. - Do not use a lift under any circumstances. - If you use a wheelchair, wait in the designated area at the head of stairs, ensuring that your class tutor knows your location. - Leave the building immediately via the nearest exit. - Do not stop to collect your belongings; only take personal valuables. - Go straight to the designated assembly point.

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6 C

Adventure Sports















Reaseheath Hall

Wettenhall Road


Crewe Alexandra Training Facilities

A51 Chester Road G

Greenkeeping and Sports Turf

DEPARTMENTS A Construction B Countryside C Adventure Sports D Outdoor Education Centre E Agriculture / Farm office F Horticulture G Greenkeeping and Sports Turf H Business and Events I Food and Science J Floristry K Engineering/Motor Vehicle L Animal Management M Equine


Animal Management

BUILDINGS 1 Old Hall Farm 2 Milking parlour and GENUS unit 3 Anaerobic Digestor 4 Work-based Learning/Apprenticeships Sports Studies 5 Dining Room 6 Foundation 7 Design Studio 8 Bar and social areas 9 Reaseheath Hall 10 Horticulture and Sports Turf staff office 11 Lecture theatre 12Â Lord Woolley Centre (Sports hall)

M 74 B50



R ain

13 Business and IT



Food and Science











14 10



16 I








8 5








Sports Pitch Sports Pitch



To A500 and M6


High Ropes/Low Ropes Course Laboratories 1, 2, 3 Marketing IT Suite Philip Leverhulme Centre • Floristry • MIS/Registry 18 Learning Resource Centre • Reception • Library and Resources Centre • Learning Skills Centre • Student Services 19 Higher Education Centre 20 Enquiries and Applications 15 16 17

To Nantwich

13 14

STUDENT ACCOMMODATION I Old Hall Farm II Windsor III Platt Hall IV Tomkinson V Jodrell VI Wilbraham VII Chetwood VIII Cotton

College Life Information Technology Reaseheath College has an extensive network of personal computers which are situated at various locations throughout the college. The main Open Access areas are located in the IT Centre, HE Centre and the Learning Resource Centre. There are also smaller Departmental Open Access facilities in the following areas: Animal Management, Agriculture, Adventure Sports, and Construction. A wide range of software is available including the Microsoft Office Suite. Internet access and E-mail facilities are also available. Wireless is widely available across campus for students and staff to allow internet access. All students are given their own unique user identification, password and data storage area. IT Services staff are located within the IT centre and are available to help with problems between 8:45am and 5:15pm. IT problems can be submitted by clicking on the IT Services Helpdesk link (http:// on the student intranet. Internet access is also available in all residential accommodation. This service is provided free of charge subject to the Acceptable Usage Agreement being signed and returned to IT Services. The college has an Acceptable Usage Policy and a System Security Policy which are displayed in the suites and on the Reaseheath Student Intranet. Use of a computer account signifies acceptance of these policies.

Contacts: IT Helpdesk: 01270 613272


Student Handbook Student Handbook and Diary 2015/2016 2014/2015

Student Finance Centrepoint Student Finance is situated in Centrepoint. The team is available Mondays to Fridays all year round for help and enquiries. Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 5:00pm and Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm.

Student Loan Repayments Repayments for your tuition fee loans and maintenance loans (if applicable) will only occur once you are working and earning over ÂŁ21,000 per year. The amount you pay back will be in line with your salary. This deduction will happen electronically and come straight out of your pay. If you are self-employed, repayment will occur at the end of the tax year and you are completing your tax return. For questions about repayments please contact

Reaseheath Fees For residential students, board and residence fees are charged annually and split into three termly instalments and must be paid on the first day of each term. It is your responsibility to make sure payment is made on time. Meal cards will be provided to those who opt for that option of residency and can be used in any of the dining outlets on campus. Payments can be made online or in the Student Finance Team in full or instalments.

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College Rules and Regulations The college has a range of rules and regulations. These are used to ensure that all students work with a mature outlook and get the best from their course and college life in general. All students are required to wear security name badges at all times on campus.

Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking In event of a tutor feeling that a student is unfit for a session through alcohol or drug abuse and that in his/her view there is a significant health and safety risk, the college reserves the right to refuse entry to that particular session and disciplinary action will be taken. The college aims actively to discourage the use or distribution of illegal substances or the abuse of alcohol on its premises. Help is available for anyone who wishes to reduce their dependence on these substances, but the college will not tolerate misuse of drugs or alcohol. This policy applies equally to students, staff and visitors to the college. Copies of the full policy are available on request. The college always takes action in cases of anyone using illegal substances. The unauthorised possession or use of controlled drugs on the college campus is strictly forbidden. Any incident involving drugs will be reported to the Police. Any student who is proved to be involved with drugs, or who supplies or undertakes to supply such drugs to other members of the student community, will be subject to serious disciplinary action, irrespective of any action which may or may not be taken by the Police. Alcoholic drinks obtained at the college bar may only be consumed on the bar premises and during licensed hours by persons over the age of 18 years. Under no circumstances may intoxicating liquors be brought onto, manufactured, sold, kept or consumed on college premises by students other than as indicated above. Drunkenness is regarded as a serious offence. At no time will drunkenness be accepted as an excuse for anti-social behaviour. The college is proactive in encouraging students to give up smoking. Smoking cessation is supported by our Student Welfare Officers. On the main campus there are four permitted areas where smoking is allowed and these will be notified to students. There are also two designated areas for the use of e-cigarettes and vapour cigarettes which are away from cigarette smoking areas, and will be notified to students.


Student Handbook Student Handbook and Diary 2015/2016 2014/2015

College Rules and Regulations Examinations The Higher Education Office provides all students with the opportunity to be assessed fairly for the qualification they are working towards. All practical assessments will be carried out by people qualified to do so. Exam timetables are generated in the Higher Education Office and should be published well in advance of the exam periods. While every effort is made to ensure that students are notified well ahead of the assessment periods, there may be occasions where it is not possible to notify students more than four weeks ahead of time. Students are strongly discouraged from booking any holidays that may fall during exam weeks. If you are in any doubt about dates of exams please see your course manager or the HE Office. If you are in receipt of examination concessions, the Higher Education Support Team (HEST) will make the necessary arrangements for you.

Withdrawals If you intend to withdraw from your studies, for whatever reason, you will first need to consult your Course Manager. Relevant paperwork will need to be completed and signed by both yourself and the Course Manager. If you have taken out a Student Loan, the Registry Department at Reaseheath College (awards validated by Harper Adams University) or University of Chester (awards validated by University of Chester) will inform the Student Loans Company once paperwork has been received by them. You will be liable for a percentage of your tuition fees, depending on the date you have officially withdrawn. Please contact the HE Student Data Officer for further information and / or the HE Office.

Complaints, Comments and Grievances You have the right to make a complaint about a product or service, if it does not meet your expectations. In the first instance, have a conversation with your course manager to see if the situation can be resolved internally / informally. If it cannot be resolved, the complaint must be submitted to the college in writing. This may take the form of a letter, email or fax. We will be in contact with you throughout the process of the complaint and will investigate without prejudice or bias. All information provided will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and privacy. The full college policy regarding HE complaints and grievances can be found on our website. The full policy can be found on the Reaseheath College website. The college is pleased to receive comments on its services and feedback is obtained through student questionnaires and meetings between students and staff. Each course elects a course representative(s) who will be able to take forward feedback to monthly meetings with college staff. The college provides a quality service but there will be some occasions where things go wrong.

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College Rules and Regulations Academic Appeal Harper Adams University validated programmes: The appeals procedure will be published on the University website ( Please take some time to read this policy so you are aware of your rights. Authoritative guidance on the operation of the procedure may be sought from the Higher Education Office at Reaseheath.

University of Chester validated programmes: Advice and guidance on the academic appeals procedure for University of Chester courses can be provided by the Higher Education Office located in the Higher Education Centre. Contact for further details.

Attendance Students are expected to attend all timetabled sessions. Unauthorised absence from the course will be followed up. Registers are taken for all timetabled sessions and course managers will treat poor attendance as a serious matter. If a student is absent from a session it is their responsibility to inform the course manager of the reasons.

Litter The college campus is home to over 600 staff and 4,000 students. Please take care not to drop litter. Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, the college management, staff, students and visitors have an obligation to keep the campus free of litter. Help to keep the campus free from litter.

Pets The keeping of domestic pets is not allowed on the college campus. Nor are they allowed on college transport.

Firearms/Knives Guns for clay pigeon shooting are provided and firearms and other offensive weapons must not be brought into college.

Vehicles and Parking Students wishing to use their own vehicles whilst at college will be allowed to do so as far as the limited parking facilities allow. Parking permits must be obtained and displayed. Applications for car/motor cycle permits should be made on enrolment day or as soon as possible afterwards where rules and regulations will be issued.

Security All students are issued with security name badges which must be worn or carried on the person at all times on campus. At times you may be asked to show your security card to staff.


Student Handbook Student Handbook and Diary 2015/2016 2014/2015

College Rules and Regulations CCTV cameras are in place around the campus for your security and safety. A responsible attitude to security should be followed by all students, namely: - All doors and windows should be secured when going out. - Bedrooms should be locked at all times they are left. - All valuables should be stored securely. Students are encouraged to be vigilant and report any persons or situations which breech college security to a member of the Student Services team.

Safeguarding Officers Safeguarding Officers are available to give advice and assistance wherever necessary. If you have personal or work problems or want advice, they are only too willing to help.

Safeguarding Officers Emergency Telephone Number 07889 216789 Under normal circumstances, Safeguarding Officers can be contacted in the college or on the above telephone number. Any parent or student can contact the Safeguarding Officer in an emergency by phoning the emergency mobile phone number above.

Unsatisfactory Behaviour The college expects and encourages good behaviour of students on campus and within the local community. Unsatisfactory behaviour will be addressed and there are formal procedures for dealing with incidents. Details of the full ‘Student Disciplinary Code’ are on the Student Intranet.

Unsatisfactory Academic Work The college expects all students to work to their maximum potential and to aim to obtain the best grades possible for their qualifications. If a student has problems then assistance will be offered to help improve standards. If students fail to hand in assessed work, or work is of a poor standard despite assistance being provided, then procedures are followed to address issues. A copy of the procedures can be obtained from your Course Manager.

Academic Misconduct Students studying for an award with either of our partner Universities are expected to follow accepted academic practice when submitting work for assessment. Full guidance on good academic practice can be found in course handbooks and in consultation with course managers. If you are in any doubt about your academic work, it is important to speak with your course manager as soon as possible. Our full policy is available from the HE Office.

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Policies and Procedures College Published Information The college prospectus, student handbook and associated documentation are intended as essential guides for students and whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of printing, the contents are subject to change from time to time, both before and after admission. Reaseheath College will make every effort to inform you of any changes.

College Charter The Charter outlines what you can expect from the college and what the college expects of you. A copy of the charter can be found on the Student Intranet and in your course handbook.

College Ethos For more than eighty years, the students and staff of Reaseheath College have worked hard to create a unique place to study. Our expectation is that you will want to share in the responsibility for maintaining an environment in which everyone can achieve their full potential as well as enjoying their time at college.

Equal Opportunities/Racial Equality/Disability The college provides an environment where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. Staff and students at the college all need to be proactive and challenge behaviour which is inappropriate. If you witness the following please refer the matter to a member of staff:

- Sexual harassment - Racial discrimination - Age discrimination - Discrimination against people with disabilities - Bullying or victimisation - Gender discrimination - Religious discrimination


Student Handbook Student Handbook and Diary 2015/2016 2014/2015

Policies and Procedures Student Disciplinary Procedure The Student Disciplinary Policy sets out the code of conduct to which students are expected to adhere in return for being admitted to the college and being provided with educational and other services and facilities. It also sets out the procedure which should be followed where the policy for a code of conduct is breached. Breach of the policy for the code of conduct may lead to disciplinary action being taken against a student and repeated breaches or a single very serious breach may result in a student being suspended or expelled from the college. This policy applies to all students of the college, whether full-time or part-time, whether or not their course is validated by, or associated with, any other institution, and at all times during the year, whether or not during college terms. The policy does not apply to matters relating primarily to academic performance, which are the subject of a separate procedure. It does, however, apply to serious academic misconduct. It should be noted that account is taken of academic performance as part of the overall review of the student within the disciplinary procedure. The Process: - Official warning; - First stage disciplinary interview; - Second stage disciplinary interview; - Third stage disciplinary interview; - Appeal (if applicable). A copy of the full disciplinary policy is available on the Reaseheath College Student Zone under college Policies and Procedures.

Student Handbook 2014/2015 and Diary 2014/2015


Useful Contacts Useful Telephone Numbers and Places of Interest Please note that all telephone numbers are local (01270) unless otherwise stated.

Air Travel Manchester Airport (M90 1QX) General enquires +44 (0) 8712 710 711 (10p per minute from a BT landline)

Liverpool Airport (L24 1YD) General enquiries 0871 521 8484

Easy Jet Customer Services 0843 104 5000

Ryan Air Customer Services 0871 246 0000 (10p per minute)

Banks / Building Societies / Post Office Santander 22 Victoria Street Crewe Tel: 0845 765 4321

Barclays 11 Churchyardside Nantwich Tel: 08457 555555

HSBC 47 High Street Nantwich Tel: 0845 7404404

TSB 1/3 Churchyardside Nantwich Tel: 0845 3000000

Natwest 36 High Street, Nantwich Tel: 0845 6012288


Royal Bank of Scotland 12 Pillory Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 627081

Yorkshire Bank 41 Victoria Street Crewe Tel: 08447 368368

Building Societies Britannia 25 High Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 624516

Cheshire 25 High Street, Nantwich Tel: 01270 623263

Halifax 10 The Market Centre Crewe Tel: 01270 455901

Nationwide 28 Market Street, Crewe Tel: 0845 2660717

The Post Office 32 Pepper Street, Nantwich Tel: 01270 625316

Yorkshire 21 High Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 861961

Chemists Boots The Chemist 14 Swinemarket Nantwich Tel: 01270 624089

Co-op Pharmacy 10/16 High Street Nantwich, Tel: 01270 627375

Student Handbook Student Handbook and Diary 2015/2016 2014/2015

Useful Contacts Co-op Pharmacy Church View Primary Care Centre Nantwich Tel: 01270 627565

Boots 24 hr Pharmacy Grand Junction Retail Park Grand Junction Way Crewe, Cheshire CW1 2RP Tel: 01270 251070

Cinemas Odeon Cinema Phoenix Leisure Park Crewe Tel: 01270 655800

Odeon Cinema Festival Park Hanley Tel: 0871 2244007

Vue Cinema Cheshire Oaks Tel: 0871 2240240

Cineworld Greyhound Retail Park Chester Tel: 0871 2002000

Universities Harper Adams University

Edgmond Newport Shropshire Tel: 01952 820280

University of Chester

Parkgate Road Chester CH1 4BJ Tel: 01244 511000

Dentists Riverside Dental Practice 1 Welsh Row Nantwich Tel: 01270 627544

Globe Dental Practice 53 Beam Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 625069

M J Solan Dental Associates 50 Pillory Street, Nantwich, CW5 5BG Tel: 01270 625412

Emergency Dental Service Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 12:00 14:00 - 16:00 Church View Health Centre, Nantwich Tel: 01270 611044

Education, Local and Central Government Cheshire East Council Info Line Tel: 0300 1235500

Crewe Tax Office 4 Oak Street, Crewe Tel: 0844 474 0101

Entertainment Theatres Lyceum Theatre Heath Street, Crewe Tel: 01270 537333

New Vic Theatre Etruria Road Newcastle-Under-Lyme Tel: 01782 717962

The Forum Studio Theatre Hamilton Place Chester Tel: 01244 341296

Nantwich Players’ Love Lane Nantwich Tel: 01270 624556

Student Handbook 2015/2016 and Diary 2014/2015


Useful Contacts Fancy Dress

Night Clubs

Bromiley Ltd

The Studio

166 Edleston Road Crewe, CW2 7EZ Tel: 01270 255726

Castle Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 623663

Fancy Pants 81 Crewe Road Haslington, Crewe, CW1 5QX Tel: 01270 258729


Opticians Stephen Pinnington Opticians 31/33 High Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 629171

C.Latham Motors

Boots Opticians

85 Hospital Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 625666

13 Pepper Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 610904

D & D Tyres Beamheath Way Nantwich Tel: 01270 610610

Health and Welfare Kiltearn Medical Centre Church View Primary Care Centre Beam Street, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 5NX Tel: 01270 610200

Nantwich Health Centre Church View, Primary Care Centre Tel: 01270 610181

Leighton Hospital Tel: 01270 255141

NHS Direct Tel: 111

Libraries Nantwich Library Beam Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 375360

Crewe Library

Spexmad 30 Beam Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 611999

Specsavers Opticians 19 High Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 621660

Places of Worship St Mary’s Church (CE) Churchyardside, Nantwich Tel: 01270 625268

St Anne’s Church (RC) Pillory Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 625494

St Oswald’s (CE) Worleston Tel: 01829 262494

Central Methodist Church Hospital Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 626340

Civic Centre Prince Albert Street Crewe Tel: 01270 375295


Student Handbook Student Handbook and Diary 2015/2016 2014/2015

Useful Contacts Baptist United Reformed Church Market Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 611634

Nantwich Elim Pentecostal Church London Road Nantwich Tel: 01270 626749

Sport and Leisure Shavington Leisure Centre Tel: 01270 685551

Sir William Stanier Leisure Centre (Roller skating) Tel: 01270 537264

Victoria Community Centre Tel: 01270 537150

Barony Park Sports Complex Tel: 01270 685565 Email:

Nantwich Cricket Club Pavilion Whitehouse Lane Nantwich Tel: 01270 624638

Crewe Vagrants (Hockey and Cricket Club) and Crewe & Nantwich Rugby Club Newcastle Road Willaston Tel: 01270 569506

Crewe Swimming Pool Flag Lane, Crewe Tel: 01270 537790

Nantwich Swimming Pool & Fitness Centre Wall Lane, Nantwich Tel: 01270 685590

Waterworld Festival Park Etruria Road Hanley

Tel: 01782 205747

Malkins Bank Golf Course Betchon Road Malkins Bank Tel: 01270 765931

Queens Park Golf Course American Golf Tel: 0844 4991964

Nantwich Civic Hall Tel: 01270 628633

Supermarkets Sainsburys Middlewich Road Nantwich Tel: 01270 628856

Morrisons Station Road, Nantwich Tel: 01270 627426

Take Away Food Chop Suey House 15 Hospital Street, Nantwich Tel: 01270 626494

Coral Reef (Chippy) Welsh Row, Nantwich Tel: 01270 626129

Coral Reef (Chippy) Pillory Street, Nantwich Tel: 01270 628197

Domino’s Pizza Delivery 40 Nantwich Road, Crewe Tel: 01270 257600

Flames Welsh Row, Nantwich Tel: 01270 611919

Nantwich Fish Bar 1 Market Street, Nantwich Tel: 01270 625699

Oriental Magic 11 Market Street, Nantwich

Student Handbook 2015/2016 and Diary 2014/2015


Useful Contacts Tel: 01270 626465

Pizza Hut Delivery Nantwich Road Crewe Tel: 01270 747746

Pizza Parlour 20 Swinemarket, Nantwich Tel: 01270 611381


Tel: 01270 588867

Taxis Crewe & Nantwich Taxis Tel: 01270 258888 Exclusive rates to and from Reaseheath College

Abbey Taxis Tel: 01270 212125

A1 Cars

38 Pillory Street, Nantwich Tel: 01270 610498

Tel: 01270 611273


Tel: 01270 214444

19 Welsh Row Tel: 01270 626777

Tel: 01270 505999

Transport Cheshire Traveline Tel: 0871 2002233

National Rail Enquiries

A-2-B R Uss Cars R Us Ltd County Cars Tel: 01270 650000

D & D Taxis Tel: 01270 251141


Tel: 0845 7484950

Tel: 01270 585000

National Rail Customer Helpline

Tel: 01270 212233

Tel: 08457 484950

National Express Tel: 08717 818178 (calls cost around 10p a minute)

Coach Hire Barratts Unit 15, Millbuck Way Springvale Industrial Estate, Sandbach Tel: 0845 0625096

Mikro Coaches 88 Edleston Road Crewe

1st Choice Taxis Jacksons Taxis Tel: 01270 216458

Westside Taxis Tel: 01270 211222

White Line Taxis Tel: 01270 505054

Travel Agents First Choice

2 Swine Market Nantwich Tel: 01270 610161

Nantwich Travel 56 Beam Street Nantwich Tel: 01270 611491

Thomas Cook Travel Ltd 12 Oatmarket, Nantwich


Student Handbook Student Handbook and Diary 2015/2016 2014/2015

Useful Contacts Tel: 08443 357509

Vehicle Breakdown Services

Tel: 01270 250390

FRANK Tel: 0800 776600

RAC 24 Hour SMS 82111 Need a quick answer? Text a question and FRANK will text you back

Breakdown Tel: 0800 0683408

GAMCARE (Gambling Problems)

Green Flag

Tel: 0808 8020 13 Online Support:

AA Breakdown Tel: 0870 6000371

National Breakdown Tel: 0800 0510636

Veterinary Surgeons

Jobcentre Plus

Hillside Veterinary Centre

(Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support etc)

146 Crewe Road, Nantwich Tel: 01270 625310

Tel: 0845 6060 234

Nantwich Veterinary Hospital

Tel: 0300 100 1234

Crewe Road End, Nantwich Tel: 01270 610349

Welfare Organisations

Relate (Marriage Guidance) Social Services Tel: 01270 375148


Citizens Advice Bureau

Therapy for Young People

The Gables, Beam Street, Nantwich Tel: 01270 303004

Tel: 01260 290000

Sexual Health Direct Tel: 0845 1228690

Pregnancy Advisory Service Tel: 08457 304030

Alcohol Services in Cheshire Tel: 01270 580243

Drink Line Tel: 0800 9178282

Samaritans Tel: 08457 90 90 90

Drugs Helpline Tel: 01270 216118

UK National Drugs Helpline Tel: 0800 77 66 00

Chester Rape Crisis Tel: 01244 317922

Alcoholics Anonymous


Tel: 0845 769 7555

Email: Tel: 0300 123 1231

NAT (National Aids Trust) Tel: 020 7814 6767

Childline Tel: 0800 1111

Crewe Womens Aid

Student Handbook 2015/2016 and Diary 2014/2015











Warrington 11





Oldham M60



21 9


Manchester 5



4 M53







17 1

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Nantwich Cheshire CW5 6DF




Raising Standards Inspiring Achievement

Wigan M61








27 1



10 19

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Higher Education general enquiries 01270 613284

Sandbach Reaseheath Crewe Nantwich




Stoke on Trent 15



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9 8



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