2 minute read
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan presents a summary of key recommendations designed to increase safety, comfort, and connectivity for the people of Columbus. The recommendations include improvements which seek to make bicycling and walking more appealing to users of all ages and abilities. The recommendations were informed by community input, technical analysis, and best practice research. The Plan is organized around recommendations for walking and bicycling in three key areas: facility network, policy and programs, and implementation. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan includes the following chapters.
Vision And Goals
CHAPTER 02 This chapter provides the vision for increased bicycling and walking in Columbus. The aspirational vision provides a picture of what the City can achieve through the Plan. The goals included in this chapter outline how the vision will be achieved and serve as the foundation for recommendations and priorities.
Bicycling And Walking Today
Public Input
Chapter 3 includes a summary of the existing conditions analysis. This chapter describes current bicycle and pedestrian conditions within the City and analyzes needs of the community. The analysis summary, along with the public input described in Chapter 4, inform the recommendations provided in subsequent chapters.
Network Framework
This chapter provides an overview of the public engagement process and a summary of the results of that process. Community outreach incorporated multiple strategies including online, in-person, and small group meetings. All of the input received was summarized into common themes for the development of recommendations.
CHAPTER 05 Chapter 5 presents the framework for design of the bicycle and pedestrian network, including discussion of priority target users, the decision matrix, and criteria used to develop the recommendations.
Facility Toolbox
This chapter describes the facility guidelines for each of the bicycle and pedestrian facilities and design features recommended in this document.
The focal point of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Chapter 7 identifies proposed bicycle facilities, priority locations for sidewalk repair and installation, priority locations for intersection improvements, and recommendations for policies and programs. The policy and program recommendations move beyond the physical improvements for the network and encourage the further development of a walking and bicycling-friendly environment in Columbus.
The People Trail
CHAPTER 08 Chapter 8 provides a clear and concise definition of the People Trail, including its purpose and a map identifying the facilities and routes that make up the People Trail network.
Wayfinding And People Trail Identity
This chapter presents a prioritized list of the bicycle and pedestrian facility recommendations that will help the City implement the Plan in a strategic, data-driven, measured way.
Chapter 10 provides baseline information for the short- and long-term maintenance tasks that will promote a well-maintained, sustainable, safe, and enjoyable bicycle and pedestrian network. This chapter includes standardized maintenance expectations for the facility types in the network.
The appendix consists of a stand-alone document titled Bicycle and Pedestrian Network Wayfinding and People Trail Visual Identity. This document describes a high level approach to wayfinding along the City’s entire bicycle and pedestrian network, as well as a visual identity system for Columbus’ People Trail network.