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Implementation Details


This plan is intended to guide future bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the City of Columbus by identifying the conceptual location and type of new facilities. This plan recognizes that the implementation of any single project will likely require detailed evaluation of site conditions, detailed engineering studies, and involvement of area property owners. This plan intends for the actual design and construction of any new facility to be based upon engineering analysis, public participation, and the overall feasibility of that specific project. For example, labeling of a future connection as a “neighborhood bicycle route” in this plan should not be interpreted as preventing the installation of a “shared use path” instead if the design process, which considers the intended user, discovers that a shared use path or some other alternative facility type would be more appropriate.

Implementation of this plan should be accomplished via the following mechanisms:

Integration of planned facilities and routes into the City of Columbus Thoroughfare Plan and resultant projects.

Integration of planned facilities and routes into the Columbus Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) 25 Year Metropolitan Transportation Plan (Long Range Transportation Plan) and resultant projects.

Integration of planned facilities and routes into the City of Columbus Parks and Recreation Master Plan and resultant projects.

Integration of planned facilities into private development projects through the requirements of the City’s zoning and subdivision control ordinances.

Adoption of new City Ordinances and modification of existing City Ordinances. .

Education and encouragement .

The implementation of the bicycle and pedestrian system described in this document should be funded by a variety of sources:

MPO and City Thoroughfare funds as part of street improvement projects .

Parks Department capital project funds .

Other City entities (Columbus Redevelopment Commission, Board of Aviation Commissioners, etc.) .

Federal and INDOT funds as part of highway projects .

Federal Transportation Alternatives funds .

Private fundraising efforts, such as the Columbus Park Foundation .

Private financing as part of subdivision development .

Other funds and grants that may become available .

Priority Improvements

The development of a safe, efficient, and connected bicycle and pedestrian network, as recommended in the previous chapters, is a long term effort that will be implemented over many years. The implementation of this plan will require phasing and long term commitment. The following maps and tables outline implementation priorities.

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