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In June 2017, in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration and other Cities, the Indianapolis MPO held a Vision Zero Peer Exchange.

The goals of the peer exchange were to discuss different issues experienced in different areas of the country, foster exchange of information, focus on barriers, obstacles, and successes, identify opportunities to build or expand programs and create resources and tools for others interested in Vision Zero. Representatives from many different communities in a range of sizes, geographies, and locations attended. Topics discussed included Partnerships and Collaborations; Baseline Data and Tracking; Communication and Outreach; and Moving from Plan to Progress.


Out of that Peer Exchange, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Organization discussed a strategy to provide support to communities in central Indiana. This included the Joint Policy and Technical Committee passing a resolution supporting Vision Zero and creating a Vision Zero Resource Toolkit. The Indianapolis MPO Vision Zero Resource Toolkit provides a wide-range of resources that a community can use to implement aspects of Vision Zero in their community with the goal of reducing the number of deaths and serious injury to zero. Elements in the Resource Toolkit included partners in Central Indiana to collaborate with, education materials to educate the elected official, professional staff, and the public about the importance of Vision Zero and how to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries down to zero, data to collect to evaluate areas in the community that might be unsafe for pedestrians and cyclists, design solutions to address roadways, signage, and lighting, implementation and enforcement actions, and evaluation standards to benchmark a community’s progress.

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