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by REA site
Allow pedestrian and bicyclists a proper signalized time for crossing streets safely.
Most pedestrian crashes occur while attempting to cross the street By installing a push button countdown (signalized crosswalk) and making them audible to encourage inclusion and compatibility for multiple users, the signal will graphically and audibly let the pedestrians know when it is safe to cross. The signals must be timed to offer pedestrians a long enough block of time to cross the road before the signals change to allow traffic to pass through.
Push button countdowns can be used at mid-block locations and incorporated where there are existing traffic signals at intersections. Pedestrian phasing (leading pedestrian intervals) should be encouraged for setting up timers to continue to reduce the potential conflicts between pedestrian and motorists.
Potential Conflicts
Some issues can arise regarding push button countdowns for instance pedestrians tend to use cross at locations close to their destination rather than at crosswalks. Fencing, planters, or other barriers can be used to discourage crossings outside of crosswalks. If there is not properly lighting, warning, or signage some motorists may not see pedestrian crossing points in time to react. Street parking can also hinder visibility of pedestrian crossing zones and should not be permitted near the intersection or mid-block crossing.
Low to medium cost depending on the extent to which this would be implemented and if new construction would have to take place.