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by REA site
To provide a space for bicyclists in the street with vehicles that is safe for travel.
Shared lane markings (SLMs), commonly known as sharrows (combination of “share” and “arrow”), are road markings used to indicate a shared space between bicyclists and vehicles. The road marking helps to indicate roadway segments that are appropriate for bicyclists and what part of the road is safest for them; and largely encourage vehicles to share the road with bicycle users.
Sharrows are not considered a substitute for bike lanes, cycle tracks, or other separation strategies where space permits. However, sharrows do not require additional street space – only paint to designate the travel lane for the bicyclists.
Potential Conflicts
This could potentially cause problems for drivers in that they would have to slow down to accommodate for the bicyclist(s) on the road. Maintenance of these roadway segments in important to assure that the paint does not fade; and that the location is correct to avoid the “door zone” and is between the wheel treads as to not cause more wear to the road markings.
Low cost