1 minute read





Revitalize the character of the downtown facades through appropriate building restoration and rehabilitation.


The following focus building examples represent the potential impact of prioritized and incremental façade improvements throughout the downtown. Tackling projects of different scales and cost magnitudes illustrate that everyone has an opportunity to participate in the improvements and revitalization at some level. With available opportunities to help defray the often overwhelming expense of maintaining and renovating a historic building, Frankfort has positioned itself well to not only take advantage of local funding resources but to competitively seek State grants and other funding. The resulting effects and energy generated from historic preservation provide the impetus for further improvements. Utilization of appropriate preservation and restoration techniques in accordance with local revised design guidelines and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation (https://www.nps.gov/ tps/standards/rehabilitation/rehab/stand.htm) set good examples for other future projects to emulate. Frankfort has a wealth of remaining historic building stock. Ongoing maintenance of these resources and investment in improvements will serve the community well in its revitalization efforts.

Action Steps

• Seek the assistance of a grant writer to educate the City regarding grant requirements and prepare the Letter of Intent

• Hire an architect familiar with the MSRP grant process and the design requirements

• Apply for OCRA MSRP Façade Improvement Grant

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