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Butler Tech LeSourdsville Campus


To bridge the Butler Tech LeSourdsville Campus, Monroe Bicentennial Commons, and the surrounding community together through the development of a new hub on the west side complete with live and work opportunities for young adults and entertainment options for all young professionals, workers, and entrepreneurs, and create a stronger partnership between the Campus and City.



The Butler Tech LeSourdsville Campus property on the west side of Monroe has the potential to become a vibrant district of residences, businesses, and gathering spaces organized around a new, walkable street framework. Uniquely situated between State Route 4 and the planned improvements to Monroe Bicentennial Commons, the property could create a destination in the area capable of supporting retail and restaurant businesses to serve nearby residents while also providing an appropriate location for both single family dwellings and multi-family living at a range of affordability levels.

Principles That Guided Development of the Butler Tech LeSourdsville Campus Recommendations

• The current housing market in Monroe is mainly for families and commuters who work out of town. It is important to provide housing and other supporting amenities for young professionals to help them establish their careers.

• With the expansion of the Butler Tech LeSourdsville Campus and the Monroe Bicentennial Commons Master Plan, there will be more demand for residential and retail development.

• It is important to create a supportive community for younger generations so they can build their life and stay in the community.

• The district should take advantage of the recreational value provided by future Monroe Bicentennial Commons and offer dining and shopping experiences to visitors.

• Incorporate walkability and livability into the developments, with higher dwelling density, convenient pedestrian connections, and sufficient parking.

• Provide a more welcoming gateway for the visitors to Monroe

Bicentennial Commons.


1. Future development in the area should keep the small town feeling but tailor uses and amenities to the specific demographics in this area.

a. Encourage the use of new construction materials that are complimentary of the surrounding development in Monroe and the Butler Tech Campus.

2. Streets should be pedestrian friendly. Street trees, sidewalks of six feet or wider, and separated bicycle lanes should be incorporated into street design. Intersections should be designed in a pedestrian friendly way for better and safer crossings.

3. Bike parking should be provided for both businesses and housing developments in this area.

a. Enforce and encourage current development standards involving bike racks in this area.

b. See Quality of Life chapter for more trails development information.

4. Gateway structure(s) should highlight both the City and Campus areas.

5. A neighborhood park should provide recreational opportunities for local residents. It should contain a small gathering area, basic play elements for children, various plant species for diverse sensory experience, and a tree canopy. This will also act as a buffer between the hotel development and nearby residences.

a. See Quality of Life chapter for more parks development information.

6. Businesses should face the street and provide ample visual connection.

7. Off-street parking should be located to the rear of the building.

Parking structures should provide leasable commercial space on the first floor facing the street.

8. Innovative building design should be encouraged in this area.

Butler Tech LeSourdsville Campus is located directly next to Monroe Bicentennial Commons

The land adjacent to Butler Tech LeSourdsville Campus is a great opportunity for development as Monroe Bicentennial Commons will become a primary attraction once construction is complete

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