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Duke Energy Substation
Enhance the entry experience from State Route 63 to the downtown along the Cincinnati Dayton Road corridor and improve overall aesthetics of the area, especially surrounding the substation.
This Focus Area is an extension of the downtown plan seen on page 113 in the Downtown Section. The Duke Energy Substation just north of downtown is one of the many developments that line Cincinnati Dayton Road / Main Street. Subsequently, it is also one of the first sights to welcome visitors to the downtown when heading south along Main Street. Though electrical substations are critical infrastructure, they are utilitarian in nature and not typically designed to match their surroundings.
The substation will not be relocated as it would be a substantially timely and costly process. Instead, various strategies and techniques are recommended to buffer the substation while still providing access to the utility.
The enhancement plan for the substation details an improved streetscape and crossings as well as numerous landscape plantings. Roadway improvements include the incorporation of landscaped medians, new sidewalks, a multi-use trail, and enhanced intersections with colorful crosswalks and large intersection plazas that allow pedestrians and trail users to safely queue before crossing the street. Landscape enhancements include the incorporation of new street trees, varied and low maintenance native plantings, and stormwater planters to help manage runoff. Immediately surrounding the electrical substation, new vegetated buffers are recommended to screen and control views and soften the appearance of the substation from any angle. These recommended improvements will increase biodiversity and enhance the gateway and welcome experience to Downtown Monroe.
Connectivity has been highlighted throughout the plan and safety is a key function of encouraging more people to walk or ride bikes throughout the community. The recommended improvements surrounding the substation will significantly improve pedestrian safety and enhance the district’s aesthetics, leading to a more enjoyable pedestrian experience. Incorporation of new vegetation and landscaped medians will also calm and slow traffic by providing the sense of a narrowed corridor.
Principles That Guided Development of the Duke Energy Substation Recommendations
• Visitors will enjoy an enhanced gateway corridor as they enter or exit the Downtown.
• Cincinnati Dayton Road / Main Street will become safer and more enjoyable for all users, including drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians who are traveling through or to the Downtown.
• Investment in the gateway corridor will increase economic development potential in the surrounding areas by private investors and businesses.
1. Provide vegetated screening and enhanced landscape plantings surrounding the Duke Energy substation.
2. Implement streetscape improvements to Main Street, including a landscaped median, on-street parking, stormwater planters, sidewalks, and multi-use trails.
3. Provide intersection plazas and decorative pedestrian crossings at the intersections.
4. Extend the Courtland Drive right-of-way to Main Street and provide a smooth intersection transition to Ohio Avenue.
5. Extend the Macready Avenue right-of-way to Main Street.
6. Construct the Main Street trail according to the downtown plan.
Special pavements are recommended for trail to establish a unique identity.
7. Provide attractive, low maintenance, and native landscape design surrounding the intersection plazas and throughout the corridor.
Steps for the City to Implement the Conceptual Design
1. Hire a professional landscape architecture or engineering firm to refine the design and proceed with detailed construction documentation. Note the typical design process involves several phases including Schematic Design (SD), Design Development (DD), Construction Documents (CD), Bidding, and Construction
Administration. 2. Hire a professional survey company to complete a boundary and topographic survey for the project area. It is recommended that the design consultant be involved in determining the area of survey and reviewing the survey results.
3. Phase the project based on the City’s ability to implement the improvements. Recommended phasing may include:
a. Improvements surrounding the Duke Energy Substation.
b. Improvements to Main Street and Ohio Avenue.
c. Construction of the Courtland Drive and Macready Avenue extensions.
*The design package should accommodate the future Courtland Drive in terms of elevation change, median design, and sidewalk alignment.
4. Competitively bid the project and award a construction contract to the most qualified bidder. The City will receive sealed bids from contractors, provide a public opening of the bids, and award the contracts.