1 minute read

Study Area & Park Context

Study Sites

The Switchyard Park Area Massing Plan focuses on two key sites adjacent to the park. These sites were selected because of City ownership, owner willingness to partner with the City, or owner interest in selling for redevelopment. The S. Walnut site, east of the park and south of the new Walnut Street entrance, is currently home to a variety of businesses including office, retail, automobile repair and service, and the Herald Times. The W. Hillside site, located along the B-Line on the north end of the park, includes a 90,000 square foot warehouse and associated parking.


S Walnut Site: 15.08 acres

16 parcels (11 owners)

W Hillside Site: 3.66 acres

3 parcels (1 owner)

Key Dates:

• 2000 - CSX begins to phase out operations

• 2005 - City acquires B-Line right-of-way

• 2009 - City acquires switchyard parcels

• 2011 - B-Line completed

• 2012 - Switchyard Park Master Plan completed

• 2015-2018 - Switchyard Park design development and construction documents

• 2018 - Switchyard Park construction begins

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