1 minute read

Massing Plan Goals

1. Develop a vision for the future design and aesthetics of the Switchyard Park area, in order to better communicate the City’s intent for these transformational sites and market these redevelopment opportunities to local, regional, statewide, and national developers and investors.

2. Develop an understanding of potential market demand for residential, retail, and office uses.


3. Create opportunities for a range of forsale and rental housing products that are affordable to families and young professionals.

4. Promote mixed-use development that includes condominium and apartment units geared towards the non-student market.

5. Maximize connectivity to the park, both visually and physically.

6. Respect nearby single family neighborhoods.

7. Use the S. Walnut corridor as an opportunity to support greater density in conjunction with affordability goals.

8. Identify park adjacent restaurant opportunities.

9. Use natural topography as an advantage to minimize the visual impacts of parking.

10. Reflect local character and historical significance with a vision to the future.

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