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Figure 3-5 Proposed Intersection Improvements
conceptUaL transportation Master pLan The implementation of a J-turn configuration primarily involves constructing a partial median in the intersection along with U-turns on each side. Figure 3-5 depicts a typical J-turn layout for the intersections along University Parkway, while Figure 3-6 shows a tractor trailer turning movement path utilizing the intersection for mainline left-turn and U-turn movements.
The U-turns would typically be located approximately 700-1,000 feet from the main intersection to accommodate the existing left-turn bays as well as required acceleration and deceleration distances, though more detailed geometrics would be established when the improvements are designed.
It is recommended that Vanderburgh County coordinate with INDOT to implement J-turns at every intersection within the study area for consistency, with the exception of SR 66. Given the forecasted east-west traffic flows on that arterial roadway, a traffic signal is recommended at the intersection of SR 66 and University Parkway. This is consistent with other intersection treatments along SR 66.
It should be noted that an Environmental Assessment would be required to study any potential extension of University Parkway to the north of SR 66 to ultimately connect with I-64. That study would establish specific recommendations for the intersection of University Parkway and SR 66. While it appears that the intersection would operate satisfactorily under signal control, an Environmental Assessment would include a detailed analysis of traffic, safety and environmental considerations to determine the long-term needs of this intersection.
It should be noted that the existing intersection of St. Joseph Road with SR 66 is located very close to University Parkway. In conjunction with the future signalization of SR 66 and University Parkway, it is recommended that INDOT be consulted about closing this intersection to avoid motorist confusion and overlapping traffic operations. At a minimum, a median should be constructed on SR 66 to restrict St. Joseph Road to right-in/ right-out movements only. In addition, at the southern end of the corridor, the existing intersection of University Parkway and Middle Mt. Vernon is too close to the interchange with SR 62 to safely maintain full access. Therefore, it is recommended that a full median be constructed at that location to restrict it to rightin/right-out movements. A new J-turn intersection with access to both sides of University Parkway would be added at the previously approved access location for Majestic Place, and displaced left turns from Middle Mt. Vernon would instead utilize the new intersection, which would be located approximately 2,500 feet to the north.
The benefits of a J-turn corridor include:
• Improves safety by removing the most problematic traffic movements (side-street left-turn and through movements) as traffic grows.
Nationwide, statistics show a more than 50 percent decline in crashes where J-turns are installed. Fatal crashes decline by as much as 85 percent as compared to traditional intersection configurations. • Maintains the median which is integral to the aesthetic and operational integrity of the Parkway • Minimizes delays for through traffic including the potential for increased freight in the future (no stops are required for mainline traffic) • Eliminates the need for traffic signal installation, maintenance, and electricity costs • Provides a strong mechanism for maintaining access management The trade-off with this approach is that it involves some additional travel time for some local residents and businesses seeking to make a left-turn or through movement from the side street. As noted, those movements will be accommodated as right turns and subsequent U-turns so additional travel time may be required. J-turns are the only reasonable alternative to traffic signals.
Based on the traffic analysis and a preliminary assessment of other design considerations, a conceptual master plan was developed for the corridor that establishes the locations for J-turn intersections as well as the aforementioned traffic signal and right-in/right-out intersection. This corridor plan is shown in Figure 3-7.