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• Utilize J-Turns as the preferred intersection type along the corridor.
The implementation of the J-turn treatments will likely occur on an incremental basis as funding allows and as development activity requires enhanced traffic control at specific locations. The need to complete the full corridor plan would likely be linked to the extension of University Parkway to I-64 since that will trigger the most substantial traffic growth. - University Parkway at New Harmony Road - University Parkway at Marx Road - University Parkway at Upper Mount Vernon Road - University Parkway at Hogue Road - University Parkway at Majestic Place Access Road • Utilize Right Turn only intersections to limit points of conflict for slower or lower classified thoroughfares which intersects with
University Parkway. - University Parkway at Middle Mount Vernon Road • Continue to monitor and coordinate with INDOT for possible future improvements: - University Parkway at Diamond Ave (SR 66) Preserve the Parkway’s limited access. The primary method to ensure traffic flow and preserve University Parkway as a scenic thoroughfare is to manage access along the entire corridor. No new access to University Parkway shall be permitted except for the previously approved access for Majestic Place.
• Provide access to both sides of University Parkway at Majestic Place to better serve the east side of the road given the recommended restriction of Middle Mt. Vernon Road to right-in/right-out movements only. • Cross-access connections between properties shall be encouraged and required in conjunction with any new development. Given the limited access to University Parkway, the local road network must support providing access from individual properties to the nearest east-west public roadways. • Institute traffic calming measures in neighborhoods as warranted to cut down through traffic. In lieu of restricting access, measures could include speed humps, roundabouts, medians, textured pavements, rumble strips, raised crosswalks, and other special features.
Traffic calming measures could help retain the residential nature of neighborhood streets by discouraging high operating speeds and non-local traffic. • The County has taken measures to preserve the limited access by purchasing the limited access right-of-way along the corridor. This allows Vanderburgh County to restrict all access to the preexisting right-of-way access points. • Roesner Road and Eickhoff Road should serve as service roads between Middle Mt. Vernon and Upper Mt. Vernon Roads. Given the limited access that will be retained directly to University Parkway, the provision of parallel access roads is an important part of the transportation system within the developed portions of the corridor.
As traffic in the corridor increases in the future, these existing roads will need to be upgraded to standard width to operate efficiently.