Catálogo London Book Fair / Diseño editorial + maquetación

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Non-fiction / 1

Therapeutic Feminism Empowering psychology for women seeking their own voice

Feminismo terapeútico Psicología empoderadora para mujeres que buscan su propia voz

María Fornet Personal growth / 256 pages Rights sold: Spanish: Urano, October 2018

María Fornet brings together psychology and gender perspective in this empowering journey through the most healing aspects of feminism. A book that invites us to express a freer, more authentic version of ourselves, it reflects on the major themes shared by psychology and feminism: identity, the importance of language, the notion of beauty and the myth of romantic love, among many others. The psychologist and writer María Fornet, proposes combining feminism and psychology to help women reclaim their place in the world and help them to find their own voice. The book is divided into three parts. The first part contains interesting self-discovery exercises and techniques to help us reconnect with ourselves, to help us understand who we are and what is important to us. The second part dives deeper into the theory of feminism to understand how certain social imperatives and dictates have pushed women to relate to themselves and the world the way they do. The journey culminates in the third stage, which encourages the reader to internalise what they have learned, in order to express a freer, more authentic version of themselves. An empowering journey that combines self-discovery, creativity and narrative, drawing on important female figures such as Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath, Melanie Klein and Margaret Atwood, to help us reflect on, enjoy and transform our own lives.

Author / María Fornet Psychologist, writer and feminist. In recent years she has worked in London as a training and development manager for an NGO that supports women. While in London, she also served on the steering committee of an association committed to women’s empowerment and dealing with gender-based violence. Her training in psychology has focused on the field of psychological coaching, narrative psychology and gender perspective. As well as helping women to achieve a fuller life, she writes books featuring female protagonists trying to carve out their place in the world. Therapeutic Feminism is her first work of nonfiction. OTHER BOOKS The Women of the Medina Family: Fiction, Berenice Editorial, November 2019. Spanish

Non-fiction / 2

Where Wonder Lives Practices for Cultivating the Sacred in Your Daily Life

Fabiana Fondevila

This book explores nine stages on an imaginary map which invites us to go where we’ve never been, to pick up where we left off, or simply to rekindle the joy of being here. With mindfulness and meditation practices, exercises for transforming your worries and a guide to creating your own rites and ceremonies. Where Wonder Lives offers us an imaginary map of nine stages. At each stage, we discover practices for exploring the essential dimensions of life. All are born of the same intuition: if mystery exists, it is present everywhere; if love is our true nature, we do not need to go out looking for it, but instead we must learn to be silent and let it blossom. The map of wonder invites us to go where we’ve never been, to pick up where we left off, or simply to rekindle the joy of being here, sharing the journey. There is no reward at the end of the road; the reward is in taking each step. And that’s what it is about: awakening the senses, breathing deeply, falling madly in love with the bounties of the natural world. And, like kind-hearted pirates, giving back the treasure we set out to find.

Personal growth / 272 pages

Author / Fabiana Fondevila

Donde vive el asombro Prácticas para cultivar lo sagrado en la vida cotidiana

Published by Grijalbo Argentina in 2018, Spanish Language Rights sold: English: Findhorn Press, September 2020

Fabiana Fondevila is a writer, journalist and researcher of wisdom tradition. She currently offers courses and workshops in which she invites participants to rediscover emotions such as wonder, joy and gratitude, through reconnecting with nature, deepening bonds and experiencing the mystery that lives in the heart of life. She presents these ideas and experiences at conferences in educational and health fields, and teaches individual and collective practices to promote growth and support life journeys. She is the author of a dozen children’s and young adult books and in 2017, her novel Ana despierta [Ana Awakes] won second prize in the Sigmar Award for Children’s and Young-Adult Literature in Argentina. She is a columnist for La Nación online and occasionally writes for Clarín and other media outlets in Argentina.

Non-fiction / 3

Getting Breakfast Right Healthy Recipes to Start Your Day Full of Energy

Aprende a desayunar Recetas saludables para empezar el día con energía

Raquel Bernácer Nutrition, recipes and health / 234 pages Rights sold: Spanish: Amat Editorial, March 2019

The first meal of the day is all over social media and in health magazines, with new ingredients and sensational photos. But breakfast is more than just a trend. Behind it there is a world of truths, myths and cultural habits. Take the western breakfast, which with its staples of pastry, white bread and sugar, has gone from being the most important meal of the day to the most dangerous. But if orange juice, biscuits, or even bread with ham and olive oil are not the best option, then what should we be having for breakfast? This book gives us the answer with over seventy recipes for tasty, healthy breakfasts for all the family, ideas for saving time in the kitchen, homemade alternatives for taking to school or the office, and a wealth of advice on how to make morning the best time of the day.

Author / Raquel Bernácer Raquel is a dietician-nutritionist and a huge fan of cooking. After training in Dietetics and Nutrition at the University of Barcelona, she continued her studies with a postgraduate course in Food Education and a master’s degree in Nutrigenomics and Personalised Nutrition, at the University of the Balearic Islands She had dedicated most of her professional career to R&D&I in the food industry, while spending more and more of her spare time learning culinary techniques and applying them to simple, healthy cooking. So, she decided to take an intensive professional cookery course at the Hoffman Culinary School (Barcelona) and, later, specialised in plantbased cooking at Rouxbe, via their online platform. Through her blog Alimentarte ( she aims to improve the way people cook and eat, in an easy, fun, creative and where possible, sustainable way. Her mission is simple: to make the healthy option also the most appetising. OTHER BOOKS Raquel is the co-author of the book Comer o no Comer, Falsedades y Mitos de la Alimentación, [To Eat or Not to Eat, Falsehoods and Myths About Food] published by Planeta in 2013.

Non-fiction / 4

Happiness: What Helps and What Doesn’t Psychology for understanding ourselves

La felicidad: qué ayuda y qué no Psicología para entendernos

Leocadio Martín Borges Personal growth / Psycology / 216 pages Rights sold: Spanish: Desclée De Brouwer, September 2019

In this book, I share my psychological toolkit with you, to help you understand yourself and the world we live in. In this way, we can learn to accept that we are continuously balancing our emotions, motivations and feelings. And in that delicate balance is where we find what we’ve come to call our happiness. Together, we will walk through our right to feel sad, as one of the foundations of a full life. We go beyond the dictatorship of imposed happiness, which creeps into our homes, a bit like slimming diets. People are kaleidoscopic, and in order to know how to be happy, we need to know all the colours we are made of. We will learn what does –and what doesn’t– help us to create our own happiness. How to recognise our own and other people’s barriers that prevent it, on one hand, and on the other, how to explore the infinite inner energy we have inside ourselves to create it. I invite you to learn to love yourselves. To discover that unexplored territory. I am sincerely grateful to you for sharing this adventure with me. Let’s get started.

Author / Leocadio Martín Borges A psychologist with a master’s degree in substance dependence from the University of La Laguna, he is considered one of the most influential psychologists in the Spanish-speaking world. His web project Cámbiate (www. and his social networks on Facebook (@cambiateLM) and Twitter (@Leo-cadioMartin) are among the leading sites for the dissemination of psychology on the internet. He reaches followers all around the world, offering psychology as an essential tool for knowledge and personal development. He is a firm advocate for the individual capacity to manage our change, whether on a personal or professional level.

Non-fiction / 5

The Game of Life Is Easy Luis Garcia is a consciousness hacker who has made it his lifegoal and personal project to help people go further, live a full life, connect with other human beings and start making peace with the planet they live in. In his new book, The Game of Life Is Easy, Luis Garcia offers us a manual for personal growth, in which he explains to us that in order to win at life, we need to really know the rules, looking for fulfilment, happiness, more enriching emotional relationships, success or abundance as a natural state for which every person has been designed. Minimalist, nomad, conscious entrepreneur, vegan and observer of realities. His motto is ‘The game of life is easy’, and he develops the principles behind this in his lectures, and in his new book.

Author / Luis García El juego de la vida es fácil Luis García Personal growth / 139 pages Rights sold: Spanish: Editorial Sirio, February 2020

Luis Garcia is a permanent traveller, a digital nomad constantly searching for realities and experiences. For many years, he has dedicated himself to promoting a healthy plant-based diet -which has become his main goal and a way of life- and he lectures all over the world, writes, and has a school and digital community of over 62,000 followers. His aim is to teach a healthy lifestyle that is respectful of the planet, through a plant-based diet. He founded the Luis Garcia Vegan Food Academy, where every year, hundreds of people from all over the world come to train in vegan cuisine. At his school, he also offers a professional master’s program in plant-based cookery. Luis Garcia holds a degree in Human Resources and Social and Cultural Anthropology, as well as professional training in commercial management, marketing, sports and business coaching. He is also a naturopath and dietician specialising in natural supplements and health foods, and a chef specialising in vegan cookery. After working for years in recruitment, human resources management and freelance coaching for businesses, he is now focussing on his website, giving lectures and courses in plant-based cooking in Latin America and Spain. He has over 62,000 followers on social media: Facebook: 36,100 Instagram: 16,300 YouTube: 10,100 OTHER BOOKS Cocina líquida vegetal [Liquid Vegan Cooking] with Diversa Ediciones: a book with advice, practical information and 95 easy recipes to help incorporate liquid plant-based food into our lives.

Non-fiction / 6

For more information, please contact Ana Vidal at Agencia Literaria Infinia +34 629 60 81 05

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