Major Studio Project Product Pitch Rebecca Bell S2895862
Handmade Bees Wax Candles, helping your environment.
- Genuine Bees Wax - Purifys the air - No Toxic Chemicals - Better for you - Bees are endangered (generates awareness)
- Hand Made - Illustration - Up-cycle materials
People who love candles, and enjoy removing toxins out of the air will love these!
Soleless shoes that can be worn on the beach etc.
- Creative, new - Can be worn for any reason - Beach Wedding, parties etc - Many designs can be used re-used and recycled materials
Hand Made Up-cycled materials Crochet Beads
The market for barefoot sandles is mostly for beach weddings. They have been around for a few years however not many people know about them. Hipsters, gypsies and beach bums will love it.
Shirts that express social expectations and popculture in a creative way.
A way to express myself Relates to social norms Pop Culture Creative
-Illustration -Print on demand
Shirts designed for young girls, with social trends mentioned, illustrations and sayings. People on tumblr, instagram etc will love these designs.