This book is the result of a self directed study based on the customising of life through thoughts and intentions. It invites us to think about our place within a time when the world is altered to suit everyone’s desires and how these alterations proved that intentions and thoughts can alter the natural state of something. What could go wrong if the wrong intentions and thoughts were used and why is it necessary for us to know how to use this gift that was given to us.
1H | 3W
What do you think will happen if you let nature take its course in life?
The Power of Thoughts The Power of Intentions
When do you think is the appropriate time for you to input these positive thoughts?
Real Life Experiences
Why is it necessary for us to know how to change the way you think?
Lynne McTaggart Interview article
How Does thoughts and intentions alter the physical world around us?
Thought power is the key to creating your reality. Everything you perceive in the physical world has its origin in the invisible, inner world of your thoughts and beliefs. To become the master of your destiny, you must learn to control the nature of your dominant, habitual thoughts. By doing so, you will be able to attract into your life that which you intend to have and experience as you come to know the truth that your thoughts create your reality.
For every outside effect, there is an Inner Cause:
It’s an Inside Job:
Every effect you see in your outside or physical world has a specific cause which has its origin in your inner or mental world. This is the essence of thought power. Put another way, the conditions and circumstances of your life are as a result of your collective thoughts and beliefs. James Allen said it best when he said “circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him”. Every aspect of your life, from the state of your finances to the state of your health and your relationships, is accurately revealing your thoughts and your beliefs.
Most people have it back to front, believing that they feel or think a certain way because of their circumstances, not knowing the truth that it is their thought power that is creating those very circumstances, whether wanted or unwanted. By internalizing and applying this Truth, that your thoughts create your reality, you will grant yourself the power to create the changes you want to see manifest in your life. Reality creation is an inside job.
Your Thought Power is Limitless: There is a single, intelligent Consciousness that pervades the entire Universe, which is all powerful, all knowing, all creative and present everywhere at the same time - the Universal Mind. Your mind is part of this One Universal Mind and since your thoughts are a product of your mind, it follows that your thought power too is limitless. Once you truly understand that your mind is one with the Single Source of All Power and that this power is within you, you will have found the only true source of infinite power for which nothing is impossible and impossible is nothing. Know that thought power comes from within. Accessing the source of All Power starts by looking inwards.
Become aware of your Thoughts but Not Obsessed: It is important that you learn to be aware of your habitual thoughts and to appropriately adjust them so as to maintain an overall positive mental attitude. However, be careful not to become obsessed with every thought that enters your mind as this would be equally counter-productive, if not more so, than not being aware of them at all. Remember that to obsessed over your negative, unwanted thoughts, is to give them power and as the saying goes, what you resist persists. So instead of resisting any of your negative thoughts, simply learn to effortlessly cancel them by replacing them as they arise.
Use Thoughts Power to Change Your Life: It is your subconscious mind that is the storehouse of your deep-seated beliefs and programmes. To change your circumstances and attract to yourself that which you choose, you must learn to programme and re-programme your subconscious mind. The most effective and practical way to do so, is to learn the simple process of creative visualization. It is the technique underlying reality creation, making use of thought power to consciously imagine, create and attract that which you choose. Your imagination is the engine of your thoughts. It converts your thought power into mental images, which are in turn manifested in the physical realm.
Instantly Replace Unwanted Thoughts: To instantly neutralize the power of a negative thought, calmly and deliberately replace it with its opposite, positive equivalent. For instance, if you think to yourself “I’m not good enough, I will never succeed”, mentally replace that thought with “I am good enough and success comes to me easily”. You can also use the “cancel, cancel” technique made famous by the Silva Method. Each time you catch yourself thinking an unwanted thought, mentally tell yourself and the Universe “cancel, cancel” and immediately follow it up with a positive statement.
Your Thoughts are Alive:
The greatest mystics and teachers that have walked the Earth have told us that everything is energy. This has now been undeniably confirmed by modern science. Your thoughts too are energy. William Walker Atkinson told us that “where mind is static energy, thought is dynamic energy - two phases of the same thing” and Charles Haanel went on to say that “thought power is the vibratory force formed by converting static mind into dynamic mind”. Your thoughts are alive. Each time you entertain a specific thought, you emit a very specific, corresponding frequency or energy vibration.
What Frequency are you on: The basic premise of the Law of Attraction is that like energy attracts like energy. You attract to yourself those things and circumstances that are in vibrational harmony with your dominant frequency, which is itself determined by your dominant mental attitude, habitual thoughts and beliefs. Mike Dooley, one of the presenters of the movie The Secret, fittingly suggests that if you want to know what a thought looks like, just look around you. Keep in mind these three words “thoughts are things”.
Not all Thoughts are Created Equal: The attractive power of any particular thought is determined by how often you have that thought and by the strength of the feelings or emotions associated with it. The more energy you give to a particular thought, the greater its power to attract its corresponding circumstance into your physical world through the Law of Attraction. Your one-off, passing thoughts do not have the same creative power as your habitual thoughts and beliefs. Remember, that it is of little use to entertain positive thoughts for just a short burst of time each day if you then proceed to think negative or unwanted thoughts for the rest of the day. A negative thought cancels the benefit of a positive thought and vice versa. Since your reality is the sum total of all your thoughts there are many factors influencing your life. This makes it difficult to directly join the dots between the cause (thought) and the effect (circumstance) but the causation is always there.
Tame your Dominant Thoughts and Your Random Thoughts will follow suit: It is estimated that the average person has between 12,000 and 70,000 thoughts a day. This is evidence enough to suggest that your goal should not be to control every thought. It is your dominant thoughts and beliefs that you must learn to bring under your conscious control as they are what largely determine your mental attitude. As you do, you will find your random thoughts themselves becoming more positive and more deliberate.
The following words of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha Perfectly capture the essence of Thought Power. We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make our world.
In a nutshell, your life is the perfect mirror of your thoughts, beliefs and dominant mental attitude. Whether you realise it or not you are already creating your reality through your thought power. Every effect you see in your outside world has its original cause within you - no exceptions. To gain access to the greatest creative power at your disposal, you must learn to control the nature of your habitual thoughts and to align yourself with the One Source of All Power of which you are a part. Your thoughts create your reality - know, internalize and apply this Truth and you will see your life transform in miraculous ways.
A human being is part of the whole, called by us “universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest –– a kind of optical delusion of his conciousness. - Albert Einstein
The power of intention is mighty. Setting good intentions and renewing them often are important keys to having the road ahead of you be healthy, happy and successful. So what is an Intention? An intention is a goal, plan or idea. It is created in your thoughts. It is a vision of an outcome that you see happening at some point in the future.
There can be passive intentions and active intentions. Active intentions are much more useful in creating a positive future. A passive intention is like a plan or idea that lacks focus and attention. It is vague and hard to follow. The power of intention cannot be harnessed using only passive intentions. Think of the Universe as a place that is listening to all of your thoughts and taking them as calls to action. When vague, unfocused intentions come through they can be misinterpreted, giving you results you didn’t really want. Or they can be simply ignored, again, giving you results you didn’t really want. We have many passive intentions throughout the day and, this is okay, as long as we are putting out very clear and focused intentions as well throughout the day.
Passive Intentions are things like;
Thinking, ‘I wonder what that would feel like’, ‘maybe I’ll do that’, ‘someday that would be nice’, ‘hmmm I don’t know. I’m not sure’, etc.
Conflicting thoughts on an idea
A passing thought
Being told what to do and not feeling good about it.
Passive intentions can be important as they are often the first stepping stones to creating an active intention. We will first often glimpse an idea which, over time, becomes a clearer and more focused intention.
Clear thoughts that give you a feeling of peace and goodness within you
Thinking, ‘I will do this’, ‘This is what I see happening’, ‘This is what I want’, ‘I see myself doing ...’, ‘This is what I am meant to do’, etc
Strong, clear detailed thoughts
Active Intentions are things like;
A clear visualization of an outcome
The power of intention is harnessed when we make use of active intentions. If we spend all of our time allowing only passive intentions to be, then we can expect to wander through our lives not ever grasping our full potentials. Use moments in your day to create active intentions for what you want, make use of the power of intention. Again, think of the Universe as receiving your thoughts as calls to action. If clear focused intentions come through it is much easier to pay attention to those and to have them be realized.
Are you unclear about what happens once you have a clear intention? Are you doubtful that your intentions, clear or not, have any affect at all on the outcome of things in your life?
Well, the power of intention works whether you believe in it or not. The fact of the matter is, that whatever energy we put out will be returned to us. Energy is made up of our intentions, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and emotions. There is, of course, much more that makes up our energy system but for the sake of the power of intention I will refer to only these.
Have you ever noticed that when you wake up in a bad mood that your entire day seems a bit off? And when you are in a great mood everything seems effortless? Have you ever thought of someone and then, ‘out of the blue’ they call you? Have you ever called someone only to hear them tell you that they were just thinking about you?
These are just some simple examples that illustrate how our thoughts (ie our intentions) can affect our reality. Now think about what could happen when consciously and continually using active intention.
Our thoughts, intentions and beliefs do affect our lives. They affect the choices we make and the energy we give off. And they affect what we attract into our lives.
Remember the saying, ‘be careful what you wish for’? Well, along the same lines, only make clear focused intentions for what you truly want - for what is truly best for you.
Yes and No. There are, of course other things that come into play when looking at all the factors that affect what happens in a person’s life. The power of intention certainly does affect how your life flows but it is by no means a magic trick to make you win the lottery or to save you from a tragic loss. This is not a quick fix to solve life’s problems. What this is, is an awareness of your thought patterns and belief systems. It is having control over your thoughts instead of your thoughts wildly having control over you. Intentions are like your road map through life. By setting intentions that feel good for you and by renewing those intentions daily you can avoid wandering so far off the map that you feel extremely challenged to get back on track again. Now, that is not to say that, by using the power of intention, you won’t come to bumps in the road at times. But keeping strong intentions in your heart will make it all that much easier for you to find the way around those bumps.
Every day set aside some quiet time when you can be alone. First thing when you awake and last thing before you sleep are the best times of day to set your intentions. This is when your mind is naturally the quietest and when your subconscious is the most open to receiving your intentions.
Close your eyes and quiet your mind
Use your breath to help you quiet your mind (observe your breath and let your mind become still)
Clearly envision in your mind your intention
Make the vision in your mind as detailed as possible, creating a vision of exactly what your intention is
Add as much detail as possible to your vision; sounds, smells, feelings, movements etc.
Use clear focused statements to narrate your vision, stating clearly in your mind what your intention is Hold this intention in your mind strongly for 15-30 seconds allowing your entire being to become immersed in your intention, feel it on all levels of your being.
Smile, open your eyes and continue with your day
Repeat again later in the day making sure to do this at least once a day
If you put negative intentions out there, you will be more likely to attract negative things and people into your life. Be very careful with your thoughts as they can quickly turn into actions that you may regret. From time to time all of us experience situations that anger or upset us, this is normal. But, holding on to negative thoughts and consciously creating negative intentions, like revenge, will hold you back from your positive potential. Be steadfast every day to renew the positive intentions that you hold for your life. Start and end your day with a renewal of your positive intentions will make any negative moments in between so much easier to deal with. You will be a happier and more focused person.
Using the power of intention is an innate skill that we all have. Take 30 seconds every morning and every night to renew your intentions and your life will change.
Use your intentions to help you remember what your true goals are, what you are meant to do with your life. It is your birthright to be happy and at peace as you move through your moments.. and you deserve it!
What we imagine in our minds becomes our world. - Dr. Masaru Emoto
24 respondents.
The following chapter’s of “why”, “what” and “when” is based on the experiences of real people in the outside world, working in different environments and of different ages. Their answers to the questions of this survey serves as a purpose to show that the different people who at one point of time had faced difficulties in life knows when to pick themself up when they’ve reached rock bottom. With the power of their thoughts and intentions, they changed thier own course of life by not letting negativity effect them for long, taking charge of everything in their way.
Here are the basic demographics of the respondents that took this survey:
Students Working Adults
Female Male
The chapter “why� questions the respondents. It looks into the core of a persons thoughts and intentions and question whether it is necessary or not to change the way they think to have a better course in the future.
Here are the responses from the respondents to whether they think it is necessary or not to change their thoughts:
Why Is it necessary for us to know how to change the way you think in order to have a better life?
Sometimes a human being’s thinking can be very subjective, and things change from time to time, so it is important to know how to change your mind in some areas, as it may sometimes tell you that your way might be wrong.
So that you don’t regret that you did not make any changes to have a better life. • List what you want to be and have in 2, 5 and10 years’ time. • Do a milestone check • If did not meet, list out why the delay.
It is necessary to know how to change the way you think, as you can sort out different routes to make yourself adapt to it and then change it in order to have a better life. We might also learn from it when we figure out the way.
It usually takes someone who has made mistakes to point them out to you so you don’t make the same.
I think firstly is to be aware of why you need to change and how you can change yourself in order to be different from, for example, your parents, if you do not agree with the way they have brought you up. Mindsets determines how you will view life in general.
In order to attain dreams, one must focus, but one cannot be so focused that it becomes a tunnel vision. One must know how to bend the rules and think outside the box and look for multiple ways to attain our dreams.
It’s always good to make yourself a better person. Make yourself a flexible and friendly person, take in advices but don’t change yourself without analyzing what people say to you. I personally don’t understand why sometimes some people can’t step back and toleate things that could possibly be tolerated. They think they are right all the time without introspecting themselves. And if you continue being like that, you will eventually become an arrogant person and people will no longer want to approach you.
We become what we think about most of the time. - Earl Nightingale
Because if you don’t know how to change the way you think, you’ll just be taken advantage of and if you teach the next generation to be like you, that will spread. Plus you don’t always have to change the way you think, i think you just have to understand and know why you think like that and be fine with it.
Attend or read positive self encouragement book or seminar. As our thoughts determines our destiny.
If your mind is stuck in first gear forever, your life won’t be magically improved or change just because you want it to. When you change the way you think, it opens up your mindset and broadens your views. You stop getting fustrated with minor hiccups in life and focus more on how to improve your life.
It is necessary to know how to change the way you think, as you can sort out different routes to make yourself adapt to it and then change it in order to have a better life. We might also learn from it when we figure out the way.
Sometimes a mere bad thought can ruin a day. In my experience i have found that changing these thoughts into a more positive outlook usually influences my day in a positive manner.
It is necessary to know how to change the way you think in order for us to adapt into situations where we ourselves might not be familiar with.
It depends on what you think. If you are unhappy and don’t know that you can change things in life, it can be quite confusing. Without a change of mind, things will stagnate and unhappiness out of that. A changed mind will lead into new thoughts, knowledge and could even lead to happiness as well as the acceptance of love and other people.
There is no success without effort and sacrifice, as the world does not revolve around you.
So that you can take some control over your life allowing you to work towards what you want to achieve.
For positive people, it might be true that thinking differently could make lives better. For example, when it comes to something which has already taken effort, they always believe that their effort indeed makes a difference ( doesn’t matter whether the outcome is good or not ). That kind of belief will make them keep going and probably change some things in their future.
Because the old common thoughts won’t be helping you to get a better life forever, so it is considered as a good things to change the way you think sometimes. Plus, people’s thoughts can be very inspiring as well.
We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking. - Santosh Kalwar
The next chapter “what� taps into the respondents life. The questions that were asked were questions that are related to their choices in life and whether or not they will be able to accept if they were not given their own choices to choose from in the beginning.
Here are the responses from the respondents in which will they accept or not accept on not having their own choices:
Can’t Accept
Can Accept
Do you think will happen if you let nature take its course in life without you altering anything in the process? What do you think the outcome will be? Will you be able to accept not having your own choices?
I can accept it as i think nature is always what we human being cannot control. Things might not come out as what we want them to be in most of the time. We might not be able to control every single thing in life but at least we are clear about what we want and what our own choices and decisions are, and we still hold on to our own faith and hope.
I wouldn’t be moving forward as i am now if i haven’t altered anything in my life. The outcome would be severely different if i have done anything for a change and i won’t be able to accept not having my own choices.
As cliche as the saying is, we have to take things into our own hands to make things happen for ourselves. If one commit to letting nature take its course, one has to be prepared never to blame anyone if things did not turn out as you hope to be. There’s too many factors that will change the outcome and i am sure i will not be able to accept it.
If the choice is not what i wanted, i might not be able to accept not having my own choices. And if allowed, i will still chose to know the way rather than let nature take it’s course. Although letting nature take its course in life might be easier than to adapt to my own, but it makes me feel like i’m following the process blindly to become who i am now.
Everyone has been given a path to follow, sometimes you need to make bad choices in order to make better ones, so no i wouldn’t be able to accept not having a choice.
Honestly, i have not thought about this. But i guess i would not have a voice in how i want to live my life if that happens.
It’s a bit difficult to know life without altering it - everything changes anyway and we are nature ourselves, so really that is nature taking its course. If we know that there are choices, we will make them. If we don’t know that there are choices, then of course we will be able to accept them.
Nature without altering will lead you to failure as you have no goals to lead you to success. Right thoughts is very important to me, it determines my choices.
But until a person can say deeply and honestly, “I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday,” that person cannot say, “I choose otherwise. - Stephen R. Covey
The decisions that you take in your life will to a very differently route, if you had made a different decision a few years back, things would have been totally different. Do not let nature take its course, strive and only do what you want.
A passive life is not really my choice. Although i might be passive sometimes, but i still choose my own life and think about my future. I can’t accept not having my own choices because it would be like the old days, where parents decide your future whether you like it or not. I have had an experience during secondary school, where i wanted to play snare drums in the marching band, but just because i’m a girl, they suggested me to play the xylophone, i tried playing it, but i felt uncomfortable. I wanted to play the snares so badly because i have always wanted to try playing the percussion. So i stood up for my chance, asked them to test my tempo, and they let me in. If i am not given choices in life, i would probably rot.
I definitely would not be able to not accept not having my own choices. I believe every individual should have a say in his/her life, and what they do in life should not be decided for them by nature or any other form.
I would probably end up miserable and blaming anyone but myself for my life. A privileged upbringing means i have more and better choices in life, but everyone has their own choices in life, it’s just whether you want to explore those choices or ignore them because you won’t take the initiative.
I can’t accept not having my own choices. If not i will live life like a robot, devoid of emotion and become a very cruel and unkind person.
If by not altering the process meaning taking which ever choices that are made chosen for you. Then i think the outcome might be the life you have to endure. One’s ability to accept not having your own choices might be dependent on how well a person can endure the route paved.
Sometimes even rationally, i know it won’t make any different whether i make an effort or not, i just can’t help but think, “what would happen if i’d done this or that?” Therefore, i always feel like i have my own choices even though there’s none.
What nature decides, decided; so just look at what you can do. I can accept not having my own choices, coz there’s always another way.
The world would be a lot more beautiful and clear. The natural way of things would continue and the pointless and damaging influence would stop. People learning to live from the land once more and knowing that we are as much part of it as everything else and not separate. I think in time people would be a lot happier. I already have to expect not having my own choices as i don’t believe we are really free at all... Even ignoring government, we are still stuck on this planet.
We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us. - Ken Levine
The third chapter “when” acts as a platform in which the repondent will answer the question in a way that their answers will unconciously represent what they’ll do for themself when they’ve hit an obstacle. It also depicts the individual respondents way of an appropriate time on when they think they should input positive thoughts and intentions when an obstacle arises.
Here are the responses from the respondents on when they will input positive thoughts and intentions:
After awhile
When Do you think is the appropriate time for you to input these positive thoughts and intentions in order to make you stand up on your feet again when you hit rock bottom?
I try to keep myself thinking positively every time i face negativity. I like to read quotes from those famous people that encourages people’s heart and make them as a role model to tell myself that i can overcome obstacles.
Asap. The longer you give yourself to recover, it might just backfire. Be brave and face the issue and fit it. It is ultimately your life, if you don’t get back on your feet on your own, nothing will help you.
When i am down, i will think why or how is that not working, and then i might find someone to talk to or just write it down to express how i feel, and then maybe get some positive advice from friends or from an article. So after i have calmed down and think why is it not working then that is the time to input those positive thoughts.
Everyday you should tell yourself what things went right that day, and what things you could have done differently. You don’t have to change everything that went wrong but it is good to be aware of it.
When the negative feeling hits you, don’t think about anything first when you are in that condition. Get some sleep and input some positive thoughts like “tomorrow will be better”, “you can do it”, “aim higher” or even listen to your favourite band/singer to get that positive enerygy back.
Whenever you feel yourself sinking i guess, let it all out, talk through it with someone and there you go, do something and notice it yourself and make that change!
The beautiful thing about setbacks is they introduce us to our strengths. - Robin Sharma
I find that negative thoughts can be very difficult to chase away. When it gets to the point where i don’t feel like i can cope with what life is throwing at me, i usually sit down in total silence, without distractions, and force myself to think positively. At this point i would remind myself of everything i’ve been through, and how no matter what i’m going through, it can’t be any worst than that. I remind myself of how thinking in a positive way helped me at that point in my life; this ultimately helps me focus on thinking in a more positive manner.
When enough is enough and there must be an intervention or that something must be done.
Stay humble and always be prepared for the worst, plan back routes before things happen.
The world is not going to stop turning just because you’re down in your life. The pithiness might be consoling for awhile, but if you don’t pick yourself up, no one can help you do it, life is pretty short, don’t waste it in dwelling in things that had happened in the past, get over it, get over yourself and start fixing your life.
Everytime. I think it’s important to keep an open and positive mind whenever you’re breathing, this will indicate you’re ready to accept any challenges or failures in the future.
When? “ When you hit rock bottom”. Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
When the consequences of inactivity becomes apparent.
I wouldn’t let myself hit rock bottom. In what i think and how to get where i need to be. In times of trouble and bad thoughts, i weigh up wehther it is better to live or die. I live because i’m curious to know what will happen next. Life is hard and we carry burdens, it is up to us to let our selves have a break from this constant change and everything seemingly gets worst. The world is not in it’s natural state of balance and we as humans and not our governments must be the ones to change it. Oppression must and human and love rule. Without that thought everything is useless and there is no hope.
Learn and train yourself to take the hits in life. Obstacles, barriers and setbacks will come. What matters is how you tackle them, work your way around or find your way through them. - Roopleen
The forth chapter “who” is an interview on Lynne McTaggart, the Author of ‘The Intention Experiment’ and her views on how thoughts can change your life and the world.
An interview with Lynne McTaggart, the Author of The Intention Experiment.
Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World.
Lotus Guide: When we read The Intention Experiment and realized it was an online global experiment we knew we needed to talk with you about it. Lynne McTaggart: Well, this is the great thing; technology can be used in a positive way for so many things like this andthousands have already signed up to be part of it.
Lotus Guide: There’s something about validation, too. Once something’s validated in somebody’s mind, he or she can then take the next step to even greater things. Lynne McTaggart: Exactly. I think that really is important to people who are interested in conscious exploration.
Lotus Guide: It seems as though the science of conscious exploration includes a lot of neuroscientists. Why do you think this is? Lynne McTaggart: There are many scientists who are biologists and physicists and they are looking into how we know what we know and how it is that we are conscious and sentient beings. There are scientists now looking at what happens to the brain when we perceive certain things and have certain beliefs. And they now have the equipment to measure what goes on in the brain, so they’ve been a really interesting and important resource for this kind of information.
Lotus Guide: I suppose with the rapid evolution of technology it gives researchers a whole new way to research the finer energies that up to this point were entirely theoretical. Lynne McTaggart: Exactly. For instance, there’s a story in my book about what is going on when people are hypnotized and told something that in reality is not true. In one case, they were shown pictures of Mondrian paintings, which have lots of colors in them, but they were told there were no colors in them and were in black and white. They could actually measure their brain receptors for color draining away, and the receptors for black and white picking up. And so they were able to measure the effect of planting this conscious intention in their minds that was actually contrary to reality.
Lotus Guide: Yes. I remember reading in The Holographic Universe, where a hypnotist hypnotized a father and told him, “When I wake you up and your daughter comes into the room, you will not see her.” And he could not only not see his daughter, he could actually see through his daughter to the hand of the hypnotist, indicating that our minds have the ability to phase out objects in our three-dimensional world. It’s amazing when you stop to consider what our minds may be capable of. Somebody asked me the other day, “What do you find most amazing about life?” And I said, “Well, life itself is amazing, but what I really find amazing is that everybody isn’t walking around completely amazed about it.” Lynne McTaggart: I know. It’s not only amazing; it’s unbelievable sometimes.
“People can not be separated from their environment. Living consciousness is not an isolated unit. Human consciousness is increasing the order of the rest of the world and has an incredible power to heal ourselves and the world: in a certain sense we make the world as such, as we wish.� - Lynne McTaggart
Lotus Guide: How do you think something such as the intention experiment could affect people’s beliefs about reality? Lynne McTaggart: Well, I think this is probably going to forever change their view of reality. First of all, we’re testing whether mind can influence matter. Then we’re choosing targets that go against the natural order, so to speak, of modern classical science. For instance, we are going to see if we can raise the temperature of a controlled mini-Gaia experiment. And if this is successful, it will demonstrate that mind can affect a physical process, and also we’ll be testing whether or not lots of minds thinking the same thing at the same time will have an even bigger effect. This has huge ramifications for things like global warming, for instance. Through this type of validation the group mind could be changed in ways we can’t even imagine at this point.
Lotus Guide: Yes, there are so many things we are learning about our reality that we know intellectually, but no matter how many times I hear, for instance, “The world that’s out there is actually in me” I’m not sure I really “get it” on a deep level. Lynne McTaggart: Exactly. Maybe an easier way to think of it is that we’re all connected, and that we’re all part of something bigger, which is this giant energy field, a zeropoint field that connects everything like an invisible web. And so if we think of it that way, we can see that we’re really just a little part of the whole.
Lotus Guide: The Dalai Lama brought something up a few years ago when he asked if changing our thoughts and beliefs could physiologically change the physical structure of our brains. I think there’s enough evidence now indicating that we do. What do you think the implications of this are in regard to our consciousness? Lynne McTaggart: Well, the Dalai Lama was right. It demonstrates that the brain is a servant of our thoughts; it was some of his disciples who were tested by the University of Wisconsin’s Richard Davidson, who looked at experienced meditators to see if anything was different about their brains and found that over time their brains were lighting up the happiness portion of their brains. And the structure of their brains had become larger, according to other studies. There’s a lot of evidence demonstrating that we are transmitting and receiving little particles of light in every moment, what they call the biophoton emission.
Lotus Guide: Well, this is a good segue for the next question then. It seems obvious to a lot of people on this planet that we are on the verge of taking a leap forward in our evolution in the area of spiritual consciousness. What are your thoughts on this? Lynne McTaggart: I think that’s very true. Science is leading us there, in a sense. They’re leading us to a final realization, through validation, of what spiritual masters have known for centuries. That we are a lot more than we seem, that we are all part of a whole, that we have far greater extended potential than we make use of or understand. For many centuries now, we’ve been told the Newtonian story, that things are separate and we don’t have any effect on “things.” This new evidence that quantum physics is giving us demonstrates that we are all connected, what many native and Eastern cultures have been saying for centuries.
Lotus Guide: So what do you hope to accomplish with the intention experiment? Lynne McTaggart: One is to always target philanthropic targets and say, “Okay, how far can we take intention? Can we stop a train with our thoughts, in its tracks? And does more than one mind have a bigger effect than a mind sending out an intention individually?” I want to direct a lot of attention toward this important consciousness research. Through providing scientific evidence I hope to help create a paradigm shift that would show that we have, at best, a limited view of our world.
Lotus Guide: What struck me while reading your book was your intellectual honesty to go into this courageously, and not really know if it’s going to even work. And having the courage to step out there and give it a try and ask the difficult questions. Lynne McTaggart: Well, as I say in the book, it’s important to be able to simply ask the questions. Every single advance in science comes about because of courage to ask a question, an outrageous question. Like “Can a large heavy metal object fly if it goes fast enough with the right design?” People’s worldviews are changed when they see that something unbelievable is possible. Airplane flight is now taken for granted. And so all wonderful advances start with an outrageous question.
Lotus Guide: So what is your outrageous question? Lynne McTaggart: “Can thoughts change the world?” And if it’s true, the answer will change everything.
Lotus Guide: So tell me, what is it that’s driving you? What is it that’s supplying the passion behind what you are doing on a personal level? Lynne McTaggart: On a personal level, I love this subject, and I really got excited while asking my own outrageous questions a number of years ago when I started working on my book The Field. I was trying to work out why energy and spiritual healing works and went on a journey of discovery talking to physicists and scientists all over the world. But I guess what drives me is that there’s a lot of talk about intention, it’s a big buzzword now, and I wanted to really look at it scientifically and ask, “What is intention, and are there certain conditions that will make it work better than others?” And I also wanted to look at intention masters and what makes their intention work better than others. By looking at this scientifically we can learn what it is and how to make it work in our lives.
Lotus Guide: I have one more question that I like to ask people. If you had a magic microphone allowing you to speak to everyone on the planet and you knew that whatever it was that you would say would be understood and it would have a profound effect, and you only had 30 seconds, what would you say? Lynne McTaggart: What a great question. Okay, I think I would say the evidence demonstrates now that thoughts are not the private sort of musings of an individual mind—that our thoughts have an effect on the world around us. We are constantly receiving and transmitting at every moment and this has enormous implications for everyone and everything. We need to realize that we are observers and creators, and in every moment that we are observing our world, we’re constantly remaking it at every instant, and that we have to understand too that every last thought we have, every judgment we hold, is having an effect whether it’s conscious or not. So of course the most important thing of all is to be aware of what we are thinking and to realize it has an effect on the world around us.
Colin Pang Yap Vanessa Ern Nee Xit Zheng Timmy Fiona Phyllis Jonathan Agnes Raymond Sophina Xi Ning Rui Qi Shabbar PY Eunice Ellis Rray Chi Yu Hanyi Dan Hui Shan
Websites: Survey: 24 Respondents ( refer to ‘Survey Booklet’, Survey One )
Rebecca Cecilia Yip University of the West of England Department of Creative Industries BA (Hons) Graphic Design Class 2014