Snapple Marketing Campaign NSAC 2015

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Table of Contents Executive Summary Campaign Goals Brand Analysis Research Competitor Analysis Target Audience SWOT Analysis Research Summary & Key Insights The Big Idea Print Ads Commercial Spots Media Strategy Media Promotions In-Store Promotions Out-of-Home Promotions Public Relations & Sponsorships Media Buy Plan Budget Summary Evaluations & Impressions Sources 1

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY With a million things vying for our attention at any given time, finding the time to slow down and appreciate the small things is harder than ever. We’re constantly fretting over how our lives are perceived via social media — or deciding whether we want the non-fat, foam-free, light-whip, caramel machiatto latte cappuccino over the iced, one-shot, sugar-free, skim milk, chai tea latte. So finding someone who truly is themselves and doesn’t take life too seriously is like finding a rare gem. Founded in 1972, Snapple has a long history of bringing unexpected delights to people’s days — whether it be from coming out with a crazy new flavor, combining education and hydration with the cap facts, or launching a witty new commercial ad. These unexpected delights are what makes Snapple “Snapply.” Uniquely characterized by wit, quirk, and charm, Snapple has found its way into the hearts (and stomachs) of many. Although Snapple is on shelves nationwide, the brand has a sweet spot for its birthplace, New York City. With an especially strong presence in their Heartland, they’re ready to increase their presence across the country.


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Increase number of purchases in the “Heartland” Drive purchases throughout the U.S.A. Build brand awareness Engage consumers with shareable and interactive experiences


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Wendy #tbt

Alien Abducti on Snapple Half-n-Half

From the enlightening moment of reading the “Real Facts,” to the instant refreshment from the great-tasting flavor combinations (made from the Best Stuff on Earth), the Snapple experience can brighten your day with the pop of a cap — whether you’re in the Big Apple or Small Town, USA. With a long history of inventive flavors, quirky advertisements and great-tasting beverages, Snapple has built a strong and passionate consumer base. Snapple’s delightful and fun brand-personality gives them a unique voice in a crowded marketplace, giving them the ability to capture the hearts of consumers. Through its products and branding, Snapple seeks to make the world we live in more engaging and delightful.


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5 313 86 Focus Groups

With a combination of surveys, interviews, and focus groups, we set out to uncover the brand perception of Snapple. Our research objectives included finding out what makes Snapple “Snapple” in the eyes of consumers, why they do or don’t like Snapple, and how we can make Snapple relevant to consumers.


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Health Benefits


Flavor Variety

Fact Caps

Glass Bottles


Taste According to our respondents, these are the three most important factors when purchasing a beverage. Brand reputation was a close fourth.

“What do you most associate with Snapple?”

S P L I Td wI hNethHerAoLr Fno!t they perceived Sn5a0p%ple

nts, only When aske some ingredie le o h w h it w e d to be ma said “yes.”

56% of respondents prefer water over any other beverage because they don’t want to drink their calories..


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RESEARCH Very unconcerned (4%) Unconcerned (8%) Mildly concerned (37%)

Mildly unconcerned (8%) How concerned are you with Ingredients when choosing a beverage?

Very concerned (20%)

Concerned (23%)

“I never think of Snapple.” lost lly ta to y he T ... ol co so be to ed us y he “T themselves.” “Snapple used to have the strangest .” it r be em m re ill st I t bu g, in is rt ve ad s ad y an ng ei se er ev r be em m re t n’ do “Oh yeah, I for Snapple.”

No (40%)

Do you drink Snapple?

Yes (15%)

Sometimes (45%)

at t en om m eth of ur sp it ab gr st ju lly “I usua a gas station or something.” 6

Arizona Since 1971, Arizona has been a dominate player in the tea industry with its signature $.99 line of drinks. Arizona has developed its brand into a household name with 44 different flavors, including popular drinks named after Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, and Shaquille O’neal. Its various drinks appeal to several different niche markets, and have been able to capture a large and loyal following.

Lipton Being one of the oldest competitors in the market, Lipton has established a reputable brand that is sold in more than 150 countries worldwide. It is known for its packaged tea, but has a large line of products such as Keurig cups and flavor mixes. Lipton’s bright color and packaging make it a recognizable brand, along with its large social media presence.

Brisk Brisk features a large product line, clever marketing campaigns, and popular social media pages. Its work with theatrical releases and famous celebrities have tied together a number of memorable campaigns that make Brisk a major competitor in the market. Although it is not known as a healthy tea drink, it still has popular flavors that consumers know and love.

Gold Peak The youngest of the competitors, Gold Peak has been able to climb its way to a 9% share in the Tea Market. Gold Peak’s brand positioning is aimed to provide the comforts of home with your first sip of its ready-todrink iced tea. It offers a line of ready-to-drink iced tea flavors and has a coffee brand as well. Gold Peak is offered in bottles and tea towers in convenient stores, supermarkets, and restaurants.


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TARGET AUDIENCE The ideal target audience are those who identify with Snapple’s core brand personality traits — inventive, playful, cultural and quirky. Capturing the essence of Snapple’s past success through its more fun and quirky advertising, we want to hone in on the idea of appealing to consumers who never quite lost the little kid in them — always taking a little bit of fun and imagination with them anywhere they go. Over the past several years, there has been a shift in consumers preferences towards “healthier” brands. However, “healthy” doesn’t necessarily mean “sugar-free” or “fat-free,” but rather “organic” or “GMO-free.” While the large amount of sugar in Snapple may not be a deterrent on its own, many consumers don’t see Snapple as a healthy, all-natural beverage, but rather as a sugary and artificial treat.. As consumers begin to veer away from artificially filled big-name brands, they are becoming receptive to lesser-known, more authentic brands that “get them” (bonus points if they provide a shareable experience). Because of this, it’s important to focus on providing authenticity and a unique experience — two things Snapple can most definitely offer.


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• • • • • •

Quirky (brand voice) Tradition (first bottled tea brand) Variety (tea and juices, multiple flavors) Inclusive branding Real, fun facts (unique experience) Mostly natural ingredients

Weaknesses • • • • • •

Glass bottles Primary focus on “Heartland” area High sugar content Lack of unique social media content No targeting of niche markets Image does not align with health-food movement



• Increasing popularity of tea beverages • Declining competitor sales • Expansion into national market

• Competitors have strong niche markets • Healthier preferences in consumers • Competitor pricing and packaging is more preferable to consumers • Competitor’s distribution partnerships (Coca-Cola and PepsiCo) • Development of new competition


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RESEARCH SUMMARY/ KEY INSIGHTS Currently, Snapple positions itself as an all-natural beverage, trying to align with the traditional health benefits of tea. However, “health-nut” or not, consumers don’t perceive Snapple as a much better alternative to soda. Even though this audience sees Snapple as a sugary and not-healthy drink, we found that this is not necessarily a bad thing. Our audience still treats themselves to sugary foods and drinks. So instead of positioning Snapple as an alternative to soda or altering Snapple’s formula to make it less sugary, Snapple should be positioned as a fun treat. Other sugar-filled products, like Coca-Cola, Monster, and even Snapple’s competitors, have benefited from building their brands and developing relationships with consumers through heavy promotions, sponsorships, and advertising.


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THE BIG IDEA As we sifted through our research and familiarized ourselves with the Snapple brand, we sought to find the “human truth” that could take Snapple to the next level. From our research, we found that potential consumers are often conflicted when purchasing Snapple, as they know it’s filled with sugar, but also know that it is filled with all-natural ingredients, a.k.a. the “Best Stuff on Earth.” We also know that Snapple captured the hearts of many in the 90’s and early 2000’s with its quirky branding and exciting flavors. Snapple was a brand that emphasized the small things, embracing your quirks and never taking yourself too seriously. Rather than trying to align Snapple with the trending health-food movement, we think Snapple will be most successful re-establishing itself as a pop culture icon by re-emphasizing the quirky brand personality that originally brought Snapple to life. To re-emphasize these branding pillars, we want to encourage consumers to “live a little.” Bringing back Snapple’s awkward-yet-relatable humor, we want to tell consumers to bring a little fun everywhere they go — whether you’re the only one bustin’ it on the dance floor, the go-to fun-spreader at the office, or the jovial grandma that never quite lost the little kid in her. “Live a Little” encourages consumers to slow down and enjoy the small things, and to not take yourself too seriously. Snapple wants you to just Live a Little.


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Live a little. Instead of showcasing the product, we want our creative campaign elements to capture the little joys of everyday life, pay a tribute to Snapple’s history of fun and quirky ads, and celebrate those who never quite lost the kid in them. To do this, we capture a variety of fun and memorable moments by showing people of all ages having fun and not taking themselves too seriously. These ads will be placed in a variety of magazines that target various segments of our target audience.


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Live a little.

Live a little. 13

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COMMERCIAL SPOTS As a continuation to our print ads, our commercial ads are short, sweet and aim to capture fun and memorable moments that will create an emotional connection with consumers. With a series of multiple 15-second video ads showing multiple “Live a little” moments, these ads are fit to be placed on YouTube, Instagram and on various television channels.

Scene opens with a bored, quiet office of cubicles.

A man leans back in his chair and peeks over at his cute co-worker.

He crouches next to his co-workers’ cubicle and the nerf gun war begins.

The man opens his desk drawer, revealing where he stores his nerf gun.

The last seconds depict how the energy in the office shifted from drab to playful. Fades into logo.


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MEDIA STRATEGY To create a cohesive campaign, our media plan continues to capture the essence of “Live a little” — while also placing ads in high-traffic, impressionable areas. From fun, exciting out-of-home media to heavy digital promotion, we want Snapple to be seen, and we want Snapple to be remembered. One of our main goals is to engage consumers by creating shareable and interactive experiences through social media and out-of-home ads. To do this, we developed a number of unique out-ofhome experiences and interactive social media campaigns to build relationships and provide a fun experience for consumers. In addition to these outof-home experiences and social media campaigns, we also place Snapple at some of the most highly attended events in the country. Another campaign goal of ours is to build brand awareness for Snapple. To do this, we believe building Snapple’s presence in the digital media space is the ideal way to deliver measurable impressions and gauge interactions. A combination of experimenting with up-and-coming media and technology — with placing ads in well-known and affordable, high-traffic places — gives our media plan fresh and unique blend of advertising placements.

! le p p a n S h t i w s y a d i l o h e h t e t a r b Cele ensive h re p m o c r u o f o rt a are p s Special edition bottlemedia plan.


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MEDIA PROMOTIONS Spotify Continuing with the “Live a little” message, we want to create a custom, Snapple-sponsored playlist featuring a fun, mood-boosting, and eclectic mix of songs. Netflix Capitalizing on the use of strategic product placement, we want to place Snapple in popular Netflix Original shows, “Fuller House” and “Master of None.” We feel that these shows best resonate with our core target audience. Snapchat With a 24-hour sponsored Snapchat filter, we will create a shareable interaction with the Snapple brand and gain a large amount of impressions on a high-traffic social media platform.

Click thetake picture toiz! the qu

BuzzFeed Broadening Snapple’s current BuzzFeed strategy to target a national audience, creating a BuzzFeed quiz “Which Snapple Flavor Are You?” Is a fun way to showcase Snapple’s large variety of flavors and create a connection with consumers.


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IN-STORE PROMOTIONS Pick 6 The “pick 6” media promotion is a combination of a public relations promotion and in-store promotion. Snapple will host a contest involving elementary schools nationwide, inviting them to submit drawings of their “best day ever.” Winning drawings will be placed on the side of a “make-your-own-6-pack” packaging that will be placed in stores. The schools of the top 10 winners will receive a $10,000 scholarship for their school art programs, emphasizing Snapple’s value on creativity. This tactic also encourages the consumer to purchase a variety of flavors.

Snapple Cap Hopscotch To activate purchases and intrigue potential consumers, we want to place a fun and playful in-store advertisement in grocery distributors leading to the Snapple section of the aisle.

Gas Pumps In our research, we found that Snapple is often a spur-of-the-moment purchase for many consumers. To hone in on this and drive in-store purchases, we want to put Snapple at front-of-mind for consumers by placing their logo on gas pumps. Speedy Rewards (geo-fencing) Experimenting with a newer technology, we want to create a partnership with Speedway to create a Speedy Rewards promotion. We will encourage consumers to purchase a Snapple with coupon promotions via push message once they enter the premise of various Speedway locations nationwide.


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Manhole covers Specifically targeting the Heartland, we want to cover manholes across the city with a variety of fun facts on Snapple caps to keep Snapple at top-of-mind for Heartland consumers.

Parachutes Another tactic specific to the Heartland, we want to bring a little bit of fun to one of the most high-stress areas in the world: Wall Street. By dropping “care packages” via parachute along the Wall Street district, we hope that a little bit of Snapple will brighten Wall Street workers’ days. Airports Similar to our hopscotch placement, we want to bring out the sense of adventure and playfulness in consumers in an otherwise fast-paced, busy and stressful setting. To do this, we will place a variety of playground equipment around the airport to target adults. 19

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Earth Day As a brand that values being made from the “Best Stuff on Earth,” we want Snapple to take part in celebrating “Earth Day.” We will encourage Snapple employees to wear Earth Day t-shirts and participate in a clean-up of Central Park. This will be a great opportunity to build a positive brand image and share the experience via social media.

”Live a little more” project To celebrate “Snapply” people around the country, we want to host a social media contest for consumers to share how “Snapply” they are. We will encourage social media followers to share a goal they have that aligns with Snapple’s values, and the winners will receive $10,000 to help them reach these goals. The hashtag #LiveALittle and a mention of @Snapple will enter participants into the campaign, and the contest will be an opportunity to show creativity, playfulness, and personality.

Lollapalooza/Coachella/Ultra We want to create an authentic brand experience by placing Snapple at three of the largest music festivals across the country. To gain exposure, we recommend that Snapple act as a primary sponsor to each event by sponsoring a stage and providing refreshments at each.


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SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY To build Snapple’s brand, we recommend that an increase in Snapple’s social media presence by capitalizing on static social media trends, crafting “shareable” posts (humorous and relatable), and actively responding to social media conversations and mentions of Snapple.


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MEDIA CALENDAR January The CAPaign: Inauguration Jan 20, 2017

Feb ru ary

Launch The Live a Little More Project Netflix, Fuller House Season 2

M ay

y (5/4) Star Wars Da Social Media ole Snapple Manh ut of home O : Covers - NYC ed Playlist Spotify Brand

September BuzzFeed Quiz Start of Gas Station Takeover: Out of home and Geo-Fencing

June Ice Tea Day Social Media Gay Pride Festivals: CHI: June 18-19 ORL: June 3-5 SF: June 25-26


March Pie Day, Social Media Ultra Music Festival Miami, Sponsorship

July Fourth of July Digital Short Snapple Care Package NYC: Out of Home


Special Limited Time Promotion-

Thanksgiving Social Media

Halloween Flavors and Packaging

Black Friday Deals and Placement Netflix - Master of None Season 2

April Release April Fool’s Digital Short Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival Sponsorship

August Chicago’s Lollapallooza Music Festival Sponsorship Football Kickoff Social Media

December Holiday Social Media ” Airport “Live a Little n tio Campaign installa Out of home


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Digital Social Print Internet Out of home Events/sponsor TV

Heavy ing spend Light ing spend


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TBS, Comedy Central, CBS, NBC, FX The Big Bang Theory The Voice Modern Family Little Big Shots

7.25 M

Total Budget:

Lollapalooza Coachella Ultra The CAPaign Snapchat Geofilter Live A Little More Project Pick 6 Media Promotion Earth Day


Internet • SEO/Analytics

• • • • • • • •

Netflix Facebook Twitter Instagram Snapchat Buzzfeed Spotify YouTube

Print Media


Events & Sponsorships • • • • • • • •


Digital & Social Media

• • • •

US Weekly TV Guide GQ Complex

2M 11.5M




• Parachute Care Package (NYC) • Manhole Snapple Cap Covers (NYC) • Airport Out of Home: Big Slide, Giant • Swingset, Teeter Totter, Snapple Stand • Gas Station Takeover: Pump & station wraps, geofencing, • Busses & Subway wraps


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We will evaluate our campaign through social media engagement, measuring the increase in sales throughout the Heartland and non-Heartland, and monitoring shared experiences with the Snapple Brand. Quantitative: • Track Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and Spotify engagement through number of likes, followers, and shares. • Monitor website traffic, in-store activation methods, as well as the overall increase of sales throughout the nation. • Determine ROI of commercial, print ads, digital and social media, as well as the out of home tactics through the number of impressions and views. Qualitative: • Observe and interact with customer reviews and comments on all social media platforms. • Media buzz around ads, playlists, and out of home efforts. • Assess the quality of unique impressions of each of the out of home efforts.

ESTIMATED IMPRESSIONS Out-of-Home Estimated • Airport Ideas: • Chicago O’Hare International Airport 66,561,023 passengers • John F. Kennedy International Airport 47,683,529 passengers • San Francisco International Airport 40,907,389 passengers • Miami International Airport 38,314,389 passengers • Cap covers on manholes: 150,000 • Gas Pump Nozzles: 30,000 • Bus Wraps: 100,000 • Subways: 100,000 • Parachute Idea: 150,000

Netflix - Product Placement • Master of None - 3.9 million average viewers • Fuller House - 5.5 million viewers on the premiere Events and Sponsorships ~ • Lollapalooza - 300,000 people in 2015 • Coachella - 198,000 people in 2015 • Ultra - 170,000 people in 2016 Television ~ • TBS: 50M viewers a week • Big Bang Theory - 24.43 million people (including VOD and DVR) • The Voice - 12 million live viewers • Modern Family - 11.42 million viewers • Little Big Shots - 14.8 million viewers

Magazine Impressions ~ • US Weekly - Fall 2015 Circulation: 12,452,000 people • TV Guide - 2015 Circulation: 1,731,188 people • GQ - 2015 Circulation: 7,000,000 people • Complex - 2015 Circulation: 60,000,000 people Social Media Impressions ~ • Facebook - 3,465,753 likes ~ 25M impressions •Twitter - 94.7K followers ~ 10M impressions • Instagram - 10.6K followers ~ 5M impressions • Snapchat - 150 million (for a one day large event) • Buzzfeed - 50K -- Buzzfeed’s Tasty has a following on Facebook of 30 million people *possible of sharing articles from BuzzFeed to FB fan page* • Spotify - 40 million number of users ~ 20,000 impressions


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