Peckish Magazine Media Pack
Peckish is a magazine designed for students all over the UK. This magazine will be featured in the welcome packs that you receve in your halls of residents when you first arrive. Being a student I know all about getting settled into university life. I hated that fact I wasn’t able to have mum’s home cooking for a while and I had to fend for myself. Well this magazine is here to help guide you through quick easy and most importantly cheap meals that will set you up for life!
You can’t buy our magazine in the shops so the only type of income we can get will be through advertisments. Students will receve there cope of Peckish magazine inside the welcome pack at every halls of residents at the beggining of september when the students start univeristy life. This magazine is all about the fun factor, cooking shouldn’t looked at as boring. There is no other satisfaction life it when you have slaved over the cooker for hours creating a delicious meal. It’s also a skill that is key for living, we all have to know how to cook at some point in our lives.
Circulation 1 million Yearly issues in student welcome packs Over 130 Halls of residents in the UK
109 Universities in the UK Over 1,000,000 student in the UK