The Art of Razia's Shadow

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- Razia’s Shadow 1 ‘s

The art in this book is dedicated to my parents, who have supported me in every way possible.

The Art of

TABLE OF CONTENTS Illustrated by Rebecca McConnell

4 Razia’s Shadow - Table of Contents Table of Contents

Introduction…….........………………....……………………………………5 O the Scientist…………...........………....……..…………………………….6 Ahrima………………….......……..……....………………………………….8 Nidria……………………….........………....………….……………………10 Ahrima Model Sheet……………..............…....……………………………12 Creation of the Lamps………………….........................…………………...14 Barayas the Spider………………….……………......…...............………….16 Toba the Tura………………………...……………….....………...........…..18 Ahrima’s Banishment……….....………………………......….….................20 Gargul the Oracle………………………………….................……………..22 The Divided Lands……………………………………….................………24 Adakias…………………………………………………..……...…….....….26 Sangara the Butler…………………………………….............….....……….28 Pallis…………………………………………………..………....…....……..30 Princess Anhura……………………………………………..…............…...32 Princess Anhura Model Sheet………………………………....................…34 King Malka……………………………………………...……...………......36 Meeting the King…………………………....…………………..……….....38 The Bawaba Brothers……………………….......………………...……........40 Doctor Dumaya…………………………………..………………...……....42 Doctor Dumaya’s Medicine Hut………………………………...............…44 Pallis Attacks……………………………………………………………......46 The Final Scene………………………………………………………...…...48 Works Cited............................……………………………………….............50

Introduction - Razia’s Shadow 5

The Project Introduction: What is Razia’s Shadow? Razia’s Shadow is the title of an indie rock musical album, performed by Forgive Durden, that retells a classic myth from start to end purely through music. It comes in two acts, the first of which begins with the creation of the world and ends with the fall of the world, which splits the world into a “dark” and “light” half. The second act takes place hundreds of years later and details the redemption of the world. This project, is to bring the characters and environments to life, as though this story was going to be brought from the musical realm to the visual realm, specifically in the form of an animated film. This book contains the story, and the visual development process.

How to read this book The orange text, if read from start to finish will tell you the story of Razia’s Shadow, and the orange italics are direct quotes from the songs. The black text will tell you facts about the characters and the visual development process.

6 Razia’s Shadow - O the Scientist

O The Scientist Creator of Razia Origin: Talents: Personality:

Supernatural Creator Can create something from nothing with his Science

Busy, and creative, but unconcerned with his creation. He is as quiet as he is mysterious and doesn’t bow to his angel’s politics

Act 1: Genesis

Our story begins with the O the Scientist, our curious and crafty Creator, who uses his Science to bring forth the world with the help of his angels. Together they sew the world together along with the help of O’s science. O, while creating the world, is constantly pestered by Ahrima, one of his more talented angels. But O was always too busy creating the world to be much bothered by what was going on in it. In response to Ahrima’s pestering, O would say “…………………………………………….”

O the Scientist - Razia’s Shadow 7

Early designs featured O with a “lion’s mane” of dead plant material. Although this was interesting, it felt a little too “mad witch doctor” rather than mystericous scientific creator.

Although O can stand (or float), he usually prefers to sit on his little table when working. It’s not that he feels above anyone, it’s just that it helps him to concentrate.

8 Razia’s Shadow - Ahrima

Ahrima The Prideful Angel Origin:


Personality: Role:

Supernatural Angel Extremely gifted creator Prideful and conceited, insecure and needy Responsible for the burning of the created world, and the division of the two lands.

The gifted angel Ahrima, is a talented kid, who despite thinking he is superior, truly feels rather insecure. He craves the validation of his peers, and believes that his talents and gifts are being underutilized and indeed misused. The only one who seems to understand his woe is Nidria, another gifted angel. Ahrima demanded that O recognize his talents, that he be given something more appropriate. O just smiles at his request, but pays him no mind. Ahrima becomes angrier and angrier that no one is paying him heed, and begins to feel lonely.

Ahrima’s facial features had to look like Pallis and Ahrima, due to relation, but also had to stand out on his own. A halo was originally used to indicate a supernatural origin, but it was ditched for something more unique: antlers to indicate a oneness with nature and lend a “crown” feel.

Ahrima - Razia’s Shadow 9

An Original Angel

Ahrima’s design went through the most designs before actually coming to a final design. His costume had to indicate angelic, without being cliche. He had to retain a supernatural feel that one gets from a creation mythology, and therefore his costume had to allude to a “primitive” feel. The song “Genesis” (Forgive Durden) details the creation of the world and introduces his character uses the metaphor of sewing and ink slinging to describe the world being put together. Based off of that, Ahrima sports an ink-stained angelic toga that is roughly sewn together.

10 Razia’s Shadow - Nidria

Nidria The Supportive Lover

Origin: Supernatural Angel Personality: Loving, caring, and supportive Role:

Falls madly in love with Ahrima, and encourages him to be patient

Nidria, however, continues to believe in Ahrima’s talent, telling him that his destiny was to lead the world to greater things. The pair soon fall in love, and she works to soothe his bruised ego.

“Don’t you worry, boy, it’s a waste of time. Place your hand on mine, untie your mind! We’ll just float away, into the day. You’re not the only one... who thinks they’re falling in love! You must be patient. They will realize what I see inside. You were meant to lead this world To greater things!” It’s your destiny!” - Nidria, “The Missing Piece” (Forgive Durden)

Nidria’s face had to outstep the generic princess or love interest look. A couple of other versions included a wider jaw for her, and strings in her hair to represent the strings of creation.

Nidria - Razia’s Shadow 11

Nidria the Seamstress

Since Nidria is also an angel her dress bears resemblance to Ahrima’s design. The metaphor of ink as a medium for creation is touched upon in Ahrima’s design, which left Nidria open for designs based off of the metaphor of “sewing” the world together. I cast her as a seamstress, a connoisseur of fabrics. The fabric that cascades off of her shoulders alludes to an angelic wing silhouette. Originally Nidria was a trendy fashionista, sporting high-waisted pants, however the fashion was too modern for a beginning of the world type feel.

12 Razia’s Shadow - Ahrima

Model Sheet- Ahrima

Ahrima - Razia’s Shadow 13 Ahrima and Nidria fall in love, and spurred by Nidria’s encouragement, he creates the Lamps as a monument to his love for Nidria. And although the Lamps are quite beautiful, Ahrima still does not receive the praise he wanted from O, and, as he sees it, his talent goes wrongfully unrecognized. Feeling as though no one understands, he goes to sulk in the darkness. “Could this be the day I’ve waited for, when all my hard work doesn’t go ignored?” -Ahrima, “Life is Looking Up” (Forgive Durden)

14 Razia’s Shadow ‘s

- Razia’s Shadow 15 ‘s

16 Razia’s Shadow - Barayas

As Ahrima is sulking, a malicious spider named Barayas climbs on to his shoulder. Barayas’ slick words seduce Ahrima and he agrees to tear down the lamps he created. Consumed with anger and hurt pride, Ahrima tears the lamps down which ignites all the hard work of the other angels, and as a result burns most of creation.

“So you’re Ahrima, Nice to finally meetcha. Heard so much about you, And I hope it’s all true. I saw what they did…. You have a special gift, But they still treat you like you’re a kid! It must hurt so bad, With a knife in your back…. They don’t understand! This is their last chance. No more idle hands, You’ll destroy the lamps! Then they’ll know… Who’s in control!” -Barayas, “The Spider And The Lamps” (Forgive Durden)

Barayas the Spider Malicious Trickster Origin: Supernatural Trickster Talents: Sneaking and being Evil Role: Tricks Ahrima into burning down creation Size: Very tiny, but still full of evil

Barayas - Razia’s Shadow 17 Barayas the Dapper Gentlespider?

Barayas, for his deceiving nature, needed to appear as something other than malicious and dirty, or else Ahrima would have never been persuaded to tear the lamps down. Hence the monocle was chosen to give him the appearance of being sophisticated and informed, when he reality he is only around to deceive. Barayas’ waistcoat was ditched in favor of letting his back patterns show. His markings are an abstraction of a tree and apple; a nod to his connection to the archetypal character of the snake from the Adam and Eve story.

18 Razia’s Shadow - Toba the Tura

Toba the Tura The Banishing Archangel Origin: Supernatural Banishing Angel Personality: Powerful, sympathetic, but unforgiving Role: Draws a line in the ground using his lava tree to

separate Ahrima from the rest of the angels

Toba the Tura- Razia’s Shadow 19

For burning down creation, Ahrima is banished to the darkness by Toba the Tura. Toba the Tura, sent by O, laments what he is doing, but insists it must done. And so, as a punishment, and in an effort to save what was left of their creation, a huge brick wall is constructed between Ahrima and O and the other angels. This wall separates the Dark Land, full of the scorched remains, and Light Land, which contains the unburned creation. “So you’re Ahrima, Collusive dreamer. I watched the lamps fall, You pushed them over. They say you’re gifted, Well, I just see a scared kid. They must have flipped it, Your skills are latent. You had a life of privilege, hope and love But now that’s all gone, maybe the design’s flawed So that’s why I’m here to preserve the remainder Of what chance we have left at an existence” -Toba the Tura, “Toba the Tura” (Forgive Durden)

20 Razia’s Shadow ‘s

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22 Razia’s Shadow - Gargul the Oracle

GargulHopefulthe Oracle Prophet Origin: Supernatural soothsayer Personality: Mysterious Talents: Summons an owl smoke spirit that speaks in his stead


Predicts that the divided lands will be brought together by a couple, a couple who exhibits true love But not all hope for these two lands is lost. After Ahrima’s fall, Gargul the Oracle foretells that a couple whose love is strongest will help to reunite the light and darkness. “What a tragic mess You fools have made of this!” The souls filled with vacancy! You’ve spoiled all the crops and seed. This was a birth, a gift. You daftly wasted it. The dust and dirt will stain your fists. You can’t escape your own skin. So please take heed of this prophecy. Lifetimes from now there will be Two chosen, bound to meet. Inside her lock he will turn the key! Their true love will be strong enough to erase all the wrong we’ve done, Return us to where we belong, with the Light and Dark as one.” -Gargul, “The Oracle” (Forgive Durden)

Gargul the Oracle - Razia’s Shadow 23 Other Owls I wanted Gargul to have a supernatural feel that was different

from the other angels. To retain the connection to nature, I decided to associate his character with an owl, to allude to his wisdom and his ability to foretell the future. Originally, Gargul wore a sort of owl hood, but the hood started to feel very witch doctor. The owl component became a smoke spirit, who speaks in Gargul’s stead.

24 Razia’s Shadow ‘s

.... A hundred years pass

- Razia’s Shadow 25 ‘s

26 Razia’s Shadow - Adakias

Adakias The Optimistic Prince Origin: Prince of the Dark Land Personality: Daydreaming, hopeful, peaceful Likes: The tales and myths of creation Role: Descendant of Ahrima who leaves the

Dark Land to fufill the prophecy and bring the two lands together

Act 2: True Love

After a hundred years, most have forgotten the creation of the world and prophecy. At the Royal Palace resides the two princes of the dark land Pallis and Adakias. Adakias despite having grown up in the Dark Land, feels disillusioned with all that is around him and does not feel like he is home, the opposite of how he should feel. Adakias, unlike his brother, takes hope in the old myths and the prophecy, and believes that his destiny might be to fulfil it. “Look at that which surrounds me I’m supposed to call this home. The dark has become so overwhelming So why don’t I just go....” - Adakias, “The Exit” (Forgive Durden)

Adakias- Razia’s Shadow 27

A Volcanic Culture The Dark Land is covered by a constant cloud of volcanic smoke.

Because of that everything is eternally sooty and obsidian is plentiful. Adakias’ crown is made of warm colored glass and obsidian rocks crudely fashioned together, and obsidian jewlery is one of the Dark Land’s few arts. Occasionally, volcanic soot is used to draw patterns and make temporary artful marks on the arms.

28 Razia’s Shadow - Sangara the Butler

Sangara the Butler The Disparaging Guardian Origin: The Dark Land Personality: Disdainful, uptight, loyal Likes: The Dark Land, and those who are loyal to it Role: Puts down Adakias for not being like his brother

Sangara the Butler - Razia’s Shadow 29 Because Ahrima does not live up to the example of his older brother Pallis, he is often chastised by his butler, Sangara. “Why can’t you just be more like your brother? Together you would rule the throne, Evil and darkness would grow, This kingdom needs you!” -Sangara, “The Exit” (Forgive Durden)

Dusty Butler Although Sangara had many good alternate designs, none of them seemed to fit in with the Dark Land culture. He surely looked sophisticated as a butler should, but as the Dark Land is a rather dirty place, he looked altogether too cleanly. A rougher look was chosen, but with a rope tie to dress it up.

30 Razia’s Shadow - Pallis

Pallis The Dark Prince

Origin: Prince of the Dark Land Relations: Older brother of Adakias, and descendant of Ahrima Dislikes: The Light Land and anyone from it Likes: The Darkness and badgering his younger brother However, Adakias felt his destiny might be to fulfill the prophecy and decides to leave the Dark Land and journey to the Land of Light. Adakias bade his brother a farewell.... “Don’t you ever dream of some place better When the light shines brighter? Don’t you ever feel like you’ve been destined For something bigger than your skin? I think I’ll just go…” - Adakias, “The Exit” (Forgive Durden) But before he leaves his brother Pallis gives him an ominous warning. “You are so foolish! The dark has been your home. If you elope, I’ll hunt you, Through suffering you’ll atone!” -Pallis, “The Exit” (Forgive Durden) However, Adakias decides to leave anyway.

Pallis - Razia’s Shadow 31

A Darker Prince

The same problem with Sangara came up with Pallis’ design. He had to seem “princely” without being too modern or refined. A couple designs that had a more european bent seemed too “Prince Charming” rather than Dark Prince. I ended up matching Pallis’ outfit to Adakias’ , the main difference between the two being Pallis’ harsher crown, which is studded with teeth.

32 Razia’s Shadow - Princess Anhura

Princess Anhura The Daydreaming Princess Origin: Princess of the Light Land Relations: Daughter of King Malka, and descendant of Nidria Personality: Hopeful and happy, daydreaming and a misfit Likes: Adakias, and the old myths and tales In the Light Land, Adakias meets the Princess Anhura. Anhura like Adakias feels out of place as Princess of the Light Land. Also like Adakias, Anhura ascribes to the old legends and believes in the prophecy. The two souls meet, and soon they fall in love.

Over 70 dress silhouettes were done even before the sketching stage.

Princess Anhura - Razia’s Shadow 33 Dress designs from Bali The Light Land is a beautiful, sunny and tropical paradise. Since the land of

Razia is complete surrounded by water, I looked to the Polynesian nation of Bali, for inspiration. Balinese love of color and patterns, as well as their style of dress was a huge influence on Anhura’s princess garb. The facial features of the Balinese people also influenced the look of Anhura. Even her crown is inspired by Balinese royalty.

34 Razia’s Shadow - Princess Anhura

Model Sheet- Princess Anhura

Princess Anhura - Razia’s Shadow 35

As soon as Anhura meets Adakias, she feels drawn to him. Almost as if there was some sort of destiny for both of them.... “I can’t slow down, I’m scared, I’m falling too fast Adakias, can’t you see that I knew at first kiss? We were meant to be!” - Anhura, “It’s True Love” (Forgive Durden) Though they are falling in love, Adakias decides not to reveal to Anhura who he truly is. “Is it too good to be true? I can’t let her learn about my past. If she found out where I came from She’d turn so fast!” -Adakias, “It’s True Love” (Forgive Durden)

36 Razia’s Shadow - King Malka

A Grumpy King King Malka is an archetypal grumpy and overly protective father. This was all too easy to mix with an typical grumpy king figure, which actually made his design more difficult to resolve as unique. He went through a couple of “european” phases, but eventually I came to a version closer to Balinese royalty, so that he would more closely resemble Princess Anhura’s design. A couple of circular logos, seen below, were also part of possible designs.

King Malka - Razia’s Shadow 37

King Malka The Suspicious Father

Origin: Relations: Role:


King of the Light Land The father of Princess Anhura He forbids the marriage of Adakias and Anhura, sensing Adakias’ inherent darkness Anyone from the Dark Land

Head over heels in love, the pair decides to marry, and go to seek approval from Anhura’s father King Malka. However King Malka does not take to Adakias at all, as he senses a “darkness” in Adakias. Worried that Adakias might be trying to take advantage of Anhura’s royal status, he forbids Anhura from consorting with Adakias. “Daughter, my dear, please open both your ears. There is something not right here. I can’t place my finger on it, But this young man is filled with darkness! Did you think I’d just sit back and let this slide? I will surely not give up without a fight. ‘Cause I’m the king, It won’t be that easy!” -King Malka, “Meeting the King” (Forgive Durden)

38 Razia’s Shadow -

- Razia’s Shadow 39

40 Razia’s Shadow - The Bawaba Brothers

TheTheBawaba Brothers Myth-telling Longshoremen Origin: Dark Land Sailors Talents: Sailing, and myth-telling without any embellishments Role: Tells Adakias that he is indeed descended from

Ahrima and is meant to fulfil the ancient prophecy

Although heartbroken, they decided to marry in secrecy. But before the pair can wed, Anhura becomes gravely ill. Although Anhura is unaware as to why she is sick, Adakias knows it is because she has spent too much time with him, and his inherent darkness has caused her to fall ill. Desperate for a cure, they make the journey to the Dark Land. On the way they meet the Bawaba Brothers, who are longshoreman that are very familiar with the old myths and the prophecy. “Please take a seat. Let me tell you both a tale of love and hope. It’s a story that you may have heard before, told as mythical lore. But this translation is clear, Unlike the embellishments that have reached your ears. There was a Boy..... who shared your bones, Your eager blood, your affinity for love. He had it all in his hands, and he watched it all turn to sand.” -The Bawaba Brothers, “Holy the Sea” (Forgive Durden) This meeting strengthens Adakias’ resolve to leave the Dark Land after Anhura is cured. They reach their destination, which is Doctor Dumaya’s Medicine Hut.

The Bawaba Brothers - Razia’s Shadow 41

Creepy Captains

From the beginning, I knew I wanted the Bawaba brothers to be one entity. That was easily solved by making them Siamese twins. The only decision was to make them more creature like or humanoid. Since they are citizens of the Dark Land, which did not seem favorable to supernatural creatures, I opted for a creepy crazy shape, yet still humanoid.

42 Razia’s Shadow - Doctor Dumaya

Doctor Dumaya The Untrustworthy Healer

Origin: The Dark Land Occupation: “Doctor” Personality: Off-putting, a little insane, and unpredictable Talents: Healing and making people feel uncomfortable Doctor Dumaya, upon seeing the dismal couple, immediately recognizes Anhura’s illness. Luckily, Doctor Dumaya knows the cure for Anhura’s ailment, but only wants to give it up for a very steep price; her eternal company. “Now I’m sure you’re wonderin’, “What’s in it for me?” Surely I would not perform these miracles for free! I’m not askin’ for a lot! It won’t cost you a dime! I just want the princess here with me ‘till the end of time!” -Doctor Dumaya, “Doctor Doctor: (Frogive Durden) Anhura vehemently resists at first, but knowing that it is the only way she can avoid death from the disease, the couple agrees they must say yes at least for the time being. Delighted, Doctor Dumaya whips up a potion and gives it to Anhura. She drinks it and almost immediately she feels better. She is cured.

Doctor Dumaya - Razia’s Shadow 43

“Doctor” Dumaya

Doctor Dumaya is a slightly insane “doctor,” who habors spiders as pets and has a constant cough. Doctor Dumaya had to have a natural, dirty, and dark feel, as well as getting across the feeling of untrustworthy. Originally sketches were done for more of a staff for him, however the staff gave him a more wise and pure “oracle” feeling, so in the final design it was shortened to more of a club.

44 Razia’s Shadow -

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46 Razia’s Shadow But before they can even celebrate, suddenly Pallis, who has tracked the couples’ every movement, bursts in furious that Adakias dare return to the Dark Land. He is even more infuriated by Adakias’ and Anhura’s love. Pallis, in order to split the couple reveals to Anhura Adakias’ true heritage; he is from the Dark Land, and his presence is causing Anhura’s sickness. But this does not deter the couples’ feelings for each other. Enraged, Pallis lunges at Anhura with dagger, but Adakias jumps in front of the dagger to save the princess.

- Razia’s Shadow 47

Pallis, seeing what he has done, immediately regrets his actions.

“Brother, what have I done? My blade has pierced your side; This was never my intent O God, please stay alive!�

Adakias had one final thing to say:

“Please listen to my last words, Before I fade away, This is my gift to you:

Live for your love everyday…”

Adakias passes away, and in his death manages to unite Anhura and Pallis. In honor of Adakias, the barrier between the two kingdoms is dissolved and the prophecy is fulfilled as the two kingdoms become one.

50 Razia’s Shadow - Works Cited

Works Cited Forgive Durden. Razia’s Shadow. Fueled By Ramen, 2008. CD.

All illustrations © Rebecca McConnell

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