Hogwarts Guide for First Years

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Student Handguide for First Years

Welcome to Hogwarts First Years! This little booklet has been prepared to guide you through your first tremulous days on these hallowed grounds. Please be sure to follow it carefully as it will either help or hinder your future here at Hogwarts. (If it goes too fast just tell it to slow down, it should adjust its pace according to yours.) To those who find it helpful - well done! To those it hinders - my deepest apologies. During the next seven years you will dip your toes or plunge your head into the stream of magical delights that courses through the walls of this institution. What that will that mean for you in the future? Indeed I have no idea, but I envy you the journey. So sally forth into the unknown with brave heart and quivering elbows. And please remember to pick up all candy wrappers when you are done.

Directory Directory...............................................2 Faculty...............................................7, 8 Foreword...............................................1 History of Hogwarts..............................4 Hogsmeade.........................................10 Hogwarts Houses..................................6 Map and grounds..................................3 Rules and Restrictions..........................9 Quidditch.............................................5



Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore Headmaster

The esteemed Headmaster


Hogwarts Castle and Grounds Hogwarts: A History


Note: To see maps of the inside of the castle use the spell “Carto Revelio�

Hogwarts has a proud and illustrious history, being the place of study of many of the greatest wizards in history and indeed of our time. Over a thousand years ago, the four greatest witches and wizards of the age shared a dream, to create a school where young people of the wizarding world could study and be trained in the magical arts they needed to become skilled, fully-trained wizards. These four great wizards each founded one of the Houses of the school that they worked together to form. They have been referred to as 'The Hogwarts Four.'


Quidditch and the Hogwarts Houses


Quidditch, "the sport of warlocks," is the premier sport of the wizarding world and a loved pastime here at Hogwarts. As a first year, you will be given the opportunity to learn to use a broomstick in basic flying with Madame Hooch. After completing such, you are welcome to try out for one of the house quidditch teams. Each year the houses compete fiercely with each other to win the coveted Quidditch cup! If you wish to try out for such team, contact Madame Hooch or talk to your house’s team captain for try out

Gryffindor The Gryffindor house, founded by Godric Gryffindor, prizes loyalty to friends above all else. Godric Gryffindor firmly believed that those who forged great relationships with their friends would be the most successful in life. Gryffindors these days have been known to be a warm and friendly, yet fiery and passionate bunch, following in their founders footsteps. The house animal, the lion, accurately represents their nature and the house colors of red and gold reflect their sometimes fiery passion when it comes to protecting their friends and family.


The Hufflepuff House is known to be the most kind and caring house, but they are also the hardest working. The Hogwarts founder Helga Hufflepuff felt that hard workers were the most deserving of an education. Hufflepuffs today live up to that legacy, as they never hesitate to dive right into their studies. Above that, Hufflepuffs also have a strong sense of justice, and a “no nonsense” attitude. Their down-to-earth attitude and warm nature is reflected in their house animal, the badger, and their colors, yellow and black.


The Slytherin house was founded by Salazar Slytherin. Salazar was known to be a gifted parseltounge, and shrewd to boot. Salazar believed that the pupils most fit to train at Hogwarts were the wizards and witches of pure magical ancestry. Chances are this might describe your ancestry if you were sorted into Slytherin, but you most likely also possess one of the many other qualities that are common in Slytherins: a shrewd, cunning, and ambitious nature, as well as the potential to be great! The cunning of the Slytherins is represented in the house animal; the snake, and the colors are green and silver.


Rowena Ravenclaw was the cleverest of the Hogwarts four, and thus prized cleverness. Because of this, the Ravenclaw house is full of the some brightest, and most naturally talented young witches and wizards available. Along with being the cleverest, Ravenclaws have also been known to march to the beat of a different drummer, having known to be a bit “eccentric.” However, craziness is a sign of genius, and Ravenclaws are unabashed of their off-the-beaten-path ways. They fly above the rest, making their house animal the raven, and colors blue and bronze.


Distinguished Witches and Wizards

argus filch (caretaker)

Prof. Flitwick (Ravenclaw Head)

Hagrid (Groundskeeper)

MAdame hooch (flying)

Prof. McGonagall (Gryffindor Head)

Prof. snape (Slytherin Head)

Prof. sprout (Hufflepuff head)

Albus Dumbledore Headmaster


Prof. Moody (D.a.d.a)

Madame pince (Librarian)

MAdame pomfrey (Nurse)


Do’s and Don’ts

1. Ask plenty of questions! 2.Wear an appropiate school uniform at all times. 3. Treat all students/faculty of Hogwarts with respect at all times. 4. Bring a pet, so long as the pet is one of the approved animals: An owl, a cat, or a toad. 5. Get involved! Trying out for quidditch or joining a club is highly encouraged.


Hogsmeade 1. Do not at any time venture into or towards the Forbidden forest. 2. Do not practice magic outside of class in the corridors. 3. Do not leave your dormitory or common room after curfew. 4. Do not bring any forbidden items to Hogwarts. A complete and thorough list can be found outside of the office of Argus Filch. 5. Do not attempt to apparate in or around the castle.

When you are a third year, you will be allowed to leave Hogwarts for an occasional weekend trip to Hogsmeade, a small wizarding village that is home to many wonderful shops, and to the Hog’s Head, which serves its world famous butterbeers! However, Hogsmeade is reserved for students with no outstanding detentions and for students who have obtained a permission slip from their parents, so be sure to be on your best behavior all of your years at Hogwarts!


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