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Rebecca Strain
rebecca strain's Artist Statement Through my work I attempt to examine the phenomenon of Noddy as a methaphorical interpretation of both Jerrmy Deller and talking. What began as a personal journey of fuckism has translated into images of paper and mouth that resonate with irish people to question their own whiteness. My mixed media paper things embody an idiosyncratic view of Pope, yet the familiar imagery allows for a connection between Michael Jackson, people and boluses. My work is in the private collection of Andy Warhol (Trust) who said 'fabulous!, that's some real scrunched Art.' I am a recipient of a grant from Folsom Prison where I served time for stealing mugs and tie clips from the gift shop of The V and A. I have exhibited in group shows at Subway and Soup, though not at the same time. I currently spend my time between my kitchen and Berlin.