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Idea 2 For my second idea, I wanted to achieve a distressed outcome with the development of my photos, and I wanted my subject in my photos to be different with each photo. I also wanted to take my photos outside as a pose to in a studio to show a completely different approach to the brief.


Artist research (technical)- Charles Grogg In this particular set of Charles Grogg’s photos, he has decided to fold the printed photos in a way that makes them look distressed, destroyed and old. I could only find out some information about Charles Grogg and why he chose to make folds in his photos. The name of the collection of these photos is called “reconstruction”, and upon hearing this, it is quite obvious that he may have changed something old or already existing into something new. On his website, he says he got the idea to take photos of plants and then use the technique of folding the photos because of some pansies that had popped up from the ground in his grandmother’s house, even though they had not been seen to for almost 30 years. He said that he found it fascinating that these flowers had almost “demanded to say something before they had finally passed on”. The subject being photographed (plants) holds a lot of meaning to Charles Grogg, as the personal story behind why he took the photos explains that. The folds in the pictures look symmetrical/measured equally, so even though they have folds in them, they’re not being destroyed. The folds seem to make the photo into something completely new, whilst changing the existing image at the same time, which I find particularly interesting and eye catching. At first, I couldn’t quite work out whether the folds had been added with photoshop/a photo editing program, however after looking at it again, it’s easy to see that the folds have been added manually. I find this to be intriguing because Charles Grogg would be able to make different shaped and sized folds, which would create a different outcome. I will use this folding/creasing technique in some of my own developmental photographs, as I feel that they will achieve a distressed outcome in an abstract way. Although, this might not be clear to the viewer at first. This particular way of developing photos appeals to me because I have never seen it before, making it unique. Also, I’d like to apply this to some of my own photos because it shows distressing, though in a different way to copydex or acetate. !

Evaluation of initial photos I was not happy with the outcomes from this set of photos because I feel that they were not up to the high standards that my first set of photos were. I feel as though my photos weren’t up to scratch for a number of reasons, on some of them, the composition was bad and the rule of thirds wasn’t applied properly. These problems were occurring because I was taking these photos in an outside condition (or badly lit inside condition) and couldn’t seem to get the lighting right. I had to put my camera on the automatic setting and therefore the flash popped up without me having any control over it, which affected the outcome of some of my photos. The flash from my camera is evident in photo 5, because there are long shadows being casted from behind the subjects. I do not like the effect that this has on the photo. Although, with photos 7 and 8, the flash isn’t as evident and doesn’t make a difference to the overall outcome. I feel that the focusing could have been better in some my photos, for example numbers 1, 5, 6 and 8, because if my camera was on the manual setting I would have been able to toggle my depth of field and achieve a deep depth of field so that all of the picture would be in focus. However, as I explained above, I couldn’t put my camera on the manual setting without getting camera shake, so I settled for the slightly better out of focus pictures. With photos 1 and 6, I feel that the composition is quite similar, as the rule of thirds is taken into consideration and there are two main subjects which should capture and attain the viewers’ attention. In photos 4 and 3, I think that the colours of the pictures help make the outcome look vintage, because with photo 4, the colours in the photo are slightly washed out, making the photo look old. Although the photo’s clarity has been make extremely high, so this might take away from the vintage look, and with photo 3, I have made the photo black and white so it makes it look like it has been taken from before photos could be taken in colour. I think this helps achieve the vintage/old look I am trying to achieve. In photo 2, the aspects that make up the photo particularly link with the brief. I say this because in the background there seems to be a Great British flag. I did not intend for this to be purposeful, but I like the way it looks. In my opinion, the pictures that will have a bigger visual impact on the viewers for this particular brief combined with my idea are 8 and 2. I think that these are both the best in the set of initial photos because with photo 8, there’s a moody tone to the photo, due to the dark background that somehow manages to creep into the foreground. This creepy tone wasn’t what I was trying to achieve with my set of photos, but I think it adds some personality to the photo and means it could be analysed in a number of different ways. With photo 2, there photo fills up the whole frame, meaning the viewers will be instantly attracted to it. The main focus in photo 2 is probably the brightly coloured background that comes from the great british flag. However, the chair with all of the various animal fur on it may appeal to the viewers because they might not know what it is upon first glance. Through this set of photos, I think the viewers will find it difficult to decipher the idea I was trying to get across, because the subject in each photo differs slightly from the next. Although, the theme still runs through all of the photos, even if it’s a little hard for the viewers to work out what it is. !

Evaluation of developmental photos For my first five developments, I used a projector and projected my pictures onto material and screwed up paper balls. I think this worked well because where the pictures have been projected onto them the paper balls, some really abstract shapes have been created. This is particularly evident in photo 3, because the close up of the paper ball shows how the picture has been projected onto it. In picture 2, it is a little less evident that there is a paper ball there at all, as it seems to become camouflaged within the rest of the picture. In picture 4 and 5, I used some old fabric and placed it in front of the white wall, so that the projection would go onto the fabric. The outcome of this gave the projection a woolen texture, and it also slightly distorted the colour of the image being projected. I decided to develop some of my photos by folding them. I originally folded three of my photos in different ways, with different patterns. However, I found that only one of them was effective and looked good, so I did not include the other two in my final developments. I look inspiration from Charles’ Grogg’s folding technique because I thought it was unique and fitted with my brief well. I have changed his way of folding pictures, as I have not folded them in a symmetrical way as Charles’ Grogg had done. (The folds in my pictures were more randomly placed- I think this looked better.) With the last 2 of my photos, I used the copydex technique, like I had done with the developments of my first set of photos. I re-used this development technique because I feel as though it worked well with my first set of photos and achieved the desired effect that I wanted. I like the effect that the copydex gives, especially with photo 7 because it makes the photo look like it has aged naturally. Although, with both of these photos (as I mentioned before) occasionally I rubbed off too much of the paper this revealed the bare fabric which is more evident with photo 8, but it doesn’t affect the end outcome too badly. I think the viewers will gain an insight into my idea the best with the photos that I used copydex with, as I feel that these really show how I distressed the photos without ruining them.

Evaluation of final 3 and whole project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