Idea 2 For my second idea, the college took us on a trip into london to take photos at night. I thought this would be a perfect idea to experiment with different forms of light (street light, light from the moon, fairy lights, ect.) I wanted to take some blurred photos, some out of focus photos, and some photos with a long shutter speed so that I could make the lights in my photos look interesting. With this set of photos, I also wanted to do something practical with my photos, taking inspiration from Daniele Buetti.
Artist research (technical)-Daniele Buetti I love Daniel Buetti’s work because of her unique use of light- I have never seen anyone’s work look like this before. It looks like she pokes holes through her pictures with pins and then places them over a light box. The designs are very intricate and seem like they take a long time to make. In some of her work, she uses phrases and rhetorical questions which make the viewer question the meaning behind the picture, making the meaning of the photo ambiguous. The colours she has chosen to use In her images are subtle and therefore work very well together. For example, in the top photo the woman’s face is in black and white. Therefore, when the light is shone from beneath she can manipulate it and change it to whatever colour she lies- one that contrasts with it well, in this particular photo she has used a light blue colour . I have take inspiration from Buetti’s work to use in my own- I would also like little dots of light to shine through like she has done and to achieve this I will be using a pin and the light box.
Evaluation of initial photos I originally wanted to take photos that included street lights, but I wanted to take them in a variety of different ways so that I could experiment with the way street lights looked. I have achieved this because there are lots of different techniques within these photos. I took these photos at night, making the bright lights stand out against the dark background. My first four photos were out of focus because I wanted to see how the different sources of light would look unfocused and in focus. In photos 2 and 3, the outlines of people standing and walking along can be faintly made out. I particularly like their outlines because they stand out against the bright lights, however they also blend into the background because everything is out of focus. In photo 1 I found a bright blue street light to take a photo of, and because my camera was out of focus, it mde the wall look like it was glowing. I like this photo because it is unusual and unlike my other photos. In all of my other photos, I made my camera have a long shutter speed so that the lights would seem like they were moving (I wanted them to look a little bit like light paintings.) In photo 6, I zoomed my camera in whilst I was taking the photo and it made the outcome look like the building was moving which I think is interesting- it’s like two or three photos in one. Photo 7 is very obscured because it is not in focus at all, I left the shutter speed on for a long time. Photo 1 has a distinct blue hue to it, due to the bright blue light photographed. Most of the other photos include light, almost washed out colours due to the lights in the photo. For example, photos 6 and 7. Photograph 4 includes bokeh. I could easily capture this because there were lots of lights which (as I have mentioned many times before) were blurred out.
Evaluation of developmental photos In my first 7 developmental photos, I projected my initial photographs on top of myself because I wanted to make my images look 3 dimensional. After projecting these images I realized that some of the images didn’t properly show once projected onto me, however I think this made them more obscured. With my other three photos, I poked small holes through some of them with pins and larger holes just using my hands. I wanted to make holes in the images to allow more light into the photos as well as what was already there.