Fedringonii indi

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Fori nspi r at i oni nt hi sbr i efwe havel ookedatdi f f er entways papercanbemani pul at edt o communi cat easwel lasl ooki ngat someexampl esoft heway negat i vespacehasbeenused. Weal sol ookedatexi st i ng i mager yt hatcoul dhel pi nf or mt he waycommuni cat et hebl acknessof t hepaper . Wear ei nt er est edi nusi ng paper cutasapr ocessi nour r esponset ot hi sbr i ef .I tcanbe usedt oi l l ust r at eamessagewhi l e keepi ngf ocusont hepaperi t sel f .

‘ THE DARKER THE NI GHTTHE BRI GHTER THE MOON’ . Wehavedeci dedt ocar r yonwi t h t hei deaofwor ki ngwi t ht hi squot e. Wewantt ocommuni cat et hei dea t hatt hepaperi sdar kert hanni ght andbyr epl aci ngt heni ghtwi t ht he papermakest hemoon,or what everel sei sf eat ur edont he paperst andoutmor e. Weal sowant edt ocommuni cat e someoft heabi l i t i esoft hepaper . Thei deabehi ndourf i naldesi gns t hatt hemancl i mbi ngt hel adderi s appl yi ngt heul t r abl ackpaperover t her egul arbl ackni ghtmaki ngt he moonshi neext r abr i ght .Themoon andt hemanwi l lbepaper cutt he man’ sl egsandt hel adderwi l lbe dr awni nsi l vert oi l l ust r at et hatf oi l appl i cat i oni sakeyf eat ur eoft he paper .

Thr oughr esear chwehavef ound t hatFedr i gonimai nl yadver t i sei n magazi nes.Thei rt ar getaudi ence i spr of essi onaldesi gner ssot he adver t sar ef oundi nhi ghpr of i l e desi gnmagazi nessuchas Cr eat i veRevi ew,Eyemagazi ne andComput erAr t s. Theyhaveal ar geonl i nepr esence wi t hpr of i l esonFacebookand Twi t t erandwi t hext r aaccount s speci f i cal l yf ort heUK.Theyal so haveagr oupcal l edFedr i goni Cl ubwhi chseemst obeanonl i ne communi t ymadeupofpaperent husi ast s,t hi sal sohasawebsi t e andsoci almedi a pr esence. Al loft hesedi f f er entwebpages ar epot ent i all ocat i onsf orour adver t .Wewi l lneedt ot hi nkof ourdesi gni nt hecont extofsoci al medi aandt hedi f f er entwebsi t es.

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