Joyce interview

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Joyce Interview 1931 born 85 January – ‘its horrible you don't think your gonna get old when your young and fit as a little fiddle.’ Lives near milnthrope. aklethweite. in a cottage‘about 300years old or more our cottage, green fields behind, been then since 1970.’ (around Lupton) my husband used to go round and collect all the milk in a milk tanker so he'll probably know where you live. I went to kendal high school at 11 yrs old (kirkbie kendal) till i was 17 then i went to music college in manchester. i did piano and you had to do a second instrument and i did violin. ‘i don't know why you felt you had to do what you parents want you to do in those days, my dad loved the violin and wanted me to learn it so i started learning it- i wasn't really good at it, i didn't really practice it enough, i wanted to do clarinet but i daren't say anything so i just carried on with the violin.’ i then taught piano for years and years and years up until my sight was going. i loved the theory side of music. i just taught at home because i was bringing up family i had 3 children. after my youngest son was born i did it with a vengeance because i thought i'm not having anymore children. i used to teach loads, i had about 21 in a week, they would come after school and Saturday mornings it was hard work because you were never done. i felt i was neglecting my family a bit when they came home from school. isn't it funny, they don't want to do what there parents do, i taught my daughter then when she was in her early 20's she's said to me, o mum i'd like to learn again and she did grade 1 and she went and the fella said to her 'oh i hope you do great' and she said she was scared to death because she wouldn't talk to him in those days. she's still into music, she lives down in Buckinghamshire and she works with radio 2 etc and has to make sure people get their royalties they deserve not the people that are singing but the people who write it. you can ask her everything about music she knows it all. Gosh songs from the 60's 70's 80's 90's.

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