How to Re-Grow Hair Naturally for Women

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How to Re-grow Hair Naturally for Women

Hair loss can really undermine self-image, and in turn decrease your self confidence. In the USA, around 30 million women experience hair loss. You're not alone! A lot of types of hair loss aren't the result of your genetics, so they can be reversed. There are plenty of natural remedies for hair loss which can help greatly to avoid the side affects which are all too commonly related to transplants and drugs like finasteride. If you're looking for how to re-grow hair naturally for women, you're in the right place. Natural remedies can be extremely effective. Your first consideration should be your diet. A balanced diet promotes healthy hair growth. Poor eating habits(this includes fad diets, crash weight loss etc) are a primary cause of drying your hair of all the essential nutrients which are required for proper growth and health. Low iron and copper consumption directly causes hair loss. You'll need proper levels of B-vitamins (mainly biotin) to achieve the results you desire. Omega-6 and omega-3 are really important to promote healthy, plentiful hair growth. You'll find them in fish like tuna and salmon- which are packed full of them. If you're a vegetarian you can always use flax and olive oils instead to increase your level of omega-3 and 6. These will help to keep the scalp, and the skin nice and healthy. Another key component for how to re-grow hair naturally for women is balancing both physical and emotional stress levels. Maybe you've just gone through a pregnancy, surgery or any number of highly stressful events in your life- these trigger hair loss. Aerobics can be a fun, healthy fix for this. It will help greatly to balance testosterone levels and decrease stress hormones. Protein is vital in promoting hair growth. Hair is 91% protein. The main protein in hair in the amino acid called cysteine. Plentiful amounts of this amino acid are found in milk, eggs, yogurt, ricotta cheese, whey protein and cottage cheese. If you're a vegetarian don't worry! There are some really good cysteine sources for you. These include onions, garlic, broccoli, brussels sprouts, wheat germ and granola to name a few. These are all great foods for promoting healthy hair growth. Water can be very useful in preventing and controlling hair loss as well. You should aim to drink around 11 glasses of water a day at the minimum. Water helps to remove toxins and harmful bacteria from your system through urine. Once you begin to regularly drink more water, your body can use less energy on removing toxins and more on aiding your scalp and hair re-growth.

There are some prescription drugs which can trigger hair loss, such as antidepressants and anti acne medicine. Always consider these when you're trying to find how to re-grow hair naturally for women. They can have a really nasty impact on any efforts you make, including the methods described above. Cancer treatments and chemical exposure are just a few of the other issues which can also trigger hair loss. If the hair is suddenly starting to thin, especially when you've never had the problem before, it's always a good idea to go and visit your doctor. Another option is to see a dermatologist who specializes in the condition of hair loss. For more information about how to re-grow hair naturally for women, please click here.


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