Natural Remedies for Endometriosis Pain

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Natural Remedies for Endometriosis Pain

Endometriosis is a condition in women where the tissue lining the uterus that must be discarded every month in the menstrual cycle grows in other areas like the ovaries, fallopian tubes, within the abdomen or around the intestines. This growth results in immense pain in the pelvic region and cramps during menstruation. Natural Remedies for Endometriosis pain There are various methods to treat endometriosis pain like medication, surgery etc but all these methods are expensive and can have side effects. Therefore you must use natural remedies for endometriosis pain in order to get relief from pain without having to worry about the side effects. Here is a list of some natural remedies for endometriosis pain: 

Reduce intake of chemicals

Environmental chemicals such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins are associated with increased occurrence and severity of endometriosis. One way to reduce the consumption of these substances is to reduce the amount of animal fat intake, especially red meat and fish because dioxins and PCBs accumulate in animal fats and that is the primary route of exposure to endometriosis pain. 

Increase intake of Omega-3 fatty acids

Menstrual cramps and pelvic pain occur when the body excessively produces prostaglandin that is a hormone in the lining of the uterus. It is responsible for stimulating uterine muscles and making them work harder that in turn causes cramps. Therefore, it is recommended to eat more fish because it contains omega-3 fatty acids that suppress the production of prostaglandin. 

Do low impact exercises to find relief

Regular exercising decreases the amount of estrogen in the blood that can reduce growth of endometriosis. Exercise also increases the body's production of endorphins that are natural substances responsible for blocking pain in the body. However, it is advised to do gentle exercises like walking because very demanding exercises can be counterproductive.

Reduce stress

Prolonged stress can lead to hormonal imbalances that are the primary cause of endometriosis. The herbs and nutrients that are commonly recommended to reduce stress include: • Ashwaghandha • Vitamin B • Vitamin C • Zinc • Magnesium Other methods of reducing stress can be: • Relaxation • Meditation • Diaphragmatic Breathing 


Hydrotherapy is a great natural remedy to relieve endometriosis pain. It involves taking a bath by sitting in a hot water bath for three minutes, then getting up and sitting in another bath tub filled with cold water for one minute. Repeat this cycle of hot and cold water 3 times. It is usually done during menstruation and considerably reduces the pain. Another simple and effective method of hydrotherapy is to keep a hot water bottle over the lower abdomen for suppressing pain. 

Stop drinking caffeine

The caffeine in soft drinks or bottled coffee may aggravate the pain in some women. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid their consumption when suffering from endometriosis pain. 

Clear the menstrual flow

The use of constrictive tampons contributes to the onset of severe pain by clogging menstrual vagina. It is best to use sanitary towels that allow menstrual flow to come out freely and hence reduces pain.


Drink herbal tea

Herbal tea like ginger tea, lemon tea etc also prove beneficial in relieving nausea and pain that accompany endometriosis. Even if these natural remedies for endometriosis pain are not able to completely cure endometriosis, they will surely make the pain bearable. If you want to get more information from the expert about natural treatment for endometriosis pain, then you can for sure visit this guide.


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